If the soe is normal, it means healthy. Elevated ESR in the blood: what does it mean. Causes of low ESR

You feel normal, nothing causes serious concern ... And suddenly, when you take another blood test, it turns out that your erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) has changed. Should I be worried? How important is the value of this indicator and what should be done in such a situation? Let's figure it out together.

ESR analysis: what is it

ESR (ROE, ESR) - erythrocyte sedimentation rate - is a very important characteristic that can indirectly indicate inflammatory and pathological processes in the body, including those occurring in a latent form. The ESR index is influenced by a number of factors, including: infectious diseases, fever, chronic inflammation. Upon receipt of an ESR analysis result that does not meet the standard values, the doctor will always prescribe an additional examination to identify the cause of the deviation.

To determine the level of ESR, an anticoagulant (a substance that prevents clotting) is added to the blood taken for analysis. Then this composition for one hour is placed in a vertically mounted container. The specific gravity of erythrocytes is higher than the specific gravity of plasma. That is why, under the influence of gravity, erythrocytes settle to the bottom. The blood is divided into 2 layers. Plasma remains in the upper one, and erythrocytes accumulate in the lower one. After that, the height of the top layer is measured. The number corresponding to the border between erythrocytes and plasma on the test tube scale will be the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, measured in millimeters per hour.

Why is a blood test important?
Blood consists of plasma and formed elements: erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, the balance of which reflects the state of the patient's body. Many pathological processes develop asymptomatically, so a timely analysis often helps to identify a number of diseases in the early stages, which allows them to be treated in time and avoid many problems.

When is an erythrocyte sedimentation rate test ordered?

Determination of ESR is necessary in the following situations:

  • for diagnostics and preventive examinations;
  • to monitor the patient's condition during treatment;
  • with infectious diseases;
  • with inflammatory diseases;
  • with autoimmune disorders;
  • in the presence of ongoing oncological processes in the body.

Preparing and conducting a blood sampling procedure

An ESR analysis does not require special preparation, but before donating blood, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Firstly, one day before the analysis, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, and 40-60 minutes from smoking. Secondly, you can not eat 4-5 hours before the study, you can only drink non-carbonated water. Thirdly, if you are taking medications, check with your doctor, as it is advisable to stop taking medications before the study. And most importantly - try to avoid any emotional and physical overload before the test.

Analysis Methodology

The determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is carried out in one of two ways: by the Panchenkov method or by the Westergren method.

Panchenkov's method

A 5% solution of sodium citrate (anticoagulant) is poured into a capillary divided into 100 divisions up to the “P” mark. After that, the capillary is filled with blood (the biomaterial is taken from the finger) up to the “K” mark. The contents of the vessel are mixed, then placed strictly vertically. ESR readings are taken after an hour.

Westergren method

For analysis according to Westergren, blood from a vein is needed. It is mixed with sodium citrate 3.8% in a ratio of 4:1. Another option: blood from a vein is mixed with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and then diluted with the same sodium citrate or saline in a 4:1 ratio. The analysis is carried out in special tubes with a scale of 200 mm. ESR is determined in an hour.

This method is recognized worldwide. The fundamental difference is in the type of test tubes and the scale used. The results of both methods coincide in standard values. However, the Westergren method is more sensitive to increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and in this situation the results will be more accurate than the Panchenkov method.

Deciphering the ESR analysis

The results of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate test are usually prepared within one working day, not counting the day of blood donation. However, commercial medical centers with their own laboratory can provide the test result more quickly - within two hours after sampling the biomaterial.

So, you received a form with the result of the analysis for ESR. On the left you will see this abbreviation (either ROE or ESR) and on the right your result in mm/h. To find out how it corresponds to the norm, you should correlate it with the reference (average) values ​​\u200b\u200bcorresponding to your age and gender. The ESR norm indicators for men and women of different ages are as follows:

The ESR norm in women is slightly higher than in men. Also, the indicator changes during pregnancy - this is a natural process. The value may also depend on the time of day. The maximum value of ESR is usually reached around noon.

ESR increased

An increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be caused by a variety of reasons. Consider the main ones:

  • Infectious diseases - both acute (bacterial) and chronic.
  • Inflammatory processes occurring in various organs and tissues.
  • Connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, vasculitis).
  • Oncological diseases of various localizations.
  • Myocardial infarction (damage to the heart muscle occurs, this entails a systemic inflammatory response, resulting in an increased ESR). After a heart attack, ESR peaks about a week later.
  • anemia. In these diseases, there is a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and an acceleration of their sedimentation rate.
  • Burns, injuries.
  • Amyloidosis is a disease associated with the accumulation of abnormal protein in tissues.

However, elevated ESR can also be observed in healthy people. For example, in women during menstruation and pregnancy. Also, some medications affect the result of the analysis, for example, oral contraceptives, theophylline, and the intake of synthesized vitamin A.

ESR can be increased in people who are overweight. This is due to high levels of cholesterol in their blood.

ESR lowered

A decrease in the reaction of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is often noted by doctors in diseases such as erythrocytosis, leukocytosis, DIC, and hepatitis. Also, ESR decreases with polycythemia (an increase in the number of red blood cells) and conditions leading to it, such as chronic heart failure or lung disease.

