Pharmacological characteristics of astringents. Characteristics and classification of astringent medicinal substances. Enveloping and adsorbing agents

Astringents- these are agents that seal the surface layer of the mucous membranes and skin, forming a film that protects sensitive nerve endings from irritation. They produce:

Analgesic effect (reduction of pain in inflammatory processes)

Anti-inflammatory effect (narrowing of the vessel, decrease in their permeability, decrease in the manifestations of the exudative process);

Decreased secretion of the digestive glands.

Astringents include drugs of organic (vegetable) origin (tannin, oak bark, St. John's wort, blueberries) and inorganic (basic bismuth nitrate, denol, vikalik, vikair, xeroform, dermatol).

Tannin- halotannic acid, which is obtained from ink nuts, that is, growths on the shoots of Asia Minor oak and sumac. Assign for external use in the form of a solution and ointment for inflammatory processes of the skin and mucous membranes.

Oak bark contains 8% tannins, which determine its astringent effect. A decoction of oak bark is used to treat inflammation of the oral cavity, bleeding gums, and burns.

Sage drug. In medical practice, the leaves of the plant are used, which are stored in tightly closed containers. In the leaves of sage are volatile oils, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, exhibit astringent, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant action. It is used as an effective remedy for rinsing the mouth and throat with gingivitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

St. John's wort, blueberries, chamomile flowers, and the like also have an astringent effect. they are used in inflammatory processes of the mouth and throat, and are also taken orally for colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Bismuth nitrate basic- astringent of inorganic origin. Assign for external use in the form of ointment and powder for inflammatory processes of the skin; inside - with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enteritis, colitis. Combined preparations are also widely used - tablets Vikalin, Vikair, as well as bismuth subcitrate.

Denol(ventrisol) - astringent of inorganic origin. The drug has an astringent, antacid, cytoprotective effect, and also has an antibacterial effect in pylori. Applied with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastroduodenitis. The drug is well tolerated, but nausea and vomiting are possible. Do not use in severe kidney disorders and during pregnancy.

Xeroform contains 50-55% bismuth oxide. Applied externally as an astringent and antiseptic in the form of powder, powder and ointment (3-10%) for skin diseases.

Obvolical means

Obvolical means- these are indifferent substances of plant origin that are capable of forming sticky liquids in water - mucus that covers the mucous membranes or skin with a protective film and protects them from irritation.

Assign obvolical means:

In inflammatory and ulcerative processes on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;

In case of poisoning with acids, bases and the like;

To reduce the irritating effect of drugs. Obvolikalnu means include: starch, flax seeds, rhizomes and roots of marshmallow officinalis, as well as products - milk, egg white, decoctions of oatmeal.

Starch- adsorptive agent in the form of powders and obvolikalny - in the form of mucus.

Indications for use: prescribed for external use in the form of powder and paste for the treatment of dermatitis inside - in the form of mucus for the treatment of ulcers, inflammatory processes in the digestive canal; in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis and salts of heavy metals; in the form of a medicine - to reduce the irritating effect of certain drugs and slow their absorption.

Flax seeds produces an obvolical, laxative effect. Assign for external use in the form of mucus in acute inflammatory processes (abscess, furuncle, lymphadenitis, myositis, synovitis, bureitis, arthritis, etc.); inside - with gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Contraindications: active forms of tuberculosis; in the presence of a wound surface and in case of bleeding, one should not make poultices from flax seeds.

marshmallow root contains mucous and pectin substances, starch and the like. Assign in the form of infusion and medicine. Shows obvolicalno and anti-inflammatory action.

Indications for use: inside, 1 tablespoon of infusion or mixture every 2 hours or 4-6 times a day after meals for acute laryngitis, fariigiti, tracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough.

