What is an analysis for oncocytology at a gynecologist. Oncocytology: what is it, scope of application, gynecological smear for cytology. How long does the analysis take

According to statistics, cervical cancer is one of the leading places among malignant oncological pathologies in patients. Prevalence: 20 women out of 100,000. The age group, which is most at risk, is from 35 to 60 years, in girls under 20 years of age - the disease is extremely rare. A smear for oncocytology will allow you to diagnose this disease at an early stage.

As a rule, with local cervical cancer, more than 80% of women live for more than 5 years, and in the presence of metastases, this figure does not exceed 13%. It is important to carry out annual control and timely take an analysis for oncocytology. Timely screening, detection of precancerous and cancerous conditions, as well as adequate treatment tactics will help avoid disability, disability and death.

Oncocytological diagnosis is the examination of a smear under a microscope by a doctor to diagnose the presence or absence of pathological changes in the cells of the mucous epithelium. A smear for oncocytology of the cervix is ​​assigned to all girls who have reached the age of 18, at least once a year.

What is a smear for oncocytology for?

A procedure to assess the state of the mucous membrane of the cervix, to identify the inflammatory process, as well as to timely detect the formation of precancerous or tumor cells.

If, according to laboratory diagnostics, the presence of an infectious agent of a viral, bacterial or protozoal nature was established, then a smear for oncocytology is important to determine the body's response to their presence. In addition, this method allows you to identify signs of proliferation, metaplasia or other modification of epithelial tissue.

In addition, a smear for cervical cancer also allows you to establish factors that contribute to the change in epithelial tissue, among them:

  • pathogenic microflora;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • pathological reactions of organism to the intake of hormonal and other medications;
  • development of dysplasia.

Such a wide list of indicators that can be established with this type of diagnosis makes it one of the most important in identifying visible pathological conditions of the mucous membranes on the cervix, and in a comprehensive screening examination.


Currently, there are 3 main varieties:

  • cytological diagnostics with Leishman stain is the most common type, which is most often used in state antenatal clinics;
  • Rar test (Pap smear) - widespread in private laboratories and abroad. It is believed that the level of reliability of this type of diagnosis is significantly higher than the previous one. The analysis mechanism differs in the degree of complexity of staining the smear;
  • liquid cytology is one of the most modern diagnostic techniques, equipment for which there is in individual laboratories. It occupies a leading position in terms of information content and reliability. With this type of smear for oncocytology, the biomaterial is introduced into a special liquid medium for research. Then the cells are cleansed and concentrated, forming a thin, even coating. The mucous epithelium prepared in this way does not dry out during transportation to the laboratory for microscopy, which greatly increases the accuracy of the data obtained.

Analysis for oncocytology of the cervix

The procedure for taking a smear for oncocytology is completely painless and does not cause discomfort. This is a standard procedure when visiting a gynecologist. The algorithm for taking a smear for oncocytology consists of the following stages:

  • the introduction of a gynecological speculum into the vagina;
  • sampling of biomaterial (smear; scraping) with a special spatula or cytobrush;
  • additional collection of cell samples from the cervical canal with a cotton swab.

The taken biomaterial is spread evenly in a thin layer on the slide. Then the drug is stained according to Leishman or Papanicolaou, after which it is examined in detail under a microscope. In the case of the liquid cytology technique, the slide is first placed in a special liquid.

In rare cases, taking a smear for oncocytology is accompanied by subsequent non-abundant bleeding, lasting no more than 2 days. Such manifestations are a variant of the norm and do not require a visit to a doctor.

Important: inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs are a limitation for this type of analysis.

This fact is due to the possibility of obtaining distorted and unreliable results, which will entail an incorrect diagnosis and the appointment of an incorrect treatment. Therefore, the cause of the inflammatory process in the body is first diagnosed, followed by its relief. Only after this is it allowed to cytologically examine the cervix.

How much is a smear prepared for oncocytology

The duration of the preparation of the cytogram varies from 3 days to 2 weeks, not counting the day of taking the biomaterial, depending on the workload of the laboratory. In private clinics, results are usually issued within 3-4 working days. The finished results of liquid cytology are issued for 10-14 days.

