Show bandage with pilot for abdominal hernia. Hernia of the white line. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Anti-hernia bandages for women

A hernia appears due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, with weakness of the abdominal walls. With this disease, pain in the lower abdomen is often observed. You can completely get rid of the pathology only through surgery. Some patients wear a bandage for abdominal hernia.

The device prevents further development of the disease. If the patient refuses to wear a special bandage, the disease will begin to progress. A person will develop a hernial sac. Experts do not recommend the use of this device in severe cases of the disease. At this stage, there is no point in using a bandage: the abdominal walls are weakened, the size of the hernial sac will increase.

What symptoms occur with a hernia?

A person develops a tumor in the abdomen. The tumor often increases during defecation and when lifting heavy objects. If the patient lies down, the tumor becomes less noticeable to the eye, but in an upright position the hernia is clearly visible. The tumor resembles a small lump, it is soft to the touch and can be easily reduced. The size of the tumor may vary. A person often experiences pain in the abdominal area. The patient often experiences nausea and pain in the stomach. With a strong cough, the discomfort increases. If you suspect a tumor, you should visit a doctor. The doctor will examine the patient, assess his health using the appropriate equipment, and give a medical opinion. The disease can be treated with massage. Special gymnastic exercises are also useful for the patient.

What is the product used for?

This device is necessary to prevent tumor formation in the presence of a hereditary predisposition. A bandage for abdominal hernia should also be used after surgery.

Modern techniques allow you to quickly get rid of the disease. During surgery, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used. The rehabilitation period usually proceeds without complications. The patient is discharged after a few days, but heavy physical labor is contraindicated for him. You need to avoid constipation, so you need to eat right after surgery.

When used, the likelihood of relapse of the disease is reduced and pain is eliminated. The bandage will “come to the rescue” during pregnancy: during this time, surgery to remove the tumor is prohibited. The device is often purchased for young children. To treat pathology in young patients, special patches are also used. They adhere well to the skin and do not cause discomfort. The likelihood of allergies when using them is low.

The product must not be worn if there is damage to the skin (wounds, cuts). The bandage cannot be used for dermatitis or other skin diseases. The use of a bandage should be abandoned in case of strangulated hernia. It should not be worn if you have heart disease.

Types of products

An umbilical hernia bandage is a belt made of elastic material. It is often used for preventive purposes: after all, with heavy physical activity, the likelihood of pathology occurring increases many times. The product prevents the occurrence of serious complications of the disease, including strangulated hernia. It is often used after surgery. The devices are made from high-quality materials that do not cause an allergic reaction. In adults, a tumor in the navel area is rare. It occurs in women after childbirth, at which time the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are weakened. When using a bandage, their tone increases significantly.

A bandage for abdominal hernia is actively used in childhood. A hernia in the navel area often occurs when the umbilical ring grows slowly. With chronic constipation in a child, the risk of pathology increases. Umbilical hernia often occurs in children under 6 years of age.

Prenatal bandage. It is essentially an elastic belt equipped with several fasteners. The device does not have a negative impact on the unborn baby. It reduces the weakness of the abdominal wall, provides excellent abdominal support, and helps to correct a hernia. It is made taking into account the anatomical features of a pregnant woman.

The bandage can be post-operative. It is worn after surgery. It is an elastic belt with a special fastener. It is securely fixed in the chest area, so the device does not put pressure on the stomach.

When using a postoperative bandage, the wound heals quite quickly. The device reduces pain after surgery and prevents recurrence of the disease. The duration of wearing the product is determined by a specialist. It depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Products for preschool children

The device must be secured to the child’s stomach. It is made from elastic materials, so the likelihood of allergies when using it is quite low. It is mainly used for the treatment and prevention of hernia in young patients.

When wearing the product, the baby's breathing is not difficult. It is easy to use and does not cause any discomfort. The device is not visible under clothing.

Choosing a bandage for a child is not an easy task! Before purchasing it, you should consult your doctor.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a product?

There are a large number of companies producing medical accessories. Devices may vary in external characteristics and cost. When choosing an accessory, you should give preference to products made from elastic fabric. It is necessary to take measurements: it is not recommended to buy a product that is too small or too large. Fasteners should also be practical, because the product will have to be used for a long time. It must be purchased at a specialized store. It sells products that meet all stated requirements and international standards. After all, the device must be made on specialized equipment, otherwise it will not have the desired therapeutic effect. When purchasing a low-quality product, a person may experience pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

How to put on the product correctly?

