Which dog has the most powerful jaw? The largest dog breeds in the world. American Staffordshire Terrier

Are you interested in knowing what the top strongest dogs in the world look like? It's always interesting what living beings are capable of: it's almost always much more than we can imagine.

And this is interesting because it makes us understand: we ourselves can do much more than we think. Especially if we observe animals as close to us as a dog.

First, it’s logical to look at the facts. The Guinness Book has established records for the strength of dogs. In 1978, a four-year-old Saint Bernard named Raittes Brandy Bear(Rayttes Brandy Bear) dragged a load of 2,905 kg placed on a cart five meters. This is a record for the weight moved by a four-legged pet.

In 1979 Newfoundland (or diver) named Barbara Allens Dark Hans(Barbara Allens Dark Hans) handled a load of 2289 kilograms. This is less than the previous record, you ask? Which is the strongest dog in the world between these two strongmen?

The St. Bernard weighed 80 kg, and the Newfoundland weighed only 44. In terms of the ratio of body weight to the weight moved, the second record holder, namely the Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans, is considered the strongest.

Top 10 strongest breeds

Which breeds are stronger than others? In addition to outstanding, famous individuals, there is also an unofficial ranking of the top 10 strongest dogs in the world. It consists of the average indicators of the power and strength of its representatives.

To get to the top there are general physical criteria: height from 60 centimeters, weight from 50 kg. So, we present the ranking of dog strength and power.

Let's get to know these giants better.

1. St. Bernard– without exaggeration, this is the strongest breed of dog in the world. This rock was from the avalanches at the Grand St. Bernard Pass.

To dig out victims from under a thick layer of snow, and often to help them move, St. Bernards needed great strength.

Saint Bernard

2. Newfoundland. It is too She even has webbing between her toes!

Naturally, in order to pull an adult, often chaotically moving person out of the water in difficult conditions,

The breed is also used for transporting firewood and other heavy loads. Adults weigh 70-80 kg. Included in


3. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)., used as a herding, service, security. Descended from the most ancient Asian and fighting breeds of Mesopotamia. For many centuries, Alabai (it would be more correct to say “Central Asian Shepherd Dogs”) guarded flocks from wolves and jackals, which naturally made the breed strong. At the withers 70 cm, weight - from 50 kg.

The record holder, nicknamed Bulldozer, weighs as much as 125 kilograms.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

German dog

9. Dogue de Bordeaux– In the past, it was a fighting dog (participated in bullfights!) and a hunting dog. Butchers' shops were often guarded. The height of males is up to 68 cm, weight – from 50 kg.

Dogue de Bordeaux

10. Cane Corso also called Italian Mastiff. Representatives of this breed took part in gladiator fights. They protected the herds from predators. In Italy there is a saying “brave as a Corso.” Height up to 72 cm, weight up to 50 kg.

Cane Corso

Fighting dogs: strong in a different way

These are not as big dogs as the ones listed above, but they are certainly one of the strongest: and they were bred for dog fighting after dog fighting with bulls was banned in England.

These dogs are distinguished by the most powerful jaws (), as well as good reaction, strength and endurance.

Bull Terrier

Stafford, or from breeds of baiting dogs.

Brave dog with good reaction. Good as a guard, has powerful jaws.

The height and weight parameters (up to 48 cm, up to 40 kg, respectively) look rather weak, but the strength records demonstrated by the Amstaffs in competitions are impressive.

The result of Stafford dragging a load weighing 135 kilograms was officially recorded.

Take a closer look - Stafford is the embodiment of strength and power!

Staffordshire Terrier

So, we learned a lot of amazing (and also a little scary!) about the dog - man's friend, about what is the strongest breed of dog in the world. A strong friend is good!

Check out the visual description of the St. Bernards, including the record holder named Raittes Brandy Bear in the video below:

Dogs have lived side by side with humans for many thousands of years, since they evolved from the first domesticated wolves. There is little doubt that this relationship has become extremely beneficial for both, with the dog often called "man's best friend." But in recent years, a constant stream of stories in the media has brought this relationship back into focus, with the media constantly reporting a rising trend in horrific attacks. Based on one UK survey (Hospital Episode Statistics), the number of dog attacks resulting in hospitalization has increased by more than 300% over the past 20 years.

