Anti-excess fat laser with cold lipolysis. What is cold laser lipolysis Laser lipolysis contraindications

Lipolysis will help solve this problem quickly and painlessly. The procedure is based on non-surgical body shaping technologies. If this method is compared with classical liposuction, then the technology does not require anesthesia and long-term recovery.


The lipolysis procedure can be compared to all known liposuction, which involves the active breakdown of fat cells under the influence of laser energy.

This technique can be used to treat a number of diseases. But the main task of lipolysis is to remove fat deposits from various areas of the body - the abdomen, limbs, thighs, sides, and even the chin and cheeks. According to reviews, laser lipolysis can remove fat that conventional liposuction, sports, and grueling diets won't beat. Another distinctive feature of this technique is the exclusion of severe rehabilitation and various complications.


The description of laser lipolysis indicates that this procedure has several options for carrying out, and each of them has its own fundamental differences.

  1. External - in this case, an external laser is used. At the time of breakdown, fat is neutralized in the liver, and then excreted from the body in a natural way. After measurements and photographing by doctors, a "problem" zone is formed. Based on the calculations, the optimal laser nozzle is selected, which is carefully fixed to the body with special devices. As stated in the reviews, cold laser lipolysis lasts 20 minutes and does not cause any discomfort. After completion, new measurements are necessarily taken in order to confirm the achievement of the required result, which you want to get after the procedure.
  2. Internal - after the stage of photographing, a cannula is inserted through the puncture together with a low-frequency laser. At the time of its operation, fat cells are destroyed, and then they are removed outside using a vacuum suction. Due to the fact that at the time of the operation, the lower layers of the dermis are warmed up, the collagen fibers are compressed, and the excess skin begins to tighten up qualitatively. According to reviews of laser lipolysis, the whole process takes about a few hours. After completion, the patient must wear specialized compression garments that will tighten the treated areas and maintain the result.

On what parts of the body is it used?

Laser lipolysis is a procedure that is unique in its action. Indeed, with its help, it is possible to remove fat deposits even in those areas that are very sensitive and need careful treatment, for example, the cheeks and chin. Also, this technique is often performed on the hips, back, abdomen, arms and sides.

How is the session going?

Reviews about cold laser lipolysis say that before going to the operation, the client must be tested. Only by the final results, the doctor will determine the frequency of radiation and the likelihood of the procedure. It is carried out in several stages:

Laser lipolysis of the chin

Reviews of this procedure are different, but most often customers are satisfied with the result.

At the first stage, the surgeon acquaints the client in detail with the procedure for performing the operation, as well as assesses the state of health and determines the correction zone.

Before starting work, an anesthetic injection is given.

During the operation, a thin tube is inserted under the skin, after which the procedure itself begins. Under the influence of laser energy, fat cells are destroyed, and then they are naturally utilized from the body.

A compress must be applied to the puncture site.

Depending on the volume of body fat and on the localization, according to reviews, laser lipolysis of the face takes from 30 to 60 minutes.

The very next day it is allowed to lead a normal life, but it is better to take a short vacation in order to spend several rehabilitation days in peace.

The first results of lipolysis will be noticeable almost immediately, but the final effect can be obtained after 4-8 weeks. In one procedure, you can get rid of subcutaneous fat up to 4 cm thick.

To make sure of the effectiveness of the procedure, you can see the photos before and after laser lipolysis. Reviews about this procedure are not just positive, but enthusiastic, since in many cases it has a rejuvenating effect.

Laser lipolysis of cheeks

It should be noted that the procedure involves the destruction of fat cells, which are not able to change their localization in the body.

This means that in the place where excess fat was destroyed, new one will never appear. It should also be noted that if the swelling of the cheeks was not formed due to local deposits, but, for example, due to the presence of "Bish's lumps", the operation will not give any result.

By performing a small puncture under local anesthesia, a micro cannula is inserted through which an invisible laser is exposed.

According to reviews about laser lipolysis of the cheeks, within 2-3 weeks there is an active destruction of the fat cells treated by the beam. After that, they are eventually converted into lysate, broken down in the liver and excreted through the bloodstream.

It is necessary to separately note the positive effect of the laser on the rest of the tissues. It heats up the layers of the skin. Thus, its rejuvenation begins at the cellular level and the tightening effect is provided. The laser immediately seals the damaged vessels and sterilizes the treatment area. The result begins to appear after 10-20 days, the volume of the cheeks decreases, and the cheekbones acquire a more sculpted appearance.

Laser lipolysis of the abdomen

Reviews confirm that today this procedure is very popular. Fat deposits become a cause of anxiety and even a tragedy for many of the fair sex. Often in problem areas, "fat traps" are formed, which are difficult to remove with exercise and diets. The laser procedure helps to completely eliminate such a flaw.

For the abdomen, both external and internal lipolysis is very often used, depending on the zone of manipulation and neglect of the problem. The procedure is quite similar to other interventions, the doctor forms the problem area, and then acts on it with a laser. As a result, you can make the silhouette more fit and attractive.


The evaluation of the results of laser lipolysis in the patients' reviews is given high. According to those who have already gone through this procedure, it has the following advantages:


On the face, lipolysis is performed in the presence of the following defects:

  • excess fat in certain areas;
  • double chin;
  • the presence of "swollen" or chubby cheeks;
  • depressions or irregularities in the relief of the skin.

According to reviews, laser diode lipolysis is also carried out on such areas of the body:

  • forearms;
  • inner thigh;
  • lap;
  • upper abdomen.


Like any surgical invasion, lipolysis has a number of limitations that you need to be aware of in advance. Among them:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • lactation and any period of pregnancy;
  • liver ailments;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the presence of infectious diseases.

Laser lipolysis: before and after photos

Reviews for such a procedure are different, but in order to fully assess the quality of the work, you need to view the finished results. If you analyze the photos of patients who have undergone the procedure, you can see significant modifications in body parts. In the case of treatment of the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks, the characteristic folds ("ears") disappear, it becomes noticeable to the naked eye that the person has lost weight, the deposits of cellulite decrease, the skin acquires a smoother surface.

Lipolysis of the abdomen is primarily aimed at reducing the volume, as well as losing weight in the waist area. After several sessions, you can achieve a clearly visible result. Extra overhanging folds are removed, the skin is toned. If you look at the photo, the rejuvenation effect is also clearly visible.

Lipolysis of the neck and chin is one of the most effective ways to eliminate the "depot" of fat in these areas. It is problematic to correct them with classical loads, but lipolysis copes with them easily. This is confirmed by reviews of laser lipolysis and photos of patients before and after the procedure.

Some patients are advised to undergo back lysis. In this case, the specialist removes fat deposits, which look like ugly folds in various departments. The procedure perfectly changes volumes, the patient literally loses weight before our eyes.

Clients include both men and women. Representatives of the stronger sex very often correct the back and abdomen.

In order for the results to become noticeable in the photographs, it is necessary to conduct several sessions, but one must not forget that the result depends on the characteristics of the body and on the functioning of metabolic processes.


Nowadays, many people know what laser lipolysis is for the body. Reviews about this procedure emphasize its accessibility and painlessness. Another advantage of the procedure is the absence of a recovery period. After the session, you can immediately go about your ordinary business, the rhythm of life is not disturbed.

The results obtained after laser lipolysis are comparable to the results of plastic surgery. Ultrasound data claim that after 6 sessions, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer decreases by a third. Due to the active production of collagen, the epidermis visibly rejuvenates and tightens, and also gains elasticity and firmness.

  1. It is recommended to keep the compress that was applied to the puncture area for several days, especially if the procedure was carried out on special areas such as the chin and face.
  2. Every day you need to drink 2 liters of water, go hiking and do other sports.
  3. For five days after the procedure, you need to take antibiotics in order to exclude possible infectious diseases.
  4. The place where the probe was inserted must be kept absolutely dry and clean.
  5. It is recommended not to drink alcohol for some time after the procedure.
  6. After several weeks, it is advisable to carry out a light massage of the area that has been pumped out of fat.


The risk of various complications is minimal, but it is still there. After the procedure, the patient may experience tissue inflammation, infection, and necrosis of the tissue and epidermis in the treatment area. Rarely enough, but still there is suppuration and a change in sensitivity. If you are allergic to medications prescribed by your doctor after the lipolysis procedure, troubles such as rash, itching, redness and swelling may appear.

Difference from liposuction

Laser lipolysis has a number of undeniable advantages over liposuction. It:

  1. The presence of a barely noticeable puncture on the surface of the skin. The procedure requires a minimum opening for the cannula to be inserted. Its size is literally 1 mm.
  2. There is no need for general anesthesia. For lipolysis, only local anesthesia is needed.
  3. The risk of complications is significantly reduced. As a result of the destruction of fat cells by a laser, it automatically "seals" the damaged walls of blood vessels, as a result of which minimal blood loss is guaranteed, as well as the absence of suppuration, wounds and hematomas.
  4. The rehabilitation period is shortened. Laser implantation implies the removal of a small amount of fat at a time, therefore, immediately after the procedure and examination of the patient by a doctor, the client can go home.
  5. There is a possibility of correcting skin irregularities that were obtained during classical liposuction, as well as other methods of removing subcutaneous fat. The use of a laser allows you to monitor the manipulation of the needle at the time of the procedure, so the doctor can easily control the progress of the operation and can correct the silhouette with great accuracy.


The total cost of a lipolysis session is calculated based on the cost per treatment area. In beauty salons, the price starts from 900 rubles, and in specialized clinics from 7000 rubles. and more. It is very often possible to purchase subscriptions for 5 and 10 procedures with a good discount, which can reach up to 50%. There are also bonuses in the form of trial sessions of pressotherapy or apparatus massage. The cost of such a procedure is formed based on a number of factors. This can include the level of the apparatus on which the exposure will be carried out, the degree of the clinic and the surgeon who undertakes the operation, as well as the drugs used during the procedure.

The list of body shaping procedures that modern cosmetology can offer is quite extensive. It includes pressotherapy, ozone therapy, mesotherapy, cavitation, various types of wraps and massage, liposuction. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Naturally, women prefer low-traumatic methods with high efficiency, relative availability and quick results. For the destruction of fat, laser technologies have recently begun to be used, which fully meet all the listed requirements and are gaining more and more popularity every day.


Method description

Laser lipolysis is a modern procedure for local correction of the figure and contours of the face, based on the use of low-intensity laser radiation, which is absorbed by fat cells, causes their splitting (lipolysis) and natural excretion from the body. Its peculiarity is that, in addition to destroying fat cells, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, tightens the skin, makes it more elastic and elastic, accelerates the natural processes of rejuvenation.

At the moment, the procedure is considered the most effective hardware method for losing weight and has no similar analogues. The results obtained after its implementation are comparable to the effects that can be achieved with liposuction or plastic surgery. They depend on a person's age, lifestyle, metabolic characteristics of the body, and the location of fat deposits.

Interesting: In 2009, German scientists from Germany, studying the properties of the red cold laser, found that it causes lipolysis of fat cells (adipocytes). This discovery was the beginning of the use of laser radiation in aesthetic medicine in order to get rid of excess fat.

Operating principle

The procedure is carried out using special equipment, a diode laser that generates beams with a wavelength of 650-940 nm. This radiation does not cause strong heating of the skin, affects only adipocytes, without affecting the surrounding tissues and nerves.

Under the action of laser beams on fat cells, the permeability of their cell walls increases. This leads to the penetration of enzymes into the cell and the activation of metabolic processes, consisting in the splitting of fat into its constituent components: fatty acids, glycerin and water. Subsequently, lipolysis products are released into the intercellular space, enter the lymphatic system, and then into the liver, where they are used as an energy source, and are excreted by the kidneys. At the same time, when fat is broken down under the action of a laser, coagulation of small blood vessels occurs, which prevents bleeding and the formation of hematomas.


Laser lipolysis can be used to remove excess adipose tissue from any part of the body, including the face. But its use is especially effective in places where it is impossible to remove fat deposits by other hardware methods, as well as diets and physical exercises.

The indications for him are:

  • loose skin;
  • excess fat on the cheeks, neck, armpits, double chin;
  • localized fat deposits on the back, shoulders, arms, legs, thighs (breeches), knees, in the abdomen and sides;
  • ugly body contours.

According to many experts, the method is effective for removing small amounts of excess fat. If there is obesity, and the amount of fat that needs to be eliminated exceeds 3 liters, then it is better to use other methods, for example, classical liposuction.

Carrying out the procedure

Before performing laser lipolysis, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in the use of laser technologies in aesthetic medicine. He will assess the possibility of applying the method, the expected results, determine the zones of influence, give recommendations for preparation, tell about the course of implementation and the features of the recovery period.

The procedure is carried out in the following order:

  1. The client lies down on the couch.
  2. The skin at the site of exposure is cleansed of impurities or cosmetics.
  3. An anesthetic composition based on lidocaine is applied.
  4. After 20-25 minutes, the skin is pierced at predetermined points and a tube with a thin cannula (diameter 1 mm) is inserted, inside which there is an optical fiber for supplying laser radiation.
  5. The parameters of the apparatus operation (frequency, wavelength, time) are set depending on the area of ​​influence and the severity of the problem.
  6. The device turns on.
  7. After the specified time has elapsed, the cannula is removed and the skin is treated with antiseptic solutions.

During the session, the client does not experience pain and discomfort. After completing lipolysis, you can immediately go home, return to your normal lifestyle and daily activities, adhering to some restrictions.

In time, a laser lipolysis session lasts on average about an hour. To achieve sustainable results, a course of 6-10 procedures is recommended, the interval between them should be no more than 2-3 days. Moreover, with each session, the effect will be more and more pronounced, since a cumulative effect is observed.

Some effect after laser lipolysis will be noticeable almost immediately after the end of the session. The final results should be judged after 2 weeks, when the process of elimination of the split fat in the body ends.

A few days after the session, it is recommended to see a specialist for further instructions and to check the condition of the area exposed to the laser radiation. Skin punctures left after the procedure heal without a trace within 2-3 days. Your doctor may recommend treating them with antiseptics to speed up the healing process and prevent infection.

To improve results and prevent complications, it is recommended:

  • monitor sufficient fluid intake (at least 2 liters) to improve the excretion of the formed lipolysis products;
  • wear compression underwear (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • stop consuming flour products, sweets, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, spicy and salty foods;
  • perform special exercises to activate blood circulation and lymph outflow;
  • do not visit the sauna, solarium, do not sunbathe in the open sun, do not take a hot bath and shower;
  • limit intense physical activity (for a month).

Interesting: Laser lipolysis (also often called "Hollywood liposuction" or "lunch break liposuction") allows you to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat by 300-500 ml in one session. If carried out in the waist area, then this will correspond to a loss of about 3 cm of volume.

The duration of the preservation of the result depends on the person's lifestyle, the individual characteristics of the organism, the nature of the diet. To keep your body in shape, you need to lead an active lifestyle, play sports and eat right, limit sweets, fatty and fried foods. In order to prevent the appearance of fatty deposits in problem areas, such lipolysis is recommended to be repeated once a year or more often.

Complications and side effects

The laser lipolysis procedure is safe and usually well tolerated, especially if all the doctor's recommendations are followed and there are no contraindications.

However, side effects sometimes occur, among them are possible:

  • infection and inflammation at the puncture sites;
  • allergic reactions in the form of a rash and itching to the anesthetics used during the procedure;
  • complication of existing chronic diseases.

Soreness in the area of ​​exposure to the laser is often noted.

Advantages and disadvantages

Laser lipolysis is an effective and safe body shaping technique that has many advantages over other types of liposuction that provide the same visual effect. Its pluses include:

  • painlessness;
  • short and easy rehabilitation period;
  • minimally invasive;
  • additional lifting effect, preventing sagging of the skin and the formation of bumps;
  • the ability to shape the figure at will, subjecting only those parts of the body to lipolysis where it is necessary to get rid of fat;
  • absence of hematomas, scars, burns and scars on the skin;
  • using local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia;
  • can be applied to all skin types on any part of the body.

The advantage of the method compared to liposuction is the use of cannulas of a smaller diameter, which ensures minimal tissue damage, no bleeding and swelling, and quick recovery.

The disadvantages include low efficiency in obesity and cost. If you compare prices with surgical liposuction, they will be less. The cost of the procedure depends on the affected area. For example, correcting the shape of a double chin will cost an average of $ 20. per session, and hips - 60 USD.

Compatibility with other methods

Laser lipolysis can be combined with other weight loss treatments. A more pronounced result can be achieved with additional use:

  • pressotherapy, which improves the elimination of excess fluid, and with it, fat breakdown products;
  • mesotherapy, in which meso-cocktails injected under the skin contain substances that accelerate lipolysis;
  • vacuum roller massage, which improves blood circulation, helps to get rid of cellulite;
  • radio lifting, smoothing the skin, preventing its sagging and sagging.


Despite the relative safety of the method, not everyone can use it for weight loss. The list of contraindications is quite extensive, it includes:

  • oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • high fever;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis);
  • mental disorders;
  • skin diseases (acute and chronic);
  • severe dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • severe obesity;
  • the presence in the body of a pacemaker, prostheses, metal implants in the expected area of ​​exposure to laser radiation;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • autoimmune pathologies of connective tissue (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis).

It should be borne in mind that under the influence of a laser in the body, some pathological processes can be activated.

Video: Doctor dermatologist-cosmetologist about the procedure of laser lipolysis

Obesity is a real problem of our time. According to statistics, over 40% of the population today suffer from overweight. Being overweight not only can provoke various health problems, but also contributes to the development of many complexes. Most overweight people feel insecure because fashion dictates its terms. If traditional methods do not give any result, it is recommended to resort to more radical methods, one of which is laser lipolysis. Only a few know what it is.

Every year, doctors and nutritionists are developing new ways to deal with the hated kilograms. Lipolysis is one of the innovative developments. In biology, this term refers to the process of metabolism and breakdown of fat cells. This is the essence of all methods aimed at combating excess weight.

Natural lipolysis will only work properly if the body produces enough lipase. This enzyme activates the destruction of fatty deposits and promotes their excretion from the body. It is produced only by the pancreas, lungs and liver.

Cold lipolysis - what is it

Laser lipolysis is a unique procedure in which fat cells are broken down by a targeted beam of light. For each patient, individual parameters of the laser beam (length, frequency) are selected, while the cosmetologist takes into account the severity of the problem, the characteristics of the body and age. Since the procedure requires special expensive equipment, it is impossible to carry it out at home.

The undoubted advantage of this technique is that it is characterized by minimal trauma and practically does not require surgical intervention, while the result from it is not worse than from liposuction. The effect of the procedure is achieved thanks to the unique action of the laser. When capsules, which contain fat cells, hit the tissue, the laser beam destroys them. As a result of this effect, the fat becomes more liquid and flows out.

After changing the structure, it is excreted from the body in two ways:

Another advantage of laser lipolysis is that there is no risk of bleeding as it thickens the blood. Also, this effect activates the production of collagen, due to which the skin becomes more taut and elastic.

Reference! For 1 session, you can get rid of 350-450 ml. fat. The amount of pumped out fat is calculated individually for each person.

Indications and contraindications for

Although cold laser liposuction is considered one of the safest ways to eliminate fat, it is only performed if there are absolute indications:

  • excess fat abnormalities on the sides, thighs, buttocks. Also, laser lipolysis of the knees, chin, back is often performed;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • the appearance of irregularities after other operations;
  • the appearance of a "pocket" after childbirth.

Also, the procedure has a considerable number of contraindications that must be taken into account. Laser lipolysis is not performed in such cases:

  • in the treated area;
  • the presence of internal inflammatory processes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hepatitis;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • recent operations;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • cardiovascular pathology.

Also, the procedure is not performed during pregnancy. In any case, only a qualified specialist should decide whether processing can be carried out in a particular case.

What devices are used and features of the procedure

Most modern clinics work on devices such as Zerona, iLipo. These devices have proven themselves best and are of the highest quality. The LipoLaser and Edaxis apparatus are also very common.

During the procedure, special pads are fixed on the woman's body, on which laser diodes are installed, producing rays of a cold spectrum. Therefore, the procedure is often referred to as cold lipolysis. It is worth noting in advance that regardless of the name, a woman will not feel cold during the work of the linings.

Usually the session is carried out according to the following algorithm of actions:

During the procedure, the doctor will monitor the patient's condition, he also decides when to turn off the device. After the session is over, all puncture sites are once again treated with an antiseptic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Absolutely every cosmetology procedure has strengths and weaknesses, and you definitely need to familiarize yourself with them. Moreover, it is recommended to do this before signing up for a session.


  • during the procedure, the skin is practically not damaged or injured;
  • the procedure does not involve general anesthesia;
  • laser beams act pointwise and only on the area that requires correction;
  • after the procedure, bumps and irregularities will not appear on the surface;
  • the procedure is as safe as possible.

As for the disadvantages of the technique, in comparison with the advantages, they are insignificant. The downside is that no more than 500 ml of fat can be pumped out in 1 session. It is also considered a disadvantage that the result will not be visible immediately, but only after the skin is tightened.


Recovery is fast after laser lipolysis. To prevent complications, doctors advise adhering to these rules:

In the event that after the procedure a woman notices any dubious symptoms, it is imperative to notify the doctor who performed the lipolysis about this.

Today, laser lipolysis is widely used in modern cosmetology and medicine. This technique is the most effective and popular in the field of weight loss. In other words, such liposuction is a process of active death of fat cells by laser energy.

What is Laser Liposuction?

Laser lipolysis is a modern effective procedure for improving the figure and contouring the body by destroying fat without surgery... A similar procedure is based on laser technology, therefore it has its own characteristics.

During this liposuction, special pads equipped with laser diodes that emit light of a cold spectrum are applied and attached to the problem area. Its wavelength is 650 or 940 nm. That is why this technique is also often called "cold laser lipolysis". However, this does not mean that low temperatures are used during the procedure, the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations during the procedure. In addition, it is considered completely safe.

Features of the technique

During the session, the laser beam acts selectively on the fat cells in places of their accumulation... At the same time, other surrounding structures are not damaged, only the permeability of adipocyte membranes, into which enzymes penetrate, increases. Moreover, the beam triggers biochemical enzymatic reactions, during which fat is broken down into water, glycerin and fatty acids.

Moreover, the former, due to their small molecular weight, small size and increased permeability of the membrane of adipocytes, are able to easily exit into the intercellular space. After that, they travel through the lymphatic ducts to the liver, where they are used as material for creating new cells and even as a source of energy. All excess is excreted in the urine and bile.

When fat is released from adipocytes, they become smaller in volume and split. Accordingly, the contours of the body are also reduced. This effect is based on the same processes that occur in the body when losing weight naturally.

One lipolaser treatment takes about 30 minutes. To achieve a sustainable result, of course, it is better to go through at least 6-10 sessions. After liposuction, you can go home in an hour. A noticeable effect should be expected only after 2-4 weeks.

Using a lipolaser

With the help of a cold laser, it will be possible not only to reduce body weight, but also to improve its contours. Basically, this technology, which allows you to achieve an effect in a short time, is used for correction before a solemn event or vacation. In addition, a similar technique is often used to get rid of fat in certain areas:

  • the back of the chest;
  • waist and abdomen;
  • the inner surface of the hands;
  • thighs, shins and knees;
  • buttocks and breeches;
  • chin and cheeks.

For some of these areas, traditional technology is not enough, however, lipolaser helps to achieve good results in them.

Benefits of laser liposuction

This non-surgical weight loss technique allows do not use general anesthesia... Doctors prefer to administer only local pain relievers because cooling or heating the skin can make the patient feel uncomfortable. As a rule, doctors use gel mixtures or solutions that increase the conductivity of the skin.

In the process of splitting a fat cell, it acquires a liquid or gel structure, which is completely excreted from the body. After such removal, the skin becomes perfectly even and smooth. But most of the technologies for injection or surgical intervention are characterized by the fact that there are bumps under the spiked layer of skin.

Lipolysis is performed on any part of the body: back, abdomen, thighs, neck and cheeks. True, most often liposuction is prescribed to remove deposits in the most problematic places: around the shoulder girdle, in the knee area, and also on the inner side of the thigh.

In addition, the cold laser is used to get rid of hyperhidrosis, which is a violation of the sweat glands, which increases their excretory capacity. Lipolysis acts like vacuum therapy, in other words, it dries the upper layer of the dermis and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

Obesity is the main limitation to performing laser liposuction. Unfortunately, with this problem the procedure is useless... When a person has large fat deposits on the legs, abdomen, arms and back, the aesthetic result from the destruction of triglycerides in one of these areas will have no effect.

Laser lipolysis is not used in large areas, only in selected areas. When a large volume of adipose tissue is broken down, the content of fat in the blood may, on the contrary, increase sharply. All this will harm the patient's health.

Although laser liposuction is a gentle procedure, but has other contraindications... For example, you should not perform it with the following diseases:

  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Varicose veins and other serious pathologies.

For this reason, before undergoing this procedure, the patient must be fully examined.

Laser liposuction effect

The results from the procedure can not be seen immediately, it should take some time. As a rule, this takes at least two weeks, because the split fat must be neutralized in the liver. True, some clients claim that they see the effect the same day after the session. The full result is achieved after a few months.

Since laser lipolysis has slight heat exposure on the skin in the radiation zone, it contracts and tightens. This is why there are no loose folds left after liposuction.

But it should be understood that this technology, like other non-invasive methods, is used only to destroy fat from certain areas of the body up to 500 ml. If a much larger amount of adipose tissue needs to be removed, then it is necessary to undergo traditional liposuction, in which it is permissible to remove more than 1 liter. To get rid of fat on other parts of the body with a cold laser, the procedure can be repeated after 6 months or the places where it has formed again can be corrected.

What can and cannot be done after lipolysis?

Having gone through the fat removal with a cold laser, you can start your daily chores almost immediately. But doctors advise after the completion of the procedure to rest in the ward for one hour. The attending physician gives each individual individual advice.

It is impossible for several weeks after the lipolysis to bother the body with physical and unbearable loads, because this procedure is still stress for the body. He must definitely rest. You should also take into account the following recommendations:

If after the procedure appeared redness or painful swelling in the field of liposuction, you should immediately contact your doctor.

During the course of liposuction, you should drink more than 2 liters of water. Thus, it will be possible to improve the transport of fat into the lymph flow. You will also have to limit the use of foods containing a high amount of sugar. Of course, it is advisable to quit smoking for a while and limit the use of coffee and alcoholic beverages. Caffeine and alcohol adversely affect the lymphatic system. In addition, they delay the subsequent metabolism and excretion of fats.

Can lipolysis be combined with other procedures?

To get the maximum result and achieve the best effect, doctors advise combining a cold laser session with other modern procedures. For example, you can use to radio wave lipolysis or LPG massage... The latter technique is carried out with special equipment, this procedure is based on a vacuum-pinch effect on different layers of tissue and skin. Or resort to any lymphatic drainage technology.

Possible side effects

Some patients develop infections or inflamed tissues after laser liposuction. This is mainly a consequence of improper self-care or performing a procedure. Infectious pathogens and bacteria can easily penetrate into open puncture sites. Therapy must necessarily take place under sterile conditions.

Sometimes the epidermis rejects the laser... The skin does not tolerate laser exposure well in all situations. In 10% of cases out of 100, necrosis of the skin appears.

In the process of combined treatment, together with laser fiber, certain drugs are also used that can cause allergies. Patients may experience a rash or itching.

After lipolysis, the puncture sites are painful and visible for a while, which is a natural reaction of the skin. Additional therapy is not required, unless pain and bruising go away for more than 7 days.

Laser liposuction is serious surgical procedure... She needs a qualified and professional approach. Of course, the price of one lipolysis session is high, but if it is carried out correctly, the effect can exceed all expectations. Don't even remember the time and money spent. Only seek professional help from experienced doctors, since health is the main thing in life.

Laser lipoysis

Cold laser lipolysis is a low-traumatic way to correct body contours, characterized by a short rehabilitation period and a lasting effect.

Lipolaser is rightfully considered an advanced development that effectively fights subcutaneous fat. Today, this technique is considered one of the most natural ways to get rid of excess fat. Using laser energy, lipolysis allows you to easily and painlessly get rid of unnecessary adipose tissue and at the same time spend a minimum of time.

It also bears the following names:

  • cold dioid lipolaser;
  • dioid laser lipolysis;
  • dioid lipolysis.

Areas of use

Cold liposuction is used on relatively small areas of the body, namely, where the amount of fat does not exceed 500 ml.

Laser lipolysis is used on the following areas of the body:

  • neck, cheeks, chin;
  • shoulder and forearms;
  • stomach;
  • thighs, buttocks, knees, calves;
  • back.

Photo: areas for liposuction

The essence of the procedure

Lipolysis is the process of breaking down fat into its constituent acids. In the case of laser, it means the splitting of fats with the help of special devices that emit radiation of a certain wave - 650 nm. Clinical studies have shown that adipose tissue is sensitive to this particular wavelength, which stimulates their breakdown. The liquefied fat passes through the cell membrane and enters the intercellular space, from where it is discharged into the lymphatic system.

Photo: cold laser lipolysis technology

As a result, fat cells are reduced, which leads to the effect of a gradual reduction in the circumference of the treated area. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is not accompanied by severe pain.

Photo: marking the problem area

Non-surgical liposuction with a cold laser is performed in a stepwise manner:

  1. The markup of the problem area is done.
  2. A thin cannula with a diameter of 1 mm is inserted under the patient's skin. Subsequently, it is a conductor for an optical fiber.
  3. Laser energy destroys fat cells. Along with this, the vessels penetrating the adipose tissue are "welded", which ensures a low invasiveness of the procedure.
  4. Elastin and collagen production is stimulated.
  5. The broken down fat tissue is gradually processed by the liver and excreted from the body naturally.

Photo: lipolysis procedures

The duration, on average, is from half an hour to two and a half hours, depending on the treated area and the amount of fat removed.

Lipolaser, edaxis devices

Apparatuslipolaser is used to dissolve excess fat cells and has a number of advantages. It helps in the fight against cellulite, removes obstruction from the channels, accelerates metabolic processes in the blood, eliminates bags under the eyes, rejuvenates and whitens the skin, and also reduces stretch marks.

Photo: lipolaser apparatus

It has a user-friendly interface and a durable touch screen. German technologies used in the design ensure reliability and full control over the work.

Edaxis is a state-of-the-art device for cold laser lipolysis. It not only takes into account all the features of the human body, but also includes biomechanisms that are able to regulate metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat.

Considering this, the device includes four maniples with cavitation effects, it makes it possible to give the body the following:

  • reduce fat deposits;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • activate the human drainage system;
  • activate collagen production.

Special ultrasonic plates, having an energy vibration of one million vibrations per second, contribute to the absorption of energy by the subcutaneous tissues. Thus, the flow of fluid is accelerated and the fat molecules are broken.

Photo: Lipobeltlaser cold laser lipolysis machine

Ultrasonic handpieces, reaching in diameter up to 80 mm. are used for more powerful energy vibration and are capable of removing deep fat.

Vacuum-diathermic ultrasonic handpiece has its own purpose: it is used to enhance the movement of fluid in the tissue, which subsequently leads to the elimination of toxins, toxins, various acids through the lymphatic system.

I wonder what methods are there for correcting local fat deposits on the thighs, and how effective are they? Photos before and after thigh liposuction.


Contraindications are the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • oncological diseases;
  • colds, infectious and viral diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • high temperature;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • herpes in active form;
  • vascular disease;
  • diseases of the immune system, autoimmune diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • lupus;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of implants or prostheses;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • insensitive to heat.

Video: Laser lipolysis is an advanced liposuction method

Cold laser lipolysis is an easy and painless procedure, so the rehabilitation period is very short. A few hours after its completion, the patient can go home, and the next day he can return to his usual routine.

  1. During the course of procedures, you need to consume a lot of fluids and drink at least two liters of water daily. This is necessary to facilitate the transport of fat to the lymph.
  2. The use of juices containing a large amount of sugar and, accordingly, calories is not recommended.
  3. Small physical activity is required. Sport helps to activate the flow of blood and lymph, which helps to remove the decomposed fat from the intercellular space.
  4. Lymphatic drainage on a special vibration platform is very useful, which also activates the flow of blood and lymph.
  5. It is worth limiting the use of coffee and cigarettes.
  6. Alcohol is contraindicated.


The advantages of cold laser lipolysis include the following factors:

  • low invasiveness;
  • lifting effect;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • safety of lipolysis;
  • quick result that becomes visible after the first procedure.

The lipolaser also differs in that it does not create unnatural reactions in the patient's body, therefore, it does not harm the surrounding tissues, nerves and blood vessels.


The results that patients receive after cold laser lipolysis are comparable to those that can be obtained after plastic surgery.

Positive results after the lipolaser are seen on ultrasound, which shows a decrease in the thickness of subcutaneous fat by up to 30%. And after each performed procedure, it becomes larger.

It is most relevant in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs, face and abdomen.

Video: Doctors About Laser Liposuction



The average cost of one treatment zone is from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles. To obtain the maximum effect, several procedures are recommended.

The cost of cold laser lipolysis procedures without discount!


Is liposuction possible at home?

Definitely not. Liposuction is a serious procedure that can only be performed in a specially equipped clinic and only by a highly qualified doctor.

Can it be done in several areas of the body at once in one operation?

Yes, you can, but it should be borne in mind that the total amount of fat removed. Cold laser lipolysis allows you to remove up to 500 ml. in one procedure.

At what age can you conduct?

If we are talking about a predisposition to obesity and local deposits, then age does not play a big role, although it is not recommended to do the operation before eighteen. Moreover, written parental consent is required.

How long does it take to return to sports?

Not earlier than in a month. Cold laser lipolysis is stress for the body, which is forced to work in an "enhanced" mode, so it is better to postpone active physical exercises for a short while.

When can the results be assessed?

The effect is visible after the first session, however, the maximum effect will appear not earlier than after three months.

How fast is the recovery?

Cold laser lipolysis is a non-traumatic procedure, therefore, the rehabilitation period is shortened as much as possible. The patient can almost immediately return to the usual rhythm of life, but with minor restrictions. For example, during the month you must not drink alcohol, go to saunas and play sports.

Before and after photos

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