Smear for oncocytology - transcript and normal indicators

Analysis of the mucous epithelium located on the cervix is ​​extremely informative for the practitioner. However, often the gynecologist does not issue a complete transcript to each patient individually.

Normal values ​​typical for healthy patients are presented in the table.

Indicators Normal values
Leukocytes 0-10 0-30 0-5
Squamous epithelium 5-10
Key cells
Microflora The predominant number of Dederlein gram-positive sticks
Slime Moderate amount Moderate amount

When is it possible to get erroneous results?

This situation is possible:

  • in young girls under the age of 20, against the background of global hormonal changes that affect and modify the mucous epithelium;
  • taking material for research was carried out during menstruation. In this case, the finished product is represented by the prevailing number for the endometrium and blood;
  • contamination of the finished product (sperm, medications, suppositories or cream, as well as lubricant for ultrasound);
  • if the patient underwent a bimanual vaginal examination, due to which talcum powder remained on the cervix from the gloves;
  • in case of ignoring the standards and rules for sampling biomaterial;
  • in case of improper preparation and staining of the finished product.

When and how often do you need to take a smear for oncocytology?

Starting from the age of 18, each girl must undergo this type of diagnosis once every year. The frequency of the analysis increases for women who are at risk:

  • age exceeds 35 years;
  • abuse of tobacco smoking, psychotropic drugs and alcohol;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • girls who had sex very early;
  • frequent change of partner;
  • positive status of HIV and HPV;
  • STDs;
  • when erosion or endometriosis is detected;
  • often recurrent pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • often recurrent genital herpes or cytomegalovirus infection;
  • identification of oncological episodes in the pedigree;
  • if the menstrual cycle fails.

Oncocytology for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the frequency of the analysis can increase up to three times. This fact is due to the need for early detection of pathological processes that can threaten mother and child.

Important: the procedure is carried out only if the pregnancy is normal and the patient is in full health.

If pathological conditions are detected, the study is postponed until complete recovery.

With the correct implementation of the biomaterial sampling technique, the procedure does not harm the woman, is painless and does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Oncocytology for older women

It is a mistake to believe that during the postmenopausal period in women, the risk of developing gynecological diseases decreases. Oncology affects people at any age. Moreover, against the background of concomitant diseases, the risk of pathologies of the internal genital organs increases. That is why women over 55 are recommended to take this analysis at least twice a year.

The procedure for collecting material for research and the algorithm for conducting the research itself is similar to that for young girls. This does not cause any discomfort or pain to elderly patients. Timely diagnosis of any pathological condition will allow starting treatment as early as possible, achieving the most favorable outcomes, up to complete recovery.


In summary, the following important points should be emphasized:

  • the study is recommended to be done at least 5 days from the start of the menstrual cycle, as well as no later than 5 days before the expected start;
  • before taking a smear, it is necessary to give up sexual intercourse for at least 1 day, and from lubricants, tampons, douching procedures, the use of medicinal suppositories and spermicidal preparations - for 2 days;
  • if there is an acute infectious process in the body, it is necessary to stop it first, and then take a control analysis at least 2 months later;
  • false negative results and erroneous assignment of the studied material to class 1 are allowed, which is why it is important to conduct a control examination annually.

Graduated specialist, in 2014 she graduated with honors from the Orenburg State University with a degree in microbiology. Graduate of the postgraduate study of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Orenburg State Agrarian University.

In 2015. at the Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she underwent advanced training under the additional professional program "Bacteriology".

Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the nomination "Biological Sciences" in 2017.

Oncocytology- This is one of the laboratory methods that has found its wide application in the field of gynecology.

It allows you to get the result of the state of the cervix on its external part, the cervical canal, as well as in the area of ​​the external genital organs. The method is distinguished by the simple taking of material, as well as the ability to fairly quickly assess the condition of the tissues.

Why is a smear performed for oncocytology?

