Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky in gynecology. Vishnevsky's ointment: application in gynecology. Use in infertility

Medicines familiar to us from ancient times can often turn out to be quite relevant, widely demanded today.

Invented at the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Vishnevsky ointment, both earlier and today, has an incredibly wide range of applications.

This remedy even now comes to the aid of representatives of different social circles, relieving numerous skin (dermatological), gynecological, inflammatory or other problems.

This remedy, unique in its effects, is used today as widely as modern drug developments.

Due to its consistently high efficiency, absolute harmlessness to the human body, Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology has received the widest possible use today.

The drug is laid using conventional tampons, used in conjunction with other drugs (candles or vaginal tablets).

However, first things first.

What is a drug?

Vishnevsky's ointment, familiar to us from childhood, which can also be called balsamic liniment (released according to Vishnevsky), is a liniment (a more liquid construction than an ointment) with a powerful antiseptic and irritating effect.

The smell of the ointment has a rather strong, specific, easily recognizable character.

This drug was invented by a practicing surgeon - Vishnevsky A.V. back in 1927.

He created liniment by mixing birch tar and xeroform in certain proportions, adding castor oil to this mixture.

The resulting composition turned out to be more than effective and in demand, since it had the following most valuable functions:

  • The most powerful antiseptic effect, which was manifested due to xeroform powder;
  • a sharp increase in blood flow directly to the treated areas - this function is provided by birch tar;
  • excellent emollient effect due to castor oil, which also contributes to easier penetration of other substances deep into the skin.

How is it used?

The instruction for the use of Vishnevsky's ointment calls this drug a remedy for external use only.

Since this dosage form (liniment) is more liquid than ointments or creams, the drug is much easier to distribute over the skin, wound surface, etc.

The presence of powerful antimicrobial antiseptic (embalming) components - xeroform, birch tar, allows the widespread use of Vishnevsky ointment for the treatment of many gynecological diseases.

Reviews of practitioners confirm that this external remedy can be used to treat:

But how exactly should this be done? How to properly apply Vishnevsky ointment for the treatment of gynecological problems? Is there any instruction for the treatment of the described pathologies?

Of course, there is no specific instruction describing the clear use of Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology today. In each case, physicians (gynecologists) describe in detail and explain to their patients what to do with the liniment, why to use it, with what drugs to combine.

It is logical to assume that for the maximum positive effect from the use of the drug, it is important for patients to clearly follow all the instructions received from the doctor.

Often, the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area may require the use of tampons soaked in Vishnevsky's liniment (how to do this correctly will be described below).

The use of balsamic liniment allows you to extinguish the growth of numerous pathogens. However, it is not recommended to use tampons with such an ointment to get rid of various fungal pathologies, since this does not give the desired result.

Often, the described remedy in modern gynecology can be used in combination with other medications, drugs (these can be suppositories, vaginal tablets, tinctures, etc.).

For example, for the treatment of many inflammatory diseases, women may be advised to do vaginal applications or douches with balsamic liniment and tincture of apothecary chamomile.

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The leading gynecological clinic in Moscow called Junona Med widely uses various non-standard (folk, phyto or other) methods for the treatment of gynecological problems.

No less often, balsamic liniment can be combined with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral agents.

The final choice of a specific method for treating a detected gynecological disease has the right to be made only by a qualified gynecologist, self-treatment of any gynecological pathologies is unacceptable!

Sometimes Vishnevsky's ointment can be used to prevent the development of gynecological problems - it can be all the same applications, douching, setting vaginal tampons (soaked in ointment).

How to properly use tampons with balsamic liniment, we will consider further.

The use of tampons with liniment

As a rule, balsamic liniment is recommended to be inserted into the vagina using standard hygienic tampons that fit the woman in size.

Previously (before direct administration), the tampon should be prepared in a certain way - it is lubricated, impregnated with a moderate amount of liniment. A tampon just moistened with liniment is inserted into the vagina in a standard way, leaving it for about six to eight hours, it is better to leave the product in the vagina all night.

After a specified period of time, the agent is removed from the vagina and the body is allowed to rest for the same period of time.

In addition, in some cases, a woman can make tampons for such treatment on her own.

To do this, roll a small piece of gauze as tightly as possible, forming a tampon, which will also have to be soaked with ointment.

You should use self-made tampons, just like factory ones.

A single use of the described remedy, in most cases, cannot give the desired result; to achieve the desired effect, the general course of using the ointment should be from ten to fifteen days.

At the same time, it cannot be said that, like any other drug, Vishnevsky's ointment has its own contraindications:

Vishnevsky's ointment is a time-tested remedy that has been known in medicine for more than 100 years! A huge number of drugs have appeared and sunk into oblivion, but Vishnevsky's ointment continues to heal patients with various types of purulent and inflammatory processes.

Gynecology did not stand aside, and Vishnevsky's ointment was also used in this area: the treatment of bartholinitis, cervical erosion, inflammation of the appendages, as well as endometriosis and thrush is one of the main remedies that provide a cure, or at least long-term regression symptoms.

The composition of Vishnevsky's ointment includes the following components:

  • tar;
  • Castor oil;
  • xeroform.

This triad of components provides the following effects - drying, stimulating nerve endings and softening tissues, accelerating the absorption of the breakthrough of suppuration, and it also stimulates the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes. Disinfection is another important indication of Vishnevsky's ointment, so preparing patients for surgery and postoperative care often includes the use of tampons with Vishnevsky's ointment.

Indications and contraindications of Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology

Indications for the use of Vishnevsky ointment are the following diseases:

  • bartholinitis;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • thrush;
  • tubal infertility;
  • adhesions.

Contraindications for Vishnevsky's ointment are:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of this drug;
  • boils in hazardous areas.

And now, more about the use of Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology.

Vishnevsky ointment is used most often in combination with other drugs - for example, with chamomile infusion for douching the vaginal area, for inflammatory diseases. Thus, the antiseptic effect of chamomile tincture and the healing and regenerating effect of Vishnevsky's ointment are combined. Sometimes, in case of sexually transmitted diseases, doctors prescribe Vishnevsky's ointment as an auxiliary substance - after all, against its background, the effect of the antibiotic increases significantly. But the doctor should choose the best combination, depending on the disease and the condition of the woman's body.

Good indicators are also noted in the treatment of infertility with the help of Vishnevsky's ointment, especially when the cause is endometriosis. In this case, the inner layer of the fallopian tubes, which is affected by this disease, begins to recover, and allows the fertilized egg to pass through them normally. Having successfully reached the uterus, the egg can develop, and a normal pregnancy occurs.

How to use Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology?

If your doctor has prescribed Vishnevsky ointment for you, you need to know how to properly carry out the procedure in such a way as to achieve the greatest therapeutic effect.

So, you will need ordinary tampons, which need to be soaked with 12-15 grams of ointment, and inserted into the vagina before going to bed for 10-14 days. You should be aware that the effect is not achieved after the first or second application, but towards the end of the course of treatment. When using tampons with Vishnevsky ointment, there should not be any unpleasant sensations (burning, discomfort, redness). If you have noted some symptoms that you do not understand after using the ointment, you may be allergic to this drug and you need to see a doctor to replace it.

Even considering the fact that Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology is a very valuable and low-dangerous drug, it is not a panacea, and cannot cure any pathology. Therefore, do not self-medicate, and if necessary, consult a specialist.

What gynecological diseases does balsamic liniment treat? How to make medicated tampons. Side effects and contraindications. Analogues and price. Reviews of women.

Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment was invented by a Soviet surgeon in 1927. In international medicine, the ointment is known as tribromophenolate plus tar. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Its composition is simple and unique:

  • Birch tar - fights microbes, increases blood flow.
  • Xeroform - exhibits powerful antiseptic properties.
  • Castor oil - softens the affected tissues and increases their permeability to other components.

According to indications, women use tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology. Uncontrolled treatment can increase inflammation. Subject to medical recommendations, the remedy heals minor erosion and damage well. The only unpleasant moment is the pungent smell of the ointment, which lingers on the genitals for a week.

