Why do small moles appear on the body? Many moles on the body - what does it mean, the reasons for their appearance. Causes for concern

Every person has moles - some have very few, others have their whole body covered with them. In most cases, a person is born without a single mole. Many new moles appear on a person’s body throughout his life. What does this mean and is it safe?

Formation of moles on the body and face

The first moles (also known as nevus) appear in children after 1 year of age. Initially, they are few in number and inconspicuous, so parents do not pay too much attention to them. But during puberty, moles become brighter and larger. In addition, at this time, a teenager can find many small moles on his body, which begin to appear at great speed. The same thing often happens to pregnant women or to people who are frequently exposed to ultraviolet radiation on their skin.

A nevus is formed under the influence of melanin. These are skin cells that contain pigment in large quantities. Moles are a congenital malformation of the skin or benign neoplasms acquired throughout life. Moles differ in size, color and location - on the surface of the skin or under the skin.

By the way, as the famous physician Elena Vladimirovna Salyamkina notes, moles most often appear on the face. Many moles on the neck are also quite common. This is due to the fact that the neck and face are the most exposed parts of the body to direct sunlight. However, there are no forbidden places for a nevus, so it can appear anywhere, even on the mucous membranes.

Many small moles - should I worry or not?

So what to do if many small moles appear is a question that worries many people. If they do not change color, size or bleed, then there is no cause for concern. Moles are quite normal.

Attention: If any of these signs begin to appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can be very dangerous.

It is not surprising that people are concerned about the formation of many moles on the body, because this is still a high probability of developing cancerous tumors, especially in cases where they are constantly exposed to sunlight or rubbed by rough seams of clothing. All this can lead to the formation of melanoma.

Moles located in places that are particularly susceptible to injury, for example, on the wrists, palms, neck, and feet, are best removed in consultation with a doctor. If a hair begins to grow from a mole, you don’t have to worry. Such moles do not degenerate into malignant formations. The main thing is not to pull the hair out of the mole - you can only cut it off. However, hairs rarely grow from small moles.

Little-known factors about the occurrence of moles

As a result of modern research, new versions are also emerging as to why a person may develop many small moles on the body at once. For example, scientists from the UK believe that the number of moles demonstrates how quickly the human body ages. According to their research, if a person has many moles on his stomach, face or neck, this indicates his rather advanced biological age.

Many people are also bothered by red, seemingly blood-filled small moles on the body. One of the versions about the occurrence of such formations - disruption of the colon or pancreas - has existed for a long time among doctors, but it is rejected by modern specialists. It is believed that the appearance of red moles is associated with lipid metabolism disorders or with a type of dermatological pathology.

Do not forget that only an experienced specialist can accurately determine why a patient develops moles. It is imperative to see a doctor, because the moles may have to be removed and a full course of treatment is required for the disease that was discovered during the examination.

Should I delete or not?

So what should you do with moles? Should I delete them or not? Of course, if a mole spoils a person’s appearance too much, it is best to remove it, but it is extremely necessary to undergo a consultation with a dermato-oncologist, since it is, of course, impossible to figure out on your own whether a mole can be removed or not. Only a specialist is able to determine what type of mole it is and choose the necessary type of treatment - determine the boundaries and depth of the intervention.

Many people believe that if a mole does not bother a person, it is better not to touch it at all. In fact, this statement is wrong. If the mole is located in a place where it can be injured by a chain on the neck, elastic bands or underwear straps, as well as a razor blade, it is still advisable to remove it.

Caution: Every injury, including an incompletely removed mole, can be the first step towards its degeneration into melanoma. Therefore, it is worth repeating once again: only a specialist should remove formations on the skin.

How to prevent new moles from appearing?

