The upper lip is numb. Numb lips: what does the symptom say. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy

Numbness in the lips (upper or lower) is a symptom that is accompanied by a sensation of loss of their sensitivity. It can be partial or complete, when the sensitivity disappears completely.

The severity of numbness and accompanying other symptoms can vary greatly from mild to life threatening.

Associated symptoms

As a symptom, numbness in the lips can occur on its own. However, patients who have experienced such a sensation often note the presence of additional manifestations of varying severity, depending on the cause that caused them.

  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation
  • tingling
  • Redness on the lips
  • Swelling

Mild symptoms are easily treatable, and severe symptoms must be dealt with responsibly, it is best to seek help from a qualified medical professional.


Causes, like symptoms, can also have varying degrees of severity. For example, if numbness is caused by a violation of the signal transmission between the brain and the lips, face, limbs, then this condition is called neuropathic.

Exposure to extreme cold temperatures

Lip numbness can be the result of exposure to cold air. This reason is of moderate severity, and the condition of the lips will recover at normal temperature.

Note that hands, fingers, and feet can also become numb when exposed to cold temperatures without adequate protection.


Most often, the allergen enters the body with food, but it can also penetrate through contact with the lips, for example, chemicals in lip cosmetics

Allergic reactions that lead to numbness in the lips are also not a serious condition. But only if it is not anaphylactic shock, which is accompanied by swelling and difficulty breathing. The most common sources of allergies are foods, chemicals, and certain medications.

Among all allergens, foods are the main culprits, as many people are not even aware that they are having an allergic reaction.

Despite this, other substances or lip cosmetics, as well as building materials, can cause lip numbness. An allergic reaction can occur in anyone, regardless of age, race or gender. The general symptoms that accompany an allergy may vary depending on the allergen. For example, food allergens can lead to:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • tingling in the lips;
  • rash or swelling;
  • blistering around the mouth or on the skin of other parts of the body

However, an allergic reaction to food, medication, and other substances is not always accompanied by numbness.


In addition to medications that cause allergic reactions, some medications can cause side effects such as numbness of the lips, especially when taken for a long time.

The main associated side effects include ulcers, a rash in the form of redness, itching, and more. Most often, these drugs include drugs that are used in dentistry, such as benzocaine (pain reliever).


Anesthesia for cosmetic or dental procedures may cause temporary numbness, which is normal

Another cause of numbness in the lips is surgical procedures that require the use of anesthesia or pain medications.

Most often, anesthesia is used during surgical interventions such as tooth extraction to avoid pain and make the treatment procedure as comfortable as possible.

The main symptom is tingling and slight numbness, which disappears after a while (several minutes or hours). The drug acts locally, but the effect can spread to the entire oral cavity, gums and lips. There may be a temporary loss of taste sensations if the numbness also touches the tongue.

Occasionally, patients complain of itching and irritation after inadvertent biting and chewing of the lips.


Excessive consumption of alcoholic and alcoholic beverages can lead to loss of sensation.

Other possible causes

In addition to the above, there are other factors that may explain numbness or tingling in the lip area:

  • Lip piercing
  • Hyperventilation (rapid breathing)
  • Raynaud's syndrome - mostly a secondary form of autoimmune disorders such as lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis

Sometimes there may be no visible signs, so the diagnosis should be based on a description of the patient's well-being. To do this, you need to carefully consider the remaining symptoms in order to correctly establish how serious this condition is.

Serious or life-threatening cases of lip numbness

The following are potentially fatal conditions associated with numbness not only of the lips, but also of other parts of the face, arms and legs.

Peripheral neuropathy (or neuropathy)

According to Emedicine Health, PN refers to the main dysfunctions of the nervous system. There are several types of neuropathy: autonomic, focal, peripheral, and cranial.

Peripheral neuropathy (PN) will be described below because it is a disorder of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord.

PN is a life-threatening condition that can be caused by other serious health conditions, including:

  • Excessive alcohol abuse
  • Physical nerve damage
  • Lyme disease
  • Prolonged course of kidney disease
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Medications (such as phenytoin)
  • Cancer treatment

According to NHS Choices, the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy in the UK is type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy

There is a wide variety of symptoms depending on the area and nerves affected. Lip numbness can be accompanied by tingling, hypersensitivity, muscle weakness, paralysis, and other symptoms.


The main symptoms of hypocalcemia:

  • Numbness of the skin around the mouth or other parts of the body
  • Muscle spasms
  • Clouded mind
  • Seizures
  • Heart failure

Also in this case, the numbness is accompanied by a tingling sensation that may be present in the limbs.

Hypocalcemia can be caused by vitamin D deficiency and hypoparathyroidism (an endocrine disease), as well as pancreatitis, kidney failure, tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), and certain medications.

Hypocalcemia can be accompanied by life-threatening symptoms such as electrical instability of the heart, heart rate and associated risks.

oral cancer

In rare cases, loss of sensation in the lips may be associated with oral cancer.

This disease can be extremely dangerous to health and life if it is not diagnosed in time and the necessary measures are not taken to control the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Symptoms of lip cancer:

  • Swelling and bumps that increase in size.
  • Erosions on the gums and nearby areas with unexplained bleeding in the mouth.
  • Soreness or sensation of a foreign body at the back of the throat.
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, and other activities involving the jaw and tongue.
  • Chronic sore throat, with characteristic hoarseness.
  • The presence of white, red or velvety patches in the mouth.
  • Unexplained numbness of the lips or any area of ​​the face.
  • Persistent bleeding mouth sores that do not heal for more than two weeks.
  • Pain or tenderness in the throat, face, or lips.

Patients may also suffer from ear pain, loss of teeth or dentures. Some people start losing weight rapidly.

There are a large number of internal factors that cause the development of cancer in the mouth. Here are some of them.

  • Smoking, chewing tobacco, or secondhand smoke
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation

Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

"It's a circulatory disorder in the brain, often caused by a blood clot." .

The symptoms of a TIA in many cases come on suddenly and disappear soon, but the blood flow remains blocked. These symptoms include:

  • Sudden numbness/tingling in the face.
  • Weakness or impaired movement in the arms and legs.
  • Sudden change in vision.
  • Sudden problems with speech.
  • Sudden confusion and trouble understanding simple things.
  • Sudden trouble walking.

Causes of a transient ischemic attack include hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), a heart attack, or abnormal heart rhythms.

Symptoms of a life-threatening condition

Sometimes lip numbness can be a symptom of a life-threatening condition. These include:

Difficulties with swallowing

Regardless of the presence of numbness and tingling in the lips with difficulty swallowing, you should immediately seek medical help.

Breathing problems

Weak, labored breathing, wheezing, or choking and blurred speech are very serious conditions that pose a real threat to life.

Sharp swelling of the lips, face

If the loss of sensation in the lips is accompanied by a sudden, rapidly appearing swelling, then this may indicate anaphylaxis (Quincke's edema)

Another symptom to watch out for is sudden swelling of the face, lips, or tongue. This may be a sign of anaphylactic shock - an extremely strong and rapid allergic reaction.

Other symptoms

Other possible complications may involve the nervous or digestive systems. For example:

  • Loss of coordination - staggering, falling
  • Muscular coordination problems
  • Altered peristalsis
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Lack of voice

Numbness of the upper or lower lip

Most of the reasons mentioned lead more often to numbness of the lower lip.

Causes described ranging from an allergic reaction to neurological disorders affect the nerves in the tissues of the lips, so numbness can occur in both the upper and lower lip.

“At 6 weeks pregnant (I am now 29 weeks and 6 days), I noticed that during the day my upper lip was completely numb, beyond my control. Now it doesn’t really bother me, because I realized that strange things happen to my body during pregnancy. ” PBGirl BabyCenter

Lip numbness remedies should be used with caution, taking into account factors such as the most likely cause of the numbness and the severity of the symptoms.

In case of sudden numbness of the lower lip, it is worth visiting your dentist or allergist.

Numbness on the face and lips

In addition to the lips, numbness can also occur on other areas of the face, such as on the chin or around the mouth.

Numbness around the mouth and lips

The main causes of numbness around the lips or mouth include allergies, certain medications, alcohol abuse, cold temperatures, and anesthesia. Swelling of the surface or the entire lip, numbness and tingling - all these symptoms will depend on the cause that caused them.

The appearance of a rash or bumps that are accompanied by itching and sudden swelling should be taken seriously. If you suspect that numbness in the lips is due to a side effect of medication, anaphylaxis, or a lip piercing, seek immediate medical attention.

Cases of numbness of the lips, mouth and tongue for a long time, which are accompanied by other life-threatening symptoms, are always an emergency. Therefore, it is imperative to visit your doctor as soon as possible.


Before starting any treatment, it is worth conducting a series of tests and analyzes, and only after establishing the cause of numbness, you can choose the right treatment.


This is one of the easiest ways to combat numbness due to cold exposure. It is best to choose a product without fragrance and other additives.

Avoid carbon dioxide

Avoid carbonated drinks.

