When does the discharge go away after? Discharge after childbirth: prolonged and abundant lochia - is this normal? Find out which discharge after childbirth is considered pathological. What should the discharge be like after childbirth?

Bleeding after childbirth- This is the release of blood and tissue debris from the uterus. Usually, approximate periods of this bleeding are distinguished depending on the intensity and color of the blood.

In the first three days bleeding is profuse, often large in volume compared to menstruation. The blood is bright red as it is released from the vessels at the site of the placenta.

The cause of this bleeding is insufficient contractility of the uterus in the first few days after birth. This is normal and should not scare you.

Over the next two weeks the intensity of bleeding is significantly reduced. The discharge changes color from light pink to brown and yellowish-white.

The uterus gradually contracts and by the end of the second week all discharge from it usually stops.

There are often exceptions to this general rule. Let's consider which of them are also a variant of the norm, and which are a sign of a condition requiring medical intervention.

How long does bleeding last in the early postpartum period?

So, discharge from the uterus during the first 2-6 weeks are considered normal. Even in the sixth week there may be an admixture of blood in them.

Sometimes, bleeding after childbirth first stops after a few days, and then resumes.

This is usually typical for overly active mothers who tend to hit the gym in the first week after giving birth. Then just stop loading and the bleeding will stop again.

Variant of the norm The so-called “short period” of bleeding is also considered (it occurs three weeks to a month after birth).

The bleeding is then not profuse and painless. Its duration is no more than one or two days. Such recurrence of bleeding also does not require visiting a doctor.

Now let's talk about pathological (late) postpartum bleeding.

Most often its cause becomes part of the placenta, which remains in the uterus after childbirth and prevents its complete contraction. Then, a week after birth, the bleeding does not decrease, but remains the same profuse and bright in color.

In this case Necessarily get an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible and have additional “” examination of the uterine mucosa.

This the procedure scares many women and they try to delay the visit to the doctor, hoping that the bleeding will stop. This position often leads to the development of inflammation in the uterus, increased blood pressure, and pain.

“Cleaning” still cannot be avoided, but additional treatment after it can drag on for months. It goes without saying how this adversely affects breastfeeding and a woman’s future reproductive function.

Another case- continuation of light brown discharge longer than six weeks after birth. This may be caused by an infection.

Often such discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever. If you don’t delay your visit to the doctor, this condition is easily treated and does not cause adverse consequences.

And of course, most serious case- this is when the bleeding initially stopped completely, and after one or two weeks it resumed in the form of copious discharge from the uterine cavity.

It is impossible to stop such bleeding at home. It really threatens life due to the rapid loss of a large volume of blood. That's why, in this case, you must immediately call an ambulance.


What affects the intensity and duration of bleeding after childbirth? How long does bleeding last and when does it stop after childbirth? What accompanying conditions should alert a woman and make her more attentive to her health?

Normal phenomenon- this is stopping bleeding due to rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth. This is facilitated by breastfeeding as a natural stimulator of muscle contraction of the uterus, inherent in nature.

Doctors often prescribe oxytocin injections in the first days after childbirth to artificially speed up this process.

If the uterus remains relaxed after childbirth, bleeding continues and becomes pathological. This happens often due to a traumatic birth, a large baby or.

Other reasons- multiple fibrous nodes in the uterus, improper attachment of the placenta, early placental rejection, exhaustion of the woman before childbirth.

A very rare case abnormal postpartum bleeding - mechanical damage to the uterus during childbirth or undiagnosed clotting problems.

Uterine bleeding a few weeks after birth may be caused by infection.

So, bleeding after childbirth is serious process, requiring close monitoring of the woman and contacting a doctor at the slightest doubt or concern.

The postpartum period is a difficult time in a woman’s life, which is overshadowed by prolonged vaginal discharge. What discharge is considered physiological and what indicates the need to see a doctor - read in this article.

Lochia- specific vaginal discharge after childbirth, which is natural process and consist of blood, mucus and endometrium. Such discharge indicates the reverse development of the uterus, its contraction and return to prenatal condition.

Why is there discharge after childbirth?

During pregnancy the uterus is growing, its functions and appearance change. When the difficult and important moment of childbirth is left behind, its “mission” is completed and this organ returns to its usual state, gradually contracting and decreasing. At the same time, during these contractions, remnants are expelled from the uterine cavity. blood, membranes and mucus.

Immediately after birth, heavy bleeding begins

In addition, in the place where the placenta was previously attached to the uterus, there remains open bleeding wound which is gradually healing. Until the wound surface is completely healed and the uterus returns to its prenatal state, lochia continues.

What kind of discharge occurs after childbirth?

In the first hours after childbirth, bloody discharge from the vagina is bright red color, which is explained by slight bleeding caused by physiological damage to the uterus and birth canal during delivery. For the next few days, this bleeding may be absolutely unchanged, in bloody discharge may be observed small clots.

After the lapse of first week postpartum discharge may change its intensity. In addition, bloody discharge is increasingly mixed with slime from the cervical canal, due to which the shade of the discharge will become a little lighter and it will not resemble bleeding.

As a rule, departure large clots at this stage is not the norm and it is better to talk about it with a gynecologist.

In the future, the woman in labor will note that the discharge becomes less and less: at first they will resemble menstruation, later they will change their shade to brown, will turn into daub. Through two to three weeks lochia can become yellowish shade (but not purulent!), then white, and soon it will come out of the vagina completely clear mucus, indicating the completion of uterine involution.

When does the discharge end after childbirth?

Duration of postpartum discharge Each woman is individual. As a rule, experts talk about the average duration of such discharges being 40 days, but this indicator is not true for everyone.

Discharge during the first weeks may cause discomfort.

A variant of the norm is considered to be the duration of discharge, which is from 30 days to two months. There are known cases of lochia lasting two weeks, but these are rather small exceptions to the rule. Most women talk about numbers 30-40 days, claiming that during this time any vaginal discharge had completely ceased.

What does purulent discharge after childbirth mean?

  • It is very important to keep track of what color and smell have discharge after childbirth. Since the uterine cavity is a wound, and the discharge is an excellent breeding ground bacteria and infections, there is a huge risk of infection
  • If this happens, then the discharge will definitely indicate this with an unpleasant odor and the presence purulent impurities
  • The inflammatory process in the uterus, along with purulent discharge, will also be indicated temperature increase. It is important not to confuse it with the process of establishing lactation, when a slight increase in temperature is considered physiological
  • If you have any suspicions about endometrial infection, then you need to immediately seek the help of a specialist, because in the early stages this may indicate remnants of membranes in the uterine cavity and the need for cleaning

Video: Purulent vaginal discharge

Why does yellow discharge occur after childbirth?

In about 10-14 days after childbirth, the discharge becomes yellowish. There is no need to be afraid of this - this is a normal process. restoration of the uterus. Such selections only indicate that involution happens naturally and naturally.

But if such discharge begins in the first week after childbirth or at the right time, but resemble pus, then you need to consult a doctor. This may indicate purulent processes that can begin as follows: reasons:

  • lack of proper hygiene
  • remnants of membranes in the uterus
  • the presence of blood clots that partially or completely block the outflow of lochia

After childbirth, it is important to monitor very carefully genital hygiene, which consists of the following actions:

  • After each visit to the toilet you must wash yourself
  • The pad should not be used for more than 4 hours
  • tampons and caps cannot be used to collect secretions - lochia must flow freely from the vagina so as not to be a medium for the active growth of pathogenic microflora
  • Until the lochia is completely resolved and the gynecologist has examined you, sexual intercourse should be avoided

Following these rules will help prevent severe consequences: infection and purulent processes.

Causes of greenish discharge after childbirth

The occurrence of problems uncharacteristic for the recovery period greenish discharge from the vagina, indicates the presence of a serious disease - endometritis. Its cause is a bacterial infection of the surface of the uterus, which could be caused by poor contractility this organ. This, in turn, leads to the fact that lochia accumulates in the uterine cavity and an inflammatory process begins, flowing into purulent.