You need to put on the bandage like this: the pad with the applicator is placed on the hernia. After this, the person lies on his back, adjusts the tumor with gentle massaging movements, and puts on the product. The device is wrapped around the body and the appropriate fasteners are fastened. The product must be worn over underwear.

Many patients suffering from abdominal hernia prefer to wear a bandage. However, it will not get rid of the disease, but it will alleviate the severity, slow down, and sometimes even stop the development of the disease. A bandage is a kind of elastic belt of wide dimensions, which is fixed in the hernia area using special fasteners and Velcro. Thanks to this device, the hernia is always in a taut state, which allows the connective tissues not to stretch and the hernia openings not to increase in size.

Why wear a bandage for a hernia?

During prevention and postoperative rehabilitation, the doctor often prescribes a special belt to the patient to prevent exacerbations and support organs. In the initial stages of the formation of the disease, wearing it helps stop its rapid development before surgery.

Important! If you ignore the doctor’s instructions and do not wear a specialized corset, then the abdominal disease will develop much faster, and there is a high probability of the formation of a hernial sac.

A bandage for an abdominal hernia is an almost indispensable device, since it performs necessary functions, such as:

  • Preventive measures against relapse of the disease and its development into a more advanced stage;
  • Abdominal support for small congenital hernia in babies;
  • Prevention of excessive protrusion of the abdominal organs before surgery;
  • Prevention of complications at the postoperative stage;
  • Support of the lower back and abdomen during pregnancy, when there is a risk of hernial lesions;
  • Tight fixation of the abdomen after surgical procedures to avoid pain and suture separation in the scar area.

This most useful preventive measure will help to significantly delay abdominal protrusion, and preparation for surgical intervention will be much more successful.

Types of corsets

The classification of corsets for abdominal hernia is determined by the location, degree and type of lesion. There are several types of devices, each of which has individual characteristics. All of them in their own way prevent the protrusion of internal organs, namely:

  1. Umbilical. It is prescribed for protrusion in the navel area, and is made in the form of an elastic belt, the width of which is about 20 cm with special Velcro and ties. The onset and progression of an umbilical hernia is caused by excessive physical exertion. Therefore, such belts are usually worn by people whose activities and lifestyle are directly related to constant physical labor. This bandage is small in size and quite comfortable to wear. It is made of natural materials that easily allow air to pass through;
  2. Abdominal. This is a wide elastic bandage that is worn for abdominal hernia defects. This corset tightly clamps the wall of the abdominal cavity, thereby preventing excessive protrusion of the organs. It is intended to be worn before and after hernia operations;
  3. Postoperative. This type of abdominal support is designed to be worn during the postoperative period. The corset relieves pain, reduces discomfort and promotes speedy recovery of the surgical site;
  4. Children's. This type of belt is used for babies to prevent abdominal pathologies. Thanks to the hypoallergenic material, children quickly get used to it without feeling any discomfort.

The positive consequences of using a bandage will be observed only when the choice of a suitable corset is made correctly, on which the comfort of wearing this device will depend.

Choosing the right bandage

When choosing one or another elastic retainer, it is worth referring to the size of the belt, the type of hernia and wearing comfort. Today, most companies produce a huge number of corsets for abdominal hernia, which differ in the quality of material, shape, cost and design. The production of bandages must be carried out using specialized equipment, otherwise the belt may not have the desired effect. When purchasing a belt to support the abdomen, you should follow the advice of a specialist who will point out all the nuances in terms of security, quality and effectiveness. When purchasing a bandage, you need to consider several important aspects:

  • Measure your waist, and only then buy a belt according to these numbers. It is forbidden to purchase a dressing larger or smaller than the required size, since it can either crush your organs or have no supporting effect;
  • The abdominal corset should not cause any irritation on the skin, cause chafing or itching;
  • The product must be made of high-quality elastic fabrics, which will ensure effective support for the abdomen and lower back and will not cause any discomfort;
  • Turning and bending should not cause any inconvenience.

If you choose an incorrect abdominal corset, there is a risk of allergic manifestations, all sorts of complications and skin lesions. If the purchased belt does not bring adequate relief and after the first days of wearing you notice a clear increase in the hernia, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is recommended to buy a belly band only in specialized stores or pharmacies, requiring a certificate of conformity, which will help avoid purchasing a low-quality belt.

Important! The wrong belt will not bring positive results, so it must fit perfectly in all parameters.