Stop taking medications that cause numbness

If the numbness of the lips is due to taking medications, it is worth revisiting the doctor who prescribed it. It is not recommended to stop taking any drug on your own.

Most likely, the doctor will help you choose alternative remedies without these side effects.

vitamin deficiency

Vitamin B deficiency can cause numbness in the lips. If you suspect a vitamin deficiency, contact your dietitian or therapist.

Lip numbness is not a pleasant phenomenon, which doctors call paresthesia. This pathological condition is ignored by many, since it does not cause pronounced discomfort. In fact, this symptom can indicate dangerous disorders, so if the lips are constantly numb, it is better to find out the reasons as soon as possible by starting appropriate therapy.

Initial signs

When both lips begin to go numb, or only the upper / lower, and sometimes the cheeks, tongue and chin with them, the person feels a slight tingling, burning sensation and goosebumps. This condition is considered normal when a certain part of the body remains in a compressed state for a long time. In the case of lips, this happens when they are bitten under stress. Discomfort disappears very quickly, as soon as the blood supply to the lips returns to normal, that is, the pressure on them stops.

In some cases, paresthesia has pathological causes and is manifested by additional signs. These include dizziness and migraine, tingling of other parts of the body (hands, fingertips), changes in blood pressure, and much more. These symptoms should not be ignored, but you need to go to a neurologist for a diagnostic examination, after which a suitable therapy will be prescribed.

Why are lips numb?

When lips hurt and go numb, the causes are often due to pathological disorders. Their list is huge, but we have collected everything for you in one place, briefly describing the symptoms and contributing factors.

Cervical osteochondrosis

A common disease that causes compression of the spinal cord or muscle strain due to displacements of the spinal column. This leads to problems in blood circulation, as a result of which the brain receives less nutrients.

Because of this, the lips become numb and turn blue, and if nothing is done, the development of a stroke is not excluded. Doctors advise in order to avoid problems, monitor your posture, protect your neck in the cold and drafts, sleep on a comfortable pillow and mattress.

Vitamin B deficiency

Sometimes the lips become numb as a result of CNS disorders. They develop periodically due to insufficient intake of vitamins in the body, among which group B occupies an important place. You can normalize the situation by adding certain foods to the diet, including mushrooms, nuts, and milk. You can also buy a vitamin complex with a suitable composition at the pharmacy.

Damage to the facial nerve

Neuritis is a common disease that many people encounter. One of the initial signs of its development is numbness. What is it coming from? The reason is interruptions in impulses from the brain to the facial muscles.

The situation requires an urgent visit to the doctor. With the diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve, therapy should be prescribed immediately. If you start the development of the disease, the diagnosis will turn into paralysis of the facial nerves.


Such a common condition as diabetes mellitus helps to reduce the sensitivity of certain parts of the body, including the lips. Their numbness along with swelling sometimes speaks of diabetes. Without the help of an experienced doctor and taking the appropriate drugs, it is impossible to correct the situation, since it is necessary to regulate blood glucose.


Another common cause of numbness of the lips is a banal migraine against the background of stress, fatigue or overwork of the body. This provokes malfunctions in the nervous system and contributes to the fact that the lips and cheeks go numb. Usually it is enough to revise the diet and reduce physical activity. The body should get more magnesium, calcium and potassium from food or multivitamin complexes.

Interruptions in blood pressure

Too low or high blood pressure sometimes leads to the fact that not only the lips begin to go numb, but also the fingertips, lower and upper limbs as a whole. Often, an additional headache begins, severe dizziness develops, and nausea begins. Here you can not hesitate, but it is better to call an ambulance.

Allergic reaction

When you start taking a new drug, an allergy is not ruled out. No one knows what components an allergic reaction may occur to, so you are not insured. Even in the annotations to individual medicines, numbness and tingling of the lips and tongue are indicated, so this is almost normal.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Inflammation of the gums can provoke numbness of one of the lips. A similar situation occurs with toothache. If a tooth aches or the gums hurt, and then the lips become numb, the reason is obvious. Go to a dental clinic for a specialist to solve the initial problem.


It sometimes appears on the face and causes chills, severe itching, and numbness of the lips. It is the last sign that is one of the main signs of lichen, so examine the skin. If there is a burning sensation on the cheeks, it is almost certainly him. Go see a dermatologist, the sooner the better.

When the lower lip goes numb

If not both lips began to go numb at once, but only the lower one, this may indicate such disorders and pathological conditions as:

  • inflammation in the mouth (damage to the lower gums or dental nerves);
  • impaired blood flow in the brain;
  • lesions of the trigeminal nerve;
  • osteochondrosis.

Still sometimes discomfort remains after anesthesia made during dental treatment. Normally, numbness of the lower lip disappears completely within a day, but there are exceptions. The help of a doctor is required to cope with the situation.

If only the upper lip is numb

In this condition, paresthesia is provoked, again, by inflammation of the gums or teeth, abscesses, anesthesia. If the nose is additionally numb, it is almost certainly trigeminal neuralgia.

The tips of the lips can become numb after eating too cold or hot food and drinks. Additionally, skin tingling occurs.

Provoking factors include permanent lip makeup, due to which the lips often lose their sensitivity.

Numb lips and chin

Numbness of the lips, chin and cheeks can provoke damage to the cervical spine, as well as jaw injuries. A fracture of the lower jaw is able to maintain numbness for a long time - up to 3-4 months. Reasons for loss of sensitivity include cosmetic and plastic procedures performed by inexperienced specialists. For example, this happens when implants are inserted into the chin.

We must not forget about the reason, which is associated with dental diseases and anesthesia for their treatment. It is noteworthy that some people still have numbness of the lips and chin even after several months, but these are exceptional cases.


Numbness of lips and limbs

If the lips lose sensitivity, as well as numbness of the tongue, fingertips and limbs, these are signs of a stroke and other ischemic problems. It is important to identify other symptoms, including:

  • loss of sensation in part of the face;
  • slurred speech;
  • limited mobility of one of the arms or legs;
  • impaired coordination;
  • scattered consciousness.

These cases require an immediate visit to a specialist or even an ambulance to get urgent medical attention.

Numb lips and tongue

One of the common causes of numbness along with the lips and the tip of the tongue is considered a mental disorder. In addition, the patient has other symptoms, including unreasonable anxiety and lack of oxygen. In the absence of signs, vegetovascular dystonia can be detected. In any case, medical attention is needed.

How to treat numbness of the lips?

From what the lips of women and men go numb, we now understand - there are no obvious gender differences. But now let's move on to one of the main questions - what to do if your lips go numb? There is no specific therapy aimed at eliminating paresthesia.

Treatment is always directed at the underlying cause of the disease, whether it be a neurological or dental disease. It is important to eliminate the main factor, the symptom of which was numbness. Local anesthetics or iron supplements can be used to temporarily relieve the syndrome that causes discomfort.

Consider a few general cases of how treatment is carried out for certain diseases and disorders:

  • With osteochondrosis, drug therapy, massages, and special gymnastics are needed.
  • Neuritis requires the use of glucocorticoid drugs, vitamins and vasodilator drugs.
  • Viral diseases are always treated individually.
  • Multiple sclerosis requires the use of immunomodulators, hormonal and other drugs.
  • With allergies, you need to identify the allergen (most often it is drugs or food) and take antihistamines.

If your lips are numb and you don’t know what it means, it’s better to make an appointment with a doctor. You can start with a therapist who will redirect you to a neurologist, allergist or other specialized specialist.

Numbness - complete or partial, external irritation or lack of skin sensitivity. Numbness of the lips is a rare manifestation in people, the various causes of which may be the most unexpected factors. With a cyclic manifestation of numbness of the lips, a neurologist should be consulted for a solution to the problem. Self-medication and self-diagnosis can lead to irreparable consequences.

Possible diseases leading to numbness of the lips

Vitamin B deficiency. Disorders of the nervous system, including some other problems, can be caused by a lack or absence of certain vitamins in the body. As for groups, numbness of some parts of the body and general physical weakness can result in a lack of vitamin B1. It is necessary to eat rye bread, nuts, liver and beef to restore the lack of vitamin B1. The cause of hair loss and disorders of the nervous system is a lack of vitamin B2 in the body. Eating mushrooms in large quantities and egg yolk can make up for the lack of vitamin B2. A signal of a lack of vitamin B6 in the body is not only numbness of the lips, but also temporary cramps and sipping. In such cases, the problem will be qualitatively solved by adding vegetables, fish and beef lungs to the diet. Also, with numbness of the lips, the use of salted fish and sour milk can help. Thus, you supplement the lack of deficient vitamin B12.

Low or high blood pressure. People with hypertension experience not only numbness of the lips, but also of the limbs. This frequent phenomenon also manifests itself with headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and dilated pupils. With such symptoms, you should not hesitate, and in the near future, you need to call a doctor.

. A common cause of numbness in the lips can be caused by a migraine. Migraine most often manifests itself with overwork, after strong muscle exertion. Also after lack of sleep, stressful situations and nervous stress. To prevent migraines, you need to consistently schedule your day and follow everything exactly. Daily stress can develop a migraine into something serious.