Is it possible to avoid the appearance of moles on the body? Of course not. Many believe that their number is generally laid down during the period of intrauterine development and that the moment of their occurrence can only be delayed for some time. But it is worth noting that they most often arise due to various external factors. By the way, ultraviolet radiation affects not only the mole itself - its growth and degeneration in general, but also the skin around it. Therefore, an absolutely pointless solution to the problem on the beach or in the solarium is to cover only one mole with an adhesive plaster. It can still be activated due to sunlight hitting neighboring areas of the skin. However, thick clothing provides excellent protection from ultraviolet rays, so a mole covered by such clothing will not be disturbed at all.

How to determine the danger of springs?

There is one more important point. How to determine whether moles are dangerous or not? In fact, only an experienced specialist can answer this question. However, there are some obvious signs that every person needs to be aware of:

  • moles begin to grow;
  • they change their color (dark moles become lighter, and light ones become darker, and this is equally dangerous);
  • moles begin to itch or give their owner other not very pleasant sensations;
  • they may become inflamed or bleed;
  • Some compactions may also appear on them;
  • the skin pattern on the nevus may be disrupted or erased.

Caution: Today, many formulations based on celandine and other herbs are sold, which are recommended for removing warts and papillomas on the body. It is often mentioned in the instructions that they can be used to remove moles. Actually this is not true! Under no circumstances should such drugs be used against moles. Cauterizing areas with such compounds as vinegar or iodine in principle causes a burn and can leave a fairly deep scar on the body.

So, many moles are not so scary, but if they degenerate, this is already a so-called “bell”. In order to decide how to deal with them, it is worth seeking the help of specialists.

Moles (nevi) are accumulations of melanin under the skin. Moles appear in a person from birth and can be added throughout life. It is impossible to say exactly what contributes to the appearance of moles on the body, but during research scientists have put forward several versions.

It is important to know! In China, it is believed that a mole is a sign of the release of the disease. A surface. If a mark appears on the body, it means that the organ located in the area where the mole appears is sick.

Types of moles on the body

  1. Lentigo. This type of mole is distinguished by an even color - brown or brown. These nevi are small in size, like freckles. Lentigines are formed due to an increase in the number of melanocytes in the blood. Most often, moles of this type are not convex, appear on the body in small quantities, and ultraviolet radiation does not affect them in any way.
  2. Complex moles. These formations protrude greatly beyond the skin and can have different sizes and shapes. Complex nevi are most often dark brown or black in color. When these moles appear in the blood, an increased number of melanocytes is observed.
  3. Epidermal nevi. This type of mole is most often localized on the palms and soles, and can also appear on the genitals. The color of moles is varied - from flesh to brown shades. The size of nevi is not very large - up to a centimeter in diameter; the shape can be flat or slightly convex, rough to the touch.
  4. Sutton moles. This type of formation has a characteristic feature - a circle of skin is formed around the mole, which has a very pale appearance. Sutton's mole looks like it's in a ring. These moles are also unusual in that they can disappear and appear for no apparent reason. The appearance of this type of nevi does not threaten human health in any way; they do not degenerate into skin cancer.
  5. Intradermal moles. These formations have different colors, sizes and shapes, most often convex and strongly raised above the skin. The structure of moles can be rough or smooth, but the distinctive feature of these formations is the coarse hairs growing from the mole.
  6. Hereditary moles. These formations are similar to age spots, the color of which has a red tint. Most often, hereditary moles are distinguished by a blurred shape and large size. The most common localization is the back, legs, buttocks.
  7. Blue moles. This type of mole has an unusual color - blue or black. Localized on the face, buttocks, legs. Appears most often after 20 years. The shape of moles is hemispherical, convex, but some nevi can form under the skin. The dimensions most often do not exceed 1.5 cm.
  8. Large pigmented moles. These formations are formed in humans during intrauterine development. A child is born with a mole. During the entire period of a child's growth, the mole grows with him. The sizes of these formations vary - from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters in diameter. The colors are most often brown, black, gray. Nevi can be smooth, rough, or covered with hair.

Why you need to monitor the condition of moles

In most cases, moles are not a source of health hazard. But there are several factors that are worth paying attention to so that a benign formation does not degenerate into a malignant tumor - melanoma.