Endometritis is also accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • temperature rise
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • weakness and discomfort
  • unpleasant vaginal odor and discharge

Treatment for endometritis should include antibacterial therapy, and its untimeliness can lead to infertility or sepsis and, as a consequence, lethal outcome.

Discharge after childbirth with odor

One of the sure symptoms of endometritis in the initial stages is unpleasant smell, which comes from secretions. Of course, the smell of lochia is far from the aromas of vanilla, but putrid, repulsive stench should not come from them.

Any woman will be wary if liquid flows from her vagina with the smell of pus or rot. If you happen to encounter this, then do not waste your precious time, but immediately hurry to the doctor!

A similar smell can also indicate such unpleasant diseases as chlamydia or about other infectious diseases of the genital organs, so you should not expect the problem to disappear on its own - it extremely dangerous for Your health.

Why is there little discharge after childbirth?

During the first week there should be lochia intense. This indicates that the uterus is contracting well and discharge does not accumulate in its cavity, but comes out. Scanty discharge at this time or their complete cessation should be very alarming - something is preventing the lochia from leaving the uterus.

In the first week, the pad is changed every 2-3 hours, which indicates a significant intensity of discharge

If in the postpartum period the uterus was poorly examined by an obstetrician, then there is a risk that some part remained in its cavity membrane. Even if its size is small and it does not interfere with the flow of lochia, its presence in the uterus can cause purulent processes.

It could also block the exit of the lochias blood clot, which was formed during the bleeding process. If the problem of scanty discharge after childbirth lies in this, then on an ultrasound the doctor will definitely detect a clot and the uterus will be subject to cleaning.

Can there be discharge from the breast after childbirth?

During pregnancy, a woman gets to experience the first physiological discharge from the breast, which is called colostrum. It is this incredibly useful natural product that the baby will eat for the first 24 hours before production begins. milk. But can any be the norm? other secretions from the chest?

Other than colostrum and milk, no discharge from the breast not considered normal. If they have greenish color or brightly visible admixture of blood, then you must urgently inform your doctor about this, since the cause of this phenomenon may be breast tumor, hormonal disorders and even cancer.

If there is discharge from the breast purulent fluid has an unpleasant odor, and this occurs against the background of rising temperature, this may indicate the development mastitis- inflammatory process in the mammary gland.

How to prevent severe complications during postpartum discharge?

- a natural process and it should not overshadow the joys of motherhood. In addition, this is also an indicator of how correctly the body and, in particular, genitals return to pre-pregnancy state. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor your well-being and watch the discharge, and if you notice any deviation from the norm, you should inform your gynecologist.

You should consult if:

  • The intensity of the discharge is such that the need arises more often than once every 1.5 hours change the gasket designed for 4-6 drops
  • a week later the discharge still continues to be profuse and blood-red
  • sharp the discharge has stopped without going through all the described stages of changing color and intensity
  • present in the discharge large clots
  • smell and color lochia is not normal
  • rises temperature
  • discharge is accompanied pain and discomfort in a stomach

Take care of your health after childbirth, because Your task- recover faster in order to give as much attention and care as possible to a tiny person, who just came into being.

Video: Lochia after childbirth. What do the doctor's say?

After the birth of a child, women are faced with various physiological problems that worry them and bring discomfort. However, they must know all the nuances in order to distinguish the natural state from pathology.

Question of the day: how long does the discharge last after childbirth, and what does it look like during normal postpartum recovery? Every new mom goes through this, which is why it's so important to know what to expect.

Girls will have lochia no matter how the child was born - naturally or with surgery. The reason for their occurrence lies in the restoration of the uterus and its cleansing of membranes. After the baby is born, a wound from the placenta remains on the surface of the organ. Until it heals and the mucous membrane returns to normal, you can observe wound contents coming out of the vagina. Visually, it may resemble menstruation, but it contains remnants of membranes, ichor, and mucus. After some time, their abundance and color will change.

If the process of cleansing and reduction takes place without complications, then the duration of lochia is 5-8 weeks.

Moreover, the abundant ones end within up to 3 weeks, after which they are not so strong. Of course, this happens individually, taking into account factors such as:

  • lactation;
  • age and physical activity;
  • blood clotting;
  • child's weight;
  • complications during pregnancy.

It is important to be able to diagnose what is normal and what is a sign of pathology, so always pay attention to these characteristics:

  1. Composition (1-4 days - blood, clots; 2 weeks - clots and mucus; a month later - smears (possibly blood).
  2. Color (1-4 - bright scarlet, 2-3 weeks - brownish, after a month - white or transparent).
  3. Smell (in the first week - bloody, musty, beware of the rotten and pungent smell!).

Average duration

How many days does discharge last after childbirth? On average, about 42. At the same time, it is the period when they change their color and volume that is important, because you need to make sure that the body is cleansed correctly and on time.

How long it takes for lochia rubra to last is another important question. Immediately after the baby is born, the placenta separates very actively, and there is a lot of bloody secretion from the vagina.

This is not very convenient, but it is important so that the gynecologist can determine whether everything is fine. At this time, about 400-500 ml of liquid pours out of the girl.

Up to 3-4 days they appear scarlet in color, clots can be seen in them, but this is not a sign of pathology. During this period, a woman has to change a special pad every hour on average. In addition, the girl may smell a sweetish or musty odor - there is no need to be afraid, but if the odor is putrid, consult a doctor immediately.

How long does serous lochia last? They should last from 4 to 10 days. Their volume decreases, their color changes - now they are brown-pink or brown. The number of leukocytes increases, so there should be no more blood clots during this period. You can already use regular gaskets

After 10 days, white, spotting lochia appears. They are odorless and do not cause discomfort, and last about 20 days. This is the final stage of wound healing. After finishing.

Risk of uterine bleeding

In the first hours after the birth of the baby, there is a high risk of uterine bleeding if the uterus contracts poorly after relaxing during pregnancy. To prevent this, put ice on their stomach. During contractions of this organ, blood vessels are compressed, this prevents excessive blood loss and its consequences: anemia, dizziness, weakness.

It is important on the first day not to be ashamed of your secretions, show them to the doctor and keep him informed about your condition all the time. This will also affect how long you will have to spend in the hospital after giving birth.

Pathological conditions

We have already discussed the situation with natural healing, but there are various deviations, if you notice them in time you can maintain your health. Some of them indicate pathologies that require medical intervention.

Secretion occurs after 5 weeks or a little longer. If they last less or suddenly stop, visit your gynecologist. The reason for this may be insufficient contractility of the uterus, then the blood and placenta do not come out and form stagnation. It must be eliminated immediately. To avoid stagnation, girls are advised to get out of bed and walk more often.

If lochia comes out after childbirth for more than 2 months, you should be examined by a doctor immediately.

After all, after such a time, you must leave them in the past. The cause of blood can be menstruation if there are no clots, pus, or unpleasant odor in it. Rupture of seams can also affect its appearance. In any case, pay attention to the color, smell and consistency of what comes out of the vagina, and report to doctors.

Yellow or greenish secretions with a pungent aroma will tell you about endometritis, a dangerous inflammation. If your temperature also rises and your stomach hurts, call an ambulance. No matter how long the lochia comes out after the birth of a child, it can either be stagnation or an infectious infection - neither of which bodes well. Treatment of this disease takes place only in a hospital, with the help of antibiotics and a disinfectant solution, and

Lochia after caesarean section

Many girls are interested in how long the discharge should be after surgery. In such cases, they take longer because contractility is hampered due to the suture and swelling of the tissue. However, even under such circumstances, it is considered normal if the end is after 9 weeks. They can be red for up to 10 days, but not longer, then, as with the natural appearance of a baby, they change shade to brown, then to white.

Menstruation occurs after artificial ones, as with normal childbirth, if the woman did not have complications in the form of inflammation, infections, or bleeding. After all, the body of a girl who has undergone surgery is more unstable and weakened.

How long mothers will discharge after childbirth, regardless of the method of birth, is influenced by breastfeeding.

Lactation stimulates uterine contractions and fluid comes out better. So take note.

How long lochia lasts after childbirth depends on the new mother herself and her compliance with certain rules. Below you will find some important tips that are highly recommended.

  • To reduce the risk of complications after the birth of a child, a pregnant woman should be supervised by a doctor from the beginning. A woman should visit him regularly and take the medications prescribed by him. The gynecologist will assess her individual condition and tell her when the discharge should end after childbirth in her case.
  • Before leaving the hospital, you need to do an ultrasound, which will help assess the current state of the uterus. Over the course of several weeks while it actively heals, you should rest more, avoid heavy lifting, and avoid putting pressure on your abs.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules. While there is discharge, you need to wash yourself more often, after each trip to the toilet. and limit yourself to a warm shower.
  • Do not use tampons. They delay the flow and thereby increase the risk of inflammation.
  • Start walking 4-5 hours after the baby is born, so that there is no stagnation. If you have had a caesarean section, this should be done after 10 hours.
  • Feed your baby your milk.
  • Immediately inform doctors if the nature of the secretions changes, you feel a putrid odor, bleeding increases, and the temperature rises.
  • It is not recommended to have sex in this state. Intimate relationships are possible even when the discharge stops after the birth of the baby.


Let's summarize and figure out how long discharge lasts after childbirth, how long bloody lochia lasts and what it is. This process is natural, just like the birth of the baby itself. After his birth, the uterus throws out unnecessary tissue, placenta, mucus, ichor, and blood comes out. All this is similar to normal periods, except that they are more abundant.

In the first hours their volume reaches 500 ml. Such secretions last up to 4 days, then their color changes and there are fewer of them. After 2-3 weeks, they turn white or transparent and should be finished in 42 days. Be careful and, if you see signs of the pathologies described above, immediately inform your doctor.

Every new mother worries not only about the health of her baby, but also about her own well-being. One of the most common questions that maternity ward workers hear is: “How long does the discharge last after childbirth?” This is exactly what will be discussed further. You will find out how long after childbirth there is spotting. Also find out what color they acquire later. It is definitely worth considering several options for the process.

How long does discharge last after childbirth? Answer from gynecologists and obstetricians

If you consult a doctor with this question, you will find out the following information. Discharge after delivery continues for just over one month. Doctors usually call the time period 42 days. However, every woman’s body is individual. Some mothers recover faster. For others, the rehabilitation process is delayed. Discharge has a completely different duration in the event of the development of a pathological process or complication.

Lochia is the contents of the reproductive organ, which comes out after the separation of the child's place. This includes blood from the wound surface, mucus from the walls of the uterus, remnants of decidual tissue and membranes that did not come out during the expulsion of the placenta.

The color of normal lochia is an important indicator

How long does discharge last after childbirth, you found out. However, this is not all the information you need to know. The consistency and color of the mucus plays a big role. It is by this indicator that one can suspect a pathological process that developed as a result of delivery. Quite often, in maternity hospitals, midwives regularly examine the discharge of new mothers. If a pathology is suspected, information is provided to the doctor. Such women are prescribed additional tests in the form of ultrasound, blood tests and gynecological examination.

First five days

How long does bleeding last after childbirth? A little less than one week. It is this gap that doctors report. While the mother is in labor within the walls of the maternity ward, the mucus that comes out has a rich red color. It may also contain admixtures of clots and lumps.

Often such discharge acquires an unpleasant odor. This is the absolute norm. Indeed, during this period, what was in the cavity of the reproductive organ for the long nine months of gestation is separated. However, if after five days the mucus (consistency and color) has not changed, then we are talking about a complication.

Two weeks after birth

How long does the discharge last after childbirth (after heavy bleeding has stopped)? When the remaining tissue and blood come out, we can say that the wound surface has almost recovered. Now the discharge has a pinkish-red tint. It is worth noting that they should not contain clots. Unpleasant odor is also eliminated.

