Sochi crime boss. Why do Sochi security forces tolerate Robson? Bandits are “preparing” for the Olympics

Prime Crime news agency has at its disposal a complete list of people detained on May 13 by detectives from the Office for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic in Karlovy Vary. The operation to suppress the thieves' gathering was carried out in a summer cafe on Stara Louka Street between two pedestrian bridges over the Tepla River not far from the Grand Hotel Pupp, where the delegates of the criminal meeting were staying.

A total of seven people were detained, including:

1) Giorkhelidze, aka Zviadadze Gaioz Longinozovich, born 10/07/1958;

2) Golomb Oleg Romanovich, aka Kardava Gela Raminovich, born 03/08/1974;

3) Zabrodin Dmitry Gennadievich, born September 23, 1974;

4) Ruben Albertovich Tatulyan, born December 8, 1969;

5) Mumdzhyan Andronik Haykovich, born December 26, 1969;

6) Tashchyan Vachagan, born 08/31/1976;

7) Karadagaev Arthur, born in 1986

It is noteworthy that Artur Karadagaev is an accomplice of Krasnodar thief in law Koba Dzidzishvili, who is serving a sentence for extortion of 1 million rubles, and is wanted by the FSB in the Krasnodar Territory for committing the same crime.

On the same day, the surveillance team identified another thief in law, permanently residing in Karlovy Vary, 60-year-old Artem Demurov, aka Artyusha Rostovsky, however, he was not among those detained. Also, the police do not have information about whether Demurov had any connection with the detainees.

Despite the fact that the details of the operation were kept strictly secret, the story received wide publicity thanks to one of the detainees - Sochi businessman Ruben Tatulian, aka Robson, who after our publication gave an interview to a number of publications, mainly Armenian, refuting information about his presence at a thieves’ meeting, calling it “ordered” and “ridiculous.” As evidence, Tatulyan, who received diplomatic immunity from the Armenian government, posted on the Internet a certificate stating that his contact with law enforcement agencies in Karlovy Vary, where he annually undergoes treatment for an unknown disease, that day was limited to identifying and checking registration.

Following this, a host of media (I would like to believe that they were not for sale) rushed in every possible way to sing Tatulyan’s praises and replicate the lies he voiced.

In addition, Tatulyan, almost as a “safe conduct letter,” did not fail to remind that he is an assistant to the people’s representative from the United Russia party, Alexander Karelin, after whom he named his gym in Sochi.

Alexander Karelin and Ruben Tatulyan in Sochi

Maybe the commission on parliamentary ethics will stop turning a blind eye to an assistant who not only hobnobs with thieves in law and fugitive criminals wanted by the FSB, but also publicly lies that he doesn’t hobnob, and at the same time hypocrites and accuses him of lying and corrupt independent media that publish reliable information about him?

According to the Czech police, all financial expenses for organizing the gathering, at which the coronation of new thieves in law was planned, were borne by Ruben Tatulyan.

Judging by how nervously he reacted to press reports about his presence not just at a gathering of thieves, but at a coronation, one can conclude that this was exactly what happened. This also explains what the former protege of Ded Khasan, and then Shakro the Young, did in the company of Kardava and Zviadadze, who, to put it mildly, are ideologically far from Shakro.

Shakro Molodoy's wife Marina Goldberg and Ruben Tatulyan (Robson)

It is no secret that after the arrests in Russia of the top of the “thieves’ world” in the person of Shakro and Pichuga, Gela Kardava, who had previously avoided meetings with thieves for several years, entered into an alliance with Gia Zviadadze, who had recently been released after a long imprisonment, filled with ambitions to create his own clan and those in need for this purpose in someone's sponsorship.

4) Gayoz Zviadadze (Giya Kutaissky), 5) Gela Kardava, 6) Nikolay Kuzmichev (Kolya Tomsky), 03/06/2017, Cyprus

If the version of the Czech operatives is correct, then by simple elimination, Tashchyan and Karadagaev, whose candidacies, in fact, are promoted by Tatulyan, are suitable for the role of candidates for the “thieves’ crown” from among all those detained. It is possible that in the current situation of temporary anarchy, the former “supervisor” of Sochi has grown to the point of acquiring a couple of tame thieves, for whose role the “godsons” of Kardava are best suited. And in fact, today only Koba Dzidzishvili’s accomplice in extortion would agree to join the “family” at Gela’s instigation.

Be that as it may, it was in such company that Ruben Tatulyan improved his health. Robson modestly keeps silent about what ailment he suffers from, however, all the symptoms look like inflammation of the cunning, which, unfortunately, cannot be cured with water.

Ruben Tatulyan undergoing treatment in Karlovy Vary, May 2017

May. 23rd, 2017

“Prime Crime,” like Russia, is not the first to attack anyone, but let the one who came to us with a sword not be offended. Most likely, I would not have honored Ruben Albertovich Tatulyan with an answer if he had simply lied to the whole world that he was not detained along with thieves in law in Karlovy Vary, but he had the imprudence to use the words “nonsense”, “commercial” and “Prime Crime” in one sentence, and this is already a matter of our prestige and professional honor.