Currently, the problem of cervical cancer occupies a leading position along with the oncological process of the mammary glands among all oncological diseases of women.

Differs in particular aggressiveness and at the same time a low degree of clinical manifestations. Unfortunately, a large number of cervical cancers are detected already at advanced stages, when the chances of survival are significantly reduced. That is why the state and the society of obstetricians and gynecologists have developed a program for the early detection of cervical pathology.

For the diagnosis of cervical pathology, the main method, which is the most reliable and highly sensitive, is smear for oncocytology... It is carried out in any hospital institution and each specialist of the corresponding profile is trained in the correct taking of the necessary material.

Indications for a smear

Oncocytology is a screening method for early detection of malignant processes in the cervix, as well as in the upper parts of the female reproductive system.

That is why taking a smear is carried out for all female representatives, starting from the age of 18, subject to the presence of sexual activity. Or these are girls of an earlier age who also came to see a gynecologist and they are already sexually active.

The procedure is considered planned. The procedure is carried out during a routine examination by a gynecologist, as well as when registering for pregnancy, provided that there are no oncocytology results in the next six months.

The procedure is carried out not in the presence of any indications, but with the possible purpose of preventing oncological pathology.

Mandatory indications for which material is taken for oncocytology are:

How often do you need to have a smear?

Oncocytology for the elderly

Women who are entering the menopause should be especially careful about their health.

The positive aspects in this case is the reduction in the risk of developing an oncological process on the cervix. This is largely due to the fact that the hormonal regulation of the organ decreases and the chance of dyshormonal disorders is much lower.

Two options for taking the analysis:

  1. If the woman has no background diseases or risk factors for cervical cancer, and for several years (at least three) she passed smears for oncocytology regularly and she does not have changes in the cellular composition, and persistent menopause has also come, then a smear for oncocytology is allowed to be taken once every two years.
  2. If a woman does not regularly visit a specialist, in previous analyzes, an inflammatory process was detected, even in the absence of an altered cellular composition, a smear for oncocytology is taken once a year until positive results are achieved for three years.

Oncocytology and pregnancy

This period for any woman is very responsible, in addition, the body is undergoing a strong restructuring and not always all its systems continue to work well. Various kinds of problems can arise, including during the work of the endocrine system.

Features of oncocytology for pregnant women:

  1. The risk of developing diseases increases significantly during pregnancy., which include oncological pathology. That is why when a woman turns to an antenatal clinic for the purpose of establishing pregnancy or registering, the doctor takes material for research, performing the procedure for taking a smear for oncocytology.
  2. A prerequisite is the accuracy of taking a smear. and an explanation to the woman that, in some cases, bloody or bloody discharge may appear that does not pose a threat to the life of the child.
  3. It is recommended to take a smear for oncocytology when planning the birth of a child., in order to prevent some frightening moments for a woman, as well as eliminate difficulties in obtaining material.

If necessary, a smear for oncocytology is taken during the second or third period of pregnancy. Most often this is the moment of going on maternity leave and one of the last visits to the antenatal clinic before childbirth, this can be 35-37 weeks of pregnancy.

Types of oncocytology

Currently, there are several ways to obtain cellular material by determining oncocytology.

Among them, the most common in gynecology are:

  • Taking a smear followed by staining by the Leishman method... It is the simplest and at the same time common method used in most budgetary institutions of the country.
  • Taking a smear followed by staining it according to Papanicolaou. A method that is more likely to produce the most accurate result. At the same time, the level of its complexity can be several times higher than the previous one, and staining is one of the most difficult. It is common in commercial establishments, since it is more expensive in terms of price range and difficulty of implementation.
  • Liquid cytology method. This is one of the latest new and most accurate methods of taking material for oncocytology. Currently, only a small number of private medical institutions or large hospitals are performing diagnostics. This is due to high economic costs and the recent introduction of the method into practice. But at the same time, this oncocytology is an indisputable advantage over others, since the amount of material received is several times greater than the previous ones. This is due to the introduction of the contents into a container with a liquid medium, where all the obtained cells are deposited. Further, the resulting cells are purified and examined.

