Guide to the female Zodiac sign Cancer: how to win the heart of a Cancer girl. The main character traits of a Cancer woman. Characteristics of a Cancer woman What is the mystery and mystery of a Cancer woman

Vika Di

The characteristics of a Cancer woman by zodiac sign can most fully reveal the features of her ambiguous personality. Her essence lies in emotionality and sensitivity, romance and vulnerability, which she knows how to hide well and pretend that everything is in order, even if her heart is broken.

The Cancer girl’s appearance is very feminine, and besides, nature has endowed her with incredible charm, which always attracts men.

The Cancer girl always attracts men with her charm and femininity.

It’s pleasant to communicate with her because she doesn’t like quarrels and scandals and is always responsive

The character of the Cancer girl is soft, balanced, she is committed to family values ​​and traditions, family always comes first for her.

Compatibility of Cancer women with other zodiac signs: the best options for marriage

The Cancer woman has a tender and vulnerable soul, she takes criticism with sensitivity. But at the same time she is very loyal, love is important to her , marriage and family. Her relationships are best with representatives of her own water element - Pisces and Scorpios, with them she has the best compatibility. Although the ideal man for marriage, especially in later life, may be a representative of the signs of Taurus or Virgo.

The best match for a Cancer woman is a Pisces man

A representative of the Pisces sign is most suitable for a Cancer woman for marriage - they are almost perfectly compatible. Each will find in the other what he has been looking for for so long, and thanks to his well-developed intuition, he and without words they will understand each other.

Taurus, who is able to balance her mood swings, and Scorpio, who gives her self-confidence and understands her perfectly, will also suit her well.

Relationships with Virgo will develop favorably: the Cancer woman is attracted by Virgo’s practicality, and Virgo by her caring and gentle soul.

Partners by zodiac signCancer Woman
AriesCompatibility 43%

Aries has too domineering a character for the relationship to reach marriage, at most - romantic relationships and passionate dates.

TaurusCompatibility 76%

This couple will make good friends, but a successful union is also possible if they make every effort for this. True, Cancer will have to be responsible for everything that concerns the family: financial support, children, etc.

TwinsCompatibility 40%

The signs are completely opposite in relation to life, and they will not have a successful union either in love or in marriage.

CancerCompatibility 33%

Their relationship will not stand the test of time, since they are too similar and require the same things from their partner - attention, care, support and cannot receive them fully.

a lionCompatibility 28%

They are not suitable for each other either in temperament or in life aspirations, and although they are interested in communicating, the marriage will not be strong.

ScalesCompatibility 19%

Although they are interested in each other, too different characters and temperaments will not become the basis for true intimacy and a harmonious marriage.

CapricornCompatibility 23%

Despite the strong physical attraction, they are too different in interests and needs to form a stable union.

ScorpionCompatibility 74%

In this union, Cancer will have to give more than receive, since the partner needs constant support. But they are very attracted to each other, so there is a chance for a strong union.

AquariusCompatibility 40%

The unpredictability of Aquarius and the vulnerability of Cancer will not allow them to create a harmonious union.

FishCompatibility 86%

Both are signs of Water, they understand, complement and support each other well, and are not capable of long-term conflicts.

VirgoCompatibility 82%

They complement each other well in many respects, they care about and understand their partner. A harmonious union is quite real.

SagittariusCompatibility 51%

They attract each other by their opposites, but have little in common, since they have different goals and desires in love and life, so there is no basis for a strong union.

Cancer woman in bed: what she needs for complete satisfaction

The Cancer woman is a wonderful lover, sensual, sincere and tender. However, here too her desire for reliability and safety is manifested: she prefers sex in a comfortable home environment, rather than in unexpected places, such as in the forest or on an airplane.

And it’s also important for her to feel like not a random partner, but a woman for whom she has deep feelings

At first she may act stiff, but if her partner gains her trust, she will loosen up and give him great sex. She is very afraid of rudeness in sexual relations, so her partner need to show more tenderness, be sure to use foreplay to relieve her of stiffness. She enjoys tactile sensations; she herself loves to stroke and caress her partner.

Although the Cancer woman is not particularly inclined to experiment, she is characterized by inventiveness in bed, and even in traditional caresses she is able to bring so much sparkle that her partner will be delighted. And another important feature of Cancer women is in sex. they will never imitate sensations, so that her partner can always be sure that he has proven himself to be a truly wonderful lover.

The Cancer woman's partner should show more affection

How to win a Cancer girl for a lasting relationship

To conquer means not just to seduce, but to make you fall in love with yourself and fall in love with her yourself. The romance and other qualities of the Cancer girl’s nature make her as if created for love. Love is everything for her, she gives herself entirely, but only next to someone who can please her and win her heart.

