Rehabilitation after endoscopic suspender of the middle zone of the face. Endoscopic face lifting (forehead): prices, contraindications and reviews. Indications and Contraindications for Endoscopic Lifting Face

The essence of any surgical rejuvenation is reduced to the relief shifts of muscle and skin fabric, reverse age-related changes. Endoscopic face lift is one of the safest methods of this kind of operations.

What is an endoscopic face lift

Rejuvenation operation involves peeling the skin, dissection and movement of muscle tissues, removing fat deposits, if required, fixing muscle fibers, tension and leather fixation. At the same time, excision of excess skin and connective tissue is carried out.

Endoscopic suspension refers to the category of minimally invasive methods. Its fundamental difference from traditional plastic surgery is the lack of excision. And the skin, and muscles, and the connecting tissue are redistributed in such a way as to take their "legitimate" place and thus level age-related changes. Only adipose tissue is subject to removal, as it is quite accurate.

For holding muscles and skin in a new place, special seams or endotins are used - brackets and ribbons with "tweeters". The latter fixes the fabrics at a sufficiently long term, so that by the time they disappear, the newly formed connecting tissue fastened the skin and muscle. Endotins are absorbed by themselves, they do not need to delete them.

This approach provides many advantages:

  • the minimum number of cuts and their very small size - within 1.5-2 cm;
  • high accuracy of surgery: Using an endoscope allows you to receive an image and constantly evaluate the state of the operating field;
  • minimum intervention guarantees the minimum of consequences and complications;
  • the rehabilitation period after the suspender is significantly lower;
  • operation can be carried out locally - in certain areas, or comprehensively.

The only lack of intervention is a high qualification of the surgeon. Also, there are restrictions on age, and not only by the patient's condition.

What is an endoscopic face lift, tells the video below:

Essence of the procedure

His name is endoscopic, the correction received at the expense of the method. With a normal operation, it is necessary to completely delay the skin, literally removing it from the operated area, which implies major cuts and meaningful blood loss.

Endoscopic technology allows you to act differently. In the required locations, small cuts are made - a maximum of up to 2 cm. Silicone tubes are introduced into the cuts. They move the lighting and registering system - an endoscope, and the actual tools. As a result, the doctor does not need to be squeezed with the skin, since it receives the image using an endoscope. Accordingly, there is no need to increase the cuts.

The small size of the cuts allows you to modify the techniques used. To correct the middle zone of the person, a vertical suspension is possible when the skin of the cheek is ridiculed to the lower eyelary edge and at the same time do not affect the nerve nodes located in the middle of the cheek. The effectiveness of the vertical suspender is higher, redistribute the minimum amount of skin, but not to perform it in the usual way.

Endoscopic technique allows combining intervention in different sections, and with a multiple tensioning. Although many plastic surgeons believe that an integrated approach justifies itself to the greatest extent.

Professor Borovikov A. M, one of the most famous practicing surgeons, argues that patients after local rejuvenation return literally in a year, as they discover that compared with the smooth part of the face, the remaining zones do not look aesthetically. After comprehensive rejuvenation for 10 years of practice of this procedure, no one has appealed to re-restore.

The operation lasts from 40 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the scale of the intervention. Local anesthesia is possible only for partial correction or for blepharoplasty. All other types of suspenders are performed under general anesthesia, which is a limitation for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The result of rejuvenation on average is held 5-7 years: this is due to individual characteristics and general health status. A comprehensive operation, as already mentioned, provides the result more resistant.

Photo before and after Facelifting

Zones of holding

The separation of a person on the zone is associated with the mechanisms of aging and the understanding of the subject of plastic surgery.

The face is divided into lateral and central - the medial part, according to the conditional vertical line passing along the nose. According to this division, it is immediately clear why the vertical suspension, if it is possible, will give more tangible results. Signs of aging are focused mainly in the medial part, and the lateral skin suspension is effective only with respect to the lower part of the face and the lateral area. Although, of course, it still reduces relief changes.

The face is divided into another 3, but rather speaking, 4 zones. Conditional lines are horizontally at the level of eyebrows and nostrils.