How is the smear taken?

The sampling of material for oncocytology does not cause great difficulties for a doctor, since this is a long-established mechanism. All the specialist explained the nuances that he may encounter and which must be taken into account in order to obtain the most reliable result.

In order to take a smear you need:

Special cases

There are cases that there are defects on the cervix or other upper genital tract that may raise the doctor's suspicion.

In such cases, a smear for oncocytology can be taken from them:

  • To do this, similar twisting movements are performed on a suspicious area, taking into account the capture of all tissues of this area.
  • It is important in this case that small traces of blood appear on the brush. This will mean that the smear was taken correctly, since all parts of the site were captured.

After that, no manipulations are carried out for the woman, the installation of tampons is not required. It is only important to remind you that bloody discharge can occur during the day, which sometimes frighten women. You do not need to apply any interventions to them, as they will pass on their own. During the day, it is not recommended to live sexually and use douching.

Preparing for the procedure

In order to perform the procedure for taking a smear for oncocytology from the cervix, no specialized training is required.

To do this, it is enough just to remind the woman of a few important and simple points:

  • To take a smear for oncocytology, you can come on any day of the menstrual cycle, except for the period of menstruation. It is preferable to harvest tissue in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • If there is an inflammatory process in the area where the smear will be taken, then it should be treated well beforehand. This is due to the fact that inflamed cells can give a false result and subsequently cause additional manipulations to diagnose the condition.
  • Two days before taking smears from the cervix, material should not be taken for research. This can be the definition of sexually transmitted infections, as well as viruses, etc. In such cases, the sampling of material is carried out using a specialized brush, which can also be traumatic for tissues.
  • Also, ultrasound procedures using a transvaginal transducer should not be performed per day. In such cases, a gel may appear on the cytobrush, which prevents the collection of full-fledged cellular material.
  • The same applies to sexual intercourse, it should be completely excluded in a few days, regardless of the method of protection. Residues of condom lubricant, parts of the male bacterial flora and sperm can get into the material.
  • It is not recommended to use vaginal suppositories and creams for three days., as their remains can get into the material for research and cause a false result.

Decoding the results

Deciphering a smear and 5 degrees according to the Papanicolaou method:

The smear is normal

Smear indicators are normal:

  • After taking a smear from the cervix, cells can be obtained that represent the columnar epithelium. When examined, they will be unremarkable.
  • In some cases, metaplastic epithelium can be detected, which is normally a transitional zone at the junction of the epithelium. Sometimes there are also cells of stratified squamous epithelium, which are part of the cervix.
  • The quantitative ratio of the cellular component may be different, and it will depend on the structure of the cervix and the place where the transition zone is located.
  • If the material was taken from the vaginal section, then the material is obtained mainly from the multilayer sections of the cervix.

A prerequisite for obtaining a normal smear for oncocytology is the presence of a cellular component of the same structure, composition, and shape of cells. The genetic apparatus must be unchanged.

When taking material during pregnancy for oncocytology, predominantly stratified squamous epithelium is revealed.

Oncocytology table

Swab during inflammation

In some cases, a smear for oncocytology is taken when a woman has an inflammatory process on her cervix. This may be due to improper preparation of a woman for a smear, resistance to therapy, or the presence of a chronic inflammatory process with inappropriate treatment.

In this case, when diagnosing a smear for oncocytology, a change in both composition and structure is revealed:

  • When determining, it is possible to determine a large number of the main inflammatory component - leukocyte cells and their residues at various stages.
  • With a specific infection, the pathogen is detected. It can be mushrooms or.

Cells that are distinctive in structure and shape are completely different until the moment of treatment, and after treatment they return to their normal state. In some cases, with a prolonged pathological process or an acute condition, the cells may resemble an oncological process or other conditions.