Such discharge continues for about two weeks. During this period they are no longer so abundant. This allows a woman to refuse postpartum pads and use regular hygiene products.

After a month

You already know how long after childbirth there is bleeding. This period is approximately three weeks. By the end of the first month, the discharge acquires a mucous consistency and an orange color. They look more like ichor. This mucus indicates that the internal cavity of the reproductive organ continues to rapidly recover.

This mucous ichor can normally be secreted for about one week. Remember that all deadlines are very conditional. So, for some women, by the end of the first month, the discharge ends completely.

Fifth week after birth

How long does the discharge last after childbirth, and what color should it be? Normally, by the fifth week after the baby is born, the lochia becomes white. They got their unusual name because of the mucous consistency of the transparent discharge. A new mother can observe this phenomenon for about another week or two.

During this period, a woman no longer requires sanitary pads for menstruation. She could very well benefit from daily protective inserts. The amount of such mucus is very small. Up to 5-10 milliliters can be released per day. For clarity, one teaspoon contains 5 ml.

When does lochia end? What does this depend on?

How long the discharge lasts after childbirth and the smell of this fluid are very important indicators. Usually lochia ends one and a half months after the birth of the child. This deadline is the deadline. If after the specified time the lochia is still present, then there is a possibility of pathology developing. Early termination of discharge also does not mean anything good. What determines how long the discharge lasts after childbirth?

Reviews from doctors say that the weight of the baby and the course of pregnancy play a big role. when a mother gives birth to a large child (more than 4 kilograms) or has polyhydramnios, the reproductive organ is greatly stretched. Because of this, the recovery process takes longer. Often, to speed up the contraction of the uterus, such women in labor are prescribed oxytocin after the baby is born. This drug helps mucus leave the cavity of the reproductive organ faster.

How long does the discharge last after childbirth (caesarean section)? In the case when the baby is born with the help of surgeons who cut through the woman’s abdominal wall, lochia may be of a slightly different nature. In this case, the duration of bleeding may increase to two weeks. This is due to the fact that in addition to the wound surface from the placenta, there is also a scar in the uterus. It is worth noting that with this method of delivery there is a high risk of developing infections and complications.

Possible pathologies

Sometimes after the birth of a baby, a woman faces problems. Statistics show that approximately every fifth new mother is sent by doctors for gynecological curettage. In what cases is it really necessary?

If after giving birth the discharge has not become less abundant after a week, but still contains lumps, we may be talking about incomplete separation of the placenta. After expulsion of the child's place, obstetricians should carefully examine it for damage. If they are present, then manual cleaning is carried out directly on the birth table. If pathology is detected late, curettage is performed using anesthesia. How long does the discharge last after childbirth (after cleaning)? With this combination of circumstances, lochia ends somewhat faster. All due to the fact that an artificial separation of mucus and areas and tissues remaining in the uterus was performed.

Also quite often, women in labor encounter inflammatory diseases. In this case, the infection can be acquired long before birth. However, after such a complex process, which is accompanied by the formation of a wound surface, pathological microorganisms begin to actively multiply. In this case, the discharge may have not only an unusual character, but also a strange consistency. Simultaneously with the lochia, pus is released. The blood takes on a brownish-green color and a fishy odor. Treatment must be carried out using antibacterial agents.

Lochia or postpartum discharge may end in less than a month. In this case, blood comes out in small volumes. This is explained by the fact that the cervical canal closes very early. Pieces of tissue and mucus simply cannot penetrate through the small hole. Quite often, women who give birth by caesarean section encounter this phenomenon. In this case, the fairer sex undergoes the same gynecological curettage.

In order for lochia to come out as it should after childbirth, a woman must follow certain rules. The following tips will help your postpartum discharge to be emptied in a timely and complete manner.

  • Immediately after giving birth, you should use an ice compress on the abdominal area.
  • When you are transferred to the room, assume a prone position. This will allow the uterus not to bend and release its contents.
  • Breastfeed your baby. Sucking provokes the production of oxytocin, which enhances the contractility of the reproductive organ.
  • Follow your doctor's recommendations and take prescribed medications.

