Children's rhyme about Christmas short 3 years. New Year's poems for children about Christmas. Short greetings in verse Merry Christmas

Christmas poems for children are a great way to feel the spirit of one of the most long-awaited winter holidays. And even though there is frost and blizzard outside the window, a festive mood reigns in our hearts.

Winter is the time for children's matinees. A good opportunity for a child to express himself in a poem. Moreover, children's poems for Christmas are beautiful and touching works that have a special sound, they contain the atmosphere of a fairy tale and a bright faith in miracles.

We are pleased to present you an online selection of children's poems for Christmas. With any of them your child will shine at the party.

Children's Poems for Christmas

Miracle of miracles

Suddenly she flew onto the tree
A flock of bullfinches,
The tree immediately turned red
From living lights.

On its shaggy branches,
Instead of tinsel,
The frost will silver the mesh,
Snow globes.

And the crown is a shining star,
Miracle of miracles!
Christmas, friends, greetings
Primeval forest.

Bright holiday of Christmas

Happy Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith,
To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic
Happy Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas!

Bethlehem courtyard

The Boy God was born in a manger
Among donkeys, lambs.
And I was illuminated by a star
Bethlehem courtyard and garden.

And the gray donkey thought,
Looking into the Baby's eyes:
“He came with goodness and faith,
With compassion and affection!”

And the puppy is a couch potato
I peeked from the kennel,
How the Magi came from the East,
They brought their gifts.

Baby Christ born

There are countries where people have not known for centuries
No blizzards, no loose snow;
There they sparkle only with unmelting snow
Tops of granite ridges.

The flowers there are more fragrant, the stars are larger,
Spring is brighter and more elegant,
And the feathers of the birds are brighter there, and warmer
There is a sea wave breathing there.

In such a country on a balmy night,
With the whisper of laurels and roses
The desired miracle happened in person:
The Christ Child was born.

It's Christmas again

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.

Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy.

Times of miracles

Those were the times of miracles
The words of the prophet came true:
Angels descended from heaven
The star was rolling from the East.

The world awaited redemption -
And in the poor manger of Bethlehem,
To the song of praise of Eden,
The wondrous baby shone,
And thundered across Palestine
Voice in the wilderness…


Today will be Christmas
The whole city is waiting for the secret,
He sleeps in the crystal frost
And waits: the magic will happen.

Blizzards took possession of him,
In the cathedrals there is the flickering of candles and singing,
And silvery incense smoke.

Miracles will happen
So easily, in a crowd of passers-by,
And suddenly they look like music
Human voices will become.

Holy night

Holy night! How you shine
On our life's journey!
You strengthen our strength
And you teach us where to go.

Messenger of another world,
You, Star of Bethlehem,
From the bleakness of the desert
Led to the Living Key!

Fluffy snow at Christmas

Fluffy snow
Covered by a dense forest,
The earth fell asleep in a quiet sleep,
The vault of heaven darkened.

Today is a rest from work,
Forgetfulness of all worries...
The first star will light up -
And Christ will come to us.

Suitable for every family
Bring peace and quiet,
Show everyone your goodness,
Give the children a feast.

Let's forget grief and sadness

Let's forget
And grief and sadness!
Baby Jesus was born today!

He was born at night, in a deep cave.
He was surrounded only by birds and animals!
Yes, angels, yes, postures and wise men!
And that means people, and that means us!

They stood aside and quietly watched
What a miracle this is in Holy Bethlehem!

Grace Christmas

So that love does not die,
So that good does not perish -
We are given the birth of God,
Grace Christmas.

This enormous joy
With you, my loved ones, I share -
For your health and happiness
On Christmas Day I will pray.

On Christmas days

On Christmas days it is necessary
Do one good thing:
Help, at least with a word,
For those unlucky:

To comfort the inconsolable,
Forgive the indifferent
And at least your neighbors
Let us learn to love!

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith,
To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic
Happy Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas!

Appearance of an angel to shepherds

Get up and go
To the city of Bethlehem;
Sweeten your souls
And tell everyone:
“The Savior came to the people,
The Savior has appeared in the world!
And peace on earth!
Where he rests
A dumb creature
Resting in a manger
King of the whole world!

