Malavit mento instructions for use. Malavit. Antiviral effect proven against viruses

Malavit is a naturopathic remedy with antipruritic, analgesic, decongestant and deodorizing effects.

Release form and composition

Malavit is available in the form of a solution for external use (30 or 50 ml in dark glass bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

Composition of the drug:

  • Glycerol;
  • Mumiyo;
  • Fir and cedar resin;
  • Stone oil;
  • Pine and birch bud extracts;
  • Aspen and oak bark extracts;
  • Larch gum;
  • Active bio-complexes of silver and copper;
  • Extracts of herbs and roots of plant materials from the Gorno-Altai region, including wild rosemary, calamus, thyme, wormwood, calendula, celandine, chamomile, plantain, sage, immortelle, peppermint, peony, echinacea, yarrow, elecampane;
  • Mid-mountain dew;
  • Ionized structured spring water.

Indications for use

Malavit is prescribed as part of complex therapy for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, ENT organs, and skin.

As an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent as part of complex therapy, the drug is used in dental and gynecological practice.

Also, indications for the use of Malavit are: hematomas, burns, frostbite, wounds, bedsores, neuritis, dermatitis, insect bites, vascular disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


The drug is contraindicated in cases of known individual intolerance to any of its components.

There is no experience with the use of Malavit during pregnancy, but it has been established that when used externally and vaginally, the solution does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects.

Directions for use and dosage

Malavit is used externally - it is applied to the skin at the site of the inflammatory process using a cotton swab in its pure form or diluted with water (as prescribed by a doctor). To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to cover the treated area with plastic wrap and secure it with a bandage. Depending on the indications, such compresses are applied for 20-180 minutes.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in subacute processes, it is recommended to warm the affected area before treatment with the solution.

Specific regimens for using Malavit and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor.

In otolaryngological practice, the nasal passages are washed with the drug, dripped into the nose or gargled. Adults are prescribed 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water, children – 1 drop for each year of life. The procedure is carried out 3-5 times a day.

For catarrhal otitis, 5 drops of Malavit are dissolved in 5 ml of water. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting solution and insert it into the ear canal 4-6 times a day.

In dental practice, usually 5-10 drops of the solution are added to a glass of water, after which the oral cavity is rinsed or irrigated.

In gynecological and obstetric practice, the drug is used for douching, vaginal phonoresis, genital toilet and wetting tampons, which are inserted into the vagina for 2-5 hours. To do this, 10 ml of solution is diluted in 200 ml of water. The average course of treatment is 5-10 procedures.

As a hygiene product, 10 ml of Malavita is added to the bath (about 200 liters of water).

For insect bites, soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the sore spot for 10 minutes.

For herpes and acne, wipe the affected areas with undiluted preparation up to 5 times a day.

In case of damage to the skin (wounds, bedsores, burns, frostbite) and closed injuries of the musculoskeletal system, as a rule, bandages with an undiluted solution are made - they are applied to the sore spot for 2-3 hours 1-3 times a day, covered with plastic wrap on top film.

For fractures, 10-20 ml of Malavita is administered under a splint or plaster 1-2 times a day for 3 days.

As a deodorizing agent, the solution is used in its pure form to wipe the skin in the armpits. For sweating feet and palms, it is recommended to take baths: 10 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water with the addition of sea salt.

Side effects

In the vast majority of cases, Malavit is well tolerated; in isolated cases, allergic reactions are possible.

special instructions

Malavit does not contain alcohol, preservatives or dyes. Rating: 4.6 - 48 votes

Indications for use in dentistry

Due to its antiseptic and disinfecting abilities, and the ability to cope with various types of infections, Malavit is effectively used as a component of complex treatment of acute inflammatory processes, including purulent ones.

The product actively acts against viruses, eliminating the symptoms they cause. The use of the solution does not cause resistance to it on the part of pathogenic organisms.

In complex treatment, “Malavit” is used for dental diseases:

  • stomatitis of various etiologies;
  • periodontitis;
  • flux;
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • tissue injuries due to various reasons.

The solution can be used as an independent medicine:

  • damage to the mucous membrane caused by exposure to contrasting temperatures (hot or cold);
  • subcutaneous effusions of blood (hematomas);
  • vascular damage;
  • disruption of local blood flow;
  • inflammation caused by insect bites.


It is strictly forbidden to take the drug orally. There is also no need to use Malavit if you are individually intolerant to its components. Do not simultaneously apply Malavit and other local preparations to the affected areas. Skin reaction can be unpredictable.

Release form

In pharmacies you can find Malavit in several forms.

  • The most popular remedy is the elixir, which is sold in 50 ml bottles.
  • In addition to the main composition, the gel contains mint and grape oil. And thanks to glycerin, it has moisturizing and caring properties.
  • Malavit ointment is available in convenient tubes with a capacity of 50 or 75 milliliters.

They also sell Malavit Ideal capsules, menthol lozenges and nasal spray. Each of the presented forms of release has certain advantages and performs a specific task.

Side effects and special instructions

The active ingredients of Malavit cream do not penetrate the bloodstream, so no cases of systemic side effects have been noted. It is possible to develop a local allergic reaction, especially if the dosage regimen is violated. Clinically, it manifests itself in redness and swelling of the skin, itching, and small rashes. If the first symptoms of an allergy occur, you should take an antihistamine tablet (Loratadine, Suprastin, Cetrin) and consult a doctor.

The components of dietary supplements do not interact chemically with the ingredients of other products for external use. But the instructions for use recommend maintaining a 15-minute interval between their application.

