Natal aspects of Mars and Saturn Maser class in astrology from Katerina Startseva. Mercury turns retrograde on ic

Katerina Startseva

Pivot points


Publishing house of the site of classical astrology


Instead of introducing

Hello my dear colleagues!

This short excursion will allow you to understand the specifics of the events

occurring at the moment of changing the direction of motion of the planets.

magazine “Milky Way”, and if you are interested in receiving equally interesting information “first-hand”, then for everyone who studies the intricacies of astrological forecasting, I give a direct link to the Subscribe postal service page, where by entering your e-mail address you can subscribe to receiving interesting stories, predictive techniques and various kinds of quests from me.

We get new knowledge here: And now, let’s turn the page Sincerely yours, Katerina Startseva author and director of the SOLARIS project


Always in touch: [email protected] Turning points of planets. 2 Copyright © Katerina Startseva Mercury cycle The duration of the Mercury-Sun cycle is on average 116 days and during this period Mercury makes 2 conjunctions with the Sun:

Upper, when Mercury picked up speed, caught up, connected with the Sun and got ahead of it and

Bottom, when he slowed down in his movement, wandered back and again found himself in

Sunny hugs :)

Of course, fast-winged Mercury is not Uranus, and you are unlikely to feel its transits, but the turning point, being in interaction with a planet or cusp of your chart, can give a very noticeable event.

Take a look at the picture - isn’t it true, Mercury is a broad soul:) retrograde" Zodiac by trines.

Turning points of planets. 3 Copyright © Katerina Startseva

Below are Mercury's turning points from 2006 to 2009:

t Phase Date position 1 t. A Mercury-R 03/02/2006 27 Pisces t. B Mercury-D 03/25/2006 14 Pisces 2 t. C Mercury-R 07/04/2006 2 Leo t. D Mercury-D 07/29/2006 22 Cancer I Mercury-R 06/15/2007 12 Cancer t.

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IN YOUR NEW APARTMENT:)) So, we finally got to specific examples, but at the beginning I want to recommend you the following:

Any cycle must be considered together with the main transit configurations, otherwise we may lose the overall picture of what is happening.

The story of Evgenia (12/18/1947 14:48 GMT Kiev 50.26 30:31) Evgenia was born and lived her whole life in her small, cozy, and what she thought was quite a prestigious apartment in the city center; but with the passage of time and the lack of opportunity to make major repairs, Zhenya’s apartment fell into a state of complete ruin.

Looking with horror at the shaken plank floors with paint residues, at the rotten pipes and falling plaster, the woman comes to the only correct conclusion - to sell her beloved and move to the outskirts of the city, but to a new house.

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Feeling the Relentless Pulses of Pluto and Uranus (August 2004)

Transiting Uranus moves for the 2nd time to conjunction with the Moon, in opposition to IC

Pluto is in transit - in a wide converging orbit with Mercury, the ruler of the IC, Evgenia quickly finds buyers, as well as a decent apartment for herself, packs her things, draws up documents, when suddenly:

“Stand still!” - transit Mercury changes the direction of its movement and becomes retrograde on August 10, 2004 at 9 degrees Virgo, in conjunction with the IC radix. (1 point)

What's happening?

During the process of registration, it turned out that the procedure for processing documents provides for the presence of military registration documents, that is, a military ID card for her son, Mark, who is about to turn 27 years old, and who not only was not in the army, but also documents corresponding does not have. How so?

And very simply, the draft commission simply lost his documents, and who would surrender voluntarily? Therefore, Mark calmly bided his time until the prospect of being on government pay no longer threatened him and was in no hurry to restore the “status quo.”

(And according to the law on universal conscription, conscripts who are not called up for various reasons into the Armed Forces within the established time limits are called up for active military service until they reach the age of 27).

But how can you register in a new apartment now? Zhenya does not have all the necessary documents.

So, back to the map, what about the children?

Children, V house, ruler Venus, in the iron grip of the transit opposition between Saturn and Chiron.