  1. People with a large number of moles should not be exposed to open sunlight for a long time, as this is the most common trigger for melanoma.
  2. You cannot pick off moles; you must carefully ensure that the formations do not rub against clothing. If a nevus is damaged, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid degeneration.
  3. You need to carefully monitor the condition of moles if there have been cases of skin cancer in your family.

It is important to know! Most often, the degeneration of benign tumors into malignant ones is observed in white-skinned people with blond hair.

Dangerous changes in moles

To avoid the development of cancer, you need to monitor the condition of formations on the body. There are several signs indicating that a mole has begun to degenerate from a benign formation into a malignant one.

  1. Changes in the outline and shape of the nevus. Round moles become asymmetrical when degenerated. If the formation suddenly changes its shape, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Changing the edges of a mole. It is worth consulting a doctor if the edges of the mole begin to change or the formation begins to spread unevenly across the skin, changing its usual shape.
  3. Color change. It is worth paying attention to the nevus if it has changed its usual light color - it has become brown, gray or black.
  4. Education size. Large moles often develop into melanoma. You should also be wary if the formation begins to increase.
  5. Dynamics. A bad signal is the very rapid growth of a mole, the appearance of cracks or seals on its body.

It is important to know! Do not be alarmed if one of the negative signs appears. Most often, all changes do not pose a health hazard, but in any case you need to contact a dermatologist or oncodermatologist.

Treatment of moles

Most moles are harmless, but if they are located in specific places and there is a risk of injury to the formations, it is advisable to remove the nevi. There are several procedures for safe and painless mole removal.

Type of procedureDescription
LaserThis method uses laser beams to remove the formation in layers. The operation is practically painless, but at the request of the patient it can be performed under anesthesia. After the procedure, a depression forms on the skin, which heals after 14-20 days. This method is popular because scars do not form on the skin. The only drawback of this procedure is the high cost.
ElectrocoagulationThis mole removal method uses powerful currents to burn the nevus out of the skin. The intervention is performed under anesthesia. A crust forms on the skin, which heals over time and falls off. This method is good because during the procedure you can take tissue for histological examination and control the depth of tissue removal. But there are also disadvantages - when removing large formations, scars remain
CryosurgeryThis method of removing moles uses liquid nitrogen, which has a very low temperature. When treated with nitrogen, tissues are painlessly destroyed and subsequently rejected. Pink skin appears at the site of the mole, and scars rarely remain. The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that in some cases, treatment of the mole with nitrogen must be carried out several times, since it is impossible to control the depth of tissue damage
Excision with a scalpelThis is the most serious type of mole removal, during which not only the formation is removed, but also the skin around it. After the procedure, scars and scars remain. The procedure requires a hospital stay and further monitoring of the patient’s condition. Most often, large flat nevi or cancerous formations are removed in this way.

It is important to know! Each method of mole removal is selected by the doctor based on the type of mole, its location and shape.

Video - Mole (nevus): causes of appearance, growth and changes

Postoperative complications

After removing moles, you should carefully monitor the condition of your skin. If lumps or lumps appear at the surgical site, you should contact an oncodermatologist to rule out melanoma. Swelling and increased body temperature are also often observed in the first days after surgery. In order to avoid infection, the site of mole removal should not be wetted for the first week, creams or cosmetics should not be applied, or the crust that has appeared will be peeled off.

You should not attempt to remove moles on your own. This is fraught with serious complications that can provoke cancer. All procedures are recommended to be carried out in medical institutions under the supervision of specialists.

Video - Treatment of moles (nevus) at home with folk remedies

Age-related moles are pigmented formations on the skin. Spots on the body are present in almost all people, regardless of race or gender. The tendency for more moles to appear with age depends on genetic reasons and skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Age-related nevi can be benign changes in the epidermis and dermis or a signal of the manifestation of pathological changes in the internal organs of a person.