  • - Neck, jaw line, chin, mouth corners. The nasolabial folds into this zone are no longer included, as they appear when climbing the skin of the cheeks and, in fact, the correction in this case is not available. Signs of aging here are double chin, balls, lowered angles of the mouth, and folds from the angle of mouth to the chin. In the lower zone, excess fat often accumulates, so the correction has to be combined with liposuction. The mechanism of correction of the lower third of the face is: a cut around the ear is performed and soft tissues of cheeks are redistributed. At the same time they are cleaned by balls, the folds around the mouth take an oblique position and smoothed. For suspenders do not make cuts under the chin. The lift of the lower part of the person does not affect the state of the middle zone.
  • - space between horizontal lines at the level of nostrils and eyebrows. Includes nasolabial folds and lower eyelids, although the latter often stand out in a separate 4 zone. The middle zone is growing faster, the signs are a zilly bag, the relief between the tear furrows and the casual edge, and, of course, the most obvious sign of aging is nasolabial sweets formed by the tissue by hanging. The correction of the middle zone provides the most pronounced effect of rejuvenation, especially when combined with the underground of the lower eyelid. It takes an operation from 1.5 hours, if only the circular muscle of the face, and up to 3 hours, if the check lifting is carried out.
    • The technique is as follows: cuts are made along the bottom chapter edge in a natural fold. Muscles dissect through them and move to the original position, fastened with endotines, then stretch the skin. The resulting folds in the corners of the eyes are removed by a suspender in the temporal area. The complexity of the procedure lies in the fact that it is necessary to work here with the Mimic muscles. With incorrect displacement, synchronous work is broken, and this is fraught with asymmetry and disorders in facial expositions from different aspects of the face.
    • Another option is possible: in this case, the lateral suspension is combined - the cuts are made near the ear, and the suspension through the cuts on the mucous membrane. The technique is safe, since the nerve nodes in the center of the cheek are not affected.
  • - forehead and eyebrows. Signs of aging here: the omission of eyebrows, the omission of the upper eyelid, horizontal sweets and wrinkles on the forehead. The omission of eyebrows and eyes may not be associated with age and is quite amenable to correction. The essence of the operation: cuts are made along the hair growth border in order to hide the roller, well, the seams themselves, of course. At the same time, the omission disappears, wrinkles are aligned, but the forehead height increases. If this is a problem, a variety of techniques are used: oblique slope, sawdust pattern and so on. Tightening the top of the face is often combined with other types of correction. The fact is that skin peeling on the forehead opens up many opportunities for rejuvenation and eyes, and the middle zone of the face, and even the bottom - the sin does not take advantage of this. You can remove the folds on the temples, change the shape of the nose - a hubber, fill the zone zones. Moreover, in this case, the need for lateral lateral skin suspenders disappears. True, the result of such an operation initially fixes not seams and non-endotins, but titanium screws that are removed in 20 days.
  • 4 zone - Elets. Its upper part belongs to the upper third, the lower - to the middle. However, the operation is often carried out only here, since the eyeball focuses the most obvious signs of aging: wrinkles and folds in the corners, the omission of the upper eyelid, the movement and the omission of the lower, the increase in the distance between the cereal edge and the tear furrows. Often the patient's unwitting to radical rejuvenation perform the correction of the eye as a compromise between the desire to get a younger face and fear before the suspender. There are no physiological or anatomical ores to highlight a society in a separate zone. On the contrary, the surgeon during the operation works with two different zones, which, of course, is unprofitable. However, blepharoplasty as a separate procedure is in great demand that you have to consider.
  • Comprehensive rejuvenation Ensures work immediately over the whole person. This decision should be considered the most rational. The minimum number of cuts is performed, since the maximum actions are carried out. In relatively light cases, the entire correction is performed through cuts on the forehead and in the fold of the lower eyelid. In addition, the result is held longer.

It is clear and with useful schemes in this video, it is described how the operation is carried out:

At what age you can do

To correct the cosmetic flaws - lowered a century or eyebrows, there are practically no age limit. But for rejuvenating procedures, the value has an importance.

Endoscopic technique does not imply excision muscles and skin. The calculation is based on the fact that relatively elastic tissue deals with the "new" place, and the connecting tissue is formed quickly enough to secure this position. Alas, in old age it is impossible.

The skin with too low modestations simply will simply be able to hold and will resist. The same can be said about muscle fibers: than in the better state, the more chances of the success of the operation. Accordingly, any endoscopic procedures after 60 years are meaningless.

  • To rejuvenate the middle part of the face of this kind can be resorted for 30-35 years. Age from 35 to 50 is optimal.
  • The correction of the lower part of the person is usually committed later - from 45 to 60 years. However, in combination with liposuction, it is done before, if double chin and balls are due to excess adhesive tissue.
  • The age limit for rejuvenation of the upper facial zone is 60 years.
  • Blefaroplasty is held between the ages of 35 and 60.

Photo of the patient

  • website
  • 30.01.2015

Modern women look a little simply attractive, they want to be flawlessly beautiful and young so that no wrinkle gives the true age. But over time, the most thorough care does not cope with the high plank set to its appearance. It is necessary to think about the suspender of a particular zone of the face or total. Classic plastic for various reasons for many women becomes taboo. An alternative to her recognized seamless method of face lift.

What is this procedure: Endoscopic face lifting?

Innovation of plastic surgery rejuvenation when operation is carried out through microIs an endoscopic face lifting. It has significant differences in the technology of the procedure compared to the classical suspended method. The procedure has received its name in connection with the use of a special optical endoscope with a microcamera transmitting an enlarged image to the monitor. This allows the surgeon:

  • control all what is happening during the operation: each of its action or the movement of the instrument;
  • see every muscle, nerve or blood vessel of the patient;
  • avoid mistakes or damage to inner tissues and vessels.

Operation of endoscopic lifting of the face and a short period of recovery after it occurs only in stationary conditions.

What is the difference between endoscopic face lifting from classical suspenders?

During the procedure, skin covers are not affected and do not change, therefore, after endoscopic lifting, no one has canceled the care of the face and problems.