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Well, you, Mark, are caught between a “rock and a hard place.”

But where to go? The process, as they say, has already begun. Issues of social status will have to be resolved.

After experiencing “thunder and lightning” for some time, Mark, in fear and despair, goes to surrender to the military registration and enlistment office, where, to his incredible relief, it turns out that he is no longer subject to mobilization, but in order to receive a military ID he must pass a medical examination.

This is what he does during the new Mercury cycle:

On August 23, the Sun is in conjunction with Mercury retrograde at 2 degrees Virgo (2nd point). Evgenia is safely registered with the whole family in her new apartment just at the exit of Mercury in direct-September 2 at 26 Leo, (3rd point) in trine to the Sun of the radix (significator V and the ruler of the III house).

All issues with documents necessary for registration in a new apartment were completely resolved.

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If Mercury, with the pattern of its cycle, says: “I am friends with everyone,” then Venus, moving along the quincunx, exquisitely says: “I love only the chosen ones”; note that the successive stations of Venus are located opposite the course of the zodiac signs.

Venus becomes retrograde every 1.5 years.

Below are the reversal points of Venus from 2002 to 2010:

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Igor (23.05.1966 19:24 LMT Kirovsk 67.37 33.35) and Lyudmila (25.09.1966 00:48 LMT Kyiv 50.26 30.31) had worked together for several years and each had a family. And suddenly one fine day they discovered that sympathy and friendship were about to turn into a strong feeling :) What made them look more carefully at each other?

Here is a map of the synastry of Lyudmila (inside) and Igor.

A double inclusion of the synastric trine has occurred:

Mars Lyudmila (20 degrees Leo, ruler of the 5th house) and Venus Igor (21 Aries, ruler of Ds) first

Already by December 1999. they started living together :)

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The reversal of the planet can also act as a catalyst for an event if it happens on the cusp of the house.

A woman is selling an apartment and roughly estimating how much it can be valued at.

At this time, Venus turns into a retro movement in exact conjunction with the cusp of the VIII house. Finally the appraiser arrives. His verdict?

Will assign an amount greater than the hostess expected

The sale price of the apartment will be much less than expected.

Considering the retrograde motion of Venus, there is no need to rack your brains over this issue. Of course, the apartment was priced several thousand dollars less than the seller expected.

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Mars, in its retrograde movement, marches “in marching steps” along the lines of the zodiac signs, only occasionally “losing its feet,” that is, depriving an entire sign of its attention.

Below are the turning points of Mars from 1997 to 2010:

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Please note, maybe some events in your life were caused by these points?






Something like this association may arise when a transit

Mars turns into retro movement on the ruler of MC :)

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The beginning of October 2005, it seemed to me, was somewhat tense due to the fact that many of my clients complained about problems they were having at work due to Mars turning retrograde. It was this cycle that probably turned out to be difficult also because the reversal of Mars occurred at a quincunx with transiting Pluto.

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A manager involved in the sale of equipment for boiler rooms spoke frankly with me:

“It’s a complete mess at work, complete stagnation, the director doesn’t give a damn, the phone is silent, etc... What should I do? How long will this continue?” Well, let's try to figure it out.

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1st point - Mars turns back on October 1, 2005 at 24 degrees Taurus, in conjunction with the Radix Moon, ex. Ms.

This occurs against the background of the above-mentioned “long-term” aspect of Pluto 150 Ms, suggesting changes in work.

It seems that the picture is unlikely to change in the next month, because... when Mars begins its retrograde motion, its energy, usually directed towards the implementation of its principles in the outer life, rushes inward, and therefore this process can cause situations of slowdown and restraint in the spheres of action of the planet with which Mars is in contact.

2nd point of the cycle - the opposition of the Sun with retro-Mars on November 7, 2005 falls on the 16th degrees of Scorpio and Taurus

And includes major aspects of 6 horoscope planets - Mercury, Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Neptune and Saturn.