In addition to the benefits, wearing a support belt also has a number of contraindications, which include the following conventions:

  1. Heart failure;
  2. The presence of open wounds, diaper rash, burns, cuts;
  3. Strangulated hernia;
  4. Dermatitis and other skin lesions;
  5. Wearing in the third stage of the disease.

The period of wearing a medical corset is determined by the doctor and directly depends on the development of the pathological process. It is strictly forbidden to choose a bandage on your own and prescribe treatment, even for preventive purposes. Take into account all the doctor’s instructions, otherwise your belt will not give positive results, but, on the contrary, will only aggravate the situation and affect further progress.

A bandage for an abdominal hernia is a device in the form of an elastic belt designed to slow the growth of a hernial protrusion, prevent strangulation and other complications. Often a belt is worn for prevention during heavy physical work. There are highly specialized devices used for a specific type of hernia and universal belts used for various types of formations in the abdominal area. The therapeutic effect is achieved by choosing the right product and following all the doctor’s instructions.

Device action

An abdominal hernia is a pathology that develops due to congenital or acquired muscle weakness. The cause of the disease can be peritoneal trauma, surgery and many other factors. The therapeutic belt is developed taking into account these features, helps reduce the growth of protrusion, and prevent the development of severe conditions in humans.

The action of the product is as follows:

  • prevention of strangulation of the hernial sac;
  • exclusion of complications before surgery;
  • preventing further development of protrusion in newborns;
  • excluding the development of relapse and pain after surgery.

The use of a belt is necessary for people who have serious contraindications to surgery.

Before using the product, it is important to obtain specialist advice. This will help you choose the right device and eliminate contraindications.

Product classification

The abdominal hernia bandage has several varieties. The type of product depends on the location of the protrusion, gender and age of the patient.


Used for pathology in the navel area. The device is a belt, 20–30 cm wide, with fastenings in the form of belts or Velcro. The bandage is made of breathable, natural fabric and has a dense structure. The belt is equipped with a restrictor pillow (peloto), which exerts local pressure on the umbilical hernia, preventing prolapse of the abdominal organs.

Umbilical bandage B-425 is used for the treatment and prevention of the disease. People engaged in heavy physical labor and athletes are recommended to wear a device to prevent pathology. Wearing a belt is also indicated for patients with a genetic predisposition to the development of hernias.

Inguinal for men

A device in the form of a belt with support belts equipped with a pilot. There are left-handed and right-handed products. There is a universal two-sided type of device. The size of the restrictor plate is selected by the doctor taking into account the size of the patient’s formation. More often, an inguinal bandage is used to prevent the disease and when the size of the protrusion is small. Large hernias require surgical intervention.

Inguinal for women

The women's bandage differs from the men's in shape, similar to elastic swimming trunks. The product is used for prevention and treatment. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent the risk of strangulation and the growth of a hernia. The bandage does not cause discomfort, is invisible under clothing, and is easy to use.


A belt used for white line hernias during the recovery period after surgery. The device reliably fixes the peritoneal wall, preventing intestinal loops and the edges of the omentum. This type is often prescribed to prevent the disease among people at risk of developing pathology. The abdominal bandage has a universal design, suitable for men and women.


A postoperative corset is prescribed to patients during the recovery period after surgery. The goals of such a product include reducing pain, preventing suture dehiscence, recurrent pathology, and accelerating wound healing. It is recommended to wear the product during the day; at night, remove the belt.


It differs in size, does not contain stiffeners, and is a soft product in the form of a belt surrounding the baby’s tummy. A children's bandage is used from birth to help prevent the growth of hernias and the development of complications. When wearing a bandage belt, the child does not feel any discomfort and quickly gets used to the device. Such belts are made from hypoallergenic materials. The fabric allows air to pass through well, absorbs sweat, and does not cause irritation.

The use of a bandage for infants should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor; independent choice of a belt is not allowed.


  • protrusion in one of the areas of the abdomen;
  • prevention of hernias in premature babies;
  • exclusion of relapse and complications after surgery;
  • prevention of disease in people whose work activity involves lifting weights and performing strength sports.

The bandage is of great importance in preventing the development of impingement. Before surgery, a belt is the best method to avoid complications.


The duration of wearing the therapeutic belt is determined by the doctor and depends on the characteristics of the disease. It is not recommended to choose a bandage on your own and wear it, even for prevention. Contraindications include:

  1. Allergic skin rashes, open wounds.
  2. Psoriasis, eczema, suppuration and chronic dermatitis.
  3. Complications of hernia (strangulation, irreducibility, inflammation).
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Pathology of internal organs.
  6. Diseases of the respiratory system.