Varieties of endoscopic face lifting

Endoscopic face lifting is possible in a sufficiently young age when the aesthetic correction of only certain sections is required. Moreover, it can be both age-related changes and congenital features of the person who causing dissatisfaction with their appearance. Therefore, when we are talking about the suspension of the face, then three of its zones are considered: the top, middle and lower. The endoscopic lift of the lower zone is carried out less frequently, in contrast to the rejuvenation of the other 2/3 of the person, which is most efficient. With the correction of imperfections in the upper zone, the endoscopic lifting of forehead and eyebrows successfully copes.

The habit of frowning leads to the fact that with time on the forehead or between the eyebrows, a deep fold is formed, giving a sullen or unhappy facial expression. Thinking or mimic wrinkles through the entire forehead also do not always decorate women. Form these disadvantages, reduce the motor activity of the muscles, and endorally looks younger than the endoscopic LBA lifting, reviews about which they talk about popularity and performance of the procedure among the large age range of patients - from 30 to 60 years.

This suspension is attractive and the fact that after it does not remain visible traces of the operation: they are very small (not more than 1-2 cm) and hidden in hair it is necessary for forehead. Digging hair is not required.

aK is often the age of giving out the tips of the eyebrows, "goose paws" around the outer corners of the eyes, hung over the eyelids. If only age. A difficult look from under the extracted eyebrows causes a depressing impression, and "goose paws" if they are kindly done, then in no way younger. Endoscopic eyebrows lifting:

  • removes traces left by time;
  • corrects congenital disadvantages (asymmetric arrangement of eyebrows or their form);
  • corrects eye cut to desired.

Depending on the specific problem, micro-breaks are performed in the upper or temporal part of the forehead, which makes them imperceptible.

Hide age becomes harder when in the middle zone of the person:

  • a nasolabial fold is clearly identified;
  • under the eyes are already constantly present bags;
  • the corners of the mouth are lowered, turning into pronounced wrinkles;
  • cheeks lose elasticity, skin ptosis occurs.

Endoscopic lifting of the middle zone of the person eliminates the resulting age-related changes. For its conduct, cuts are produced in the oral cavity and in the end they are not completely visible after the operation.

What is the result after endoscopic face lifting?

According to the reviews of the endoscopic face lifting, especially several zones at the same time, the result is a powerful rejuvenating effect: the face looks like 10 years ago. Deep wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, in the middle zone disappear or become almost imperceptible, while the skin remains natural, without tension beyond recognition. The look becomes open, and the cheeks acquire the volume.

Endoscopic face lifting with photos before and after 4-6 months inspire those who were afraid to go for such an operation. Especially decisive are women older or about 50 years old. Younger people go to such a step to correct the natural imperfections of the face.

Endoscopic Lifting: Contraindications

As with any operation passing under general anesthesia, an endoscopic face lift has contraindications. Those of them related to serious metabolic diseases, blood coagulation, cancer, cardiovascular or infectious detected on primary consultation. Others may arise after the appointed examination and according to the results of the assays.

In all known clinics, the patient offer a questionnaire, truthfully fill in the interests of the most operated, because Complications after cosmetology suspenders may also occur at an avid smokers with experience. The endoscopic lifting of the face with a significant skin ptosis, its excess and savage. In these cases, a classic face lift or other types of plastic procedures is applied. The final decision on the need or contraindication of endoscopic lifting of the face makes the plastic surgeon to which you trusted.

Price endoscopic lifting facial

Endoscopic lifting of a person whose prices for some reviews are quite high, justifies the 10-year effect of the result achieved.

According to the leading clinics of Moscow price of operation middle zone face make up 150000-200000 rub. Endoscopic suspension of one eyebrows will cost 90000-110000 rubles. Endolifting of forehead and eyebrows costs at least 130,000 rubles. The simultaneous endoscopic lifting of the upper and middle zone of the face comes to 300,000 rubles.

The specific price is called only in full-time consultation, because It depends on the complexity of the operation and the problem being solved. In total value In addition to the operation itself, anesthesia, inpatient finding in the clinic for a short rehabilitation period in 2-5 days, imposed compression supporting mask, endotypes when used are used.

Endoscopic face lifting reviews

On endoscopic lifting of women only after they have studied all the feedback on the face tightening and its effect. The forums also seek a specific plastic surgeon, which can be entrusted with such a responsible operation with a guaranteed result. Therefore, most often there are positive feedback on the resulting effect of rejuvenation and the words of gratitude to plastic surgeons, which conducted a lifting operation. Frustrated by the result former patients rarely call the name of the doctor, a specific time after surgery and that they are not satisfied with the new appearance.

Positive reviews

Anna, 54 years

Only after 45 years I realized that I still need plastic: I looked at my pictures from the sea. Yes, a woman aged, as not cool. It was scary to decide. And then I met my former colleague, and did not recognize her. She is much older than me, but began to look a boys, and her main thing her eyes radiated the power of women, satisfied and knowledgeable price, and not as aunt. I learned everything about the clinic where it was so transformed. I went to consult to the same surgeon, which explained that I need a safer endoscopic suspender of the whole face. I completely revealed on his professionalism.

For 8 years already in harmony with his youth in the shower. But still, I will come again to your surgeon on the suspender of the lower third of the face and neck. Being younger than my years is great!

Julia, 43 years

It's just necessary to look like a young one: I have a son youngest for 3 years, and in the company not the last post. Cosmetology procedures have no longer saved from some sagging and marked wrinkles on the face. She visited consultations from different surgeons, all assured that endoscopic face lifting would help me and advised to do it. Then I began to choose a specialist of this technique.