Summing up the article

You now know how long discharge lasts after childbirth. You also found out what color they should be. If you have recently become a mother, then after one month you should definitely visit a gynecologist. The doctor will examine and evaluate your discharge. By then they should already be light and slimy. If you suddenly notice increased bleeding or the addition of an unpleasant odor and foam, then you should visit a medical facility as soon as possible. You may need some medication adjustment. Remember that during this period you cannot swim in open water and be exposed to heat. Good health to you and a speedy recovery!

During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman does not have menstruation. And after childbirth, the female body begins a recovery period, during which heavy bleeding appears. What is this: a manifestation of menstruation or a consequence of the birth process?

Postpartum discharge: description, duration, composition

Immediately after childbirth, the woman’s body begins the recovery process, an integral part of which is the release of lochia.

What is lochia

Lochia is a bloody discharge from a woman’s vagina that begins immediately after delivery and continues until the damaged uterine tissue is completely restored.

After childbirth, the placenta, which is necessary for the intrauterine development of the child, is no longer needed in the female body, so it begins to peel off. As a result of this process, a wound is formed on the surface of the uterus. It is during this period that the release of lochia begins, helping to cleanse the uterus of excess substances accumulated during pregnancy.

Duration of discharge

The duration of postpartum discharge depends on the following factors:

  • the weight of the child (large children contribute to severe overstretching of the organ);
  • amount of amniotic fluid;
  • number of births;
  • blood clotting (low clotting means a longer recovery process);
  • the presence of complications in the form of chronic foci of infection;
  • method of delivery;
  • breastfeeding (the recovery period goes faster when breastfeeding).

Before discharging a woman in labor, obstetricians should inform her about the duration of lochia, since it is this factor that shows how the recovery period proceeds. The norm is considered to be the cessation of discharge at 6–8 weeks after birth. An interval of cessation of discharge from 40 to 62 days is considered a minor deviation from the norm. In this case, the young mother must monitor the nature of the discharge.

Lochia lasting less than 5 weeks or longer is considered a dangerous symptom. If the discharge stops earlier than normal, the woman requires a mandatory medical examination to exclude or confirm the accumulation of discharge in the body. Long-term lochia poses an even greater danger. This phenomenon often represents uterine bleeding or dehiscence of postpartum sutures.

Video: how long should lochia normally last?

Composition and character of lochia

Just as a caring mother and wife monitors the composition of food for the family, a woman should also monitor the composition of lochia.

The nature of lochia varies depending on its duration. The following scenario is considered normal:

If a young mother notices an admixture of pus in the discharge, she needs to immediately go to the hospital. Purulent discharge indicates the presence of endometrial inflammation. As a rule, this process is accompanied by fever, sharp pain in the lumbar region and uterus, and lochia has an unpleasant odor and a greenish-yellow tint.

The pathology is transparent, watery lochia. In this form, fluid comes out from the blood and lymphatic vessels, which seeps through the vaginal mucosa. When the wound surface heals, part of the plasma and lymph enters the uterine cavity - this situation requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Characteristics of Lochia

In addition to its composition, postpartum discharge has other characteristics that can be used to determine how a woman’s recovery period is going and whether there are any complications. These characteristics include color, smell and amount of discharge.


A woman needs to monitor not only the composition of the lochia, but also their color. The color of the discharge within three days after birth is bright scarlet, since the blood has not yet coagulated. Then, over the course of two weeks, red-brown lochia appear; subsequently, they become lighter and more transparent. By the end of the discharge, the lochia may be slightly cloudy with a yellow tint. A different color of lochia indicates a clear deviation from the norm and can be a symptom of postpartum complications and diseases.