When the desired effect is not observed, the doctor decides on the need for surgery.

When choosing a product, its quality, efficiency, and safety are taken into account. The type of bandage and the size of the bandage are determined by the doctor. To achieve results, the belt must have the following qualities:

  1. Natural, hypoallergenic material.
  2. Reliable fastenings.
  3. The bandage should fit tightly around the waist, but not squeeze the stomach.
  4. There should be no discomfort when moving.
  5. The product does not rub the skin, does not cause allergies or redness.

It is recommended to buy a bandage at a pharmacy or specialty store. This will help you avoid purchasing counterfeits and low-quality goods. It is better to refuse to buy a device on the Internet, since there is no way to try on the product. When choosing a size, you should be guided by the size chart provided by the manufacturer; it is recommended to try on the device, be sure to check whether the Velcro is coming apart, whether the device has defects or rough seams. The therapeutic effect depends on the correct choice of the type and size of the device.

If, a few days after using the belt, the hernia increases in size or pain appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to put on a bandage

To put on the bandage, the patient needs to lie on his back, carefully straighten the protrusion, while the stopper pillow is located above the hernial protrusion. The belt should fit well to the body, but not cause discomfort or difficulty breathing. If discomfort occurs, you need to remove the belt and repeat the procedure.

The product cannot be worn around the clock. At night it is better to remove it. The time you use the device should not exceed 16 hours a day. The belt may shift throughout the day. It is important to monitor this and adjust the device if necessary.

The therapeutic bandage cannot be used for a long time. This can cause circulatory problems, the formation of adhesions, and muscle atrophy. The device should only be used when necessary, after consultation with a doctor.

The exit of abdominal organs through a defect in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall is defined as a hernia. This disease is diagnosed in people of any gender and age, but treatment tactics may differ slightly. In a child, an abdominal hernia can be reduced on its own, but after 6 years of age, surgical removal is indicated. The operation is always prescribed for adult women and men.

Conservative treatment is considered as a temporary measure during preparation for surgery or when there are contraindications for surgery. Non-surgical therapy includes taking medications, rest, diet and wearing a special corset.

A bandage for an abdominal hernia is an important preventive measure, because it fixes the organs in their place, preventing them from protruding even further. Before and after surgery, the attending physician individually determines how long the support and postoperative bandage should be worn, which will depend on the clinical manifestations and ultrasound results.

A bandage for an abdominal hernia will only be a temporary measure, because before and after removal of the hernia, the muscles need to be strengthened, and the corset does not contribute to this at all, taking on most of the load.

Application of the bandage

A support belt is prescribed for children and adults diagnosed with an abdominal hernia. It is considered as a preventative measure and does not guarantee the reduction of the protrusion. Using it for pathology in infants and children can lead to recovery without the need for surgery, but for this, in addition to wearing it, you need to adhere to other measures.

A hernia bandage will be necessary when there is a risk of complications, and the most common is strangulation. This condition is manifested by severe pain, dyspeptic symptoms, increased temperature, severe bulging and fixation of the formation in the abdominal area. When infringement has already occurred, wearing a bandage is strictly contraindicated, as this will lead to even greater compression of the organs.

If it is regularly used for prevention during physical work, this will reduce the risk of sudden injury.

A corset is prescribed only in the initial stages of hernia formation. It will be a means of fixing the protrusion until surgery. When the hernia increases, the corset can already cause harm, therefore, for large protrusions, it is prescribed on an individual basis.

The use of a support bandage is considered in the following cases:

  • preparation for the operation;
  • gestation period;
  • doing heavy physical work;
  • postoperative period;
  • premature newborns with a predisposition to hernia.


The large size of the hernial sac, strangulation and other complications are absolute contraindications to the use of a bandage. There are also relative limitations to its use that require individual consideration.

Fixing and postoperative bandage is not recommended in the following cases:

  • the first days after surgery;
  • frequent constipation;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe obesity;
  • undifferentiated disease of the abdominal cavity;
  • heart failure;
  • acute dermatological diseases;
  • open wounds on the skin: cuts, inflammation, abrasions.

With an abdominal hernia, patients often experience digestive disorders.

The patient is bothered by stomach pain, discomfort after eating, and frequent heartburn. Intestinal problems include constipation and bloating. These conditions not only add unpleasant symptoms, but also contribute to the progression of the disease. Wearing a bandage for such a complex of disorders is considered by the attending physician after examination.

