How you can find yourself - the secrets of a successful search. How you can find yourself - the secrets of a successful search What does it mean to find

How to find yourself in life? This is not an easy question for anyone. It contains a lot of meaning and a very difficult task: to do something important, and not sit all day in front of the TV and feel sorry for your years of lazy and worthless life. It all starts with a goal that a person sets for himself, and then he works to achieve it.

So maybe it’s easy to set a goal and go towards it, you ask? Exactly. But this work is not easy. Therefore, you should listen to the advice of a psychologist and you will definitely be able to find your place in the sun.

How to find your place in life

The first thing to do is choose your path. It also happens that it takes several years to decide. After all, we are often faced with a reluctance to study at the university that our parents prophesy, and you, perhaps, read books about submarines, assemble them from matchboxes and have a soul for the oceans and seas. And what to do if dad is a smart political scientist, and mom easily speaks several languages? Parents, as a rule, advise what they understand and can support. And here it is, the first mistake - you entered a place where you are not interested in studying. But you can’t upset your parents, and you happily run to show your diploma, for which you will be praised and patted on the head.

Therefore, it is very important to make this difficult choice yourself from the very beginning and explain to your parents that being a submariner is your calling. Even if you don’t understand anything about this at all, you will learn if you have the desire.

Another question, how to choose if you don’t know what?

First you need to get to know yourself. Tell yourself what kind of person you are, how exactly you differ from others and what you want. As soon as the answers to these questions are found, an understanding will come of who to become in this life.

But sometimes it happens that it seems that your whole life is going downhill. I tried myself in that profession and in this one, but there were no results, and I’m already in my fourth decade. But this is not an indicator either. You have mature years, a formed personality and half your life ahead of you. After all, the main thing is to find yourself, and not count the years. Some people find themselves both at forty and at fifty.

How to find yourself

Finding yourself is quite possible in the shortest possible time. You just need to recognize your true self and realize What is your unconscious hiding?. That is, find out the following points:

There are many books on all these topics written by psychologists, tests and video lessons that will help you evaluate your desires and look at yourself with different eyes.

The modern world is filled with enormous opportunities. It would seem, take it and do it. What prevents you from making interesting films, developing expensive programs or painting pictures? But there are interferences in our consciousness, which in simple language can be called fears, uncertainty and weakness in the face of a difficult task. Let's try to figure out what is the reason for these thoughts that push us away from what we want, and how to deal with them.

The creator of “System-vector psychology” Yuri Burlanov in his books and trainings says that human desires and properties are vectors that determine the prism through which we see and feel life. This concerns our capabilities, ways of realizing them, our own desires, etc.

It is enough to understand the full depth of your internal psychology, to realize the cause of each oppressive state, specific desires and needs, and here it is - knowing yourself.

How to find yourself using the method of “system-vector psychology”

Let's give an example: a person has special, sensitive vision, thanks to which he can distinguish a huge number of shades and colors, has an excellent artistic taste and his keyword is “beautiful”.

It means that he is the owner of the visual vector. The life of this person is full of emotions, he is in constant search of feelings, sentimental and fearful, kind and sensitive, funny and active.

A person with such qualities never bothers himself with these searches, he simply cannot do without bright moments in life and will be interested in culture, art, photography, fashion or design, where he can satisfy his desires and express emotions. Such a person can easily find himself in a creative profession and convey to people all the most beautiful and kind things, since it is from the “spectators” that we receive the beautiful things that we have in our lives, because they realize their goals to the maximum.

Now let’s imagine that a person with a visual vector works as a salesman, accountant or marketer. How can he improve in these professions, because there are no emotions here. Unfulfilled emotions accumulate, stress and hysterics begin, and a person asks himself the same question: about finding himself.

How to find your calling

Vocationnot a profession, so you should not link it to the title of any position; “marketer” or “engineer” is a set of specific functions that a person performs, and not a lifetime occupation. It is important to distinguish between what you love and what you can do. What is close to your soul is your calling.