Gradually, the color of the lochia fades - from bright red in the first days after birth to pinkish and almost transparent by the 6th week

Postpartum discharge can be the following colors:

  • yellow - depending on the shade, characterizes different processes in the female body:
    • pale yellow, not very abundant lochia, which began at the end of the second week after birth, is normal and should not cause concern for a young mother;
    • bright yellow discharge mixed with green and a putrid odor that appears on the 4th or 5th day after the baby is born may indicate inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis);
    • bright yellow discharge with mucus that began 2 weeks after birth is usually a symptom of latent endometritis;
  • green - always indicates the presence of a bacterial infection in the body. Particularly common are diseases such as gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. The lesion may be the vagina, uterus or fallopian tubes. Also, green discharge sometimes indicates advanced endometritis. Green lochia, accompanied byburning and irritation in the vagina indicate trichomoniasis. To prevent the spread of infection, if postpartum green discharge appears, treatment must be started immediately;
  • white - indicates the presence of genitourinary infections, thrush or colpitis, if the discharge has a cheesy consistency, an unpleasant sour odor and is accompanied by itching in the perineum or redness of the external genitalia. In this case, you must consult a doctor;
  • black is normal if the discharge does not have a strong unpleasant odor and is not accompanied by pain. Hormonal changes in the body after childbirth can sometimes manifest themselves in this color of lochia.


Lochia contains a lot of epithelial tissue and microbial flora, so they normally have a musty smell. If pathogenic processes are present in the body, the smell of lochia changes. A purulent smell of discharge indicates the presence of an infection or the beginning of tissue decomposition in the uterine cavity.

Number of allocations

The abundance of discharge is also an important criterion, reflecting either the norm or pathology in the recovery of a woman’s body after childbirth.

The norm is heavy discharge in the first week after birth. This process indicates that the body is cleansed of everything unnecessary: ​​blood vessels, obsolete endometrial cells, placental remnants, fetal waste products. Starting from the 2-3rd week, there should be less and less discharge.

Based on the abundance and duration of postpartum discharge, you can identify deviations from the norm in time and consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant complications.

If abundant lochia is released longer than expected, the woman must be examined by a gynecologist. The healing process slows down, and it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition.

A sharp reduction in the abundance of lochia indicates the possible formation of lochiometra, which is an early postpartum complication.

Features of the selection process

During the recovery period after childbirth, a woman may encounter a break in discharge, its unstable nature after a cesarean section, as well as difficulties in distinguishing lochia from menstruation.

Break in discharge

In due time after childbirth, the lochia stops, and the young mother again begins to lead her normal lifestyle. But suddenly the discharge starts again. Why? There are several explanations for this:

  • scarlet lochia after emotional and physical stress may be a consequence of suture rupture;
  • discharge may be a manifestation of rapid restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • mucous lochia of a dark color with clots indicates the release of remnants of the placenta and endometrium, which were previously prevented from coming out.

As a rule, such situations do not require medical intervention. However, the female body after childbirth is vulnerable, therefore, if the nature of the discharge worries or frightens you in some way, you need to seek help from specialists.

Lochia after caesarean section

Recovery from a caesarean section can be painful and lengthy. In this case, postpartum discharge continues a little longer than usual. There are several reasons for this:

  • the uterus contracts more slowly after surgery;
  • not only the uterine cavity is cleansed and the mucous layer is restored, but also the postoperative wound is healed;
  • Lactation after cesarean section is often absent.

After a caesarean section, medical correction with drugs such as Oxytocin and Methylergometrine is required. If surgical delivery took place without complications, and all necessary manipulations were carried out in the postoperative period, then lochia in composition, color and smell should not differ from lochia after natural childbirth.

How to distinguish lochia from menstruation

The main difference between menstruation and lochia is the time of appearance. Lochia is only postpartum discharge, and menstruation begins when the level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for breastfeeding, drops in the blood.

The duration of menstruation is approximately 6–7 days, but lochia can be secreted for up to 9 weeks. The color of these secretions is also different. The first lochia after childbirth are scarlet, but gradually become brown, and then begin to turn pink and white. Your period is always red or brown.

After childbirth, a woman needs to take special care of her health. In particular, this applies to postpartum discharge. It is necessary to monitor their duration, color, smell and abundance. Each indicator is important for diagnosing possible deviations from the norm and identifying pathologies.