Another reason for the decrease in ESR is the pathology in which changes in the shape of red blood cells occur. It can be sickle cell anemia or hereditary spherocytosis. These diseases make it difficult for erythrocytes to settle.

In addition, ESR can be lowered in "radical" vegetarians, that is, those who do not eat not only meat, but also any food of animal origin.

It should be remembered that the ESR test is one of the non-specific laboratory blood tests. An increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is observed in a variety of diseases. In addition, this indicator can be increased under certain circumstances and in healthy people. Therefore, based on the results of this study alone, a diagnosis cannot be made. To detail the latter, it is recommended to undergo additional tests, including quantitative analysis of C-reactive protein, leukocyte formula, rheumatoid factor.

Wednesday, 03/28/2018

Editorial opinion

A high erythrocyte sedimentation rate is not a cause for panic. However, to avoid unnecessary anxiety, it is better to consult a doctor and take tests to find out the cause of the deviation from the norm and, if necessary, take action. Careful attention to your health should be mandatory for each of us.

What is ESR in a blood test? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR for short, is a non-specific laboratory test that may indicate an inflammatory, allergic, or other pathological process in the body.

Blood reacts to almost any change in the work of the human body. That is why a general (clinical) blood test is prescribed to patients with almost any disease, as well as during a dispensary examination. This analysis examines a range of indicators, including ESR.

In children of the first year of life, an increase in ESR may be due to teething, as well as the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What does ESR mean in a blood test?

The density of plasma is less than the density of red blood cells. Therefore, erythrocytes in a test tube under the influence of gravity settle to the bottom, and after a while the blood is divided into two parts: a transparent plasma and a red precipitate. The rate of this process also depends on the rate of adhesion of red blood cells to each other (the process of erythrocyte aggregation). Clumped cells are heavier and therefore sink to the bottom faster.

The aggregation of red blood cells is influenced by many substances that make up the blood, for example, fibrinogen, albumins, globulins. They change the charge of the erythrocyte membrane, thereby increasing their ability to stick together and, as a result, increase the ESR.

In 1918, the Swedish scientist Faro suggested using the ESR indicator in a blood test. It was he who established that in women during pregnancy, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases. Later, he revealed that ESR reacts with an increase in other conditions and diseases. However, this laboratory test entered wide clinical practice much later. This happened in 1926, when another Swedish doctor, Westergren, proposed his own method for determining the ESR, which is widely used today.

In the medical and diagnostic institutions of the USSR, the ESR was determined according to the Panchenkov method, which is still used today in many clinics in the CIS countries. The results of determining the ESR by these two methods, which lie in the normal range, coincide with each other. However, the Westergren study is more sensitive to an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, therefore, in the zone of elevated values, it gives a more accurate result.

ESR can be due to both pathological and physiological causes, the elimination of which leads to the normalization of the indicator.

ESR cannot be considered as a specific symptom of any disease. However, if this indicator is increased, this is a kind of signal for the doctor about the need for a further, more in-depth examination of the patient (biochemical analysis, detailed clinical analysis with leukocyte formula, ultrasound, radiography, etc.).

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in modern test forms is designated "ESR" and is measured in mm / h.

Normal ESR values

The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation rate depends on the age and gender of the patient.


Girls and boys

Girls and boys

2–6 months

Girls and boys

6–12 months

Girls and boys

Girls and boys

Girls and boys

31 years and older

61 years and older

In some laboratories, to determine the ESR norm in patients aged 50 years and older, they do not use the data presented in the table, but the formula according to which the upper limit of the ESR norm in men is their age divided by two. For women, the formula is different: B / 2 + 10, where “B” means age. However, this method has not found wide distribution, since it often interprets a high ESR, requiring further additional examination of the patient, as normal.

In pregnant women, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can reach 40-50 mm / h, which is not a pathology and does not require any treatment.

ESR decoding

The reason for the increase in ESR can be a variety of diseases and conditions. That is why the decoding of ESR is carried out taking into account other laboratory tests, as well as instrumental examination data and clinical signs of the disease.

In most cases, ESR begins to increase not from the first hours of the disease, but only after 2-3 days. After recovery, this indicator returns to normal only after a few weeks.

Most often lead to an increase in ESR:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • almost all infectious and inflammatory diseases.

According to medical statistics, in 40% of cases, a high ESR indicates an infectious process. In 23% of cases, malignant neoplasms lead to an increase in the indicator, and in 17% - rheumatic diseases. Anemia, trauma, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the organs of the small pelvis and gastrointestinal tract are the cause of increased ESR in 8% of cases. In less than 3% of cases, an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate was observed in kidney disease.

Despite the available statistics, it is impossible to make a diagnosis on the basis of an increase in ESR alone. In addition to pathological, there are also physiological causes that affect ESR (pregnancy, type of diet, exercise, allergic reactions, taking certain medications).

In most cases, ESR begins to increase not from the first hours of the disease, but only after 2-3 days. After recovery, this indicator returns to normal only after a few weeks.

Cases of reduced ESR in clinical practice are rare. The reasons may be:

  • violations of water and electrolyte balance with the phenomena of hyperhydration;
  • acute and chronic liver failure;
  • therapy with high doses of corticosteroids;
  • smoking;
  • early pregnancy;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • vegetarianism.