To determine what gives you the most pleasure, let’s do a little test:

Have you decided? Great. Now try to be yourself and don’t strive to live up to other people’s ideals. A beloved grandmother may remind you of the famous surname of famous doctors, or a friend will advise you to earn money in another way. Learn to listen to yourself and, throwing away unloved activities, take steps towards your calling. Don't be afraid of mistakes and disapproval - you can't do without it. The main thing is that you do what you love and put your soul into it.

If you have any difficulties with practice, you can take several more tests, of which there are quite a few in books and on the Internet. By answering a few questions in the tests, the algorithms will analyze the type of activity that suits you best. This will help you make the right decision and move towards your goal.

Examples of tests:

  • Who am I really?
  • What job brings you the most satisfaction?
  • Get to know yourself in 5 minutes.

What should I do if I can't find myself

This problem may have the following causes:

  • health problems (constant psychoneurological stress and breakdowns over many years, chronic depressive conditions, loss of loved ones);
  • duality of choice;
  • difficulty in making a decision.

To make the right choice, the human condition, internal strengths, positive energy and a clear mind play an important role. Therefore, in case of problems with your internal state, you need to start working on yourself. After the stress has been eliminated, you can begin self-determination, because it is important in the decision process not to oppress your own dignity and not to dwell on failures.

It is necessary to dot all the i’s and convince yourself that no one will come and help, and only you are the guide of your life. To do this, having set a goal, do not deviate from it, fight for your place in the sun, no matter the cost; become an example for your children and leave everything in the past, including uncertainty and uncertainty; do what you love every day; experience new sensations.

Finding yourself in life means learning to enjoy your existence, learning to enjoy your life, experiencing joy from what is happening around you. This means having favorite hobbies, hobbies, satisfying work, and being in a psychologically comfortable state. Be able to quickly and productively cope with all difficulties and not get hung up on them.

For example, when a woman becomes a mother, she acquires the person who is most dear to her and every day, looking at him, she wishes that her baby would always be happy.

Each person is responsible for his own happiness to himself and to his loved ones.

If you haven’t experienced happiness for a long time or see that your loved ones are unhappy, then it’s time to urgently change something in your life. How to do this will be discussed below.

How to understand that a person has lost himself

This important question exists in order to be able to help yourself and a loved one cope in a crisis situation.

Most people find it extremely difficult to ask someone for help when it comes to internal experiences. Especially if we are talking about the strong half of humanity. After all, from a very early age they are taught to cope with all difficulties on their own and not to complain. How can you recognize in time that your loved one needs help and how can you help your dear man find himself?

You can determine that a person has lost himself by certain signs:

  1. A lost person is always unsatisfied. If you have known him for a long time, you will quickly notice that those things and events that previously gave him pleasure have become uninteresting.
  2. Very often lost people are angry or aggressive. This is especially evident in choleric people. They quickly get irritated, any little things make them angry. Even if something interesting and joyful appears, the positive feeling from what is happening quickly fades away. Work causes them indignation, and they often lose interest in friends.
  3. Another option is possible – apathy. Complete lack of interest in what is happening. In such a situation, a person constantly feels tired. He doesn’t want to put himself in order, the food doesn’t seem tasty, and the affairs of his family become a burden. A person may say that he sees no point in doing something, striving for something. Does not realize possible future prospects.

In such a situation, you need to try to pull yourself together, take all your negative emotions about the unstuck state of your loved one into your hands, make an effort on yourself and, by all means, help your loved one find himself again.

This requires patience, love and affection, understanding and support. Unobtrusive recommendations from relevant literature on “how to quickly find yourself” are possible. If a person has no desire to read at all, you need to help him remember all his old hobbies and offer to take up them again. Use modern techniques to determine interests and priorities. And determine a future action plan to overcome the crisis.

How to find harmony and find purpose in life

To answer the question of how to find harmony within yourself, you need to decide for yourself the goals and life priorities that form the inner core of every person.

Situations in which our core activities contradict our internal value system always cause internal imbalance.