The advice was this: try to probe the waters, it looks like a worthwhile proposal should turn up, to which Stas sadly muttered something like “we’ll wait and see.”

During November there were indeed several job offers, and when Mars changed its movement to direct

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Stas decided to move to a new place of work.

TRAUMA The following example with similar configurations, only in this chart the Moon rules the AC and is located in the 6th house of the natal chart, and during the period of transit Pluto passing through it, health problems or injuries can be expected.

The effect of this aspect can be played out quite harshly, given the natal aspect between these planets - a square.

Owner of the horoscope - Lisa (26.03. 1962 07:54 GMT Kharkov 50.00 36.15)

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Mars turns into retrograde on January 2, 1995. at 3 Virgo, in square with the natal Moon and opposition with Jupiter, ruler of the VI house (Sagittarius, the included sign in the VI house), thereby bringing into play destructive Plutonian vibrations.

Literally a few days later, the long-cracked door glass suddenly showered Lisa with a pile of small fragments. His hands and face were badly damaged from numerous cuts.

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So our review has come to an end. I hope you found this information useful and informative.

If you have a desire to gain a lot more useful knowledge to master forecasting skills, then you are welcome here: Clicking on the link will allow you to instantly go on a trip around the world through the world of human destinies, gaining access to the author’s course “Radix and Transits. Reflection in reality."

Favorable forecasts and amazing intuition to you!

Sincerely yours, Katerina Startseva.

Astrological mini-training Astrological mini-training Click on the picture to get started Course author: Katerina Startseva © Classic astrology site "Solaris"

Attention: the training consists of 9 questions; each new slide contains the correct answer to the previous question, so do not rush to flip through the pages, first analyze the task and find the correct answer First question: Actress Michelle Mercier was distinguished by courage, perseverance and desire to achieve her goal. Since childhood, she was not distinguished by ideal physical characteristics, but she compensated for everything with incredible diligence. "This was hard. One day a dance teacher broke his broom on my lower back because... “I didn’t stay straight enough,” she said. “But I learned to never complain or cry.” Once, after appendicitis surgery, the girl was prescribed bed rest for a week. But the young dancer could not miss the competition taking place in those days at the Opera House. Jumping out of bed, she hurried to participate. With only a few minutes left before going on stage, she discovered that the tapes on her pointe shoes had been cut. While she was looking for something to secure them with, she had to go on stage. And only here the young ballerina noticed that the pointe shoes themselves had nails in them. But Mercier danced as if she had magic wings tied to her feet. The success was stunning - Mercier received first place. But during the demonstration she lost consciousness and was urgently taken to the hospital. The parents who arrived there were shocked “that their daughter was unconscious and in a ballerina costume, while they left me in bed, dressed in a nightgown.” Select the cosmogram belonging to the actress, based on the position of Mars

The correct answer to the first question: Michel Mercier owns the first cosmogram, with Mars in Scorpio. Second question: Jean Gabin was born on May 17, 1904 in Paris. His daughter says: “Dad had many obsessions, and one of the main “things” was the fear of upper floors, stairs, balconies and elevators. He was wildly afraid of a fire and was sure that if the apartment caught fire, firstly, we would definitely not have time to run out of the house, and secondly, the firefighters would not be able to get to our floor in time to put out the fire. That's why we stayed on the first floors all the time. When dad put out a cigarette in the ashtray, he pressed it twenty times, if not more. Then he returned several times and checked whether the cigarette butt was smoldering. Every evening before going to bed, he went into the kitchen to check if the gas was turned off. Dad's psychoses passed on to me. This fear was most likely acquired during the war, when their division was bombed by German fighters. Anyone who has experienced something like this can hardly remain a normal person. Fortunately, everything turned out to be all right with my father’s head, well, except for a few “hidden points.” For example, when we lived on the first floors, dad regularly played with the children. And in the evenings he always came into our bedrooms to kiss us and wish us a good night’s sleep. But when we moved to another apartment and we had a bedroom, which we had to climb up a small staircase, the evening games and goodnight kisses ended. Although once, when we were seriously ill, dad came up to us every hour, checked our foreheads and took our temperatures. I'm sure it was a real feat for him! And if during the filming his hero had to run dashingly up the stairs, then these important details were discussed by his father long before work on the film began. A similar scene was filmed like this: the father said his line, went up ONE step, and the director immediately shouted: “Stop! Cut!” Every morning dad woke up with the words: “So, something bad will definitely happen today!” The most interesting thing is that nothing bad ever happened.” With which planet or fictitious point is J. Gabin’s Sun in square?