Negative results

When examining the cellular composition by determining the smear oncocytology, it is possible to reveal the following changes:

Research cost

In the conditions of state polyclinics, the study is carried out on a planned basis when visiting a gynecologist and is completely free. If you want to go through the procedures faster and without queuing, then the price in private clinics will vary from 300 to 900 rubles


It is on the basis of the above information that it should be understood that a smear for oncocytology is currently one of the most reliable results of early detection of cervical pathology.

The procedure is generally available and is carried out as one of the options for medical examination and examination for other pathologies.

Oncocytology smear is performed for early diagnosis of cancer. Using this technique, it is possible to identify a precancerous condition, including cervical polyps.

In a woman in a position, it is important to diagnose in a timely manner a change in the epithelium of the cervix at various stages. Otherwise, the disease will progress. Each expectant mother should take a smear for oncocytology before registration. Re-examination is carried out in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. In the process of taking the material, the patient feels slight discomfort. For this, the gynecologist uses a spatula. The material is applied to 2 glasses. Samples are sent to the laboratory. The transcript of the analysis will be ready in 5-10 days.

To pass a smear for oncocytology, patients must give up sexual activity within 2 days, do not use tampons, vaginal creams and douching. The study is carried out during the menstrual cycle. You can not take a smear with inflammation of the reproductive system.

To study a sample, laboratory assistants use 2 methods:

  1. According to Leishman.
  2. Rar test.

The second method is characterized by a complex mechanism for staining the biomaterial. The research method is selected by the doctor in each case individually. Analysis for oncocytology is taken in the following cases:

  • active sex life;
  • annual examination;
  • if a woman is over 30;
  • during pregnancy;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle;
  • various pathologies of the cervix;
  • manifestation of symptoms of TORCH infection.

Finished results

If there are no abnormal cells in the smear, then the cervix is ​​healthy.

A positive result indicates the presence of atypical or atypical cells on the cervix.

Atypical units are observed with the development of infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted.

In this case, the specialist prescribes additional research for the patient. Oncocytology of the cervix indicates the stage of development of the pathology or its complete absence. For the 2nd stage, deviations from the norm are characteristic, associated with inflammation of the genital organs of the female body. With the development of the 3rd stage, single atypical cells are detected. To confirm the diagnosis, the woman undergoes an additional examination. At the 4th stage, several malignant cells are detected in the sample. The 5th stage is characterized by a large number of malignant cells. With a significant deviation of the result of oncocytology from the norm, colposcopy is prescribed.

With the help of this study, it is possible to identify various diseases, including inflammatory processes. In this case, the following changes are detected in the smear:

  • an increased number of white cells;
  • fungi;
  • abnormal appearance of epithelial cells of the cervix and cervical canal.

With the help of a smear for oncocytology, human papillomavirus infection can be detected. HPV affects the epithelium of the reproductive system, being the main cause of the appearance of warts in the external genital area. This increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. Coilocytes are small cells of the cervix with a light rim. If they are identified by a laboratory assistant, then the patient is infected with the papilloma virus.

Identification and development of ailments

If a specialist has identified several squamous epithelium scales in the test material, then the result is considered normal. With the help of the diagnostics under consideration, it is possible to identify changes in the cells of the cervix, which are characteristic of dysplasia, a sign of inflammation. In this case, the patient must undergo anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy. If the dysplasia proceeds in a moderate or severe form, then the patient must undergo an additional examination - a biopsy of the cervix. The laboratory assistant examines a piece of tissue taken from the affected area. Taking into account the result obtained, treatment is prescribed:

  • moxibustion;
  • removal.

If a woman in position needs to undergo a biopsy of the cervix, the attending physician must first take into account the extent of the pathology and the duration of pregnancy. With mild dysplasia, anti-inflammatory treatment is performed. Then a second study is assigned.

If cancer is suspected, colposcopy is prescribed. This procedure involves examining the vagina and cervix using a special microscope. The colposcope allows you to see the changed areas, assessing their size, location and severity. Previously, the sites are treated with acetic acid or Lugol's solution.

Colposcopy is a painless procedure that can be performed during any trimester of pregnancy. 1-2 days before the study, it is recommended that the patient give up sex life, douching and vaginal drugs. Otherwise, you may get a false result.