Bell's palsy. Most often, facial tingling is accompanied by numbness of the lips. Also, numbness of the lips is manifested with loss of facial muscles, burning, tightening and swelling of the face. Additional symptoms can be either permanent or temporary. In 25 out of 100,000, or one in 50-70 people, every six months, the most common and common form of facial paralysis occurs. Facial paralysis completely captures the entire face, and begins just with numbness of the lips or eyebrows. Any viral infection, such as herpes and meningitis, can cause inflammation of the nerve leading to numbness in the lips.

Multiple sclerosis. This autoimmune disease is accompanied by a burning sensation. In this disease, the body's own cells attack and damage nerve cells. Multiple sclerosis leads to the destruction of the protective sheath of myelin nerve fibers. Therefore, a common symptom in the detection of this disease is put by doctors with full confidence.

Shingles. This infection is accompanied by itching, fever, chills, itching, headache, and is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. If the disease manifests itself on the face, then numbness of the lips and burning sensation in the cheek area is a symptom of herpes zoster.

Allergy. Often it turns out that numbness of the lips is manifested by the side effect of a particular medication. A common side effect of many drugs containing inhibitors that slowly alter neurotransmitter function is numbness of the lips.

Dental diseases. Inflammation of the gums can also lead to numbness of the lips. It is difficult to immediately understand what the cause may be a bad tooth. There is no way to kill the nerve right away, it remains to wait until the swelling subsides and the tooth makes itself felt with piercing pain.


Lip numbness and malaise occurs in a small number of people, and the issue of treatment for these problems is being discussed more and more often. Lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the body can aggravate the health condition. With numbness of the lips, traditional healers use acupressure and acupuncture. Acupuncture is performed with extreme caution so as not to hurt the nerve. The process begins with the palms of the hands and ends with the earlobes. In this state, the patient should spend about a quarter of an hour. The procedure should be repeated every four days. Urine therapy will only aggravate the situation, so forget this idea. Massage must begin from the point under the nose. Exactly in the middle, gently knead counterclockwise. Do not press hard, sometimes sharply removing your finger, leaving a white spot for the skin to come to its senses.

Complete collection and description: why does the lower lip go numb and what to do about it? for readers of our site.

Numbness of the lips or paresthesia is a phenomenon that is accompanied by a decrease in the sensitivity of these areas of the face. This anomaly is accompanied by certain symptoms. Paresthesia occurs due to many factors and disorders in the body.

Numbness can be both the main and auxiliary symptom of diseases. As for treatment, this issue is open and so far only discussed by specialists. An effective method of therapy in this situation is massage.

Modern medicine has not yet established exactly why the lips go numb - the reasons are quite diverse. To diagnose this pathology, specialists try to identify additional symptoms of diseases that can provoke an unpleasant sensation.

Below will be presented diseases for which numbness of the lips is an indirect or main symptom. Additionally, signs are indicated that help clarify the cause of reduced sensitivity.

Cervical osteochondrosis. It occurs due to problems with the cervical vertebrae, which provoke a violation of capillary blood flow. Additional symptoms:

  • Pain in the neck.
  • The occurrence of a crunch when moving the neck.
  • Marked fatigue.
  • Numbness of the upper limbs.
  • Headache.

Hypovitaminosis of B vitamins. The slower the nerve impulse goes, which was disturbed due to a lack of vitamins, the expression will be the numbness of the lips. Associated symptoms:

  • Impaired attention and memory
  • Stressful state.
  • Hair problems.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Insomnia.

Neuritis of the facial nerve. The inflamed facial nerve is not able to perform its functions, so paresthesia occurs. Associated symptoms:

  • Pain in the ear.
  • Eyebrows begin to go numb.
  • Eyelids do not close.
  • Facial asymmetry appears.

Diabetes. Excess glucose provokes a violation of the general and cerebral blood flow, so the patient may experience a violation of sensitivity throughout the body. Associated symptoms:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Decrease in body weight.
  • Constant feeling of hunger and thirst.
  • Tingling and numbness of hands and feet.
  • Vision problems.
  • Wounds do not heal for a long time.
  • Problems of a sexual nature.

Migraine. It occurs due to severe stress and nervous disorders that provoke a violation of impulses. Associated symptoms:

  • Problems with the senses of smells and tastes.
  • The pain has a throbbing character, which gradually increases and prevails on one side of the head.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Violation with light perception.
  • Noise in ears.
  • The drugs do not give positive results.

Also, numbness of the lips can provoke a hypertensive crisis, hypotension, allergies, diseases of the oral cavity, multiple sclerosis, herpes zoster and complications of infectious diseases.

Why is the lower lip numb?

Lower lip numbness may indicate health problems such as:

  1. Trigeminal neuropathy.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Violation of blood flow in the brain stem.
  4. Inflammatory process in the gum tissue.
  5. Damage to the nerve of the tooth.

If the patient underwent treatment or tooth extraction using freezing, then numbness will always be noted. If this condition does not go away within a day, it is urgent to contact a specialist for additional advice and treatment.

Why is the upper lip numb?

If the patient has numbness of the upper lip, then the cause of this condition must be sought in the state of the oral cavity. In this situation, paresthesia can be provoked by such diseases:

  • Abscess.
  • Flux.
  • Damaged tooth.

If the patient has numbness of the upper lip and noma, then this indicates trigeminal neuralgia. These bouts of numbness can occur under the influence of irritating factors. Concomitant symptoms: tingling of the face, goosebumps, then intense pain occurs.

Why does the lip and tongue go numb?

There are situations when patients notice numbness of the lips and tongue. This situation may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Dental treatment of the oral cavity.
  2. Allergic reaction.
  3. Impaired blood flow, which arose due to diseases of the cardiovascular system and cervical osteochondrosis.
  4. Diseases of the facial nerve.
  5. Neoplasm in the brain.

Also, numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips may indicate the development hypoglycemic syndrome. In parallel, the patient has such initial symptoms: nervous irritability, hunger, headache. Gradually, the symptoms will intensify and change. If the patient has noted the onset of this syndrome, then it is recommended to eat a couple of pieces of sugar and consume complex carbohydrates.

The symptom of numbness of the lips should not be ignored, especially with its systematic occurrence. Paresthesia can pass immediately and not cause any complications, and may indicate the development of serious disorders in the body. Therefore, for additional diagnostics, it is still worth contacting a specialist.

Numbness of the lips is a fairly common and unpleasant clinical sign that requires attention, especially if it occurs regularly or is expressed on an ongoing basis.

There are very few physiological reasons for the occurrence of such a symptom. In the vast majority of cases, it is associated with neurological pathologies, but it can also develop against the background of other diseases. In addition, this symptom is often a side effect.

If the lips go numb, then this is always the first, but not the only sign in the clinical picture. It is supplemented by manifestations of the underlying disease, as well as swelling, burning and redness of the directly affected segment.

To make a correct diagnosis and find out the root cause, it is necessary to carry out a large number of laboratory and instrumental manipulations. In addition, a physical examination performed by a neurologist plays an important role.

Treatment is selected individually for each patient, depending on the provoking factor. However, to stop only the symptom, conservative methods are used.


Lip numbness can be due to a large number of predisposing factors. This should include serious pathologies, neurological reactions, or the response of the human body to any stimulus.

The most common sources of the main symptom are:

  • osteochondrosis in the cervical spine;
  • lack of vitamin B;
  • the course of diabetes;
  • violation of the passage of impulses between the brain and facial muscles. Most often, such failures are observed with Bell's palsy;
  • severe headaches, like migraine;
  • allergic reactions - in such situations, medicinal substances, cosmetics and food can serve as provocateurs;
  • dental ailments, namely inflammatory lesions of the gums or severe toothache;
  • constant fluctuations in blood tone, and it does not matter if blood pressure is increased or decreased;
  • shingles - while numb lips will be the first clinical sign;
  • poisoning with chemicals or heavy metals;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • a wide range of ailments of an infectious nature, for example, meningitis, herpes or otitis media.

It should be borne in mind that numbness of the lower lip often causes:

  • improper circulatory process with localization in the brain stem;
  • defeat of the trigeminal nerve, namely the neuropathy of its nucleus;
  • development of inflammation in the gums or teeth of the lower jaw;
  • the influence of anesthesia used to treat dental ailments;
  • mechanical injuries of the lips;
  • the beginning of the formation of the oncological process;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • hypoglycemic syndrome;
  • compression of the vertebral artery in cervical osteochondrosis;
  • maxillofacial injuries;
  • numb chin syndrome;
  • fracture of the lower jaw - in such situations, the feeling of a swollen lip will be present constantly for about three months, even after timely treatment started;
  • cosmetic procedure lip augmentation;
  • chin implant placement.