Causes of increased ESR in children

Due to the immaturity of the immune system, the body of children reacts violently to any diseases and other altered conditions.

How to normalize ESR?

It should be understood that a high ESR value is not an independent pathology. It can be due to both pathological and physiological causes, the elimination of which leads to the normalization of the indicator. For example, in pregnant women after childbirth, ESR independently returns to the normal range. If the cause of the increase in ESR was an infectious disease, then the normalization of the indicator occurs some time after anti-infective therapy. With iron deficiency anemia, patients are prescribed iron supplements and multivitamins, and with diabetes, insulin or sugar-lowering drugs.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Quantitative and qualitative composition of blood at different times in the same person may differ. A blood test that helps determine the state of the body and identify the presence of diseases contains such an indicator as ESR. It helps to assess how quickly erythrocyte cells aggregate. In turn, the results obtained may indicate the presence in the blood of various components that act as a catalyst for the reaction, or, conversely, cause it to slow down. What are the ESR standards, what do they depend on and how to avoid getting false results, we will consider further.

Before assessing which of the indicators are normal, it is worth understanding the mechanism of the analysis itself. Its principle is quite simple: the blood into which the anticoagulant is injected gradually begins to separate into fractions. The erythrocytes that stick together become heavier and settle to the bottom, while the leukocytes and platelets rise to the top. Plasma, as the lightest part, will always be on top.

The distance that erythrocytes travel, settling on the bottom of the vessel for a certain period of time, is the ESR.

The data is given in mm/h. It is worth noting that even in the last century, a different designation was used - ROE, which in fact is one and the same analysis. ROE (erythrocyte sedimentation reaction) in the blood is normally calculated using a special formula, taking into account the time and distance traveled by the cells.

On the rate of sedimentation reaction many factors play a role, therefore, the results of the study may indicate the presence of health problems. These indicators have limits of norms in accordance with such differences as:

  • age;
  • presence of pregnancy.

Why is this happening? In newborns and children up to 6 months, the ESR level is 1-3 mm / h.

This is due to the absence of a large number of protein molecules in the blood, as well as increased hematocrit.

At the age of 6-12 months, this process accelerates and amounts to 10-14 mm / h, which, from a scientific point of view, is explained by the formation of immunity, as well as the transition to another form of nutrition.

For children from 1 to 10 years old, the ROE rate is 1-8 mm / h.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

In an adult male aged 16-55, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate should not exceed 10 mm/h.

For women, the rates are slightly higher than 2-15 mm / h. In the presence of pregnancy in the first trimester, the lower limit shifts upwards, and starting from the fourth month, the indicator can reach 45-75 mm / h, which is the absolute norm and is explained by the presence of physiological changes in the body.

In some laboratories, when examining the blood of pregnant women, take into account body composition. For thin girls, the norm is 35-55 mm / h, while for women who are prone to fullness, the upper limit can reach 65-75 mm / h.

After delivery, the indicators can reach their peak, since for the purpose of self-preservation, a large number of protein molecules are released into the blood, provoking accelerated aggregation. The indicators return to normal in 1-2 months.

If this did not happen and the blood test shows high values, then there is an increase in plasma volume, which will return to normal over time.

After 55 years, when the aging processes are activated in the body, the norm of ESR in the blood is:

  • in men - 25-32 mm / h;
  • in women - 23-25 ​​mm / h.

In adults, the normal ESR is usually more than children.

But how much ESR should be in each person depends primarily on the individual characteristics of the organism.

What can affect the results?

This analysis is sensitive to changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the blood, which in turn is completely controlled by the body. There are a number of factors that can have a direct impact on the accuracy of the results, giving false indicators. This is referred to.

The article is based on the findings of 63 scientific studies

The article citesresearch authors:
  • Unità Reumatologica, 2nd Divisione di Medicina, Ospedale di Prato, Italy
  • Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Center, Canada
  • Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • and other authors.

Please note that the numbers in brackets (1 , 2 , 3 , etc.) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific studies. You can follow these links and read the original source of information for the article.

What is ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)

Normally, red blood cells (erythrocytes) settle relatively slowly. Settling faster than normal values ​​may show inflammation. in organism. Inflammation is part of the immune system's response to problems in the body. It could be a reaction to an infection or injury. Inflammation can also be a sign of a chronic illness, an immune system disorder, or other health problems.

Erythrocyte sedimentation(ESR) was discovered in 1897 Polish physician Edmund Faustyn Biernacki (1866-1911). The practical use of ESR was not known at the time, so it was often ignored by physicians. But in 1918 it was found that the ESR changes in pregnant women, and in 1926 Westergren developed his own method for determining the ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). [,]

The main factors affecting ESR - hematocrit(proportion of erythrocytes in the blood) and blood proteins such asfibrinogen. .

ESR in a blood test

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR) is a blood test that checks for inflammation. He measures distance in millimeters on which red blood cells move (settle) in one hour (mm/h). [ , ].


There are several ways to do this, such as the Westergren method, the Wintrobe method, or MicroESR and automated methods. [ , , ]

Westergren's method for calculating ESR

The Westergren method is considered gold standard in the measurement of ESR.