The night is silent

The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament
The southern stars are trembling.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet people look into the manger.
No ears, no extra glances,
The roosters crowed -
And behind the angels in the highest
The shepherds praise God.
The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
Mary's face is illuminated.
A star choir to another choir
I listened with trembling ears.
And above Him it burns high
That star of distant lands;
The kings of the east carry with her
Gold, myrrh and frankincense.

(A Christmas Carol)

In the wide sky,
In a starry bright round dance,
A wonderful star is shining.
She will cast a ray everywhere,
Where human grief groans, -
In villages, groves, cities.
The beam reaches the light
And peasant women and queens,
And to the bird's nest.
He will slip into a rich house,
And no blowjob to the poor house
Never a magic ray.
Everywhere joy shines brighter,
Where that star ray trembles,
And trouble is not terrible there,
Where the star will shine.


Kolya-kolya-kolyada –
For troubles – “No!”, but for happiness – “Yes!”
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas:
We wish you peace in your home,
And health and goodness,
And heartfelt warmth!
Kolya-kolya-kolyada –
For troubles - “No!”, but for happiness “Yes!!!”

Chrismas story

The holiday is based on the biblical story of the birth of the Son of God from the Virgin Mary.

During the reign of Augustus, a decree on a population census was issued, according to which every citizen of the empire had to return to his hometown. Joseph is a descendant of David, so on the days of the census he should have been in Bethlehem. While awaiting the birth of their son, Joseph and Mary were forced to make a risky journey. The journey was long and dangerous, especially since the time had come for the young woman to give birth.

Arriving in Bethlehem, the young couple did not find a place in any decent house. All they were offered was an old barn. It was there that the greatest of men appeared. The Savior of mankind came into this world quietly and inconspicuously.

However, this event did not go unnoticed. The sages of the East have been calculating an important date for years. When the time came, they went a long way to make sure their calculations were correct and to present gifts to the miraculous baby. The shepherds also came to congratulate Joseph and Mary on the birth of their son; the Star of Bethlehem showed them the way to the barn.

This story is one of the central ones in Christmas poems for children, which can be read online from our holiday selection.

About Christmas for children

We celebrate Christmas on January 7th. This is an important holiday for all Christians. The birth of Christ is considered one of the main religious events.

This greatest holiday is usually celebrated with family. On Christmas night, all believers go to churches and offer fervent prayers to God for their loved ones.

The night before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. The name of this holiday is explained by the fact that in the old days on this evening they cooked sochivo - a wheat broth, which was seasoned with honey and nuts. The dish is lean (like all dishes on the festive table), but extremely tasty. On this day, believers did not eat anything, and only with the appearance of the first star did they sit down at the table.

On Christmas Eve the whole family gathered together. The hostess prepared 12 Lenten dishes. There shouldn't have been anything meat, dairy or fat on the Christmas table. The number of treats on the festive table corresponded to the number of Apostles. It was not customary to drink alcohol that evening.

Before eating the festive dishes, everyone had to say a prayer. On this wonderful evening, it was customary to talk only about good things, remembering the events preceding the birth of the Messiah.

Even the children did not go to bed the night before Christmas. They went from house to house and sang short Christmas songs - carols. In return they received a treat or money. Adults also took part in the Christmas performances. They dressed up as biblical characters and went from house to house, showing the Christmas story.

At Christmas, it is customary to put up nativity scenes in churches. A nativity scene is an exhibition where the holy family is represented. Mary sits bending over the baby Jesus, Joseph stands nearby, and in front of them are wise men from the East, presenting gifts to the born Messiah. In the background are the shepherds who were the first to come to congratulate the young couple.

Christmas is a wonderful holiday that reminds us that there is always a place for miracles in life. Sometimes events that happen quietly and inconspicuously can have a big resonance in the future.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith,
To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic
Happy Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas!

Baby Christ born

There are countries where people have not known for centuries
No blizzards, no loose snow;
There they sparkle only with unmelting snow
Tops of granite ridges.

