Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment in adults. Sinusitis Clogged maxillary sinuses symptoms

The name of this disease is on everyone's lips, and most people are afraid to face it. Surely everyone has heard about the terrible puncture procedures, seen these incomprehensible structures made of plaster and tubes on the nose. In this article we will discuss how not to miss the signs of sinusitis, when you need to see a doctor and how to treat it.

The maxillary sinuses are two cavities that are located to the left and right of the nose.

All people have 8 sinuses, 4 on each side:

  • two frontal sinuses;
  • two maxillary or maxillary sinuses;
  • two lattice (between the nose and eyes);
  • two sphenoid sinuses.

There are situations when certain sinuses are underdeveloped. If this does not cause any concern, then this is also a variant of the norm. But, as a rule, all these sinuses are present. Sinuses can be of different shapes, different sizes (very large or very small).

Normally, sinus secretions flow freely into the nose and out. When you have a runny nose, the nasal mucosa swells and closes the exits from the paranasal sinuses. As a result, mucus accumulates in the sinuses and microbes multiply in it. A person exhibits all the symptoms of sinusitis or sinusitis. But the main threat of sinusitis is that it borders the brain, and if pus breaks out there, it cannot be cured so easily.

Absolutely all sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity through special orifice-passages. Therefore, if there is a runny nose and swelling of the nose, and added to this, then the doctor does not think about anything other than inflammation of the sinuses.

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis. All over the world, by the way, sinusitis is called sinusitis, but in Russia and the CIS countries the name sinusitis has taken root after the name of the sinuses (maxillary sinuses).

The tragedy of all sinusitis is the close proximity of inflammation to the brain and eyes. Which can lead to meningitis and various types of eye complications.

The most common cause of sinusitis is rhinogenic, when the disease begins with damage to the nasal mucosa by viruses, which then transforms into the so-called acute sinusitis. A runny nose is the first cause of sinusitis.

There is a hematogenous route of infection into the maxillary sinuses. That is, when from somewhere distant from the nose, an infection enters the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses through the bloodstream.

We must not forget about monochromatic sinusitis. The source of the disease is a tooth, which can be located in a special way in the maxillary sinus, and when it becomes inflamed, the result is plain sinusitis (in the old fashioned way, “dental sinusitis”). Most often, monochromatic sinusitis develops in children, during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones. In children with monochromatic sinusitis, the symptoms are the same as in adults. Proper oral hygiene is one of the ways you can protect yourself from this type of sinusitis (even small caries poses a threat here).

If the doctor has diagnosed sinusitis, the symptoms in adults are as follows:

  1. Swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  2. A small amount of secretion in the nasal cavity.
  3. Headaches, as well as their localization mainly on the face.
  4. Temperature.
  5. Loss of smell.

That is, a person may complain that the nose is periodically stuffy, there is a mucous discharge from the nose, and a headache periodically (the pain is very specific). At times, the symptoms may worsen and then become dull again; this only means that there is a low-grade inflammation in the sinuses, which worsens with any episode of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection. During periods of calm in the disease, inflammation does not go away, but is only hidden.

It all starts with a common runny nose. The discharge is watery at first, then becomes thick, and by a certain phase of rhinitis it can become purulent. The development of sinusitis can occur from a day to 7 days. Usually, by the second or third day, people notice heaviness in the projection of the face, the manifestation of throbbing pain in the maxillary sinuses, pain can radiate to the tooth, ear, temple. There may be swelling in the sinus area. There may be a nasal tone. Sometimes there is a feeling of fluid transfusion inside the face when bending over.



Since the main symptom of sinusitis is loss of smell, smell strawberries and cucumbers. If there is no difference, then most likely you have sinusitis.

You can also tap (lightly) on the maxillary and frontal sinuses; if acute pain is observed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

All of the above is for independent initial diagnosis of sinusitis.

At your doctor's appointment, you will be given an x-ray - this is a method of rapid diagnosis of sinusitis. Today, X-ray diagnostics should be carried out in 100% of cases. After all, only x-ray diagnostics will allow one to suspect and recognize the pathology of the deeper sinuses.

There are patients who, for certain reasons, may refuse x-rays (pregnant women, etc.). They use a fairly new diagnostic method - ultrasound using a sensor that can be installed in a certain area of ​​the face. Ultrasound examination is used to diagnose only two types of sinusitis - frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. The ultrasound specialist will see the presence or absence of fluid in the sinuses.