Patients need to take a smear from time to time for oncocytology.

Sometimes the development of cancer passes without obvious symptoms, so time is lost, which is so important for successful treatment. The analysis allows you to timely identify pathology and start therapeutic measures.

Taking a smear for oncocytology can be performed for all patients who have turned 18 years old.

Statistics show that even those women who do not have bad habits, regularly go in for sports, can develop cancer.

So, if there is a pathology of the cervix, then experts recommend taking a smear several times a year. For prevention, it is enough to undergo an examination every 12 months.

If a papilloma virus is present in a woman's body, then the patient must take a smear for oncocytology. This virus provokes the formation of cancer cells.

  • the menstrual cycle is disturbed;
  • the patient suffers from infertility;
  • often there is pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the woman underwent hormonal treatment for a long time;
  • close relatives had cancer.

The onset of menopause is not a reason for refusing to take a smear. Some women believe that in old age, problems with the genitourinary organs will no longer arise.

This opinion is erroneous and often leads to dire consequences. Patients have not been shown to the doctor for years, therefore, it is not possible to identify the disease at an early stage.

It is important for older women to undergo a timely analysis for oncocytology of the cervix, even if there are no symptoms of the disease.

Particular attention should be paid to your health for women at risk.

These patients have deviations:

  • the body lacks vitamins A, C;
  • the patient has HIV infection;
  • the woman took contraceptives for a long time;
  • a woman has an infection caused by chlamydia;
  • the patient was diagnosed with oncogenic papillomavirus.

Oncocytology is important for women who are planning a pregnancy. A special group includes patients who are over 30 years old.

It is important to identify the ailment in a timely manner, because during pregnancy it will worsen and lead to the loss of the fetus and the deterioration of the mother's condition.

During pregnancy, the gynecologist will advise you to make a smear for oncocytology 3 times. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then the procedure can be canceled. The doctor makes the decision on the examination individually.

Varieties of the procedure

Statistics show that cervical cancer in women ranks third among diseases of the genitourinary system. It is important to identify the disease at an early stage so that the treatment is effective.

A smear for oncocytology will help detect cancer cells at the earliest stage, when the patient has no symptoms. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more chances you have to defeat the disease.

A smear is taken from the vagina, after which the biomaterial is sent to the laboratory.

There are several types of examination:

  • Leishman method;
  • Pap test or PAP test;
  • liquid cytology.

In the antenatal clinic, polyclinics do an analysis by the Leishman method, and in private clinics, you can do screening using the Papanicolaou method. The second method is more reliable than the first.

The biomaterial taken for analysis is applied to a glass slide, which is sent to the laboratory. The laboratory assistant determines the shape of the cells, their composition and number.

Based on the data in the decryption, the doctor makes a diagnosis. The PAP test differs from the Leishman method in the complex mechanism of pigmentation. It takes about 2 weeks to prepare a cytogram.

Some clinics use the most modern method - liquid cytology. The method is informative and gives a more accurate result than the first two methods.

The doctor takes the material for study and transfers it into a liquid medium. On special equipment, the cages are cleaned and arranged in an even layer.

During transportation, the moisture of the epithelium does not evaporate, so the result will be as accurate as possible. The transcript of the analysis will be ready in 7 to 10 days.

Any of the methods will show the degree and nature of cell changes, the presence of an inflammatory process or infection.

To understand the cause of the pathology, the patient must undergo additional examinations.

How is the examination carried out?

A smear for oncocytology is not a complicated procedure. During its implementation, the woman does not feel pain. It will take only 10-15 seconds to collect the material.

Before the analysis, the patient must properly prepare. For 2-3 days, a woman is advised to refrain from sexual intercourse.

It is worth giving up tampons, vaginal creams. Douching should be replaced with regular flushing with clean water. The gynecologist will tell the patient how to prepare before the examination.

The analysis can be done on any day, except for the days of menstruation. The blood will distort the results of the screening, and the woman will have to retake this test.