The flowers there are more fragrant, the stars are larger,
Spring is brighter and more elegant,
And the feathers of the birds are brighter there, and warmer
There is a sea wave breathing there.

In such a country on a balmy night,
With the whisper of laurels and roses
The desired miracle happened in person:
The Christ Child was born.

Times of miracles

Those were the times of miracles
The words of the prophet came true:
Angels descended from heaven
The star was rolling from the East.

The world awaited redemption -
And in the poor manger of Bethlehem,
To the song of praise of Eden,
The wondrous baby shone,
And thundered across Palestine
Voice in the wilderness…

Holy night

Holy night! How you shine
On our life's journey!
You strengthen our strength
And you teach us where to go.

Messenger of another world,
You, Star of Bethlehem,
From the bleakness of the desert
Led to the Living Key!

Let's forget grief and sadness

Let's forget
And grief and sadness!
Baby Jesus was born today!

He was born at night, in a deep cave.
He was surrounded only by birds and animals!
Yes, angels, yes, postures and wise men!
And that means people, and that means us!

They stood aside and quietly watched
What a miracle this is in Holy Bethlehem!

Fluffy snow at Christmas

Fluffy snow
Covered by a dense forest,
The earth fell asleep in a quiet sleep,
The vault of heaven darkened.

Today is a rest from work,
Forgetfulness of all worries...
The first star will light up -
And Christ will come to us.

Suitable for every family
Bring peace and quiet,
Show everyone your goodness,
Give the children a feast.


Today will be Christmas
The whole city is waiting for the secret,
He sleeps in the crystal frost
And waits: the magic will happen.

Blizzards took possession of him,
In the cathedrals there is the flickering of candles and singing,
And silvery incense smoke.

Miracles will happen
So easily, in a crowd of passers-by,
And suddenly they look like music
Human voices will become.

It's Christmas again

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.

Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy.

Bethlehem courtyard

The Boy God was born in a manger
Among donkeys, lambs.
And I was illuminated by a star
Bethlehem courtyard and garden.

And the gray donkey thought,
Looking into the Baby's eyes:
“He came with goodness and faith,
With compassion and affection!”

And the puppy is a couch potato
I peeked from the kennel,
How the Magi came from the East,
They brought their gifts.

Miracle of miracles

Suddenly she flew onto the tree
A flock of bullfinches,
The tree immediately turned red
From living lights.

On its shaggy branches,
Instead of tinsel,
The frost will silver the mesh,
Snow globes.

And the crown is a shining star,
Miracle of miracles!
Christmas, friends, greetings
Primeval forest.

Christmas is one of the most important Orthodox holidays.

About Christmas for children

Today an Angel came down to us

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

Christmas greeting card

Ding-ding. Don. Ding-ding. Don.

You can hear the bell ringing!

Heralds the triumph -

Wonderful holiday Christmas.

Dean. Don. Dean. Don. Dean. Don.

Ding-ding. Don. Ding-ding. Don.

Merry Christmas!

Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and goodness!

Dean. Don. Dean. Don. Dean. Don.

Ding-ding. Don. Ding-ding. Don.

Bells are ringing!

Praise, praise the children

Wonderful Christmas holiday!

Dean. Don. Dean. Don. Dean. Don.

E. Golubeva

Christmas Carol

It's snowing quietly,

It is snowing,

And everything seems new

everything is new.

We're celebrating Christmas!


Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

E. Golubeva

Christmas star

Look, my friend, at the sky,

Hasn't that star risen...

The one that shines brightly

On the days of Holy Christmas,

Proclaiming to the whole world

About the birth of Christ.

Its ray reaches everyone:

In villages, groves, cities.

Look quickly at the sky

Here's to Christmas!

Look quickly at the sky

Here's to Christmas!

E. Golubeva

Christmas Star Light

Look how gently it flows

Light of the Christmas star.

In the snow in crystal shine

The traces glisten with light.

In the snow in crystal shine

The traces glisten with light.

Put your palms up -

Catch the marvelous light of the stars

And a piece of that light

Keep it in your heart!