The correct answer to the second question: Jean Gabin's Sun is in a square with the Black Moon. Third question: Writer Sidney Sheldon was born on February 11, 1917 in Chicago, USA. When he was little, a fortune teller predicted to his mother that her son would become famous throughout the world. But at the beginning of his creative career, he was a not very successful composer-songwriter, screenwriter, failed producer, and a miserably failed film director. Later, knocking on the thresholds of film studios, poring over synopses, receiving orders for scripts, he knew for sure: this is just the beginning, the most important thing is ahead. And now, in his mature years, what else can he wait for, when he has already tried himself everywhere he can, gained a lot of success, lost his former illusions and clearly sees the limit of his capabilities? But life is not over yet, and we must fight - not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones. Sidney wrote his first novel, The Unmasked Face, when he was already over 50, and it sold well, but the book was not a financial success. However, Sheldon liked being a writer: there is no need to fuss with actors, no one will ask you to delete a line, move the action from the valley to the mountains, or create a mood with music. He decided to write another book and worked on it for a whole year. The Other Side of Midnight made him a millionaire; this novel topped The New York Times book rankings for 52 weeks. The old prediction came true - Sheldon became famous throughout the world. Which transiting planet was making a trine with his natal Venus at this time and was able to enrich the writer so much? A) transiting Jupiter B) transiting Pluto C) transiting Chiron

The correct answer to the third question: The harmonious aspects of transit Jupiter can provide good support in financial matters, but “giving away millions” is only available to Pluto. (The novel was published in 1973, S. Sheldon was 56 years old) Fourth question: On March 19 (31), 1872, an amazing woman A. M. Kolontai was born, who was controversial, but undoubtedly a significant and interesting person. Young Sasha may not have been a beauty, but she had some kind of zest that attracted men’s hearts with terrible force. So, because of unrequited love for her, having been refused, her dance partner at the balls, Vladimir Dragomirov, shot himself. “There must be a midsummer night's dream, falling in love, wingedness - this is the celebration of life. It doesn't matter who, but falling in love. Let it be two, three days. Let it be years - it depends on self-deception. Love requires self-deception, often mutual. Why is it together - love and a dinner samovar? - she wrote. Kolontai was a supporter of the notorious “glass of water” theory - a person should have sex as simply as quenching thirst, and morality in this matter is just a bourgeois relic. At birth, A. Kolontai's natal Venus was in trine with the Black Moon. Determine its position in the zodiac sign: A) Venus in Aquarius B) Venus in Pisces C) Venus in Aries.

The correct answer to the fourth question: Option B) Venus in Pisces Fifth question: Sergei Zolotukhin (son of actor Valery Zolotukhin) was born in Moscow on August 20, 1979. His father says: “Since childhood, Seryozha did not attach much importance to life. He tasted strange things, tested himself, and did unmotivated things. One day it was the birthday of Katya, a girl with whom Seryozha studied and was friends. He came to GUM, found expensive perfume and put it in his pocket, knowing full well that he would inevitably “ring” on the way out. Naturally, the bell rang and a policeman came. “Why,” they ask the son, “did you do this?” - “I want to go to jail.” The policeman demanded documents. He gave me his passport. “Which Zolotukhin? The son of that same Zolotukhin? What are you, an idiot? Of course, the perfume was taken away, and he was released. Then he told my mother and me everything. I couldn’t explain why he came up with this. Sergei never worked anywhere, although I often told him: I will get you any job, I will help you as best I can. I was very worried about his fate, since he could not find himself in this life. And in my search I didn’t feel the edge. One day, Sergei deliberately brought himself to the point of exhaustion, eating one apple a day and citing the fact that he did not earn enough to earn more. The result of the hunger strike was a hospital. “Leaving this life is as easy as skipping class” - this was his philosophical position.” Choose the correct aspect of natal Mars: A) Mars square Pluto B) Mars trine Neptune C) Mars has no major aspects (in the mine).