Although the cause of a dog attack is almost always known, these cases show that some dog breeds are indeed lethal to humans. This is a recognized fact as many of these breeds are banned in some countries around the world.

The breeds listed below are those that have been involved in numerous incidents. It's not just a statistic that one breed or another was responsible for the majority of hospitalizations, this list is based on the potential and temperament of different dog breeds. Three indicators of a fatal dog attack are taken into account: size, strength and aggression of the dog and another reason should not be overlooked - lack of training and poor handling of the dog...

10. Cane Corso

Photo. Cane Corso

This is a large breed of Italian mastiff, a descendant of the dogs of Roman soldiers used in wars. She has a smooth, muscular body weighing up to 50 kg (110 lb). The Cane Corso has a large and rather intimidating head shape with powerful jaws. One look can tell most people that this is a dog that can do a lot of damage. The Cane Corso usually has a good temperament, but is protective and suspicious of strangers. Therefore, training and early socialization are important in raising a dog.

This dog is banned in several US states and several European countries.

Here is one incident with this dog that occurred in Russia. On September 22, 2017, in the area of ​​the Varshavskoye Highway in Moscow, a 3-year-old Cane Corso mauled its owner right in the house and the dog did not let anyone near the body for 2 hours.

51-year-old Igor Alekseevich spent almost the entire day at home, only when his daughter came home from work in the evening and could not get into the house, it became clear that something had happened; the barking of a dog was clearly heard in the closed house. The Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police and an ambulance were called. When rescuers got inside the house, they found the body of a man lying in a pool of blood and a dog not letting anyone near the body. The dog definitely attacked the man and killed him. But probably no one will know what caused such a bloody massacre. The dog was euthanized.

9. Wolfdog (wolf hybrid)

Photo. Wolfdog (wolf hybrid)

Apparently the dog's name says it all, which may be enough to set alarm bells ringing! They are often called wolfhounds because they are half wolves and are almost indistinguishable from a real wolf.

Behavior changes depending on the presence of dog and wolf genes. The wolf's traits make the animal less aggressive, but it retains strong prey drives, making it a real risk to surrounding small pets, as well as potentially small children.

Crossbreeding also affects how aggressive the hybrid will be. Crossing with a dog with a protective nature, such as a German Shepherd, can produce the shy nature of the wolf, making a more predictable and dangerous dog breed.

Weighing up to 55kg (120lbs), with the strength and intelligence of a wolf, in the wrong environment these dogs have the potential to be dangerous.

8. Neapolitan Mastiff

Photo. Neapolitan Mastiff

This mastiff can frighten a person with its massive appearance alone. It can weigh up to 90kg (200 lb), which is more than an adult human. This Neapolitan Mastiff played a role in the film Dogtooth, and the dog can also be seen as a half-giant in the Harry Potter films. The Great Dane's large head is complemented by an equally large body, whose muscles are barely hidden by a thick layer of wrinkled skin.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is considered a direct descendant of the ancient Roman Molosser, used in wars and in the bloody arena. Essentially, this dog was bred to be a capable killer, making it a popular guard dog and protector. However, they are generally calm and loyal dogs, but proper training and socialization is essential. But, nevertheless, these dogs can easily kill a person.

7. Brazilian Fila

Photo. Brazilian Fila

Also known as the Brazilian Mastiff, this is another very large, strong dog. Weighing up to 75kg (170lb), the Fila Brasil was bred as a hunting dog, trained to hold but not kill its prey. During slavery, fila was allegedly used to return runaway slaves to their masters unharmed. More recently, it has become a popular guard dog.

What sets the Fila apart from other large mastiff-type dogs is its temperament and potential for aggression. The dog is banned in the UK, Norway, Israel and Denmark, and there is information that it is also banned in a number of other countries. It is often said that the Fila Brasilien can be very aggressive towards strangers if not trained correctly. Given the name Nasty, this behavior may be desirable for some owners, but it also makes it a particularly dangerous breed.

6. Dogo Argentino

Photo. Dogo Argentino

Although this dog is slightly smaller than mastiffs, the Dogo Argentino is still strong. This lithe and muscular dog was bred as a hunter's companion to hunt big game and is capable of knocking down wild boar and cougar. The Dogo originated as the Cordoba fighting dog, which was crossed with the Dogo and other breeds. The resulting dog weighs 60kg (130 lb), is characterized by slight muscles and is easily recognizable by its short white coat.