And a piece of that light

Keep it in your heart!

E. Golubeva

The Messiah was not guessed

The Messiah was not guessed -

He was not born in a castle.

On earth - in a stable, in a den

He found a shelter for himself.

Happiness, unearthly joy

They illuminated His Face,

But fate was different

Prepared a long time ago.

The Messiah was not guessed -

He was not born in a castle.

On earth - in a stable, in a den

He found a shelter for himself.

E. Golubeva

Christmas tree beauty

Christmas tree beauty,

Light up the lights!

Christmas tree beauty,

Have fun with us.

Together we meet

Christmas holiday,

It will be near the Christmas tree

We're having a celebration!

It will be near the Christmas tree

We're having a celebration!

With lights, Christmas tree,

Blink mysteriously

Christmas toys

You put up the branches.

The twigs smell like that

Forest and resin.

A song with us, Christmas tree,

About Christmas binge.

A song with us, Christmas tree,

About Christmas binge.

E. Golubeva

Christmas tree

Christmas tree -

holy pledge of goodness!

Christmas tree

the kids love it so much.

Christmas tree

the kids love it so much.

There are gifts under the Christmas tree -

they are given from the heart.

Happy people at the Christmas tree

kids rejoice!

Happy people at the Christmas tree

kids rejoice!

Christmas tree

came from afar

Always evergreen

brought us a holiday.

Always evergreen

brought us a holiday.

Christmas tree,

shine brighter!

Smiles, gifts,

to make the world a kinder place.

Smiles, gifts,

to make the world a kinder place.

Give people joy -

There will be peace on earth.

No one will forget

Then about Christmas.

No one will forget

Then about Christmas.

E. Golubeva

Under the cover of a starry night...

Under the cover of the starry night

The children sing joyfully:

They lead like angels.

The world fell silent, then I heard singing, -

“Your Nativity, O Christ our God,” -

The heavens echo the children.

E. Golubeva

a Christmas gift

Baby angel on Christmas Eve

God sent to earth:

“How will you go through the spruce forest,”

He said with a smile,

You cut down the tree, and the little one,

The kindest on earth,

The most affectionate and sensitive

Give as a memory of Me."

And meets you on the street

Little angel - he is standing,

Looks at God's Christmas tree

And the gaze lights up with delight.

“Christmas tree, Christmas tree! - clapped

He's clapping. - I wish I

I don't deserve this tree

And she's not for me...

But take it to your sister,

What lies with us is sick,

Make her so happy

She’s worth a Christmas tree!”

And then by some miracle

The stars fell from the sky

And, sparkling with emerald,

The branches of the Christmas tree stuck into the branches.

The Christmas tree sparkles and shines!

A heavenly symbol was given to her;

And trembles with delight

Amazed little boy...

And, having learned such love,

Angel, moved to tears,

Good news to God

What a priceless gift he brought

F.M. Dostoevsky (excerpt)

Adoration of the Magi

The Lord gave the Child to the Virgin,

Most Holy Divine Mary.

Not in the royal chambers, but in the stable

The world met the appearance of the Messiah.

In poverty the One born is not guessed,

But wise men from the East came to Him,

Gold, myrrh and fragrant incense

They brought it with them from afar.

And they laid down their precious gift,

Stooping down before the Baby,

And to your country in a humble crowd

They departed, according to God’s word.

F.N. Glinka

The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament...

The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament

The southern stars are trembling.

Mother's eyes with a smile

Quiet people look into the manger.

No ears, no extra glances, -

The roosters crowed -

And behind the Angels in the highest

The shepherds praise God.

The manger quietly shines in the eyes,

Mary's face is illuminated.

Star choir to another choir

I listened to my trembling ears, -

And above Him it burns high

That star of distant lands:

The kings of the East carry with her

Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.



Nativity of Christ, an angel has arrived.

He flew across the sky and sang a song to people:

You people rejoice,

Everyone celebrate today -

Today is Christmas!

The shepherds were the first to come to the nativity scene

And the Child Christ and Mother were found.

We stood and prayed

They worshiped Christ.

Today is Christmas!

And the wise men from the east followed the star,

They brought myrrh, incense, and gold to the King of kings.

They came and were surprised

They bowed down meekly.

Today is Christmas!

We have all sinned, O Savior, before You.

We are all sinners, You alone are Holy.

Forgive my sins

Give us some space.

Today is Christmas!

(Folk words and music)


We magnify You, /Life-Giving Christ,/

for our sake now born in the flesh / from

The Blessed / and the Most Pure Virgin Mary.

Troparion of the Nativity of Christ

voice 4

Your Nativity, O Christ our God, /

the rise of the world and the light of reason / in it there is more

serving the stars, / studying with the stars, /

I bow to you, the Sun of truth, / and to you

lead from the heights of the East: / Lord,

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is approaching. Poets from different countries have long dedicated their lines to this extraordinary day. Let us recall today some of the most famous poems about Christmas.

That night the Earth was in turmoil

A. Khomyakov

That night the Earth was in turmoil:
The sparkle of a large, strange star
Suddenly blinded the mountains and villages,
Cities, deserts and gardens.

And in the desert the lionesses watched,
How, so full of wondrous gifts,
The chariots moved silently,
Camels and elephants walked important.

And in the brow of a large caravan,
With your eyes fixed on the sky,
Three wise men in intricate turbans
We were going to pay our respects to someone.

And in the cave, where the lights were on all night
Torches, blinking and smoking,
There the lambs were seen in the manger
Sleeping beautiful Child.

That night all creation was in turmoil,
The birds sang in the midnight darkness,
Proclaiming goodwill to everyone,
The coming of peace on earth.

God's tree

G. Heine

Brightly with star rays
The blue sky shines...
- Why, tell me, mom,
Brighter than the stars in the sky
On the holy night of Christmas?
Like a Christmas tree in a mountain world
This midnight is lit
And diamond lights,
And the shine of radiant stars
Is she all decorated?
- Truth, my son, in God's heaven
On this holy night
A Christmas tree is lit for the world
And full of wonderful gifts
For the family, she is human.
Look how bright the stars are
They shine for the world there, in the distance:
The holy gifts shine in them -
For people - goodwill,
Peace and truth are for the earth.


G. Longfellow

There is a Christmas haze all around.
Bells ring in the darkness,
And the words sound in harmony with them:

I felt like on this day
Life in cities and villages
Having united, the call sounds:
“Peace on earth and happiness to all!”

The night is silent

A. Fet

The night is quiet
On the unsteady firmament
The southern stars are trembling.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet people look into the manger.

No ears, no extra glances,
The roosters crowed -
And behind the angels in the highest
The shepherds praise God.

The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
Mary's face is illuminated.
A star choir to another choir
I listened with trembling ears.

And above Him it burns high
That star of distant lands;
The kings of the east carry with her
Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.


I. Cook

How cold it was that night
When He was born.
The whole world was in darkness and cold,
Like being submerged in water.

The shepherds called to each other,
Fearing wolves in the mountains,
In a remote gorge for a rest
There was a caravan of magicians.

Let the blizzard swirl all night
And the honeydew falls asleep.
But in a manger, as if in a cradle,
The Mother lays down the Baby.

For the first time air on earth
He breathed in with all his chest,
For the first time a coal in the ashes
There was a flash in His eyes

And everything became quiet so that He -
Lord of the High Powers -
Here on earth my first dream
Tasted it like a child.

There are countries...

S. Nadson

There are countries where people have not known for centuries
No blizzards, no loose snow;
There they sparkle only with unmelting snow
The tops of granite ridges...

The flowers there are more fragrant, the stars are larger,
Spring is brighter and more elegant,
And the feathers of the birds are brighter there, and warmer
The sea wave is breathing there...

In such and such a country on a balmy night,
With the whisper of laurels and roses
The desired miracle happened in person:
The Christ Child was born.


Sasha Cherny

In the manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of His hair...

The Bull Breathed on the Baby's Face
And, rustling like straw,
On an elastic knee
I looked at it, barely breathing.

Sparrows through the roof poles
They flocked to the manger,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
The cat was the most comfortable of all
Warm the Child sideways in the manger...

Subdued white goat
I breathed on His forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly:

“Look at the Child
Just a minute for me too!”
And he cried loudly
In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, having opened his eyes,
Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart
And with a smile full of affection,
He whispered: “Look quickly!”


I. Brodsky

The star was shining brightly from the sky.
The cold wind shoveled the snow into a snowdrift.
The sand rustled. The fire crackled at the entrance.

The smoke was like a candle. The fire curled like a hook.
And the shadows became shorter,
then suddenly longer. No one around knew
that the count of life will begin from this night.

The Magi have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
Steep arches surrounded the manger.
The snow was swirling. White steam swirled.
The baby was lying, and the gifts were lying.

God is with us

V. Soloviev

That night has already receded into the darkness of centuries,
When, tired of anger and anxiety,
The earth has fallen asleep in the arms of the sky,
And in silence God was born with us.

And much is impossible now:
Kings no longer look at the sky
And the shepherds do not listen in the desert,
How angels talk about God.

But the eternal that was revealed that night -
It is indestructible by time,
And the Word was born again in your soul,
Born before the manger long ago.

Yes, God is with us - not there, in the azure tent,
Not beyond countless worlds,
Not in an evil fire and not in a stormy breath,
And not in the fallen memory of centuries.

He is here now, amidst the random bustle,
In the muddy stream of life's anxieties,
You own a joyful secret:
Powerlessly evil! We are eternal: God is with us!

Christmas night

Olga Guzova

The snow falls white-white
to the hills and houses;
dressed in sparkle-frost
Old Russian winter.

The stillness of the blue river...
And you don’t need anything -
on the painted porch
Christmas is lurking.

The cradle will rock
and drive the clouds away...
All doubts will be debunked
that Christmas night.

Before Christmas

Valentin Berestov

“And why are you, my stupid baby,
Nose pressed to the glass,
You sit in the dark and look
Into the empty frosty darkness.

Come with me there,
Where a star shines in the room,
Where with bright candles,
Balloons, gifts
The Christmas tree in the corner is decorated!”

- “No, soon a star will light up in the sky.
She will bring you here tonight
as soon as Christ is born
(Yes, yes, right to these places!
Yes, yes, right in this frost!),
Eastern kings, wise magicians,
To glorify the child Christ.
And I already saw shepherds through the window!
I know where the barn is! I know where the ox is!
And a donkey walked down our street!”

Bright holiday of Christmas

Happy Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith,
To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic
Happy Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas!

Baby Christ born

There are countries where people have not known for centuries
No blizzards, no loose snow;
There they sparkle only with unmelting snow
Tops of granite ridges.

The flowers there are more fragrant, the stars are larger,
Spring is brighter and more elegant,
And the feathers of the birds are brighter there, and warmer
There is a sea wave breathing there.

In such a country on a balmy night,
With the whisper of laurels and roses
The desired miracle happened in person:
The Christ Child was born.

Times of miracles

Those were the times of miracles
The words of the prophet came true:
Angels descended from heaven
The star was rolling from the East.

The world awaited redemption -
And in the poor manger of Bethlehem,
To the song of praise of Eden,
The wondrous baby shone,
And thundered across Palestine
Voice in the wilderness…

Holy night

Holy night! How you shine
On our life's journey!
You strengthen our strength
And you teach us where to go.

Messenger of another world,
You, Star of Bethlehem,
From the bleakness of the desert
Led to the Living Key!

Let's forget grief and sadness

Let's forget
And grief and sadness!
Baby Jesus was born today!

He was born at night, in a deep cave.
He was surrounded only by birds and animals!
Yes, angels, yes, postures and wise men!
And that means people, and that means us!

They stood aside and quietly watched
What a miracle this is in Holy Bethlehem!

Fluffy snow at Christmas

Fluffy snow
Covered by a dense forest,
The earth fell asleep in a quiet sleep,
The vault of heaven darkened.