The appearance of age spots on the body with age is a natural process of changes in the skin when metabolism is disrupted. When melanin (the pigment that colors the skin) accumulates, new benign formations form. Elements appear singly, in groups of several formations, or in multiples, with localization throughout the body.

In shape, round formations are more common, in the form of hyperpigmented plaques, up to several millimeters in size. Rarely appear on the palms and feet due to the structure of the skin in these areas and less exposure to direct sunlight. The favorite place is the head, face, and décolleté. Less common: neck, hands and back, forearms.

There are huge birthmarks and nevi. They can take on a bizarre appearance (stars, fish, triangles).

By their nature, genetic characteristics, living in latitudes with intense year-round insolation, the risk of acquiring a large number of moles on the body increases. Under the influence of constant solar irradiation, lack of protection (special creams with a high level of protection, underwear) and trauma, modifications of nevi with malignant degeneration are possible.

Senile moles on the body are the result of excess melanin. There are types:

  • black nevus - a large accumulation of melanin or germination of papilloma (human papillomavirus, keratoma);
  • brownish flat round plaques. The appearance is associated with darkening of freckles or a burn of thin skin with the formation of a defect in the form of a nevus;
  • flat lentigines, tend to manifest themselves in groups of plaques under the influence of endocrine disorders in the body;
  • senile senile hemangioma. The formations are red in color. The basis is a vascular defect under the skin: dilated vessels close to the epidermis become visible due to thinning of the skin with age.

Causes of pigment spots with age

Among the factors that provoke the appearance of moles on the skin with age are:

  1. A common cause is hereditary predisposition. In the womb, the development of skin is laid down. With age, the effect of accumulation of pigmented plaques increases.
  2. A direct provocateur of the formation of moles is sunlight. The damaging factor of the sun, affecting the deep dermal layers, enhances the production of melanin. Pigment cells undergo mutation, beginning to divide excessively and spread throughout the body.
  3. When the body's immune defense is suppressed, especially against the background of infectious diseases and the aggressive influence of HPV (papillomavirus). The formations (skin horn) have a hard core and may fall off during treatment.
  4. Hormonal changes weaken the protective reaction against skin pigmentation. During pregnancy, puberty and disruption of the endocrine glands (thyroid and pancreas), the number of moles on the body increases.
  5. Neoplasia and metastatic components initially look like harmless nevi. With the addition of symptoms of malignant formations (suppuration, pain, bleeding) require treatment under the supervision of a physician.
  6. When skin defects with age-related impairment of surface renewal occur, senile pigmentation occurs - chloasma.
  7. If the elasticity and protective lipid barrier are lost due to frequent use of chemicals (washing dishes, floors), the papillomavirus may enter the body and, accordingly, the formation of moles.
  8. When red nevi appear, we can talk about a violation of internal systems - the cardiovascular system, the functioning of venous valves, liver disease and gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Individual hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and marbled pale color type of human skin.

Can a mole get bigger with age?

An enlargement of a mole or any modifications (bulge, change in color) require consultation with a medical specialist. An increase in the number of moles with age can be absolutely harmless or a sign of disorders in the body. An increase occurs with stretching and loss of elasticity of the skin, in the presence of inflammatory reactions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It may be a sign of the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a malignant tumor (melanoma).

Among the signs of malignancy are:

  • rapid increase in size without prior provoking factors;
  • asymmetry of the plaque with surface roughness, the effect of a torn edge with a blurred rim;
  • surface convexity, roughness or excessive softness, peeling, bumps or grooves, cracks;
  • color indicators with the appearance of unevenness, redness, lightening, blackening;
  • the surface bleeds, cracks, crusts, purulent contents or ichor appear;
  • additional discomfort, pain, and may itch.

The presence of one of the symptoms does not necessarily indicate malignancy, but the process should not be started due to a weak immune response and deterioration of skin metabolism. With age, the likelihood of degeneration increases.

Can a mole fade?