Loyal, devoted, caring, gentle, she strives for a relationship where there will be long romantic courtship

She likes constant displays of attention and love. At first she can flirt very sweetly, but when it comes to a serious relationship, she might be careful and even timidly.

To win a Cancer girl you need to do romantic things

Sex is important to her, but it is far from the first place. She needs a man who can give her a feeling of security, warmth and affection, who would be patient with manifestations of her modesty and constantly demonstrate her feelings, only then will she get rid of her restraint, which is often caused by the fear of critical remarks.

The best way to win a Cancer girl is to arrange a romantic evening for her with all the necessary attributes: candles, champagne, music that she likes, and most importantly, signs of attention, thanks to which she will feel understanding of her tender and vulnerable soul.

It should be remembered that in most cases, a relationship for a Cancer girl is not just sex, but a prelude to marriage and starting a family

One of her many advantages is not only her family orientation, but also the fact that she will not fight with her husband for leadership, and their relationship will be very comfortable, especially if he understands and appreciates her.

How to understand that a Cancer girl is in love, and how to get her to open it

The mysterious and changeable Cancer girl is prone to mood swings, but has difficulty allowing someone into her soul. Her romantic nature requires reciprocal love for this and confidence that her feelings will be treated with care, so at first she may seem secretive, not revealing her true emotions.

It is necessary to tune in with her on the same wavelength so that she feels spiritual closeness and psychological comfort, only then a Cancer girl in love will open her feelings

However, any rudeness and even just a tactless critical remark can break this fragile connection, and then she will again hide in her shell, and it will be very difficult to regain her trust.

All these psychological difficulties in relationships with a Cancer girl sometimes scare men away, but they lose a lot, because a sincere and devoted representative of this sign can become an excellent wife, but only for someone who will understand and appreciate her. Therefore, someone who wants to win her love will need a lot of patience before she begins to talk openly about her feelings. And here no need to put pressure on her, if you want to continue the relationship, over time, even if not soon, she herself will open her soul.

The main thing for a Cancer girl is to feel spiritual closeness

A gift for a Cancer woman that will surprise and delight her

Whatever gift you choose for the Cancer woman, do not forget to give her flowers, but not a bouquet, but a living flower or a plant in a pot. Especially they like flowers with velvet petals, for example, violets or gloxinia; A ficus, Chinese rose or palm tree growing in a pot would be an excellent gift.

Unusual souvenirs or beautiful trinkets for home decoration will be a wonderful gift. According to the horoscope, Cancer women are prone to mysticism, which means they will certainly like gifts in the spirit of Feng Shui: a money tree, an indoor fountain, figurines of gods or animals that bring prosperity in the family and in business.

The Cancer woman is an excellent housewife, and therefore replenishing her kitchen equipment will pleasantly please her

You just need to find out in advance whether she already has in her arsenal what you were going to give (blender, mixer and similar devices) so that an awkward situation does not arise. As a last resort, give a Teflon frying pan or an openwork tablecloth; such things will always come in handy around the house.

An indoor fountain would be an excellent gift.

Cancer Women They value home comfort very much, so a good gift for them would be a terry robe, a cozy blanket or fluffy animal slippers, as well as items related to her hobby: a sewing box, a wicker basket for needlework, etc.

A painting with a romantic landscape or a colorful still life can touch the most sensitive strings of a Cancer woman’s soul. It does not have to be painted in oil; it can be watercolor, gouache, or even a beaded or cross-stitched painting.

10 February 2018, 20:21

She always has money saved. She may start spending it when she feels unhappy, but her income will always be higher than her expenses. She may also be interested in your personal account - she is always interested in money, this is her favorite topic of conversation. When you give such a woman an expensive gift, and she says that you shouldn’t have done it, she really isn’t pretending.

Cancer Woman Characteristics (Description)

To somehow distract her from thinking about bills, income and expenses, take her to the seashore for a walk under the moon. Here you will see her in all her charm. The moon will reveal all her secret dreams, and the proximity of water will bring her relaxation. It is possible that during this hour you will see all her emotions that you will like. Try to develop them.

She will have two approaches to you: soft, feminine, timid and modest, and the second, where she will use all the well-known tricks of Eve, for example, desperate coquetry. You will like it if you are in love, and if you are just friends, then her active and excessive flirtatiousness can only irritate you. This type of Cancer woman poses a great danger to true love and a good family. There are many men who left their families for this clinging Cancer. Fortunately, such Cancer women are in the minority. They can cause a lot of trouble for other women.

The Cancer woman does not like to be criticized. She gets very hurt if she looks funny and just can't stand being abandoned. She is rarely overtly aggressive. He constantly hesitates, so you need to be the first to take a step to continue the relationship. If she moves forward, it is either sideways or sideways. Timid by nature and gripped by the fear that she will not be understood, she prefers to be an echo of a man.