Astringent action of medicinal plants is due to the physicochemical reaction that occurs when the binders contained in the plant come into contact with tissue fluids, intercellular substance and cells of the body. As a result, the cell membranes and the surface layer of the cellular protoplasm are compacted by an insoluble protein compound. The astringent action is characterized by reversible changes in the structure of proteins, the formation of sparingly soluble and low-permeability compounds.
With an overdose, a stronger manifestation of the astringent effect of the drug occurs, which leads to destructive changes in the entire cell or even tissues, which can cause increased local blood circulation, accelerated cell division and an increase in tissue fluid (irritant effect) or, finally, necrosis of superficial, and sometimes more deep layers of cells and the complete destruction of the latter (cauterizing effect).
Action of binders contained in medicinal plants, as a rule, is short-lived. Under the influence of astringents, a seal is formed on the surface of the cells, which protects the endings of sensory nerves from irritation, which leads to a weakening of the feeling of pain. When exposed to astringents, local vasoconstriction occurs, their permeability decreases and exudation processes decrease, and, consequently, the development of the inflammatory process slows down. Combining with the proteins of microorganisms, astringents reduce their vital activity, i.e. cause a bacteriostatic effect.

Astringents are divided into two large groups:

1) containing tannins, tannin.
2) Inorganic compounds (metal binders) which include salts of aluminum and many heavy metals, including lead acetate, bismuth nitrate, aluminum alum, zinc oxide, zinc and copper sulfates, silver nitrate.

organic binders

The most important member of this group is tannic acid, or tannin, from others you can specify: oak-tannic acid, catechudic acid, quinodubic acid, coffee-tannic acid and many others, which got their name from the plants in which they are contained.
All of them have a characteristic tart and astringent taste. When they come into contact with mucous membranes or wound surfaces, the latter shrink (due to protein coagulation, cells become more compact, smaller), turn pale (reduction of the lumen of small vessels due to contraction of their muscles or from compression by surrounding tissues) and become dry (cessation of secretion of glandular cells and exudation of fluid from the vessels). This is especially pronounced on inflamed tissues, due to which exudation decreases, the release of leukocytes is limited or even stops, and suppuration decreases. When astringents come into contact with blood, its proteins fall out, and. Local application of astringents as anti-inflammatory and hemostatic is based on these properties. In addition, when applied topically, they also show a weak antiseptic effect.

Use of organic astringents in medicine

Astringents of plant origin usually taken externally for catarrhal, purulent and ulcerative lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
They are used for the purpose of local action in cases of excessive secretion (with ulcers, stomatitis, gingivitis, diarrhea, etc.), in case of metal and alkaloid poisoning, and as hemostatic.
Astringents of natural origin are often used in inflammatory processes in the intestines as anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal and antimicrobial agents.
Astringent preparations taken orally cause a slowdown in peristaltic movements and a decrease in secretion, which leads to a thickening of the intestinal contents and its slower movement through the digestive tract. At the same time, reflex reactions are weakened and pain sensations are reduced.

Astringents are also used as deodorizing agents, since, by preventing rotting and changing rotten masses, they thus destroy the fetid odor.

Medicinal plants that have an astringent effect

Tannins have tanning properties and a characteristic astringent taste, they are found in the bark, wood, leaves, fruits (sometimes seeds, roots, tubers) of many plants - oak, chestnut, acacia, spruce, larch, Canadian hemlock, eucalyptus, tea, cocoa, pomegranate tree, persimmon and cinchona trees, sumac, quebracho and others; give leaves and fruits a tart taste. Tannins inhibit the growth of microorganisms pathogenic for many plants, protect plants from being eaten by animals.
However, not all astringent plants have an astringent taste.

According to their medicinal properties and use in medicine, astringent medicinal plants are divided into three groups:

Hemostatic to help stop bleeding. Typical hemostatic plants include hibiscus, oak, goldenseal (gold seal), mullein, nettle, turmeric, heart-leaved madder (manjishta), yarrow, blackhead, and saffron. Their taste is usually astringent or bitter, they improve metabolism, and purify the blood.