Types of bandages

According to their purpose, the following types of bandages are distinguished:


Indicated for localized protrusion in the area of ​​the umbilical ring. It is often prescribed to young children after birth with an acquired disease due to muscle weakness and frequent crying or screaming, in which case there is still the possibility of self-reduction of the defect and closure of the umbilical ring. If a child is diagnosed with a congenital pathology, the operation will necessarily be performed, and if indicated, also during pregnancy.

An umbilical hernia bandage is an elastic belt with fastening elements and a pallet that fixes the defect.

This belt, like others, is made of hypoallergenic materials. More expensive and high-quality models absorb moisture and allow air to pass through, which prevents irritation of the child’s skin. How long you need to wear such a belt determines the period of illness before surgery and the hernia repair technique. If laparoscopic hernioplasty was performed, you will need to wear a corset for no more than 2-3 weeks for several hours a day. After tension hernioplasty, the postoperative bandage will need to be worn longer, because the healing of the scar and tissue is a long process.


The inguinal hernia bandage is a unisex belt for men and women with unilateral and bilateral protrusion. It is a product in the form of swimming trunks with pockets for pilots and straps. It is used both to prevent pathology during physical work and sports, and in the event of an inguinal hernia.


This belt is used in case of hernia of the white line and as a postoperative corset after removal of the hernia. It supports the abdominal organs, preventing them from bulging during increased intra-abdominal pressure and high stress on the abdominal muscles.

For pregnant.

A corset for women during pregnancy is indicated to reduce the load on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. It is worn for several hours a day, and pregnant women notice an improvement in their well-being. Women often experience an umbilical hernia during this period, and the bandage in this case will relieve the muscles, reducing pain, and at the same time maintaining the organs in their place.


After surgery, the bandage looks like a wide elastic belt. It wraps around the abdomen and chest, ensuring normal healing of the surgical scar without the risk of disruption and suture divergence. Such a corset is essential for the prevention of relapse and postoperative hernia. The latter becomes the result of non-compliance with the regimen after surgery and errors during hernia repair.

Children's bandage.

Corsets for hernia in children are made of soft hypoallergenic material that allows air to pass through. They are equipped with semi-rigid inserts located slightly above the navel. The purpose of such a belt will be the prevention of hernia in congenital muscle weakness and an attempt to treat a hernia in infants, when there is a possibility of reducing the defect without surgical intervention. Most often, umbilical hernia occurs in infants and newborns. The belt for such localization of the formation is selected by the doctor taking into account the age of the child. The corset does not cause discomfort to the child as long as it is worn correctly and not left in place for a long time.

The bandage must be removed during sleep. Massage and gymnastic exercises are also performed without a belt.

Choosing a bandage

You can purchase a bandage in specialized medical stores. Making a choice on your own will not be easy, given the variety of models from different manufacturers. Your doctor will help you choose a belt, who will then show you how to put it on correctly, how tightly to tighten it, and how long to wear the bandage.

What is important when choosing a bandage:

    The belt should fit perfectly and not squeeze the stomach;

    it is better to choose a Velcro fastening, because such a belt is more convenient to put on and take off;

    the corset should be comfortable, the correct belt does not limit movement;

    You need to buy a bandage only after trying it on.

The purchase should be made in specialized stores, where there is a choice, and all products are produced in accordance with the requirements.

Not all patients can wear a bandage for an abdominal hernia. Some patients experience increased soreness after several days of wear. In this case, you can try another belt or have to give it up, which will add more restrictions to your daily life.

Hernial protrusion in an adult is treated exclusively by surgery. But there are cases that exclude surgical intervention or require its postponement. A bandage for an umbilical hernia in such situations is the only means of preventing complications that may arise as a result of strangulation of a pathological formation.

First of all, patients who already have an uncomplicated hernial protrusion in the umbilical region should wear a bandage. It should also be used by people who are at risk of developing a hernia in the navel or white line of the abdomen. The risk group includes athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor, patients with gastrointestinal pathologies, patients who have undergone abdominal surgery, and pregnant women.

Action of the bandage:

  • fixes the muscles of the peritoneum and lumbar region;
  • prevents the exit of internal organs through the hernial opening through local pressure on the affected area;
  • increases the tone of the abdominal muscles, reducing the risk of the hernial sac falling out of the walls of the abdominal cavity;
  • In obese people, the abdominal muscles are weakened and without external support, the risk of an umbilical hernia is much higher than with the use of a belt.