Be kind to her mother. A mother is a woman who should not be offended by anything. Never read her diaries, as Cancer loves to have secrets and secrets. She will not confess herself, but she will listen to your confession carefully. Her constant fears may bore you: she is afraid that she is not beautiful enough, not young enough, not graceful enough... And it doesn’t matter that her figure is like the Venus de Milo, her mind is like Aristotle. She still won't feel confident. Convince her that she is young, smart, and she will be yours. You just have to tell her this twenty times a day.

Her mood will change on average four times a month according to the phases of the moon, plus twice a day according to the tides. It is very difficult to predict her mood. Of course, unpredictability is a necessary condition for the attractiveness and mystery of a woman, but it will not be easy for you.

Pronounced signs of Cancer

A typical Cancer woman is an excellent cook. She won't serve you canned food or frozen vegetables for lunch. The kitchen is her favorite room. She loves children. She will run around with you like a mother hen, and you will like it, as most men do.

To all her fears, you can add one more - she is afraid that you do not love her enough. But a man can easily prove his love, so prove it to her as often as possible. Once you have conquered her, she will not leave you behind as long as she is alive. And this is not bad, because there are men who like this kind of affection. You will never lack food or expressions of her love. It is very cruel to play with the heart of such a woman, as she will love and obey you with sincere tenderness. Why rekindle love if you have no serious intentions? You can start just flirting with her, but it will be very difficult for you to end the relationship with her. She doesn't take hints.

There is nothing artificial or petty about her feelings. If she already has something - a man or a cup, then they should be her property forever. She may not make a good impression on your friends, but she will definitely impress you with her charm. She prefers to reserve her deepest emotions for the people closest to her. And after you meet other women and compare them, you will run back to your Cancer and beg her to cling tightly to you again.

The most difficult aspect of a relationship with her is keeping her from crawling into her hole. Her emotions are so sensitive and tender that the slightest remark can greatly hurt her. And it is very difficult to predict what she might be offended by. The Cancer woman cries often, let you always have a handkerchief ready.

She won't necessarily be greedy, but she has a habit of collecting unnecessary things. She will rarely throw away a piece of rope, an old pattern, her husband... And who are you to say that she won’t find a use for these things later? Don't ask how she will use one shoe. She's using it! This is not the kind of woman who might like a man who carelessly burned a hole in the bedspread. Everything has sentimental value to her. All the things she possesses are her treasures. She guards them jealously. Of course, including you. She is not so much jealous as she is possessive. And these are different things.

The Cancer woman feels that she herself cannot change anything in life or overcome any difficulties. When a bad moment in life begins for her, she may shed tears, but the natural reaction will be to fold her hands and wait patiently for things to calm down. Patience is one of the most pleasant qualities of Cancer. However, when she is in a state of depression, you should try to get her out of this state as quickly as possible.

Cancer Woman in Love

Sometimes she likes to be treated like a child. The desire to be a little spoiled by your loved one is a secret and deep dream. She really needs to be convinced and know that you cannot live without her. And sometimes he will do everything possible to pity you and to make your patronizing instincts speak to you. But don’t let yourself be fooled by her weakness at such moments. This defenseless little child, who expects protection from you from a cruel world, is perfectly capable of coping with everything on his own. In the middle of another quarrel, when she looks at you with wet, frightened eyes, remember: as soon as you leave and turn the corner, she will most likely wipe her eyes, put the record on the player and calmly begin to tidy up the closet.

This woman is capable of heroic sacrifices for the sake of the one she loves. The courage that she lacks for herself is fully manifested in those close to her who need her strength. She will never betray you in a difficult situation. On the contrary, at such a moment it can become like a solid rock. She is gentle and caring with children and is a refuge for them. They will have a good understanding. You may experience some loss of focus once children arrive. Motherhood is very important for Cancer. Don't worry, there will be room for you, but you will have to move.

The main character trait of the Cancer woman is unshakable possessiveness. She is deeply convinced that no matter how far you move from her, you will always return to her. She will wait for you patiently.

Compatibility Cancer Women

The Cancer woman is as mysterious as the Moon itself. Did you think that she was practical and rational, but when you got to know her better, you saw a romantic nature and a tender, vulnerable soul? Previously, it seemed to you that she was all calmness, but next to you her mood changes every now and then, showing either joy, thoughtfulness, or sadness? Believe me, this is completely normal, it’s just that the Cancer woman allows few people to see herself as she is: she carefully hides her vulnerable inner world from strangers.

At the same time, the Cancer woman, with all her fragility and romance, can hardly be called a creature with her head in the clouds. On the contrary, she is very practical, knows how to run a household, handle money, make provisions for a rainy day and raise children.