Today is a rest from work,
Forgetfulness of all worries...
The first star will light up -
And Christ will come to us.

Suitable for every family
Bring peace and quiet,
Show everyone your goodness,
Give the children a feast.


Today will be Christmas
The whole city is waiting for the secret,
He sleeps in the crystal frost
And waits: the magic will happen.

Blizzards took possession of him,
In the cathedrals there is the flickering of candles and singing,
And silvery incense smoke.

Miracles will happen
So easily, in a crowd of passers-by,
And suddenly they look like music
Human voices will become.

It's Christmas again

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.

Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all our hearts
With this great joy.

Bethlehem courtyard

The Boy God was born in a manger
Among donkeys, lambs.
And I was illuminated by a star
Bethlehem courtyard and garden.

And the gray donkey thought,
Looking into the Baby's eyes:
“He came with goodness and faith,
With compassion and affection!”

And the puppy is a couch potato
I peeked from the kennel,
How the Magi came from the East,
They brought their gifts.

Miracle of miracles

Suddenly she flew onto the tree
A flock of bullfinches,
The tree immediately turned red
From living lights.

On its shaggy branches,
Instead of tinsel,
The frost will silver the mesh,
Snow globes.

And the crown is a shining star,
Miracle of miracles!
Christmas, friends, greetings
Primeval forest.

Anything can happen on this day. Poems for Christmas bring only kindness and joy. With such works you can tell children about the history of such a magnificent holiday. It is so rich and fascinating that a child will not be able to tear himself away from such a story. After all, it all looks so much like a charming fairy tale. Also, it is worth noting that thanks to such poems you will tell your child about the faith that is inherent in every person. Faith is the strongest feeling that a person has throughout his life. You can tell your child that if you really believe in miracles, then miracles will happen to him at every step. It is this feeling that helps a person move on, even if at the moment everything is very difficult. You can take the child to church and tell him in detail about the icons that are in it. Children love art, and icons are unsurpassed masterpieces that are very rich in their history.

Christmas is celebrated in winter, when the entire earth is covered with snow-white snow. It sparkles in the sun with multi-colored colors, which is very mesmerizing to look at. This holiday means that you need to decorate your home as brightly and beautifully as possible. You can also tell your child why the tradition of a pine wreath on the door began, and also why there should be exactly 12 dishes on the table. It all looks like a fairy tale. The child simply will not be able to tear himself away from your story. Thus, you will tell the little man a piece of a very important story that everyone should know. The kid will happily learn poems for Christmas and tell them to everyone he meets, wishing him all the best.

Unfortunately, we have begun to forget that miracles exist and happen. Such holidays allow you to remind yourself that you should not lose faith and enjoy every little thing. Such poems are filled with love, kindness and faith in beauty. Thus, the child at a subconscious level distinguishes between good and bad. Also, on such a holiday, you can tell your child that you need to help people, at least with a word. You need to share your joy and cheerful mood with others and help everyone who needs help.

You should tell your child how important it is to be a kind and sympathetic person. After all, good deeds always come back doubly. Tell your child that someday he will also need help, and there will be a person who will want to help him. The modern world has changed somewhat, and people have begun to forget that goodness is the most important factor in human relationships. You need to tell your baby that Jesus at one time sacrificed his life for the sake of all humanity. He gave each of us a chance to live. You need to be grateful for this and try to bring goodness to everyone around you. This brings people together and helps them gain faith that everything will be fine.

Of course, for a child, the main factor in the holiday is preparation and gifts. Help your child decorate the house the way he likes. Spend as much time as possible with your child on this day. Of course, you work and try to give your child the best, but you forget that the little man needs attention and as much communication as possible with his parents. Spend the whole day together. Put everything aside and dedicate it to your family. Play snowballs with your child, build a snowman, decorate the house, learn Christmas poems together.

Go with your child to your neighbors and relatives. Let your child tell you the rhymes you have learned. Tell him that on such a day all wishes and dreams will definitely come true if you really, really want it. Tell your child that you need help preparing for the holiday, he will be very happy to help you with this matter. And also, he will be very proud of himself for helping you in difficult times.