The doctor mixes the blood sample with sodium citrate (4:1 ratio). He then puts the mixture into a Westergren-Katz tube (diameter 2.5 mm) up to the 200 mm mark. Then he sets the tube vertically and leaves it in that position at room temperature (18-25 °C) for one hour. At the end of that hour, the doctor measures how far the red blood cells have moved (dropped down by gravity). This distance shows the ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).


In a modified Westergren method, the doctor uses edetic acid instead of sodium citrate. [ , , ].

Other methods for calculating ESR

Wintrob Method e is less sensitive than the Westergren method and its maximum values ​​can be misleading. [ , ]

Micro ESR Method Quite fast (approximately 20 minutes) and popular for determining ESR in infants, as this test requires very little blood. This study is also useful for diagnosing neonatal sepsis. [ , R, ]

Automated Methods are faster, easier to use, and could be better predictors for autoimmune diseases. However, their sensitivity to the technical procedures for obtaining and storing blood (blood mixing, tube size, etc.) may affect test results. [ , , , , , R , , ]

What can show the value of ESR


The ESR test checks if you have inflammation. During inflammation, some proteins appear in the blood, for example, fibrinogen. These proteins cause red blood cells to cling to each other and form clumps. This makes them heavier than a single erythrocyte, and therefore they settle faster, which increases the ESR value. [ , , ]

In this way, high ESR indicates inflammation. The higher the ESR, the higher the inflammation. [ , , ]

But, the ESR test is not very sensitive (so it cannot detect all types of inflammation), and it is not very specific, so it cannot diagnose specific diseases.

Presence of specific diseases

An ESR test can help diagnose certain conditions:

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica (an inflammatory disease that causes muscle pain and stiffness) [ , , ]
  • Giant cell arteritis (inflammation of the blood vessels) [ , , , , ]
  • Bone infections [ , , ].
  • Subacute thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) [ , , ]
  • Ulcerative colitis

The course of some diseases

Determination of ESR cannot diagnose diseases, but this test can track the progress of treatment for certain diseases :

  • Heart diseases [ , , ]
  • Cancer [ , , ]
  • [R, , , ]
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [ , , r]
  • Sickle cell anemia [ , , ]

See the threat to life

ESR level above 100 mm/h may suggest serious illnesses such as infections, heart disease or cancer.[ , , , ]

An increase in the level of ESR with oncological suspicion can predict the development of a malignant tumor or the progression of the disease in the form appearance of metastases. [ , , , , ]

Highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is produced by the body when the walls of blood vessels become inflamed. The higher your hs-CRP level, the higher your inflammation level.

Relationship between ESR and C-reactive protein

During inflammation, our liver produces a substance called C-reactive protein (CRP). A blood test for CRP levels checks to see if you have inflammation or infection. A CRP level greater than 10 mg/dL almost certainly indicates the presence of an infection. [ , , ]

More information about the possibilities to reduce the values ​​​​of C-reactive protein can be found in.

In most blood tests, the CRP test is used in conjunction with the ESR. [ , , ].

Analysis for C-reactive protein (especially its ultra-sensitive test type) is more sensitive than ESR and produces fewer false negatives/positives than ESR.

C-reactive protein is best used to check and track progress acute

Revealing ESR best used to check and track progress chronic inflammation and infections. [ , , ]

The ratio of CRP and ESR in various diseases

High ESR and high CRP

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Bone and joint infection
  • Ischemic stroke
  • Macroglobulinemia waldenstrom
  • multiple myeloma
  • kidney failure
  • Low albumin in the blood

Low ESR and high CRP

  • Urinary tract, lung and bloodstream infections
  • myocardial infarction
  • Venous thromboembolic disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Low albumin in the blood

How You Can Reduce Inflammation and CRP

A special anti-inflammatory diet and exercise together can significantly reduce CRP (highly sensitive) levels. After 3 weeks of following a special diet and exercise, scientists from the University of California recorded that the level of highly sensitive-CRP decreased by an average of 39% in men, 45% in women, and 41% in children.

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Joint or shoulder pain
  • Rapid weight loss

Normal ESR values

At age under 50 years old normal values ​​of ESR: for men n - 0-15 mm/hour, for women– 0-20 mm/hour.

At age over 50 years old normal values ​​of ESR: for men– 0-20 mm/hour, for women– 0-30 mm/hour.

For kids normal ESR should be less 10 mm/hour.

Low ESR values ​​are normal and do not cause any symptoms.


What raises the level of ESR


  • Inflammation, infection, or cancer can increase ESR [ , , , , , ]
  • / old age [ , , , , ]
  • Anemia ( a decrease in hematocrit increases the values ​​of ESR) [ , , , ]
  • macrocytosis(the appearance of large red blood cells in the blood) [ , ]
  • Polycythemia(increased production of red blood cells) [ , , , , ]
  • Enhanced Levelfibrinogen[ , ]
  • Pregnancy[ , ]
  • [ , , ]
  • kidney failure
  • Chronic heart failure
  • Obesity[ , ].
  • Hyperlipidemia(high blood lipids)
  • Heart diseases[ , , ]
  • Autoimmune diseases(but not required)
  • Rheumatic polymyalgia(inflammatory disease in which there is pain in the muscles of the shoulders and hips) [ , p , ]
  • Subacute thyroiditis
  • alcoholic liver disease, which can lead to a decrease in albumin production, and therefore an increase in ESR
  • and ulcerative colitis[ , ]
  • Giant cell arteritis(inflammation in large arteries) [ , ]
  • multiple myeloma
  • Macroglobulinemia of Waldenström(a tumor that produces a large amount of immunoglobulins) [ , ]
  • and stroke
  • Cancer(risk of progression and death) [ , , ]
The characteristic patterns of changes that occur in blood plasma through the concentration of some acute phase proteins after moderate inflammation are shown. Pay attention to the duration of fibrinogen production (simultaneous increase in ESR).

Substances and drugs

  • Iodine(for thyroid problems)
  • Eating large amounts of ginger(in the presence of subacute thyroiditis)
  • Contraceptive drugs
  • [ , , , ]
  • Dextran(antithrombotic)

What lowers ESR

When the size of the red blood cells becomes smaller, they will settle more slowly in the test tube, hence a lower ESR will be diagnosed. With various blood diseases, the size, number and shape of red blood cells can change.

The list of physiological conditions when red blood cells can change and at the same time the ESR level will decrease:

  • Red blood cell diseases: extreme leukocytosis, erythrocytosis, sickle cell anemia, spherocytosis, acanthocytosis, and anisocytosis. [ , , , , ]
  • Protein anomalies: hypofibrinogenemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and dysproteinemia with blood hyperviscosity. [ , , , , , ]
  • The use of drugs: NSAIDs, statins, corticosteroids, painkillers, levamisole, prednisolone. [ , , , , ]


Increased ESR in some diseases

Rheumatic polymyalgia

Rheumatic polymyalgia is an inflammatory disease that mainly affects people over the age of 50. The disease causes pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and hips, or causes pain throughout the body. [R, , ]

ESR analysis is often used as a diagnostic tool in polymyalgia rheumatica by assessing levels of inflammation. [ , ]

In numerous studies involving a total of 872 people diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica, the majority of patients showed ESR values ​​above 30 mm/h. Only 6% to 22% of them showed ESR below 30 mm/h. [ , , , , , ]

A high ESR value (>30-40 mm/h) may indicate polymyalgia rheumatica. However, a normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate cannot rule out this disease, so additional tests are required when making a diagnosis. [ , , , ]

Temporal arteritis or giant cell arteritis- This disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the blood vessels. It affects people over 50 and is more common among women. Symptoms of the disease can include headaches, joint pain, fever, eye pain, blindness, and even a stroke. This condition is often associated with polymyalgia rheumatica. [ , , , , ]

One of the diagnostic criteria for temporal arteritis is the level ESR within or above 50 mm/h.[ , , , , ]

In numerous studies (a total of 388 people with temporal arteritis participated), most patients showed ESR values ​​above 40 mm/h. [ , , , , , ]

Elevated ESR (>40-50 mm/h) may indicate temporal arteritis, but lower ESR values ​​(< 40 мм/ч) также не могут исключить это заболевание. Other tests are required, such as C-reactive protein testing, which are more sensitive in diagnosing this disease. [ , ]

Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system

A large number of studies involving 262,652 people demonstrated that people with elevated ESR had a higher chance of developing cardiac insufficiency, heart attack or compared to people with normal ESR levels. [ , , , , , , ]

Other studies with a total of 20,933 participants showed that people with high ESR had an increased risk death from heart disease or stroke. [ , , , , , ]

Another group of studies involving 484 patients with cardiovascular disease or stroke found an increase in ESR values ​​in most of these people. [ , , ]

Two studies (involving 983 patients undergoing heart surgery) found that patients with an ESR greater than 40 mm/h were in hospitals and intensive care units more often, and they had an increased risk of developing side effects during treatment. [R, ]

Cancer (malignant tumor)

The study involved 239,658 Swedish men. For those who showed meaning ESR above 15 mm/hour was on 63% increased risk of colon cancer compared with those men whose ESR was below 10 mm/h.

In a study of 5,500 people, those who had weight loss, anemia and high ESR had a 50% chance of diagnosing a malignant tumor. Who had only weight loss and high ESR, but no anemia, the chance of a cancer diagnosis was in 33%.

Another study, involving 4,452 women, evaluated the possible diagnosis breast cancer. As a result of this work, it was concluded that those women who had a significantly higher ESR level (>35 mm/h) were more likely to have a malignant tumor compared to healthy women and those women who had a benign tumor.

Numerous studies involving more than 1,200,000 men with a diagnosis have identified an addiction that indicated low survival and high risk of metastasis with ESR above 50 mm/h. [ , , ]

Two other studies with over 1,477 patients diagnosed with kidney cancer an increased risk of death was determined at high values ​​of ESR. [ , ]

In 854 patients with the disease Hodgkin's disease those people with an ESR above 30 mm/h had an active disease and had a higher risk of death. [R, ]

In a study involving 139 patients with skin cancer ESR values ​​above 22 mm/h were associated with lower survival and higher risk metastasis.

In another scientific experiment, 97 patients with blood cancer elevated ESR values ​​gave only a 53% chance of survival in this disease.

In 220 patients with stomach cancer ( men with ESR above 10 mm/h, women with ESR above 20 mm/h) was lower survival, large metastases and the size of the tumor itself in the stomach is larger.