According to the horoscope, the Cancer woman constantly wants to dominate in everything she does, dominate and control those around her. A woman born under this zodiac sign does not like to publicly expose her feelings and emotions, because she perceives such behavior as a kind of surrender.

Zodiac sign Cancer woman usually does not show much resilience in the face of difficulties, preferring to wait patiently for the bad streak to end. However, this does not apply to cases where someone close to her is at risk. Having stood up to protect her loved one, the usually calm and affectionate Cancer woman is ready to fight like a lion!

Cancer Woman Stone

According to ancient beliefs, the talisman stones of the Cancer woman were moonstone, emerald, a type of chrysoberyl called cat's eye, and pearls.

Cancer woman's birthstone is moonstone (selenite)

The Cancer Woman's stone is a milky blue moonstone, otherwise called selenite, symbolizing the magical power of the moon's rays. Therefore, it was considered the most suitable amulet for people born during the full moon, and for those born on Monday, a day ruled by the Moon. Selenite helped in love affairs, and separated or quarreling lovers wore rings with a moonstone that had the ability to overcome obstacles on the path to happiness. Medieval doctors recommended wearing a moonstone in a silver frame for nervous diseases, consumption and dropsy. The moonstone also allegedly gave its owner good advice in difficult situations.

Cancer woman's birthstone is emerald

The Cancer woman's birthstone is a beautiful bright green emerald stone, especially popularly worn in Antiquity and the Renaissance. In Egypt, it belonged to the precious stones of Isis, the patroness of women and the hearth. That is why, on the advice of the priests, pregnant women wore emerald amulets, which they then placed in the cradle of their newborns. The emerald was also a talisman for fishermen and sailors, it protected from death in the sea waves, pacified the storm, and ensured a good catch. In Islamic countries it was believed that this stone with a verse of the Koran carved on it, if worn on the left hand, protects against the bite of poisonous snakes and from road dangers. Its deep green color had a beneficial effect on vision, so in ancient times and in the Middle Ages, doctors advised patients to look at emerald more often for eye diseases. Renaissance lovers exchanged emerald rings on their wedding day, believing that this would ensure the strength of their love and marital fidelity.

Cancer Woman's birthstone – chrysoberyl (cat's eye)

The Cancer woman's third lucky stone is dark green chrysoberyl, colloquially called cat's eye. This stone has never been particularly popular due to its dark, not very showy color. Most often it was worn during mourning. It was considered an effective amulet for playing dice and other games of chance. In medicine, it was considered useful for sore throats, colds and asthma. A chain with a cat's eye pendant was supposed to protect the child from diphtheria. In addition, chrysoberyl is supposed to bring peace to mental patients and send them to a restful sleep.

Cancer woman – love horoscope

According to the love horoscope of a Cancer woman, at the beginning of your acquaintance you will be perplexed who she is: a gentle, affectionate Girl or a wild, mistrustful animal. But even after living with her for many years, you will never get an answer to this question. Most likely, it has both, and also a little crazy, a lot of melancholy and a lot of imagination.

The best way to gain insight into the nature of your Cancer lover is to take a moonlit walk along the banks of a river or sea. In the moonlight all her best qualities will appear. She will seem to you like an alien, emitting an unearthly, magical glow, and her voice will acquire an incredible sweetness. I assure you, you will be enchanted.

But for all that it is unusually practical. While flipping through books in her home library, you may come across envelopes with money or just bills tucked between book pages. In secluded places she hides boxes filled with coins. Money is her favorite topic of conversation, and no other woman will pay as much attention to your bank account. But don't think that she is interested in it, like most women, to spend your fortune on clothes and jewelry. This is precisely the least of her worries. On the contrary, she will do everything in her power to increase your wealth, helping not only with advice, but also with real deeds.

There are two types of Cancer women: some are soft, feminine, reverent and modest, others are unusually clingy. If you're already very passionate, then it's unlikely to mean anything to you. But if you have just met and have not yet determined your attitude towards a woman, such persistence can push you away. True, for women of this type, your attitude does not really matter: if she clings to you, consider it to be forever. You can escape from its claws only with the loss of health and well-being. Fortunately, this type does not occur very often.

The Cancer wife may suddenly get the idea that she is a bad cook, although in reality she is not inferior to the best Parisian chef in her cooking skills. For a Cancer wife, the kitchen is the favorite place in the house (after the nursery). Men (especially those with traditional views on life) will certainly appreciate this excellent quality.

Among friends . She is rarely the life of the party, preferring to keep her feelings for her loved ones, for her family.