What does Tatulyan himself “rely” on, calling our information “nonsense”, and what in these documents so discouraged the Rossiya TV channel that it forced them to take off the air the story prepared on the basis of our material? We read carefully:

“The Police Department for Foreigners of the Regional Police Department of the Karlovy Vary Region, on the basis of a received petition dated May 15, 2017, informs that on May 13, 2017, during the control of residence in Karlovy Vary, no restrictions on personal freedom were applied to Ruben Tatulyan, nor is any investigation carried out against him. criminal or other proceedings."

In fact, the message from the Czech police not only does not refute our information, but completely confirms it. If we translate from clerical language into understandable language, it turns out that on May 13, 2017, the police identified Tatulyan and checked the legality of his presence in Karlovy Vary, and then released him for lack of claims against him. How these activities can be carried out with an Armenian diplomat without being detained by the police remains a mystery.

At the same time, Tatulyan modestly keeps silent about why and under what circumstances the police needed to “control his residence” on May 13 and specifically in Karlovy Vary, and the journalist who conducted the interview was probably embarrassed to ask himself.

As we can see, the report does not say that Tatulyan was not detained at all. He already added about this in the interview on his own behalf, playing up the general meaning of the document in a light favorable to him. As in the famous cartoon: “The elephant is bad, the help is good!”

If Robson were just an illiterate Caucasian, and not an assistant to a State Duma deputy, and, moreover, previously convicted, I could still believe that he does not know the difference between “arrest” and “detention.” But taking into account the lawyer, who the very next day “was already at the police station,” this is not a free interpretation of legal concepts, but a blatant lie.

So where is the “nonsense” and “inconsistency with reality”? Did we write about restrictions on freedom and some kind of proceedings, the absence of which Tatulyan is “pressuring”? That's why it's a diplomatic passport, so that the freedom of the detainee is not limited. What complaints can there be against a diplomat? Another question: what Armenian “diplomatic mission” was the director of the Sochi water park in the Czech Republic with?

In general, like any manager of a sanatorium, Robson always has some kind of “dangerous” passport at the ready. So, according to the Interpol NCB, in December 2004, Tatulyan, who previously bore the last name Karakeyan, was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport with a stolen passport of a Slovenian citizen.

Also, Tatulyan does not miss the opportunity to “show off” his other “crust”, especially when they poke his nose in his affiliation with crime, as if an assistant to a State Duma deputy is a priori holier than the Pope. Could have been more modest.

And so everyone knows that because of such an “assistant”, fellow parliamentarians look at the three-time Olympic champion, albeit from the bottom up, but very askance. It is unlikely that members of the United Russia Duma faction are delighted that the name of one of its members is increasingly associated not with great sporting victories, but with “Robson” and the “May Day” organized crime group.

Especially for Ruben Tatulyan, who is not embarrassed to make public his lawsuits against other publications, I remind you that the Prime Crime news agency has been an officially registered media outlet in Russia since 2006. Despite his indignation, in fact, nothing prevents Tatulyan from suing us - we draw information from competent sources and are ready to answer for every word written, and he himself has already provided the reason for the retaliatory lawsuit.

Why suddenly does a “large employer”, the legality of the origin of whose initial capital has yet to be established, “feel sorry that journalists work for money”? Is the worker unworthy of food or is the work of a journalist less important than any other? In truth, if there are journalists in the world who do not work for money, it is mostly here. Regarding the “commercial component” that Tatulyan speaks of, I officially declare: for eleven years, Prime Crime has not written a single commissioned article and has not received a penny of royalties from third parties. If anyone denies my words, I am ready to resign.

As for the interest in Tatulyan, Ruben Albertovich, of course, is disingenuous when he says that he “has little idea” which of his incarnations he owes the attention of Prime Crime. Patron of the arts, diplomat, investor, deputy assistant, federation president... “I am who I am,” Robson assures. “What’s the matter,” said the rabbi, “who is not who he is”? The point is that, knowing full well who he is, Robson hides his true face under the masks of those who he is not or is the least likely to be. Neither the commercial, nor the sports, nor the diplomatic “component” of Tatulyan, especially his nationality, has anything to do with it. Everyone who is related to the world of thieves and sits at the same table with thieves interests us to the same extent, regardless of what “liang” his last name ends with.