What gynecological diseases does balsamic liniment treat?

The use of Vishnevsky ointment in the presence of female diseases is allowed in the absence of acute inflammation, swelling and redness of the external genitalia and vagina. Gynecologists prescribe a drug for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis.
  2. Inflammation of the ovaries.
  3. Bartholinitis.
  4. Cervical erosion.
  5. Urogenital candidiasis.
  6. Tubal infertility.
  7. Inflammatory processes affecting the pelvic organs.

In addition, liniment is used in the postoperative period, if polyps were surgically removed and problems of obstruction of the fallopian tubes were solved. To enhance the therapeutic effect, Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology is used in a complex manner. For example, tamponade may alternate with douching with infusion of chamomile or the use of antibiotics.

As an adjunct treatment, the ointment can be prescribed to a woman with an STD. The drug does not affect the sexual infection. Its task is to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

How to make therapeutic tampons with Vishnevsky ointment

It is convenient to introduce Vishnevsky ointment into the vagina with the help of. The drug-impregnated product retains its therapeutic effect longer.

But before you put tampons, you need to learn a few rules for successful therapy:

  • Wash before each procedure, using soap and warm boiled water (the procedure is needed to clean the intimate organs from physiological secretions and ointment residues).
  • Put tampons in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. In the absence of obvious signs of improvement, consult a doctor after 3 days from the start of therapy.
  • Protect laundry with a pad, otherwise the foul-smelling liniment will stain the clothes.
  • Soak the swab with ointment immediately before insertion into the genital tract.
  • Do not use alcohol antiseptics during the period of treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. They irritate the perineum and increase inflammation.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, you can buy a package of hygiene products in the store and soak them with ointment. You can make a remedy at home with your own hands, and now we will describe in detail how to make tampons for the subsequent use of Vishnevsky ointment.

  1. Take an arbitrary segment of a sterile bandage.
  2. Wrap the tape around your finger or pencil.
  3. Wrap the gauze tip into the resulting cylinder.
  4. Cover the surface of the product with medicine.

Put as a normal hygienic product. After extraction, it is disposed of. For the next procedure, a new turunda is made.

Ready-made tampons designed to absorb menstrual flow should not be used for therapeutic purposes. They actively absorb moisture and can absorb a significant part of the liniment (its consistency is semi-liquid).

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the benefits of Vishnevsky's ointment, it is impossible to use it without first studying the contraindications.

Tampons impregnated with liniment should not be used for acute infections of the genital tract, inflammation of the vagina, the presence of purulent elements on the mucous membranes or fistulous passages prone to suppuration. Tamponade is not suitable for patients with allergies to the constituent components of the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to put tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in the vagina. The drug contains phenol and bismuth - toxic substances. In small quantities, they enter the bloodstream, from where they enter the uterus or breast milk. It should also be borne in mind that the unpleasant smell of tar spreads to milk and forces the baby to refuse breastfeeding.

If Vishnevsky's liniment was used for dermatological purposes and turned out to be ineffective, it should not be used in gynecology. You should tell your doctor about your experience and choose another remedy that can destroy germs.

The medicine rarely gives side effects. Negative reactions are manifested by a mild form of urticaria, itching and burning when a tampon is inserted, irritation of the perineum, cutting or pulling pains in the lower back or lower abdomen. If, in addition to liniment, another remedy was prescribed, the interval between procedures should be 1 to 2 hours.

Analogues and price

Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment has analogues, but they are not gynecological preparations. Doctors add an agent with similar pharmacological properties to complex therapy when it becomes necessary to stop the inflammatory process or destroy bacteria.

What analogues of Vishnevsky's ointment are found in the pharmacy:

  • Levomekol with methyluracil (price from 130 rubles and above).
  • Ichthyol ointment, the active component of which is ichthyol (costs 70 - 100 rubles).
  • Levomethyl with chloramphenicol (cheap medicine costing from 35 rubles).

How much does Vishnevsky's ointment cost? In Moscow pharmacies, the average price of the drug is 20 rubles per 30 g tube.

In polymer jars with a volume of 200 ml, liniment costs more - about 100 rubles. In a half-liter jar, the drug can be bought for 180 rubles.

Doctors' opinion

Modern gynecologists define in the reviews tampons with Vishnevsky ointment as an outdated method of treatment and prescribe innovative fast-acting remedies to patients. But older specialists continue to treat women's diseases with balsamic liniment.

Why do some doctors see the point in practicing this? The fact is that the ointment consists of three active components. Two of them are natural substances that cause harm only with hypersensitivity. Still, as an option, the body may react negatively to poor-quality removal of liniment residues.

Since the 30s of the last century, women have been using tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology and have no problems. A tool that costs a penny, does not cause difficulties in use and heals the reproductive system. Following all medical recommendations, scrupulous patients get rid of serious pathologies in a short time.

What do women say

Those women who trusted the doctor and underwent a course of treatment with tampons with Vishnevsky ointment leave laudatory reviews and rejoice that they were able to get rid of diseases without extra costs. The property of the components to draw pus from wounds has allowed many patients to cure advanced endometritis.

With infertility associated with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, liniment also finds its application. First, a woman undergoes an operation to clean the pipes. In the rehabilitation period, Vishnevsky ointment is prescribed to accelerate wound healing.

Lilia, 39 years old: I make tampons from a bandage and cotton wool and apply Vishnevsky ointment. On the advice of a gynecologist, I put a tampon in the vagina for 3 hours, after which I remove and douche with a decoction of chamomile. By this method I have treated thrush several times. The effect lasts for a long time.

Tatyana, 27 years old: For 3 years I could not get pregnant and went to the doctor. Severe inflammation was diagnosed, which made it difficult to conceive. The gynecologist prescribed me tampons with Vishnevsky's ointment. I was treated for only 2 weeks, but after 2 months the test showed the long-awaited two stripes. The pregnancy proceeded normally. Now my son goes to kindergarten.

Alla, 44 years old: I used to often suffer from inflammatory diseases in the female part. Once the doctor suggested that I do at night with Vishnevsky's ointment. Dimexide must first be diluted with water 1: 1. The treatment passed without side effects and relapses.

In the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, some people prefer natural medicines, considering them safer. When the inflammation is insignificant, and is not accompanied by suppuration processes, then there really is no point in using antibiotics. This is especially true in gynecology, since almost all girls have experienced diseases of the vulva and vagina during their lives.

In this case, the use of antibiotics will play the opposite role - they will eliminate the main inflammation, but will lead to other complications - fungal infections. Therefore, to treat the disease, they try to use local antibacterial agents - suppositories, tampons or ointments. They act directly on the cause of the disease, without affecting the resistance of the immune system.

From childhood, every person knows the smell of Vishnevsky's ointment - sharp, repulsive. But it is with her that the treatment of various inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes is associated - ointment dressings made it possible to eliminate the abscess in a few days. Therefore, some women believe that tampons with Vishnevsky ointment can be done with vaginal damage. This is partly true - but there are certain indications and contraindications.

Composition and therapeutic effect

This dosage form has its own name - liniment, which differs from the ointment in a more liquid consistency. The composition was developed by our compatriot - the surgeon Vishnevsky a hundred years ago. But the remedy proved effective only during the Great Patriotic War, when there was a need for a large number of dressings. The main components of the ointment provided a good outflow of pus and "drying" of wounds, which saved many soldiers from amputation and death.

To date, this folk remedy has left medicine, which does not prevent it from remaining a drug for self-medication. The older generation is still actively using the ointment to treat small wounds or abrasions. Application in gynecology is "exotic", but theoretically feasible - the active substances of liniment work in any part of the skin. If you are not repelled by the pungent smell of the product, then it can be safely used instead of other antiseptics.


This substance is an organic compound, representing a salt of a heavy metal (bismuth) and phenol. They have a strong antibacterial effect, which makes their combination detrimental to microbes. Elimination of inflammation is achieved by the following mechanisms:

  • Bismuth, connecting with the internal structures of bacteria, causes their oxidation. Because of this, they cease to perform their function, which gradually leads to a violation of the growth of the microbe and its death.
  • Phenol has a direct toxic effect, leading to the formation of defects in the wall of the microorganism. Through them, he rapidly begins to lose water and nutrients, which causes his "wrinkling".
  • Together they have a drying effect on the skin and mucous membranes, which is especially useful for weeping wounds. Such erosions often form in the vagina, so xeroform will ensure their rapid healing.
  • The folding of proteins under the influence of phenol creates conditions for the rapid closure of the wound by a scar.

With prolonged use of the ointment, a side effect may develop: the therapeutic components also destroy the normal microflora - lactic acid bacteria, causing dysbacteriosis.

Birch tar

This component is obtained from birch bark - birch bark, which makes it possible to consider it a resin. The result is a dark, fragrant liquid containing a large amount of irritating elements. Their joint action has anti-inflammatory effects:

  • Upon contact with the skin or mucous membranes, irritation of the nerve endings occurs, which is accompanied by a reciprocal vasodilation.
  • This increases blood flow to the site of damage or inflammation in the vagina, which increases the activity of immune cells.
  • Microbes are more actively destroyed, and their decay products are more intensively removed through the mucous membrane in the form of pus or secretions.
  • Tar also has its own antibacterial properties, which are given to it by phenols. These oily substances cause proteins to fold, which is detrimental to bacteria.
  • Dead cells are more actively removed from the surface of the mucosa, and as a result of irritation, the secretion that forms a protective film increases.

Tar accelerates the recovery process, as increased blood flow allows you to bring more "building material" for new tissue.

Castor oil

This natural plant component served as the basis for liniment - active substances are dissolved in it. Unlike other oils, it is well absorbed without having an allergic effect. As part of the ointment, it also performs several functions:

  • Since tar and xeroform are of organic origin, they are most active in the oil base.

  • Castor oil has a neutral activity, so you don't have to worry about changing the properties of tar and xeroform.
  • When applied, it is quickly absorbed into the skin or mucous membranes, which allows you to accelerate the onset of the therapeutic effect.
  • It creates unfavorable conditions for the life of bacteria, as it disrupts the processes of their respiration and nutrition. It also has an acidic reaction, which inhibits the reproduction of microbes well.
  • The oil creates a protection for the main substances, preventing them from disintegrating under the dressing. A film is created on the surface of the mucosa, which does not allow them to quickly be removed from the vagina.

Tampons with Vishnevsky's ointment are the drug of choice for women who have allergic reactions to other antiseptics or antibacterial drugs.

Application in gynecology

The use of liniment has limited indications in gynecology, since uncontrolled treatment can lead to increased inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist to reduce the risk of subsequent complications. Minor erosions and injuries are well treated with this remedy. But the tool has a significant drawback - a pungent smell from the vagina can last up to a week.

Since the widespread production of the drug has not been established, it is produced only in the form of an ointment. This form is not entirely convenient for insertion into the vagina, requiring the use of tampons or dressings. You can make them at home, or buy ready-made in a pharmacy. In any case, long-term use of dressings is prohibited - they gradually lose their therapeutic effect.


The main condition for application is the absence of active inflammation. There should be no severe swelling or redness on the vaginal mucosa or perineal skin. Therefore, the use of ointment is allowed only for the treatment of minor injuries:

  1. Pustular skin lesions of the perineum are well eliminated with a few dressings. At the same time, excess microbes are destroyed, and the skin is dried, which does not allow them to penetrate into its pores again. You just need to be careful with underwear, and use additional pads. Otherwise, you can stain them with liniment, which is then difficult to wash off.
  2. Irritation of the skin and mucous membranes occurs from excessive sweating. The components of the ointment have a drying effect, preventing the release of excess sweat. And increased cell growth allows these abrasions to heal quickly.
  3. After gynecological manipulations, small cuts and wounds often remain on the mucosa, which cause discomfort. In order to prevent their inflammation, it is possible to introduce a swab with ointment into the vagina once as a prophylaxis.

  4. If the mucosa was sutured after surgery, then the introduction of the ointment should not be used until they are resorbed. If the formation of a fresh scar is accompanied by severe itching, then for several days you can apply ointment to this area. This will speed up regeneration, which will eliminate the disturbing symptoms.
  5. With erosions of the vaginal wall, ointment dressings are made only as an additional tool - to speed up recovery.

Any acute infection (especially thrush) is an obstacle to the appointment of liniment - this will only lead to increased inflammation.


Any conditions that are not included in the permitted list serve as a reason for refusing Vishnevsky's ointment. In addition to an acute infectious process in the genital tract, there are conditions that are less dangerous to health:

  • If you have already used the remedy in another part of the body, and it turned out to be ineffective, then you should not use it for gynecological purposes. Then you need to pick up other candles or solutions that will destroy microbes.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to make tampons in the vagina, as small doses of phenol and bismuth enter the bloodstream. These substances are toxins, so it is not known how they will affect the growing baby. And tar imparts an unpleasant taste and smell to the mother, which can make the baby refuse the breast.
  • If during the day there is no therapeutic effect, or there is an increase in inflammation, then further use of the ointment should be abandoned. You also need to contact a gynecologist to find out the causes of the disease and get adequate treatment.

Doctors never prescribe this remedy, so the entire responsibility for its use lies on the shoulders of the woman.

Instructions for use

Since there is only a dosage form of the ointment, a tampon or a special spatula is required for its introduction into the vagina. The latter method is not recommended, since the liniment is quickly removed from the mucosal surface. A swab soaked in ointment retains its therapeutic effect much longer. For proper treatment, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Before each procedure, you need to thoroughly wash yourself using warm boiled water and soap. This will remove the remaining ointment and excess mucus.
  • The procedure is repeated twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. But at the same time, you should not be treated for more than three days - if during this time there is no improvement, then change the drug.
  • Additional sanitary pads should be used to prevent the ointment from getting on underwear and clothing. Since the liniment contains organic substances and oils in its composition, the fabric will be irretrievably damaged.

  • Do not use antiseptics containing alcohol at the same time. This will cause severe irritation, which can be regarded as an increase in inflammation.
  • The ointment is applied to the tampon immediately before administration, which prevents a decrease in the activity of the drug.
  • After spreading, the tampon is taken with two fingers, after which it is applied to problem areas. In this case, one should not strongly press or smooth the bandage - it is only necessary to “glue” it to the mucosa with a slight movement.

To eliminate an unpleasant odor after treatment, do not use deodorants - they have an irritating effect.

How to make tampons?

A tampon is a small bundle of gauze bandage - its cylindrical shape allows it to be inserted into various cavities. It can be made at home - for this, they take an arbitrary piece of bandage, and wrap it around a finger or other object. The remaining tip of the bandage is tucked inside the "cylinder", after which ointment can be applied to it. This is convenient and not very expensive, but quite unhygienic - at home, a lot of microbes get on the tampon.

Therefore, it is better to purchase a package of ready-made tampons or wipes from a pharmacy, as they are sterile. To carry out the procedure, it is also necessary to create conditions of “cleanliness” - be sure to wash your hands before each manipulation, and do not put a swab on the table before insertion. The use of tampons is justified only in case of damage to the mucous membrane - the wounds on the skin must be closed with a bandage, which is fixed with an adhesive plaster.

Vishnevsky ointment (balsamic liniment) is a popular antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drug that quickly heals the skin. Since ancient times, the drug has been used to treat boils, abscesses, carbuncles, psoriasis, burns, thrombophlebitis, bedsores. The advantage of the ointment is its availability and effectiveness. Vishnevsky's ointment is also valued in gynecology. How to use the ointment for the treatment of female diseases?

Useful composition of Vishnevsky's ointment

The tool contains the following components:

  • birch tar, which improves blood flow to the tissues.
  • Xeroform is a powerful antiseptic.
  • Castor oil softens, restores the deep layers of the skin, improves the condition of the mucous membrane.

Ways to use Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology

Ointment has long been used to treat female diseases. You can find many positive reviews about this tool. For some women, the ointment has helped to get rid of the problem of infertility.

  • With an inflammatory process in the ovaries.
  • With an inflammatory process in the urinary organs.
  • With obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as with tubal infertility.
  • With cervical erosion, thrush, endometriosis, bartholinitis, adhesions.

Vishnevsky's ointment in gynecology is used before the operation, as well as after it for the rapid healing of sutures. Modern gynecologists do not use ointment so often, believing that today there are a lot of other effective remedies. Gynecologists who worked back in those days do not change their positions. For them, Vishnevsky's ointment is the best remedy for various gynecological pathologies.

Each woman has the right to decide whether to use Vishnevsky's ointment or pay attention to more modern drugs.

The action of Vishnevsky's ointment

It is important to understand that the ointment must be used in combination with other drugs. For example, with antibiotics. Vishnevsky ointment:

  • It has an antiseptic effect (quickly heals the skin).
  • Restores the microflora in the pelvic organs.
  • Cleanses and heals the mucous membrane of the genital organs.
  • Improves the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • Helps to restore tissue faster after surgery.

How to use Vishnevsky's ointment correctly?

The gynecologist prescribes the ointment for different purposes. Most often with candidiasis, infertility. Balsamic liniment is used in the form of tampons that are inserted vaginally. First you must make a tampon, then soak it with ointment. The tampon must be inserted into the vagina before going to bed, removed in the morning. Be sure to consider your individual tolerance to avoid irritation, redness, swelling. The course of therapy is about two weeks. Remember that if you use the tool once, there will be no result.

Indications and contraindications of Vishnevsky ointment

The tool is used externally. Under no circumstances should the drug be taken orally. The ointment is also contraindicated in the inflammatory process, open wounds, abscesses in sensitive areas of the body.

As an additional remedy, a gynecologist may prescribe an ointment for sexually transmitted infections. The ointment will not cure the underlying disease, but it will greatly alleviate the symptoms.

What is needed for tampons with Vishnevsky ointment?

  • Buy ready-made women's tampons.
  • A vial of Vishnevsky's ointment.

Due to its rich composition, the ointment stimulates nerve endings, softens tissues, and regenerates the mucous membrane. Especially often, the ointment is used as a disinfectant to prepare the patient for surgery or help her recover from surgery.

The use of Vishnevsky ointment during pregnancy

Women in the position of the drug are allowed to use externally. In the hospital today, this remedy is very rarely used, many consider it ineffective. During pregnancy, the ointment is prescribed for varicose veins. With its help, you can get rid of pain, restore blood flow in the legs. The ointment is used as a wrap. It stays on until it dries completely.

Treatment of infertility with Vishnevsky ointment

It has long been verified that the ointment perfectly draws pus from wounds, so gynecologists often use it to treat chronic endometritis (an inflammatory process of the endometrium).

In case of female infertility, an operation is necessarily performed in which the fallopian tubes are cleaned. Then tampons with Vishnevsky's ointment are prescribed in order to accelerate the healing of female organs faster. First, a small amount of ointment is introduced, gradually the dosage is increased to 20 ml of ointment. In the morning, after pulling out the tampon, you need to douche with a decoction of chamomile.

Statistical data! Studies have shown that 56% of women who used Vishnevsky's ointment completely cured infertility. Other treatments do not give such results.

To use or not to use Vishnevsky's ointment?

Many doctors consider the ointment to be one of the safest and most effective remedies, which has practically no side effects and contraindications. In modern medicine, Vishnevsky's ointment is the best remedy for the treatment of abscesses, boils, while in gynecology it is now used extremely rarely. Gynecologists believe that the ointment is no longer as relevant as before, it must be used with other drugs. To date, pharmacology offers a large number of more effective ointments.

More recently, scientists have shown: Vishnevsky's ointment is harmful, because when creating a dense fatty film, it accumulates bacteria that lead to serious complications and slow down the healing process. It is best not to experiment, to abandon the independent use of the ointment. Remember, treatment can only be prescribed by your doctor after the examination.