The Cancer woman cannot be called stingy, but she is unusually thrifty. Among her things there are a lot of things that she hasn’t used for ten or fifteen years, or even twenty. But try to tell her about this - it turns out that she desperately needs all this, if not now, then later. She treats with special reverence the things she inherited from her ancestors, not only those close to her, but also distant ones - great-grandmothers, great-great-grandfathers, etc. She protects these treasures more than her own eyes.

In life's affairs, a Cancer woman cannot be called a fighter. If something doesn't go the way she wants, she will cry quietly and wait patiently until everything works itself out. Patience is one of her virtues.

For the sake of her loved ones, the Cancer woman is capable of all sorts of sacrifices. In moments of danger for her loved ones, she performs such heroic deeds that, at other times, she is afraid to even think about. In difficult times, she will never back down and will be a real support for you.

Cancer woman - mother

The Cancer mother pampers, cherishes, consoles and supports her children in every possible way. She is an exemplary mother; it is not for nothing that the constellation Cancer rules motherhood.

Having become a mother, a Cancer woman devotes herself so much to her children that it seems to you that you have faded into the background for her. But soon the balance is restored, and everyone receives an equal share of warmth and attention. ,

In their immoderate love for their children, Cancer mothers take such care of them that they, from such an excess of love, grow up to be selfish. Having left their native nest, such children endure life’s hardships much harder than others and often prefer not to overcome difficulties, but to hide from them under the wing of their mother. Cancer mothers are very jealous of their children, do not let them out of their arms for a long time and consider the chosen one or chosen one of their son or daughter unworthy of them. Need I add that such possessive love does not bring happiness to children? But, alas, it is difficult to do anything about it. After all, Cancer gives his whole soul to his husband and children and, naturally, counts on reciprocal love.

Cancer Woman - How to Win Her Love and Build a Relationship

When you choose a Cancer woman, remember some of her characteristics so that your family life runs smoothly. There are three of them: it cannot be criticized, ridiculed and rejected. Her parents, especially her mother, should also be respected. In the presence of your wife, under no circumstances tell common jokes about mothers-in-law - this is a mortal insult. Never read your wife's old diaries. Cancer always has secrets that she does not want to share with others.

A Cancer woman in love is often subject to all sorts of fears and doubts: she is not so beautiful, not so young, not too good for you, etc. She needs to be constantly convinced otherwise. She can hear from you twenty times a day how good she is (the best) and how much you love her.

The Cancer woman is unusually emotional, so if you do not have serious feelings for her, it is better to look for another partner. Do not start a light flirtation with her - this can hurt her sensitive heart so painfully that she will not be able to recover from the injury for a long time. But, sensing your sincere interest, she will respond to you with eternal devotion. True, it will require the same from you. Cancer is an owner by nature, and if she considers something hers, she will never give it up.

The Cancer woman is sensitive, touchy, and, perhaps, excessively tearful. When dating her, try not to hurt her feelings, and in case this happens, have a couple of clean handkerchiefs with you to wipe her tears.

When you feel that your Cancer wife is withdrawing into herself, try to distract her from difficult thoughts, tell her about your love. Cancer values ​​attention, affection, and care. Sometimes she deliberately pretends to be sad and may even cry so that you can calm her down and caress her.

Date of birth is an indisputable factor that influences the similarity of character traits, fates and motives of behavior among thousands of people. At the moment a person is born, the Sun is in one constellation or another. The date of birth determines what character and temperament the baby will have. No science can either confirm or refute the influence of zodiac signs. To understand the characteristics of a Cancer girl, you need to look at her as a separate person.

Character traits

Characteristics of the Zodiac sign for a Cancer woman begin with an understanding of the characteristics of her character and temperament. Cancer is a moon sign. The Cancer girl herself is the same. The beautiful representatives of this sign have a complex mental organization. Such a statement as “another’s soul is darkness” fits perfectly with them. They believe in the transmigration of souls and respect the past. And they consider themselves to be a kind of link in a chain that connects the past and the future.

As a rule, these girls are gentle, weak and timid, who need the support of their loved ones. He is very sensitive to criticism and ridicule. Cancer is thrifty, she will always have money put aside for a rainy day. But you can’t call her a stingy girl. She can happily spend a tidy sum on shopping. She is also accustomed to shopping therapy to treat mental illness. Cancers love to chat, but they will never reveal someone else's secrets. With friends and with her significant other, she is devoted.

There are so many incomprehensible things hidden in the soul of the fair sex of this sign. But not everyone will be allowed to these secrets. In public she is a confident and independent girl, but alone with her family she allows herself to be fragile, tender and a little fearful. To open the soul of Cancer, you need to show her love and care. And this applies to both relatives and significant other.