Malavit cream contains menthol, camphor, capsaicin, and essential oils. Any of these ingredients can cause a burning sensation and pain when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes. Therefore, after using a bioactive supplement, you should thoroughly wash your hands with a hygiene product.

Treatment with Malavit

All products of this brand have medicinal properties. The properties of gels and shampoos are described above. The simplest application is an ointment that can be applied to a problem area and expect a therapeutic effect. The solution is used in different ways and can be combined in various options and recipes. Instructions for use of Malavit allow its use in the following cases.

Use for sore throat and runny nose in adults. In order to make the Malavit solution suitable for gargling and instillation into the nose, you need to dilute 7-9 drops of Malavit in 100 ml of warm boiled water. The resulting weak solution is used to gargle at least 4-5 times a day. Drops of this solution must be instilled into the nose with the same frequency.
Use for sore throat and runny nose in children. Treatment of respiratory diseases in children is carried out in the same way as in adults. Only the doses used differ. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the number of drops in accordance with the age of the child: 1 drop is one year of life. This solution is made for a child up to 5-7 years old. After that, he is treated like an adult. Drops are diluted in 100 ml of warm water.
Use for inflammatory processes in the ear canal. For this, a more concentrated solution is used: 5 drops of Malavit must be diluted in 5 ml of warm water. You need to moisten a cotton swab in this solution and insert it into the ear canal. It is advisable to keep it there for about half an hour. The procedure must be carried out up to 5 times a day.
Use as a hygienic product when taking baths. Malavit has a pleasant smell and useful medicinal composition. You need to add no more than 10 ml of alcohol solution. If this concentration is too strong, the concentration should be reduced. Considering the composition of Malavit, one can expect an increase in blood pressure in people sensitive to such effects. For this reason, it is necessary to select an individual dose.
Application of Malavit in gynecological procedures. It is especially important to carry out such procedures for women suffering from various inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Caution must be exercised as too strong a concentration may lead to irritation, and a weak concentration may result in insufficient effect. The solution is prepared as follows: 10 ml of Malavita per 200 ml of warm water.
Rubbing with alcohol infusion on diseased joints and parts of the spine, where osteochondrosis phenomena are most pronounced.
Taking foot baths for gout

The solution for warm or hot baths must be made more concentrated than the solution for taking a general hygienic bath. An increase in concentration is achieved not by the amount of the drug, but by the smaller amount of water in which it is dissolved. It is necessary to keep your feet in this solution until the water cools down. However, sensitive people in this case should be wary of increased blood pressure, headaches and insomnia.

Using the gel

According to the instructions for use, Malavit, made in the form of a gel, is used to treat arthritis and arthrosis. As a rule, it works as follows: a small amount of the product is squeezed onto the surface of the sore knee and smeared with a thin layer. To enhance the effect, you can put cling film on top and insulate the joint with a scarf. Thus, a compress is obtained, the effect of which is enhanced by heat.

The gel is most often used to treat sore joints, gynecological problems, rashes on the skin of the face, and also for sore veins. They are used to smear the legs to prevent varicose veins. This product perfectly relieves puffiness and has a cooling and soothing effect. It spreads easily on the surface of the skin and is absorbed fairly quickly. Thanks to its transparent consistency and light, pleasant aroma, Malavit can be used throughout the day.

It is sometimes used to combat cellulite. Thanks to its composition, it affects lymph stagnation and helps smooth out orange peel. The cream-gel contains red pepper, which activates metabolic processes in the epidermis. The moisturizing and nourishing effect of “Malavita” has the best effect on the skin of the body, thanks to which it acquires a velvety and well-groomed appearance.

In gynecology, this remedy can be used as follows. A small amount of gel is applied to the genitals and left until completely absorbed. You can also use a gauze pad to subsequently lubricate the cervix. A course of treatment consisting of ten procedures allows you to get rid of erosion and thrush. Thanks to its natural composition, it can be used during pregnancy.

Instructions for use

Malavit-gel and a concentrated solution give a good result in combination if they are used in the initial stages of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and acute respiratory infections. To do this, 5 ml of liquid concentrate must be diluted in 100 ml of warm water. You should rinse your nose with the prepared medicine or use it as regular drops. The cream can be used to treat the nasal passages and rub the chest. It is advisable to carry out such procedures five times a day until complete recovery.

To treat gynecological diseases, you can also use these two remedies in combination. The solution should be used for douching. To do this, take one teaspoon of water for two teaspoons of concentrate. The cream should be applied to a special fabric tampon and inserted into the posterior vaginal fornix for three hours.

Malavit solution can be diluted with water or used in its pure form

It is only important to remember that undiluted concentrate can be used in cases where the integrity of the skin is not compromised. If you need to treat mucous membranes or wounds with the drug, then in this case the solution must be diluted with water

For example, you can wipe your facial skin with acne with a pure concentrate; it is good to use it to get rid of acne and boils. To do this, you need to treat the affected areas with the product three to five times a day.

To cure diseases of the ENT organs, you can gargle with a liquid concentrate. To do this, 15 drops of the medicine must be diluted in 100 ml of water. Such procedures help relieve inflammation, swelling, and treat sore throat. You need to gargle three to five times a day. Cream can also be used in combination with the solution. It should be applied to the projection of the maxillary sinuses up to eight times a day.

To cure herpes, both cream-gel and solution are suitable. To do this, one of the medications should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin four times a day. The concentrated solution is excellent for topical treatment of sweating palms and feet. To do this, 10 ml of the product should be diluted in 5 ml of water. The prepared solution should be used for baths. Such procedures can be carried out every other day.

To treat wounds, bedsores, burns, contusions, bruises, injuries, frostbite and hematomas, you need to apply the cream to the sore spot three times a day. If it is necessary to use a liquid concentrate, then it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. To prepare any solutions, you should always use chilled, boiled water.

Directions for use and dosage

When treating the musculoskeletal system, Malavit cream should be used to relieve pain and relieve swelling. Apply the product only to damaged areas and rub into the body with massage movements.

To eliminate hematomas, Malavit must be applied to the body several times a day (recommended no more than 3 times)

Important: apply cream or gel only to undamaged areas.
For nasal injuries, it is necessary to use Malavit cream 2 times a day. The medicine should not be rubbed in forcefully.
When treating neuritis, as well as headaches or muscle pain, it is recommended to rub the drug into the places where pain appears.
If the patient has herpes, Malavit cream or gel is recommended to be applied specifically to the herpetic rash

The course of treatment depends on the patient's condition. The medicine must be used 3-4 times a day.
To get rid of sinusitis, Malavit gel must be applied externally to the location of the nasal sinuses. It is recommended to use the product 7-8 times a day. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, combine applications with careful rinsing of the nasal passages: dilute 20 drops of Malavit in 200 milliliters of water. The procedure for washing the nasal sinuses (2-4 times a day) is carried out for 5 days.
If the patient has acute respiratory diseases (this list also includes diseases of viral origin), as well as the flu, it is necessary to put Malavit cream or gel into each nostril 5-6 times a day. Malavit received positive reviews for the comprehensive treatment of colds: rinsing and rubbing the chest. Rinsing is carried out with a solution of the drug - 12-15 drops are diluted in 100 milliliters of water. Rubbing the chest is done with undiluted Malavit liquid.
To eliminate painful symptoms after being bitten by mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, snakes, and wasps, it is recommended to use a gauze bandage. Initially, it is impregnated with a medicine, and then fixed at the site of the bite for 7-10 minutes several times a day.
To treat abrasions and burns (1st or 2nd degree), Malavit is used in the form of a solution with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Wounds should be treated no more than 5 times a day. Healthy areas of skin can be treated with an undiluted solution.

Malavit received good reviews for the treatment of interdigital fungus. In this case, it is necessary to use turundas made of cotton wool (you can use turundas made of gauze) moistened with a solution. They are inserted between the fingers for 10 minutes and the procedure is carried out several times a day. Treatment of interdigital fungus can be supplemented with foot baths, in which the ratio of liquid and Malavit is 10 to 1.

  • In dental practice, specialists prescribe 5-10 drops of the drug per glass of water. This solution should be used to rinse the mouth.
  • As a deodorizing agent, undiluted Malavita solution is used to wipe the skin of the armpits. The drug (10 milliliters) can be diluted with sea salt in 5 liters of water to get rid of sweating palms and feet.

According to reviews, Malavit can be used as a hygiene product: 10 milliliters of the drug is added to a bath of 200 liters of water.

Indications for use

Malavit cream is an adjuvant for the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints and spine. It is prescribed to patients during the rehabilitation period after primary therapy with pharmacological drugs or surgery. The following pathologies are indications for the use of dietary supplements:

  • arthritis, including rheumatoid and gouty;
  • thoracic, lumbosacral, cervical osteochondrosis;

The cream reduces pain in the neck and shoulders due to cervical osteochondrosis.

  • arthrosis of any localization;
  • periarthritis of the shoulder and knee joints;
  • epicondylitis of the elbow and shoulder joints;
  • tendonitis, tendovaginitis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • lumbago;
  • neuralgia, including intercostal;
  • mild myalgia and arthralgia.

The bioactive supplement is prescribed to patients for accelerated recovery after injuries - dislocations, complete or partial ruptures of muscles, ligaments, tendons. It is also used in the treatment of severe bruises, as its ingredients contribute to the rapid resorption of inflammatory swelling and hematomas.

Malavit will help with bruises, minor swelling, and hematomas.

Malavit cream is a good preventive measure. A course of dietary supplements can prevent exacerbation of joint pathologies. It is advisable to apply the cream during sudden changes in weather, hypothermia, and physical activity.

Composition and release forms

The release format for this medical product varies, namely:

  • The drug can be produced in the form of a gel. Reviews of Malavita are mostly positive. It is sold in 75 milliliter tubes. The medicinal composition in this case includes components in the form of glycerin, grape oil, menthol and neutral gel.
  • The presented product is also available in the form of an ointment (cream). The composition of the ointment is completely identical to the gel; it is also produced in tubes, but 50 milliliters each. According to reviews, Malavit cream is very effective.
  • Another form of release of this drug is an elixir (solution), which is used for external use. It contains an active complex of silver and copper along with gum, calendula, chamomile, calamus, thyme, sage, lactic acid, formic alcohol and birch and pine buds. The elixir is released in dark vials with a volume not exceeding 50 milliliters.

Reviews of the use of the Malavit solution will be presented below.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe the drug in the following cases:

  • If patients have colds, flu, and, in addition, diseases of the otolaryngological organs.
  • For tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.
  • In case of herpes in the form of rashes on the face.
  • In the presence of colpitis, candidiasis, chlamydia and other inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
  • The presence of fungal skin infections along with acne.
  • For inflammation of the bladder.
  • In the presence of inflammation of the urethra.
  • Against the background of periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis, that is, if the patient has any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

"Malavit" is also used in neurology, and, in addition, in the treatment of injuries of various origins. Thus, this remedy is very actively used in sports medicine. It is often used in the field of gynecology as part of genital hygiene and more.

Composition and use of Malavit

Malavita contains only natural plant components. Among them:

  • malachite is a mineral obtained from the stone;
  • larch gum;
  • cedar resin;
  • mumiyo, that is, resin obtained from the mummification of the excrement of a mountain hare (pischka), which feeds on mountain medicinal herbs;
  • oak bark;
  • birch and pine buds;
  • various organic acids;
  • silver and copper;
  • essential oils;
  • plant extracts (plantain, yarrow, celandine, immortelle, calamus, sage, thyme, peony, calendula, peppermint, chamomile);
  • ionized structured water.

It is rare to find products in pharmacies that are superior to Malavit in terms of healing composition. The use of this drug is no less varied. Instructions for use of Malavit involve the treatment of the following diseases:

  • vascular diseases;
  • various inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • inflammation in the peripheral nervous system;

  • impairment of skin functions and lesions of soft tissues arising in connection with local circulation disorders;
  • wound healing;
  • osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, lumbago, sciatica, gout and other diseases of the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • elimination of itching and inflammation from insect bites;
  • elimination of unpleasant sensations of a local nature (relief of pain from bruises, elimination of swelling, removal of unwanted odors that arise from various diseases and their treatment).

There are no contraindications to the use of Malavit. Even pregnant and lactating women can use it. However, an allergic reaction to any component of the drug is not excluded. Malavit is a concentrated solution that includes many components. Traditionally, it is produced in dark glass bottles with a dropper. A similar solution for external use is only part of the range of products produced under this brand.

Mode of application

External use of Malavit:

  • Elimination of local inflammation: a pre-heated drug (in any form) is applied in a thin layer to the affected area, covered with plastic wrap and fixed with a bandage. The duration of the procedure is from half an hour to 3 hours;
  • Treatment of local lesions of the skin and soft tissues of various origins: soak a bandage in an undiluted solution and apply bandages directly to the lesion site. The duration of the procedure is up to three hours, the frequency of procedures is up to three times a day;
  • Treatment of acne and herpes: treatment of affected areas with an undiluted solution up to 5 times a day;
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors in the armpits: treatment of the armpits with undiluted Malavita solution;
  • Elimination of excessive sweating of the palms and feet: 10 ml is diluted in 5 liters of water with the addition of sea salt and used as baths;
  • Elimination of inflammation and discomfort after the bite of various insects: soak a cotton pad in an undiluted solution and apply it to the bite site. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes;
  • Elimination of unpleasant symptoms after fixation of fractures: 10-20 ml are injected under a plaster cast or splint. The frequency of the procedure is no more than twice a day.

The use of Malavit for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract:

  • As a gargle and as nasal drops (for adult patients): 5-10 drops of Malavit are diluted in 100 ml of warm drinking water. The frequency of procedures is up to 5 times a day;
  • As a gargle and as nasal drops (for pediatric patients): 1 drop for every full year of life is diluted in 100 ml of warm drinking water. The frequency of the procedure is up to 5 times a day;
  • Treatment of inflammatory processes in the external auditory canal: 5 drops are diluted in 5 ml of warm drinking water, a tampon is moistened in the resulting solution and inserted into the ear canal. The frequency of the procedure is up to 6 times a day.
  • mouth rinse: 5-10 drops of Malavita are diluted in a glass of warm drinking water. The frequency of the procedure is up to 5 times a day;
  • hygiene product: 10 ml of the drug immediately before using the bath;
  • hygiene product in gynecological practice: 10 ml of Malavit solution is diluted in 200 ml of warm drinking water. The frequency of procedures and their duration are determined by the attending physician depending on the condition of the patients.

Malavit cream gel

The effectiveness of external use of any drug is due not only to the main therapeutic components, but also to the auxiliary ones, which help adapt the drug to a given situation. This form of Malavita is available in the form of a gel, which has no less diverse uses than a solution. Both forms can be used individually or in combination with each other.

Malavit gel has a beneficial effect on the sebaceous and sweat glands and therefore can be used in the fight against inflammatory processes localized in the skin. Malavit gel can be used as an everyday cosmetic product that improves skin condition and helps eliminate acne.

Thanks to the presence of grape seed oil, it helps fight problem skin. It is especially effective in eliminating dry skin. For medicinal purposes, Malavit cream gel is used to combat warts, boils, mycosis, carbuncles and other diseases of the skin, sebaceous glands and hair follicles associated with purulent-inflammatory processes.

Of particular note is Malavit gel lubricant. It is used as an external means for sex and can be combined with a condom. It moisturizes the surface and promotes better glide. In addition, the use of Malavit helps prevent irritations that occur in the external genitalia. In addition, it disinfects intimate areas and prevents infections and the formation of cracks and irritations.

pharmachologic effect

Malavit drops, namely a hygienic solution, due to the mineral and plant components contained in its composition, have the following effects on the human body:

  • relieves itching, pain, swelling and inflammation;
  • accelerates skin regeneration;
  • increases local immunity;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the epidermis;
  • has antiviral, antifungal and tonic effects;
  • normalizes the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Cream-gel Malavit has the following effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamine;
  • local reflex;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • softening;
  • deodorizing;
  • moisturizing.

What effect does

The instructions for Malavit describe the drug as a multifunctional product with many beneficial properties. Thanks to a special selection of active ingredients, the solution and even the cream have the following effect on the body:

  • reduce pain;
  • relieve inflammation and swelling;
  • relieve itching;
  • accelerate wound healing;
  • stimulate regeneration processes in joints and bones;
  • destroy bacteria, fungi and viruses;
  • improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues;
  • reduce the production of histamines.

The advantage of using the drug for various viral and bacterial diseases is that during its use, pathogenic microorganisms were unable to develop resistance to its action.

Indications for use

"Malavit" is considered a multifunctional drug with a large list of indications. Most often used to treat diseases associated with the ENT system:

  • angina;
  • influenza and ARVI;
  • otitis.

To relieve pain from a sore throat, it is recommended to gargle at least 5 times a day. “Malavit” is dissolved in water, which will be used to treat the throat. Frequent repetition of rinsing manipulations heals wounds on the tonsils and stops the inflammatory process. Rinsing with Malavit for sore throat eliminates pain.

The drug can be used for ARVI or influenza. To achieve maximum effect, not only rinse the throat with the solution, but also put drops in the nose. This approach to treatment not only relieves the symptoms of the disease, but also speeds up the healing process.

Often, inflammation in the ear is diagnosed with throat diseases. "Malavit" is able to relieve pain and eliminate the source of infection.

Composition and indications of drops

In addition to all the above herbs, the drops contain mountain dew, spring water, pre-ionized and structured, as well as mumiyo and silver ions. Drops are used for ENT diseases as a rinse, as well as for treating the mucous membranes of the genital organs. They can quickly and effectively relieve itching, mild pain, and also enhance the effect of basic medications prescribed by the doctor. In addition, the indications for use also include frostbite of the skin, various dermatitis and insect bites.

To treat the genitals, dissolve 10 ml of the product in one glass of warm water and use it for ablution. The composition can be drawn into a syringe and injected into the vagina. Cotton swabs soaked in this product have worked well. To prepare them, use a bandage, which is rolled into a tube and tied with thread. When preparing a tampon, you should leave several long threads hanging down so that it is convenient to remove the compress.

You should not leave the tampon on for too long, as its effect is usually limited to two or three hours. During this period, the active components of the drug are absorbed into the walls of the diseased organ, and further application of the compress no longer makes sense. Doctors recommend a course of treatment consisting of no more than ten procedures.

Contraindications and side effects

Considering its natural composition, the drug has a minimal set of contraindications. Malavit is not prescribed to patients with individual intolerance or high sensitivity to individual components.

  • itching and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • sore throat;
  • rashes, urticaria;
  • allergic dermatitis.

When applied topically, the solution is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and does not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems. Malavit does not penetrate the placental barrier and does not have a toxic effect on the fetus or its development. Therefore, it is prescribed to women during any period of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

If the solution accidentally enters the digestive tract, the patient may experience nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and unpleasant painful sensations in the epigastric region or intestines. In this case, the victim is prescribed sorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel) and symptomatic therapy (non-narcotic painkillers, antacids).

Malavit is available in darkened glass bottles in the form of a solution for external use. Volume ─ 30 and 50 ml. There is 1 bottle in 1 cardboard package. Stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not lower than 5°C or at room conditions ─ in a dark place where the temperature does not exceed 25°C.

Malavit for the throat is a safe remedy, therefore it is widely used in pediatric and therapeutic practice to treat patients of any age. The drug effectively reduces the severity of symptoms in infectious and inflammatory processes of the pharynx and larynx, and enhances the effect of basic medications.

Malavit's analogs

Liquid based on herbal ingredients may not be available at all pharmacy kiosks. Buyers are offered a wide range of drugs that have similar effects. There is no medicine with exactly the same composition. Analogues:

  • "No-salt";
  • "Hepilor";
  • "Rovamycin";
  • "Lugs."

Homeopathic remedy is made from ingredients of natural origin. It perfectly treats diseases such as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, ARVI and influenza. Not prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The only requirement from patients is to comply with the treatment regimen. The drug easily eliminates the disease and returns a person to a full life.

Use of Malavit for ENT diseases

This drug is effective for many pathologies of the nasopharynx and ears. With its help, even purulent otitis media can be successfully treated. To do this, you need to prepare a Malavita solution: 5 drops of the product per teaspoon. Soak a cotton pad in it and insert it into the ear canal.

The drug is also effective for instillation into the nose. In this case, a diluted Malavita solution is also used. The instructions note that it helps with sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and even sinusitis. Moreover, in this case, you can put cream-gel in your nasal sinuses. At the same time, a compress with gel or undiluted solution is applied to the bridge of the nose. It is also useful to rinse the nasal passages with warm water, to which 20 drops of the product have been added per 200 ml.

Malavit is also often used for the throat. The instructions recommend starting to use it at the first symptoms of colds. The drug is effective for ARVI, sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis. You need to gargle with this solution: 10-15 drops of Malavita in half a glass of water. This procedure can only be performed for adults, since swallowing the drug is contraindicated. In addition, it is useful to put cream gel in the nasal passages. It makes nasal breathing easier. To reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract, it is also recommended to apply compresses with an undiluted solution to the chest. Procedures are performed 5-6 times a day.

The effectiveness of the drug for colds is explained by its composition. All components of the product have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral properties. In addition, they have wound-healing, decongestant and expectorant effects.

Cost and analogues

In pharmacy chains "Malavit" can be purchased from 185 rubles. Unfortunately, there are no absolute structural analogues of the solution. But if necessary in dental practice, it can be replaced with agents similar in pharmacological action:

  • Septisol is an external herbal solution containing many of the components found in Malavit. It has a complex effect on tissue: accelerates healing, relieves pain, relieves inflammation, etc.
  • Tandum verde is a solution for local treatment of the oral cavity for dental and ENT diseases.
  • Stomatofit is an oral solution based on herbal extracts (chamomile, oak bark, mint, arnica).
  • Maraslavin is a brick-red antiseptic solution consisting of plant extracts of herbs.
  • Tonzinal is a preparation with extracts of St. John's wort, calendula, rose hips, licorice, as well as vitamin C and eucalyptus ester.

"Malavit" is a solution that has become very widespread in cosmetology and medical practice. Its beneficial properties help to cope with a number of dental ailments associated with periodontal damage. Before using this dietary supplement, you should consult your doctor about the need for such treatment and dosage of the drug.

You can also find out about other medicinal pharmaceutical products for diseases of the oral cavity on our website. For example, read about Cholisal gel here; about Furacilin - here; about Asept gel is written in this article; about Vinylin balm - on this page; We have a separate article about Kamistad gel. Read about the use of Lincomycin in dentistry at this address; Imudon - in this article. We have a separate article on the use of Chlorhexidine.

Using Malavit for a runny nose

This homeopathic medicine is very effective in the initial stages of colds and flu. The medication for the treatment of nasal diseases can be selected in the format of an ointment or solution according to the instructions for use. Reviews about Malavit confirm that the earlier treatment is started, the faster you can see the result.

The liquid concentrate is diluted with warm water in a ratio of ten drops per 100 milliliters. The resulting solution is used to rinse the nasal passages. This solution can also be used instead of nasal drops.

Malavit cream is rubbed on the patient’s back or chest, and a small amount of medicine is also placed in the nose. The frequency of this procedure is five to six times a day.

Indications for use

The cream and gel are used as part of complex therapy for the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the joints and muscles (arthritis, myositis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, tendovaginitis, spondyloarthrosis);
  • consequences of sprains, fractures, dislocations and hematomas;
  • headache and muscle pain, neuritis, neuralgia;
  • dermatological diseases of various origins, among which are acne, herpes, boils, mycosis, eczema, condyloma, trophic ulcers, psoriasis, warts;
  • damage to the skin of various origins, such as wounds, abrasions, bites of snakes, spiders and insects, as well as frostbite and burns.

It is used in household cosmetology as a product used for daily hygiene and skin care. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, preventing the development of inflammation.

Can be used for the following conditions:

  • prevention of acute viral respiratory diseases and influenza;
  • sinusitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • gynecological diseases of various origins, among which are colpitis, chlamydia, vulvovaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, cervical erosion, endocercevitis, thrush, ureaplasmosis.

"Malavit" is a natural drug with a fairly wide spectrum of action. It contains exclusively plant components that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other beneficial effects. There are several forms of release of "Malavita". The instructions for use of this product contain a whole list of diseases that can be cured with its help.

Composition of the drug

It has an extremely rich composition, which has more than ten components. Among them you can find active copper, presented in the form of a bicomplex, extracts of plants such as pine, birch, aspen, oak and cedar. In addition, “Malavit” contains an extract of plantain, Echinacea purpurea, wormwood, thyme inflorescence, elecampane, peony, calendula inflorescence, wild rosemary and, of course, chamomile. Thanks to mint oil, the product has a cooling effect.

This drug is produced by the company Malavit LLC, registered in the Altai Territory. In addition to medicinal products, it produces hair balm, bath salts, face masks and other cosmetics of the same name. All the company's products are successful and are sold in every locality of the Russian Federation.

Release form

In pharmacies you can find Malavit in several forms.

  • The most popular remedy is the elixir, which is sold in 50 ml bottles.
  • In addition to the main composition, the gel contains mint and grape oil. And thanks to glycerin, it has moisturizing and caring properties.
  • Malavit ointment is available in convenient tubes with a capacity of 50 or 75 milliliters.

They also sell Malavit Ideal capsules, menthol lozenges and nasal spray. Each of the presented forms of release has certain advantages and performs a specific task.

Indications for use

This remedy is used for the following diseases:

  • It perfectly relieves inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, and therefore it is often recommended to be used for cystitis and urethritis.
  • The medicine “Malavit” is quite effective for diseases such as stomatitis and periodontal disease.
  • It is recommended by dermatologists for acne, ringworm and fungal skin infections.
  • The drug is quite effective during periods of acute respiratory disease, influenza, laryngitis and tonsillitis.
  • Due to its ability to act on fungi and microbes, Malavit is often recommended for use in the indications for use for the treatment of chlamydia and thrush.

It should be borne in mind that this drug only works in combination with other medications. The dosage of Malavit will depend on the severity of the disease.

Composition and indications of drops

In addition to all the above herbs, the drops contain mountain dew, spring water, pre-ionized and structured, as well as mumiyo and silver ions. Drops are used for ENT diseases as a rinse, as well as for treating the mucous membranes of the genital organs. They can quickly and effectively relieve itching, mild pain, and also enhance the effect of basic medications prescribed by the doctor. In addition, the indications for use also include frostbite of the skin, various dermatitis and insect bites.

To treat the genitals, dissolve 10 ml of the product in one glass of warm water and use it for ablution. The composition can be drawn into a syringe and injected into the vagina. Cotton swabs soaked in this product have worked well. To prepare them, use a bandage, which is rolled into a tube and tied with thread. When preparing a tampon, you should leave several long threads hanging down so that it is convenient to remove the compress.

You should not leave the tampon on for too long, as its effect is usually limited to two or three hours. During this period, the active components of the drug are absorbed into the walls of the diseased organ, and further application of the compress no longer makes sense. Doctors recommend a course of treatment consisting of no more than ten procedures.

How to use the solution?

When using Malavita drops to treat insect bites, apply a moistened cotton swab to the sore spot and secure it with an adhesive plaster. Usually one compress is enough to get rid of itching and relieve swelling.

The drops have also proven themselves to be effective against acne. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your face with it instead of lotion. Depending on the intensity of the disease, the medicine can be used up to five times a day.