If an inflammatory process occurs in the patient's body, then oncocytology should be postponed and treatment of the disease should be started.

To pass the analysis, a woman must be on a gynecological chair. The doctor takes a smear using special instruments - a spatula or a cervical brush.

The instrument is gently inserted into the vagina and lightly touches the inner and outer surfaces of the cervix. For the patient, such touches are almost imperceptible, so the woman will not feel pain.

The material taken from women is applied to a glass slide and sent to the laboratory for study. The research method is chosen by the doctor in each case.

In the laboratory, the composition of cells, their shape and size are studied. Preparing the transcript takes time. The patient will be able to get the finished result in 12 - 14 days.

Cell changes on the way to a serious disease take place over a long period of time. Oncocytology makes it possible to detect atypical cells at the first stage of the disease. The doctor will prescribe a treatment that will help you heal effectively and quickly.

Every woman should find one day off to be tested. A preventive examination will help to identify pathology in a timely manner and begin treatment.

A timely examination can not only preserve the patient's health, but also save her life.

For the result to be reliable and informative, it is recommended to ask your gynecologist for the rules for taking a smear.

What does the decryption contain?

The smear results for oncocytology are informative for the doctor, but completely incomprehensible to the patients. The gynecologist does not always explain what the decryption shows, because this requires a lot of time.

The PAP test involves dividing the state of cells into degrees. If class 1 is defined, then there are no deviations in the cells. This cell structure is the norm for healthy patients.

If class 2 is indicated in the decoding, then a structural change has occurred in individual cells. This indicator speaks of the inflammatory process caused by the infection.

This stage is normal, but the doctor will advise the woman to undergo an additional examination for a more accurate diagnosis. After treatment, 3 months should pass. Only after that, the patients are tested for oncocytology.

Grade 3 signals pathological changes in the nucleus of a small number of cells. In this case, the woman must undergo a histological and microbiological examination. Only on the basis of the results of all tests, the doctor will diagnose.

The class 4 indicated in the decoding speaks of malignant anomalies identified during the study. In women with this class, a precancerous condition is determined.

Patients must undergo a series of tests and urgently start taking medications. In grade 5, the smear contains many cancer cells.

The transcript of the analysis contains the result of a smear on the cleanliness of the vagina. The first 2 degrees are the norm for the patient.

At 3 and 4 degrees, the doctor will prescribe additional studies for a more accurate diagnosis and determination of therapeutic actions.

Oncocytology contains Latin letters that indicate the place of sampling of biomaterial for analysis:

  • C - cervical canal;
  • U - urethral canal;
  • V is the vagina.

The smear may contain leukocytes. Their norm is no more than 15 units. A larger number indicates an inflammatory process in the body, the patient needs to undergo appropriate treatment.

There will be some mucus in the smear. Epithelial cells must be present in a certain amount.

The squamous epithelial cell count is 10 units or less. Their number is higher than the norm may indicate a benign education.

If many epithelial cells with an abnormal structure are found, then this may signal the development of cancer.

Specialists carefully study such cells, determine the nature and type of changes. The received data is described in the decryption.

The doctor can show the result of the analysis to the patient, while he must explain the abbreviation indicating the degree of cell atrophy.

Pathogenic organisms in the smear

Oncocytology should not contain Trichomonas, gonococci, gardnerella or other fungi. Their presence indicates infections of the genital organs, a woman should urgently start treatment.

If the smear contains fungal mycelium in combination with gardnerella, then the doctor diagnoses vaginal candidiasis. Such a disease can provoke an inflammatory process.

Pathogenic organisms found in a smear for oncocytology always indicate inflammatory processes.

If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, then the ailment will develop into a chronic disease, and it will be more difficult to cure it.

It is important to have such a smear before planning for conception and in early pregnancy.

If the result of the analysis shown to the expectant mother contains pathogenic organisms, then treatment should be started urgently. Pathogens can harm not only the mother's body, but also the fetus.

The gonococci in the smear are staggered. Organisms have the appearance of a coffee bean.