The causes of numbness of the upper lip are often presented:

  • problems with the health of the oral cavity - often this condition is observed with a flux, abscess or inflammation of the gums;
  • consumption of excessively hot or very cold foods and drinks;
  • previous permanent lip tattoo;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • trigeminal neuritis;
  • intervertebral hernias - this will be indicated by numbness of the lips at night;
  • hypersensitivity to cold;
  • stroke and glossalgia - while the sensitivity is reduced in one part of the face;
  • an excess of vitamin B6 or nicotinic acid;
  • HIV infection and AIDS;
  • macrocheilitis;
  • Crohn's disease.

Intervertebral hernia - a possible cause of numbness of the upper lip

Sometimes the lower lip or upper lip becomes numb during pregnancy. In such cases, this can act as both a completely normal manifestation and a sign of the development of one of the above diseases.


There are clinical signs that in all cases, regardless of why the lips go numb, will complement the main manifestation. They should include:

  • feeling of coldness on the lips;
  • burning and itching on the lower or upper lip;
  • the spread of numbness to the cheeks, nose and chin;
  • pathological redness of the affected segment;
  • sensation of "goosebumps" on the lips;
  • tingling and pain of varying severity.

Depending on what served as the source of the violation or the complete absence of the sensitivity of the lips, the symptoms can be supplemented by a huge number of signs. Their main category is expressed in:

  • headaches, up to migraine;
  • burning sensation in the occipital region, neck and area between the shoulder blades;
  • decreased visual acuity and hearing;
  • violation of coordination;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • omission of one side of the face, often on the left;
  • irradiation of numbness to the arms and legs, back and chest;
  • severe itching of the skin;
  • the occurrence of cold in the legs;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • coughing and sneezing;
  • bleeding gums and toothache;
  • heartburn and bad breath;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure;
  • pain syndrome of various localization.

It is very important to take into account that all the above symptoms, which complement the numbness of the lips, are far from the whole spectrum of clinical manifestations. In each case, in a particular patient, the symptoms will be purely individual, but in any situation it is necessary to seek help from a neurologist.


The trigger factor of why the upper lip or lower lip becomes numb can only be determined by the clinician after studying the results of laboratory tests and instrumental procedures. However, the first stage of diagnostic measures includes:

  • study of the medical history - to identify a chronic disease, the beginning of a period of exacerbation, which leads to the expression of the main symptom;
  • collection and analysis of life history - necessary to confirm or refute the influence of a physiological etiological sign;
  • a thorough physical examination of the patient - aimed at palpation of the problem area. During such manipulation, the doctor monitors the reaction of the person;
  • a detailed survey - to determine the severity of the main symptom and draw up a complete clinical picture, which can sometimes indicate an underlying disease.

Conducting an ECG

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics can be aimed at:

  • general clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • general analysis of urine;
  • toxicological examination of blood;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • dopplerography;
  • rheovasography;
  • radiography and ultrasound;
  • CT and MRI;
  • EEG and ECG.

The results of these general procedures will give the neurologist reason to refer the patient to other clinicians, such as an oncologist, endocrinologist, neurosurgeon, otolaryngologist, dermatologist, dentist, and orthopedist.


The fight against swollen lips is carried out using the following conservative therapies:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • diet change;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Drug treatment of numbness of the lips is aimed at using:

  • "Feniton";
  • "Carbamazepine";
  • "Antistaksa";
  • "Cinnarizina";
  • "Vazonite";
  • "Neurodiclovita";
  • vitamin complexes.

Physiotherapy includes procedures:

  • acupressure of the lips;
  • acupuncture;
  • ultraphonophoresis.

Treatment with folk remedies involves the preparation and consumption of healing drinks based on the following herbs and plants:

  • nettle and parsley;
  • bark of viburnum and violet;
  • valerian and willow bark;
  • leaves of geranium and horse chestnut;
  • mint and St. John's wort;
  • goldenrod and sweet clover;
  • burdock and chamomile.

The above methods of what to do when numbness of the upper or lower lip appears will help to overcome only the symptom, and not the disease that caused it. Treatment of a particular disease can be conservative, surgical or complex.

Prevention and prognosis

You can prevent numbness of the lips with the help of such simple rules:

  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • control of blood sugar and blood pressure;
  • proper and balanced nutrition - it is necessary to avoid fatty, spicy and salty foods. The diet should be enriched with fiber and vitamins;
  • lead a moderately active lifestyle;
  • minimize the impact of stress;
  • compiling a sleep and rest regimen.

The main preventive measure is the regular passage of a complete medical examination with visits to all clinicians.

The prognosis of a violation of the sensitivity of the lips depends entirely on the cause of its cause, but a favorable outcome is often observed, although the possibility of the formation of complications of the underlying disease is not excluded.

Numbness of the lips leads to a decrease in taste and tactile sensitivity, may be sudden or gradual, but is most often accompanied by other manifestations of a disease. The reason for the decrease in sensitivity is a violation of innervation. It can lead to vascular, mechanical infectious factors. The main task is to find out why the lips go numb.

Conditions manifested by numbness of the lips and tongue:

  1. Migraine with aura. An hour later, a headache occurs. The condition is accompanied by numbness of the hands;
  2. Stroke. It is often preceded by intense and prolonged pain. Sensitivity is disturbed in one half of the body;
  3. Bell's palsy. Half of the face goes numb;
  4. hypoglycemia;
  5. Anemia;
  6. anxiety disorders. accompanied by dizziness. Characterized by a short-term violation of the sensitivity of different parts of the body;
  7. Angioedema;
  8. Neoplasms (malignant, benign).

Diseases accompanied by a similar symptom can be divided into several groups:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system; ailments not related to the nervous system, but indirectly affecting it;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system, in turn, are divided into diseases of the central sections and peripheral nerves. The former include brain tumors (malignant, benign) and its degenerative changes. The second - idiopathic neuritis of the facial nerve and inflammatory neuralgia of the trigeminal, facial and other nerves of the face;
  • Diseases not related to the nervous system: vascular lesions (stroke, ischemic attack), pathologies of the blood system (anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency), infectious and allergic conditions (allergic reactions, changes associated with herpes);
  • Mechanical damage includes head/face trauma, as well as the consequences of dental procedures.

To accurately determine the cause, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out: vascular dopplerography, complete blood count, MRI, CT and other procedures. Treatment directly depends on the identified disease.

The above pathological conditions can provoke this phenomenon, but most often this happens after dental procedures, especially with “wisdom” teeth. Often, tooth extraction, especially in a horizontal position, takes a long time and is difficult, requiring anesthesia.

It is because of anesthesia that the lower or upper lip, as well as the chin, go numb. And, it is worth noting that its consequences can disturb a person for up to six months, although they are not dangerous and do not require specific treatment.

When the sensitivity of the tongue is lost, a stroke and other episodes of ischemia can be suspected, so you need to pay attention to the presence of other symptoms: numbness, paralysis of one half of the face, speech is absent or slurred, movements of one arm and leg are difficult, coordination is impaired, consciousness may be depressed. You must immediately seek medical attention.

Doctors may use surgical treatments to restore speech and muscle function. Conservative therapy is reduced to control of glucose levels, nutrition, fluid intake, maintaining normal blood pressure, taking sedatives, and preventing thrombosis.

When the tongue or other parts of the body go numb, and this phenomenon is accompanied by causeless anxiety, lack of air, it is a sign of a mental disorder. In the absence of organic pathology, a diagnosis of VVD is made - vegetovascular dystonia. In this case, we are talking about a set of symptoms associated with mental disorders.

VSD often accompanies anxiety and depression. Treatment should be done by a psychotherapist. Mental disorders of this kind are accompanied by increased heart rate, tremors, profuse sweating, periodic reddening of the face, tingling and numbness of the extremities, discomfort in a certain organ (without the presence of pathology in it), and high concern about one's condition. With the exclusion of diseases, antidepressants and work with a psychologist are prescribed.

Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of numbness in the lower lip and tongue. Patients suffer from partial or complete paralysis of half of the face. Often this pathology is preceded by SARS, influenza, colds, herpes. In this case, we are talking about Bell's palsy. Recovery can come on its own, without consequences for the nerve endings.

If necessary, treatment is carried out in a hospital with corticosteroid hormones and antiviral drugs for 1-2 weeks. It is necessary to perform special gymnastics for the face. Recovery can take a whole year. Relapses are quite rare, but if they occur, the brain should be examined for masses.

A migraine attack with aura begins with changes in vision, hearing, smell, and skin sensitivity. For example, patients complain of lines or flashes in front of the eyes, foreign smells, tingling, the face is numb on one side.

The aura occurs about an hour before the onset of a migraine and disappears after the condition normalizes. Treatment is with triptans, and prevention is with avoidance of migraine-provoking foods.

In diabetes, the upper lip often goes numb, but only if insulin intake is disturbed. The reason lies in the decrease in blood glucose levels.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia also include:

  1. Weakness;
  2. An attack of hunger;
  3. Trembling of hands;
  4. Cold clammy sweat;
  5. Numbness.

You can stop the attack with foods that increase glucose levels (sugar, caramel, fruit juices, honey).

For example, a disease such as urticaria can affect the deeper layers of the skin. Then, in addition to reddish bulging rashes, other symptoms occur: partial or complete loss of sensitivity, tingling and other unpleasant symptoms.

In this case, we are talking about angioedema or angioedema. As a rule, limbs, ears, genitals and lips swell. Laryngeal edema is a very dangerous condition because it can lead to suffocation.

The cause of angioedema is autoimmune. The trigger is the allergen. Often it is not possible to determine the cause of an allergic reaction. For diagnostic purposes, the body's response to 5 main components is examined: food and drugs; plant pollen and dust; infections; chronic pathologies, including autoimmune ones; insect bites and medicines for parenteral administration.

After establishing the cause, treatment is prescribed, which consists in taking anti-inflammatory, hormonal, diuretic and antihistamines. Angioedema may disappear without medical therapy after a few days. As a rule, the disease recurs for 2-3 years, but then completely disappears. People who have experienced Quincke's edema at least once in their lives should carry antihistamines, corticosteroids, and epinephrine to stop an attack.

The reasons for this may be hidden in the mechanical compression of tissues and nerves by the tumor. If the focus is in the brain, then the nerve centers responsible for certain parts of the body can be damaged. Such symptoms require examination by an oncologist.

The cause may be cervical osteochondrosis, which develops due to displacement of the vertebrae or prolonged muscle tension. This pathology is characterized by impaired blood circulation and can lead to a stroke.

Also, the lips can suffer when shingles appears on the face. The disease is accompanied by a burning sensation in the chin or neck.

Less commonly, numbness occurs with Lyme disease, tumors of the oropharynx, sarcoidosis, multiple sclerosis, preeclampsia. In such cases, differential diagnosis is necessary. Therefore, what to do if lips and other parts of the body suddenly go numb can only be decided by a doctor by establishing the cause of this pathological condition.

In any case, as we see, all the reasons leading to loss of sensitivity are very serious. It is not worth the time to visit the clinic, and in some cases you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Video: Common causes of numbness of the lips and methods of dealing with this condition

Numbness - complete or partial, external irritation or lack of skin sensitivity. Numbness of the lips is a rare manifestation in people, the various causes of which may be the most unexpected factors. With a cyclic manifestation of numbness of the lips, a neurologist should be consulted for a solution to the problem. Self-medication and self-diagnosis can lead to irreparable consequences.

Possible diseases leading to numbness of the lips

Lack of vitamin B. Disorders of the nervous system, including some other problems, can be caused by a lack or lack of certain vitamins in the body. As for groups, numbness of some parts of the body and general physical weakness can result in a lack of vitamin B1. It is necessary to eat rye bread, nuts, liver and beef to restore the lack of vitamin B1. The cause of hair loss and disorders of the nervous system is a lack of vitamin B2 in the body. Eating mushrooms in large quantities and egg yolk can make up for the lack of vitamin B2. A signal of a lack of vitamin B6 in the body is not only numbness of the lips, but also temporary cramps and sipping. In such cases, the problem will be qualitatively solved by adding vegetables, fish and beef lungs to the diet. Also, with numbness of the lips, the use of salted fish and sour milk can help. Thus, you supplement the lack of deficient vitamin B12.

Cervical osteochondrosis. Compression of the spinal cord can be manifested by prolonged muscle tension or displacement of the spine. As a result, blood circulation in the cerebellum is partially and completely disturbed. The brain does not receive the required amount of nutrition due to the narrowing of the vessels of the brain, which later proceeds to strokes. This is a very serious disease and it must be treated immediately, without leading to deplorable situations. In such cases, unauthorized treatment or treatment with folk remedies is strictly prohibited. You must immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the prescription and recommendations of the doctor, it is also necessary not to violate the basic rules: during sleep, observe the correct body position, do not slouch and keep your posture even when sitting, wrap your neck and do not keep your back open in cold weather.

Neuritis of the facial nerve. This diagnosis is common. Everything comes from a violation of impulses to the muscles of the face that the brain sends. One of the signs of the disease of neuritis of the facial nerve is numbness of the lower or upper lip. In cases of untimely treatment to the medical center, the disease can develop to paralysis of the facial nerve. Treatment takes place in the form of acupuncture, acupressure, medication, and phototherapy.

Diabetes. With diabetes, the sensitivity of many limbs of the body decreases. After a partial violation of the sensitivity of the fingers, then there is a temporary numbness of the lips. When diabetic nephropia is established, drugs are taken to normalize blood glucose levels.

Low or high blood pressure. People with hypertension experience not only numbness of the lips, but also of the limbs. This frequent phenomenon also manifests itself with headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and dilated pupils. With such symptoms, you should not hesitate, and in the near future, you need to call a doctor.

Migraine. A common cause of numbness in the lips can be caused by a migraine. Migraine most often manifests itself with overwork, after strong muscle exertion. Also after lack of sleep, stressful situations and nervous stress. To prevent migraines, you need to consistently schedule your day and follow everything exactly. Daily stress can develop a migraine into something serious.

Bell's palsy. Most often, facial tingling is accompanied by numbness of the lips. Also, numbness of the lips is manifested with loss of facial muscles, burning, tightening and swelling of the face. Additional symptoms can be either permanent or temporary. In 25 out of 100,000, or one in 50-70 people, every six months, the most common and common form of facial paralysis occurs. Facial paralysis completely captures the entire face, and begins just with numbness of the lips or eyebrows. Any viral infection, such as herpes and meningitis, can cause inflammation of the nerve leading to numbness in the lips.

Multiple sclerosis. This autoimmune disease is accompanied by a burning sensation. In this disease, the body's own cells attack and damage nerve cells. Multiple sclerosis leads to the destruction of the protective sheath of myelin nerve fibers. Therefore, a common symptom in the detection of this disease is put by doctors with full confidence.

Shingles. This infection is accompanied by itching, fever, chills, itching, headache, and is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. If the disease manifests itself on the face, then numbness of the lips and burning sensation in the cheek area is a symptom of herpes zoster.

Allergy. Often it turns out that numbness of the lips is manifested by the side effect of a particular medication. A common side effect of many drugs containing inhibitors that slowly alter neurotransmitter function is numbness of the lips.

Dental diseases. Inflammation of the gums can also lead to numbness of the lips. It is difficult to immediately understand what the cause may be a bad tooth. There is no way to kill the nerve right away, it remains to wait until the swelling subsides and the tooth makes itself felt with piercing pain.


Lip numbness and malaise occurs in a small number of people, and the issue of treatment for these problems is being discussed more and more often. Lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the body can aggravate the health condition. With numbness of the lips, traditional healers use acupressure and acupuncture. Acupuncture is performed with extreme caution so as not to hurt the nerve. The process begins with the palms of the hands and ends with the earlobes. In this state, the patient should spend about a quarter of an hour. The procedure should be repeated every four days. Urine therapy will only aggravate the situation, so forget this idea. Massage must begin from the point under the nose. Exactly in the middle, gently knead counterclockwise. Do not press hard, sometimes sharply removing your finger, leaving a white spot for the skin to come to its senses.

The most common is transient paresthesia, that is, a temporary condition caused by mechanical irritation of the nerve. Temporary paresthesia can be caused by a stroke or another cause that disrupts the normal blood supply.

Note! Numbness can be caused even by surgical treatment - the removal of the eighth tooth ("wisdom tooth"). In this case, the state of paresthesia can last quite a long time.

The chronic form of paresthesia is a serious symptom of certain diseases caused by infections or tumors of the nervous system. Some secondary lesions of the nervous system can also cause numbness of the lips: alcoholic polyneuropathy, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, lack of B vitamins.

Photo 1: Numb lips can be caused by the varicella zoster virus. Cases are described when paresthesia was caused by a deactivated virus, which for a long time was dormant in the ganglia of the cranial nerves. Source: flickr (MedilawTV).

Upper lip numbness

Loss of skin sensitivity of the upper lip sometimes occurs when the immune system is weakened and even when hypothermia. This neurological disorder is a signal of poor circulation or a consequence of an injury, infection. But the most common cause of numbness of the upper lip is cervical acute chondrosis. The most dangerous cause of numbness is hypertension, because in this case there is a threat of a stroke, which leads to paralysis and death.

Lower lip numbness

In addition to the above reasons for the loss of lip sensitivity, it should be noted that facial paralysis begins with small symptoms of numbness in individual areas. The lower lip in this case also loses sensitivity, tingling is felt.

Paresthesia of the lower lip is quite common in complex dental procedures:

  • tooth extraction,
  • filling with the passage of channels,
  • when installing implants.

Numbness of the lips on one side

Any neurological disease is treated well if it is recognized in time. Numbness of a part of the face, lips on one side is a sure sign of neuritis of the facial nerve. The disease progresses rapidly if adequate treatment is not received in time. Therefore, at the first signs of loss of sensitivity on one side of the face, you need to seek help from a neurologist. Treatment in the early stages takes place on an outpatient basis, but if the case is complex, intensive treatment (droppers) is prescribed in a day hospital. If this insidious disease is not recognized in time, the worst can happen - facial paralysis.

Numbness of the corners of the lips

Unpleasant sensations with a slight numbness of the lips are a problem that is easier to prevent than to cure later. Such disorders can be caused by hypothermia, overwork, lack of vitamins, especially B 12, B 1, B 2, as well as compression damage to the oral mucosa (traumatic reaction). In addition to loss of sensation in the corners of the lips, there may be numbness of the chin or pain in a certain part of the face, behind the ear. These symptoms indicate an inflammatory process in the body that affects the nerves, or interferes with normal blood exchange. These are neurological disorders that require immediate comprehensive treatment.

Numbness of lips and chin

Dentists often encounter an abnormal reaction of the body to anesthesia - numbness of the lips and chin occurs. This unpleasant condition is difficult to predict, and even more so to cure. It passes slowly: recovery from two weeks to six months.

Numbness of the lips and chin occurs with the development of the disease "multiple sclerosis". These symptoms can be supplemented by others - impaired coordination of movements, numbness of the upper lip, impaired motor functions.

Photo 2: Severe paresthesia of the lips and chin can cause shingles on the face. In addition to loss of sensitivity, there is also a burning sensation in the neck. Source: flickr (Klinika Dali).

Numbness of lips and hands (fingers)

Loss of sensitivity in several places at the same time (face - lips, limbs - fingers) indicates the development of such serious ailments as a brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, chronic alcoholism.

What measures to take with numbness of the lips

No matter how simple or, conversely, how serious the cause of paresthesia is, several important rules must be observed:

  1. Do not allow pressure to rise;
  2. Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins;
  3. More time in the fresh air;
  4. Do physical education;
  5. Get moderate exercise.

At the first sign of loss of sensitivity, you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. If the disease is detected at an early stage, there is every chance of defeating it.

Homeopathic treatment for numb lips

Homeopathic remedies have a mild effect on the body, have no side effects, and are used for various diseases that cause numbness of the lips.

These are drugs such as:

  1. Agaricus (Agaricus) - will help eliminate tension in muscle tissues, anesthetizes, improves blood circulation in numb parts of the body.
  2. Cedron (Cedron) - helps to eliminate attacks of paresthesia.
  3. Kalmia (Kalmia) - restores tissue sensitivity. Helps to restore blood flow, anesthetizes.
  4. Magnesium phosphoricum (Magnesium phosphoricum) - restores nerve activity, relieves pain.
  5. Mezereum (Mezereum) - has a general strengthening effect, restores the body after the defeat of viral infections (herpes), is effective for trigeminal neuralgia.
  6. Spigelia (Spigelia) - soothing and analgesic effect in paresthesia.
  7. Verbascum (Verbascum) - externally used to alleviate a neurological condition, internally - as a sedative and tonic.
  8. Viola odorata (Viola odorata) - has an analgesic, calming and restorative effect.

All homeopathic remedies should be used on the advice of a physician.

Only after a thorough examination will a treatment regimen be prescribed with the correct dosage of the right drug.

Numbness of limbs - arms and legs, head, face and other parts of the body

Numbness (arm, leg numb, tingling at the fingertips), probably, every person has ever experienced. The feeling that someone is pricking fingers, hands, leg or other parts of the body with many small needles is rather unpleasant. However, it does not carry danger if it arose due to certain reasons, which are most often provoked by the person himself - he got so carried away that he forgot and did not change the position of the body in time.

In other cases, numbness is a sign of pathology, then it comes along with other symptoms of the disease (dizziness, weakness, pain, and much more). And if everything comes from nerve compression and circulatory disorders, then most often numbness is attributed to neurological and vascular symptoms. The treatment of such manifestations is associated with the therapy of the underlying disease, therefore, it does not have universal recipes.

Why do the limbs “numb” normally?

The reasons for tingling and the feeling that some area has become "alien" in healthy people stem primarily from their behavior and the situations in which they, of their own free will or at someone else's whim, fell:

  • With a long standing in a crowded bus, even people who know nothing about varicose veins and venous congestion can feel that their toes are numb. Something similar happens if you grab the handrails that are at a sufficient distance for a long time (you have to reach out), hold the handset without changing your ear and hand for hours, or try to hang curtains from the ceiling (hands stay above heart level for a long time), however, in such cases, problems arise already in the upper limbs - the fingers go numb;
  • Staring at the monitor, tense muscles of the face and neck, quick strokes on the keyboard, inability to respond to others are signs that a person is immersed in a computer game or interested in interesting work. When he descends "on the sinful earth", he will find numbness of the fingertips, and even of the entire hand, suffering of the gluteal muscles and tingling in the legs. The profession is perhaps one of the most common causes of hand numbness. Performing monotonous movements day after day with hands raised above the heart, a person dooms his limbs to a constant shortage of the right amount of blood, which will certainly turn into numbness sooner or later. After some time, work associated with the transfer of weights becomes tangible, as well as work involving mental stress, excitement, stress;
  • Numbness of the toes, hands in frosty weather indicates that the limbs are asking for warmth, where they will quickly warm up and come to life. A whitened and numb in the cold area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face can still freeze if no action is taken in time.
  • Sound healthy sleep often involves lying in one position, which does not fully ensure the movement of blood in the compressed areas. Numbness of the hands, the back of the head, some area of ​​the face in a dream is not such a rare phenomenon that requires distraction from pleasant dreams and massage the numb surface.

In healthy people, the hands go numb at night because, under the weight of the body or through uncomfortable tight clothing, the blood vessels are pinched, and the hand leaves after the person releases it and thus restores blood flow.

A person cannot always prevent unpleasant tingling and numbness, but he must strive for this. After all, it is not difficult to worry about comfort during sleep in advance, pick up comfortable bedding (preferably orthopedic), put on soft luxurious pajamas, and take a comfortable position.

Similarly, you should treat a walk in "minus" weather: assuming a long stay in the cold, you need to choose the right clothes and shoes.

It is somewhat more difficult for people who perform the work that constitutes their functional duties, however, even here one should try to alternate a static load with exercises that restore blood flow.

Symptoms of particular concern

Numb various parts of the body with pathological changes leading to circulatory disorders:

osteochondrosis as a cause of numbness and innervation zone

  • Deformation of the intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis);
  • Nerve compression in the canal (tunnel syndrome);
  • Pinching of the neuromuscular bundle;
  • The deposition of cholesterol plaques, which can affect the blood supply to many organs;
  • Insufficient blood flow to a certain area of ​​​​the brain (the cause may be various obstacles, including those listed above).

It is worth paying attention to a sudden loss of sensitivity, accompanied by other signs of distress, clearly not similar to temporary difficulties:

  1. Numbness, after which movement in the arm, leg, fingers is not restored;
  2. It is accompanied by headache, dizziness, weakness, double vision, impaired coordination of movement;
  3. Involuntary stools and/or urination have occurred;
  4. Suddenly there were problems with speech (the tongue began to weave, it was difficult to pronounce words);
  5. The numbness follows a recent trauma to the head, cervical spine, or back area.

Limbness plus the presence of one of the listed symptoms even to a person unfamiliar with neurological symptoms gives reason to suspect a serious pathology, up to an acute cerebrovascular accident (hemorrhage or cerebral infarction), which is the reason for calling an ambulance.

Obsessively appearing, and then receding numbness of different parts of the body, accompanied by impaired vision, speech, gait, may indicate the development of such diseases:

  • Brain tumor. A neoplasm in the brain grows and expands its territory, trying to force out neighboring tissues that suffer from pressure on them and cease to function normally. This is manifested by headache, weakness, decreased interest in life, impaired coordination of movements, as well as numbness of various parts of the patient's body, depending on the location of the tumor in the GM;

numbness and deformity of the face with a stroke

Transient ischemic attack (TIA) or dynamic (transient) cerebrovascular accident. Cerebral ischemia occurs against the background of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels or coronary heart disease and in its symptoms has dizziness, numbness of the face, right hand or left hand (depending on the location of the focus), difficulty in speech. Due to the fact that the temporary stiffness of one area can imperceptibly move into another phase of the disease (ischemic stroke), therefore, such a condition requires immediate medical attention;

  • Multiple sclerosis (MS). The formation of foci of demyelination (plaque formation) in the brain and spinal cord cannot leave the body healthy. With MS, some functions are disrupted or even completely disappear (speech, vision, gait, psyche, brain control over the activity of internal organs), so numbness in various parts of the body is considered a natural manifestation of this pathology.
  • Numbness of certain parts of the body with or without symptoms, obsessively occurring at night or due to other circumstances, can also be signs of various pathologies.

    Numb hands won't let you sleep

    Healthy people can also have numb hands during sleep: putting their left or right hand under their heads and plunging deeply into the world of dreams, a young organism can sleep through the night without ever turning over to the other side. Bringing the limb into motion, light rubbing quickly returns it to normal and the unpleasant sensations are forgotten. Another thing is when the hands go numb at night systematically, when a tingling sensation appears in the daytime, when others are added to this symptom: pain, weakness, convulsions. There are different options for numbness of the upper limbs, each of which may indicate a specific pathology:

    diagram of the nerves of the hand, the compression of which is possible due to osteochondrosis and other reasons

    • Hands go numb at night, and during the day they suffer from pain in the head, neck, back (and periodic numbness, if you stay in one position for a long time) with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and herniated discs;
    • The cause of numbness of the thumb can be a hemangioma or neurofibroma, which compresses the nerve endings, as well as a compression effect on the median nerve passing through the carpal tunnel (carpal tunnel syndrome). Meanwhile, if for half an hour or more the thumb “does not come to its senses”, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, otherwise its muscles may even atrophy;
    • The hand weakens, bends badly, the little finger and ring finger become "strangers" if there is neuropathy of the ulnar nerve. Some patients may not be aware that they have such a pathology. The disease imperceptibly develops in those people who are forced to lean their elbows on a hard surface for a long time and thus compress the ulnar nerve (computer desk, for example), moreover, right-handed people often load their right hand, while left-handers have a numb left hand;
    • Hands go numb at night, pain in the hand bothers, fingers become “wooden” (one or 4, because the little finger is not involved here) in case of median nerve neuropathy or carpal tunnel syndrome. The most likely cause of pathological changes may be old bruises and fractures, as well as inflammatory processes localized in this area (arthritis and arthrosis). Often, a similar picture is caused by swelling due to pregnancy or a decrease in thyroid function (hypothyroidism);
    • Symmetry, traced with numbness of the fingers and hands, is characteristic of polyneuropathy (a complication of diabetes mellitus). By the way, with polyneuropathy, not only the fingers of the upper extremities suffer, the toes often go numb, and, in addition, the surface of the foot can be affected anywhere with the development of the corresponding syndrome.

    vascular causes of numbness - spasm, or damage to arterioles

    They lose their natural color (whiten or turn blue), become cold to the touch, fingers hurt and go numb when blood circulation in the microcirculatory bed is disturbed, which was caused by a sharp vasospasm. This most often occurs in Raynaud's disease and scleroderma;

  • It should be noted that chronic alcoholism and severe poisoning also contribute to the appearance of signs of polyneuropathy, namely, numbness of the fingers and toes during sleep and in reality;
  • Of particular concern are cases when only the left hand and, especially, her thumb go numb, which is most often associated with the development of atherosclerosis, cardiac pathology, osteochondrosis of the cervical and / or thoracic spine. But if the loss of sensitivity of the thumb of the left hand mainly suggests diseases of the cardiovascular system, then numbness and other symptoms regarding the right hand are perceived as a suspicion of cervical spondylosis, which, however, does not concern young people;
  • In favor of heart problems, the numbness of the little finger of the left hand testifies, and if it ceases to give “signs of life” paired with the ring finger, then the time has come for the patient to think about a visit to a cardiologist.
  • If both hands numb at the same time or an unpleasant tingling sensation is localized in a particular area of ​​​​the left or right hand, or affects the hands or fingers, and the clinical picture is diluted with additional symptoms (weakness, pain, numbness of other parts of the body), again the thought of the development of the aforementioned serious diseases (multiple sclerosis, neoplastic process). If this happens suddenly, then a TIA or stroke can be suspected.

    Looking for a reason

    Each person hurts and becomes numb in his own way, and, probably, not all options for numbness of the fingers were considered, however, if stiffened limbs increasingly began to wake up at night, and a person cannot find an explanation for this, then perhaps a short list of reasons will help him that cause these discomforts:

    1. Professional activity;
    2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine;
    3. Intervertebral hernia;
    4. Iron deficiency in the body;
    5. Endocrine diseases;
    6. Inflammation of the pancreas;
    7. Pathological changes in the joints;
    8. venous congestion;
    9. Arterial hypertension;
    10. A sharp spasm of the vessels of the microcirculatory bed;
    11. Polyneuropathy.

    In addition, to determine the true cause of hand numbness, you should pay attention to other symptoms that accompany these unpleasant, and sometimes painful, episodes:

    Some of the listed diseases and their symptoms can cause toes to go numb, therefore, it is also the turn to talk about this.

    Video: hand numbness

    Video: 3 causes of hand numbness in the program "Live Healthy!"

    Numb legs

    The presence of a certain pathology may also be due to numbness of the toes. Numbness of the lower extremities, accompanied by intense pain after exercise, is characteristic of vascular pathology, which leads to impaired blood circulation and damage to nerve tissues:

    in case of numbness of the legs, along with osteochondrosis, vascular problems of the legs play a significant role - affecting the arteries (in particular, atherosclerosis - a) and veins (venous congestion, coupled with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency - b)

    Toes become numb also with sciatic neuralgia, which we call sciatica. Diseases, as a rule, are accompanied by "lumbago" in the lumbar region and in the leg, it is often the result of pathological changes in the lumbosacral spine:

    Pregnant women often complain of numbness in their legs, who have very little left before childbirth. They often suffer from the lateral surface of the thighs. The cause of discomfort, in addition to the additional burden on the body, may be a deficiency of iron and other trace elements. In this case, convulsions and other symptoms may be added to the numbness.

    Thus, various pathological conditions affecting the nerves and blood vessels can cause numbness of the toes. And to complete the picture, we will add some more diseases to the existing list:

    • Diabetes;
    • Exposure to low temperatures leading to frostbite;
    • Raynaud's disease and syndrome;
    • Tumors of peripheral nerves;
    • Angiopathy of various origins;
    • TIA (transient ischemic attack);
    • Multiple sclerosis;
    • Tunnel syndrome of the lower extremities (tunnel neuropathy, nerve compression in the canal);
    • Stroke and his younger "brother" (microstroke);
    • Rheumatoid arthritis.

    Of course, short-term compression of the nerve (unsuccessful posture) and numbness of the toes is not a reason to immediately run to the doctor. You should think about when the tingling appears frequently and is accompanied by other symptoms (pain, loss of sensation, impaired coordination of movements). And if a person cannot understand what kind of water he immersed his foot in - cold or hot, a visit to the doctor should be urgent.

    Numbness of the head, face, lips, tongue

    A part of the head can become "foreign" as a result of the suffering of the nerves and blood vessels passing there. Numbness is often accompanied by pain and cramps in individual muscle fibers. Unpleasant sensations can be limited to a specific place on the face, localized in some part of the head (left or right half), or cover the entire head, spreading to the back of the head. Other patients complain only of problems affecting the oral cavity (the tongue goes numb), but do not notice them in other parts of the head. Thus, numb areas can find a place in various parts of the facial skull, oral cavity, move to the back of the head or move to the neck and shoulder girdle:

    1. Severe headache, convulsive twitches, numbness of the face are symptoms characteristic of trigeminal neuralgia;
    2. As the cause of pain, numbness of the tip of the tongue, dryness of the oral mucosa without changing its color, glossalgia is noted, often present in people with the main diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia (NCD, autonomic dysfunction, etc.);
    3. Autonomic dysfunction can cause pain and numbness in other parts of the head (face, temporal region, neck), as well as numbness of the fingers, their trembling, fever, panic attacks and other autonomic disorders;
    4. A sudden numb place on the face, followed by an aura with nausea and multi-colored circles, zigzags, flashes, glare before the eyes and the addition of a severe headache a little later - a picture that most likely represents a combination of migraine symptoms;
    5. Along with dizziness, tinnitus, heaviness in the head and other symptoms, the feeling that the back of the head has become “wooden” is often present in people with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and impaired blood flow in the vertebral arteries (vertebrobasilar insufficiency).
    6. The cause of problems in the oral cavity (smooth "lacquer" tongue, numbness) can be B12-deficiency anemia. It should be noted that the triad characteristic of this disease (damage to the blood, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system) leads to the appearance of many other symptoms, including sensitivity disorders in different parts of the patient's body;
    7. A rash, redness of the "dead" area on the face, recurrent "backache" in the problem area can be signs of herpes zoster. Localization of a herpes infection in the mouth can be manifested by suffering from the upper or lower lip, the tip of the tongue, the buccal mucosa, and the palate. In addition to the fact that with herpes the tongue or an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the face goes numb, this infection, even affecting relatively small areas, can turn into a violation of the general condition of the body (high temperature, malaise, weakness, decreased performance);
    8. The color of the oral mucosa changes, painful sores form, the tongue hurts and becomes numb when a fungal infection settles in this place (candidiasis, thrush) and the development of stomatitis;
    9. Mimic and masticatory muscle injuries, dental and plastic surgeries, bone fractures and jaw dislocations can have consequences such as numbness of the head, face, tip of the tongue and other areas near the affected cranial nerve;

    If, with the feeling that the tongue is numb, the head begins to spin, weakness appears and numbness of the arms, legs or other parts of the body joins, there is a danger that this is associated with the development of a serious pathology: transient ischemic attack, pre-stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor or malignant anemia (megaloblastic anemia).

    Video: cervical osteochondrosis as a cause of facial numbness

    "Impatient" language

    For no reason, this muscular organ is somehow not subject to numbness. Another thing is if he turns out to be overly "curious" or other (not very scary) reasons make him dumb.