For example, mothers (for whom their children are the first priority), forced to work many hours a day, perceive separation from their beloved child acutely and are constantly in a state of stress. It is extremely difficult for them to break out of the routine circle of life, look around and find a way out of a difficult situation.

In order to be able to solve such a problem, to find the right path in life, you need to create your own value system. Reconsider your life in accordance with it. Add everything you need to yourself into your daily routine, and exclude what is unacceptable.

The purpose of life is not an abstract concept, but a concrete plan of action. And in order to come to it and form it in your head, you must first clearly define your values, desires and beliefs.

By deciding on your own purpose in life and starting to follow it, you can find harmony. Whatever your goals are, be it to build a career, to be a family man, to succeed in sports or to help others, realize them!

In order to be able to bring your plans to life and find inner harmony, follow the points suggested below:

  • Get rid of fear.

In moments of crises, unexpected changes and mental fatigue, many people think about how to understand, find themselves in life, and make such changes so that it acquires a unique meaning. The concepts of your purpose and place in life are so multifaceted that the possibility of any prepared answers is hammered out in advance, and following the recommendations of acquaintances or successful people can lead you down the wrong path. The search for oneself is often understood as a purpose, optimal activity and structure of life, which will not only be most effective for a person and society, but will also bring moral satisfaction.

A found place in life often means mastery in a certain matter, when people turn and return. In addition, a necessary component is morale, namely the ability to derive joy from one’s own pastime. Someone who is happy and useful at work has found himself and is happy with those who surround him at home. Finding yourself means building your own unique path in life, unlike others.

The solution to how to understand and find yourself in life lies in the activity area. You can try different options and, through practical testing, find out your inclinations and feelings about all possible options. This approach seems practical and effective, because only by immersing yourself in something can you find out your attitude and abilities. But even if all of it is given to such a search, most of the various options will remain untested. Not to mention the fact that everyone strives to make a decision at the beginning of their youth, and then only develop a productive direction.

You can narrow your search thanks to the latest psychological techniques, the main idea of ​​which is the development of innate and spiritual aspirations. Regarding this theory, there is an opinion that a person is endowed with some kind of skill for a reason. So, if you know how to cook delicious dinners, but are absolutely unsuited to correctly counting change in a store, then it makes sense to go to a culinary school, but not to rush into a mathematical institute.

It is also important to focus on desires and positive emotions. There are two mechanisms at work here. Desires take you to where you find inner meaning. The more a person carries out actions that contradict his desires, the less vital energy remains. There is a feeling of living a life that is not your own, constant and meaningless. Positive emotions are a kind of marker that a person is on the right path of meeting life’s internal spiritual needs. If you are happy when leaving your entrance, it means you live in the right place; if you are happy with every person with whom fate brings you together, then you have found your social circle; if you work not only for money, but also for inner joy, then you have found your activity.

How to find purpose in life

Life purpose is a concept that scares many by its absence, while others don’t think about it. Usually those who are happy, childish, for whom everything has been decided, or who are satisfied with everything, are not tormented by the search for either their own destiny or life purpose. The picture changes sharply to the opposite when some tragedy occurs in the lives of these people or significant parts of life that previously made it meaningful collapse. In such a state, it is easy not only to become disappointed in yourself and what is happening, but also to lose the last driving force. The goal is a kind of beacon where a person moves regardless of the joys and disasters occurring in his life. In favorable moments, it adds strength, and in moments of despair it helps not to completely sink to the bottom.

But finding a life purpose is not as simple as deciding on a list of tasks for the day. It must satisfy many internal and semantic parameters, be achievable, important and useful, and be harmoniously integrated into the entire living space of a person.

Help you find yourself in life by setting a global goal, the main criterion for the correct choice of which will be a feeling of joy and happiness. It is the living, colorful emotions that will indicate that you have made up your mind. The right goals are not the same as life goals. If you feel tension in your body at the thought of devoting your entire life to disadvantaged children or hospice work, then don't do it. If not joyful jubilation, then a warm feeling of joy should be present, and not the desire for social approval through internal efforts.