The correct answer to the fifth question is: Option C) Mars has no major aspects (in the mine). Sixth question: The actress was born on June 20, 1963. From mid-June to mid-August 2004, the transiting Black Moon was conjunct her natal Sun. During this period, she was offered a role in a new film and invited to audition. She turns to the astrologer with a question whether she should agree to a tempting offer. Analyzing the position of transit Lilith, you come to the conclusion: A) Lilith often helps in creative projects, so you approve of her desire to star in a new film B) Lilith always carries negative information, so it would be better to refuse the offer C) Lilith does not affect human activities, so you give her her own choice.

The correct answer to the sixth question: The actress discussed in the previous question is Olga Prokofieva. Over to her: “The director Pyotr Stein worked in the series “My Fair Nanny.” At the Malakyants Theater he staged the play “Sylvia”, in which I played. He invited me to audition. Then they didn’t call me for a long time. I already began to forget about it, other jobs appeared. August was approaching, vacation. My son and I decided to go fishing with friends in Ivanovo. Suddenly at the end of July there was a call: “Come, the Americans have arrived, they want to take a look.” I arrived at the studio. I was approved, and I didn’t leave the set for the entire month of August, while my son sat at the dacha. Seventh question: In the evening, he and I went for a bike ride, although I was so tired that I wanted to fall and sleep until the morning.” Olga Prokofieva woke up famous the morning after the television series “My Fair Nanny.” Her heroine Zhanna is a negative character, but the actress was so ridiculous in preparing small dirty tricks, so funny she got into all sorts of stupid situations and was so touchingly unrequitedly in love that she became sympathetic to the audience, many of whom did not know that Prokofiev was a theater actress, serving for almost twenty years. years at the Theater. Mayakovsky At the beginning of 1994, Kristina Orbakaite and her husband bought themselves a new apartment, made renovations there, and at the end of March they moved to a new place of residence. (Christina born at 15:00, Moscow) At this time, transit Pluto was opposite natal Saturn, the ruler of the IC. Is this the right time to improve your living conditions?

The correct answer to the seventh question: Despite the fact that when moving, tense aspects of higher planets are often encountered, it is still better to deal with issues of apartment exchange on harmonious aspects. There are situations when issues of this kind need to be resolved quickly, without waiting for the end of the intense influence of the planets - in this case, you can “safeguard” by choosing a period of time when transiting Jupiter forms a harmonious aspect with the ruler/significator of the 4th house/IC. A word from Christina: In the first month after moving, I enjoyed scrubbing, polishing, cooking dinners and breakfasts. I organized holidays for myself - with candles and other beautiful things. However, serious problems soon arose. We selected housing for ourselves through a real estate office. First we looked at several new apartments, and then we were tempted by this one; I liked that it was almost in the center. True, they did not take into account the age of the building, but you cannot repair the entire house at your own expense. A week after we moved here, a homeless man froze in the entrance on the first floor, and I was afraid to go home. And then other troubles began. Either there is no water for a week, neither hot nor cold, then the gas is turned off, then the pipes burst. Floods every night. At one point everything suddenly fell into disrepair.” Eighth question: The man’s wife suffered as a result of visiting a psychotherapist. During this period, the man experiences: A) Pluto square to natal Venus B) Saturn square to natal Venus C) Neptune square to natal Venus