In a study of 410 patients with a particular type bladder cancer ( urothelial carcinoma), ESR values ​​greater than 22 mm/h for men and 27 mm/h for women were associated with disease progression and death.

Patients with skin disease (dermatomyositis) and an ESR level above 35 mm/h had a higher chance of developing a malignant tumor.

In 94 patients with glioma(tumor of the brain or spinal cord) ESR values above 15 mm/h showed a higher chance of death.

In a study involving 42 patients multiple myeloma elevated ESR has been associated with lower survival rates.

Patients (189 people) diagnosed with lung cancer and high ESR showed low chances of survival compared with patients with low ESR values.

Rheumatoid arthritis

In a 25-year follow-up of 1,892 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 64% of patients had elevated ESR levels compared to healthy individuals.

Several studies involving 373 people and a 2-year study with 251 patients with rheumatoid arthritis found that high ESR values ​​were indicative of a worsening of the disease or a decrease in the effectiveness of its treatment. [ , , ]

However, in another study, 159 children with rheumatoid arthritis were followed for 1 year, and in this case, elevated ESR levels were not associated with disease progression.


ESR values ​​greater than 70 mm/h in adults and less than 12 mm/h in children may correspond to bone infections. [ , , , ]

In a study involving 61 patients with untreated leg infections, ESR values ​​greater than 67 mm/h indicated the development of osteomyelitis. .

With an inflammatory disease - spondylodiscitis, more than 90% of patients showed ESR values ​​in the range of 43 - 87 mm / h.

In a study involving 259 children who have been diagnosed with leg pain, at values ​​of ESR not higher than 12 mm/hour and C-reactive protein (CRP) higher than 7 mg/l, they most likely had an orthopedic infection.

In patients after hip arthroplasty an increase in ESR may indicate a postoperative infection.

A decrease in ESR during the treatment of infections may indicate the effectiveness of this treatment and an improvement in the degree of the disease. [p, p]

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease. It can affect the joints, nervous system, kidneys, skin, heart, and lungs. People with lupus have periods of improvement (remissions) and periods of worsening disease (flares). [ , R, ]

In patients with the active phase of systemic lupus erythematosus, ESR usually shows high values. Such an increase in ESR in patients with lupus may mean an outbreak of the disease. [ , ]

sickle cell anemia

In two studies involving 139 children with sickle cell anemia, normal ESR values ​​were below 8 mm/hour. And ESR values ​​above 20 mm/h indicated a crisis of the disease or an infection. [R, ]

If people with sickle cell anemia have a high ESR (>20 mm/h), this indicates an infection or a worsening disease.[ , , ]

Ulcerative colitis

The study followed 240,984 healthy men for 7 years. Those men who had a higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) than normal ESR had higher risk of developing ulcerative colitis.

ESR above 15 mm/h may predict relapse in patients with ulcerative colitis.

Thyroiditis (subacute)

Subacute thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland. The disease causes pain and swelling of the thyroid gland, fever and fatigue. In most patients with subacute thyroiditis ESR level is above 50 mm/h. [ , , , , , , ]

Ginger and iodine can cause an outbreak (exacerbation) of subacute thyroiditis, which will increase ESR. [ , ]


Causes of a high level of ESR

Increased fibrinogen

Nutrition (diet) high iniron, sugar, and caffeine may increase the amount of fibrinogen in the blood (study of 206 people).

Protein is known to be essential for maintaining healthy fibrinogen levels. In the case of protein deficiency (for example, in an animal study), a low level of fibrinogen is recorded compared to those who were fed with sufficient protein.

In a study with 16 people, getting protein shake or bringing the diet to a balanced state in terms of protein levels, there was a 2-fold increase in fibrinogen values ​​in relation to the values ​​before the start of the study.

High triglycerides

In a study of 101 patients, most of these people with high cholesterol levels and, was found elevated ESR values.

A low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (the standard "Western" or urban diet) has been found to have elevated blood triglycerides in healthy adults. [ , r , r , r ]

A diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates and sugar increases the production of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and triglycerides. [

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a biological parameter that determines the ratio of proteins and blood cells. ESR is an important parameter of a general blood test, since sedimentation rates change with certain diseases and specific conditions of the body.

When infectious-inflammatory reactions take place in the body, a large amount of protein compounds (proteins of the acute phase of inflammation) are released into the blood. During laboratory testing, red blood cells stick together under the influence of proteins, and then settle to the bottom of the test tube.

The essence of the study is to measure the sedimentation rate: the more proteins there are in the plasma (markers of inflammatory processes in the body), the faster the erythrocytes form fractions and settle.

Methods for determining ESR

There are several methods for determining the erythrocyte sedimentation rate: according to Panchenkov, according to Westergren, according to Wintrob, microESR. These laboratory research methods differ in the method of blood sampling, the technique of laboratory research and the dimensional scale of the results.

Method according to Panchenkov

This method is used in the laboratories of public hospitals and is included in the general blood test, the biological material for which is taken from a finger.

During the study, the Panchenkov apparatus is used, which consists of a tripod into which special capillaries (thin tubes) with size marks are inserted.