I did not regret my decision. The young and taut face without nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes, the facial expansion. I am beautiful and happy. Thanks to Dr. for his golden hands and clinic staff!

Dasha, 36 years

If I knew about such plastic wonders, I would have corrected my flaw. I passed the endoscopic lifting of the forehead more than 2 years ago, I do not remember the details, but the effect is awesome! Pure forehead without a single wrinkle, the browge raised a little, the seams are not visible at all, even to the touch. So do not be afraid of operations.

Neutral Reviews

Victoria, 38 years

I think this is not such an innocuous operation, according to. After anesthesia, it came to himself. Removing the seams is also an unpleasant procedure. I had an endoscopic lifting of the middle zone of the face. On the 3rd day, such a swelling appeared, scary to remember. But my surgeon assured that this is normal that everything will pass. So it happened. I can't deny the stunning effect: and the faces of the faces are clearer, the cheeks raised, and the cheeks do not look a separate part of the face.

Maria, 40 years

I need not 2 weeks for complete recovery after endoscopy of the middle part. Yes, I could already go into the world in 5 days, but it would be better if I didn't do this: a female face with bruises, everyone crammed from me. And when I went to work after "vacation", I had to bother about the color of my jaggptious person. Therefore, it is necessary to go to such an operation with a margin of at least a month for complete rehabilitation.

The fact that the lifting did, now I do not regret. The effect is, I assure, but not earlier than 6 months.

Negative reviews

Inna, 34 years

A month ago, as I for some reason, I went to the endoscopic lifting of the forehead and eyebrows, having envying girlfriends. I even had a heavy eyebrows in my youth. And what got. One disappointment, not rejuvenation. Eyebrows steel at different levels, some square eyes. Hair around the seams rose. Just awful.

Veronica, 42 years

It would be better if I believed in the photo of unsuccessful operations of the endoscopic lifting of the middle zone of the face. For 4 months, I have passed, as I did such an operation, and the results are not happy: the cheeks are unnaturally high and rounded, the lower eyelid does not completely cover the eye, on one cheek of the depression from the nose to the lips is still visible. I would have known, I would never agree on it.

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"Endoscopic face lifting (forehead): prices, contraindications and reviews" 11 comments

    11/20/2015 @ 11:58 DP

    only I am going to the suspender, now on the Internet on the forums I watch information on surgeons. I read a lot of positive and found about the Surgeon Yakimets Valery Grigorievich.
    Here is a video with him on this page. I plan to go to him for a consultation, let's see what I will say to do. I read that these operations are expensive ..

    02/25/2015 @ 3:57 PP

    For more than a decade, endoscopic operations come to replace the standard. And so I read already about plastic surgery on the face performed using endoscopy. I myself am 39 years old and recently, we still think about the suspender. I thought that I would do it according to the classical methodology, according to the advice of a friend, which was rejuvenated in this way. However, as read and learned about this procedure, I think that I will decide on it.

    02.22.2015 @ 2:28 DP

    I want to give a couple of tips. Any interference in appearance is a risky and responsible thing, if you think to make endoscopic lifting, I must first understand whether it is necessary for you. Then such an operation must be trusted to professionals, here do not even try to save, if you do not want to disfigure yourself for life. At my time, I also did, I was satisfied with the result, there were no cuts, the skin was surprisingly smooth.

    02/19/2015 @ 2:46 PP

    That's what absolutely, I do not feel sorry to spend free tools, it is to maintain beauty. Especially hurt to lose it when it is. I will understand such women perfectly. I won't be afraid of a minute. Scars and tension of the skin from plastics scare me, and endoscopic lifting I would apply to raise the eyebrows, which I suddenly dropped a little about 39 years old - but it will already noticeably spoil the face. And the lower part of the face would be slightly raised. Unfortunately, even lungs add many years.

    02/18/2015 @ 4:39 PP

    I have a girlfriend (she 45) made endoscopic lifting (removed the goose paws, wrinkles on the forehead, hung up). Paid 230,000 rubles. The result is good - she looked up for 15 years exactly, the operation is worth their money. As she explained, this operation is safer and move away from it faster, subsequent procedures are less than that of circular suspenders. But for smoking it does not fit.

    02/12/2015 @ 1:50 DP

    I read a lot and learned about such a procedure for a long time doubted or to do it. I had the main problem - the forehead zone. All the same, after a time I decided, did. Everything went well, the result is flawless. No side effects I do not see. I hope in the future they will not be. I want to correct little shortcomings. I am satisfied in general.

    02/10/2015 @ 3:52 PP

    All this, of course, is very interesting, however, the main thing is to love yourself such (they), what (oh) you are, then everyone will love you. But if you think about such a step, then only staging the entire Internet and all acquaintances to find the most educated and skilled surgeon, which can offer one or another method of procedure. I think about such interference, but until I still decided.

    02/10/2015 @ 12:15 PP

    In the near future, good, such a procedure will not need to be needed. But I look at the photo before and after and I understand that someday I will definitely resort to such a procedure. Although, maybe by that time still think up. The price, of course, is quite impressive for such pleasure. But, as they say, beauty requires victims. Sometimes - these are financial sacrifices. But but what kind of beauty then you can look like!