Computed tomography can be used for diagnosis. More precise detailing is inherent in this method.

Magnetic resonance imaging is also used for diagnosis and is especially popular among pregnant and breastfeeding women.

If the patient's temperature rises above 39°C, the blood pressure drops to 90/60 mm Hg. and below, convulsions are observed, and the person cannot speak clearly, then this is an unconditional case for calling an ambulance and sending the person to a medical facility.

Dangerous signs may also include if swelling from the nose begins to spread to the entire face, and the pain becomes unbearable.

Types of sinusitis

And chronic.

One of the most common forms of sinusitis is polypous sinusitis. When polyps begin to form in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, which, growing, begin to block the nasal cavity. The person begins to feel discomfort. Polyps can grow to such an extent that they block the passages of the nose, and the person simply stops breathing through the nose. This also includes loss of smell.

There are several methods. Nowadays, everywhere, the first step in treatment is antibiotic therapy. The point is that inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, and until this bacterium is destroyed, any manipulation will not bring the desired result.

But, unfortunately, antibiotics do not help everyone, and the best antibiotics work effectively only in 75-80% of patients. And in 20% of patients, a course of antibiotics does not have any effect, and they have to be treated with other methods.

In the West, if the first course of antibiotics does not help, then a second course is prescribed. If there is no effect, then a third one is prescribed. And only if there is no effect after the third dose of antibiotics, the patient is sent to the operating room, where the passage between the sinus and nose is surgically opened (endoscopic surgery is performed).

In our country, fortunately, we have not yet reached such excitement, and ENT doctors know a lot of methods that can locally improve the outflow from the sinuses and thereby prevent the development of serious complications.

You need to understand that the mouth that connects the sinus and nose simply closes when the nose swells. Pus cannot come out of the sinus on its own. Antibiotics are prescribed with the expectation that they will get into the sinuses and destroy microbes. But if antibiotics do not work, then the pus must be evacuated from the sinus by any means. There is a simple way for this - a hole is pierced with a Kulikovsky needle from the side of the nose towards the sinus to allow the pus to drain out. This is called a “puncture”.

It would, of course, be easier to solve the problem if a person had only one sinus inflammation. But the insidiousness of sinusitis is that all or several sinuses become inflamed.

There is also a method where you can drain the pus without a puncture. This method was developed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Sergeevich Kozlov.

A special device - a catheter - is inserted into the nasal cavity. A special balloon is inflated in the posterior parts of the nasopharynx, thereby closing the nasopharynx. Then the second balloon in the nostril is inflated, and the nose is actually closed from the outside and from the back. The catheter has an additional channel to which a syringe is attached. And very carefully the doctor begins to create negative pressure in the nose. The fluid in the sinuses begins to be replaced by air. That is, through natural channels, the liquid begins to exit into the nasal cavity, and then it is evacuated into a syringe. The patient experiences strange (non-painful) sensations, his headache goes away, and relief comes. This is the first part of the procedure.

And in the second part, an antibiotic is injected into the sinuses along with steroid medications. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

The second modern method is carried out under the control of a television camera and even without local anesthesia. The time for the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

Using a special device - a catheter - the doctor finds the entrance (orifice) to the maxillary sinus and inserts a thin conductor there, at the end of which there is a balloon (like a balloon). The balloon is inflated, expanding the opening into the paranasal sinus. The path of the inflammatory fluid is open. It will be removed during the procedure. The cavity will be washed and treated with antibiotics. But now the liquid itself will be able to calmly drain into the nasal cavity, and the patient will have no more problems. This technique is called balloon sinuplasty.

After the procedure, you will need to use saline or an antibiotic twice a day for prophylaxis to speed up treatment. The patient will carry out the washing procedure independently. Within a short period of time, the body will take its toll, because the problem that caused sinusitis - a decrease in the outflow of inflammatory fluid from the sinuses - has been solved.

A nasal douche can clear mucus from the nasal cavity. It is important to maintain the correct head tilt. Saline solutions, saline solution, and sea water are used as washing liquids.

Is it possible to warm your nose if you have sinusitis?

