Why do bloody discharge appear after an examination by a gynecologist? Common causes of discharge after visiting a gynecologist Why is there bloody discharge after the examination room?

It is recommended that girls and women undergo gynecological examinations every year, and if possible, once every six months. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to do just that. Therefore, sometimes coming to the gynecologist so rarely, some problems begin. One of these problems is spotting or pain in the lower abdomen. This can happen for various reasons and most often it is preceded by certain diseases or careless treatment by the gynecologist.

It is better to worry if blood appears during pregnancy. Because this may be a sign of serious violations.

Why is there spotting after a gynecological examination?

If there are no serious violations, and blood still starts to flow after the examination, this can only happen because the doctor used a speculum. Everyone knows that a gynecological speculum is intended for examining the vagina and cervix. If it is not used carefully, it can damage the vaginal mucosa and, accordingly, provoke light bleeding.

When taking a smear, mucosal cells are scraped off and injury can occur. If after examination the bleeding does not stop as soon as possible, you should consult a doctor again. Perhaps some kind of violation has occurred, and the injury is making itself felt. Or it could be that this is a manifestation of some disease.

In any case, it is necessary to re-examine and make sure that everything is in order or undergo treatment. There are cases when, after visiting a gynecologist, there is a feeling of itching, burning in the vagina and other unpleasant sensations. This also does not need to be tolerated, but it is advisable to immediately go to the hospital.

It is possible that an infection was introduced during the examination. Don't be shy and ask for help.

After the examination, blood began to flow - this is normal.

Quite often there are situations when, after an examination, a woman develops spotting. This may also be within the normal range, because the cervix is ​​supplied with blood, especially during pregnancy. If light spotting appears after the gynecologist, then do not immediately despair.

Perhaps this happened due to slight mechanical damage to the gynecological speculum. Weakening of the walls of blood vessels is not a pathology, it is rather a purely individual characteristic. Therefore, there is no reason to worry. Perhaps it is enough to simply change the doctor to a more accurate one. It is also normal for pregnant women, after examination, to experience mild pain during urination. This is also due to the fact that a slight violation could occur during the analysis.

We can say that all bloody discharge or light spotting after an examination by a gynecologist that appears as a result of mechanical damage to the gynecological speculum is normal. There is no reason to worry. Also, do not forget about time, that all allocations must end as soon as possible.

Dangers of Gynecological Exams

As stated above, all gynecological examinations are necessary, and in some cases especially useful. Firstly, all such examinations are designed to take a smear from the walls of the vagina and cervix. Mucosal cells are precisely the substance for laboratory research.

There are cases when, after extremely careless examinations, women experience serious problems, accompanied by bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. In such cases, urgent assistance and further treatment are necessary. It’s different for every woman, so it’s normal to experience some discomfort or mild ointment after the examination. If blood appears scarlet or dark for several hours or even days, you should consult a doctor.

As for various diseases, in this case everything is much more complicated. As a rule, the doctor himself must determine the presence of the disease or know about it in advance - from the woman’s medical history. There is also a so-called two-handed examination, during which the doctor examines the position of the organs, their sizes, the presence of the necessary adhesions, as well as the possibility of developing the disease. Unfortunately, even after such an examination, slight bleeding or discomfort in the lower abdomen is possible.

Any intervention can be dangerous, especially for a pregnant woman. Therefore, take the examination of a gynecologist seriously, in particular, the choice of a specialist.

What to do if there is bleeding after a gynecological examination?

First, it is necessary to determine the nature of the bleeding. If the blood is scarlet and smears only a little, then this may not be a cause for concern. In this case, you just need to rest and lie down for a while, which will calm your body a little.

Secondly, you need to determine the bleeding time, or rather its duration. Discharge is allowed after examination on the first day. Anything that has passed on the second or third day is dangerous. In this case, it is better to go back to the doctor. Perhaps a characteristic disorder has arisen or this is how your disease manifests itself.

There are cases when the bleeding is so strong that it is quite similar to menstruation. Then it is better to call an ambulance, otherwise you may lose a lot of blood. As a result of the examination, injury to the mucous membrane of the cervix or the vagina itself could occur.