Sincerely yours,
Victoria GEFTER

2) Viktor Ryzhenkov (Petrovich), 3) Ruben Tatulyan (Robson), 5) Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), 6) Gusein Guseinov (Kolya Gusein), Sochi

Posted at 06:28 am | |

As part of the implementation of the state program for the development of domestic tourism in Sochi, budget billions will soon flow in. However, the largest tourist sites in Sochi today belong to thieves in law. Accordingly, most of the state money will go to the crime scene. Taking into account the fact that according to the laws of the criminal world, thieves in law are prohibited from engaging in business, they entrust this business to their controlled businessmen. A typical example of this business model is the famous Sochi businessmen Anzor and Liana Syrtsov. The fortune that was built thanks to the patronage of thieves in law Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, and Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Khasan. A well-known criminal “authority” of Georgian origin was the father of Anzor and Liana, Viktor Syrtsov, who disappeared during a criminal showdown in 2002.

Anzor Syrtsov continued to strengthen the ethnic criminal group created by his father. Gang members work either in private security companies owned by the Syrtsovs or in companies controlled by them. Built on the principle of a swarm of bees, a syndicate of criminals is daily busy solving common problems - expanding their business (the hive) and increasing their income (mining and collecting honey). The Syrtsovs themselves are expanding and strengthening their criminal power in Sochi. To do this, they have already bought up local officials and law enforcement officers, and today they no longer hide the fact that they are capable of destroying anyone who tries to stand in their way in our city.

The lads meeting tourists...

To achieve their goal, the Syrtsovs are ready to use any means. For example, in the Sochi strip club “Body-Body”, owned by Anzor Syrtsov, which is located on Kurortny Prospekt, visitors are offered the services of elite prostitutes as an addition to the erotic show. Among the regular visitors to the establishment were seen mainly the same officials of the city administration bribed by the Syrtsovs and high-ranking city police officers, investigators, prosecutors and judges. It is no coincidence that for a long time they could not even believe that Anzor could secretly film them on video. The incriminating evidence they received allowed the Syrtsovs to extract from officials and law enforcement officers even what they had previously been unable to achieve for money.

Brothel "Body-Body" on Kurortny Prospekt in Sochi

It is characteristic that the Syrtsovs are helped in this criminal activity by corrupt high-ranking law enforcement officials themselves. For example, the support of this criminal clan in the internal affairs bodies in Sochi is the head of the Bureau of Special Technical Events of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Sochi, Dmitry Lyulyukov, who was involved in equipping the strip club “Body-Body” with equipment for secret video recording. After the story in “Body-Body” became public, Lyulyukov chose to retire for a while, enrolling in studies at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the danger had passed, the criminal patrons promised Lyulyukov to help him be appointed to an even more important position. And these are not empty words.

Shakro Molodoy

Thanks to corruption connections in the leadership of the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the ICR department and the judicial system, the Syrtsovs are today able to resolve practically any issues in this area. Including personnel. It is no coincidence that even Shakro Molodoy himself resolved all the problems with the security forces in the south of the country through the Syrtsovs. The Syrtsovs and Tatulyan are actively trying to solve the problems of their criminal boss through their connections in Moscow, using a variety of schemes to ensure that Shakro is released at least on bail before trial.

Lady Boss Liana Syrtsova is always fresh for Robson

Not inferior to her brother in terms of authority in the criminal world, Liana Syrtsova is also known in Sochi not only as a local socialite, but also as an influential “resolver” of any issues in law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. Having received the characteristic nickname Lady Boss for her criminal acumen, Liana Syrtsova was previously married to Sochi “authority” Eduard Kagosyan, nicknamed Karas, who was killed in 2010. Kagosyan controlled all the restaurants owned by thieves in law in Sochi. It is known that Eduard Kagosyan was close friends with local thief in law Alik Sochinsky, who for a long time, by decision of Ded Khasan, was in Sochi the “supervisor” of the “thieves in law.”

Judges Lebedev and Novikov

According to former Sochi judge Dmitry Novikov, thanks to the friendship of Vasily Voloshin, chairman of the Moscow Regional Court, who previously worked as a judge in Sochi, Kagosyan was not only a criminal “authority,” but also an assistant to one of the judges of the Krasnodar regional court. It is no coincidence that today Liana Syrtsova solves particularly complex problems in the courts through Voloshin, who is close friends with the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Russia Vyacheslav Lebedev. Lebedev’s love for luxurious holidays on the Black Sea coast is widely known, as is his close ties with local representatives of the “circle of thieves”.

Ruben Tatulyan with thief in law Vagon. Getting high in the UAE

A month after the murder of Kagosyan in 2010, Liana Syrtsova was spotted entering a luxurious room in a Moscow hotel in company with another Sochi crime boss, Ruben Tatulyan, nicknamed Robson. It is no coincidence that Tatulyan soon came under the control of not only the local hotels of the thieves in law, but also the restaurants they owned, which were previously controlled by Kagosyan. Like the Syrtsovs, acting under the guise of a successful businessman, Tatulyan consistently creates around himself the image of a benefactor and philanthropist, which allows him to resolve his issues through well-known Russian politicians. Such as State Duma deputy from United Russia Alexander Karelin. Thanks to this, the media regularly hears rave reviews about the excellent conditions that Tatulyan created for Russian Olympic athletes in the Vesna boarding house in Adler, which he controls. True, no one mentions that significant funds allocated from the budget for the training of athletes in this boarding house flow into the pockets of the thieves in law, to whom this boarding house actually belongs.

With deputy Karelin. Decorously and nobly

Enrichment with funds from the federal budget by thieves in law is generally carried out on a grand scale in Sochi. This became clearly noticeable during the construction of Olympic facilities, in the construction of which, under the leadership of Ded Hassan, Ruben Tatulyan, Anzor Syrtsov and other local crime bosses from his criminal clan took part. The fantastic scale of the criminal misappropriation of money at Olympic construction sites led to the murder of Ded Hasan in 2013. However, his criminal empire continued to work actively under the leadership of the new criminal king of Russia, whom in 2014 the thieves in law elected Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy. The Sochi authorities were again under the control of Shakro, who were forced to work under the auspices of Ded Hassan during Shakro’s imprisonment in a Spanish prison.

Konstantin Manukyan has recently been wanted in Russia

It is known that in the Sochi business of “thieves in law”, which is controlled by Anzor and Liana Syrtsov, the interests of Shakro Molodoy are represented by the influential criminal “authority” Konstantin Manukyan, who became famous for creating the Moscow casino “Golden Palace” with the money of the “thieves”. Together with Anzor and Liana Syrtsov, Manukyan is today listed as an equal co-owner of the seemingly modest Sochi furniture factory, which, although it did not appear in criminal chronicles, nevertheless brings in a stable and very large income. It is known that the Syrtsovs donate at least a third of the proceeds of absolutely all enterprises they control to thieves in law. For example, a third of the revenue from the largest Sochi supermarket “Melody”, which formally belongs to the Syrtsovs, goes to Shakro Molodoy himself and his old “sidekick” Lasha Shushanashvili, nicknamed Rustavsky, who is now in Greece.

In order to maintain their position in the criminal world, Anzor and Liana Syrtsov, together with Ruben Tatulyan, richly presented Shakro Molodoy in November 2014, specially flying to Moscow to participate in the celebrations on the occasion of his return from a Spanish prison. On the occasion of his “coronation” as the new criminal king of Russia, the Syrtsovs presented him with two Mercedes-Gelendvagen jeeps, worth a total of more than 45 million rubles. Only the armored Gelendvagen for Shakro himself cost Syrtsov 32 million rubles. The Syrtsovs paid over 11 million rubles for the second jeep for his security. These jeeps can be seen in the courtyard of Shakro’s mansion near Moscow in the operational video recording made by FSB officers during his arrest.

The puny Anzor Syrtsov is actually a bloody killer

Anzor Syrtsov later met with Shakro Molodoy several times in Sochi, when he flew in to inspect his new possessions and discuss plans for business expansion. Including on the order of Anzor Syrtsov, several local entrepreneurs were killed in Sochi who did not want to voluntarily cede their business to bandits. The Syrtsovs did not forget about their criminal patron even after his arrest, together with Ruben Tatulyan, they transferred more than a billion rubles to the “thieves’ common fund” for his release from prison. The Syrtsovs also used all their connections in law enforcement agencies and the judicial system to solve this problem.

Anzor's favorite Ferrari, which he will soon have to part with

The activity and generosity of the Syrtsovs in the matter of the release of Shakro Molodoy is quite understandable, because it is thanks to the favor of the thieves in law that today they have the opportunity to enjoy a luxurious life, receiving income from dozens of enterprises in Sochi. Tens of millions of rubles of monthly profit allow the Syrtsovs to purchase luxurious mansions, foreign cars, and lead a bohemian lifestyle. And the end of this criminal idyll is not yet in sight.

results from 1 to 20 from 47 .

Searching results:

1. The case of the "Kurgan" killers. According to operatives, one of the suppliers of “orders” to the Les and Vershina group was a criminal authority Carlo Mikadze, who is the closest associate of thieves in law Kakhaber and Lasha Shushanashvili. It was he who in 2009 ordered Lesnyakov to deal with the kingpin Alik Minalyan, nicknamed Alik Sochi. February 7, 2009 car with Alik Sochinsky and his driver drove up to house No. 7 on Initiative Street in the capital, when the killer opened fire on her with a machine gun.
Date: 03/29/2011 2. Who is the boss in Sochi. However Sochi The mafia “department” feels calm: federal money aimed at preparing for the Olympics gives enormous power to crime. Thanks to the fact that crime was able to take control of Olympic financial flows, authorities gained such strength that their colleagues from the 90s could not even dream of. With such a goldmine Sochi the clan becomes stronger than any competitors.
Date: 03/04/2013 3. Thieves are cutting the budget of the Olympics in Sochi. During that period, a serious blow was dealt to the clan of Ded Khasan: his overseers were killed - a “thief in law” A fighter from Irkutsk and his fellow countryman authority Andrey Vereshchagin, thief in law Sergey Sibiryak. In the summer of 1998, in one of Sochi cafe they shot at Usoyan. We missed. After this, the criminal war could no longer be stopped. Almost weekly in Russia there were murders of thieves in law and authorities associated with any of the opposing clans.
Date: 10/07/2009 4. The Kurganskys went to trial. According to detectives, one of the main suppliers of “orders” to the Les group was the criminal authority Carlo Mikadze, who is the closest associate of thieves in law Kakhaber and Lasha Shushanashvili. It was he who in 2009 ordered Lesnyakov to deal with another thief, Alik Minalyan, nicknamed Alik Sochi. Alik Sochi was “crowned” back in 2000 by criminal “generals” Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan) and Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy).
Date: 03/09/2011 5. Business management " authority". limit your appetite" "Olympic" version of the murder of Aslan Usoyan Original of this material © morozowvp, 01/22/2013, Sochi trace in the murder of Ded Hasan It is unpleasant and shameful that the death of a criminal authority from the Caucasus, became number one news in Russia for several days.
Date: 01/29/2013 6. Wanted: father - fugitive developer and son - former deputy. Ruslan Valentinov was listed as the founder of the Pushkin collective farm market and co-owner Sochi LLC "Freestyle" Another founder of this company was Andrei Chabanov, who was engaged in the construction business in the Southern Federal District. First of all - in Rostov-on-Don and Sochi. According to operatives, Lesnyakov-Valentinov was an unofficial co-owner of this business and its criminal “roof.” At one time, a number of people were killed in Rostov-on-Don " authorities"and businessmen who were in conflict with Chabanov.
Date: 10/25/2013 7. "Olympic" thieves' summit. The question of land Kolya Hussein - looking after Sochi, having been released from prison after being accused of murdering some criminal authority, almost blind. He built himself a house in the center of the resort town. Near the judge's house. I don’t know whether they grilled kebabs together or not, that’s not the point. It’s just that Kolya Hussein suddenly died. Therefore, the issue of looking at the tasty coast was also resolved at the Krasnodar meeting. And last fall representatives Sochi The police explained to the AN correspondent what was new...
Date: 05/08/2008 8. Criminal map of Russia. “Grandfather Hasan was once a friend of Jem, so he accepted the inheritance justifiably,” he believes authority. But Krasnodar and Sochi, which were also controlled by Ded Hassan, now serve as almost the main bone of contention. On Sochi The Olympic construction site was encroached upon by Ded Hasan's competitor, the leader of the Kutaisi crime clan, Tariel Oniani, which is why a major conflict began in the underworld. Of the Slavic groups in the country today, the “Tambov” clan is thundering - the St. Petersburg clan authority, "king...
Date: 09/24/2009 9. The last war of Grandfather Hasan. The loudest order occurred on August 8, 1998, when Sochi two masked men entered the Rubin cafe and opened fire from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. As a result of the execution, the Unoev brothers were killed, authority Chachanidze, and five visitors were seriously injured.
Date: 09/28/2010 10. Not the Olympic Games. ... RA) satisfied the claim of the co-chairman of the International Social-Ecological Union Valery Brinich and declared illegal the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources, according to which about 10 thousand hectares Sochinsky national parks were deprived of the status of strict protection zones...
Any mistake, any failure to perform will hit authority authorities, and this may negatively affect the construction timeline...", and compare them with the scandalous decision of the Maikop city court, then, as some analysts believe, a lot...
Date: 10/25/2007 11. The shooters switched to Vasya Bandit. It is interesting that during a subsequent conversation with GUUR operatives, the detainee did not hide the fact that it was criminal authority and has a nickname corresponding to his status.
The owner of the watch factory, having learned about Vasya Bandit’s new demands, initially offered the thief four apartments - one in Moscow, and the rest in Sochi elite residential complex "Golden Meridian", which he was ready to transfer to the son of a thief in law.
Date: 03/02/2017 12. Bad guy and his squires in civilian clothes. We were in the first car" authority" Adam Taramov and his 47-year-old bodyguard Barzani Dadaev, and in the second - 30-year-old Mamed Tumaev, 21-year-old Adam Kasayev and 37-year-old Sergei Baskov.
Having quickly amassed capital, Taramov bought Sochi Football club "Pearl".
Date: 07/25/2012 13. Forest planting. A real gangster war broke out, killing dozens of criminals. authorities Sochi
Date: 03/16/2012 14. The parties began the “parade of relatives”. In addition, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, who is popular among the people, provided his authority election of Andrei Vorobyov, the son of his deputy Yuri Vorobyov.
So, the third obviously impassable place in Sochi The group was occupied by Anna Nadezhdina, the wife of the secretary of the federal political council of the Union of Right Forces, Boris Nadezhdin, who heads one of the lists near Moscow.
Date: 10/11/2007 15. Friends with the mafia, in the service of the special services. As for the policeman's investment in Sochi real estate, then he is not alone in his love for this region.
So Dmitry Sevastyanov, as a fighter against organized crime, who at one time developed the criminal authority Nefed, in the process of this difficult and risky business, became friends with businessman Nikolai Dmitrievich Nefedov (that’s the name of the bearer in the world...
Date: 03/15/2016 16. Lasha was taken. Local crime boss Sergei Sadakov, nicknamed Bubble, spoke out against the appointment of Cheburashka, who had support among authorities Ural and Tatarstan.
In February 2008, Alik Minoyan (Alik Sochi), and in May - Andrey Golubev (Skif) - supporters of Ded Hassan.
Date: 01/25/2012 17. You hear: boots are rumbling. The line of work, as you know, is specific, so Alexander Ivanovich knew a lot, if not everything, about the city on the Neva of that time and its most active residents. About Karmatsky’s strange relationship with criminals authorities cultural...
Apparently, he showed himself well there, which is why he was subsequently promoted by Patrushev to general positions in Sochi and the St. Petersburg Directorate of the FSB. A natural question arises: why does the veteran security officer Karmatsky, unknown to the country...
Date: 11/10/2009 18. Leps will “calm down all the freaks.” The aspiring artist has his eye on the young Sochi the beauty - Natasha Debryanskaya, but his feelings remained unanswered: the girl was the lover of that influential man who opened the way for Gregory to the big stage. Even after many years, knowledgeable people are afraid to mention the name of this criminal authority: We only know that in the early 90s he was shot by hired killers.
Date: 02/15/2013 19. Dmitry Zavyalov was taken at a Spanish resort. Then a real gangster war broke out, the victims of which were dozens of criminals. authorities and businessmen. Among them are the director of the Amulet private security company, who is also the leader of the Pravdinsk organized crime group Nikolai Zhigalkin, thief in law Alik Minalyan (Alik Sochi) and well-known businessman Valery Kazakov in the Moscow region.
Date: 05/22/2014 20. How Grandfather Hassan stopped by the House of Writers.