After taking blood from a finger, a reagent (sodium citrate solution) is added to a laboratory capillary to prevent clotting (the formation of a dense clot). Further, the biological material is in a capillary with a measuring scale of 100 divisions.

An hour later, the laboratory assistant determines how many millimeters the fractions of adherent erythrocytes fall in 1 hour.

Method according to Westergen

The Westergen method is used for a more accurate diagnosis of inflammatory processes and is an international laboratory research method.

The sampling of biological material for the method of determining the ESR according to Westergen is carried out from a vein on an empty stomach. Biological material is added to a test tube with a reagent (sodium citrate) that prevents clotting.

There are 200 divisions on the test tube according to the Westergen method, which allows you to make a more accurate determination of the ESR. The units of measurement of this indicator are similar in both versions of the study - millimeters per hour (mm / h).

There are factors that affect the accuracy of the analysis results, namely:

  • the temperature in the laboratory where the study is being carried out (at a temperature of more than 25 degrees Celsius, the ESR value increases, and if it is less than 18 degrees, a low erythrocyte sedimentation rate is detected);
  • storage time (if the biological material is stored for more than 4 hours before laboratory analysis);
  • reagent used;
  • the degree of dilution and the quality of mixing of the biological material with the reagent;
  • correct installation of the capillary in a tripod;
  • using a plastic capillary instead of glass.

Given the possible errors, with too high or low ESR for no apparent reason, it is necessary to retake the analysis to confirm the pathology.

The norm of ESR in the blood in women by age (table)

The ESR parameter is relatively stable in healthy men, but in women, the sedimentation rate may differ, depending on many factors:

  • age (after 50, the ESR level increases);
  • physique (in overweight women and high cholesterol levels, ESR increases);
  • hormonal background;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.

Also, the physiological reasons for changing the ESR parameter include diet: eating protein foods increases the ESR rate, regardless of gender and age.

Woman's age, years Norms according to the Panchenkov method, mm/h Norms according to the Westiergen method, mm/h
Up to 17 4-11 2-10
17-30 2-15 2-20
30-50 2-20 2-25
Over 50 2-25 2-30

The determination of ESR is an important diagnostic study that shows the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, but at the same time does not reveal the nature and location of the focus of infection.

When appointed

The appointment of a general (biochemical) blood test with the measurement of ESR is prescribed in several cases:

  • during a preventive examination, as a method of determining the degree of health of the body;
  • for the diagnosis of diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes (infections, tumors, etc.), erythermia, acidosis, etc.

The definition of ESR is the main one for identifying pathological processes in the body during the diagnosis of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, namely:

  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • inflammation of the pharynx, larynx and trachea;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • SARS;
  • flu.

After drug treatment of these diseases, a control clinical blood test for ESR is performed, which normalizes within 7-10 days after recovery.

How to prepare for analysis

Preparation for blood sampling for analysis is not difficult. It is necessary to follow some recommendations that contribute to the most realistic results of the analysis:

  • biological material is taken on an empty stomach, 10-12 hours after the last meal;
  • on the eve of the procedure, you need to refrain from a large amount of protein foods, do not drink alcoholic beverages at all;
  • the day before the analysis, intense physical activity and stressful situations are excluded.

The procedure for removing material for analysis of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate cannot be carried out after some medical studies that can lead to a temporary disruption of the normal composition of the blood, namely:

  • x-ray;
  • sounding of internal organs;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • treatment with heparin, dextran, corticotropin, fluorides, oxalates, cortisone;
  • taking vitamin A;
  • administering the hepatitis B vaccine.

If it is necessary to conduct an analysis for ESR, the intake of certain types of medications is stopped 3-5 days before the procedure (glucocorticosteroids, hormonal preparations, etc.).

Reasons for increasing ESR

The development of an acute or chronic inflammatory reaction in the body is accompanied by an increased content of coarse proteins in the blood (globulins, fibrinogens, paraproteins), which contribute to the rapid adhesion of erythrocytes and an increase in ESR values. Manifested in the following diseases:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis);
  • infections of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis);
  • rheumatism;
  • rheumatic and bacterial endocarditis;
  • infectious polyarthritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • abscess, gangrene of the lungs;
  • pancreatitis;
  • pleurisy, etc.

Also, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be increased in other pathologies, during which the amount of albumin in the blood decreases, namely:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with impaired absorption of nutrients;
  • parenchymal hepatitis;
  • neoplasms in the liver;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • nephrotic syndrome.

The increase in ESR depends on indicators such as the level of cholesterol, lecithin, bile acids and pigments, which may deviate from the norm in such diseases:

  • poisoning;
  • trauma;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • heart attack, heart failure;
  • pulmonary infarction;
  • nephritis, renal failure;
  • some types of anemia.

An increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in women when taking hormonal preparations with estrogen, during pregnancy, on critical days, as well as during fasting and a strict diet, is not dangerous.

The main symptoms of elevated ESR, which may occur along with signs of the underlying disease, are as follows:

  • migraines, prolonged headaches, dizziness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain, sometimes indigestion;
  • heart palpitations;
  • pallor of the skin.

Causes of a low level of ESR

In some cases, the ESR level is determined to be too low. There are three main reasons that affect the decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate:

  • thickening of the blood - an increase in plasma viscosity due to an increase in the content of red blood cells;
  • hyperbilirubinemia - an increase in the level of bilirubin;
  • acidosis is a violation of the alkaline-acid balance in the body.