Life purpose is very closely related to one’s own purpose and awareness. A person who is not aware of what he wants, what he can do, where he is going and why he lives his life on autopilot, carries out other people’s orders because he does not have the skill to understand his own internal processes. Thus, to find your purpose, you will first have to get to know yourself.

Many attend psychological groups and trainings, go to retreats and ashrams, practice in yoga studios and do independent meditation, some go to temple. The point of all pilgrimages is not for the great guru to tell you what you should live for and where to strive - this precisely indicates the wrong path of search. Only you know the true purpose of your own life, and therefore the meaning of all events is to get to know yourself more deeply.

An excellent way to independently find a goal is to remember your dreams and interests, and not the latest, but the most ancient. These options are suitable for those when you almost without thinking joined people participating in some project or the activity that you performed without monetary remuneration. Such dreams are not limited by social conventions, there is no such harsh pressure from the opinions of the surrounding world, and true desires float to the surface. Let them go, write them down, think about how you can implement this in your real life. Even the craving for space travel can now be interpreted and created a space collection of clothes, and dreams of being a hairdresser are easily satisfied by attending courses.

Search by contacting what surrounds you at the moment. Respond to human pain and needs, to works of art and public actions - in all of this you can easily find your own purpose in life. Aerobatics is to connect your real life with your dreams. Not to destroy or remake, but to connect.

How to find your purpose in life

Purpose can be remembered, created, found or invented. This category changes in relation to what a person experiences in his own life and how far he has moved from his original positions. Quite often there are situations when at a young age a person knows where to strive, what he wants, ideas about his own mission are clear and clear. This is all lost under the influence of others who force the individual to live as prescribed, not to go beyond the invented norms and gradually stop responding to signals from the inner voice.

Awareness of purpose gives a feeling of its fullness, which is reflected in satisfaction with one’s activities and achievements, the path along which a person moves. If you have lost your own purpose, help someone else find yourself in life, preferably teenagers and young men. Many ideas, lively excitement and a sincere interest in life can inspire you, especially if you carry out a truly joint search - this will make it possible to remove many long-standing prohibitions.

In order to find your purpose, psychologists advise devaluing the ideas that caring relatives and teachers put into your head. There will be a lot of pressure to go through because no one likes change, especially if you previously lived according to someone else's instructions. Turning on moderate egoism and completely immersing yourself in studying your desires and following them is what is required at the initial stage. Work on your self-esteem and level of acceptance - you need to create conditions in which you will become as satisfied as possible with yourself and life. The phrase about the need for self-love is heard from all possible sources, and it makes sense in the search for purpose. Because the more a person strives to change himself, the more artificial and not his own life he lives. Having a high level of acceptance of the place where you are, caring for that body, which now allows you to get closer to finding your true path.

Finding out your characteristics and desires is necessary, but too much will be superfluous. Leave only the facts and take them into account when choosing goals and situations - this will help you find your purpose. But in addition to researching your existing assets, you need to supplement your experience with constant new knowledge and experiences. It is impossible to find out about the vocation of catching crocodiles if you do not know about the existence of these animals. Read, go to exhibitions, take an interest in scientific programs and news not from the criminal world, but from the progressive side of human development. In general, it is optimal to restructure your brain into a mode of searching for new interests and pleasures, as well as synthesizing existing ones into new forms - this is how you get absolutely unique directions.

Identify the areas of your life that inspire you. It could be family or work, hobbies or studies - everything that gives you positive emotions and makes you move on. Develop this and watch for the counterpoints that cause loss of energy and feelings of apathy. Such unproductive parts should not be simply thrown out of life, as they may be significant, but the discomfort needs to be transformed into positivity. If there is a lot of stress from being at home, think about maybe you need to do some renovations, buy a comfortable bed, or communicate more with your family so as not to feel like a stranger. If it’s very difficult at work, then maybe you should reconsider your relationships with colleagues, ask for help, or switch to a different schedule.