Malavit has shown high effectiveness for stomatitis. This natural remedy can be used several times a day. For 200 ml of liquid, it is enough to add up to 10 drops of solution. In the initial stages of the disease, stomatitis can be dealt with using only this remedy.

This remedy is very helpful if you need to relieve itching and swelling due to fractures. Usually they do the following: moisten a small piece of gauze with the solution and place it under the plaster.

To treat ENT diseases, it is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and used as nasal drops. Pre-cleansed nose, instill three drops into each nostril. The procedure is repeated at least three times a day. Instructions for use of "Malavita" advise not to use other pharmaceutical products simultaneously with the solution. It is also used to treat sore throat. Using a solution diluted in a similar way, gargle a sore throat throughout the day. It should be borne in mind that this method of treatment is not suitable for children, since it is extremely undesirable for them to swallow large amounts of the drug inside. Despite the natural composition, Malavit drops can cause diarrhea and stomach cramps in young children.

Using the gel

According to the instructions for use, Malavit, made in the form of a gel, is used to treat arthritis and arthrosis. As a rule, it works as follows: a small amount of the product is squeezed onto the surface of the sore knee and smeared with a thin layer. To enhance the effect, you can put cling film on top and insulate the joint with a scarf. Thus, a compress is obtained, the effect of which is enhanced by heat.

The gel is most often used to treat sore joints, gynecological problems, rashes on the skin of the face, and also for sore veins. They are used to smear the legs to prevent varicose veins. This product perfectly relieves puffiness and has a cooling and soothing effect. It spreads easily on the surface of the skin and is absorbed fairly quickly. Thanks to its transparent consistency and light, pleasant aroma, Malavit can be used throughout the day.

It is sometimes used to combat cellulite. Thanks to its composition, it affects lymph stagnation and helps smooth out orange peel. The cream-gel contains red pepper, which activates metabolic processes in the epidermis. The moisturizing and nourishing effect of “Malavita” has the best effect on the skin of the body, thanks to which it acquires a velvety and well-groomed appearance.

In gynecology, this remedy can be used as follows. A small amount of gel is applied to the genitals and left until completely absorbed. You can also use a gauze pad to subsequently lubricate the cervix. A course of treatment consisting of ten procedures allows you to get rid of erosion and thrush. Thanks to its natural composition, it can be used during pregnancy.

Ointment "Malavit"

With its help, fungal skin diseases are treated, and acne is also quickly and effectively healed. Thanks to the presence of caring components, the skin does not dry out, but remains soft and moisturized. The ointment can be safely applied to the entire surface of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Each person chooses the course of treatment individually depending on the severity of the disease. As a rule, the effect occurs quite quickly. Do not apply too thick a layer or rub it intensely into the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

As a rule, this remedy does not cause any side effects. The exceptions are people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug and young children. They sometimes have a laxative effect, which goes away immediately after stopping treatment. When used externally, the instructions for use of Malavita warn of possible irritation or an allergic reaction.

Storage of the drug

This product does not lose its properties for two years. The storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees and be below 5. If sediment is found in the bottle with Malavit drops, do not be upset. Precipitation does not affect the quality of the product, and it can be used until the end of the storage period.

Analogues of the drug

The Malavit solution can be replaced with other means. For example, “D-panthenol” perfectly heals epidermal tissue, restores its structure and stimulates the formation of halogen fibers. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It contains the active component dexpanthenol and other additional components.

A natural remedy with a broad spectrum of action is “Malavit”. Instructions for use recommend using the cream-gel and solution as part of complex therapy for diseases of the joints and muscles, in the treatment of headaches and muscle pain, neuritis, neuralgia, as well as dermatological diseases of various origins, for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Release form and composition

Active substances in the composition:

  • Stone oil.
  • Mumiyo.
  • Larch gum.
  • Glycerol.
  • Active bio-complexes of silver and copper.
  • Fir and cedar resin.
  • Extracts of grass and roots of plant materials from the Gorno-Altai region.

pharmachologic effect

“Malavit”, the instructions for use confirm this, is a medicinal product that contains components such as cedar resin, larch gum, malachite, pine and birch buds, mumiyo, organic acids, essential oils, oak bark, silver and copper complexes , extract of immortelle, sage, peony, calendula, peppermint, thyme, chamomile, calamus, plantain, celandine, as well as structured ionized water.

The actions of the components that make up the drug determine the antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, deodorizing, decongestant, and analgesic properties of this product.

In addition, the use of Malavit helps suppress most aerobic and anaerobic infections. Thus, the drug is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases, as well as viral infections of various origins.

Gel, solution “Malavit”: what does the drug help with?

Indications for use of the drug include:

  • various gynecological diseases (chlamydia, vulvovaginitis, colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, cervical erosion, thrush, endocervicitis, ureaplasmosis);
  • prevention of acute viral respiratory diseases, influenza;
  • sinusitis;
  • the product is used for daily hygiene and skin care (to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, prevent inflammation);
  • varicose veins;
  • various skin injuries (bedsores, wounds, abrasions, snake bites, insect bites, spider bites, burns, frostbite);
  • muscle pain, headache;
  • complex treatment of joint and muscle diseases (myositis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, tendovaginitis, spondyloarthrosis and others);
  • various dermatological diseases (acne, boils, herpes, mycosis, condyloma, eczema, trophic ulcers, warts, psoriasis and others);
  • neuritis, neuralgia;
  • elimination of the consequences of fractures, sprains, hematomas, dislocations.

Instructions for use

“Malavit” solution and cream-gel are used externally; it is recommended to shake before use.