Fixing that stop the excessive excretion of waste products. Typical termination-promoting members of this group include gentian, blackberry, oak bark, red raspberry, water lily, lotus seed, sumac, and curly sorrel. To taste - astringent or bitter.
Plants with astringent action, stopping, blackhead, as well as honey are the most famous healing agents.
Healing herbs treat tissues damaged by cuts, wounds, burns, hemorrhages, etc. Usually they are used externally in the form of poultices and patches. Having a mostly astringent or sweet taste. However, they are not as effective for deep or extensive tissue damage. Many of them have a softening and soothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Some may contain vegetable slime.

Some herbs have three kinds of astringent at once, and because of this they have become known as herbs that heal all ailments. These include yarrow and blackhead.

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A significant section of private pharmacology is devoted to drugs that affect the nervous regulation of body functions. With the help of such substances, it is possible to influence the transmission of excitation at different levels of the central nervous system, as well as in the efferent and afferent pathways of peripheral innervation.

Based on the structural and functional features of different parts of the reflex arc, substances are isolated that affect the afferent and efferent innervation.

This is how drugs are isolated that reduce the sensitivity of the endings of afferent nerves or prevent their excitation. This group includes anesthetics, astringents, enveloping and adsorbing substances.

In this essay, binders will be considered.

1. Astringent medicines

Astringent drugs (from lat. adstringentia - viscous) include drugs that cause when applied to an inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin or mucous membrane. As well as the wound surface, effective dehydration (dehydration) and partial coagulation (coagulation) of proteins and, in addition, having a local anti-inflammatory and weak local anesthetic effect. As a result of dehydration and coagulation of proteins, a protein film is formed on the inflamed surface, which mechanically protects the underlying tissues and the endings of afferent nerve fibers from exposure to irritating substances. The resulting protein film covers the tissue (cells) with a thin layer and thereby protects the receptors from irritation, thickens and tightens the tissue, reduces the secretion of glands, and stops the release of inflammatory exudate from tissue crevices. Astringents narrow the lumen of small vessels and capillaries, agglutinate erythrocytes, as a result of which bleeding stops. They also have some antimicrobial activity based on the precipitation of microbial cell proteins. As a result, astringents have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, bacteriostatic and deodorizing effects.

Astringents taken orally protect the nerve endings of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from irritation, slow down peristalsis and secretion in the intestines; this helps to slow down the movement of the contents through the digestive tract.

In high concentrations, astringents, penetrating deep into the cell, cause coagulation (coagulation) of the protein, exerting a cauterizing effect. This entails suppression of glandular excretion, constriction of blood vessels, and a decrease in the feeling of pain. In addition, as a result of the dehydrating action of drugs of this group, the underlying protein layer, losing water, becomes denser, the permeability of cell membranes decreases, which ultimately results in a decrease in local inflammatory processes.

Usually, astringent drugs are classified depending on the sources of raw materials.

1. Astringent medicinal products of plant origin (organic astringent drugs): decoction of oak bark; tannin (tannin - gallotannic acid, obtained from growths of Asia Minor oak); tanalbin (tannin with casein); infusion of sage leaves; infusion or decoction of bird cherry fruits; infusion or decoction of blueberries; calamus rhizome, etc.

2. Astringent drugs of synthetic origin (inorganic astringent drugs): bismuth compounds (basic bismuth nitrate, bismuth gallate basic - dermatol, bismuth tribromophenol basic - xeroform, etc.); aluminum compounds (aluminum-potassium alum, burnt alum); zinc compounds (zinc sulfate, zinc oxide); copper sulfate; lead acetate.

Astringent medicinal products of plant origin are mainly used in gastroenterology, dermatology, dental and ENT practice.

In gastroenterology, infusions and decoctions of astringent herbal medicines are used for the symptomatic treatment of gastritis, enterocolitis and colitis. In diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract, they are used in enemas. In some cases, the drug tanalbin is used to treat diarrhea.

For the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, combined drugs containing both organic and synthetic astringents are used. An example of them is the preparations vikair and vikalin, which, among other things, include basic bismuth nitrate and calamus rhizome powder.

Astringent drugs of inorganic origin are currently rarely used in clinical practice. However, basic bismuth nitrate has been shown to be used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers.