To be happy, everyone, without exception, needs to overcome their shortcomings. The Cancer woman has more than enough of them. To change your own destiny for the better, She needs to get rid of such negative character traits as:

Communication and friends

The Cancer girl’s characteristics in communication with other signs are positive. This is a pleasant person to talk to. She can support any topic of conversation. She is a wonderful storyteller. Even her most extraordinary stories are filled with life and very interesting. But this girl’s interlocutors need to remember that she is very impressionable and any wrongly spoken word or joke can completely turn her away from the person.

The mood of representatives of this sign is very changeable; it can change up to several times a day. Often has his head in the clouds. She always has some thoughts and ideas about the future or longing for the past in her head.

These girls have quite attractive appearance. They have many friends and acquaintances. Always ready to listen and help both in word and deed. There are always loyal relationships with friends. Cancers will never allow themselves to speak unflatteringly towards their loved ones, no matter what their relationship is. Before speaking, this woman will analyze every word in order to avoid tactlessness in her expressions and actions. Because he understands firsthand how the words and actions of family and friends can hurt. Like everyone else, representatives of this sign have positive and negative qualities in communicating with people:

  • "pros"- care, attention, tolerance, gentleness, tenderness, condescension, sensuality, loyalty, reliability, understanding and sympathy;
  • "minuses"- isolation, vulnerability, touchiness and temper.

Love relationships and sex

To win the heart of a Cancer girl, you need to know about the principle of “three nos”:

  • no criticism;
  • no ridicule;
  • no to rejection.

Another important principle is respect for her parents. Representatives of this sign, just like others, need affection, care and love, then she will be able to completely devote herself to her loved one.

With all her external and internal qualities, this woman will never take the first step. She expects this from a man, since for her this is a certain indicator of masculinity and leadership. Cancer combines modesty and charm, which make her desirable to many young people. In love, this woman gives herself completely, and demands the same from her other half. In relation to herself, she wants to feel love and respect from her partner. He must constantly say and prove that she is the most beautiful, smartest and has no equal. Cancer will be faithful to such a person and will even forgive minor shortcomings.

The best way to feel the nature of your Cancer lover is while walking under the Moon, somewhere on the seashore or river bank. This is her element. In the moonlight she will appear spiritually naked, showing all her qualities. Perhaps you will be able to capture her alien, magical charm, which is unique to this zodiac sign.

Cancer girls come in two types: some are modest and feminine, others are very clingy. If the couple has been in a relationship for a long time, then the second type of Cancer will not cause any particular inconvenience. But if the relationship is only at the stage of conception and development, then such behavior and persistence can push away the person. Cancers of the second type do not bother much about the fact that their persistence does not suit someone. They cling as if it will forever and it will be difficult to escape from these claws. Fortunately, this type of Cancer girl is quite rare.

In love, a representative of this sign is subject to fears and doubts. Constantly looking for flaws in himself. Her loved one must get used to this and constantly convince her otherwise. Cancer will never agree to an easy and free relationship. She needs seriousness, not simple flirting and sexual pleasures.

This woman will let a man into bed if she has feelings for him. In sex, she loves tenderness, affection and showering with compliments. If the partner takes into account all the wishes of Cancer, he will be able to get great pleasure.

Girls of this sign love comfort and romance. They will have sex slowly, enjoying their partner and the situation as a whole. Since Cancer is a lunar zodiac sign, everything related to the night and the moon will be more important than ever for them. For example, sex at night on the beach is what you need.

Also, candles, an aromatic lamp with oils, and relaxing music will set the Cancer woman in an erotic mood. Her favorite position is “man from behind,” because then she doesn’t have to worry about what her facial expression will be like during orgasm. If this girl’s loved one always takes into account her wishes, then the time spent together will be unforgettable.

Compatibility and marriage

In family relationships, representatives of this sign are maximalists. A long period of meetings is not for them. After six months or at most a year of relationship, these girls give an ultimatum: marriage or separation. Cancer women are an example of those wives who never leave, even if her life partner is a womanizer. This is due to the fact that representatives of this sign are endowed with all-forgiving love. She simply cannot live any other way. She has a fear that she might be left completely alone.

In the compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope, the characteristics of a Cancer woman have a number of positive and negative aspects. Good compatibility will be with the following zodiac signs:

But the Cancer girl will not develop strong and long-term relationships with all signs of the Zodiac. Poor compatibility with men of the following signs:

  1. Excessive sensitivity and tenderness in a relationship will irritate the representative Gemini. Cancer simply cannot get along with a person who treats everything with frivolity.
  2. Man Aquarius cannot satisfy the Cancer woman's need for stability. But these zodiac signs can coexist perfectly as friends.
  3. Scales They can charm a woman, but they cannot provide stability and security.
  4. Compatible with Capricorn below average, since with such a sign there is no confidence in the need for this person.
  5. Charmed the girl at first sight Sagittarius Over time, it will become annoying and bring discomfort to your life together.