There is no need to worry if the mole becomes lighter with age. A normal process, during age-related hormonal changes, hormonal protection decreases, especially in women after menopause. Sometimes the neoplasm completely disappears. Occurs in the absence of stimulation of the sebaceous subcutaneous glands, the effect on melanocytes (melanin production is blocked).

With age, the skin loses adequate nutrition from blood vessels, becomes thinner, and lipid substances and sweat are not released. Involves susceptibility to dryness and desquamation, removal of the outer keratinized layer of the nevus with its subsequent fading. Large and dark spots become pale, hanging or convex spots may fall off and become less noticeable.

How to get rid of age-related moles at home

Many traditional methods are successfully used to remove or lighten moles. Women often use home recipes to get rid of nevi for aesthetic purposes: when localized on the face, when they are huge in size, causing inconvenience to the owner of the education.

You should first consult with your doctor before treatment. The danger of getting rid of it yourself is provoking wounds at the site of moles and stimulating malignant oncological processes. High risk of scar formation at the site of the removed pigmented plaque. The application of some substances causes burns to surface tissues.

  1. Using willow bark tincture with vinegar. The wood is burned, the resulting ash is mixed in equal parts with table vinegar. Treat the nevus with gruel 2-3 times a day.
  2. A chalk solution with hemp oil dries and scrubs the surface of the birthmark. Apply in a ratio of 1:4. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  3. The juice of plants that have the property of eliminating pigment formations is applied to the area of ​​the plaque: fresh milkweed juice, round-leaved sundew juice, crushed calendula leaves, field celandine. Should be used with caution due to risk of burns.
  4. Using ammonia lotions. Disinfects and cauterizes formations. Do not apply to adjacent areas to avoid irritation or burns. Apply pointwise to condyloma.
  5. A compress made from propolis tincture has strong anti-pigment, softening, antiseptic properties and gently removes formations.
  6. A compress of young aloe leaves, previously crushed and released juice. Apply for 30 minutes and wash off. The course of therapy is 1 month.
  7. A paste of castor oil and baking soda. Apply under a bandage at night and have an exfoliating effect.
  8. Ointment made from butter and dandelion root. Rub the mixture twice a day.
  9. Lotions made from a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Apply for 30 days.
  10. Finely grated garlic mixed with apple or table vinegar. Rub into the area of ​​pigmentation, seal tightly with a band-aid, and leave for a day.

When using alternative medicine, it is important to monitor the condition of the skin and at the slightest sign of damage (inflammation, pustules, bleeding), consult a doctor to clarify the condition of the skin.

Features of the human body have been the most popular topic for many centuries. It is not only the well-known anatomical component that receives special study. An unusual and interesting topic for research is the epidermis or the upper skin of a person, which often has neoplasms. What is a mole and why do they appear? Are they dangerous? Details in this article.

In contact with

General concepts

Such a mark is considered to be a spot different from the color of the skin that occurs different pigmentation. The formations not only differ from each other in shape, but also in size. There are angular neoplasms, as well as flat, sharp, hanging or even subcutaneous. There are a great many types, and the occurrence of these spots on the skin is completely individual.

Moles on the body

Attention! There are also clusters of moles in one place, most often in the area of ​​the forearms or buttocks.

Below are the most common classes of neoplasms:

  • No different from skin color. Such spots, as a rule, can completely blend into the skin, and may differ slightly in roughness and color. If there are up to 10 such spots, then there is no reason to see a doctor. This is considered simply a feature of the body.
  • Dark birthmarks. They can be located on any part of the body and be of completely different shapes. Such neoplasms are not dangerous, most often have a hereditary structure and remain for life. If these spots do not change over time, then this is also one of the individual norms.
  • Red growths. What is a red mole and why do they appear? These neoplasms are more typical for children, as they appear after the dilation of small vessels during labor. Many babies are dotted with such minor spots, especially in the neck and back of the head, because they move head first during birth. These red spots are almost invisible and disappear until the child is one year old. If there are more and more of them, and they begin to itch and itch, then this means that this is a common allergy, and not birthmarks.
  • Mongoloid spot. This is a rare occurrence these days and is more common only in dark-skinned people. This spot is located on the thigh, or at the end of the back and has blue-purple hue. Until what age will it be noticeable? This mark may disappear by the beginning of puberty, or may remain until the age of 20. If, after reaching this age, such a spot does not disappear and bothers its owner, then it is removed surgically.
  • Hemangioma. These are so-called “aesthetic” spots, which are most often large in size. There are flat or convex hemangiomas. The latter often occur during pregnancy, and sometimes after childbirth. Such moles are usually not dangerous unless they are located in places where they can be easily damaged, such as on the crooks of the fingers. It is worth paying close attention to convex hemangiomas, as they can grow and turn into “huge” spots in size. Such aesthetic defects often become the cause of numerous complexes, especially among the female half of the population. Flat hemangiomas, as a rule, do not increase in size.

Different types of moles

Reasons for appearance

As a rule, neoplasms appear on the human body from birth. Can moles appear on the skin? throughout life? Modern medicine gives an affirmative answer, however, the main period during which new moles appear is during age 20-25 years.

The causes of their occurrence are different, and neoplasms are divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital spots on the skin most often already exist after birth. Hereditary moles in children may be similar in shape to related ones. Moreover, both the size and location are the same.

Such phenomena also include birthmarks - large black or beige moles on the body, which often have jagged edges. These spots are caused by information such as DNA, that is, the heredity that was originally contained in the genes. It is from here that “moles” began their naming, because this is “what relatives have

How do other types of moles appear?

The most common method of “purchase” is considered exposure to sunlight or UV rays, which provoke the production of a special substance in the skin - melanin. Melanin is the basis of which birthmarks are made.

Normally, melanin does not appear in any way on human skin, and if there is an excess in the body, then accumulations of this substance come out. The more you are exposed to direct sunlight, the more likely it is that your birthmarks will change color and become darker.

An excess of melanin is fraught with the appearance malignant tumors, which can be formed just from such neoplasms.

The second common way these marks appear is the appearance of moles due to radiation and x-rays. Such “assaults” on the human body are infrequent, however, they can also trigger the process of occurrence.

Can moles appear as a result of some kind of infectious disease suffered by a person? These cases are also not uncommon, since a certain effect on the body occurs, and melanocytes (cells of this substance) come to the surface.

Can moles appear throughout life? due to insect bites? Certainly! After all, the marks left by insects on human skin also provoke the grouping of melanocytes, which will definitely find access to the epidermis - the upper layer of human skin.

The last way such marks appear is considered hormonal surges. Therefore, birthmarks most often occur in women, because the fair half of humanity is more susceptible to such changes in the hormonal system. This may manifest itself as a result of stress, either during pregnancy and childbirth, or upon the onset of pregnancy. The most striking appearance of these neoplasms is, of course, marked by the puberty period, when the body is just beginning to prepare for adult life and mature.

During such a hormonal boom, birthmarks may disappear.

Why are moles dangerous?

Such neoplasms cannot be called absolutely normal, and although, with age, moles on the human body fade, and therefore become less noticeable and safer, experts still recommend monitoring all such spots that “live” on your skin.

If they do not cause any concern, then most likely you will have to put up with such a minor natural “zest” of your body or face.

However, if they start to bring physical discomfort, then you must definitely consult a doctor and find out why the invisible mark suddenly began to become wet and has bloody edges. Maybe you got hurt? Or did you scratch this area too much, causing an infection under the skin? All this should only be done by a specialist, because... self-medication is fraught with the appearance of not only a tumor, but also leads to skin cancer. Then everything will have to be removed surgically.

If the mark only brings aesthetic discomfort, then you should definitely think about two things:

  • Has it bothered you throughout your life?
  • And what will the place on the skin look like without this tumor?

Most often such marks are found on the face. Some people are delighted and consider it the highlight of their beauty, adding piquancy to their appearance, while others always paint it over with foundation and feel embarrassed. In this case, you need to do a special cresoprocedure.