Why wear a bandage:

  • as an effective preventive measure for complications with umbilical hernia;
  • a children's bandage facilitates non-surgical treatment in children under 5 years of age;
  • postoperative bandage prevents suture dehiscence and relapses of pathology possible as a result of surgical treatment;
  • relieves abdominal muscles while carrying a child in late pregnancy;
  • has a preventive effect, preventing the occurrence of hernias in the umbilical region in people prone to its occurrence;
  • reduces the intensity of pain caused by a protruding hernia or other pathologies of the abdominal cavity.

It should be remembered that prolonged wearing of an umbilical bandage can cause atrophy of the abdominal muscle tissue. This complicates the course of diseases for the treatment and prevention of which the drug was used.

There are several main options for bandages for the umbilical area. The purpose of each type is determined by the therapeutic effect of a particular product. The use of one or another bandage belt should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor, and the first putting on is preferably in his presence. In modern medical practice, three variations of umbilical bandages are most often used:

  • prophylactic;
  • medicinal;
  • abdominal.

Prophylactic bandage

This is a waist product with a seal in the area of ​​the front wall of the abdomen. It is mainly used as a preventive measure for the occurrence and development of hernia formations in the umbilical ring area. Recommended for use:

  • people engaged in heavy physical work;
  • athletes during strength exercises;
  • pregnant women in late pregnancy.

The belt stimulates increased muscle tone and improves blood flow in the abdominal tissues.

The design of the bandage belt is different for men and women. Male devices are designed to prevent umbilical hernias that occur due to heavy loads on the lumbar region and abdominal muscles. Such means should tightly tighten the loaded areas, without disrupting the blood supply or infringing on the internal organs. The women's belt prevents the development of pathological abnormalities caused by pregnancy and should not tighten the stomach, but support it.

The therapeutic anti-hernia bandage is structurally similar to the preventive one, but has a number of features. A mandatory component of such belts is the presence of a special seal in the navel area. There are two options:

  • removable restraints in the form of a pad that can be placed in the right place;
  • sewn directly into the belt.

Purpose of the device:

  • retention of internal organs in order to prevent their loss and possible infringement;
  • therapeutic and preventive effect of diseases of the spine in the lumbar region.

This remedy is mainly indicated for use after surgical treatment in the abdomen and lumbar region. Its purpose is due to the following therapeutic effects:

  • retention of the peritoneal muscles, preventing the recurrence of hernial formations in the umbilical region and the white line of the abdomen;
  • prevention of divergence of postoperative sutures;
  • eliminates excessive stress on muscle tissue, promoting rapid healing of wounds, without the occurrence of possible complications.

A postoperative bandage corset should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, having discussed with him the important design features of the device. Without consulting a specialist, you can only wear the preventative version of the bandage belt.

Indications and contraindications for the use of a bandage

The device is indicated in the following cases:

  • formation of an umbilical hernia at the initial stage, occurring without complications;
  • the presence of uncomplicated hernia formations of different sizes;
  • late pregnancy;
  • the period after surgery on the peritoneum or lumbar region;
  • as a prophylactic agent during physical activity on the lumbar region.

Contraindications for use:

  • complication of an umbilical hernia, in particular its strangulation;
  • allergic reactions to the material;
  • the presence of open wounds in places of contact with the surface of the device;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage, renal, liver or heart failure;
  • any situations requiring immediate surgical intervention.

How to choose?

The type of hernia bandage should be determined by the doctor, according to the problem for which it is needed.

Features of the bandage:

  • the material of the product must allow air to pass through well and not cause skin irritation, including allergies;
  • high-quality fastenings that ensure reliable fixation on the body;
  • absence of internal seams and any other elements that could cause inconvenience during use;
  • the product must be certified and have a manufacturer's warranty.

Terms of use

To achieve the desired effect from using a bandage belt, you need to follow some recommendations:

The hernia bandage is worn only while you are awake

  • The bandage for a hernia is worn only while you are awake; it is removed during sleep;
  • In the morning, you need to put on the belt in a supine position, and you need to make sure that the hernia is reduced;
  • the sealing applicator is placed directly at the site of protrusion of the umbilical hernia;
  • people whose activities involve high loads should wear a belt immediately before work or exercise;
  • when worn during the postoperative period, the duration of use is determined by the doctor;
  • obese patients need to wear the bandage all the time (except for sleep);
  • if a hernia bulges, you cannot reduce it yourself;
  • in case of complications or skin irritation, you should immediately stop wearing it and consult a doctor;
  • To avoid atrophy of muscle tissue in the abdomen and lower back, the belt should not be used continuously for more than two months.