    02/08/2015 @ 9:53 PP

    This procedure really creates wonders with appearance, it can be corrected even very significant shortcomings in appearance, but it is very dangerous, because any interference in the body entails irreparable consequences associated with health. Also no one will give you a guarantee that everything will be because initially they discussed, no one is responsible for that, so that the girls are careful. You can spoil yourself the whole future, and you can, on the contrary, make it the most unforgettable due to changes in your face.

    02/05/2015 @ 7:32 PP

    I am very worried about any surgical intervention. Whether the operation or face lift. I am 56 years old, accordingly, deep wrinkles have appeared between the eyebrows and the eyelids dropped as bags over their eyes. The consultation was successful and I was not so worried about the lifting. Easily transferred anesthesia, and here is the result. Practically no edema and bruises, the most pleasant thing - that cuts are not visible at all, everything is somewhere under the hair. Now I feel younger than 10 years, and I look good, it remains to get used to my rejuvenation.

    02/04/2015 @ 12:58 PP

    I believe that any interference in appearance, and even more so surgical, this lottery is lucky / not lucky. We are all different, we have different skin and different problems. I read a lot of good reviews about this lifting. But my friend's friend has never come, although there has been a lot of time. She needed for rehabilitation for more than 2 months. A working woman cannot afford this. I'm afraid to make such a procedure, although I really want.

Very often in the clinic of plastic surgery, women who want to make an operation on rejuvenation, but they still do not have the testimony for a circular suspension of the face (women aged 35-45 years), and the remaining cosmetology procedures on non-operational rejuvenation do not satisfy them with their results. What to do in such cases? Answer New Operating Technology Rejuvenation - Endoscopic Face Tightening.

Endoscopic Facelifting: What is it?

Endoscopic Facelifting or Operation on Endoscopic Face Tightening is a minimally invasive surgical plastic intervention, which is aimed at rejuvenating the face and zone decolte.

The main difference of this technique from the classical suspender is the absence of large surgical cuts and excision of tissues. All manipulations are performed using modern endoscopic technology.

Endoscopic intervention techniques are currently actively used in all areas of medicine. They practically disapplied from the practice of the operation with large cuts of the skin. In aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery, endoscopes began to apply from the late 90s of the last century.

Despite the relatively recent introduction into practice, the endoscopic lifting of the person has become an indispensable method of operational rejuvenation in aesthetic medicine.

Types of endoscopic faislifting

There are several types of lifting, depending on the localization of the problem zone:

  • endoscopic lbaulka of the forehead - when problems are present on the skin of the forehead, between the eyebrows, when the eyebrows and the upper eyelids are omitted;
  • endoscopic suspension of the middle area of \u200b\u200bthe face - are used to correct the omitted corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds and some other defects in this zone;
  • endoscopic neck skin suspension.

What is the essence of the operation?

The operation is carried out under general intravenous or combined anesthesia. Accordingly, the preparation for the procedure is very serious. Before the operation of the patient is hospitalized in the hospital and conduct a complete clinical examination (takes 1-3 days).

Endoscopic suspension is carried out in the hospital. Operation itself lasts from 1 hour to 4, depending on the lifting service complex.

The endoscope with the camera is inserted into the cut on the skin and slowly promote the place of manipulations. Special surgical instruments are also supplied. The picture is displayed on a large monitor screen, for which the surgeon is observed.

During the operation, excess adequate tissue is removed, the skin is tightened, the muscles are securely fixed. Thus, the main causes of pectoose fabrics are eliminated.

Advantages of endoscopic lifting

If you ask, what is the advantages of this procedure over the usual circular suspension of the face (after all, both - the operation), then answer this question one offer will not work:

Minimal skin cuts

This is the main advantage of this operation. For visualization of subcutaneous structures, the surgeon does not require open access by large dissection of the skin cover and the peeling of the skin flap.

The image is displayed on the monitor from the chamber of the endoscope administered under the skin through the minimum section (approximately 1 cm). Surgical instruments are similarly entered through additional small cuts. Total requires 3-4 minimum cuts.

In addition, they are performed on poor areas. For example, the Endoscopic LBA lifting requires 3 cuts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe scalp, the side of the middle third of the face - in the mouth, between the upper lip and the gums or in the lower eyelids under the eyelashes, during the neck lifting, the cuts are performed under the chin and over the ears. Thus, traces from manipulation practically does not remain, because of which the procedure is called a "seamless lifting".

Rehabilitation period is significantly shorter

During endoscopic lifting, except for small cuts and the minimum amount of seams, fabrics are not surrendered, they are only tightened, and there is no need for detachable flap. All this contributes to much less expressive trails of intervention (bruises, swelling, bruising). Accordingly, the recovery period is much easier.

The risk of complications is less

Various complications after endoscopic face lifting, which is confirmed by reviews, are much less common than after a circular suspender. All thanks to the minimum trauma of tissues and a short period of execution of the manipulation itself.

Very rarely develop such complications as damage to the facial nerve, blood vessels, because the image is displayed on the monitor and increases, which allows the surgeon to perform all the manipulations very accurately.