It is impossible (and categorically). Under the influence of high temperature, a bacterial infection that is located in the maxillary sinuses can spread throughout the body. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with warming up the sinuses during acute or chronic sinusitis.


Drug therapy

Conservative treatment is used quite often. Treatment with drugs is the first thing the doctor will suggest. Antibiotics, vasoconstrictor drops, and corticosteroids are used for treatment. If sinusitis had an allergic origin, then antihistamines will also be included in the treatment regimen.

Nasal drops

Vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed. The swelling of the nasal mucosa goes away, and thus the exit from the sinuses opens. Liquid-pus comes out of the sinuses through an opening (that is, just blowing your nose will be enough).

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is done for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. When punctured, fluid from the maxillary sinuses is transported into the nasal cavity. Often, after one puncture, patients forget about sinusitis for a long time and do not return to otolaryngologists with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The opinion that having made one puncture, you will be tied to this procedure and Kulikovsky’s needle for the rest of your life is just a myth. Puncture is not a factor provoking chronic sinusitis.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibacterial therapy in outpatient practice is almost always prescribed, this is due to the fear of complications. But the doctor always decides whether to prescribe antibiotics or not. If he sees that sinusitis goes away without aggravating circumstances, then antibiotic therapy can be omitted.

Nutrition for sinusitis

With sinusitis, you need to pay attention to fluid intake in large quantities, and nutrition should be correct and balanced. There are no special miracle products here, but given that the treatment will be carried out with antibiotics, it is worth including fermented milk products in the diet - kefir, yogurt.

Sinusitis is a complication that occurs after a runny nose. It was necessary to treat a runny nose at home, but if you were faced with sinusitis, the best solution would be to go to an otolaryngologist.

Should happen under the guidance of an ENT doctor. This way you will quickly get rid of the disease, and you won’t get even more serious complications.

How to treat sinusitis with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many options for treating sinusitis:


For the procedure you will need a regular onion. Half an onion needs to be chopped and wrapped in a sterile bandage. Apply a bandage with a bow to one nostril, then to the other.


It is necessary to wash the Kalanchoe leaves and chop them. You can use it in the same way as an onion lotion, or bury it, Kalanchoe will provoke sneezing, during which the nose and sinuses are cleared.


Beetroot juice has an antibacterial effect; it is enough to bury it in the nose several times a day.


Apply 2 drops of juice from large aloe leaves into each nostril. Aloe is known for its bactericidal properties.

Salt water rinsing

Take half a liter of boiled water and a teaspoon of sea salt, mix thoroughly so that the solution does not damage the mucous membrane. Take any convenient vessel (bottle or teapot) and pour it into one nostril so that the water comes out freely from the other. You need to bend over and turn your head to the side. Washing should be done up to 4 times a day.

If you do not do this, then this can lead to terrible complications, including intracranial ones, when a person will already need emergency surgical interventions, when the intervention of a neurosurgeon will be required. Inflammation can go inside the brain.


There is no big difference in the treatment and prevention of sinusitis in adults and children. There are basic principles for the treatment of sinusitis:

  • ensure adequate outflow so that fluid from the sinuses has the opportunity to be evacuated into the nasal cavity;
  • ensure an impact on the provoking factor (as a rule, this involves taking antibiotics).

As for prevention, if you have a runny nose, you need to start treating it correctly. Use vasoconstrictors to eliminate swelling.

If the patient is aware that he has polyps, a deviated nasal septum or other nasal pathologies, then it is necessary to get rid of this. Since this is a direct threat of sinusitis in the future.

If you have bad teeth, you need to treat them. This will avoid single-gene sinusitis.

Sinusitis requires increased attention. Prerequisites and signs must be taken into account. This is not a disease that you can give up on and say “it will pass.” The body needs to be helped to cope and always under the supervision of an otolaryngologist.

– inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses. It is accompanied by difficulty in nasal breathing, mucopurulent discharge from the nasal passages, intense pain in the bridge of the nose and at the wings of the nose, swelling of the cheek and eyelid on the affected side, and a rise in body temperature. Timely treatment will help avoid serious complications: otitis media, meningitis, brain abscess, orbital phlegmon, osteomyelitis, myocardial and kidney damage.