The correct answer to the eighth question: A visit to a psychotherapist with such a sad ending refers to Pluto transits. Ninth question: Read a few statements from colleagues about the work of Otare Kushanashvili: “It’s my destiny to serve as a vignette on television,” our hero once joked to himself, referring to his frequent appearances on television as a guest and “an expert on all existing questions." The programs he hosted became highly rated, largely thanks to his vivid emotional verbal balancing act. He constructs his speech patterns from seemingly completely incompatible ingredients: his own observations of life and overheard conversations in a bar, lines from the poems of Brodsky and Mandelstam and phrases taken from interviews, for example, with Philip Kirkorov. Excerpts from music reviews of the Afisha magazine may appear side by side in its articles with dialogues from the TV series Alf and The Sopranos. Many are annoyed by his unbridled, loud manner of speaking on various topics, as if he is an expert in everything. for this he often received criticism from critics. They called him all sorts of things: “epileptic showman” and “headless horseman of the sexual apocalypse.” He knows how to come up with such verbal constructions that the objects of his “desperate” research (most often pop stars) are at a loss: is he “creeping” or praising? Otar Kushanashvili about himself: I have never been strong in terms of forged syllables, minted formulations, and sometimes from antics, (due to my psycho-emotional structure) I can’t resist. Do you lie a lot? I have to. But this is art. You have to lie so that your cheekbones don’t cramp. It is probably not at all new for you that I write intricately, that my style, my writing is distinguished by incredible formal grace. I am witty, like Churchill, emotional, like the singer Ramazzotti, ambitious, like Surkov, sometimes, I’m ashamed to admit, like Khlestakov and his pompous dregs. I am an exemplary worker, there is no reason to take shavings off me; I am an intellectual cowboy with sad eyes; I manage to pull the trigger before any opponent. Incontinence of words is my scourge. I can be as simple-minded as a wildflower. I can be a simpleton, but more often I pretend. I have no equal in verbal acrobatics. There are even some people who convince others that my writings sparkle with wit. At a time when the most narrative genre is reduced to a message on Twitter, I am a good and well-organized storyteller, but I don’t lift my nose high. My text is an example of impeccable weaving of verbal fabric. In what sign is Otara's natal Mercury located?

The correct answer to the ninth question: Otar Kushanashvili was born on June 22, 1970 in Kutaisi. Mercury is located in the sign of Gemini. Author of the course - Katerina Startseva © mail: Trainings for the professional development of astrology: Master Class-1Master Class-1 - Natal aspects and transits of planets Master Class-2Master Class-2 - Natal aspects and transits of planets Master Class-3Master- Class-3 - Solarians Master Class-4Master Class-4 - Natal aspects, transits, symbolic directions Master Class-5Master Class-5 - Natal aspects and transits of the Black Moon Master Class-6Master Class-6 - Professional predictors methods - symbolic directions and planetary transits Discounts are available for students who want to study several trainings at once.

Natal aspects of Mars and Saturn.

For convenience of working with the training, I divided it into several categories.
Today we will talk about brave, persistent and courageous people who have this aspect in their chart.

Thomas Edward Lawrence
better known as Lawrence of Arabia (eng. Thomas Edward Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia) was born on August 15 (according to other sources on August 16) 1888, in the town of Tremadoc in North Wales.

British officer and writer who played a major role in the Great Arab Revolt of 1916-1918.

Lawrence is considered a military hero both in Great Britain and in a number of Arab countries in the Middle East.

He is a famous traveler.

In his chart, Mars and Saturn are in square.

Lawrence was an outstanding military intelligence officer. He knew Arabic very well, and even before the outbreak of the First World War he traveled throughout almost all of Arabia.

Self-confident and daring, he did not hesitate to drive away those who interfered or simply did not like him. He was incredibly brave in the face of danger, had a strong will and was unusually resilient.

His fellow military men were greatly impressed by his sharp mind, infectious enthusiasm for his work and “extraordinary ability to get things done.”