What to do in life, how to find yourself

To successfully find something to do in life, psychologists advise discarding all extraneous thoughts and criticism, and initially turning on intuition, creative thinking and a flow of fantasy. Make a list of everything you enjoy doing, just write it down without judging how realistic or useful it is. Even activities that you have never done before, but were somehow attracted or interested in, are great. This could be conducting scientific activities and blowing soap bubbles, washing cats and calculating thermal conductivity, makeup and shopping, sleeping and swimming - everything that brings you joy or satisfaction, add it to the list without any criticism. There is no need to immediately write down suitable options, but such a listing will eventually help you find your occupation.

You should not list what is considered accepted, useful or approved if it does not please you personally. The pleasure list is directly related to finding oneself, and the necessity list is directly related to ensuring the well-being of others. Do not try to consider each item as the work of your whole life - this greatly narrows your search and slows down your activity. Successful and happy people have from 7 to 15 sustainable interests, sometimes in completely different areas. You can then combine them or separate them by time. But under no circumstances should you remove it, because every joyful activity brings you closer to the truth of your existence, gives you energy and reveals your potential.

Start doing what you previously wanted to do, but were afraid of or where you failed. If you remain interested in a certain area for a long time, then it is quite possible that this is exactly what you need to do in life, and failures are provoked by fear. Excessive anxiety, pedantry, the desire to do everything in the best possible way can paralyze anyone the first time. Perform new activities playfully, do not put the need for the result above the process, and also do not forget to ask for help from those who have been doing similar things for a long time.

Every morning, create an image of your desired life. Moreover, it is important that these thoughts include the period of the present day, in a year and in ten years - this represents a global perspective and does not allow you to miss the joy of each moment. The image should be as complete as possible and reflect all areas. That is, in relation to yourself, you must understand how you want to look (from the color of your hair to the material of your socks), what kind of health you have, how much sleep, what to eat.

Regarding your mental and emotional state, it is important to understand whether you are striving for calm, sudden changes or saturation. Activities include sports achievements, work process, relaxation (time, place, preparation), meetings with friends and much more. Everything should appear in your imagination in as much detail as possible, then the next day can become closer to the dream, since then the brain will automatically look for conditions and the possibility of fulfilling daily wishes and promising options for long-term plans.

Pay attention to your abilities and combine this with interest. You can even take appropriate tests, the results of which, however, will require your modification. Having usually received a career guidance, it needs to be reworked taking into account your tastes. For example, a person with mathematical abilities will be offered the roles of a teacher or accountant, but this does not preclude participation in specialized quizzes or the choice of vacancies in pastry shops (if you have a sweet tooth). Focus on your own pleasure, which arises at the intersection of the possibility of self-realization, the use of your own talents and the satisfaction of personal interest.

Work and personal life, how to find balance

The idea of ​​balancing work and family is not new and many tips are often offered with ideal schedules and calculations of how much time should be devoted to each activity. However, they can be perceived solely as examples from life, stories from friends, but not a guide to action. It is necessary to distribute time and invested efforts based on your own goals, personal meanings and preferences. There are people who are ready to leave the whole world for the sake of a loved one and give up society and their own professional self-realization, and those who are depressed by any relationship and take away a lot of internal resources.

It is important not only to determine what you get more satisfaction from, so as not to torment yourself with pangs of conscience from comparison with others, but also a real assessment of the state of affairs. For example, a person can be absolutely happy that there is only work in his life, but in the event of dismissal or bankruptcy of the company, such a person remains in complete isolation, with a lack of goals, meaning in life, trampled self-esteem and without sources of energy. The same thing can happen to someone who has put everything on the family when divorce or betrayal comes.

In order for your whole life not to disappear from under your feet in one moment, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the development of all areas of life. This ensures multilateral support and stability in the event of the disappearance of a loved one, and can also provide new ideas or perspective on the entire situation. Formal adherence to such a distribution usually gives nothing but rapid fatigue and increasing irritation from doing useless work.