The result is more natural

Due to the fact that the fabrics do not excine, there is no risk of developing their tension and distortion of the proportions of the person after the operation.

The possibility of even the most technically complex manipulations

In seamless facelifting, the surgeon can simply adjust the defects of those areas of the person who, with a conventional suspender, are difficult to access. For example, vertical wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial folds, wrinkles "puppets".

The duration of the result

The effectiveness of such an operation is not inferior to a circular suspender. But if the fabrics were very accused (women from 55 years old), then only a complete face lift will be able to cope with such gravitational ptosis.

Indications and Contraindications to the operation

First of all, the endoscopic suspension is shown to patients with initial and average expressed age-related changes (35-45 years). They can easily correct such problems:

  • omit and hanging eyebrows;
  • having tissue tissues;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles "puppets";
  • out of the corners of the eyes, mouth;
  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and interbural folds;
  • "Goose paws";
  • signs of the skin of the cheeks and neck (not very pronounced).

There are many contraindications, both to the operation itself and to anesthesia. Therefore, a thorough medical and clinical examination is needed before manipulation.

Basic contraindications:

  • diseases that are accompanied by reduced blood coagulation;
  • high arterial hypertension;
  • cardiovascular pathology in the decompensation stage;
  • decompensated somatic diseases;
  • infection;
  • purulent inflammatory processes in the field of manipulation;
  • allergies or increased sensitivity on the components of anesthesia;
  • oncological pathology;
  • pathological addiction to plastic surgery;
  • fever.

Restoration after endoscopic face lift

An indisputable fact is that recovery after endoscopic face lift passes much faster than after a classic operation. But still, this is surgery and bruises, hematomas, pain you will not be able to avoid completely. As a rule, they appear in the region of cuts.

If 4-6 weeks leave for rehabilitation after the circular suspender, then the restoration after the endoscopic suspender of your face will take only 1-2 weeks.

  • after the operation, it is necessary to sleep on a high pillow, so that swelling and hematoma will be faster;
  • local treatment must comply with all the recommendations of the doctor (ice drinker, ointment, compresses, etc.);
  • for 3-4 weeks after the suspender, it is necessary to eliminate severe physical exertion and sports;
  • do not take any medicines, except those who prescribed a plastic surgeon.

Possible complications:

  • bruises, swelling, hematomas, pain;
  • infection of the wound;
  • the development of scars, including keloid;
  • asymmetry of the face;
  • damage to nerve fibers and blood vessels;
  • hearth alopecia.

If you decide to make endoscopic faislifting, then first of all it is necessary to choose an experienced specialist and a qualified clinic, to complete a complete preoperative survey complex, to comply with all medical recommendations in the rehabilitation period.

Then everything will go well, and already two weeks later you can enjoy your new and improved reflection in the mirror.

Modern plastic surgery offers endoscopic lifting as an alternative to classic plastic. This minimally invasive method of rejuvenation enjoys well-deserved popularity, but at the same time causes concerns from representatives of the fine sex.

Is the fears justified? In part, after all, if neither cool, and this is a scalpel, anesthesia, a long enough period of recovery, a number of restrictions and the possibility of developing complications. These are not horror stories, but a reality that may well occur.

Therefore, before making a decision on such a serious step, we should weigh everything in advance, to assess the risks and expected results - both positive and negative.

Immediately, we disclaim that we consider the advantages of this operation compared to classic plastic, which provides for a complete leather peeling and carrying out the necessary manipulations.

Endoscopic face lifting belongs to minimally invasive techniques. It is also called seamless feslifting, because it is not necessary to make big cuts, completely "shoot" the skin, remove all the "extra" fabrics.

The operation is carried out using endoscopic tools through small cuts (no more than 1.5-2 cm) in those areas of the person where possible scars will be practically invisible.

During the intervention with the help of the endoscope, leather peeling is carried out, if necessary, removing fat deposits, fastening tissues in the desired position with special endots (self-seeding seams with small hooks, fixing layers of tissues), tensioning of the skin.

This "invasion" does not require a re-operation to remove seams, which again is a significant advantage of endoscopic lifting. The excision of the skin and the muscular layer is rare enough, only by strict indications.

Important! The operation is carried out mainly under general anesthesia, which expands the list of contraindications for its implementation.

Under the influence of time, visible changes in tissues occur, which become most noticeable in open areas of the body. For a woman, signs of aging on the face is a real catastrophe. Those who are not afraid to go under the surgeon's knife and wants to achieve instant results for many years endoscopic lifting will become an excellent and relatively safe method of rejuvenation.

But contrary to the desires of patients, this method has clear indications for the procedure:

  • ptosis of soft tissues;
  • the blur of the facial loss of the structure and relief;
  • debrity, leather assignment on face;
  • the appearance of fatty deposits in the field of cheeks, cheeks;
  • double chin;
  • wrinkles around the eyes, bags and circles, an omission of a corner;
  • perioreral wrinkles, omission of the corners of the lips;
  • a pronounced nose-colored furrow;
  • folding and deep wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle region;
  • hung, "heavy" eyelids, wrinkles in the temporal zone;
  • deep folds on the forehead, the omission of the wheel arc;
  • asymmetry in the face;
  • the need for bothification.