General information

Sinusitis can be acute or become chronic. According to international medical statistics, about 10% of the population of developed countries falls ill with acute sinusitis and other sinusitis every year. The disease affects people of all ages. In children under 5 years of age, sinusitis almost never occurs, since at this age the paranasal sinuses are not yet sufficiently developed. Timely treatment of sinusitis allows you to avoid serious complications: otitis, meningitis, brain abscess, orbital phlegmon, osteomyelitis, myocardial and kidney damage.

Causes of sinusitis

Diagnosis of sinusitis

The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints, external examination data (reflex dilation of the skin vessels in the infraorbital region is determined), examination of the nasal mucosa (inflammation, swelling, purulent discharge from the sinus opening). An x-ray of the maxillary sinus reveals darkening. If other research methods are insufficiently informative, a puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed.

Treatment of sinusitis

Acute form

To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and restore normal ventilation of the sinuses, topical vasoconstrictor drugs (naphazoline, naphazoline, xylometazoline hydrochloride) are used for a period of no more than 5 days. In case of significant hyperthermia, antipyretic drugs are prescribed; in case of severe intoxication, antibiotics are prescribed. You can avoid adverse side effects and achieve a high concentration of the drug at the site of inflammation by using topical antibiotics. After normalization of the temperature, physiotherapy (Sollux, UHF) is recommended.

Chronic sinusitis

To achieve a sustainable effect of therapy for chronic sinusitis, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that contribute to the development of inflammation in the maxillary sinus (adenoids, chronic diseases of the ENT organs, deviated nasal septum, diseased teeth, etc.). During an exacerbation, local vasoconstrictors are used in short courses (to avoid mucosal atrophy).

For purulent polyposis, polyposis, caseous, cholesteatoma and necrotizing forms of chronic sinusitis, surgical treatment is indicated. The maxillary sinus is opened -

ARVI and acute respiratory infections in rare cases cause concern for most people. When the condition is maximally relieved, treatment is stopped. Untreated disease increases the risk of complications. Symptoms of sinusitis often develop in adults and treatment with pharmaceutical drugs can be supplemented with folk recipes.

Clinical manifestations

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that affects the nasopharynx mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. The result is swelling, filling their cavities with liquid contents. Treating sinusitis at home begins only after consultation with a doctor.

The clinical picture of sinusitis is clearly expressed:

the perception of smells and tastes is distorted;

the face swells;

body temperature rises;

pain localized in the bridge of the nose and head;

when pressing on the sinus, painful sensations are noted;

Green-colored contents are released from the nasal passages.

yandex_ad_1 If the listed symptoms of sinusitis are found in adults, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed examination and prescribe treatment.

Treatment Basics

The inflammatory process in the maxillary pauses is eliminated without placing the patient in a hospital. Treatment of symptoms of sinusitis in adults should be comprehensive and systemic. Strict adherence to a certain algorithm of actions makes therapy accessible at home.

Organizing the free outflow of fluid accumulated in the maxillary spaces is a guarantee of the effectiveness of treatment. For this purpose, drops of a vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous spectrum of action are used.

Regular rinsing of the nasal passages eliminates the likelihood of developing a purulent process. You can start with them only after the swelling has been eliminated. For rinsing, use sea salt dissolved in water and decoctions of medicinal herbs. The number of procedures per day is from 3 to 5.

To restore the nasal mucosa damaged by the inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops are prescribed.

With sinusitis, some of the fluid flows down the larynx. Taking mucolytics, herbal decoctions that have an expectorant effect, helps avoid fluid accumulation in the lungs and bronchi.

Ensuring the outflow of fluid and moisturizing the mucous membrane is the initial task of treating sinusitis at home. Antiseptics are the best solution for this problem. Examples of drugs that are most often prescribed:


Available in ampoules. Affects most pathological microorganisms. It is not used in the treatment of pregnant women or breastfeeding women.

yandex_ad_2 Miramistin

Suitable for rinsing and instilling nasal passages. Despite the chlorine included in the composition, it is safe for use in the treatment of pregnant women. Some patients may show signs of an allergic reaction.



Means for nasal instillation

Only vasoconstrictors can be used;

Therapy should not last longer than seven days to avoid the development of addiction.

Drops are used exclusively in the acute phase of the disease. The main goal is to make breathing easier.

The group of vasoconstrictor drugs consists of drugs that differ in duration of action:

short - from 4 to 6 hours;

medium - up to 8 hours;

long - from 10 to 12 hours.

As practice shows, the most effective are those belonging to the second and third groups. For example, Galazolin, Adrianol, Nazivin, Nazol.


If the symptoms of sinusitis in adults are caused by the negative effects of bacteria, treatment is carried out with antibiotics and antiseptics. The most effective remedies are Protargol and Isofra. Duration of therapy is from one to two weeks. The recommended regimen is 1 drop/injection 4 to 6 times a day.

In cases where the condition is caused by a virus, drugs of the appropriate spectrum are prescribed. Universal remedies are also prescribed. For example, Thymogen and Interferon.

Folk recipes

If the symptoms of sinusitis in adults are identified in a timely manner, treatment with folk remedies is also allowed as an addition to the main therapy.

Rinse using homemade solutions

You can prepare the following compositions yourself:

Salt and propolis

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt and 15 drops of propolis in water. The resulting solution is used to wash the nasal passages at least three times a day.

Honey is dissolved in water (proportions 1 to 1). The resulting composition is used for washing up to 5 times.

Sea salt

Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water. Rinse the nasal passages at least 4 times. Avoid getting the solution into the nasopharynx.

Saline solution

Dissolve 0.5 tsp of salt and a few drops of iodine, which is used for disinfection, in 250 ml of water. If swelling is noted, add 0.5 tsp of soda.

Herbal decoction

Prepare from any medicinal herbs. You can add bay leaf.

When using the solution, it is important to follow the washing technique. The head is tilted slightly forward and slightly to the side. The solution should be poured into the upper nostril and poured into the lower. You can’t raise your head; you can’t raise your head right away. Otherwise, the accumulated mucus and liquid will fall back into the nasal cavity.

Homemade nasal drops Homemade nasal drops are no less effective than pharmacy ones. Their main advantage is the low likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

Kalanchoe and cyclamen

The main components of the recipe contribute to the liquefaction and further evacuation of accumulated mucus. To prepare, mix the juice of both plants in equal proportions and add boiled water. The resulting solution is instilled 2-3 drops into each nostril.

horse chestnut

The inflorescences of this tree have long been used in traditional medicine to eliminate the clinical picture of sinusitis. You will need 100 g of freshly picked flowers, from which the juice is squeezed. The resulting liquid is diluted with saline or boiled water. The resulting drops are instilled into the nose throughout the day.

Chestnut-based drops are not used in the treatment of people prone to nosebleeds. Active substances can enhance this condition.

Propolis and oils

Mixing these two substances gives a high therapeutic result. Drops are prepared from 40% propolis tincture, olive or sea buckthorn oil. The solution has a complex effect. Firstly, they moisturize the mucous membrane. Secondly, it neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms.


Recipes based on eucalyptus can be found not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. Eucalyptus is often added to sinus rinse solutions. To prepare the drops, the main component is diluted with water (can be replaced with green tea). To soften, add propolis tincture.

It is considered a complex and dangerous disease, which is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. The reasons for the development of such a pathology can be different, and the disease is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms. The course of sinusitis can resemble a common viral infection, so many patients are often in no hurry to seek help from a doctor.

In the absence of effective therapy, the danger of the inflammatory process spreading to the bones of the facial part of the skull and surrounding systems increases. It is for this reason that you should know what causes sinusitis, the characteristic symptoms of such a disease and the most effective methods of treating it.

Experts identify the following reasons that can cause the development of such a pathology:

  • prolonged exposure to drafts
  • injuries of various types of the maxillary sinuses
  • entry of viruses and pathogenic bacteria into the nasopharynx cavity
  • not fully treated either
  • staying in a room with too dry air for a long time
  • penetration of chemical fumes into the respiratory system
  • various dental diseases and poor oral hygiene
  • disruption of the immune system
  • the appearance of problems with the functioning of the secretory glands
  • structural anomalies of the secretory glands and organs of the nasopharynx
  • allergic reactions to various irritants

In the absence of effective treatment for acute sinusitis, it gradually becomes chronic. The result of this is purulent bacterial inflammation of the sinuses.

Signs of the disease

Sinusitis in adults begins with the appearance of the usual sinusitis, which can be either purulent or transparent. Gradually, as the disease progresses, discomfort is added to it, the location of which becomes the maxillary sinuses. Such unpleasant sensations are especially intensified in the evening. If the patient’s rhinitis does not disappear within 21 days, then this is a reason to visit a specialist. The fact is that rhinitis that persists for a long time is considered one of the first signs.

Gradually, a person’s overall health begins to deteriorate and this manifests itself in fatigue, weakness and malaise of the whole body. Body temperature may rise to high levels. This symptomatology is due to the fact that foreign microorganisms that have entered the human body begin to produce toxins and the result is general intoxication.

If you do not pay timely attention to the first symptoms of sinusitis, then the inflammatory process gradually passes into the acute stage of the disease. The patient's body temperature rises to 39 degrees and there is constant pain in the maxillary sinuses.

Gradually, as the disease progresses, headaches occur and the patient begins to feel worse.

Most often, increased pain is provoked by:

  • sneezing
  • head tilts
  • pressing on the sinus area

The acute form of sinusitis is accompanied by the appearance of copious mucous discharge from the nasal cavity, which can be either transparent or yellow-green in color.

In fact, the color of the mucus depends on the stage at which sinusitis is located. Transparent mucus from the nose indicates that the pathology is at the initial stage of its development. The green color of snot indicates an inflammatory process, and the appearance of a yellow tint means that the patient has developed purulent sinusitis.

The progression of pathology in the human body leads to a gradual decrease in lacrimation, increased lacrimation and the development of photophobia. Some patients experience severe swelling of the eyelids and their swelling. Most often, sinusitis begins its active development against the background of ARVI symptoms, which is considered one of the provoking factors in the development of such an illness.

More information about sinusitis can be found in the video:

How to properly use Sinuforte medicine for sinusitis?

When sinusitis becomes chronic, the symptoms become more blurred compared to the acute stage. In most cases, a person begins to constantly be bothered by rhinitis, which cannot be eliminated with standard drug therapy.

A characteristic sign of chronic sinusitis is pain, localized in the head and deep in the eyes. A distinctive feature is the fact that when the patient is in a horizontal position, such pain disappears. An inflammatory process on the conjunctiva, as well as swelling and redness of the eyelids in the morning, can indicate that sinusitis has spread to the walls of the eye.

Experts identify the following general signs of chronic sinusitis:

  • general weakness of the body and fatigue
  • persistent rhinitis
  • slight rise in body temperature
  • pain in the eyes and head
  • problems with smell

The insidiousness of the chronic form of the pathology lies in the fact that various complications can develop, among which the most insidious are meningitis, meningoencephalitis and the accumulation of purulent exudate in the brain.

Experts identify several types of sinusitis, each of which causes certain symptoms:

  • Catarrhal sinusitis is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. With this type of disease, swelling and redness of the nasal cavity are often detected. Mostly catarrhal sinusitis is detected in patients of younger and school age.
  • appears with the development of complications as a result of a pathological process on the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. Most often, the pathology occurs in an acute form, and in the absence of effective therapy it turns into chronic sinusitis. The cause of the development of this type of disease is usually any inflammatory and infectious pathology occurring in the human body.
  • Polypous sinusitis cannot be eliminated with drug therapy, so it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. The appearance of such a disease begins with the occurrence of problems with nasal breathing, and due to congestion of the nasal passages, a person begins to breathe through the mouth. A characteristic sign of this type of disease is the appearance of copious discharge of various colors from the nose.
  • Chronic sinusitis is often detected in those patients who have an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. This type of pathology can progress to the stage of exacerbation and, in the absence of effective treatment, many complications may develop.
  • Allergic sinusitis can occur against the background of any external factor that aggressively affects the mucous membrane of the sinuses. The appearance of allergy symptoms is a peculiar reaction of the body to the impact of an allergen on the human body. Most often, allergic sinusitis is detected in patients in the spring and autumn.
  • Purulent sinusitis often develops in patients against the background of infectious, colds and viral pathologies that have not been fully treated. Mostly this type of disease is detected in those patients who self-medicated and did not seek help from a specialist. With purulent sinusitis, inflammation and accumulation of purulent exudate in the maxillary sinuses are observed. With further progression of this disease, bone tissue and nearby organs are damaged.
  • Acute sinusitis causes symptoms such as decreased performance, general malaise and constant fatigue. Sometimes the pathology occurs without the appearance of characteristic symptoms, but usually there is a rise in body temperature, difficulty breathing and the release of a large amount of mucus.
  • Odontogenic sinusitis in most cases begins its development against the background of an acute inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. The main causative agents of this type of disease are staphylococci, E. coli and. Often the development of such a pathology is provoked by poor dental condition and poor oral hygiene.

Depending on the type of sinusitis, specialists select effective treatment, which is aimed both at eliminating the cause of the disease and at relieving unpleasant symptoms.

Features of treatment of the disease

If the patient is diagnosed with uncomplicated sinusitis, then its treatment can be done at home after consultation with a specialist.

The use of the following medications has a good effect:

  • Sinupret

With their help, it is possible to get rid of swelling of the nasal mucosa and speed up the removal of mucus from the sinuses. If the disease has become purulent, treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He will select the most effective method of cleansing the sinuses from purulent exudate - or moving the mucus.

In addition to rinsing, antibacterial drugs are prescribed according to a special regimen. For the treatment of sinusitis, antibiotics of the following groups are usually prescribed:

  • Penicillin
  • Cephalosporins
  • Macrolides

To quickly drain secretions from the nasal sinuses and sanitize the cavity, antiseptic drugs can be prescribed:

In addition, medications are selected that help strengthen and detoxify the patient’s body. With the right treatment, it is usually possible to get rid of acute sinusitis in 1-2 weeks.

After removing pus from the maxillary sinuses, auxiliary procedures may be prescribed:

  • quartzization of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages
  • infrared laser and vibroacoustic treatment

If a patient has chronic sinusitis, treatment involves surgical intervention. An operation such as a maxillary sinus is performed to disinfect and clean the maxillary sinuses of mucus and pus.

One of the modern physiological methods for removing sinusitis is the procedure for cleansing the nasal sinuses using a special Yamik catheter. This method allows you to quickly and painlessly clear the nasal passages of mucus accumulation, and this treatment can be carried out even during pregnancy and in children.

Eliminating the disease at home

In acute cases of sinusitis, it is strictly forbidden to warm your nose. This is due to the fact that high temperature provokes the rapid spread of infection throughout the body, and this further aggravates the patient’s condition.

Warming the nose is allowed only in cases where the maxillary sinus is almost cleared of purulent exudate and the patient is at the stage of recovery.

At home, you can warm up your nose using:

  • salt
  • chicken eggs
  • blue lamp
  • steam inhalations

It is important to remember that such warming procedures are allowed only after consultation with your doctor.

To treat sinusitis, you can use juice, which is instilled into the nose a few drops. This procedure causes active sneezing and mucus discharge from the nose. In addition, it is recommended to instill sea buckthorn oil into each nostril, which accelerates the release of mucus and pus from the nose. Using this oil, you can add 10 drops of the product to a pan of boiling water.

Sinusitis is considered a dangerous disease that requires mandatory treatment. In the absence of effective therapy, various complications may develop and the onlyThe treatment method is surgery.

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis when inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs in the maxillary sinus - the maxillary sinus. This disease is not rare, it is very common, affecting up to 37 million people every year in the United States alone.

To establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, you should have the necessary information about the signs of sinusitis in adults, types of maxillary inflammation, and complex treatment of sinusitis.

And also consult a doctor in time and do not self-medicate. To understand what signs of sinusitis occur in a particular clinical case, you should familiarize yourself with the types of sinusitis, since the symptoms of the disease depend on this.

Causes of sinusitis in adults:

This disease affects people with weakened immune systems, who have constant, favorable conditions in the nasopharynx for the development of infection. Most often these are patients with a deviated nasal septum, chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, and dental diseases in the upper jaw. Elderly people are less likely to suffer from sinusitis; young people are more likely to suffer from it in the autumn-winter period. The main causes of sinusitis:

  • Infectious, viral diseases - influenza, ARVI, tonsillitis, rhinitis. Inadequate or untimely treatment of these diseases.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal cavity.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing - due to enlargement of the nasal turbinates, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic diseases.
  • Chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx are chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
  • Regular hypothermia.
  • Allergic predisposition.

Types of sinusitis and its symptoms:

Sinusitis in adults can be classified according to the following factors:
According to the route of entry of infectious agents sinusitis is classified:

  • From the nasal cavity - rhinogenic, more common in adults
  • Through the blood - hematogenous
  • After injuries - traumatic sinusitis
  • In case of inflammation of the teeth - odontogenic

Due to the occurrence and severity of the leak:

  • Infectious - it is caused by fungal, bacterial, viral pathogens.
  • Allergic - characterized by the fact that the discharge from the nose is transparent, serous or aseptic in nature. It has an undulating course, with periods of remission and exacerbations.
  • The exudative variant is most often purulent in nature.
  • Vasomotor - occurs when the function of vasomotors is impaired, just like allergy, it occurs chronically.
  • Atrophic – with a long course of the disease, atrophy of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses occurs.
  • Necrotic - with an aggressive course, in rare cases, necrosis of tissue in the sinus occurs.

According to the nature of the inflammatory process:

Acute sinusitis

the development of sinusitis occurs due to blockage of the outlet of the maxillary sinus, this provokes the onset of inflammation and leads to the accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus. This is usually caused by ARVI, flu, colds, and also a risk factor for the development of sinusitis is the presence of chronic rhinitis. In acute sinusitis, the symptoms arise abruptly together with other signs of a cold - pain in the forehead, cheeks under the eyes, nasal congestion, which does not go away within a week. As a rule, acute sinusitis does not last more than a month.

Symptoms of acute sinusitis:

  • Increased body temperature, chills.
  • Nasal congestion with copious discharge, if the discharge is mucous in nature, this is catarrhal sinusitis, if purulent, mucopurulent discharge is purulent sinusitis.
  • Decreased sense of smell on the affected side.
  • Deterioration of general condition, weakness.
  • Headache ranging from mild to severe, often radiating to the forehead, bridge of the nose, and teeth.
  • When pressed, the pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus intensifies.
  • The nature of the pain is constant and intense. There is a feeling of fullness when sneezing and coughing. When you tilt your head down, the pain increases significantly, as if “shooting”.
  • Watery eyes and photophobia may occur if conjunctivitis occurs.
  • Swelling of the lower or upper eyelid and swelling of the cheek are observed when the periosteum is involved in the inflammatory process.

Subacute sinusitis

with it, inflammation with characteristic signs of sinusitis in adults lasts from one month to two.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is considered if its symptoms and general malaise last more than 2 months. As a rule, it develops due to the absence, ineffective or insufficient treatment of acute sinusitis. Signs of chronic sinusitis are often mild, which makes correct diagnosis difficult. One of the distinctive signs of the disease is a dry night cough, which does not respond to traditional treatment, since it is caused by the drainage of purulent discharge along the back wall of the nasopharynx from the affected maxillary sinus. The nature of nasal discharge depends on the form of sinusitis.
So, complaints with chronic sinusitis peak at the moment of exacerbation.

  • Nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through the nose, decreased sense of smell
  • Scanty clear or yellow-green discharge from the nose (usually on one side)
  • Headache, pain in the area between the lower edge of the orbit and the wing of the nose Pain may radiate to the orbit or temple
  • Feeling of fullness in the face
  • Unpleasant smell from the nose

Objective signs (what the doctor sees):

  • Redness of the eye on the affected side, swelling of the eye mucosa.
  • Pain when pressing in the infraorbital fossa, the inner corner of the eye.
  • When examining the nasal cavity with a rhinoscope, dense yellow-green deposits on the mucous membrane, creamy discharge, swelling of the nasal turbinates, and proliferation of the choanae are visible.
  • When examining the pharynx, a characteristic purulent path flows down its back wall

Recurrent sinusitis

exacerbations occur several times a year.

Complications of sinusitis:

Purulent discharge from sinusitis can enter from the maxillary sinuses into the surrounding tissues, affecting nearby nerves, the eye socket, teeth, even the meninges:

  • osteoperiostitis of the orbit
  • reactive swelling of the eyelids and orbital tissue
  • otitis or eustacheitis, retrobulbar abscess
  • thrombosis of orbital veins,
  • pachymeningitis, meningitis, rhinogenic brain abscess, meningeal edema
  • meningoencephalitis, trigeminal neuritis

With timely, effective treatment of sinusitis, the risk of developing complications after sinusitis is not high.