A modern woman should visit a gynecologist once a year. This is necessary in order to take timely measures in the event of a danger of any violation. After all, any disease, the earlier it is detected, the faster it is treated. To this end, the doctor of the antenatal clinic takes a smear during the examination - a biological material for oncocytology, the decoding and results of which, after the allotted time, will indicate whether there is cause for concern.

Oncocytology of the cervix

Oncocytology of the cervix is ​​carried out in girls when they reach puberty every year, when she visits the gynecological office.

An unscheduled analysis is shown:

  • in violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • when worried about pain in the lower abdomen;
  • after hormone treatment;
  • women before cauterization of erosion or predisposed to the papilloma virus;
  • with a genetic predisposition, when there are cancer patients among close relatives.

If there were tears or damage to the cervix during childbirth, such an analysis is recommended twice a year.

Oncocytology of the cervix is ​​painless, does not create any discomfort. It is quite informative, since it helps to identify atypical (cancer) cells and diseases after analysis for oncocytology of the cervix and decoding by a doctor - cytologist.

Indications for oncocytology of the cervix

Oncocytology - smear

In order for oncocytology of the cervix and its decoding to give an informative result, a smear should be done immediately after the end of menstruation or before it begins.

Contraindications to the procedure

This analysis is not performed for inflammation in the uterus or vagina, since the presence of microbes that caused the existing disease will distort the picture and make it difficult to decipher. Bloody discharge does not contribute to normal analysis.

Any bleeding from the genitals postpones the collection of the epithelium from the cervix (smear) until it ends.

Also, in oncocytology, decoding is difficult if the simple rules for preparing for it are not followed:

  • on the eve of going to the gynecologist, do not use tampons;
  • refrain from intercourse two days before the procedure;
  • do not douching;
  • do not use intimate hygiene products (gels, ointments, etc.);
  • a couple of days before visiting the antenatal clinic, it is better to take a shower and refrain from taking a bath.

How is the analysis done

The collection of the epithelium or, more simply, a smear is made from the cervical canal and the outer part that goes into the vagina using a special brush, brush and spatula.

The smear examined in oncocytology of the cervix can be:

  • simple, when the mucous material is distributed over the glass, fixed with the desired solution, stained and then studied;
  • liquid, where a brush with cells is placed in a special environment. This type of smear is new and not yet used in all laboratories.

How to pass a smear test for oncocytology of the cervix

Decoding the result - the norm

The results of oncocytology of the cervix and their decoding are obtained after examining the biomaterial under a microscope. In this case, it is possible to detect both atypical and mutated cells, as well as causative agents of sexual diseases: candida fungus, Trichomonas, cocci, papilloma virus.

At the end of the study of oncocytology, five classes are distinguished in decoding the results:

  • 1 - there is no pathological flora, no pathogenic bacteria, no viruses, no candida mycelium, epithelial cells are not changed. Such a smear for oncocytology is the norm;
  • 2 - signs of inflammation in the cervix (colpitis) were found;
  • 3 - a small number of atypical cells was recorded by a cytologist, which requires re-analysis;
  • 4 - the smear contains modified cells;
  • 5 - everything in the smear is atypical and the risk of getting cancer is high. But it should be remembered that in this case, after the study of oncocytology, the deciphering of the analysis only indicates the presence of unusual formations, and does not confirm the fact of oncology. That is, a certain alertness arises, and additional examinations are required, for example, colposcopy, in order to examine in detail all parts of the cervix. And also a biopsy, when a small piece of tissue is taken from a suspicious area for a thorough examination.


For every woman, oncocytology is considered mandatory. This is especially true for older women who, with the advent of menopause, believe that their female problems have already ended and that they can not think about going to the hospital. But age is not a problem for cancer, and genital oncology is not at all the last among other diseases. And it is during this period of life, when women's problems fade into the background, that the risk of missing the onset of the disease increases. Therefore, such a study as oncocytology and its decoding is relevant throughout life and, in order to avoid big problems, undergo a medical examination on time.

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