The endoscopic medium zone lifting is most often carried out, since only with this technique for performing plastics it is possible to carry out a high-quality correction without complications, which will be noticeable throughout the face due to the vertical tissue and skin tip.

In connection with the operational intervention and the use of general anesthesia, there is a whole list of prohibitions for carrying out such a method of rejuvenation. These include:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs with frequent relapses;
  • oncological processes of any localization;
  • hypertensive disease of any stage;
  • diabetes;
  • the pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • blood diseases affecting coagulation;
  • inflammatory, infectious, viral and fungal diseases of acute flow;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the forehead (high, convex);
  • significant age changes, severe tissue sagging.

Contraindication to carrying out any kind of surgical plastics, as well as other rejuvenating procedures, there will be diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders, epilepsy, convulsive seizures and allergic reactions to the medications used both during the operation itself and after it.

Operation at a young age - for or against?

Age is the criterion that is placed at the head of the corner when making a decision on the operation. An endoscopic lifting of the age of 35 years (in special cases earlier than 30 years) is not recommended. During this period, the use of conservative methods of rejuvenation - biographelization, mesotherapy, mechanical and chemical peels, other cosmetic procedures will be more justified.

It should be remembered that after 30 years it is reduced by the production of some substances that affect the state of the epidermis and are responsible for its youth, elasticity and elasticity. The operation does not guarantee the restoration of these processes, but only remove the excess of fat deposits and will pull the skin.

In any case, women who decided on endoscopic lifting should be aware that skin care by all available methods (in salons or houses) is required to consolidate and extend the result.

There is also a factor of age limit on the upper limit. After 60 years, the efficiency of the operation will almost be zero, since age changes are already too visible and expressed. With the exception of blepharoplasty, patients are not recommended to resort to this method of rejuvenation.

What is sin, women after 60 for the most part have a whole bouquet of chronic diseases that are in addition to non-response, can become a direct ban for the operation.

Read with this: LEBA lifting is an endoscopic method.

Results can be expected by the following:

  • the formation of the structure and relief of the face, the restoration of the oval;
  • elimination of fat deposits, removal of the second chin;
  • discontinuation of cheek;
  • elimination of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth;
  • raise lowered corners of the eyes, mouth, circulating arcs;
  • tightening the skin all over the face.

The endoscopic lifting of the middle zone of the face is mostly gives good results if it is held on time. Then no integrated impact on all problem areas is required.

The advantages of the endoscopic method are:

  • a small number of cuts is not more than 2 cm. On low-rise areas;
  • minimum traumatization of tissues and accuracy of surgery, since the use of endoscopic equipment guarantees a complete overview of the exposure site;
  • fewer manipulation time;
  • the ability to influence both certain problem areas and complex;
  • reducing the duration of rehabilitation due to low invasiveness.

Armed with these knowledge, it would be nice to learn how the procedure itself passes.

The procedure of endoscopic lifting is carried out under general anesthesia. The exception is only "point" and quick operations - for example, blepharoplasty, which can be performed under local anesthesia.

The steps of the operation are as follows:

  • there are several small cuts in places where the traces will be the least noticeable (the sip of the head, the oral cavity, the inner side of the lower eyelid);
  • in one of the cuts, an endoscope with a minicarone is introduced for the review of the operated area, to others - the necessary tools;
  • it is removed from excess fat deposits, tissue fixation with endotins, skin suspension;
  • the seams, sterile dressings and a special compression that holds the fabric in the desired position is superimposed.

Recovery after endoscopic lifting - the process is quite long, albeit less long than during classic plastics. Compliance with all necessary moments minimizes the risk of developing side effects and complications, and will also predetermine the future result.

  1. The first day the patient spends in the hospital, observing the bed regime. The exceptions leave only small-scale operations in the absence of complications.
  2. Dressing and inspection of the doctor is carried out every day, if there are no other instructions at the attending specialist.
  3. Week need to wear a compression bandage, removing it only for a short time. If the removal of fat deposits was carried out, then it must be worn overnight for two weeks.
  4. After 7 days, the outer seams are removed. After that, the bandage, if necessary, is superimposed on the places of incisions.
  5. You can wash your head only after removing the seams. Dry hair with a hairdryer - only after the disappearance of the eats and hematomas.
  6. Bloodstocks, bruises and soloity fall, as a rule, by the end of the second week. Sometimes this process can last up to 3 weeks.
  7. Attend saunas, baths, solarium and sunbathing in the sun, it is possible not earlier than in a month. This limitation concerns sports and visits to the pool or open reservoir.

All this time, smoking and drinking alcohol, even red wine or low-alcohol drinks, is strictly prohibited. To speed up the healing process and falling by the hematoma, the doctor may recommend ointment or creams, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

After surgery, one way or another will arise uncomfortable consequences that are considered inevitable side effects. These include:

  • hematoma, swelling;
  • numbness in places of cuts;
  • swelling of the whole face;
  • the formation of scars and scars in the fields of incisions (rarely);
  • hair loss in the same places.

But more terrible are complications that require additional drug or physiotherapy treatment, and sometimes re-surgical intervention. They are counted:

  • infection that causes inflammatory processes is sometimes even with a threat of sepsis;
  • asymmetry of the face (may arise due to incorrectly carried out or by individual indicators);
  • damage to large nerves passing in the exposure zone.