Diseases that appear after examination by a gynecologist

The first case is difficult to call a disease, but it really exists. It's a miscarriage. There are quite a lot of situations when in the early stages of pregnancy, about 10 days, the gynecologist himself may not notice this and with sudden movements provoke a miscarriage. Thus, after examination, blood appears, perhaps not immediately, but only on the second day. In such cases, it is too late to engage in treatment.

If you know that you are pregnant and after a gynecological examination, spotting or nagging pain in the lower abdomen appears, then this is a clear signal of the presence of significant deviations in the course of pregnancy. As for specific diseases, this could be cervical erosion, the presence of papillomavirus, endometriosis and others. Such diseases may well be the cause of spotting after examination. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as quickly as possible.

As for cervical erosion, this disease can occur for a variety of reasons, but you need to seriously think about other diseases.

Symptoms of diseases

In addition to the fact that after examination, if there is a disease, bloody discharge occurs, some symptoms may be characteristic of a specific disease. For example, with endometriosis, there is aching pain in the lower abdomen. Most often this happens after a gynecological examination, and during menstruation the pain is sometimes simply unbearable.

As for blood impurities, they occur with endometrial hyperplasia. It is worth noting that such manifestations can be provoked not only by an examination by a gynecologist, but also by hormonal imbalance, excess estrogen, obesity or the presence of diabetes. Therefore, before making hasty conclusions, you need to consult a doctor.

The cause of the appearance of blood can be uterine polyps, which consist of endometriotic cells. Such benign neoplasms in the initial stages do not cause any discomfort and most often do not manifest themselves at all. With a professional examination, the doctor can determine their presence. Symptoms of the presence of polyps may include extramenstrual bleeding, pain in the uterus or after sex, regular delays in menstruation, and others. If you do not get rid of this problem in time, infertility may develop in the future.

All sexually transmitted infections can manifest as itching in the vagina, discomfort in the groin, burning, pain during or after sex, pain or a rotten smell. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. There are also more serious diseases that affect the reproductive system and can cause complications. These are chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and trichomoniasis.

Diagnosis of diseases due to bleeding

During heavy bleeding, it is very difficult to conduct a gynecological examination, so they resort to ultrasound examination. It does not cause any harm even to a pregnant woman. Using an ultrasound, you can determine the gestational age, the presence of certain pathologies in the uterus or other diseases. This examination is most often prescribed after a routine examination by a gynecologist for the most accurate results. This is a kind of comprehensive examination with which you can determine the whole picture of the course of the disease or a successful pregnancy. Most often, such an examination is prescribed for regular brown discharge without any complaints from the woman. This allows you to determine the cause.

A regular visit to a gynecologist (it is recommended to visit at least once every 6 months) is a guarantee of timely detection of genital diseases and getting rid of them. However, often after examination by a doctor, women develop vaginal smear, which is sometimes accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Why is this happening? And is discharge after an examination by a gynecologist a reason for a second visit to a specialist? Let's talk about it.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor uses special instruments that allow him to give an objective assessment of the condition of the reproductive organs. However, their use often causes mechanical injury to the mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix or uterus, as a result of which small capillaries are damaged and blood begins to be released from the vagina in small quantities. As a rule, the phenomenon is observed when a doctor uses gynecological speculums, with which he accidentally damages the integrity of the mucous membranes.

If a woman has brown discharge, the reason for this may be a vaginal smear, which is taken during examination for bacteriological examination. When taking it, the upper mucous layer of the vagina is scraped, which, naturally, also leads to damage to its small vessels. But in this case, minor bleeding occurs, which stops after 2–3 hours and does not require a second visit to the doctor.

In addition, the occurrence of brown discharge occurs not only due to the negligence of the gynecologist, but also due to the fault of the woman who, upon coming to the appointment, was very worried and made unnecessary sudden movements. It should also be noted that some women have increased fragility of blood vessels and for them, every gynecologist appointment ends with the appearance of a scanty smear that is dark or light brown in color.

The occurrence of bloody or pink discharge often occurs in cases where diagnostic or therapeutic procedures are carried out during use, which also compromise the integrity of the mucous membranes of the vagina or cervical canal. For example, this phenomenon is observed after cauterization of erosion or hysteroscopy. In this case, the discharge does not end as quickly as in the cases described above. They last from several days to a week; they can also pull in the lower abdomen and clots of clotted blood may come out.