To gain the trust of the Arabs, Lawrence began to dress in national dress and learned to endure many hours on the back of a camel. He was unpretentious in food, easily endured heat and thirst, and eventually turned into the leader of Arab rebel troops who fought very effectively against the Turks.

Persistence in achieving goals, the ability to act skillfully, tactfully and assertively allowed him to become a leader in any community.

On the birthday of the Italian climber Reinhold Messner (09/17/1944, Vilness, Italy), Mars and Saturn were also in square.

He was the first to conquer Everest alone, without safety hooks or oxygen equipment. Messner is generally the first climber to conquer all the eight-thousanders in the world, after which he became a living legend among climbers.

Someone thought that Messner should have died with a 99.9% probability, however, thanks to his outstanding abilities, he survived.

He also took the lead in conquering Antarctica without dogs or machinery.

The most significant factors that speak of Messner’s outstanding capabilities can be considered the fact that so far few have managed to climb the Rupal Face of Nanga Parbat, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to make a real solo on Everest. Let's not forget that Messner made his solo ascent in the summer, during the monsoon season in Nepal, which has never been done before.

Messner faced not only fame, he often showed himself as a strong personality. While defending his position and his views, he disagreed with the majority. During several unsuccessful expeditions in the mid-seventies, people rejoiced at his failures.

In 2004, Messner crossed the Gobi Desert from East to West in six weeks.

Undoubtedly, Reinhold Messner is the greatest climber, whose name will inspire new generations of climbers for many years to come.

Nick Vujicic was born in Brisbane (Australia) on December 4, 1982.
when Mars was square Saturn and Pluto in a family of Serbian emigrants.

He had a rare pathology: the boy was missing limbs - both arms and both legs.
(partially there was one foot with two toes, which allowed the boy to later learn to walk, swim, skateboard, play on the computer and write).

Despite his physical disabilities, the boy was born healthy and, as soon as the law in Victoria changed, his parents insisted that their son attend a regular school.

In 1990, greatly worried about his physical disabilities, the boy attempted suicide, but over time he realized that his achievements in life could inspire others. He began to learn simple things: he learned to write with two toes on his left foot, learned to brush his teeth, shave, comb his hair, answer the phone and type on a computer.

In the seventh grade, the boy became a class leader and participated in campaigns to raise funds for charity.

He learned to live with his disability by sharing his experiences with others and becoming a world-renowned motivational speaker.

In 1999, he began speaking to his church group and soon opened a non-profit organization, Life without Limbs, becoming a motivational speaker.

His speeches are addressed to children and youth with disabilities, in the hope of intensifying their search for the meaning of life.

“People say to me, 'How can you smile?' I".
Nick talks to his audience about the importance of having a vision and dreaming big. Using his own experiences around the world as an example, he challenges others to consider their perspectives and look beyond their circumstances.

He shares his perspective on how to stop looking at obstacles as a problem and instead start seeing them as an opportunity for growth, how to influence others, etc.

He emphasizes the importance of our attitude and how it is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal; and also shows how the choices we make can have a big effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.

Throughout his life, Nick has shown that the main key to achieving our biggest dreams is consistency and the ability to use failure as a learning experience, and the ability to not let the guilt and fear of failure paralyze us.

How does Vujicic feel about his disability now? He accepted it, took advantage of it, and very often he laughs at his circumstances as he shows off many of his “tricks.”

He meets challenges with a special sense of humor; his perseverance and faith always inspires everyone around him to learn their perspective in order to create and define their vision. Using these new definitions, he challenges every person he meets to change their lives so that they can begin to achieve their biggest dreams.

With his extraordinary ability to connect with people from all walks of life and his incredible sense of humor that captivates children, teens and adults, Nick is truly an inspiring and motivational speaker.

In 2005, Nick Vujicic was nominated for the Young Australian of the Year award. He has traveled to more than 24 countries, speaking at schools, universities and other organizations. He participates in television shows and writes books. His first book was published in 2010. Currently lives in California, USA.
A short clip can be viewed here:
