Trainings on relationships between men and women. Training “Secrets of relationships between men and women. Formula of love or secrets of harmonious relationships between a man and a woman

Day 1: “Is loneliness a bastard?”

You will talk about your needs. Be aware of what you really need.

Face loneliness and find out why it is dangerous and how it can help.

And find yourself in relationships with yourself and with others.

You will learn how to:

  • Allow yourself to accept and love yourself no matter what
  • Ask for help with children or around the house and be understood and heard
  • How to explain your needs to your wife without criticism, reproaches and aggression
  • Relax if you feel sorry for time for yourself
  • Raise self-esteem and change your partner's attitude towards you
  • Listen to the real you, and not to the voice of your parents or companion in your head
  • Find and correct attitudes that interfere with relationships
  • Understand yourself and your usual ways of building relationships
  • Talk about your secret needs and desires directly, without the danger of being criticized
  • Provide a supportive environment in which it is safe to open up and be yourself
  • Build deep, sincere relationships
  • Start dreaming again and realizing your goals

Day 2. “When soap bubbles burst”

You will learn to meet your needs as a couple. You will figure out what to do if you are disappointed in your partner. How to make it better, and is it possible? And how to save yourself and relationships when there is a crisis in the family.

You will learn:

  • What to do when you don’t have enough tenderness, attention, care
  • What to do when you want your partner to change
  • What do you really expect from your partner and is it realistic to get it?
  • What does your partner expect from you?
  • What is more important to you: what you don’t agree on or what you are on the same page with?
  • How do you coincide and what are you on the same wavelength?
  • What to do about what doesn't suit you in family relationships
  • What type of family would you like to build?
  • What to do if your partner lacks male skills (to repair, build) or female skills (to create comfort, to feed tasty food)
  • How to act when your partner behaves differently than before
  • Should you let your husband go to see friends or go fishing, or should you hold him tighter so that your connection doesn’t break?
  • How to Help Your Wife Restore Her Resources and Feel Loved and Desired
  • How to use your love to help your husband reveal his masculine power and lead the family to success and prosperity
  • How to act so that your wife appreciates what you do for her
  • How to inspire your partner to become more responsible, decisive and encourage him to learn and change without criticism and quarrels
  • How to Help Your Partner Shift from Work Mode to Home and Intimacy Mode

Day 3. “Who will hold the candle.

Why do we need a triangular relationship?

You will learn why you need other people in a relationship. What are we really afraid of when we think about or experience betrayal? Why and when is it better to team up with other people?

You will learn how to:

  • How your trust works and what to do if you don't trust your partner
  • Maintain contact when you live with other people and you are embarrassed to quarrel and speak frankly in front of them
  • Save yourself from mother-in-law and mother-in-law who constantly interfere in relationships
  • How to carefully but confidently clarify your relationship with your father-in-law and become the head of your family
  • To withstand and not fall apart when you are compared with others and you lose this battle
  • It's better to do: be wise and patient or leave this relationship
  • Be confident when you are criticized, not supported, not accepted

Day 4. “Ariadne’s Thread. When the Minotaur woke up inside"

You will learn what aggression is from the point of view of psychology and biology. Why does it arise and how to properly use this energy. How to build boundaries in relationships and find healthy ways to express aggression.

You will learn:

  • What is the hidden cause of misunderstanding and conflicts?
  • How to behave when your partner is impatient, aggressive, or critical
  • What if the partner does nothing about his aggression. Doesn’t try to understand himself, doesn’t relax, doesn’t meditate
  • How to convey to your partner that you are hurt, unpleasant and this cannot be done to you
  • What if the husband does not recognize that his wife is also a person with her own opinion and rights?
  • How to get out of conflicts without damaging your emotional state
  • How to resolve old conflicts and deal with past mistakes
  • What if you sometimes want to hit your partner. Especially when he does not understand either calm conversations or screaming
  • How to behave when attacks of rage give way to tenderness
  • How to discuss if your partner is silent and would rather shout
  • What if your partner has cut off all feelings and communicates without emotions?
  • Which buttons trigger irritation for each of you?
  • How to conduct a dialogue to save both contact and yourself

Day 5. “Sex or not sex. How to feel an orgasm in a relationship"

You will get to know your myths about sex in the family and understand how they hold you back and what resources they provide. You will understand what else is hidden behind the need for sex. And learn to say “no” if there is no desire - but in such a way as to maintain contact.

You will learn:

  • How to Maintain Excitement and Newness in a Relationship
  • What to do if your partner is no longer interested in you
  • What to do if you are so tired that you have no energy for intimacy
  • How to regain lost contact when you've forgotten what it's like to have sex
  • How to refresh your feelings and look at each other in a new way
  • How to feel your attractiveness and see your partner's attractiveness
  • How to Explain What You Like Without Blushing or Paling
  • How to make peace in bed

Day 6. “I am. You are. And if we met, that's wonderful. And if not, it cannot be helped.”

You will feel the joy of “we are together.” And face a conscious choice when divorce is the necessary end to a relationship.

This is such a complex topic that it’s scary to be left alone with it. But until you look her in the face, the fear of separation will poison the relationship or interfere with your new life. It is better to touch the topic of farewell with our careful support and live this experience in safety.

You will learn:

  • How relationships begin and how they end
  • How to cope when your partner decides to break up
  • How to let go when it’s unbearably painful and scary
  • How, instead of lack of freedom and tension, we can enjoy another person in our life

At this meeting we also experience the completion of the training: we recognize ourselves, others, forgive and say goodbye.

The final festive evening for the training participants!

Departure day!

The training is primarily aimed at those who are interested in better understanding the world of Men and the world of Women.

For whom it is important the ability to find a common language, the ability to negotiate during a conflict and create trusting relationships. For those who want to understand the nature of the behavior of Men and Women.

Purpose of the training:

Training Man and Woman allows you to understand and learn:

  • How to create harmonious and trusting relationships;
  • How to find a common language and negotiate during a conflict;
  • What do we do to break up and why do we need it?
  • What does Sex mean for a man and a woman;
  • Why Men and Women Cheat;
  • How to find your soulmate;
  • Roles of Men and Women in the family.

Description of the training:

There is nothing more important than the relationship between a Man and a Woman. And it has long been no secret to anyone that Men and Women look at the world and relationships differently.

It is difficult for us men to understand women:

  • Why do they keep asking the same questions?
  • Why do they show excessive initiative in men's affairs?
  • Why do they bother you with their advice?
  • For what reasons are they constantly offended?
  • Why are they looking for a second meaning in what is said?

It’s difficult for us women to understand men:

  • Why can't they hear us?
  • Why are they indifferent?
  • Why don't they take responsibility?
  • Why are they disrespecting us?
  • Why are they cruel?

And this is only a small part of the questions that interests both Men and Women.

As a result of claims, we quarrel, get offended, take revenge, cheat, break up...

And yet we cannot live without each other, so it is important to develop mutual understanding.

Completed the “Man and Woman” training. I have never regretted the time or money spent. It was important for me to find out why women sometimes act this way and I didn’t like it, I found out what kind of women I attract in my life, why my past relationships didn’t work out, what mistakes we made together, although they looked perfect to me. I understood how different the world of men and the world of women are - why often, when giving gifts to my beloved, she remained dissatisfied. And now I do things a little differently and the effect is extraordinary! I was able to maintain and improve my relationship with my loved one and learned to receive joy, encouragement and delight from them. It seems to me that this Course is necessary for every man and every woman to stop blaming, to be able to hear and negotiate, and in general, so as not to make claims to each other and not waste time on this, but to enjoy what life gives!

"HE AND SHE. MEETING EACH OTHER" is an accessible and easy-to-understand, two-day training course in Kirov, about relationship between men and women, about the secrets of harmonious relationships, about how to get love back again and mutual understanding between a man and a woman, if the relationship is destroyed “by everyday life” or has reached a dead end.

“He doesn’t hear me and doesn’t understand!!! I'm already tired…»
“She is always unhappy and grumbles over trifles!!! I've had enough!…»

Sound familiar?

After completing the two-day training program, you will already Today you can improve mutual understanding with a partner, as well as create a solid platform and a clear direction of movement into harmonious relationships between men and women. The new experience of mutual understanding and interaction gained during the training will always work for you, no days off or holidays !

Women Imagine: you don’t have to ask him a hundred times about something that he himself could have guessed, you are heard and understood the first time. He is attentive and gives flowers. Do you feel like a Woman next to him?, and not a mommy, a housekeeper or a “squirrel in a wheel”...
Men imagine: you know HOW better, and when you offer your Woman a solution, she easily tells you: “YES! ". Yours A woman WANTS to be with you, and when you go to bed she doesn’t have a headache. She inspires you to great deeds and does not interfere with the implementation of your plans for success...

Men and women imagine that instead of “blowing each other’s brains” in various sophisticated ways, such as threats, reproaches, accusations, manipulation, use, ignoring, betrayal, revenge, fighting, and also: sawing, breaking dishes, grumbling, passing out, drinking, fishing, leaving immersed in work, visiting parents, etc. you now have mutual understanding, harmony and love when you WANT to come home and give love to each other for many years, and not just during the honeymoon period.

  • What does it mean to be a Man or a Woman?
  • How can such two different and unique worlds exist together on one planet and in relationships, and most importantly WHY?
  • How to achieve mutual understanding in the relationship between a Man and a Woman and learn to cooperate?

All you need is once find answers to these questions in order to forever get rid of erroneous patterns, stereotypes and attitudes that hinder you be together!

Training “HE and SHE. MEETING EACH OTHER" gives answers to these and many other questions, helps to understand the difference between masculine and feminine beginning, teaches an effective model of behavior in a couple, to preserve and enhance those bright feelings that you had at the beginning of the relationship. During the training you will learn a lot about yourself and about people of the opposite sex so that your relationships became more joyful and brought more satisfaction.

Who is this training for?

Come if you are in a couple or not and you are one of those Men and/or Women, who is looking happiness and mutual understanding who is ready to change something in the usual affiliate schemes relations who are interested in improving the quality of their personal life, who have encountered difficulties and do not understand how to solve them.

Four main reasons
on which the relationship between a Man and a Woman collapses.

When two people unite to live together, a new system is created (what we call a “cell of society”), with its own nuances, rules, laws and orders. If something falls out of sight of at least one partner, then the ENTIRE system collapses, and coexistence becomes very difficult and instead of moving towards each other, movement begins in different directions.

And if you build relationships without knowing, then the following happens:

1 You have little value for yourself as a Man or Woman. With every failure or mistake, your self-esteem falls lower and lower, and you eventually say to yourself: “Some people live without love...”. Subconsciously, and sometimes consciously, you think that not everything is okay with you... and you are left alone (if not physically, then emotionally).

2 You value your partner little because you don’t know what he really is. Moreover, you don’t even think about it, because IT doesn’t occur to you, or you’re afraid to see in him something you’re not ready for.

3 Relationships are built on rivalry and the struggle for power and influence.. As soon as you come into each other’s field of vision, the behavior programs embedded in you by society and family are automatically activated. People call this the “war of the sexes.” And then relationship- this is a battlefield, or a long wait for someone to be the first to look out of the trench and take a step towards...

4 You fall into the trap of love. The love trap is when you mistakenly place too much emphasis on love, when without working on the relationship, you think that “love will conquer all.” Unfortunately, it is not. Love can exist in conditions of a certain order. And what many take for love, in fact, turns out to be completely different...

Secrets of harmonious relationships between a Man and a Woman.

1 Understand and accept yourself as a Man or Woman. What does it mean? How does this manifest itself in the world, in life? What exactly refers to the world of Men and the world of Women? Awareness of the characteristics and differences between male and female perceptions.

2 Learn to see the other (partner). Realize that the other is not you! The relationship partner has his own world, his own values, his own perception and life guidelines, and, in the end, a different purpose! Give up expectations: “You must change and do what I want if you love me...”. Realize your internal image of a partner, often erroneous, through which we look at it and claim our rights...

3 Create an intention for cooperation. Harmonious relationship between a Man and a Woman become if the partners are committed to cooperation. Realize your place in the relationship: The man takes his masculine steps, and the Woman takes her feminine steps. Realize, check and change the instilled stereotypes of behavior in a couple. Agree on new rules for the existence of a new “cell of society.”

4 Follow the orders of love.

So to relationship between Man and Woman have become not only harmonious, but also possible in principle, both parties must understand WHAT does it mean to be a Man and a Woman, and to be able to apply this knowledge in practice, and both parties must be aware of the orders in which love and mutual understanding can exist.

In the training program:

  • What does it mean to be a woman?
  • What does it mean to be a man?
  • How we become men and women.
  • What is reasonable cooperation between a man and a woman? - how to achieve such interaction and mutual understanding.
  • Causes of conflicts in couples and solutions.
  • What is love?
  • Conditions necessary for love and maintaining relationships.
  • Factors that prevent you from creating close relationships with the other sex.
  • What kind of partners do we attract and why: inner man/inner woman.

By the way, training is learning through personal experience. Training differs from simply reading a book, listening to a lecture or conversation, in that IN TRAINING - YOU TRAIN , that is, you translate knowledge into ACTION. And this YOUR experience will remain with you forever, it is impossible to forget or lose it, since you lived it from the inside.

Sign up for training by phone in Kirov 49-45-21
and gain new experience in building relationships!

The training takes place over 2 full days: Saturday and Sunday, from 10:00 to 19:00, with a lunch break and short rest breaks.

The cost of the training is 7000 rubles.

The cost of the training with prepayment 10 days before the start is 6,500 rubles.

but they sincerely recommend it to anyone who wants to build a harmonious relationship

Taras Zhilin

Very interesting material. A number of questions and doubts disappeared. Lots of fears. I received tools to free myself from past grievances and other garbage that can cause inconvenience. Thank you very much Valentin for the wonderful material and answers to all questions.

Igor Mosiychuk

PLO from Valentin Plotnikov is a training on the psychology of relationships and the fact that relationships are both simple and complex. The training is about the fact that many people create relationships and have no damn idea how to do it and why. There are many simple ingredients and seasonings to create a delicious relationship and make it one you want to be in and maintain. During the training, you can catch dozens of insights and reconsider your relationship and your views on relationships several times. For me personally, this training was also about the fact that if a person was unable to part with his past relationships, or in a past relationship his personal boundaries and freedom were violated, and he did not work through this, then strong internal mechanisms will be activated in him that do not will allow him to join new ones or be a member of one, since he will try in every possible way to escape from them. In addition to this, I realized many more things that probably everyone should know before building a relationship. That’s why I think this training is extremely useful and I can confidently recommend it to anyone who has been, is, or wants to be in a relationship. Thank you, Valentin, for your work!

Natalya Listopad

Thank you very much, Valentin, for your invaluable work! What I felt during the training was something I had never experienced before. It is impossible to describe in words! There are pleasant sensations in the head and body: lightness, order, cleanliness and freedom. I highly recommend it to everyone, it’s definitely not a waste of work on yourself.

Alexander Matkovsky

Relationship psychology training exceeded all my expectations from it! My conclusions are based on the client's personal experience in family relationship therapy. And although a lot of things were already familiar to me, they revealed themselves to me in new nuances. Clear and concise. No water. Very accessible presentation of material. Successful examples for analysis from cinema. Effective processing techniques. This training is a concentrate of the most important and useful information on love relationships. The correct emphasis is placed on the most important, in my opinion, aspects of the relationship. Sufficient time was devoted to questions from participants. The value of the training fully compensates for its cost. I recommend this course to everyone who is just starting to build a relationship or has been in a relationship for many years. - Everyone can find something for themselves. Thank you very much to Valentin for his work!!!

Taras Bondar

Last weekend I took a very deep and entertaining PLO course. Over the course of 2.5 days, Valentin shared his knowledge acquired over many years of study and professional practice, answered all questions and addressed the problems of each participant. I really liked that all stages of a person’s formation from birth and even before it were considered, and the keys were given for understanding and accepting oneself and others. As a result, I realized several important points that helped me understand the directions for working on my growth points and received a good basis for building relationships. I would like to thank Valentin for the material provided and his help in expanding personal boundaries, and also recommend this training to anyone who has questions or problems in realizing their gaps in self-knowledge and building relationships.

Vyacheslav Vorobey

The second stage of the Valentin Triad) It was 2.5 pleasant and productive days. For me, this training is primarily about PLO with oneself. Focus on yourself, your emotions and beliefs. There was everything. And useful theory, and practical exercises, and homework. As well as tools and methodologies for further work. Valentin, thank you for the training and sense of humor!)

Vadim Markov

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Valentin Plotnikov, Author and Trainer of the training “Psychology of Love Relationships.” At this training, I worked through many issues in my personal and family life! And most importantly, I was able to work on my relationship with my Parents! This was very important for me, because this is the very first relationship that needs to be built! Got a lot of easy to use tools! I recommend it to anyone lucky enough to attend this training! And I wish Valentin Creative Success and Self-Development!

Albert Isingaleev

The Psychology of Relationships training helped to solve the problem of closing past relationships, unnecessary comparisons, to understand your needs and the needs of your wife. Relief came in the morning and the flow of thoughts became calmer. Of course, it’s better to do exercises every day :) for at least a month

Ivan Ustyugov

I came to the training to work on self-love, stress less, enjoy the World more. I attended various courses, including ones that focused on working on relationships with parents. After this training I am in a new state, a mood that I have never been in before. A feeling of comfort, coziness, the world has become calmer, more pleasant, more diverse. The feeling is similar to how you feel after a massage, a bath, or when you have done and achieved what you have wanted for a long time. Nice. And there are tools for working with yourself further - that’s cool. During the training, I witnessed how easily, in a couple of minutes, Valentin unearths the roots of inefficiency or problems of different people. Powerful! And, of course, the coach is a great guy as a person. This is good.

Ruslan Khabibulin

Thank you Valentin. You are an expert in your field, everything is detailed and understandable. In this course on the psychology of relationships, I changed my attitude towards myself, towards others, towards life. I realized that I carried a lot of grievances and complaints in my soul, and that I wanted to get rid of the burden in my soul that they created. I understood my growth points, which I did not understand for a very long time. Thank you for the tools to work on yourself. Thank you for understanding that responsibility is an important path to follow.

The main goal is to learn how to create an emotionally healthy, manipulation-free space in which you can exchange thoughts and feelings as equals. This will harmonize relationships within the couple and create a mechanism for preventing conflicts. These exercises are suitable both for those whose problems in a couple are caused by minor disagreements, and for those whose problems are protracted and of a crisis nature. For the first, they will help you learn to better understand your partner and get closer to him; for the second, they will help you “let off steam” and gain time to work on your relationship.

Exercise No. 1: releasing tension

This is getting rid of negative emotions: anger, resentment, despair. They should not get stuck in us, destroying relationships from the inside. It is better to get rid of them with a regular pillow. Hit her with all your might, without stopping, scream, swear, let yourself experience the pain and let her leave you. To relax as much as possible and not shock others, do it alone.

Exercise No. 2: learning to respect other people's boundaries

The most important thing in the exercise is to learn to find a balance and respect the wishes of your partner, because there are no people who are ideally suited to each other. Sooner or later, your interests will begin to contradict each other, complaints will appear, this is normal. For example, your partner wants to meet with friends, but you are not happy with this situation. If you begin to express complaints to your partner, you receive a negative response (anger, resentment, withdrawal), that is, an adequate reaction of a person to a violation of boundaries.

If you know that you have a tendency to provoke such conflicts, often imagine a situation where your partner forbids you to do something that you love and that concerns only you. For example: “Don’t you dare wear that red skirt again!” I do not like it!" or “Don’t talk to this friend, I’m unhappy with how she influences you.” This way you will constantly put yourself in his place and learn to “keep the perimeter”.

An additional bonus for getting rid of unproductive negative emotions and resentment towards your partner - "mantra for the offended" from Osho:

“I am such an important turkey that I cannot allow anyone to act according to their nature if I don’t like it. I am such an important turkey that if someone said or acted differently than I expected, I will punish him with my resentment. Oh, let him see how important this is - my offense, let him receive it as punishment for his “misdemeanor.” After all, I am a very, very important turkey.

I don't value my life. I don't value her so much that I don't mind wasting her valuable time offending her. I will give up a moment of joy, happiness, playfulness; I would rather give this moment to my resentment. And I don’t care that these frequent minutes turn into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. I don’t mind spending years of my life in resentment - after all, I don’t value my life.

I'm very vulnerable. I am so vulnerable that I am forced to protect my territory and respond with resentment to everyone who offends it. I will hang a sign on my forehead “Beware of the evil dog”, and just let someone try not to notice it! I will surround my vulnerability with high walls, I don’t care that through them I can’t see what is happening outside - but my vulnerability will be safe.

I'll make a mountain out of a mountain. I’ll take this half-dead fly of someone else’s blunder, I’ll react to it with my offense. I will not write in my diary how beautiful the world is, I will write how vilely they treated me. I won’t tell my friends how much I love them, I’ll devote half the evening to how much I was offended. I will have to pour so much of my own and other people’s strength into the fly so that it becomes an elephant. After all, it’s easy to brush off a fly or not even notice it, but not an elephant. So I inflate flies to the size of elephants.

I'm a beggar. I am so poor that I cannot find in myself a drop of generosity in order to forgive, a drop of self-irony in order to laugh, a drop of generosity in order not to notice, a drop of wisdom in order not to get caught, a drop of love in order to accept. I simply don’t have these drops, because I am very, very limited and poor.”

Exercise No. 3: remember why you fell in love

This is a wonderful exercise for that phase of a relationship when negativity and mutual claims fill the space so much that you stop feeling love for each other. You need to spend 10-15 minutes a day thinking about why you fell in love with your partner. To do this, you need to answer the questions “What do I like about this person?”, “What does our relationship give me?” and “What would my life look like if he didn’t exist?” Usually, the positive emotions that you experience when thinking about happy moments in your life together work to bring you closer to your partner, and the negativity gradually goes away.

Exercise No. 4: learning to talk about feelings correctly

Too many couples make the mistake of communicating their feelings from a place of resentment, anger, and revenge, using an unproductive and attacking “you message.” These are phrases like “you piss me off”, “you are irresponsible”, “you constantly disappear somewhere”, “you are not helping”. The “You message” is absolutely unproductive, because it only carries an accusing function, shifting responsibility for our emotions to our partner.

To convey your desires and feelings to a person and at the same time prevent him from instantly going into defense, you need to use the “I-statement.” It gives your partner a signal that you are not attacking, but are conveying to him your vision of the situation: “I want you to know how I feel and what is important to me, I do not demand anything from you, neither change nor meet halfway.” For example, if you are offended by someone's behavior, you could say, “When you go away for more than 2 hours with your friends, I feel abandoned, lonely, sad and scared. It seems to me that you are not interested in me and that you don’t want to spend time with me.”

This position will help to achieve mutual understanding much faster.

about the author

Psychologist and sexologist at the SEX.RF training center, author of the online training “Managing Emotions, or How to Stop Making a Scandal.”