In these cases, the appearance of atypical discharge after a gynecological examination is considered a completely normal condition and should not cause concern to the woman. However, if the daub is accompanied by an increase in temperature, severe abdominal pain, or bleeding is noted, then this has nothing to do with the norm. To determine the true cause of such symptoms, you will need to visit a specialist again and undergo a more detailed examination.

Pathological causes of atypical vaginal secretions

We can talk about pathological discharge in cases where it is observed for a long time (more than 2–4 days) and is accompanied by abdominal pain or other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, of course, it is necessary to make a second visit to the doctor in order to establish the factor that provokes their occurrence.

There are several reasons why atypical discharge may appear. More often, this role is played by infections obtained during an examination, during which unsterilized instruments were used, or by inflammatory diseases that the doctor could simply overlook.

If we talk about infectious diseases, the most common of them are candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis. They can also cause inflammation of the cervical canal, uterus or vagina, so you should never delay their treatment. However, if the development of infection is observed after visiting a gynecologist, then for a second examination it is better to choose another doctor or go to another clinic where sanitary standards are not violated.

Symptoms of the development of infectious diseases of the genital area are:

  • Itching in the intimate area.
  • The presence of beige, yellow, green or cheesy white discharge.
  • Putrid, rotten or sour odor.
  • Burning when urinating.

With the development of infectious diseases, the inner walls of the vagina become loose and any impact on them can lead to injury. However, when talking about why, after visiting a gynecologist, women develop a scarlet or brownish-colored smear, it is also necessary to note diseases in which neoplasms form on the cervical canal or inside the uterus. After mechanical impact, they can bleed, which will give a similar reaction. Such diseases include:

  • endometriosis;
  • adenomyosis;
  • polyposis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • uterine cancer.

Also, diseases that can produce a response in the form of bleeding include endometrial erosion and hypoplasia. Remember that these pathologies are dangerous to health and can cause not only the fact that a woman will not be able to get pregnant, but also serious complications that can be followed by death.

Important! If, after a gynecological examination, a woman begins to bleed from her vagina, along with nagging abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms, but upon examination the doctor does not reveal any changes, it is necessary to undergo a more detailed examination. It will allow you to get a complete picture of the condition and functionality of the reproductive organs, as well as identify the development of pathological processes in them.

Atypical discharge in pregnant women

If a woman has a delay and the test shows a positive result, then she needs to register with the antenatal clinic. But to do this, you also need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. If the period is short, the appearance of discharge can be a serious reason to see a doctor or call an ambulance, since such a phenomenon indicates a threat of miscarriage.

In addition, the occurrence of discharge signals damage to the cervical canal, leading to the development of infectious or inflammatory diseases, which are dangerous in early pregnancy.

Also, if a woman experiences discharge in the first trimester after a medical examination, this may indicate abruption or placenta previa, which is also dangerous for the further development of the fetus.

Placental abruption in early pregnancy often occurs due to the doctor’s negligence when examining the patient. In this case, the woman experiences minor blood loss and severe abdominal pain. If such symptoms are present, you need to visit the doctor again.

As a rule, in later stages, gynecologists do not examine women in a chair. But there are situations when such an examination cannot be avoided. And in this case, if after examination a scarlet secretion is released from the vagina, we can talk about the risk of premature birth.

If no significant injuries were sustained during the gynecological examination, then vaginal discharge should stop within a few hours. However, if this does not happen, you should definitely consult a doctor. This will allow you to timely identify the problem and find adequate ways to solve it.

Periodic examination is a necessity, and Koshechka.ru authoritatively states: a gynecologist is the doctor you should visit at least once a year, even if nothing bothers you. When there are unpleasant symptoms or pregnancy occurs, the schedule, of course, is assigned individually. And today we’ll talk about discharge after examination by a gynecologist.

It should be said right away that a standard examination is a completely harmless procedure that should not cause concern. But there are also reasons why spotting is possible.

Such discharge can indicate anything: from the onset of a disease to medical negligence.

What's in the article:

Why did you start bleeding after the examination?

The gynecologist performed the examination without due care. When assessing the condition of the cervix, the doctor uses a special gynecological speculum with a hard coating. It can easily damage the vaginal mucosa - delicate and delicate. Therefore, after examination there may be discharge, usually brown.

The patient may worry so much that she will not be able to withstand even a simple examination calmly, she will begin to spin in the chair or move involuntarily, which again causes injury to the mucous membrane.

Examination with taking a smear. The gynecologist exfoliates the cells of the vaginal mucosa to analyze it. This manipulation is performed when the shell is partially damaged, hence the discharge.

The patient begins menstruation. And then the inspection is just a coincidence. It seems that because of him, light spotting began. However, the last week before menstruation often manifests itself this way. By the way, this is not always good, because such premenstrual spotting can be a sign of a disease. About it -

Contact discharge: cause – disease

Bloody or brown discharge is not always considered normal or inevitable. So, with any pathology, so-called “contact bleeding” occurs. Usually it indicates some kind of disease.

After examination by a gynecologist, spotting may indicate:

  • endometriosis - in addition to this symptom, you will suffer from aching pain, which sometimes intensifies during examination or menstruation;
  • polyp - especially in the area of ​​the cervical canal, since there it is easily injured, especially when the gynecologist conducts an examination with mirrors;
  • endometrial hyperplasia - when the mucous membrane thickens, cells are easily excreted, and here even minimal mechanical impact, even careful examination can lead to damage;
  • erosion of the cervix - often brown discharge can be seen after an examination by a gynecologist, since the epithelium is inflamed during erosion, it can bleed even without touching, and if a gynecologist conducts an examination, then discharge is almost inevitable;
  • venereal disease - many sexually transmitted infections occur hidden, but this does not mean that they do not affect health in any way - on the contrary, they only thin the mucous membrane, which makes it especially fragile
  • discharge after an examination by a gynecologist also occurs in those who suffer from fibroids;
  • in case of a malignant tumor, after a medical examination, a few cells with bloody mucus may leave.

In case of miscarriage

Discharge at the initial stage of pregnancy after examination may indicate a miscarriage. Of course, at the very beginning a woman should learn about her situation, although in practice everything is usually different. It happens that the very first week of pregnancy, when even the doctor is unable to detect the fertilized egg, is interrupted due to overly active actions. As a result, the pregnancy may even stop altogether.

Dangers of Gynecological Examination

I don’t want to talk about the fact that a gynecologist can neglect the rules of hygiene and other professional duties. You just have to believe that everything is sterile and clean..

So, discharge, and always bloody, may indicate that the girl has candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, or uterine inflammation.

Sometimes pregnancy, especially with a complication, also causes concern, because after consulting a doctor, spotting begins. But the reasons are not at all harmless. This could be placental abruption, cervical damage, or early birth.

The cause of bleeding can be any factor, not the examination itself. And if discharge appears, then these may be signs of placenta previa.

What to do?

So, the gynecologist has been through, everything seems to be fine, but you have brown discharge, which is why you may be worried.

It happens that those who have not yet become pregnant experience slight pain and slight discomfort due to the fact that the vaginal muscles are still poorly stretchable.

You should definitely go to the doctor again if severe pain appears in the lower abdomen, the feeling of discomfort only intensifies, a burning sensation is felt in the genitals, the heart beats faster and shortness of breath increases, the temperature rises, there are other impurities in the discharge, which is not just brown, but also with pus.

If it’s not just discharge, but full-blown bleeding that lasts an hour or longer, you definitely need to go to the doctor.

Women who are planning a pregnancy simply need to do this.

But still, don’t worry ahead of time. The doctor will tell you exactly what to do next.

The article was checked by a practicing family doctor, Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience.

Regular visits to the gynecologist are a necessary condition for maintaining the health of an adult girl. You need to come for an examination at least once a year, and much more often during pregnancy. But what to do when a harmless and short medical procedure provokes discharge? Why can spotting even appear after an examination by a gynecologist? There may be several explanations for this phenomenon, and we need to respond based on them.

Read in this article

Several circumstances may be responsible for the mixture after examination:

  • Doctor's negligence. An examination to assess the condition of the cervix occurs using a gynecological speculum with a hard surface. They can easily damage the delicate vaginal mucosa, which is what will happen after examining the cervix.
  • The patient herself. If a woman is overly nervous, she may make involuntary movements and tense during the procedure. This contributes to injury to the mucous membrane.
  • The need to take a smear. The manipulation involves peeling off the cells of the vaginal mucosa to analyze the condition of the organ. There is no way to do this without damaging the shell.
  • The onset of menstruation. Menstrual bleeding rarely opens profusely; in most women it begins with small discharge. Despite the fact that everyone is tracking the dates of the “red days,” excitement and other circumstances can hasten their arrival or delay them. And menstruation will coincide with the day of the examination.

Bloody discharge caused by these reasons is not dangerous.

When contact discharge is caused by illness

Not always considered natural or inevitable. In medicine, there is the concept of “contact bleeding,” which suggests that it occurs due to some disease.

There are a number of serious pathologies that can manifest themselves in this way after examination:

  • . In addition to the discharge, it is bothered by aching pain, the intensification of which is provoked not only by a gynecological examination, but also by the arrival of menstruation.
  • . If it has grown in the area of ​​the cervical canal, it is very easy to injure it even during a two-handed examination, especially when using mirrors.
  • . The thickened mucous membrane easily separates from its particles, especially with mechanical impact on it, even minimally.
  • . The inflamed epithelium often bleeds even without touching it. Inspection further contributes to this.
  • Miscarriage. At the initial stage of pregnancy, a woman may not know about it and go for an examination. And the doctor will also not determine the presence of a fertilized egg at a very early stage. As a result, with its active actions, combined with the patient’s gynecological problems, such termination of pregnancy is possible.
  • . Among the signs of the neoplasm is bleeding outside of menstruation. One of them may coincide with a medical examination.
  • Malignant tumor. The insidiousness of these neoplasms is that they are “silent” about their presence for a long time. But the tumor, disturbed as a result of the doctor’s actions, can separate a small number of cells in the form of bloody mucus.
  • Venereal infection. Many of them, occurring hidden, make the vaginal mucosa more fragile. And inflammation caused by bacteria provokes discharge, including blood.

Not all diseases have a chance of being detected as a result of a routine examination. And if the patient does not complain, the specialist can only limit himself to this.

If, after an examination by a gynecologist, brown discharge appears, and the girl has additional alarming symptoms, then the doctor must be informed about this.

Uterine fibroids can provoke bleeding between menstruation, including after examination by a gynecologist

What are the dangers of a gynecological examination?

Even teenage girls know about the need to see a gynecologist at least once a year. But this necessary manipulation can pose a health hazard if doctors neglect the hygiene requirements in its implementation and their other professional responsibilities.

In pregnant women who have difficulties with the condition, spotting as a result of poor examination can be caused by:

  • placental abruption;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • premature birth.

The cause of all complications is often other factors, but examination can become a catalyst for the process. It is possible that they indicate placenta previa.

All this does not mean that there is no need to visit a doctor until you get sick. Possible problems during a gynecological examination dictate only the need to carefully select a specialist and the clinic where the woman is going to be observed. In addition, to avoid spotting after a gynecological examination, it is necessary to notify the doctor about the characteristics of your condition.

What to do if blood appears from the genital tract after examination by a gynecologist

Even with an ideal manipulation, minor smearing may occur for the reasons mentioned earlier, as well as mild pain and discomfort. The sensations will be more noticeable for those who have not yet undergone childbirth. Their vaginal muscles are less extensible, and access to the cervix is ​​narrow compared to the genital tract of women who have given birth. But still, the discomfort cannot be called significant, and the discharge is bright in color and stops quickly. Their presence is acceptable throughout the entire day during which the inspection was carried out. It’s a different matter if the discharge with blood is intense and other signs are present. This is abnormal and even dangerous if:

  • there was severe pain in the lower abdomen or vagina;
  • discomfort does not go away over time, but intensifies;
  • shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat appeared;
  • a burning sensation is felt in the genitals;
  • the discharge has a strong unpleasant odor;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • inclusions of pus and other strange impurities were found in the mucus.

If bleeding lasts more than one hour, you need to call emergency help. If a woman feels that there is no need for this, she should go to a specialist on her own the next day.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to this. Any trouble that happens can threaten not only their health, but also the existence of the fetus. Even if the discharge is caused by a hormonal imbalance, the balance needs to be restored as soon as possible. And for this you need to immediately seek help. The threat of miscarriage identified at an early stage is eliminated without consequences. The delay may be over.

Possible troubles should not deter a woman from preventive visits to the gynecologist. It is much more dangerous not to see a doctor for years or to avoid medical control during pregnancy until birth. Only observation is a guarantee of reproductive health, because only a specialist can detect the initial stage of many ailments.

Every adult girl should be aware of the need for regular visits to the antenatal clinic. After all, it is extremely important to prevent the development of hidden gynecological diseases that can harm a woman’s reproductive function in the future. When a long-awaited pregnancy occurs, consultation with a gynecologist is an even more important event. However, some women experience spotting after examination by a gynecologist, which can naturally worry a woman who is susceptible in this position. What causes such unusual consequences of the examination and what needs to be done in such cases - we will figure it out in this article.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after a gynecological examination

Visits to specialists of this kind involve certain manipulations in the vaginal area. The appearance of bloody discharge after examination by a doctor can be the result of:

  • careless use of instruments: they are used to examine the inside of the vagina, and its mucous membrane, like the surface of the cervix, is very sensitive and easily damaged;
  • patient behavior: vaginal tension or fidgeting during manipulations contribute to injury to mucosal tissue;
  • Taking a smear is a necessary procedure to determine the health of the genital organs; it involves collecting cells from the mucous membrane with a special instrument resembling a brush or a small brush. During its implementation, the tissues may be slightly damaged and cause spotting and bloody discharge after visiting the gynecologist;
  • the beginning of menstruation: manipulations performed inside the vagina can provoke its onset ahead of schedule, as a result of which a brownish secretion may initially appear.

The above factors are usually not harmful to health. Normally, after an examination by a gynecologist, the discharge will bother you for a maximum of one or two days. If after this time the symptom does not go away, you need to seek help. It also happens that after a gynecologist, or more precisely, after his actions, pain in the lower abdomen, burning, etc. are observed.

If the discomfort does not go away after a couple of days, then you need to visit the hospital. It is possible that an infection was introduced during the doctor's examination.

We cannot exclude the possibility that the time of the appearance of the pathological secretion only coincided with the date of the examination and the reason for its appearance was not a visit to the doctor. We recommend that you study information about what they may be and what they mean in our article at the link.

Discharge after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the frequency of any activities in the vaginal area decreases significantly. You should be especially careful with them in the early stages, when there is the highest risk of miscarriage. Because of this, the doctor tries to carry out any manipulations no earlier than 8 weeks. In this case, there is a possibility of blood particles or brown stains appearing in the mucus.

Discharge after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy can be caused by:

  • trauma to mucosal tissues: during pregnancy, a large amount of blood flows to the genitals, which makes the vagina and cervix especially sensitive to the touch of medical instruments;
  • the passage of a mucus plug, which coincided with an appointment with a gynecologist: usually at 38 weeks, the doctor suggests undergoing an examination on a chair to look at the readiness of the cervix for labor;
  • injury to the internal genital organs - this is a dangerous phenomenon and requires prompt medical attention;
  • abruption or placenta previa - this is typical for pregnant women who have problems with the course of pregnancy. In this case, the inspection becomes a catalyst for such negative processes.

Brown discharge during pregnancy after examination, especially in the later stages (38-40 weeks), should not cause alarm unless it is accompanied by other unpleasant signs (inflammation, itching, etc.). Often, spotting after examination at 40 weeks of pregnancy becomes a harbinger of labor. Brown ones may also appear, these are signs of the same phenomenon.

Care should be taken when a similar symptom appears in the second trimester. If in the early stages of pregnancy it may be the result of any hormonal changes or implantation of the fertilized egg, then later it will indicate a possible pathological condition.

In any case, all unusual signs during pregnancy should be promptly reported to the gynecologist who is observing you. He will also tell you if the body is ready to give birth.

What to do if bleeding starts after taking a smear?

As mentioned above, gynecological manipulations can injure the vaginal mucosa. As a result of this, any girl may experience spotting after taking a smear. The discomfort observed in this case should go away on its own in the next two days. During this period, it is advisable to refrain from intense physical activity and sexual contact. It's better to try to get more rest.

The actions of the gynecologist can cause involuntary termination of pregnancy.
Any signs uncharacteristic of a healthy woman should be diagnosed by a qualified specialist. If it is reliably known that there are no diseases of the genital organs, but discharge still often appears after examination, it may be necessary to change the doctor to a more careful one. Take care of your health and do not miss scheduled visits to the gynecologist.