What does it mean? This is what is called removing birthmarks with nitrogen. You can also resort to laser correction. Both removal procedures are similar and practically painless, because... Each person has a different threshold for pain sensitivity.

Not everyone knows that a mole is not always a congenital spot and after the appearance of another pigmented formation, most come up with a new name for it. In many cases, the birthmark does not pose a risk to human health, but sometimes many moles on the body can cause serious consequences.

What are moles, definition

Most people mistakenly believe that mole- a body formation that exclusively appears from the moment a person is born. But this hypothesis is refuted if dermatological examinations are carried out on a certain number of newborns. In many cases, the baby's body is absolutely clean and does not have a single spot.

Mole- a benign pigmented formation on the skin, which can be congenital or acquired during life. At the moment when the pigment overwhelms the skin cells, melanocytes appear, their accumulation is called a mole.

Moles on the body reasons for their appearance

Most often, moles appear on the face, the reasons for this are:

What provokes an increase in the level of pigment, and accordingly leads to the formation of many moles on the body, the reasons for their appearance have been studied thoroughly:

  • genetic factor– the most popular cause of moles. It has long been noted that some pigment formations can be passed on from generation to generation, while maintaining their shape, size, color and location. The genetic code also affects the number of moles and the intensity of their appearance.
  • solar radiation. Every person has areas of the skin where melanin is concentrated. Places where pigment accumulates remain invisible until they are exposed to certain factors, one of which is ultraviolet radiation. People have long learned to protect themselves from the sun in hot weather, using various means and creams. At the same time, they ignore the factor of solar radiation in the cool season, when ultraviolet radiation is no less dangerous. And open, unprotected areas of the body are always under the influence of an irritant
  • hormonal surges. According to statistical indications, women are more likely than men to have moles on their bodies, the reason being a greater number of hormonal surges, which include pregnancy, menopause, and gynecological diseases. The possibility of the formation of another pigment formation after taking contraceptive drugs cannot be ruled out.
  • injuries and infections. Many dermatological experts argue that the causes of the formation of moles on the body can be frequent x-ray exposure, skin injuries and infections. Although the theory has not been scientifically proven

Why do moles become inflamed, red, itchy, and increase in size?

In most cases, a body lesion does not cause irritation until the mole begins to increase in size, change color or itch. In addition to the feeling of discomfort, a person is in danger for his own health, because there is an option for a previously invisible spot to degenerate into a malignant melanoma.

The inflammatory process of a mole is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • body education changes its shade: darkens or brightens
  • speed increasing size a birthmark indicates the severity of the inflammatory process
  • is formed redness around a mole, there is only one reason - the cells of the skin formation are degenerating
  • changing contours and forms of moles
  • constant itching and feeling discomfort in the area of ​​the birthmark

Inflammation of a mole may be preceded by a number of reasons:

  • banal business injuries: cuts after shaving, scratches, punctures from household items, abrasions, etc. In this case, the factor of skin infection cannot be excluded.
  • excessive sun exposure or in the solarium. People with freckles and white skin tones are most at risk

Particular attention should be paid to the reasons for the appearance of moles in a child when the skin is delicate and vulnerable to irritants.

For whom is inflammation of a mole most dangerous?

Thanks to numerous studies in the field of dermatology, it was possible to establish that if a mole is congenital, it minimal chance of developing into melanoma. Accordingly, people with congenital skin marks should not fear for their health.

People with acquired moles in adolescence and adulthood. After conducting scientific research, it was possible to refute the stereotype about the danger of pigmented formations that have bulges or hairs.

The most susceptible to degeneration are birthmarks on inner thighs, feet, palms. It is also worth paying attention to formations that regularly undergo friction, for example, due to contact between bra straps or T-shirts.

To avoid the process of degeneration of a mole into melanoma, you should promptly respond to any changes in the area of ​​pigment formation. In this case, the only correct decision would be to visit a dermatologist.
