Acne gel Akrikhin azelik. Azelaic acid. Properties, production, use and price of azelaic acid Azelaic acid application in cosmetology

Azelaic acid is a unique component that is actively used in the production of many cosmetic products aimed at inflammation and acne, as well as products that reduce the production of fatty acids that contribute to acne.

Azelaic acid promotes self-cleaning of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. In a short period of time, many skin problems can be eliminated, and your skin will look fresh and healthy. This happens very gently. Azelaic acid is considered the most gentle ingredient among all acids.

Azelaic acid is widely used in cosmetology to treat acne and pimples, as well as eliminate pigmentation. This acid has a beneficial effect on the skin, probably because it is produced to some extent by itself in the human body. Azelaic acid is included in many facial skin care creams; its mild effect is safe, so it can be used even by pregnant women.

Azelaic acid is constantly found in the human body, although in small quantities, and is produced during lipid metabolism. It is contained in cereal plants: wheat, rye and barley. This acid is obtained from linoleic and oleic acids by synthesis. It is a soft acid, several times weaker than vinegar.

Cosmetics with azelaic acid are products whose price is affordable, but still significant for the family budget. After all, to undergo treatment you will need more than one tube and more than one month of work on yourself. There are, of course, products that eliminate skin problems many times faster, but they also have a disadvantage. Firstly, the high price, and secondly, the mild effects of azelaic acid are safer for the human body than fast-acting acids.

To cut costs and at the same time benefit from the healing properties of azelaic acid, you can add it to the cream you use. It is available in pharmacies in the form of a white powder. The acid is practically insoluble in water, but in alcohol or ether the dissolution process is almost instantaneous, and is partially soluble in fatty oils.

Dissolve a small amount of azelaic acid in alcohol and mix the resulting solution with your daily cream. The effect of such a cream will be visible in about two to three months.

1. Slows down the formation of keratinocytes, that is, prevents the compaction of the surface layers of the skin.

2. Eliminates harmful bacteria that provoke the formation of acne and has antioxidant properties.

3. Prevents inflammation and acne spots, eliminates redness after rosacea, has a smoothing effect, polishes rough skin elevations and protects it from keratinization.

4. Eliminates pigmentation of various nature, as it is able to interrupt the synthesis of melanin; for hair – for the treatment of androgenic alopecia.

Azelaic acid is used in gels, creams, sprays, lotions, tonics, and serums.

Azelaic acid, purchased in sachets at the pharmacy, can also be used to prepare your own homemade creams. But when you buy, decide on its concentration. In large doses, like any other acid, azelaic acid can cause redness and burning, which, of course, will pass, but still should not be allowed to happen. If these side effects do not go away during the first weeks of use and they become difficult to tolerate, then it is better to consult a cosmetologist to choose another product.

Most often, this acid is used in cosmetics up to 20%. Acid tends to penetrate deep into the skin, and this is important, since the causative agents of skin inflammation, which play a key role in the development of acne, are most often found in the thickness of the skin. Thanks to the use of products with azelaic acid, after just a few weeks the number of bacteria on the skin is significantly reduced.

Acid is excreted from the body through the kidneys. Cosmetics with this acid are not recommended for use after deep peeling, drinking alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, after sunbathing, or for irritated skin. Studies have shown that azelaic acid has the most effective effect at a pH of 4.8-5.5.

Acid is not addictive and has virtually no side effects, unless individual intolerance is possible.

Azelaic acid is an ideal product for giving the skin freshness and cleanliness and can provide a long-lasting effect. It is perfect for people with dark skin.

Among the many cosmetic products with azelaic acid, several should be highlighted:

Night smoothing cream Sleep and Peel by Filorga, which has a positive effect on tired skin, giving it radiance and softness. The cream contains a powerful rejuvenating and revitalizing complex NCTF from Filorga, hyaluronic acid, polyhydroxy acids, azelaic acid and pyruvic acid. The cream has a moisturizing, comedolytic (removes blackheads) and antioxidant effect on the skin.

Aknestop cream. The main component of this cream is azelaic acid. The action of the product is aimed at combating acne.

Cream Azelik. With long-term use, the production of fatty acids, which cause acne, decreases, the formation of comedones decreases, the cream affects the process of keratinization of epidermal cells and thereby slows down the growth and activity of abnormal melanocytes, which cause hyperpigmentation.