In dermatology, these drugs are used for inflammatory skin diseases, superficial ulcers, light burns and other injuries by applying to the skin surface in the form of solutions, decoctions, ointments. For example, dermatol and xeroform preparations are used in dermatology in the form of powders and ointments for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. In addition, xeroform is a part of the balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky.

In ENT practice, astringent herbal medicines are used for rinsing and inhalation in the treatment of stomatitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, etc. Some of them, for example, a decoction of sage, in addition to the astringent, also have a certain antimicrobial activity.

An astringent of plant origin - tannin - has the ability to form insoluble compounds with salts of heavy metals and some alkaloids, so its 0.5% solution in a volume of 2 liters is used to wash the stomach through a tube in case of poisoning with atropine, cocaine, morphine, nicotine, physostigmine, salts copper. However, after washing the stomach with a solution of tannin, it is necessary to rinse it well with water, since the complexes that tannin forms with these compounds are unstable, and their release from the bond with tannin is possible.

Aluminum-potassium alum is used both in the form of aqueous solutions for rinsing, lotions, washes and douches in inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, and in the form of crystals to stop bleeding with small cuts, for example, when shaving.

Astringents, when applied to mucous membranes, cause coagulation of proteins; the resulting film protects the mucosa from irritating factors. The vasoconstriction and “tightening” of the mucosal surface leads to a decrease in pain sensations, a weakening of inflammatory processes.

Such an effect is exerted by many substances of plant origin (from St. John's wort, blueberries, oak, etc.), as well as weak solutions of salts of certain metals (silver, aluminum, zinc, etc.).

Astringents, when applied to mucous membranes, cause coagulation of proteins; the resulting film protects the mucosa from irritating factors. The vasoconstriction and “tightening” of the mucosal surface leads to a decrease in pain sensations, a weakening of inflammatory processes. Analgesic and analgesic drugs.

2. Some representatives of astringent drugs

medicinal astringent tannin dehydration

Oak bark. Properties. Contains tannins (10--20%), ellagic and gallic acids, sugar, flavone compound quartzetin, starch and dyes.

Stored in wooden boxes with a lid.

Action. The high content of tannins provides astringent, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory action.

Application. A decoction of the bark (1:10) is used for inflammation of the stomach, intestines, gastrointestinal bleeding, for catarrh of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and pharynx (by irrigation). Outwardly, a decoction (1: 5) is prescribed for the treatment of skin burns.

With the same indications as the bark, dried and roasted acorns are also used.

The rhizome of the serpentine - Rhizoma Bistortae (mountain snake, crayfish necks, serpentine) - is the rhizome of a perennial herbaceous plant of the buckwheat family.

Properties. Contains up to 20-25% tannins, gallic acid, starch, vitamin C, carotene, glycosides, dyes. Store in a wooden container in a dry place.

Action. Astringent, hemostatic and weak antimicrobial (against Escherichia coli and Proteus), due to the presence of gallic acid.

Application. Externally in the form of a decoction (1:10) for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, nose. Inside prescribed for gastroenteritis, alimentary dyspepsia, enterocolitis, gastrointestinal bleeding (decoction 1:10). In infectious gastrointestinal diseases, it is prescribed simultaneously with chemotherapeutic drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofurans). Apply 3-5 times a day.

The rhizome and roots of the burnet - Rhizoma Sanguisorbae (red head, blackhead, catarrhal, meadow, etc.) - rhizome and roots of a perennial herbaceous plant.

Properties. Contains up to 25% tannins, essential oil, starch, vitamin C, saponin and dyes. Store in a wooden container in a dry place.

Action and application. As an astringent, hemostatic and mild antiseptic for infectious intestinal diseases, inflammation and stomach ulcers, intestinal bleeding. Outwardly prescribed for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, pharynx, nose, vagina, for skin burns in the form of irrigation with 10-20% decoction.

Sage leaf -- Folium Salviae

Properties. Contains up to 5% tannins and up to 2.5% essential oil, which includes pinene, camphor, borneol, cine-ol. Stored in wooden containers or jars.

