How to cook porridge from rice cereal. Rice flakes. Why are rice flakes bad?

Many mothers are wondering how to transfer a child who eats instant cereals to a common table?
Usually, after finely ground cereals, a child needs to be accustomed to large grains, but not all children willingly eat such cereals, especially rice and buckwheat. We, mothers, come to the aid of cereals, which can be purchased at any store. And today my recipe is how to cook rice cereal porridge.
I buy the following cereals:
I add three tablespoons of rice flakes to a boiling glass of milk.

I start stirring and wait until the porridge boils, add a little salt and sugar. After boiling, the flakes must be cooked for three minutes, be sure to stir. Then turn off the heat, cover the dishes with a lid and wait another 2-3 minutes. Transfer to a plate, add oil and wait until it cools.

Our porridge is ready. Cooking takes about 10 minutes. Such porridge is no different from ordinary rice porridge, it is smaller and suitable for children who do not want to eat rice grains. I began to give such porridge to my child from about eight months old, they ate it with pleasure.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Rice porridge with nuts and dried fruits

Products(for 1-2 servings):
50 g rice flakes (which are boiled for 5 minutes; I have Clear Sunshine)
100 ml milk (hot)
30 g dried fruits (I have prunes and dried cherries)
15 g nuts (I have hazelnuts and almonds)
5 g (1 tsp) sugar
A pinch of salt

Put cereal, sugar, salt, chopped dried fruits and chopped nuts into a saucepan. Pour in milk and stir.
Cook over low heat covered for 5 minutes.
Remove from stove, stir. Close the lid, leave for 3 minutes. Submit.

The porridge is very thick. You can add not 100, but 150 ml of milk. Or add 100, and before serving, pour a little milk over the porridge, you get porridge with liquid. Choose what you like best (thick porridge, medium-thick porridge or liquid).

Rice porridge with apple and spices

Products(for 2-3 servings):
75 g (5 tablespoons) rice flakes
100 ml (1/2 cup) milk
100 ml (1/2 cup) water
25g (1 heaping tbsp) brown sugar
1 apple
½ tsp chopped spices (cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, allspice, nutmeg; listed in descending order of quantity)

Combine cereal, milk, water and sugar in a saucepan. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Cover with lid, remove from stove.
At this time, grate the apple (having previously peeled it from the skin and seeds), mix the spices (if there are whole ones, grind).
Add an apple and spices to the porridge. Submit.

Rice porridge with candied fruit

Products(for 1-2 servings):
50 g rice flakes
150 ml milk
5 g (1 tsp) sugar
30 g candied fruits (I used pineapple, you can use any others)

If you have large candied fruits, cut them.
Put cereal, sugar, candied fruits in a saucepan. Pour in milk and stir.
Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
Cover with lid, remove from stove.
Leave covered for 5 minutes for the flakes to swell. Serve.

From this amount of ingredients, porridge and liquid are obtained. That is, the flakes do not absorb all the milk. If you want it to be thicker, i.e. milk in the form of a liquid was absent in the finished porridge, put about 60 g of flakes.

Rice porridge with coconut

Products(for 1-2 servings):
50 g rice flakes
150 ml milk (hot)
10 g coconut flakes
2-5 tsp sugar (to your taste)
A pinch of salt

Place cereal, sugar, salt, and coconut into a saucepan. Mix. Pour in milk and stir.
From 2 tsp. sugar, a neutral porridge is obtained, suitable for those who do not really like sweets, with 5 tsp. it turns out porridge for the strongest lovers of sweets. From 3 and 4 tsp. – intermediate and optimal options. I love with 4 tsp. Sahara. I have small hatches. Pay attention to the weight of sugar. One teaspoon contains 6 grams of sugar.
Cook over low heat under the lid for 5 minutes (from the beginning of the boil), occasionally stirring the porridge.
Remove from stove, stir. Close the lid, leave for 2 minutes. Submit.

The porridge is thick. If desired, you can pour (or just sprinkle a little) porridge right before serving with a little warm milk, then mix. The porridge will become less thick.
It turns out porridge with a pleasant coconut flavor.

Weight: 400g

Rice flakes are made from high quality whole grains of rice, pre-cleaned and flattened into fine flakes without the use of additives or preservatives. They make delicious and nutritious cereals that preserve natural vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. But rice flakes are bought not only for cereals: they are suitable for baking cookies, pies, bread, bread and bakery products, as well as a dietary supplement in kefir, yogurt or jelly.

Appearance and color: A mixture of rice flakes of varying degrees of grinding, a small amount of broken flakes is allowed. White with various shades.

Taste: Characteristic of this product, without foreign tastes, not sour, not bitter.

Smell: Characteristic of this product, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy.

Compound: rice flakes. The product may contain traces of gluten and lactose.

Storage: at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C and a relative air humidity of not more than 75% in a place protected from extraneous odors.

Best before date: 16 months.

The nutritional value

Proteins - 7.0g / 3.0g / 4.0%, Fats - 1.0g / 0.5g / 0.6%, Carbohydrates - 74.0g / 30.0g / 8.2%, Dietary fibers - 3, 0g / 1.0g / 3.3%, Energy value (caloric content) - 330.0kcal / 1380.0kJ / 130.0kcal / 540.0kJ / 5.2%.

For 1 serving - 40g: 1/3 cup (60 ml) rice flakes, 1 cup (200 ml) water, milk or juice. Boil water (milk, juice), pour the cereal into the boiling liquid. Cook for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Simmer for a minute under the lid. If you cook rice flakes for savory dishes, you can add vegetables, legumes, meat ingredients to them. For sweet cereals and pastries, rice flakes are sweetened with sugar, honey, berries, jam, and butter.