In the Krasnodar Territory, the murder of crime boss Eduard Kakosyan, who bore the nickname Karas and was a member of the clan of Grandfather Hasan, was committed. The thief in law was shot from machine guns right in the Central District of Sochi.

The deceased, 31-year-old Eduard Kakosyan, despite extensive connections in the criminal world, had a completely legal business in the form of several retail outlets, Interfax reports, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

The wounded businessman was taken to the hospital, but he could not be saved. It is known that Kakosyan is the owner of a number of shops and cafes in Sochi.

According to one version, Kakosyan’s murder may be connected with the recent attempt on the life of influential thief in law Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Khasan, RIA Novosti reports. “Kakosyan was part of Ded Hassan’s inner circle and carried out his business-related orders,” said law enforcement agencies. In particular, he was the “supervisor” of restaurants owned by Usoyan in Sochi.”

Bandits are “preparing” for the Olympics

As the 2014 Olympics approaches, the venue of which is the resort city of Sochi, criminal clans are increasingly defending their interests in this place by force of arms. So, last month in Moscow there was an attempt on the life of the 73-year-old “king of the Russian mafia” Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Hassan.

Usoyan was shot on the evening of September 16 near house number 12 on Tverskaya Street in the center of Moscow. Grandfather Hasan and his guard came under fire from a sniper who had holed up in an apartment in the building opposite, and were seriously injured. In particular, Ded Hasan received a gunshot wound to the abdominal wall, but the bullet did not damage the vital organs. The assassination weapon was a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

According to one version, they tried to kill Usoyan precisely in the fight for construction kickbacks in Sochi. However, some time ago this version was refuted by one of the representatives of the Slavic crime clan. “Sochi resources are being cut by officials who don’t even know his (Ded Hasan’s) name,” the crime boss confidently stated.

However, the “Sochi trace” appeared in inter-clan massacres before. Thus, in February 2009, 37-year-old mafioso Alik Minalyan with the characteristic nickname Alik Sochinsky was killed in Moscow. On February 6, 2009, the killers waylaid the victim at house No. 7 on Initiative Street, when Minalyan was getting out of his own Mercedes car. Having shot the thief in law, the killers fled the crime scene in a VAZ-2109 car.

During the shooting, the driver of the deceased, who brought Alik Minalyan to a rented apartment, also received back injuries. The victim Avanes Pogasyan turned for help to one of the city clinics, after which the doctors informed the police officers about the incident, who posted guards near the room of the unusual patient. Later, a witness to the murder of the “authority” was interrogated.

It is known that Alik Minalyan permanently lived in the Khostinsky district of Sochi. Moreover, shortly before his death, he launched a vigorous activity in the territory under his control, where the XXII Winter Olympic Games are planned to be held in 2014. “Law enforcement agencies note that his (Alik Minalyan’s) activities have intensified in connection with the preparation of Sochi for the Olympics,” the capital’s law enforcement agencies said after Minalyan’s murder.

However, since the beginning of 2009, Alik Minalyan had very strained relations with other influential crime bosses. According to some reports, he was even deprived of his “crown” and the status of a thief in law literally a few days before his death. It is assumed that this was done by 38-year-old Armen Harutyunyan, nicknamed Sabo, Plump and Armen Kanevsky (considered the right hand of Ded Hassan himself).

In 2006, Minalyan survived an assassination attempt, which was also committed in Moscow. Then he was shot at on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, but the crime boss and his driver escaped with injuries.

Apparently, from then on Alik seriously feared for his life. In the spring of 2007, he was detained by police who seized a Makarov pistol with a loaded clip during a search of the “authority.” At the same time, an entire arsenal was discovered in the trunk of the thief in law’s car. The court then sentenced Minalyan to a year of suspended imprisonment for illegal possession of weapons.

The detention of thief in law Shakro Molodoy and the subsequent arrests of high-ranking employees of the Investigative Committee attracted the attention of all Russian media. For example, the newspaper Moskovsky Komosmolets published an interview with FSB Major General in reserve Alexander Mikhailov, who directly stated that the arrests were just the beginning. The fact that the security officers are determined to complete what they started is also evidenced by the decision of Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Grin to transfer the investigation of the criminal case against ICR officers to the FSB investigative department.

Investigator Nikandrov is terrified

Dmitry Peskov’s laconic comment that the arrests in the Investigative Committee were reported to the President, and the tearful comment from the usually brave Vladimir Markin that self-purification in the ranks of the Investigative Committee will continue, suggests that the FSB has taken into its hands not only the initiative, but also everyone key players. Ironically, Alexander Bastrykin himself had to sign the authorization for the arrest of his colleagues and comrades, which means that Vladimir Putin today trusts FSB operatives more than his classmate.

Bastrykin has something to think about

As the website “Criminal Russia” clarifies, the first “werewolves” to come under the suspicion of the FSB were employees of the Presnenskoye police department. Young criminal intelligence operative Ildar Shakirov and district police officer Rinat Zinatullin, “fed” by bandits from the Shakro clan, as it now turns out, were warned in advance about possible problems at the Elements restaurant on Rochdelskaya Street in Moscow, where a major showdown took place on December 14 last year. Having overestimated their strength, Shakro’s “torpedoes” began to beat up their opponents, but were killed and wounded by return fire.

Shooting on Rochdelskaya

However, having arrived at the restaurant after calling the police, Shakirov and Zinatullin indifferently watched the bloody massacre from the sidelines, for which they were arrested. The testimony they gave and the further work of FSB operatives showed that the detained “werewolves in uniform” are just pawns in the hierarchy of law enforcement officers bribed by thieves in law. In addition to the employees of the Presnenskoye police department, a number of operational officers of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are also involved in this case, including a private guest of the leaders of ethnic crime from sunny Sochi, Colonel Gor Gevorgyan.

Colonel Gevorgyan Gor Meruzhanovich is well known in Moscow and Sochi, having made money from protecting prostitution and the gambling business for many years. In Moscow, he has several underground gambling clubs and brothels, which bring him a significant part of his illegal earnings. An equally profitable source of income for Colonel Gevorgyan is solving criminal problems with the law. According to Sochi criminals, Gevorgyan openly talks about the fact that for a monetary reward he is capable of helping to evade criminal prosecution of those guilty of crimes of any severity.

During frequent business trips to Sochi, Colonel Gevorgyan became the “solver” of criminal cases for all representatives of Armenian ethnic crime, not only in this resort city, but also in the Krasnodar region as a whole. According to representatives of the local criminal world, during his visits to Sochi all sorts of people came to see Gevorgyan with a variety of questions: from requests to return the driver’s license seized by the traffic police to exemption from criminal liability for murder.

For example, Gevorgyan helped Chekhnolidze Zurab, Thomasyan Ishkhan, Dashchyan Sarkis, who in September 2012, in a criminal showdown, killed the local “authority” Kazaryan, escape from deserved punishment. For six million rubles, Gevorgyan promised to help reclassify the criminal case from Part 2 of Article 105 (murder by a group of persons), for which even life imprisonment is provided, to Articles 222 and 167 (illegal possession of weapons, damage to property), for which the killers would receive a minimum punishment . The intervention of the FSB also prevented Gevorgyan from fulfilling his promise.

Engaged in “protection” for prostitution and drug trafficking and “excusing” outright criminals from prison for money, it is impossible to remain untainted. Compromising information about the illegal “business” of police officers is always known to the criminal world, whose influential representatives force “werewolves in uniform” to serve for themselves. At some point, “werewolves in uniform” became a mandatory element among influential thieves in law who no longer respect the thieves’ ban on cooperation with law enforcement officials.

Grandfather Hasan

For example, the “king of the criminal world” Ded Hasan, who actively used the services of a corrupt policeman, was well aware of Gor Gevorgyan’s criminal activities. One of Gevorgyan’s responsibilities was to inform Ded Hassan about the plans of his colleagues. If we trace the criminal chronicle in the last years of Hassan’s life, we can see that the police were not able to cover a single thieves’ gathering with his participation during this period. But Ded Hassan’s opponents from the rival criminal clan Tariel Oniani regularly fell into the clutches of the police. Grandfather Hassan reported information about gatherings of thieves at war with him to Gevorgyan so that he could help his colleagues implement it.

Grave of Rudik Oganov

In 1998, at a gathering of thieves in Moscow, Usoyan was “crowned” for collaborating with the authorities and departing from the “thieves’” traditions. The initiator was the famous thief in law Rudolf Oganov, nicknamed Rudik, who was killed soon after. In turn, Ded Hassan managed to retain his status as a “thief in law” and, after the arrest of Shakro Molodoy in Dubai in 2006 (who was later sentenced to 9 years in Spain) to become the king of the Russian underworld.

Thief in Law Tarot

The war that broke out after the arrest of Shakro Molodoy between Ded Khasan and Tariel Oniani (Taro) confirmed the influence of Ded Khasan in the world of thieves and clearly outlined his connections with law enforcement agencies, striking blows at his opponents. For example, in June 2008, Oniani held a general meeting on a ship on the Pirogovskoye Reservoir for the investigation. He also invited Ded Khasan and Yaponchik, but they didn’t show up. But special forces from the Ministry of Internal Affairs landed on the ship from a helicopter. More than 30 thieves were detained.

Thief in law Zyava

In another case, Usoyan, with the help of special forces, resolved a financial conflict in a well-known company, where several “roofs” appeared at once. In August 2007, Dagestani thief in law Ziyautdin Abdulkhalikov (Zyava) and several other people arrived at Usoyan’s residence, the Moscow restaurant “Old Kibitka,” for negotiations. In the midst of the controversy, special forces from the Ministry of Internal Affairs burst into Kibitka and forced everyone to the floor. The special forces immediately apologized to Usoyan and released him, but Zyava was “unexpectedly” found to have hashish. Zyava was soon sentenced to five and a half years, thereby allowing Usoyan to “quietly” settle the financial conflict.

Ruben Tatulyan Robson

After the murder of Ded Hassan, Colonel Gevorgyan continued to collaborate with influential representatives of his criminal clan. It is known that Gevorgyan, who works in the department for combating ethnic crime, registered Ruben Tatulyan, who represents the Ded Hasan clan in Sochi, as his agent. This circumstance allows Gevorgyan to freely hold meetings with Tatulyan, explaining this by the principles of operational work. Unfortunately, it is precisely in the course of such “work with agents” that police officers everywhere carry out generously paid orders from criminals.

Let us recall that in the bribery of ICR generals ordered by Shakro Molodoy, a key role was played by a former employee of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Evgeniy Surzhikov. Despite the fact that while serving in the GUBOP his main task was to fight Shakro Molodoy’s organized crime group, by the time of his arrest Surzhikov had already played a significant role in this criminal community. As it turned out, after the disbandment of the GUBOP, Surzhikov began to manage one of the private security companies controlled by Shakro Molodoy. It is no coincidence that Surzhikov was arrested on charges of extortion, just like Shakro Molodoy himself, whose “torpedoes” he directed during the showdown on Rochdelskaya Street.

Having an extensive evidence base on corrupt employees of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Kremlin’s tacit sanction for their arrests, FSB operatives will certainly begin searches in the offices of high-ranking police officers in the coming days, consistently depriving all the “werewolves” lured by thieves in law. Considering how widespread and deep corruption has taken root in the ranks of the police, they will be detained not only in Moscow, but also in the regions. Following Colonel Gevorgyan, his Sochi henchmen may soon end up behind bars: the head of the BSTM of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Sochi, Dmitry Lyulyukov, and his bosom partner in corruption cases from the local criminal investigation department, David Antonov.

The arrests carried out in the case of Shakro Molodoy clearly showed that the confessions of the detainees make it possible to smash all corrupt representatives of law enforcement agencies in a chain, sending them to long terms behind bars. For example, in the event of the arrest of Sochi “werewolves” Lyulyukov and Antonov, Gor Gevorgyan, who has already become legendary in the circle of Sochi pimps and drug dealers, faces such a sentence. In a similar situation, the former “dealer” Ded Khasan from the GUBOP Boris Pashayev was saved by fleeing to Georgia in 2001. Remembering this story, Gor Gevorgyan can only be advised one thing: Run, Colonel, run!