Balance must be sought every time, in every situation. If you notice that your partner is starting to get offended more often and become emotionally distant, then it makes sense to devote more time to the relationship. When there is another deadline at work and serious money is at stake, you need to devote more time to work. It is impossible to set one schedule forever; you should listen to the situation and its changes. But this does not negate the introduction of some traditions, for example, devoting Saturday only to family, and Tuesday evening to dinner with clients. Such traditions will help maintain a more or less constant level of development and give a sense of stability and certainty to the people around you.

It is useless to contrast work and personal life, since a quarrel with loved ones affects the efficiency of the work process, just as failures in the profession force you to bring it home with you. These two areas are not different, and the more dependencies between them you can detect, the greater the chances of finding the optimal mode. The responsibility for changing the situation lies only with you, and if you continue to endure, gritting your teeth, you will not find balance.

As a child, I so wanted to become an adult as quickly as possible. But I became an adult and I don’t know why I grew up and learned what to do now, what to do, what to strive for, how to find myself in life. Can anyone really help me sort out my desires? Help me understand myself?

System-vector psychology will help answer all these questions.

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

Lucky people are those who understand what they want in life. Those who, even at school, know what to do and what profession to study next. They do not choose a profession “for company” with friends or at the behest of their parents, only to then drop out of school or do something they don’t like for the rest of their lives.

The ability to feel and understand one’s true desires is of great importance in everyone’s life. For many, this determines “to be or not to be” in this life, and for some even “to live or not to live” - depending on the mental properties of a particular person.

We are all born with an already defined set of desires, a set of innate mental properties, which in system-vector psychology are called vectors. All innate properties of the psyche are correlated with the properties of the body. This means that we are naturally capable of making all our desires come true.

We can make our and only our desires come true. The capabilities of our body correspond to the fulfillment of the desires of our psyche, and not of mom or dad, boyfriend or girlfriend.

This set of properties and desires cannot be changed during life. You can only develop innate abilities or not develop them. To implement or not to implement. Find what you want to do, or not find it.

To be happy or not to be

It is important for a person to feel in life a state that he is not living in vain - to feel the joy that gives him the opportunity to perceive the very moment of living life. A person should feel a sense of joy in life - when he is in a state of joy, he does not have a question about how he can find himself in life and what to do. Anyone who has ever experienced such a state cannot deny it.

Finding yourself in life means finding what brings you joy. Not external fun. No. This is different - an internal deep state of filling oneself with a jubilant feeling of joy and life with meaning. And a person experiences this greatest joy in life only when he realizes his innate talents, his innate mental properties, his desires. Realizes what he really wants to do, and is not guided by test results or recommendations from books.

Finding yourself in life means understanding your innate mental properties, your innate desires and realizing them in life, making your dreams come true.

How to understand yourself

The process of knowing one’s innate properties and desires is twofold - conscious and sensory. This is a very important point. Finding yourself in life and understanding what is worth doing is not just determining the vectors of your mental health, but realizing them. This is a deeper process. You need to feel and realize what you have an irresistible attraction to, what you want to do.

An important point in this process is to eliminate as much as possible the influence of false attitudes and values. Then these will not be just words, not the common expression “find yourself in life,” but a truly important stage. And it can happen in the life of any person who is in search of understanding his true self, understanding what can bring joy and happiness. Find your calling. Regardless of age.

Where does “I dream of becoming in life...” begin?

All our dreams come from childhood. It is in childhood that the way a person’s life will turn out is laid out. Therefore, great responsibility lies with parents and people who, by the nature of their activities, are associated with raising children.

The most accurate way to determine a child’s innate abilities is before the age of six, when he still expresses his desires and aspirations. During this period, the child’s psyche and consciousness develop, so he is sensitive to “his own.” Later, he picks up other people’s attitudes and no longer knows what he himself wants to do. It is more difficult for him to find “his own”, to find himself.

During this period, understanding the psyche of a particular child, observing what he shows more interest in, you can direct his development in the right direction. According to his innate talents and his manifested attraction. Using methods of involvement and coercion in the process of education, make him fall in love with what he strives for, what he does most inspiredly. Then he will achieve a lot in this direction in life, find and realize himself.