It is said that the aggressive traits were mainly derived from the Dogo Argentino and that it can even be a good family dog. However, this dog has the potential to attack with lethal consequences, and as a result it is banned in many countries, including the UK and Australia. The fact that this dog breed is considered a fighting dog breed further speaks to its reputation as a dog to be feared.

5. Rottweiler

Photo. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a medium to large sized dog with a stocky, powerful body. It is traditionally better known as a butcher's dog, but this was due to its work with livestock and the fact that it was used to push carts to market rather than anything more sinister. I remember a few years ago when she was by far the scariest dog everywhere. Along with some of the more exotic breeds, large Rottweilers seem to have lost some of their past. However, the fact remains that Rottweilers are capable of killing and statistics show this. What's terrible is that the number of attacks really suggests that this is one of the most dangerous dog breeds. In the United States, it has the second highest rate of fatal attacks and serious injuries.

4. Caucasian Shepherd

Photo. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This huge dog goes by several names, but most often it is called the Caucasian Shepherd. He was raised to protect flocks of sheep in the former Soviet Union from thieves or something like that! The large dog can weigh around 90kg (200lbs) and has huge paws and an equally intimidating set of jaws. Its thick fur hides a powerful muscular frame. She is practically fearless and is capable of displaying ferocious behavior towards her long-time favorite hunting object, bears. This dog breed was also used to patrol the borders between East and West Germany during the Cold War.

Its inherent size and strength are also complemented by a strong will and loyalty, the dog is capable of attacking almost anything if it feels its owner is in danger. However, this dog competes among dogs in Russia as a wrestling dog and is banned in some countries and restricted in others.

3. Tosa Inu

Photo. Tosa Inu

This huge Japanese dog was bred as a fighting dog. It comes in a variety of sizes, but the largest Tosa weighs 100kg (220 lb), living up to the nickname "sumo dog". Over the years, the breed has been crossed with Mastiffs, Great Danes, Bulldogs, Serbernars and Bull Terriers. As a rule, it is smaller in Japan, but the larger one was bred in the West.

The danger from this dog primarily comes from its size, strength and fighting qualities. Typically a very calm breed, good training and an experienced owner are essential for a Tosa. This dog's potential to cause harm is unlimited and deaths have already occurred. For this reason, the Tosa Inu is banned in many countries.

2. Dogo Canario

Photo. Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario or Canary Dog is one of the scariest dogs you can see. Her huge square head is almost as wide as it is long. Her body is well proportioned, she is large boned and the muscular Dogo Canario can weigh around 60kg (130lbs). Bred as a fighting dog, it has a high degree of aggression, making it only suitable for experienced dog owners. If it does not demonstrate absolute authority, the Dogo Canario can be an extremely dangerous dog. They are also reported to become aggressive as they are pack dogs. This has certainly been confirmed by a number of fatal attacks, most notably that of a woman in San Francisco who was mauled by a pair of these dogs belonging to her neighbor.

The Dogo Canario is banned in many countries.

1. Pitbull

Photo. Pitbull

Not a week goes by without a horrifying pit bull attack, which you can hear about somewhere on the news. Is the pit bull actually the world's most dangerous dog breed, perhaps not. However, given the overwhelming amount of statistics, it is difficult to say that this dog is not likely to attack you. Research consistently reports that pit bulls are responsible for nearly half of all reported attacks, including many deaths.

It's worth noting that pit bull is a generic name for a dog, referring to dogs with special physical characteristics. Even experts may differ on much of what constitutes a pit bull, but in general the dog is very stocky with a muscular head and square, powerful jaws. Despite being the smallest dog on our list, weighing less than 40 kg (95 lbs), the pit bull is as strong, agility, and ferocious as any other dog. These dogs were bred for fighting and only recently began to look so scary.

Of course, much of a dog's reputation is the result of irresponsible owners. The worse the reputation, the worse the owner and so it continues. There may be another point in defense of the pit bull; many of the animals involved in attacks were crossed with another breed, such as boxers.

After all, it is currently the most famous dog on the planet and is banned in so many countries. Thanks to this, we put it first.

This video reports a slightly different classification of dangerous dog breeds, but still.

Video. The ten most dangerous dog breeds

A dog is an animal that can delight its owners, touch passers-by and put strangers into a complete stupor of fear. For example, children may be afraid of small breeds and calmly treat large ones, while adults often avoid large dogs, not paying attention to miniature ones. However, danger lurks in unexpected places. Dog handlers have tried to compile a list of breeds that are considered dangerous to humans under certain circumstances.

Attention: TOP 13 dangerous dog breeds does not mean the list is indisputable! Only the increased risk of danger from the dog was taken into account, nothing more. A particular dog may be harmless. The peculiarities of genetics, upbringing, training and the psychotype of a particular representative of four-legged animals are combined. There is no need to argue or challenge the following: the TOP 13 was compiled taking into account recorded incidents of dog attacks, only emphasizing the potential for danger.

Caucasian wolfhound

The shepherd is known as the best protection for livestock from outside attacks. A powerful dog does not trust strangers and requires competent and persistent training. The breed is distinguished by the following qualities:

  1. Fearlessness and assertiveness.
  2. Height at withers – from 66 cm.
  3. There is no maximum weight limit. Minimum – 45 kg for females.
  4. The image of a wolfhound is on the 2015 Russian postage stamp.
  5. Originally from the Caucasus. Brought out by breeding works in the USSR.
  6. Well-known names are aboriginal and simply Caucasian Shepherd Dog, North Caucasian Wolfhound.


We are talking about the American Pit Bull Terrier and the breeds:

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is considered a companion, but was previously used for brutal fighting and baiting rats. It is important that the pet does not have aggressive qualities. Otherwise, the dog is dangerous to family members.
  • The American Bulldog in America is considered especially dangerous. Used as a working breed, boar hunter, and often deals with cattle. Due to their developed guard qualities, dogs show superiority by force. We need to work on obedience.
  • The American Staffordshire Terrier is suitable for a person who has already dealt with dogs. Representatives of pit bulls strive for independence and can be aggressive. It is advisable to focus on varied loads and work with a dog handler.

German Shepherd

The breed is known for its "biting" character. If you show patience and devote enough time to education and training lessons, nothing bad will happen. If you let the dog’s development take its course, don’t be surprised that one day the “German” will bite a passerby or owner. It is useful for a German Shepherd breeder to know:

  • the attack of the “Germans” was recorded on relatives and people;
  • lack of education can result in the dog’s aggressive behavior;
  • the bite force of the breed is equated to 1060 N (newton);
  • There are known cases of dogs attacking their owners after several years of friendly life;
  • the victim may die from the bites received within a couple of days;
  • the danger can be zero at home and at the limit - on the street with low socialization.


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has already advocated for the danger of the breed. Rottweiler attacks are the cause of death every year. Cases are known in Russia and abroad. The bite force of a Rottweiler is higher than that of a German shepherd, reaching 1460 N. It is important to train the dog, otherwise the pile of power will turn into a huge danger for the owners and others.

Rottweiler breeders should take into account the dogs’ unmotivated aggression, which is not recognized as the norm. They try to prevent aggressive representatives of the breed from breeding so that this property is not passed on to new puppies. At the same time, dogs often become pets and calmly tolerate children's antics.

Consider the incredible endurance of the breed described. This is considered a virtue, but when attacked it turns a person sideways. The same applies to strength. It is important not to skip canine training courses when raising your dog regularly.

Huskies and Malamutes

Surprisingly, representatives of the most beautiful breeds are included in the list of dangerous ones! Malamutes and Huskies are often seen together. These are excellent sled dogs, distinguished by:

  • increased energy,
  • attractive appearance,
  • working qualities - the predator instinct is active.

Pet attacks on people are rare and therefore dangerous. We don’t expect any tricks from friendly breeds, but we should understand: as long as a living creature has claws and teeth, the animal is a priori dangerous! It is important to carefully approach the content and education, reducing the risk of such an attack.

If you compare huskies and malamutes, the former are more dangerous. Huskies are working animals, socialization is not developed as the main quality. The Alaskan Malamute is a sled breed that displays its character by hunting small animals. Be careful when choosing your pet and nursery.


Military and police breeds must have a balanced temperament. According to the standard, Dobermans have a strong psychotype, exceptions do occur. Due to the direct purpose of the breed, aggression towards strangers is often observed. It is worth understanding that the owner bears responsibility for aggressiveness towards strangers. The owner will have to cope with this difficulty.

Hostility is rare, but it manifests itself even towards family members; ideally, Dobermans have a sharp distinction between good and evil. Adequate and psychologically stable dogs are easily left with small children after an active walk or training lesson.

Recently, attacks on humans by Dobermans have been difficult to encounter. This is good, but relaxing is wrong. Better stay alert. The dog's dimensions are large:

  • 68 cm at the withers,
  • 39-40 kg weight.

The body is solid muscles, which means that if attacked, it is difficult to escape without being bitten. The breed is wary, but intelligence is highly rated. You shouldn’t shake at the sight of a dog, but it’s also stupid to relax.

Chow chow

The soft and fluffy animal Chow Chow is far from harmless, as pet owners claim. Everyone wants to assure others that their pet is the best, but you need to adequately face the truth. Chow is not a toy for children. The appearance of a cute animal is deceiving.

  1. the breed is distrustful of strangers;
  2. often wary of the human race;
  3. does not like children, screams and displays of affection.

It is worth considering that mistakes could have been made when breeding the animal. Mental disorders are not uncommon, but it’s not written on the dog’s forehead! The owner of the dog must show adequate dominance, engage in education, and strangers must not interfere with the dog’s cute face, so as not to get bitten.


In boxers, aggression is inherent in nature - this is how the breed was formed. Don't be surprised or argue with natural things. The owner can correct the behavioral characteristics of the pet, making the dog a favorite of the yard. What you should know when communicating with a dog:

  • Increased aggression manifests itself towards dogs, but rarely towards humans.
  • Characterized by a loud bark that frightens any ill-wisher.
  • They act as a family member and an ideal territory guard.
  • Due to the strong jaws, the bite is powerful and painful.
  • Cases of attacks on people are 2-3 per year around the world.
  • The greatest danger is for the attacker, not the owner.

Akita Inu

The danger from Akita most often comes from males. They are dominant and try to become dominant in all areas of life. But the owner – the man – must act as the head! This is extremely difficult in modern society, when the animal is kept in a city apartment and there is rarely contact with it, not to mention rare and short-term walks. It is easier not to re-educate the Akita Inu breed, but to initially protect it from aggressive behavior.

  1. Try not to introduce your dog into an unfamiliar environment.
  2. If you travel with an Akita, support the dog and be there.
  3. Keep your dog and children safe from each other. More often than not, what is said concerns other people's children.
  4. Do not let friends or strangers approach the dog.
  5. Akita's attack is to protect itself, the owner, and food.
  6. Engage in training - let the dog not rush in case of defense, but make a grab.

Dogo Canario and Dogo Argentino

Beautiful and large dogs of the Great Dane subspecies can be loyal, gentle and patient, or stubborn and embittered. There are not many cases of attacks by the breed, but dogs never cease to excite people’s minds. Fatal attacks are especially frightening. If you are still alive or only require medical attention, this is a reason to rejoice in your luck.

  • The Dogo Canario was bred as a fighting dog. The beast developed ruthlessness towards animals and people. Breeding the breed freely is not only dangerous, but is also prohibited in some regions. Why take the risk of purchasing an animal?
  • The Dogo Argentino is strong and muscular. The dog is designed to hunt wild boars. During the removal, aggression towards the person was actively eliminated, which does not always help relieve tension among passers-by. In the UK, for example, owning a Dogo Argentino is prohibited!

Brazilian Mastiff

Otherwise, the dog is called Fila Brasileiro. Wariness and aggression in dogs are in their genes. However, we are talking about strangers who are perceived a priori as dangerous. The breed has a sharp temperament, and it is dangerous for such an animal to become suspicious.

Due to their temperament, Brazilian Mastiffs are prohibited for breeding and keeping in some countries. The best protection for a person is to completely limit contact with Fila Brasileiro. Dogs are used as guards, protectors and hunters.

If you like the breed, try to follow the rules:

  1. regularly engage in education, attend training classes;
  2. try not to invite strangers into your home;
  3. if there are often guests in the house, create an enclosure for the mastiff to temporarily stay;
  4. check whether the breed is prohibited for keeping in the country or region.

Danish hound

The German Mastiff (Great Dane) is a breed known for its dimensions:

  • The height of males reaches 90 cm.
  • The height of the bitches varies from 72 to 84 cm.
  • Weight is about 80-90 kg.

Ideally, the dog has a strong disposition and does not provoke provocation by showing aggression. However, the dimensions of the Great Dane indicate its ability to harm a person, especially a child. The beast is so large and massive that it can easily knock down an adult man. There won't be any injuries. What if you meet an unbalanced representative from Germany? Just imagine the dimensions of the largest dogs recorded:

  1. Giant George from Arizona (USA). The dog's height was 110 cm and its weight was 111 kg! The Great Dane died at the age of 7 for reasons unknown to the world.
  2. Zeus from Michigan (USA). Zeus's height was 111 cm and his weight was 75 kg. The dog also died early - at the age of 5. Dogs, in principle, do not live long - 6-7 years.

Saint Bernard

Rescue dogs are known for their gigantic size. The dogs worked as rescuers in the Alps. In addition to the general picture, there are specifics. Large breeds of dogs for the most part treat strangers with wariness, suspicion, and aggression. The task of the dog owner is to socialize the animal. It is much easier to accustom your pet to communication with people and animals from puppyhood.

This method will prevent the aggressive behavior of the St. Bernard on his territory - in his place of residence, which the dog carefully guards and protects from uninvited guests. But an uninvited guest could be a neighbor, a relative, or just an acquaintance invited to the house!

Large breed dogs evoke respect, and some even fear. But in fact, with proper upbringing and proper training, such large dogs can be raised into kind and gentle pets.

These huge, good-natured dogs will be loyal and devoted friends, reliable guards for the whole family or excellent hunters. What are the largest breeds and where is the best place to keep them?

Moscow Watchdog - the weight of representatives of this breed is at least 45 kilograms, and their height is not less than 66 centimeters.

This is a fearless dog that can become an excellent guard. She is independent and easy to communicate with.


Typically, the weight of dogs of this breed ranges from 45 to 70 kilograms, and their height is from 63 to 75 centimeters. However, the largest diver in the world weighed 120 kilograms.

These dogs are famous for their wonderful character. In addition, they are very smart, capable of making their own decisions. And their strength will be the envy of many other dogs.

The weight of such dogs ranges from 47 to 77 kilograms, and their height can reach 80 centimeters. This is an excellent watchdog that will ideally fit into a family with small children living outside the city. Lenbergers are very loyal to their owner, kind to children, and easy to train.

The weight of dogs of this breed varies from 40 to 80 kilograms, and their height does not exceed 80 centimeters. This is a very ancient breed of calm and obedient dogs. In addition, they are very clean, unlike their brothers.


Boerboel - their height ranges from 70 to 90 kilograms, and their height reaches 70 centimeters. These are service dogs that have good reactions. They are plastic and hardy in nature. Boerboels, like no one else, need constant training with physical activity.

The weight of Great Danes can vary from 45 to 90 kilograms, and their height reaches about 80 centimeters. Dogs of this breed are the highest among the rest.

These are the kindest and most affectionate animals. They get along well with children. Great Danes are very strong, but at the same time elegant dogs.

The weight of dogs of this breed averages 80 kilograms, however, it can reach 100 kilograms. And the height is from 70 to 80 centimeters.

Initially, this breed was actively used as a shepherd. Nowadays, they are used as bodyguards, because these dogs are reliable and smart.

The weight of St. Bernards ranges from 80 to 100 kilograms, or even higher. The height of these dogs ranges from 70 to 90 centimeters. The original purpose of this breed was to save people.

Despite their huge size, St. Bernards are suitable for families with children. They have a very friendly character.

Their weight ranges from 75 to 120 kilograms, and their height ranges from 70 to 90 centimeters. This huge dog will become a friend to anyone, even a child. With such a security guard, nothing is scary.

The weight of these large dogs can vary from 55 to 110 kilograms, and their height is on average 80 centimeters. But there is also a record holder with a weight of 155 kilograms. This huge dog was included in the Guinness Book of Records. This is an old English breed of dog that is endowed with strength, courage and poise. They will make an excellent guard and friend.

Large dogs have positive and negative aspects. The advantages include strength, resilience, courage and kindness. But the disadvantages include the fact that maintaining such a dog will require a lot of money. Their appetite is excellent. Whom to have in the family is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Will it be a cat, a small dog or a giant dog. The main thing is to love the animal, then it will reciprocate.

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