For this woman, family is a world where its own rules and traditions reign. For her, her parents will always come first, and then her own family. She is ready to sit late and wait for her husband to get home from work. During the day she will call him and find out how he is doing and whether he had lunch today. She will never dare to raise her voice against her husband first or start a scandal. She characterizes all this as a manifestation of weakness, which is completely unacceptable for her.

As for children, Cancer is a kind and caring mother who cherishes and supports her child in every possible way. Having become a mother, she does not forget about her husband. Her love, warmth and care are enough for both. The disadvantage of such mothers is that their excessive love develops selfishness in the child. Growing up, such children bring difficulties to the family. They cannot decide anything on their own; it is difficult for them to escape from under their mother’s wing.

For such a housewife, a house is a refuge where you can hide from the outside world and be alone with yourself. These women are very economical. This housewife always has a full refrigerator. Their house is a full bowl. Love, comfort and coziness always reign here.

Health and Cancer talismans

The health of this sign can be called satisfactory. The weak link is the stomach and intestines. This sign needs to watch what he has for breakfast. It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the lungs, since this lady often catches colds. A representative of this sign can be let down by such a character trait as suspiciousness. Because of her, the girl’s nervous system often malfunctions. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact a specialist. This is no joke!

The Cancer girl has magical helpers - talisman stones. According to ancient beliefs, the strongest and most effective for her are:

  1. Moonstone (selenite). This stone is a symbol of the magical power of the Moon. Selenite is recommended to be inserted into wedding rings to preserve love and care for many years. Also, this stone in a silver frame will help those who suffer from nervous diseases.
  2. Emerald- stone of the patroness of the hearth. According to legend, this bright green stone ensures a strong family life. It is also useful for those who have vision problems.
  3. Cat's eye (chrysoberyl). This stone brings good luck to those who love gambling. A good helper for colds and asthma. Chrysoberyl brings mental peace, tranquility and excellent sleep.

Briefly about the main thing

Astrologers daily study the movements of celestial bodies and compile horoscopes for each zodiac sign. These signs help to understand the essence of a person, his inherent character traits, and what talents he possesses. Even a person himself can know himself better, choose the right profession, learn about his strengths and weaknesses. Such knowledge will help you take a step in the right direction in life. Understanding the signs of the Zodiac will help a person decide on friendship and love. With their help, you can find out the compatibility of a character with another sign you like.

Text: Sascha Gluwein

The constellations under which we are born can influence our character and choice of partner. presents a series of articles in which it will talk about representatives of all zodiac signs.

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign who 100% fit the given description do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people in their pure form do not exist. However, getting a general idea of ​​who you need is quite possible. In no case do we encourage you to ruin your existing relationship if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Cancer Woman

The Cancer woman has an extremely subtle and complex mental organization; most likely, it was she who served as the prototype for the saying that someone else’s soul is darkness. As a rule, Cancers need the support of loved ones, but are too timid and shy to express their feelings out loud.

The Cancer woman cannot stand criticism and ridicule; from her point of view, nothing could be more terrible. She will carefully store the painful memory in her memory until the opportunity for revenge presents itself.

In general, one can only envy the memory of Cancers; they never forget anything and are able to easily reproduce, almost verbatim, what they once heard. Cancer women treat the past with trepidation and often believe in the transmigration of souls. They are not afraid of the dust of centuries, they enjoy reading historical novels, buying antiques and are ready to hang portraits of their ancestors on the walls, if any. However, family albums with photographs may well replace them. Cancers very keenly feel like a link in a chain that connects the past and the future. For them, life is much more than just “here and now.”

These women are very economical and are ready to invest a lot of time and effort into arranging their own home. Perhaps the result of their efforts will seem somewhat old-fashioned to some, but it will never be tasteless. Their kitchens are often somewhat reminiscent of paintings by old Dutch masters. The English expression “My home is my castle” is 100% true for Cancer women of any nationality.

A Cancer woman will leave the house without eating only in exceptional cases. She loves and knows how to cook, and her refrigerator is always filled to capacity. This behavior is based on a hyper-desire for security. She just needs to know when the next time she can eat or when she next gets her paycheck.

Cancers, as a rule, do not cross the line between thrift and stinginess, but they do have a strong need to save money for a rainy day. But this does not prevent them from using shopping therapy in exceptional cases to treat mental wounds.

On the one hand, the Cancer woman is not a chatterbox at all; she knows how to keep the secrets entrusted to her. On the other hand, she is an excellent storyteller, who is a pleasure to listen to, unless she is telling a joke. In this case, the Cancer woman will hardly be able to restrain herself from laughing, and it doesn’t make her look good at all, because nasty hysterical notes “slip through” every now and then.