Such a person will no longer say: “I can’t find myself in life”. He will not have questions about how to find himself, what to do, what profession is most suitable.

Being in your place is also a skill

Of course, you can understand and guide a child so that he can realize what he wants to do even at an older age - up to 16 years. But the effectiveness of the development of innate properties will be less than at an earlier age.

In addition to developing innate abilities, the child needs to instill certain skills that will help him build friendly relationships among other people and more fully realize himself in society. The most important are:

- skill of sharing food;

- development of imagination: joyful imagination, imagination in love, and not in fears, - instilling in him a love for binge reading of classical literature;

- overcoming natural laziness: children should know that the efforts they put in will be rewarded, then they will develop the skill of enjoying the work done, and not from inaction.

What profession suits me - what to do

Even as an adult, you can learn to understand yourself and be able to understand what is worth doing in life. In this case, to the above listed important components of the process of knowing yourself:

— determination of one’s innate properties;

- awareness of what you are attracted to, what brings joy;

- awareness of false values ​​and goals,

one more will be added:

- system-vector psychoanalysis, which is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes of what may become an obstacle to the realization of innate properties on the path to a new life. On the way to finding yourself, realizing what you want to do.

What's stopping you from starting a new life?

Sometimes life situations develop in such a way that in childhood and throughout life there are certain delays in psycho-emotional development, psychotrauma and other unfavorable moments. They manifest themselves differently in everyone and to varying degrees, depending on the set of vectors. They do not allow all the possibilities of the natural psyche to fully reveal themselves, and prevent them from feeling what they are truly attracted to. This is a definite obstacle to more accurately determining what you really want to do and finding your favorite thing.
Currently, it is possible, despite unfavorable life situations, to solve all psychological problems using the knowledge and methods of system-vector psychology.

What to do to find yourself

By understanding the components of the process of knowing yourself, you can answer questions about what to do in order to know yourself, find your calling, find something that you will really do with joy. System-vector psychology is the key to unlocking all four components of the cognition process:

1. System-vector psychology has all the necessary information to determine innate properties. Already in Yuri Burlan’s free online training you will gain the first skill of understanding your psyche and the psyche of other people.

2. Awareness of what one is attracted to and what brings a feeling of joy comes at Yuri Burlan’s trainings, talent and desire to do exactly THIS are aroused and abilities are revealed.

3. Awareness of false values ​​and goals occurs in the process of disclosure, cognition and awareness of one’s psyche - an understanding appears of what is “mine” and what is not.

4. System-vector psychoanalysis is understanding and awareness of oneself. For all participants in the “System-Vector Psychology” training by Yuri Burlan, most psychological problems are eliminated.

“... there was a severe loss of strength, and I was overcome with depression. There was only one desire - to wrap myself in a blanket, like in a cocoon, and hide from the whole world. But work, children, things to do. Thank God, I somehow pulled myself together. Then there was the profound realization that my life was worthless. Through tears, the thoughts that the child needs me, because without me he will not survive, and the parents, so that they have someone to love. A kind of vessel for giving. And this is my main function. Mom needs someone to give love and care, that’s what I was born for. There was a complete devaluation of my own life. And through these thoughts, something clicked in my head. And I could no longer justify my actions with my heart. I realized that in any life situation I could have acted differently, but I was looking for excuses for myself.