Those who have severe acne notice a positive result within four weeks after use. In general, to achieve maximum effect, you need to be patient for several months. When using the cream, there may be burning, itching and redness. But all this is gradually disappearing. However, as with any other cosmetic product, you need to take care of your skin; there are cases of allergies.

Cream Skinoren. This cream also fights acne, eliminates oily epidermis, has an antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation, reduces the production of free radical oxygen species and abnormal melanocytes.

Azogel cream. In a short period of time, the cream eliminates risk factors for the development of acne, skin pigmentation and red spots after acne, and restores damaged skin areas. It can overcome those bacteria that affect the inflammatory process and inhibit the formation of acne. The effectiveness of the cream is quite high even after prolonged use.

Azelaic acid is included in many creams and gels, such as Acne-Derma, Azelex, Azix-Derm, Finevin, Finacea, Skinoclear gel and others.

A product with 20% azelaic acid is equivalent to 4% hydroquinone, which is the most powerful lightening agent in creams. Azelaic acid is often used in combination with other ingredients, for example, in combination with sunscreen filters, and other whitening agents are also combined with it - arbutin, vitamin C, kojic and glycolic acids, licorice root extract, etc.

Preparations containing a combination of fruit acids with salicylic and azelaic acids are effective. Such products help even out skin color, texture and reduce pores.

Azelaic acid has been said to slow down the formation of age spots. This occurs especially successfully when using 20% ​​azelaic acid. With this concentration, cosmetic products help with chloasma, pigmentation after acne, injuries, burns, as well as other inflammatory skin diseases.

Recent studies have shown significant antioxidant activity of azelaic acid, and therefore, in combination with other components, it is an effective cosmetic ingredient. And besides this, it can be useful as a stimulant for the treatment of androgenic alopecia.

Before applying any product, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. The cream should be applied twice a day - morning and evening. Typically, the effect of a good cosmetic product should be noticeable within 2 weeks. If this is not the case, it means that this is not your cream or the main causes of skin problems have not been eliminated and you need to choose another product.

Azelaic acid is a phytocompound of representatives of the cereal family such as rye, barley and wheat. Preparations with azelaic acid are very popular in the cosmetology industry due to their effectiveness in eliminating the symptoms of many skin pathologies. On the packaging this substance is designated “Azelaic acid”. In Europe, dermatologists prescribe azelaic acid as a cosmetic or medicinal product to eliminate acne and its consequences. But as a result of multiple studies, its effectiveness in eliminating skin pigmentation when used topically has been confirmed.
In domestic countries, this substance is known mainly as a cosmetic ingredient, with which you can get rid of age spots on the skin.

The effect of azelaic acid on the skin

The most important effect of azelaic acid is antimicrobial, which is why it is used in the treatment of acne.

After the substance gets on the skin, it begins to actively destroy propionic bacteria, due to which the skin is cleansed of the main causative agents of acne.

You can observe excellent results from azelaic acid in the treatment of different degrees of acne - from the first to the last stage. The effect of acid is not very good in acne that is not caused by pathological microorganisms.

Acne grades

In the first situation, it is necessary to use azelaic acid-based cream for a couple of months in order to achieve complete elimination of acne and achieve optimal effect. If after a couple of weeks of use you do not notice any positive changes, then you need to change the cosmetic product.

In addition, azelaic acid plays the role of an antioxidant in cosmetic products, since it has a significant anti-inflammatory effect - as a result of its use, the red spots left behind by acne begin to gradually disappear. Dermatologists in the United States of America often prescribe azelaic acid to reduce redness that accompanies inflammatory skin pathologies such as rosacea.

As a result of a large number of clinical studies, the ability of azelaic acid to lighten the skin was established, although scientists could not explain exactly how this component acts, which makes it possible to lighten pigmentation of various etiologies (chloasma, melasma, and others). Today it is believed that azelaic acid helps to interrupt biochemical processes that increase melanin synthesis, due to which skin lightening occurs.

Drugs and what analogues there are. Price and action.

Let's consider the most popular analogues based on azelaic acid and their effect on the skin in various dermatological pathologies.


Skinoren is a drug that is used to get rid of acne and rosacea..

This product contains azelaic acid and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

In addition, the product affects follicular hyperkeratosis.