These people never betray their friends, much less their beloved man. True, this loyalty often oppresses the latter, somewhat subtly reminiscent of prison bars. Cancers are confident that the reward for their loyalty should be constant confirmation that they are loved. They need to be treated like fragile and expensive porcelain - with extreme care and gentleness. Women born under this zodiac sign may find it difficult to have any kind of relationship, despite the fact that their modesty and genuine compassion attract men. To win the heart of a Cancer woman, you need a full arsenal of romantic “tricks”, starting from a date by candlelight, ending with reading love lyrics, and a lot of free time, because Cancers do not give up without a fight!

Cancer women are maximalists by nature, they need “all or nothing,” “wedding or separation.”

By and large, Cancers need only two things, but they need global ones - love and security. She needs a love that is “above sex”, one that means a home - a full cup, children and stability. She will never invite a man into her bedroom unless she is sure that he is committed to a long-term relationship.

The Cancer woman is the prototype of a woman who will not leave her husband under any circumstances, even if he turns out to be an alcoholic, a womanizer or a grouch. She will courageously bear her cross. Many men complain that such all-forgiving love gets on their nerves; psychologists explain this approach to marriage as an unconscious fear of being unworthy of a partner. Husbands, in turn, often take advantage of this circumstance and constantly reproach and humiliate their wives.

Cancer woman and sex

The man who can convince a Cancer woman that she does not need to be ashamed of her libido will be royally rewarded. She reacts very sensitively to the slightest changes in her partner’s mood. If he is sensitive, gentle and caring, her sexuality opens up like a flower under the rays of the sun, and then she has the power to make a man feel like the best lover on Earth.

She is not impressed by quick sex in the back seat of a car; Cancers prefer to make love, hurrying slowly, in the most comfortable environment. These ladies are sure that if we are talking about true love (no other is categorically suitable for them), then the man must go out of his way and provide a decent place for intimacy.

She is not averse to having sex at home, as she feels as protected as possible there. When a Cancer woman is exposed for the first time in the presence of a man, it is very important for her to hear how beautiful she is. She needs compliments no less than love foreplay. If her partner does not frighten her with his rudeness and pressure, she will gladly pave a route with her lips along his erogenous zones, kissing and biting sensitive places. Cancer women love making love at night on the beach - the moonlight and the whisper of the waves allow them to relax.

Their touches are light and careful, they touch their partner with pleasure, stroking him, and with no less pleasure they accept reciprocal caresses, almost purring. Aroma oils also set them in an erotic mood.

Cancer women prefer doggy style and other variations on the “man from behind” theme, so they don’t have to worry that their partner will be able to watch their facial expression during orgasm.

As a rule, Cancer women do not need extreme sexual changes. Among them there are many fans of lesbian love, as a rule, the reason is that they consider men too rude creatures.

Who suits her

The ideal couple is a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man, despite the fact that both partners are very emotional, they complement each other perfectly (including in bed). Scorpio's Othellian jealousy can scare away most women, but not the Cancer woman: in such a situation, she will feel protected by his feelings.

Another very good match for a Cancer woman is a Pisces man. She perfectly succeeds in bringing him back to earth, organizing his life, in a word, being his “natural mother,” thus realizing her powerful maternal instinct.

With a Virgo man, a Cancer woman is on the same wavelength, they are “doomed” to live happily ever after, because both love order, are economical and thrifty.

A Cancer woman and a Cancer man make a very successful combination; they have a fantastic amount in common and are never bored together. Mutual respect reigns in this union. The only danger is depression if both partners fall into it.

The Taurus man, although stubborn, is able to balance the tenderness and fragility of the Cancer woman; they complement each other perfectly.

Since the Cancer woman prefers to be a follower rather than a leader, she gets along well with a Leo man. Such a relationship will be stable; this family boat is unlikely to turn into the Titanic.

The Aries man will make her go crazy - first from his mismanagement, and then from the intensity of passions (however, both processes can occur in parallel). Maybe they won’t die on the same day, but they can safely tell their grandchildren about this novel.

Who doesn't suit her

The Cancer woman gets along extremely poorly with the Gemini man: he, accustomed to thinking rationally and calculating all options, categorically does not like her increased sensitivity. She, in turn, worries about his frivolity and lack of stability.

It is best for a Cancer woman to maintain friendly, friendly relations with an Aquarius man, but the romance will be overshadowed by constant squabbles due to his frivolity.

Although the Capricorn man can offer her much-needed confidence in the future, next to him, quite soon the Cancer woman may feel like an unnecessary hindrance in his life.

She finds the Libra man sexy and charming, but most likely his lack of stability will ruin everything.

A Sagittarius man can make a strong impression on a Cancer woman, but thriftiness and homeliness are not his strong points, in addition, he is too unpredictable for her.