As a rule, these pathologies occur with the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the heart and circulatory system with congestion;
  • simultaneous malfunctions of the liver and biliary tract;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • long-term vegetarian diet;
  • starvation;
  • vegetarian diet;
  • excessive fluid intake;
  • the use of corticosteroid drugs,
  • frequent use of aspirin.

The main manifestations of a reduced erythrocyte sedimentation rate depend on pathological processes in the body and can be as follows:

  • shortness of breath, dry cough;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • quickening of breathing;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • the formation of hematomas with minor injuries;
  • frequent nosebleeds.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the ESR study is carried out four times:

  • at the beginning of pregnancy up to the 12th week;
  • at 20-21 weeks of the term;
  • at 28-30 weeks of pregnancy;
  • before childbirth.

Due to hormonal changes that occur throughout pregnancy, a woman's erythrocyte sedimentation rate changes significantly during the 9 months of pregnancy, and also for some time after childbirth.

1 trimester. The norm of ESR in the blood in the first months of pregnancy is very wide: depending on the physique and individual characteristics, this indicator can be either low (13 mm / h) or excessively high (up to 45 mm / h).

2 trimester. At this time, the woman's condition stabilizes somewhat and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is approximately 20-30 mm / h.

3rd trimester. The last stages of pregnancy are characterized by a significant increase in the permissible norm of ESR - from 30 to 45 mm / h. Such a sharp increase indicates the rapid development of the fetus and does not require treatment.

After childbirth, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in women remains elevated, since a woman can lose a lot of blood during labor. For 2-3 months after delivery, ESR can reach 30 mm / h. When hormonal processes return to normal, the level of ESR in a woman decreases to 0-15 mm / h.

With menopause

The climacteric period of a woman's life is characterized by strong hormonal changes, which significantly affect the chemical composition of the blood. During menopause, the rate of ESR in the blood, as a rule, increases significantly, and can reach up to 50 millimeters per hour.

In women after 50 years, the ESR level can be quite high (up to 30 mm / h), which is normal, if other blood parameters do not exceed the permissible norm.

However, after the onset of menopause, ESR in the blood in women more than 50 mm / h can signal such diseases:

  • thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism), occurring in 50-60% of women over 50;
  • chronic infections;
  • tumor growth;
  • active rheumatological processes;
  • kidney disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • fractures.

A reduced level of ESR in women during menopause and in the postmenstrual period always indicates pathological processes in the body. Reduced erythrocyte sedimentation rate (below 15-12 mm/hour) can be caused by the following diseases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis, gastritis, stomach ulcer);
  • leukocytosis - an increase in the number of leukocytes that occurs in many inflammatory and oncological processes (meningitis, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, malignant tumors);
  • erythrocytosis, manifested in true polycythemia, diseases of the respiratory system (pleurisy of the lungs, lung tumors), etc .;
  • hepatitis;
  • blood clotting disorder.

It should be remembered that the level of ESR drops below normal after taking aspirin.

For cancer

Oncological processes in the body are suspected if the ESR value is higher than normal, despite long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs (up to 70 mm/s). At the same time, the level of hemoglobin decreases from 120-130 units to 70-80 units, and the level of leukocytes also increases.

A prolonged increase in the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells may indicate the formation of malignant tumors:

  • intestinal tumors;
  • cancerous tumors of the breast, cervix and ovaries in women;
  • oncological processes in the bone marrow;
  • brain tumors.

An increase in the level of ESR also occurs with the development of benign tumors, namely:

  • myeloma;
  • polyps;
  • papillomas;
  • fibromas;
  • lymphangiomas, etc.

Laboratory analysis of the ESR norm in women is not a direct indicator of the presence of cancerous processes in the body, therefore, after determining the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of more than 70-80 mm / h, an additional examination is performed to confirm the diagnosis (ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. ).

How to reduce ESR folk remedies

In order to reduce the level of ESR to normal, you can use effective folk remedies: table beets, honey, garlic, lemons, herbal infusion, etc. The action of folk recipes is aimed at cleansing the blood, removing inflammatory processes in the body and strengthening the immune system.

A decoction of beets. Red beets have many beneficial properties that can improve health, namely:

  • due to B vitamins, metabolism can be normalized;
  • with the help of vitamin C and beta-carotene, the immune system improves;
  • contains quartz, which strengthens the vascular system and helps to cleanse the body;
  • removes toxins;
  • normalizes plasma levels.

To prepare the broth, you will need 3 small beets, which must be thoroughly washed and boiled in an unpeeled form. The beet stalks do not need to be trimmed.

Boil the beets over low heat for 3 hours, making sure that the water does not boil away. The broth is cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to take a decoction of 50 grams on an empty stomach in the morning, without getting out of bed. After taking the medicine, you should lie down for another 10-15 minutes. The treatment lasts 7 days, followed by a week break, and the course of treatment is repeated.

Infusion of medicinal herbs. To reduce the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, effective herbs such as chamomile, linden flowers, and coltsfoot are used, which have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and cleansing properties.

Take dried crushed leaves (0.5 teaspoon each) of each plant, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The infusion is filtered and drunk 2 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 20 days.