Skinoren is intended for topical application only.

Before use, clean the skin under warm water and dry it gently with a napkin. Apply a thin layer of the product to the affected areas and rub a little into the skin.

Dermatologists prescribe using the gel twice a day. If irritation appears on the skin, you will need to reduce the frequency of use to 1 time.

The cost of Skinoren can vary significantly: from 300 to 1000 rubles and depends on the volume of the tube (can be from 5 to 20 grams). You can read the instructions for using salicylic acid for acne.

Video review of Skinoren


A drug that relieves acne. Promotes a moderate cytostatic effect, which manifests itself in the form of normalization of keratinization processes in the wall of the sebaceous gland follicles.

It has an antimicrobial effect, both on the surface of the skin and in the sebaceous gland itself, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Skinoclear cream is used to eliminate acne vulgaris, as well as hyperpigmentation of the skin (melasma, chloasma and others).

The cost of Skinoclear gel starts from 339 rubles and can reach 1300 rubles per tube. Such a big difference is due to the different volume of cream and the country of origin. And reviews of the Hawthorn cosmetic lotion can be found at.

Gel Azelik

Azelik gel has high bacteriostatic activity against acne bacteria and staphylococcus. Suppresses the growth of abnormal skin cells (melanocytes).

In addition to the anti-acne effect, the product will help you get rid of pigmentation, affects the process of keratinization of epidermal cells, and accelerates the exfoliation process. Often additionally used.

Price – about 300 rubles

Dermatologists prescribe Azelik gel for the following pathologies:

  • in the presence of acne and blackheads;
  • to cleanse clogged pores;
  • to eliminate unaesthetic shine (for oily skin types);
  • to remove inflammation;
  • to smooth out lumpy skin;
  • to get rid of pigmentation left after inflammation.

The price for this drug starts from 1000 rubles and can reach 2500 rubles for one tube (volume from 5 to 30 grams).

Azelaine remedy Azix Derm

Just like the previous options, it is used in the treatment of acne. Has antimicrobial activity against acne bacteria and staphylococcus. At the same time, it helps to reduce the content of free fatty acids in the lipids of the skin and normalizes the process of keratinization in the sebaceous gland.

If we talk about the price of this product, it starts from 339 rubles and can reach up to 1263 rubles for one tube. You can buy medicine either in a regular pharmacy or place an order via the Internet. Can be used as an additional procedure.

Cost – from 350 rubles

Aknestop ointment from the pharmacy

Another drug containing azelaic acid. It has antibacterial, anti-acne and depigmenting effects, which are determined by the action of the main substance.

Dermatologists use Aknestop cream to eliminate acne and pathological hyperpigmentation of the skin (which includes melasma).

This product is more economical than previous options. Its average price is in the range of 300-350 rubles per 30 gram tube.


Azogel is intended to eliminate acne and acne. The effect of the drug is determined by the antimicrobial effect of azelaic acid and its effect on hyperkeratosis occurring in the follicles.

When using the gel, the colonization density of acne pathogens decreases, the fraction of free fatty acids in the surface lipids of the skin decreases significantly, and the growth of cells that keratinize and clog skin pores, which provoke the appearance of black and white dots, decreases.

Azogel is used in the treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory forms of acne, as well as in the papulopustular form of rosacea.

The price for Azogel is also more affordable and averages 300-350 rubles.

Cost – about 250 rubles

Sleep and Peel cream from Filorga

This cosmetic product is intended for tired skin that has lost its natural radiance and softness.

The cream contains the NCTF complex, hyaluronic acid, and polyhydroxy acids of different molecular weights, which promotes effective and safe exfoliation. The product also contains azelaic acid and pyruvic acid.

The cream has three effects on the skin at once: moisturizing, comedolytic (gets rid of blackheads), antioxidant (protects against free radicals).

Matrikine peptides and brown algae reduce the aging process and also have a soothing and protective effect. As a result of regular use of the cream, the skin becomes clean, soft, radiant and noticeably refreshed. The face also acquires a more even tone.

If you want to purchase this miraculous cream from Filorga, you will have to shell out neither more nor less - from 2400 to 3500 rubles for a jar of the product, the volume of which is 50 milliliters. This significant difference in price is due to where the cream was purchased. In European pharmacies the product sells for 40 euros.