One of the unpleasant moments may be dissatisfaction with the results of the operation. There may be a lot of reasons - from the inexperience and non-professionality of the surgeon, to the overwhelmed expectations of the results of the operation.

More about endoscopic lifting you will learn from the video:

As a "visual manual", which can affect the decision-making, providing a photo of the face before and after the introduction of the endoscope - so to speak "endoscopic lifting in action".

Stories of unsuccessful operations with photos

It would be argued that there is no unsuccessful operations of endoscopic lifting. Reviews of "affected" women confirmation.

Olga, 46 years old, Moscow

"According to the girlfriend, and looking at its transformed appearance, it was decided to make endoscopic lifting of the middle zone of the person, despite feedback on the statistics of unsuccessful operations. And a thousand times regretted his decision. Not only is the edema and hematomas went almost a month, so also the face twisted. And in the places of the cuts began to fall into the hair and ugly scars appeared. What now to do with all this is not to do the mind. I don't want to go back to this clinic, but where to look for another - I do not know. So, the ladies, think a million times before you go under the knife for the sake of beauty "

Lyudmila, 39 years old, St. Petersburg

"On my history of endoscopic lifting, those who have not made such a stupid mistake can learn. You can imagine all the "charms" of postoperative recovery - pain, blood, bruises, tumor. And this despite the fact that I did only blepharoplasty. As the surgeon told me a minute operation.

The result after recovery - the eyes became half a closed, the sensitivity was never restored. In addition to all, there are also tears running at every blowing even a light breeze. Now I am looking for someone who "fix" my misfortune "

Natalia, 52 years old, Tyumen

"Specially went to the girlfriend in Kazan, as she sang diffilams with the clinic, where she made an endoscopic facelift. I received a peasional physiognomy and even with ugly scars for ears and forehead. I had to urgently look for a doctor who will correct the situation. As long as the first surveys passed, but they are told that after anesthesia, too little time passed to make a re-operation dangerous. I'm waiting, and what else can I stay?! "

Endoscopic suspender Persons are an inexpensive and convenient alternative to traditional methods of surgical rejuvenation of the face. This is a minimally invasive procedure, the main advantages of which are a short period of rehabilitation and the minimum risk of complications. Consequently, the endoscopic method is an effective way to get rid of signs of aging of the face and neck, while avoiding many inconveniences associated with traditional plastic surgery.

This type of facelifting is carried out using a special endoscopic equipment, which is introduced through tiny cuts (up to 2 cm), located in inconspicuous zones, such as: the lower side of the inner age, mouth or the scalp. Endoscopic lifting is less aggressive compared to or, and this entails a number of advantages:

  • Lack of scars.
  • Natural result without distortion damn face.
  • Low trauma. For the operation requires only a few tiny cuts.
  • Safety and less duration of plastic.
  • Short rehabilitation period.

The results of endoscopic suspenders are preserved for a term up to 7 - 10 years.


Larma, eyebrows and temporal areas (or the upper third of the face) is recommended if there are the following age changes:

  • wrinkles on the forehead and between eyebrows;
  • ptosis and eyebrows;
  • change of eyebrows;
  • goose paws;

Middle zone suspender help eliminate:

  • nasolabial folds
  • ptosis of the corners of the lips
  • initial changes in contours of the face

Neck and chin suspender It is performed in rare cases. Endoscope, in most cases, is used for lifting of the upper and middle area of \u200b\u200bthe face. If you want to rejuvenate the chin and neck, it is advisable to resort to traditional species, for example.

Stages of the procedure

The operation is carried out within 1.5 - 2 hours under common or local anesthesia. The surgeon makes several small (less than 2 cm) cuts in places where footprints from intervention will not be visible, namely: mouth, scalp or the inner side of the lower eyelid. After that, one of the cuts introduced an endoscope with a micro-chamber installed on it, which makes it possible to control the course of operation with accuracy, and in the remaining cuts - surgical instruments, by means of which excess adequate tissue is removed, as well as lifting muscle and fabrics.

Rehabilitation period

Since this method is lowered, and the risk of complications is extremely small, the rehabilitation period is only 10-14 days.

Evenkers and hematomas pass after 1-2 weeks, then you can return your daily lifestyle.

The first days after the operation must be broken. At the time of rehabilitation, it is necessary to limit active physical activity, it is also impossible to visit the sauna, bath, swimming pool and sunbathing.

The final results of endoscopic suspenders can be estimated after 1 month.


  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of vessels and hearts.
  • Blood coagulation disorders.
  • The presence of cancer pathologies.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Violation of the work of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.

Complications and risks

The following side effects may occur:

  • Asymmetry.
  • Hematoma and swelling.
  • Hair loss (rarely).
  • Infections.
  • Bleeding.
  • Loss of sensitivity in places of cuts.
  • Scar formation.
  • Dissatisfaction with the results of lifting.


Zone Prices in rubles. Moscow Prices in rubles. St. Petersburg
Face from 70,000 to 798 000 from 42 600 to 168,000
Forehead and eyebrows from 20,000 to 310 000 from 33 000 to 150 000
Average facial zone from 25,000 to 230,000 from 11,000 to 135,000









Photo before and after

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