The drug is prescribed for mycoses, condylomas, warts, boils, carbuncles and other purulent-inflammatory skin lesions. Used for acne, dryness, and premature aging of the skin.

  • For neuralgia, neuritis, headaches, myalgic syndrome, the drug as part of complex therapy is rubbed into the site of pain several times a day.
  • For herpetic rashes, apply to the affected areas 3-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.
  • For gynecological diseases, the drug is applied to a loose gauze swab and inserted into the posterior vaginal fornix for 3-5 hours after the sanitation procedure.
  • For diseases of the musculoskeletal system and inflammation of soft tissues, the drug is applied with light massaging movements to the damaged area several times a day.
  • For hematomas, the product is applied to intact skin 2-3 times a day.
  • For nasal injuries, to reduce pain and swelling, the drug is applied to the damaged area 2 times a day.
  • In complex therapy of ENT diseases, it is applied 7-8 times to the projection of the maxillary cavities. Therapy is supplemented by washing the nasal passages and gargling with Malavit solution (20 drops per glass of water) 2-4 times a day.


Apply with a sponge to the site of projection of the inflammatory process. To enhance the effect, you can cover the treated area with plastic wrap and a bandage. Applications are kept for 20-180 minutes. The effect will be more pronounced if the site of application of the drug is preheated with a heating pad, rubbing, or massage.

If the integrity of the skin is not compromised, the drug is applied without dilution. Apply a solution to damaged skin in a ratio of 1:20 to 1:5. The course of treatment and optimal therapeutic dosage are determined based on the patient’s condition, the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy.

In otolaryngology

For diseases of the ENT organs, the Malavita solution (5-10 drops per 100 ml of water) is used to rinse the nasal passages, as nasal drops, and to gargle. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day.

For children under 5 years old, add 1 drop of the drug to 100 ml of water for each year of the child’s life.

For catarrhal otitis, dilute 5 drops per 5 ml of water. A cotton swab is moistened in a solution heated to body temperature, squeezed out and inserted into the ear canal 4-6 times during the day.

At the initial stage of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, rubbing the patient’s back and chest with undiluted elixir, as well as putting cream in the mouth 5-6 times a day, is recommended.

For gargling, Malavit is diluted in the proportion of 12-15 drops per 100 ml of water.

Application in gynecology

In obstetric and gynecological practice, the drug is used for thrush, genital herpes, and endocervicitis. The solution helps normalize the vaginal microflora.

For douching 2 tsp. The drug is diluted with a glass of water.

For toileting external organs, the solution is diluted in a proportion of 2 tsp. per glass of water.

For phonophoresis, vaginas are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

For laying tampons 2 tsp. “Malavita” is diluted in a glass of water and a gauze swab is generously moistened in this, after which it is inserted into the posterior vaginal fornix for 3-5 hours.

The course of gynecological treatment consists of 10 procedures. In combination with phonophoresis - 5-6 procedures.

Use for diseases

  • For fractures in the first 3-5 days of the injury, the medicine is administered under a splint or plaster in the amount of 10-20 ml 1-2 times a day. After the cast is removed, treatment continues as per the sprain regimen.
  • Treatment of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. “Malavit” acts as a complement to the main therapy. A solution of 1:20 to 1:5 is used, which is injected into the urethra. The exhibition lasts 30-60 minutes. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day. The course lasts 10-15 days.
  • For fungal diseases of the feet, turundas are moistened in Malavita solution and placed between the toes. Foot baths are also performed, for which water is taken at a temperature of about 50 ° C and in a ratio of 10: 1.
  • In dental practice it is used for rinsing the mouth. In this case, a solution of 7-10 drops per glass of water is used. In addition, applications with turundas soaked in a mixture of the drug and glycerin (1:1 or 1:2) are used.
  • For insect and snake bites, a gauze swab is soaked in “Malavit” and applied to the bite site for 7-10 minutes 3-4 times during the day. After being bitten by ticks, spiders, or snakes, an injection of gamma globulin is performed after the application. After a single application with undiluted preparation, scabies and encephalitis mites die within 7-10 minutes.
  • During menstruation, Malavit is used as a prophylactic. To do this, a hygienic tampon is moistened with a few drops of solution and inserted into the vagina.
  • For sprained ligaments, a compress is indicated instead of cold treatments. Gauze, generously soaked in the solution, is applied to the damaged area and secured with plastic wrap and an elastic bandage. The application lasts 2-3 hours and is repeated 2-3 times a day.
  • For acne, pustules, boils, chronic dermatoses, the affected areas are treated with an undiluted solution 3-5 times a day.
  • For hyperhidrosis, baths of the following composition are prescribed for the feet and palms: 40-50 g of salt, 5 liters of water, 10 ml of solution. The armpits are treated with a tampon generously moistened in an undiluted solution.
  • For neuritis and neuralgia, headache and muscle pain, the drug is rubbed into the site of pain undiluted.
  • To care for damaged hair and scalp, baths with Malavita solution (10 drops per 200 liters of water) are recommended.


The instructions for use prohibit the gel and solution "Malavit" only in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.

Analogues of the drug "Malavit"

Complete analogues for the active substance: “Malavit” balm rinse for all hair types, gel lubricant, cream-gel, cream for tired legs, cream for joints, cream for children.

Vacation conditions and price

The average price of “Malavit” (cream-gel 75 ml) in Moscow is 250 rubles. The solution is sold for 222 rubles. In Kyiv you can buy medicine for 138 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - for 1815 tenge. In Minsk, pharmacies offer the gel for 11 bel. rubles Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.