Price – about 2500 rubles

Minoxidil Spencer Forrest

Minoxidil has long been successfully used in the cosmetology industry to get rid of alopecia and as the main stimulating agent for the growth of new hairs.

The first patients on whom the effect of the drug was tested were tailless macaques, in which human androgenetic alopecia is very well demonstrated.

After conducting a microscopic analysis of the hair follicles, it was found that as a result of the action of Minoxidil:

  • vellus hair follicles increase to the level of medium or terminal follicles (hair growth increases);
  • you can prolong the growth phase of terminal follicles (the process of baldness slows down).

There have also been a lot of different clinical studies that allow us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Minoxidil can be used to restore hair growth in cases of alopecia areata or androgenetic alopecia.
  2. When treated with Minoxidil, the first results begin to appear after 3 months, hair growth stabilizes after one year.
  3. The growth of new hairs will continue as long as the patient uses the product. If the medication is discontinued, alopecia begins to progress again.
  4. It is easier to cope with the initial stages of baldness than with long-term smooth baldness.
  5. Minoxidil, when used externally, is completely safe for health and is not inclined to provoke various systemic effects, even as a result of long-term use. Occasionally, side effects such as dry skin and irritation may appear, but they usually disappear quickly. You can find out about the differences between mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Video about the action of minoxidil

The cost of minoxidil Spencer Forrest starts from 300 rubles, you can check the exact price with the manufacturer. It will depend on the volume of the product purchased and the percentage of the main active ingredient.

As you probably already understood, azelaic acid is a necessary component of many anti-acne products. If you want to clear your face of rashes, pay attention to this useful substance. But remember that only a professional doctor can choose the right remedy, do not neglect this sub-item and do not self-medicate! We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the use of Botox and hyaluronic acid in cosmetology.

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Azelaic acid

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Azelaic acid

White crystalline substance. Slightly soluble in water at 20 °C (0.24%), easily soluble in boiling water and ethanol. Molecular weight 188.22.


pharmachologic effect- anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, keratolytic.

Has bacteriostatic activity against Propionibacterium acnes And Staphylococcus epidermidis. Reduces the fraction of free fatty acids in the surface lipids of the skin. Inhibits the proliferation of keratinocytes and the growth of abnormal melanocytes. Clinical improvement occurs on average after 2-4 weeks of treatment.

After applying the cream to the skin, azelaic acid penetrates the epidermis and dermis, 3.6% is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. It is excreted in the urine mainly unchanged, and partly in the form of shorter dicarboxylic acids formed as a result of oxidation.

Application of the substance Azelaic acid

Cream. Acne vulgaris (acne vulgaris), hyperpigmentation such as melasma (for example, chloasma).

Gel. Acne vulgaris (acne vulgaris), rosacea.


Hypersensitivity, incl. to the components of the drug (propylene glycol).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Side effects of the substance Azelaic acid

In rare cases (in the first 1-2 weeks of therapy), skin irritation and a burning sensation are possible.

Routes of administration

Routes of administration.Locally.

Precautions for the substance Azelaic acid

Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes of the nose, lips and mouth. In cases of severe skin irritation in the first weeks of treatment, you can use it once a day or stop the drug for a short time.

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

Name The value of the Vyshkowski Index ®

Effect of azelaic acid on the skin. Azelaic acid in cosmetology.

Azelaic acid is an inexpensive and yet effective product that will help significantly improve the condition of your skin.

Healthy and radiant skin without signs of inflammation and irritation is, above all, beautiful. But is it only a question of aesthetics?

The condition of the skin is inextricably linked with the internal state of the body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your lifestyle, diet, maintain water balance, and also not forget about motor and physical activity. Numerous care and hygiene products are designed to help your skin look flawless. Depending on the active components included in their composition, the effect of the products will be more or less intense. Products with azelaic acid, which are widely used in cosmetology, have a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of skin diseases.

Unpleasant guest - acne

One of the most common skin lesions is rashes. Foci of inflammation, which manifest themselves in the form of acne, pimples and boils, can ruin even the most attractive face.

Principles of fighting acne

Skin rashes are an unpleasant phenomenon. Inflamed acne does not add attractiveness to anyone. Numerous cosmetic and medical preparations, which are designed to eliminate such unpleasant “neighbors” as acne, can bring both benefit and harm. Moreover, only an integrated approach to treatment will give a lasting positive result. To avoid a negative skin reaction to acne medications, follow the basic rules for using medications:

  • Medical advice is required before using any special product. Recommendations from a dermatologist, and, if necessary, other specialists, will help you choose an effective and at the same time safe remedy.
  • An important factor influencing the condition of the skin is nutrition. Review your diet by eliminating foods that activate the sebaceous glands - hot spices, canned food, fatty foods, coffee, alcohol, sweet and carbonated drinks, side dishes high in carbohydrates (pasta, rice). Include dairy products (cottage cheese, natural yogurt), fresh vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, and lean meat in your menu.
  • Products for daily skin care should take into account the individual characteristics of the latter. This statement applies not only to lotions, tonics and soaps, but also to peeling products, creams, and scrubs.
  • It is strictly not recommended to squeeze out pimples on your own. This will not only provoke additional skin irritation, but also intensify the inflammatory process. In addition, unaesthetic scars and scars will appear at the site of the affected areas.

Treatment of skin rashes

A wide variety of medications have been developed to eliminate acne. Their main action is aimed at:

  • Elimination of the source of inflammation.
  • Reducing blockage of sebaceous ducts.
  • Reduced sebum production.

The whole variety of medicines can be divided into several groups:

  • Medicines based on azelaic acid.
  • Products for external and internal use, the action of which is based on the “work” of vitamin A - retinoids. The drugs are effective, but must be used strictly under the supervision of a physician. After undergoing treatment for a year, pregnancy is extremely undesirable due to the possible development of fetal defects.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, gels and creams.
  • Disinfectants and drying agents.

Azelaic acid - what is it?

What is this compound and is it possible to get rid of unpleasant skin rashes with its help? Azelaic (or carboxylic) acid is an organic compound that is present in a number of cereal crops (such as wheat, rye, barley) and is also produced in the human body. In addition, this substance can also be obtained as a result of synthesis from oleic or linoleic acids. Despite the “loud” name - acid - the effect of the compound is quite mild and cannot cause burns to the skin.

Azelaic acid: action of the substance

Due to its properties, azelaic acid has become very widespread in cosmetology. What effect can be achieved as a result of using products with this component?

  • Anti-inflammatory property. Red spots that are located in areas of inflammation gradually disappear. Thanks to this action, the product works well in the treatment of rosacea.
  • Antibacterial effect. Successful fight against pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) allows the product to be used in the treatment of acne and acne. This property of azelaic acid allows it to be used as a remedy for acne.
  • The antioxidant effect is manifested in the neutralization of reactive oxygen species.
  • Keratolytic effect. The organic compound activates the work of skin pores, so that the accumulation of impurities and excess sebum in them can be avoided.
  • Aligns and smoothes the skin surface. The use of products with azelaic acid helps remove roughness and uneven areas of the skin surface and increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  • The whitening effect of the substance allows the compound to be successfully used to eliminate excessive pigmentation of various etiologies. The acid affects processes that stimulate increased production of melanin, resulting in lightening of the skin.
  • Helps saturate the skin with oxygen.
  • Effectively eliminates the manifestations of seborrhea.

Benefits of Azelaic Acid

Other cosmetic products have similar complex effects, but preparations based on azelaic acid have a number of advantages over them:

  • The compound is not addictive, so cosmetic products with azelaic acid can be used for a long time.
  • Azelaic acid has a soft and delicate effect on the skin, which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.
  • The organic substance can be used for both oily and dry skin.
  • Preparations with this acid can be used throughout the year, even in summer.
  • The recovery period after undergoing a peeling procedure using azelaic acid is much shorter (a couple of hours) than after cleansing with fruit acids (about a week).
  • The cleansing and restoration procedure is simple and does not require special preparation or be carried out exclusively in salons.

Indications for use of azelaic acid

In what cases will the use of an organic compound be justified? The substance, as well as preparations containing acid, is recommended for use in the presence of:

  • Cooperose.
  • Increased pigmentation.
  • Acne.
  • Rosacea.
  • Acne, other rashes.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Demodecosis.