Action and application. Infusion of leaves (1:10) is used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent for rinsing the mouth and throat with stomatitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Less commonly prescribed inside with gastroenteritis, along with antiseptics.

St. John's wort - Herba Hyperici (crow, bloody, bloody, duravets) - a perennial herbaceous plant of the St. John's wort family.

Properties. Contains up to 10% tannins, essential oil, glycoside hyperoside, carotene, vitamin C, sugar, dye.

Store in a closed container in a dry place.

Action. Astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antimicrobial, choleretic. Promotes tissue regeneration.

Application. Inside as an astringent and antiseptic (infusion 1:10, 1:20) for dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, acute and chronic colitis.

Outwardly, an infusion of herbs is prescribed in the form of rinses for stomatitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis.

Chamomile flowers - Flores Chamomillae (chamomile officinalis, mother grass, mother liquor) - an annual herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. Use dried flower baskets.

Properties. Contains up to 0.8% essential oil, sugar, glycosides, terpene, carotene, tannins, bitterness and gums.

Store in a wooden container or in jars in a dry place.

Action. It has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antispasmodic and analgesic effect.

Application. In the form of an infusion (1:10) for inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication, intestinal cramps, bloating.

Outwardly, in the form of rinses, it is prescribed for stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, vaginitis, as well as for bruises and rheumatic pain in the joints (in the form of poultices).

Vitamins of the K group. Vitamins of this group have anti-temorragic properties (increase blood clotting). Being deposited in the liver, they contribute to the formation of prothrombin and proconvertin in it - substances necessary for blood coagulation, i.e. for the formation of thrombin.

Vitamin K accelerates wound healing, stimulates the function of the cellular elements of the liver involved in the process of blood clotting. The lack of vitamin K in the body of animals leads to a decrease in blood clotting, the formation of hemorrhages (hemorrhages).

This group includes natural vitamins: Ki (phylloquinone), K2 (menaquinone), K3 (maenadoy), IQ (menadiandiphosphate) - they are fat-soluble substances, but insoluble in water. In practice, synthetic water-soluble analogs of vitamin K are more often used, which have a pronounced antihemorrhagic activity: vikasol, syncovit, vitamin K4 (phytocol).

Vitamin K preparations are used for bleeding and hemorrhagic diathesis, hepatitis, chronic diarrhea, peptic ulcer, uterine bleeding. The effect of drugs appears slowly (a few hours after their use).

Vikasol - Vicasolum (synthetic vitamin K). Properties. White crystalline powder, odorless, bitter taste, freely soluble in water, hardly soluble in alcohol. Contains at least 95% vitamin K. Produced in tablets of 0.015 g and in ampoules of 5 ml of 0.3% and 1 ml of 1% solution. Store in a place protected from light (list B).

Action. Increases blood clotting due to the activating effect on the formation of prothrombin and proconvertin, and also accelerates wound healing.

Application. As a hemostatic agent for gastrointestinal, pulmonary, uterine and other bleeding, parenchymal bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis, hepatitis, radiation sickness, poisoning with anticoagulants. Enter inside and intramuscularly.

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Burnt alum is obtained by heating aluminum-potassium alum at a temperature not exceeding 160 ° until 55% of the original weight remains. The remaining mass is ground into powder and sieved.
White powder; slowly and not completely soluble in water (1:30). When exposed to air, it slowly absorbs water.

Used for powders as an astringent and drying agent (with sweating feet, etc.).

Storage: in well-closed jars.

Rp,: Acidi salicylici 2.0 Aluminis usti Talci aa 50.0 M. D. S. Powder

Alum (Alumen)

Potassium aluminum sulfate. Alum aluminum-potassium.

Synonym: Aluminii et Kalii sulfas.

Colorless transparent crystals or white crystalline powder, weathered in air. Soluble in water (1:10), easily soluble in hot water, insoluble in alcohol. Contain 10.7% aluminum oxide.

The aqueous solution has an acidic reaction and a sweetish-astringent taste.


8% aluminum acetate solution (Liquor aluminii acetatis 8%).

Prepared from alum (46.5 parts), calcium carbonate (14.5 parts), diluted acetic acid (39 parts) and water.

Colorless transparent liquid of acid reaction with a slight smell of acetic acid and a sweetish-astringent taste. It has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect; in high concentrations, it has moderate antiseptic properties.

LEAD ACETATE (Plumbi acetas)

Synonym: Plumbum aceticum.

Colorless transparent crystals with a slight acetic smell, Soluble in 2.5 parts of cold and 0.5 parts of boiling water.

Applied externally in the form of aqueous solutions (0.25-0.5%) as an astringent for inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Storage: List B. In well-closed jars.

DERMATOL (Dermatolurn)

Synonyms: Bismuthum subgallicum, Bismuth gallate basic, Bismuthi subgallas.

Amorphous lemon-yellow powder, odorless and tasteless, practically insoluble in water and alcohol. Let's dissolve at heating in mineral acids (with decomposition). Easily soluble in sodium hydroxide solution to form a yellow solution that quickly turns red in air.

Contains 52-56.5% bismuth oxide.

Xeroform (Xeroformium)

Fine amorphous powder of yellow color, with a slight peculiar smell. Practically insoluble in water, alcohol, ether and chloroform. Contains 50-55% bismuth oxide.

Applied externally as an astringent, drying and antiseptic agent in powders, powders, ointments (3-10%).

Storage: in a container, protected from light and moisture.

Xeroform ointment (Unguentum Xeroformii).

BISMUTH NITRATE BASIC (Bismuthi subnitras)

Synonyms: Bismuthum nitricum basicum, Bismuthum subnitricum, Magisterium bismuthi.

White amorphous or fine crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water and alcohol, freely soluble in hydrochloric acid.

It is used as an astringent and partly an antiseptic for gastrointestinal diseases (gastric and duodenal ulcers, enteritis, colitis).

Potentilla rhizome (Rhizoma Tormentillae)

Harvested in autumn, washed and dried rhizomes of a wild Potentilla plant (dubrovka, wild galangal, uzik), fam. rosaceae (Rosaceae).

Contains a large amount of tannins, as well as resin, gum, pigment and other substances.

Applied as a decoction (1 tablespoon of crushed rhizomes per cup of boiling water) inside (1 tablespoon 3 times a day) for diarrhea, for rinsing - with stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis.

Pharmacology: lecture notes Valeria Nikolaevna Malevannaya

3. Astringents

3. Astringents

Astringents, when applied to mucous membranes, cause coagulation of proteins, the resulting film protects the mucous membrane from irritating factors, pain decreases and inflammation is weakened.

This effect is exerted by many substances of plant origin, as well as weak solutions of salts of certain metals.

Tannin(Ta n i n u m).

gallodubic acid. It has astringent and anti-inflammatory action.

Application: stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis (1-2% solution for rinsing (3-5 times a day), externally for burns, ulcers, cracks, bedsores (3-10% solutions and ointments), poisoning with alkaloids, heavy salts metals (0.5% aqueous solution for gastric lavage).

Release form: powder.


Composition: tanalbine - 0.3 g, phenyl salicylate - 0.3 g. Astringent and disinfectant.

Application: acute and subacute enteritis and colitis (1 tablet 3-4 times a day).

Release form: tablets number 6.

Hypericum herb(Herba Hyperici).

Contains tannins such as catechins, hyperoside, azulene, essential oil and other substances.

Application: as an astringent and antiseptic for colitis in the form of a decoction (10.0-200.0 g) 0.3 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, for rinsing the mouth in the form of a tincture (30-40 drops per glass of water) .

Release form: chopped grass 100.0 g each, briquettes 75 g each, tincture ( Tinctura Hyperici) in vials of 25 ml.

Oak bark(Cortex Quecus).

Application: as an astringent in the form of an aqueous decoction (1:10) for rinsing with gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, externally for the treatment of burns (20% solution).

In medical practice, infusions and decoctions of such plants are also used: serpentine rhizome ( Rhizoma Bistortae), rhizome and root of burnet ( Rhizoma cum radicibus Sanguisorbae), alder seedlings ( Fructus Alni), sage leaves ( Folium salviae), the drug from it is salvin ( Salvinum), chamomile flowers ( Flores Chamomillae), a preparation from chamomile; romazulan ( Romasulon), blueberries ( Baccae Murtilli), cherry fruits ( Baccae Pruni racemosae), Potentilla rhizome ( Rhizoma Tormentillae), succession grass ( Herba Bidentis).

Metal salts. Bismuth preparations.

Bismuth nitrate basic(Bismuthi subnitras).

Application: as an astringent, weak antiseptic, fixing agent for gastrointestinal diseases, it is prescribed orally at 0.25-1 g (for children, 0.1-0.5 g) per reception 4-6 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals.

Side effects: with prolonged use in high doses, methemoglobinemia is possible.

Release form: powder, which is part of the Vikair tablets, used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, and Neo-Anuzol suppositories, which are used for hemorrhoids.


Applied externally as an astringent, drying and antiseptic agent in powders, powders, ointments (3-10%). Included in the balsamic liniment (Vishnevsky ointment)


Synonym: Bismuthi subgallas. Applied as an astringent, antiseptic and drying agent externally for inflammatory diseases of the skin, mucous membranes in the form of powders, ointments, suppositories.

Release form: powder.

Lead preparations: lead acetate ( Plumbi acetas) - lead lotion - 0.25% solution.

Aluminum preparations: Alum ( Alumen). Used as an astringent and hemostatic agent (0.5-1% solution).

Alum burnt(Alumen ustum).

As an astringent and drying agent in the form of a powder included in the powder.

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4. Enveloping agents and adsorbent agents

2. Products containing essential oils. bitterness. Means containing ammonia Means containing essential oils. Eucalyptus leaf (Folium Eucalypti). Application: decoction and infusion of eucalyptus as an antiseptic for rinsing and inhalation with ENT diseases, as well as for treatment

46. ​​Astringents When applied to mucous membranes, astringents cause coagulation of proteins, the resulting film protects the mucous membrane from irritating factors, pain sensations are reduced and inflammation processes are weakened. Such an action is

47. Enveloping agents and adsorbent agents

48. Products containing essential oils. bitterness. Means containing ammonia Means containing essential oils. Eucalyptus leaf (Folium Eucalypti). Application: decoction and infusion of eucalyptus as an antiseptic for rinsing and inhalation with ENT diseases, as well as for treatment

MOISTURIZING AND AstrINGENT EYE PREPARATIONS Used for the "dry eye" syndrome. Substances that increase viscosity include cellulose derivatives (0.5–0.1% polyvinyl glycol, polyvinylporrolidone, 0.9% polyacrylic acid derivatives. Substitutes

X. Household goods X. Household goods (suspended). Saucer. Medicines are prepared in it. Bottles. Some “compositions” and other medicines are prepared and stored in them. Ordinary water is used to prepare decoctions, broths,

Astringent and tanning plants If your hand skin is oily and you are tired of fighting it, using various kinds of cosmetics to cleanse the skin of the abundant secretion of fatty grease, which clogs the pores, which causes sore acne

COUGH MEDICINES For coughing, the following expectorants are used to thin and better sputum discharge. Breast elixir. Drugs are taken orally; children under 1 year are prescribed 1 - 2 drops 2 - 3 times a day, children older than a year - the number of drops per reception,

Fortifying agents. Means that regulate metabolism - Take a pinch of blackthorn flowers and dandelion inflorescences, pour 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Drink warm before going to bed.- For a restorative bath

Hand products For chapped skin Boil 5 potatoes, grind into a pulp, add 5 tbsp. l. milk. Apply warm gruel on the skin and hold for 10 minutes, make an energetic massage. Wash hands with cold water and apply cream. You can just dip your hands into this gruel until