How to cook rice cereal? (+) and got the best answer

Answer from Dormidont[guru]
Instant cereal porridge Basic recipe Servings: 1 large serving (~ 220-250 g) You will need: 30 g of flakes (millet / wheat / buckwheat / rice (40 g) - any, while flakes can be mixed, so thereby introducing additional variety into the diet of the baby) (~ 2 full tablespoons with a slide); 125 ml of water; 125 ml of milk; a pinch of salt (optional) butter or vegetable oil; sweetener: sugar, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, honey, maple syrup, jam, sweet fruits - as desired and according to the season. Preparation: Mix water and milk, put on the stove. While the mixture (half milk) boils, measure out the desired number of flakes. For a small child, or for children who like a smooth, uniform porridge texture, the cereal can be ground in a coffee grinder. Salt the boiled milk (if you use sugar, then add it, stir). We reduce the fire (if you have an electric stove, then turn down the heat to 2-3 units). With intensive stirring, pour the flakes in a thin stream. If you have crushed flakes, then in order to avoid lumps, stir the porridge in only one direction. Boil the porridge under the lid for 2-3 minutes Remove from heat and, if possible, let it brew under the lid for another 10 minutes. Add butter and sweetener. Mix well.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to cook rice cereal? (+)

Hi all! Glad to see you)

And today we will no longer talk about sweet treats like ice cream, cookies or sweets, but about healthier food. It is about cereal flakes that we will talk about today, from which wonderful cereals are obtained, both on water and milk, I simply adore the latter and try to try different types of flakes from different brands and manufacturers in order to choose favorites for myself.

This time, we will talk about rice flakes, which have a number of useful properties:

  • strengthens bones and teeth;
  • gives a healthy shine and fast hair growth;
  • does not allow nails to break and exfoliate;
  • increases working capacity;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps to overcome depression and stress;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • cleanses the body of toxic compounds;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • corrects blood pressure indicators;
  • relieves heart rhythm disturbances;
  • removes excess fluid and relieves puffiness;
  • beneficial effect on kidney function;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Here 15 Health Benefits of Rice Flakes. So to speak, 15 arguments to include rice flakes in your diet, at least, I think, once a week. In addition, rice flakes are not only healthy, but also very tasty, and are also particularly tender, it is from the flakes that the most delicate porridge is obtained, especially milk, much lower than from ordinary rice.

I, once again visiting Auchan, again visited the department for cereals and cereals. It was there that I spotted these flakes:

Flakes Clear sun Rice.

Previously, I had already tried rice flakes, only from other brands, and therefore I knew that it was rice flakes that made very tender rice milk porridge. Having tried to make milk rice porridge from flakes, I no longer make it from ordinary rice, because the result of the resulting porridge is different, and noticeably, and it takes longer to mess around with rice, but then I cooked it in a few minutes and that's it.

From this brand, I somehow tried other cereals and even instant cereals. The impressions were good, and therefore I had no doubt that these could disappoint me.

Weight - 375 grams.

Price - 65 rubles.

Place of purchase - Auchan.


The usual cardboard packaging, painted green, or rather a little dark green, not a bright color. This color, as a rule, also has packages of instant cereals from the same company. A red rectangle is highlighted with yellow letters on which the name of the brand is written. A little lower is a white inscription indicating the type of cereal, namely rice. Also on top, on the opposite side, the cooking time of these flakes is indicated. Just 3 minutes - fast and easy. Below this cooking time indicator, a dark-haired girl is depicted, very similar to a Japanese woman, both in hair and clothing style, and a yellow fan is present in her right hand. But in the very center, at the bottom of the package, there is a large bowl with cooked rice porridge, which looks very tempting, which most often encourages people to buy, so to speak - a marketing ploy. But is there only a marketing ploy in these cereals? Can they live up to expectations? Let's try and find out!

By the way, on the side, in the upper part of the package, there is a special "tab" for opening the box and further pouring the required amount of cereal. Yes, most cereals have this, but not all of them, for some, the box just opens on top and you have to take out the cereal with a spoon, because otherwise you just scatter everything on the table and anywhere, but not in a pot / glass or plate. This, I think, is a minus for the manufacturer of the brand, because it causes inconvenience to consumers.


Just one component. And, in principle, what else did you expect to see in the composition?

Energy value per 100 grams:

Flakes (dry):

And the flakes are just like dead - even, smooth and clean. They look very presentable, they differ slightly in shape and size, but their appearance is good. There are no grains, debris or flouriness in them, as well as small "garbage" grains.

Cooking process:

I did everything according to the instructions. I put it on a slow fire for 3 minutes, and then, while brewing coffee, left it to brew under the lid in a saucepan for a few minutes.


The result is not liquid, but not very thick porridge. The consistency is just right, I personally like this. the flakes swollen perfectly, but did not turn into a monotonous mass, retained a presentable appearance, and also acquired appetizing.


And how tender they are! The flakes are very tender, as if they melt in your mouth. They are pleasant to eat, besides, the consistency is excellent, not some kind of slur. And again, these flakes proved that porridge from them is much more tender and more pleasant than from ordinary rice. I’m not saying that porridge from ordinary rice is tasteless and nasty, no, it’s just that cereal porridge will be softer, and the cooking process is not so time-consuming, because in order to cook delicious milk porridge, you need to soak the rice and then boil it in water , and then just add milk, so it's pretty time consuming. It's quick, easy, and very, very tasty. Flakes have a natural taste, do not give off any nasty aftertaste and do not leave any nasty aftertaste. They are especially tasty with a spoonful of cream honey.


Flakes Yasno solnyshko Rice are excellent, high-quality, as if selected, rice flakes from which a magnificent, delicate and very tasty rice porridge is obtained, while also hearty. I recommend!

Thank you very much for your attention! Good luck and good mood :)

And here are my other product reviews and more:
