Disabled people and traffic rules: you can stand anywhere. FSS donates cars to victims at work Possible changes in legislation

In this material, we bring to your attention a list of benefits provided to persons with disabilities in 2016, which are valid in our country. They apply to citizens who are classified as the first, second or third group of disabled people. Firstly, in 2016, certain groups of residents will be able to qualify for monthly cash payments if they are representatives of one of the categories that are entitled to these payments in the legislative format. Such citizens include some veterans, disabled people, both adults and children, people who suffered during the time of fascism or from radiation exposure.

Monthly cash payments (MCD) for people with the first group of disabilities will amount to three thousand ninety-seven rubles and twenty-three kopecks from February of this year. Residents of the country of the second group of disability can apply for the UDV in the amount of two thousand three hundred ninety-seven rubles and fifty-nine kopecks. For the third group of disabled people, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen rubles and three kopecks are provided.

Also, people who are disabled are entitled to receive pension contributions for this category. At the state level, it was decided that this year the volume of special pension accruals for the disabled will be 8 453 rubles(eight thousand four hundred and fifty three rubles). It is in this amount that the disability pension is established for residents who belong to one of the categories of disabled citizens.

If a disabled person has an insurance period, regardless of how long it lasted, he is entitled to receive an insurance-type pension in connection with disability. Moreover, the circumstances that led to the loss of ability to work, as well as the moment of receipt of disability, do not have any effect on whether the disability insurance pension will be paid. It doesn’t matter what the disabled person does at the time the payments are calculated: whether he is employed or not.

From the first day of February 2016, certain amounts of pension accruals were established for citizens of the country who lost their ability to work. The first group of disabled people, who do not have a single person to support them, can claim nine thousand one hundred and seventeen rubles and eighty-six kopecks. If a disabled person has one person to support, then the amount increases to ten thousand six hundred thirty-seven rubles and fifty kopecks. If there are two people on the maintenance, the invalid of the first group receives twelve thousand one hundred and fifty seven rubles and fourteen kopecks, and with three wards - thirteen thousand six hundred and seventy six rubles and seventy eight kopecks.

Accruals to disabled people representing the second group also depend on the number of people they support. The standard payment is four thousand five hundred and fifty eight rubles and ninety three kopecks. But with each ward, the amount increases. For example. If a disabled person of the second group maintains one person, then his payment will be six thousand seventy-eight rubles and fifty-seven kopecks. For two wards, a disabled person will receive seven thousand five hundred ninety-eight rubles and twenty-one kopecks, and having three people on the maintenance - nine thousand one hundred and seventeen rubles and eighty-five kopecks.

Representatives of the third category of disabled persons are entitled to receive two thousand two hundred and seventy nine rubles and forty seven kopecks. Having one dependent, a disabled person will receive three thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine rubles and eleven kopecks, two - five thousand three hundred and eighteen rubles and seventy-five kopecks, and three - six thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight rubles and thirty-nine kopecks monthly.

There are also social pension contributions due to residents of the country who have limited opportunities, provided that they live in the country on a permanent basis.

There are several groups that receive different payout amounts. Residents of a country who are aged over sixty and sixty five years old who have a disability of the second category, but not a disability since childhood, can apply for four thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine rubles and eighty-five kopecks per month.

Residents who have the first group of disability and disabled children of the second category receive nine thousand nine hundred and nineteen rubles and seventy-three kopecks every calendar month.

How will it happen indexation of disability pensions in 2016, we will consider further. State bodies promise to increase this category of pension accruals by four percent, but they promise to index social accruals by as much as seven percent. Last year, there was also an upward trend in this class of payments. Ak, the coefficient of indexation of social pensions was set in the format of ten point three percent, and for social payments - five and a half percent.

Every disabled person has the right to receive a number of accruals, which include:

Several categories of social charges, such as FSD, DEMO, monthly cash payments and NSO;
Disability allowance established in 2016;
All categories of disabled people: the first, second and third, are entitled to a disability pension in the same way as children with disabilities;
Accruals directed to citizens who care for an adult disabled person or a child with a disability category;
Additional accruals to the standard pension due to disability;
Pension payments according to the category of disabled person;
Allowance and additional accruals;
Support for the disabled by the state of a social type.

According to the indexation, which took place in February this year, citizens can receive the social services they are entitled to in monetary terms:

The amount supposed for medicines is seven hundred and sixty-six rubles and fifty-five kopecks;
One hundred and eighteen rubles and fifty-nine kopecks are allocated for sanatorium rest for the disabled;
To pay for travel to the place of rest, including electric trains, planes, trains and buses, the state allocates one hundred and ten rubles and nine kopecks;
The entire range of social package services is equal to nine hundred ninety-five rubles and twenty-three kopecks;

Social security authorities can also provide additional services if needed. These include care services, feeding the disabled, assistance in the process of obtaining assistance of a social, psychological, legal and medical nature. As well as assistance in the preparation of a professional type, employment, contracts with funeral services and planning the rest of the disabled.

Benefits for people with disabilities in 2016 include two more areas:

Groups of disabled citizens whose relatives are unable to help and care for them for good reasons can apply for help. But only if the amount of their pension accruals is not more than the established subsistence level, taking into account allowances and additions;
The state organizes assistance to persons where the income per person is less than the subsistence minimum established on a regional scale.
The following citizens with disabilities can pay for services at a partial cost:
Disabled people whose pension is one hundred or one hundred and fifty percent of the minimum consumer basket established in the region;
Disabled citizens who have close people, but they do not have the opportunity to organize help and support. If pension accruals do not exceed one hundred and fifty percent of the minimum subsistence limit, taking into account additional accruals;
Persons who live with relatives who do not have per capita income that would exceed one hundred and fifty percent of the established subsistence limit in the region of residence;

In our country, a disabled person has the right to receive social assistance for education. So, disabled people of the first and second categories can go without taking into account the competitive basis in a municipal institution of the educational class. Also, all citizens with disabilities are entitled to a scholarship.

List of benefits provided to disabled people in 2016, includes compensation for the cost of rest in a sanatorium or resort areas. A person who accompanies a disabled person of the first category with the permission of the social security authorities has the right to receive a voucher and transportation to a place of rest on the same basis as the person accompanied. For disabled people who continue to work, the benefit is fifty percent, and those who are not employed can receive free tickets and transportation.

Benefits for the disabled in 2016 apply to the purchase of medicines according to the following rules: Disabled citizens of the first group and unemployed disabled people of the second group are entitled to receive medicines free of charge as prescribed by a doctor. Disabled people who have the second category of disability, but continue to work, receive a fifty percent discount on the purchase of medicines, as well as unemployed disabled people of the third group.

A disabled person has the right to travel in public transport under the terms of a preferential program, just like disabled children and citizens who take care of people with disabilities. According to the established norms, the fare for beneficiaries does not exceed two hundred rubles.

The salary of disabled people cannot be less only because of their features. So, people who have a disability of the first or second category work in a reduced mode: no more than thirty-five hours a week, but they receive wages in full. In addition, people with disabilities can claim a month's leave once a year, working six days a week. There are no restrictions regarding involvement in overtime work, activities on weekends or holidays, as well as at night, if the employee himself agrees to these conditions and medical prescriptions are not violated.

Housing issues for the disabled

If a person with disabilities or a family with a disabled child lives in an apartment or house, they are entitled to receive the opportunity to pay only fifty percent of the cost of a communal apartment. This is possible if the house belongs to a public, municipal or state housing stock. The discount also applies to rent.

Persons with disabilities are entitled to receive benefits for major repairs. A person with disabilities or families with a disabled child can apply for a land allotment out of turn for the purpose of building personal housing, organizing economic activities, building a summer house or garden.

All land allotments that are issued to the disabled must be located not far from the place where the disabled person lives, according to presidential decrees. There are also additional conditions regarding the purchase and sale of real estate by people with disabilities:

A disabled citizen retains the right to live on the territory of the alienated property for life;

Otherwise, the state provides the citizen with alternative housing, in accordance with the provisions of the housing code;

A disabled person has the right to receive material support, additional support, feeding and care services.

Benefits for people with disabilities in 2016 in the field of taxation

With regard to insurance premiums for an employee with disabilities, the organization has the right to pay no more than twenty-seven point one tenth percent of the mandatory accrual. But these conditions are not accepted in all branches of the PF.

Injury deductions

The company has the right to use preferential conditions for payment, which are for disabled people of the first, second and third categories who are subordinates. The amount of insurance calculations will not exceed sixty percent of the prescribed amount of insurance rates. Such information is approved in the one hundred and seventy-ninth article of the federal law, which regulates insurance rates at manufacturing enterprises. All calculations that occur on the basis of civil legal agreements for persons with disabilities affect the amount of the contribution only if such conditions are specified in the agreement itself.

Taxes on property benefits and land taxes of the enterprise

This area is regulated by articles three hundred eighty one and three hundred ninety five of the tax code of our country. Here are the companies that are exempt from paying taxes in this category:

Enterprises of the disabled, which have a public direction of activity, and eighty percent of the employees are disabled;

Enterprises in the authorized capital of which all funds are contributions of organizational entities of disabled people of a public nature. But only if the enterprise has half of the employees from the entire staff - disabled, and their part in wages is one-fourth;

Enterprises owned by public associations of people with disabilities.

income taxes

The two hundred and sixty-fourth article of the tax code states that the costs of the enterprise that were incurred by it for a certain period, provided that people with disabilities work on it, for their social protection, are included in the item of other costs. But this is provided that at least half of the employees at the enterprise are disabled, and their part of the salary payments is at least one-fourth.

Here are the areas of social support for people with disabilities:

Optimization of working conditions and labor protection;
Formation of new and maintenance of existing places of work for disabled people: purchase and installation of special equipment, including for work at home;
The process of training and employment, taking into account new areas of activity and work skills;
Manufacture and repair of prostheses;
Purchase and support of funds for technical rehabilitation;
Provision of rest in sanatoriums and resorts for disabled people, disabled children and those persons who accompany disabled people of the first category;
Legal protection and support for people with disabilities;
Cultural and sports events to unite society and the disabled;
Providing additional features: transportation and escort support;
Purchase and provision to disabled people of the press, which is published by public organizations of disabled people;
Purchase of video films equipped with special translations and titles;
Directing contributions to public organizations for the maintenance of people with disabilities.

When an entrepreneur records the total number of people with disabilities in the personnel structure, those disabled people who work on the basis of part-time jobs, contract agreements, civil law contracts are not subject to listing. An employer whose company employs disabled people can raise wages and increase the expense item for it. Article 255 of the Tax Code states that these costs will be included in labor costs in the process of determining taxable income.

For example, an additional payment is organized for the work of a disabled person, in order to achieve the level of earnings that he received before the transfer. The transfer could be the result of a medical condition or the impact of the Chernobyl disaster. An employee can receive such additional funds until his health is restored.

Benefits for people with disabilities in 2016 in the field of personal income tax

Tax deductions in the amount of three thousand rubles are monthly withdrawn from the wages of disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, invalids of all categories due to injuries, concussions, and injuries during the defense of the country. A tax deduction of five hundred rubles is expected for the salaries of children with disabilities and the first or second category. Also, personal income tax is not calculated from the following payments:

The cost of purchasing tickets for disabled people to sanatoriums or resorts, if they are not touristic and are bought from the finances that the entrepreneur has left after paying tax liabilities;

Funds that were spent on the purchase of technical equipment for the rehabilitation of disabled people: prosthetic products, hearing aids and others;

The amount of material assistance that was accrued to a group of disabled pensioners from the former head, in total, no more than four thousand rubles. if the amount exceeds this limit, then it is subject to tax, which is paid by the enterprise that issued the funds;

The amount spent on medical support, which was reimbursed to a disabled person, but not more than four thousand rubles. To use this benefit, you need a doctor's prescription and drug receipts.

Transport taxes

Retirees, as well as the disabled, are entitled to a half horsepower tax reduction if they own a passenger car and bought it themselves. The car must not have more than one hundred and fifty horsepower, otherwise the tax rate is not reduced. Some regions have passed a tax exemption for disabled people of the first and second categories, veterans who have a vehicle with a capacity of no more than one hundred and fifty horsepower.

Land tax

A citizen has the right to reduce the tax base not by the amount that is not taxed - ten thousand rubles, if he owns a land plot, he is a disabled person of the first or second category, a veteran of the Second World War. At the same time, property taxes are not paid by disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as disabled children.

With regard to the state fee, the disabled of the first and second category do not pay this fee when applying to the court on the basis of the general laws of the jurisdiction and filing claims for damages in an amount not less than a million. The list of benefits provided to disabled people in 2016 includes notary services, which a disabled person can use at a fifty percent discount.

Karolina Emelyanova

According to the rules of the road (Appendix 1, section 3), the effect of some prohibition signs does not apply to a car if it is driven by a disabled person of group I or II, or if it transports such a disabled person or disabled children.

We are talking about the signs "Movement is prohibited", "Motor vehicles are prohibited", "Parking is prohibited", "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month" and "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month".

From February 6, 2016, the operation of these signs does not apply only to those vehicles on which the identification sign "Disabled" is installed. The corresponding addition was made to the SDA (Appendix 1, section 3). In addition, among the documents that the driver is required to present at the request of the traffic police officer, now includes a certificate of a disabled person (clause 2.1.1. SDA).

Previously (until February 6, 2016) the need to use the sign "Disabled Person" was not mentioned in the section on prohibition signs. It was required only in the case of parking in a parking lot for the disabled. At the same time, the driver was not required to carry a document confirming his disability or the disability of the passenger.

From June 19, 2015, a fine of 5,000 rubles is provided for the illegal use of the identification mark "Invalid". Illegally installed sign is subject to confiscation.

“The decisions taken will improve the social protection of persons with disabilities and exclude cases of misuse of the identification marks “Invalid”, as well as exclude the possibility of violating the relevant prohibition road signs by persons who do not have the right to do so,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs website says.

Underwater rocks

Despite the fact that changes in traffic rules should protect the rights of people with disabilities, some motorists are afraid of difficulties with their application in practice. For example, drivers who often have to transport relatives with disabilities have an identification mark “Disabled” on their car. Wouldn't it be a violation to use this sign if there is no disabled person in the car at the moment?

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta explains, the sign "Invalid" does not give any advantages on a regular road. Therefore, if the driver does not use benefits intended only for the disabled, then he does not allow any violations.

But doubts still remain. After all, the traffic police declares that a fine of 5,000 rubles. for "driving a vehicle on which this identification mark is illegally installed."

The following situation is also quite possible: you took a disabled person, for example, to a train station or a clinic, left the car under a prohibition sign and went out to see him off. You return without a disabled person, and a traffic police inspector is waiting for you at the car. If the “Disabled” sign is installed on the car, then you can no longer prove that the disabled person was previously in it. If the sign is removed after the trip, then the car is parked in the wrong place. It seems that there are no simple recipes for this situation yet.

“The presence of an active discussion suggests that the law left many questions,” a lawyer from the Collegium of Legal Protection commented on the situation for Mercy.ru Ravil Akhmetzhanov.

In Moscow, unlike other regions, there are special parking rules for the disabled. Disabled car owners and legal representatives of a child with a disability can apply for special permits that entitle them to 24-hour free parking in areas designated for the disabled. Permission is issued at the MFC.

The convenience of this benefit lies in the fact that the document is issued for the car. That is, if at the moment there is no disabled person in the car (for example, he is undergoing an examination at a medical institution, and the driver is waiting for him), it can still be in the parking lot for the disabled, since the car number is entered in a special register.

However, differences between regional laws and traffic regulations can cause unexpected conflicts. According to Ravil Akhmetzhanov, a disabled driver from another region of Russia, having arrived in the capital, can easily receive a fine or not find a car left there in the parking lot - it will be taken to a special parking lot.

After all, his vehicle is not included in the Moscow register of cars belonging to the disabled. Accurately fulfilling the traffic rules, he may be the culprit of three administrative offenses at once - two under federal law (parking in the wrong place and illegal use of the Disabled identification mark) and one under regional law (unpaid parking), the expert emphasized.

1. On December 21, the keys to new cars were handed over to Saratov residents who suffered at work. The practice of supporting fellow countrymen who find themselves in a difficult life situation continues, despite any economic difficulties. The ceremony of handing over the keys took place in the Saratov regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. Cars were received by 8 residents of the region from Balakovo, Engels, Ershov, Saratov, Novouzensky, Lysogorsky, Marksovsky districts. Each of those present at the ceremony received a car again - a more convenient, comfortable and improved model from a technical point of view.

Cars have been issued to citizens injured in the workplace since 2000. For 15 years, 346 cars have been issued. Until 2008, such categories of citizens received Oka cars. Then this brand was replaced by the fifth and seventh Zhiguli models. Since 2013, a more convenient and comfortable car brand "LADA GRANTA" has been issued.

In total, according to the results of 2016, 22 cars were handed over to citizens who received damage to their health due to an accident at work and an occupational disease.

2. 20 residents of the Volgograd region, injured at work, received the keys to new cars. For the first time, people with disabilities were provided with manual vehicles with automatic transmission, air conditioning and electric windows. Since the start of the program of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS), about 450 residents of the region have received special vehicles.

Providing adapted cars to citizens who have received a disability at work allows them to maintain an active lifestyle. The need of the victim in a special means is determined by the bodies of medical and social expertise: if he is recognized as fit to drive a vehicle, he can count on receiving a car. Today, there is no queue for receiving special vehicles in the regional branch of the FSS - only a few months pass from the moment of collecting and submitting documents to receiving the car.

Along with the provision of vehicles, the fund's responsibilities include providing those injured at work with technical means of rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment.

According to the Labor and Employment Committee of the Volgograd Region, there is a positive trend in the region to reduce the number of accidents at work. Since the beginning of 2016, their number has decreased by more than 50% compared to the same period last year.

3. The keys to new Lada Granta cars were received by residents of the Oryol region who were injured at work. The event took place on December 7th.

It should be noted that the need for a special car is determined by the institution of medical and social expertise, which conducts an examination of victims at work, establishes the degree of loss of professional ability to work and develops a program for the rehabilitation of the victim.

The owners of the new Lada Granta, equipped with an automatic transmission, this time were 7 people. These are residents of the Orlovsky, Mtsensk, Novosilsky, Zalegoshchensky districts of the Oryol region.

The cars were purchased at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. The total amount was about 3.5 million rubles.

In total, since 2001, as part of the social and professional rehabilitation of citizens injured at work, the Oryol regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund has issued 177 cars.

4. The disabled people of the Omsk region were given the keys to 35 new cars. 17 million rubles were allocated from the Social Insurance Fund for the purchase of vehicles. Personal vehicles, specially equipped for physiological needs, are handed over to disabled people annually.

The state program for the provision of victims at work and those who received a disability has been operating on the territory of the Omsk region since 2001. By law, such vehicles are issued every 7 years, while the previous car also remains in personal use, and the owner has the right to sell or donate it. In addition, the state allocates a fixed amount for gasoline and pays for the overhaul of the car.

Today, in the Omsk region, 40 percent of people with disabilities are guaranteed jobs. Next year, this figure will be increased to 50 percent, and this does not include victims at work.

Now the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the region, together with the Social Insurance Fund and the employment service, are preparing a program for retraining, advanced training and employment of Omsk residents who have received a disability at work. The Omsk region will start implementing this pilot project in 2017.

5. On December 29, the keys to special vehicles were handed over to 29 residents of the Novosibirsk region who were injured at work. Funds for the purchase of 29 Lada Granta cars were allocated from the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation to Novosibirsk victims of accidents at work and those with disabilities.

For reference:

The cars were purchased in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases", "Regulations on the payment of additional costs for medical, social and professional rehabilitation of insured persons who have received health damage due to accidents at work and occupational diseases, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 286 dated May 15, 2006. The provision of victims with cars at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation has been carried out since 2000.


1. The best farmers of the Orenburg region received the keys to cars. On November 21, leaders of agricultural production were honored in the regional center. Agricultural producers from all over the region came to the holiday dedicated to the Day of the agricultural worker in the food and processing industry of the Orenburg region.

At the festival, the leaders of the agro-industrial complex of the Orenburg region were awarded - 38 farmers received the keys to cars. The districts, organizations and farms that have achieved the best production and economic indicators in industry areas have been identified.

2. On Tuesday, December 20, specialized minibuses were handed over to the municipalities of the region.

Vehicles are fully adapted to carry passengers with disabilities.

This year, three minibuses received complex centers of social services for the population in the Svetlovsky urban district, Baltiysky and Svetlogorsky districts. For these purposes, 7.3 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget.

The new vehicles have replenished the fleet of the social transportation service, which has been created and operates in every district of the region. Every year, more than five thousand people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system use these transport services in the region. Currently, 38 specialized vehicles carry out trips across the territory of the Kaliningrad region to ensure the delivery of citizens to socially significant institutions.

Information about the work of the social transportation service:

In 2001, a pilot project "Social taxi" began to be implemented in the Kaliningrad region, aimed at providing services to citizens with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Financing of the activities of the social transportation service is carried out at the expense of the regional budget, allocated in the form of subventions to local budgets.

In general, over the past three years, more than 33 million rubles have been allocated for the purchase of specialized vehicles.

Travel is carried out on the basis of coupons issued by complex centers of social services for the population at the place of residence of the disabled person.

In 2014, at the expense of the regional budget (11.9 million rubles), 6 minibuses were purchased, equipped with a mechanism for lifting a passenger along with his seat into the passenger compartment. Inside the cabin there are fastenings for fixing two wheelchairs. The design is developed taking into account all safety rules. These vehicles are distributed in the following municipalities: Kaliningrad, Guryevsky, Gusevsky and Chernyakhovsky urban districts, as well as Polessky municipal district.

In 2015, eight more specialized minibuses were purchased for the Bagrationovsky, Nemansky districts, Gvardeysky, Slavsky, Guryevsky, Ozersky, Zelenogradsky and Sovetsky urban districts. For these purposes, 14.5 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget.

From February 6 of this year, drivers driving vehicles with the “Disabled” identification marks installed on them will be required to carry and, at the request of police officers, submit for verification a document confirming the fact of disability.

A document confirming disability is required only in the event that the sign "Disabled" is installed on the car. The amendments come into force in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2016 No. 23 "On Amendments to the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation".

The amendments should make it easier for drivers to monitor compliance with the requirements of certain road signs during inspections. Since before that, the traffic rules did not oblige drivers of vehicles who are disabled people of groups I and II, or transporting such disabled people or disabled children, to carry the relevant documents.

The document of the Government refers specifically to cases of driving a car by a disabled person of group I or II, as well as when transporting a disabled person of this group or a disabled child. In addition, it is established that, namely: 3.2 "Movement is prohibited", 3.3 "Motor vehicles are prohibited", 3.28 "Parking is prohibited", 3.29 "Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month", 3.30 "Parking is prohibited on even days of the month" , does not apply to those driven by disabled people of groups I and II, as well as to those vehicles that transport them.

For the illegal sticker of the “Disabled Person” sign, current legislation provides for the following liability:

administrative liability in the form of a fine for citizens in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. with confiscation of the sign, for officials responsible for the operation of vehicles - 20 thousand rubles. with confiscation of the mark, for legal entities - 500 thousand rubles. with confiscation of the sign (part 2 of article 12.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Also, a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. (with simultaneous confiscation of the sign) is charged from the driver for driving a vehicle on which the identification mark "Disabled" is illegally installed (part 4.1 of article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

List of documents confirming disability:

1) certificate of disability, which indicates:

- disability group;

- the period for which it is established;

- the degree of limitation of the ability to work;

- Cause of disability.

Important! The disability document does not have to be in the name of the driver. Since the “Invalid” sign can be installed not only on cars driven by disabled people of groups I or II, but also on cars carrying them, this was separately noted at the beginning of the news.

Thus, if a driver transports a disabled person, he will need a document confirming his disability, only in this case this driver will not be fined.

Rules for sticking the sign "Disabled"

The basic provisions for the admission of the vehicle to operation indicate that such signs can be installed on the front or rear window. The place of their installation is not specified. The main requirement is that this sign does not violate visibility. From this we can conclude that the optimal location would be:

upper right corner of the windshield (driver's side);

upper or lower left corner of the rear window.

Ludmila 29.11.2018 15:25
Now personalized signs of a disabled person are issued, on which everything is indicated: full name, group, and by what valid. So, whoever sticks a sign of a disabled person.

Michael 22.08.2018 20:15
The article was written by an ignoramus. There are legal errors.

Anastasia 16.03.2017 21:12
Hello. And what kind of disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and disabled children (carrying those) can stick a “Disabled” sign on their glass and use benefits? After all, there are people with disabilities not only in the musculoskeletal system, but also various others (general disease, neurology, gastrointestinal tract, cancer, psychiatry, etc., etc.).

Sergei 15.02.2017 15:12
I don't have a right leg above the knee. Tyukyu is getting a prosthesis. They gave me the 3rd group indefinitely. Did I break my stump? Is it THIRD to walk on crutches without a prosthesis?

Vladimir 28.10.2016 17:51
I still have a question. How to be a disabled person of the 3rd group who has permission for free parking and the sign cannot be used. The car can be towed and then prove that you are disabled.

Vladimir 28.10.2016 17:01
Hello! Traffic police officers not at a stationary post stopped me for a disabled sign on my car. At
I have a disability of the 3rd group and have a permit for free parking from
Moscow government. But they said that with a sign of a disabled person they can move around
on transport only disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups. Recorded and sent
to the court, notice The judge issued a fine of 5,000 rubles. They must be proud that they caught a dangerous criminal. How much will it cost to draw up legally competent documents for filing an appeal and a complaint?

Vladimir 28.10.2016 16:59
Hello! Traffic police officers not at a stationary post stopped me for a disabled sign on my car. I have a disability of the 3rd group and have
permission for free parking from the Moscow government. But they said that
with a sign of a disabled person, only disabled people of the 1st and 2nd
groups. They drew up a protocol and sent it to the court, a notice. The judge issued a fine
5000 rubles. How much will it cost to draw up legally competent documents for filing an appeal and a complaint?

Vladimir 12.09.2016 09:27
It is necessary to generally exclude the concept of "disabled people of groups 1 and 2" from the traffic rules, and write down "drivers with disabilities and drivers carrying such passengers"

Yui Vasilievich. 13.02.2016 22:00
On December 14, 2015, I drove a Hummer 3 to the construction market, where I ordered plastic panels for the ceiling and walls via the Internet. I drove with the right turn signal on, in the far right lane - 500-600 meters, caught up with the market gate I stopped to look in the mirror and make sure that I would turn into the gate and did not have time to look, as a blow to the right wing and the stem of a hundai porter at the right front door ... As a result, the traffic police - impudently and illiterately accused me ... Of course I will try put them on the shoulder blades ... Today I was in the city of Bronitsy, where these scumbags of the inspector came from, wrote a statement to the head of the sixth battalion about the illiteracy - the stupidity of the insolent inspectors, because of which he will be - responsible ... HOWEVER, having pictures - in parallel lapped two cars, With my rear right wheel pierced, demolished above the arched reinforcement and the left rear wheel - standing on the center line, it was not possible to prove *** and in the rank of major that they are illiterate parasites ... Decreed I took it myself ... - it is indicated that the accident was due to my rebuilding ...