    1. More often, the language of children who know the world around them becomes numb, however, they may not say about it. They taste life in the literal and figurative sense: they cannot wait until the tea or soup cools down, or out of curiosity they try a metal surface sparkling in the winter sun with the tip of their tongue - such numbness disappears in a couple of days, when the mucous membrane is completely restored. Like children, adults sometimes behave when the tip of the tongue becomes a kind of analyzer;
    2. The tongue becomes numb with the improper use of certain drugs (why it is recommended to swallow chlorpromazine and libexin whole, and not chew) or prolonged and also improper use of drugs containing hormones and intended for the relief of attacks of bronchial asthma (various inhalers);
    3. The tongue goes numb, the smell and taste of smokers change not for the better, so the profession of a taster clearly does not threaten them, but they only have themselves to blame.
    4. Not only the tip of the tongue, but the entire organ becomes numb and refuses to fulfill its functional purpose in the dental chair after the introduction of an anesthetic (novocaine, ultracaine) in order to extract a tooth or other operations;

    Numbness, which has one of the above causes and disappears when it is eliminated, does not apply to pathological conditions and does not require the help of a doctor. Here a person helps himself and draws conclusions about what is possible and what is impossible: damage to the tip of the tongue in the cold, as a rule, happens only once in a lifetime, but sooner or later everyone goes through it.

    In conclusion, I would like to remind the reader that many episodes of numbness are a signal for action. Often, a transient ischemic attack is manifested by a short-term decrease in sensitivity and may soon be forgotten, however, today a TIA, and tomorrow a stroke, so if there are fears that numbness is associated with problems in the head, you should immediately call an ambulance, because an acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke ) can happen on the way to the clinic.

    Lip numbness

    Numbness of the lips is a fairly common and unpleasant clinical sign that requires attention, especially if it occurs regularly or is expressed on an ongoing basis.

    There are very few physiological reasons for the occurrence of such a symptom. In the vast majority of cases, it is associated with neurological pathologies, but it can also develop against the background of other diseases. In addition, this symptom is often a side effect.

    If the lips go numb, then this is always the first, but not the only sign in the clinical picture. It is supplemented by manifestations of the underlying disease, as well as swelling, burning and redness of the directly affected segment.

    To make a correct diagnosis and find out the root cause, it is necessary to carry out a large number of laboratory and instrumental manipulations. In addition, a physical examination performed by a neurologist plays an important role.

    Treatment is selected individually for each patient, depending on the provoking factor. However, to stop only the symptom, conservative methods are used.


    Lip numbness can be due to a large number of predisposing factors. This should include serious pathologies, neurological reactions, or the response of the human body to any stimulus.

    The most common sources of the main symptom are:

    • osteochondrosis in the cervical spine;
    • lack of vitamin B;
    • the course of diabetes;
    • violation of the passage of impulses between the brain and facial muscles. Most often, such failures are observed with Bell's palsy;
    • severe headaches, like migraine;
    • allergic reactions - in such situations, medicinal substances, cosmetics and food can serve as provocateurs;
    • dental ailments, namely inflammatory lesions of the gums or severe toothache;
    • constant fluctuations in blood tone, and it does not matter if blood pressure is increased or decreased;
    • shingles - while numb lips will be the first clinical sign;
    • poisoning with chemicals or heavy metals;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • a wide range of ailments of an infectious nature, for example, meningitis, herpes or otitis media.

    It should be borne in mind that numbness of the lower lip often causes:

    • improper circulatory process with localization in the brain stem;
    • defeat of the trigeminal nerve, namely the neuropathy of its nucleus;
    • development of inflammation in the gums or teeth of the lower jaw;
    • the influence of anesthesia used to treat dental ailments;
    • mechanical injuries of the lips;
    • the beginning of the formation of the oncological process;
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • hypoglycemic syndrome;
    • compression of the vertebral artery in cervical osteochondrosis;
    • maxillofacial injuries;
    • numb chin syndrome;
    • fracture of the lower jaw - in such situations, the feeling of a swollen lip will be present constantly for about three months, even after timely treatment started;
    • cosmetic procedure lip augmentation;
    • chin implant placement.

    The causes of numbness of the upper lip are often presented:

    • problems with the health of the oral cavity - often this condition is observed with a flux, abscess or inflammation of the gums;
    • consumption of excessively hot or very cold foods and drinks;
    • previous permanent lip tattoo;
    • vegetovascular dystonia;
    • trigeminal neuritis;
    • intervertebral hernias - this will be indicated by numbness of the lips at night;
    • hypersensitivity to cold;
    • stroke and glossalgia - while the sensitivity is reduced in one part of the face;
    • an excess of vitamin B6 or nicotinic acid;
    • HIV infection and AIDS;
    • macrocheilitis;
    • Crohn's disease.

    Sometimes the lower lip or upper lip becomes numb during pregnancy. In such cases, this can act as both a completely normal manifestation and a sign of the development of one of the above diseases.


    There are clinical signs that in all cases, regardless of why the lips go numb, will complement the main manifestation. They should include:

    • feeling of coldness on the lips;
    • burning and itching on the lower or upper lip;
    • the spread of numbness to the cheeks, nose and chin;
    • pathological redness of the affected segment;
    • sensation of "goosebumps" on the lips;
    • tingling and pain of varying severity.

    Depending on what served as the source of the violation or the complete absence of the sensitivity of the lips, the symptoms can be supplemented by a huge number of signs. Their main category is expressed in:

    It is very important to take into account that all the above symptoms, which complement the numbness of the lips, are far from the whole spectrum of clinical manifestations. In each case, in a particular patient, the symptoms will be purely individual, but in any situation it is necessary to seek help from a neurologist.


    The trigger factor of why the upper lip or lower lip becomes numb can only be determined by the clinician after studying the results of laboratory tests and instrumental procedures. However, the first stage of diagnostic measures includes:

    • study of the medical history - to identify a chronic disease, the beginning of a period of exacerbation, which leads to the expression of the main symptom;
    • collection and analysis of life history - necessary to confirm or refute the influence of a physiological etiological sign;
    • a thorough physical examination of the patient - aimed at palpation of the problem area. During such manipulation, the doctor monitors the reaction of the person;
    • a detailed survey - to determine the severity of the main symptom and draw up a complete clinical picture, which can sometimes indicate an underlying disease.

    Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics can be aimed at:

    • general clinical and biochemical blood tests;
    • general analysis of urine;
    • toxicological examination of blood;
    • electroneuromyography;
    • dopplerography;
    • rheovasography;
    • radiography and ultrasound;
    • CT and MRI;
    • EEG and ECG.

    The results of these general procedures will give the neurologist reason to refer the patient to other clinicians, such as an oncologist, endocrinologist, neurosurgeon, otolaryngologist, dermatologist, dentist, and orthopedist.


    The fight against swollen lips is carried out using the following conservative therapies:

    • taking medications;
    • physiotherapy procedures;
    • diet change;
    • the use of folk remedies.

    Drug treatment of numbness of the lips is aimed at using:

    Physiotherapy includes procedures:

    Treatment with folk remedies involves the preparation and consumption of healing drinks based on the following herbs and plants:

    • nettle and parsley;
    • bark of viburnum and violet;
    • valerian and willow bark;
    • leaves of geranium and horse chestnut;
    • mint and St. John's wort;
    • goldenrod and sweet clover;
    • burdock and chamomile.

    The above methods of what to do when numbness of the upper or lower lip appears will help to overcome only the symptom, and not the disease that caused it. Treatment of a particular disease can be conservative, surgical or complex.

    Prevention and prognosis

    You can prevent numbness of the lips with the help of such simple rules:

    • complete rejection of bad habits;
    • control of blood sugar and blood pressure;
    • proper and balanced nutrition - it is necessary to avoid fatty, spicy and salty foods. The diet should be enriched with fiber and vitamins;
    • lead a moderately active lifestyle;
    • minimize the impact of stress;
    • compiling a sleep and rest regimen.

    The main preventive measure is the regular passage of a complete medical examination with visits to all clinicians.

    The prognosis of a violation of the sensitivity of the lips depends entirely on the cause of its cause, but a favorable outcome is often observed, although the possibility of the formation of complications of the underlying disease is not excluded.

    "Numbness of the lips" is observed in diseases:

    Hyperglycemia is a pathological condition that progresses due to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream against the background of diseases of the endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus. Normal blood sugar levels are 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/L. With glycemia, the indicators increase to 6-7 mmol / l. The ICD-10 code is R73.9.

    Inflammatory processes that occur in the bone marrow indicate the disease osteomyelitis of the jaw. The development of malaise is the result of the penetration of infectious organisms into the bone tissue. This disease is complex and is one of the dangerous ailments. In addition, as a result of osteomyelitis of the jaw, generalization appears, that is, a condition in which not only a certain part of the bone is affected, but the entire human skeletal system. The disease spreads to all bone tissues and is caused by the development of inflammation and infection of the body.

    With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

    Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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    All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation by the attending physician!

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