Azelaic acid cost

The organic matter itself has the form of a finely dispersed powder. The cost of azelaic acid in the pharmacy is low. If you try to dissolve the substance in water, you will succeed, but it will take some effort. In this case, as a result of combining the compound with alcohol, alcohol-containing liquid, oil or fat, a homogeneous mass is obtained. An alternative to home preparation is to purchase a finished product that contains carboxylic acid. To enhance the effect, try to select products that, in addition to azelaic acid, contain salicylic and glycolic acids. The content of organic matter in cosmetic products most often does not exceed 20%. Depending on the volume, manufacturer and composition of preparations with azelaic acid, their price can range from 300 rubles to 1500 rubles.

Azelaic acid: pharmaceutical preparations

Medicines containing azelaic acid have a complex effect on the cells of the dermis, thereby helping to cope with many skin diseases. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined based on the results of consultation with a dermatologist. Depending on the causes and intensity of the pathological process, the use of drugs can be carried out for three months. Medicines are applied to previously cleansed skin 2 times a day.

Application of azelaic acid: DIY cream

If you don’t want to spend unnecessarily on ready-made cosmetics, you can get the healing composition at home. To do this, you just need to first purchase azelaic acid - it is sold in pharmacies in powder form, packaged from 1 g to 25 g. In addition, you will need: jojoba oil (as an alternative, you can use rosemary or olive oil), water, sucrose, a special preservative microkil, which will increase the shelf life of the resulting cream.

  • Prepare a clean container.
  • Place 16.5 and 1.5 ml of water and acid in it, respectively. The substance is poorly soluble in water, so the composition must be shaken thoroughly.
  • After waiting for the acid to completely dissolve, place 1.5 ml of sucrose in a container.
  • Pour 7 ml of oil into a separate bowl.
  • Heat both vessels in a water bath and wait until the sucrose dissolves.
  • Next, mix the compositions until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • At the end of cooking, add a drop of Mikrokil.

The resulting cream can be used every day and after a month you will notice an improvement in your skin condition. If the above technology seems long and expensive, and you cannot buy a finished product with azelaic acid, take a small amount of alcohol and dissolve a little useful compound in it. Mix the resulting composition with cream for daily use. And although the effect of ointment with azelaic acid will have to wait a little longer, your skin will definitely thank you with radiant beauty and health.

Contraindications to the use of azelaic acid

Regardless of the clinical picture and manifestations of the disease, independent prescription of drugs with even “gentle” carboxylic acid is unacceptable. Products containing azelaic acid according to the instructions cannot be used in the following cases:

  • It is unacceptable to apply the product to the mucous surfaces of the nose, lips, and mouth.
  • Pay close attention to how you feel during therapy. If a feeling of discomfort or burning occurs, therapy should be stopped.
  • The occurrence of any kind of allergic reaction should be a reason to discontinue treatment with organic acid.

Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the experience of other people using it. Regarding azelaic acid therapy, reviews are also contradictory and largely depend on the individual susceptibility of the dermis. However, to achieve a stable and long-lasting effect, you should not rely only on external skin treatment. The approach should be comprehensive and include diet, possibly taking additional medications.

One active ingredient can be included in different ointments that help against acne. Knowing it, it is easier to find a medicine for facial skin that is suitable in terms of effectiveness and price.

Insufficient hygiene, hormonal changes in the body, metabolic disorders and poor diet are the main reasons why acne appears on the face. To get rid of them, you need to eliminate the source of the problem. But you shouldn’t tolerate the rash either, because the inflammation can become infected at any time. Compared to medicinal gels and creams, ointment for acne on the face is better accepted by the skin, which is why it works more effectively. Another advantage of this dosage form is the quite affordable price of the drugs. If we are not talking about a severe stage of acne, when you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist, you can choose the right remedy yourself.

The variety of names for anti-acne ointments is confusing. But all of them can be reduced to several types depending on the active substance. Most often, drugs based on:

  • zinc;
  • azelaic acid;
  • antibiotics;
  • retinoids.

They treat inflammation, disinfect injured skin, dry it and eliminate blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts.

The choice of medication depends on the severity of the skin lesion. For mild forms of acne or individual small pimples, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents are sufficient. Antimicrobial drugs will be indispensable for abundant scattering of pustules or deep pimples. In difficult cases, they resort to complex therapy, in which medicinal ointment and other forms of medications are prescribed by a dermatologist.

Zinc-based ointments

Zinc preparations have long been used to treat acne on the face. These include:

  • zinc ointment;
  • zinc paste;
  • Tsindol.

The active ingredient in these ointments is zinc oxide. It reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, quickly extinguishes the inflammatory process, and relieves irritation. The medicine is applied locally to areas of inflammation several times a day. A bandage with ointment applied at night helps against internal subcutaneous acne, as zinc oxide penetrates deep into the skin.

Although the therapeutic effectiveness of traditional zinc-based products is very high, they also have their disadvantages:

  1. The specific color and smell prevents you from leading an active life.
  2. Zinc significantly dries out the skin.
  3. The strong fat content of the compositions causes difficult to remove stains on clothes or bed linen.

More expensive modern drugs using zinc hyaluronate do not have these disadvantages:

  • Curiosin;
  • Regetsin.

Their advantage lies not only in the absence of color and smell. Hyaluronic acid enhances the regenerating effect of the ointment, eliminating marks at the site of overgrown pimples and protecting the skin from drying out. Preventive use of such products twice a week helps to avoid the appearance of new inflammations.

Ointments based on salicylic acid

Salicylic ointment is the leading representative of this group. For external use against acne on the face, it is used in concentrations of 1% and 2%.

The therapeutic effect of salicylic acid includes antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, significantly reducing already formed pimples and blackheads. The keratolytic properties of the active component help against blackheads and comedones, and also prevent the appearance of new ones. Since the ointment does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, it is not advisable to use it to eliminate internal acne.

Preparations based on salicylic acid reduce the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands. This protects oily skin from the development of new ulcers, including oily seborrhea. Owners of dry and sensitive skin should be careful not to cause additional irritation.

When combined with zinc oxide, salicylic acid produces an insoluble salt. Therefore, medications based on these components cannot be used simultaneously. The pharmaceutical form of salicylic-zinc ointment does not have this drawback.

Antibacterial ointments

Antibiotic ointments are used against acne caused by various bacteria. For pustular lesions of the face, the following ointments and liniments are used:

  • synthomycin;
  • streptocidal;
  • tetracycline;
  • erythromycin.

In addition to open inflammation, they help eliminate subcutaneous pimples without a visible head. Ointments with antibacterial components are sold over the counter, but it is not advisable to use them without consulting a dermatologist.

The course of treatment for already formed acne takes about a week of regular lubrication of the affected areas of the face. Each of the ointments has its own application characteristics, which are described in the attached instructions.

Ointments based on azelaic acid

Azelaic acid is included in the following preparations:

  • Skinoren;
  • Azelik;
  • Azogel.

These ointments combine antimicrobial and keratolytic effects in their properties, narrow skin pores, and slow down keratinization. Although azelaic acid products are used to treat acne caused by Propionibacterium acnes, in some cases this gram-positive bacterium remains resistant to the drugs.


Retinoids are synthetic analogs of vitamin A (retinol). The following active ingredients are used in the production of ointments for acne treatment:

  • Isotretinion (retinoic ointment);
  • Adapalene (Klenzit, Differin).

Preparations based on them do an excellent job of treating acne with once daily use. By suppressing the activity of the sebaceous glands, they not only eliminate the conditions for the development of inflammation. Existing blockages in the ducts are also cleared, and new comedones are not formed, since retinoids reduce the adhesion of the epithelial cells of the hair follicle.

Vitamin A improves skin cell regeneration and helps eliminate traces of treated acne. An increase in the regenerative ability of the skin may cause an increase in its photosensitivity. And although ointments based on adapalene are conditionally free from this drawback, you need to study the instructions before starting a course of treatment in the sunny season.

Rules of application

Having determined which anti-acne ointment will be used to treat the face, it is important to follow the rules for its use. Different medicinal formulations have their own characteristics. But the general rules for skin care during inflammation are as follows:

  1. You should not squeeze out the purulent contents of a pimple to avoid causing an infection and creating unnecessary scars.
  2. Be sure to wash your face in the morning and evening with warm water without using sponges.
  3. In case of inflammation, decorative cosmetics are prohibited. Care products should be selected from those that will not clog pores.
  4. Medicinal ointments are applied to a cleansed face and mainly only to acne.
  5. Rarely occurring single pimples are lubricated until they dry completely. Persistent problems with the face require a course of treatment. Antibiotic ointments are used for no longer than 10-14 days.