I realized that no one is responsible for my life except myself, and if I don’t change it, I will never be able to move forward. I can't even describe this state. One thought from within broke through the concrete armor of depression and finally reached my consciousness. And you won't believe it! I look at the world as if I had just seen the light. I see all the “mess” of my life, all the unfinished business, financial problems, all the problems. Where does the strength come from to clear these rubble?!”
Olga M., Hannover

“...Sound classes added an understanding of what was happening to my daughter. How is it possible to cope with the situation and find a way out? If before she didn’t even want to go outside, now she asks and waits for walks. She enjoys embroidering a lot. Without a reminder, he washes the dishes and tidies up the kitchen (for the first time in so many years!). She hasn’t taken any pills for about three months now, and she doesn’t have any mood swings like she did before...”
Svetlana A., customs broker, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

An important result is the realization that only man himself is the creator of his own destiny. You can gain knowledge on how to learn to manage your life most effectively, how to find yourself, find what to do in life, at the free online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

A mature person sometimes lives for decades without thinking about his purpose. Having in their hands the tools to solve the question of how to find themselves in life, they often give in to the first difficult situation. They are driven by fear of a new stage of self-development - and those who learn to overcome it can consider themselves a truly successful person.

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

The desire to change the current state of affairs does not arise out of nowhere. It is always associated with the desire to go beyond a boring psychological barrier - age, professional or family. Signs that it’s time to find out how to find your path in life include:

  • desire to change place of residence or specialty;
  • growing dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance, wealth or previous environment;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • decrease in creative potential.

How to find yourself in life - psychology

There is no person who does not know in the depths of his soul the answer to the question of how to find himself in life. Children, with their inherent spontaneity, share their dreams about the future with everyone, because they are not afraid of reactions. Adults try to hide their real desires away from prying eyes because they lack the courage to follow them and find themselves. I am frightened by my own negative experience and the fear of not meeting my expectations. For example, the success of a businessman depends entirely on whether he is willing to take risks and how much. Many profitable ideas were not destined to be realized precisely because of this fear.

How to find purpose in life?

While life meaning seems to be an abstract collective category that includes a mixture of expectations on the work and love fronts, the goal becomes a real guideline for a specific achievement. For a number of reasons, setting a goal in life is more profitable than trying to understand its essence:

  1. It will be feasible in the near future. Ways to find oneself in life represent a hierarchy of human values, most of which he is unlikely to achieve. The goal has little in common with reasoning about the meaning of existence: it is aimed at the realization of planned prospects;
  2. She organizes a person’s life. Wanting to achieve wealth, power or love, a person mobilizes all his mental and physical abilities. She becomes self-confident, productive and resourceful;
  3. She changes her character for the better. The emergence of a goal turns a person into an optimist, ready to fight difficulties. The very planning of future success is a trait that indicates leadership temperament.

How to find your path in life?

Character is formed in childhood: its development continues under the influence of a mass of factors - family and social. The level of income, moral values ​​of parents and friends, and acquired experience play a role in weakening or highlighting certain traits. When all these factors come together, we can talk about human nature. Within its framework, a life path is born, since it is impossible to limit the expectations and fantasies of an individual from the outside.

The secret of how to find yourself in this life through choosing a path lies in the following tips:

  1. Refusal of fear of experimenting with a change of profession. The greater the number of specialties familiar to a person, the more accurately he knows which of them can be considered a vocation;
  2. Control over emotions. A person capable of self-control can understand and feel his needs;
  3. Training the ability to live in harmony with the inner “I”. You need to choose your path, listening to sincere desires, and not imposed ideas about an ideal future.

How to find your spiritual path?

The development of the soul is fundamentally different from the desire for material achievements. It is difficult for a person with mundane dreams to understand that pleasure can come from anything other than high earnings. The spiritual path is the key to the dilemma of how to find the meaning of life that gives moral satisfaction and peace. Understanding the highest purpose of the soul is based on certain rules:

  • awareness of the unity of all world religions in the values ​​they declare;
  • respect for traditions;
  • rejection of excessive desires that deprive you of a feeling of satisfaction;
  • maintaining contact with the divine principle and faith in it.

How to find your place in life?

Both losers and successful businessmen are tormented by long thoughts about what it means to find their place in life. Place can mean a country or a specific city, position, marital status or level of popularity. Psychologists advise sounding the alarm if it does not remind you of itself periodically. The constant search for truth and path eliminates doubts, prejudices and alien attitudes instilled by manipulators. Employees who are inclined to constantly search and discover new things are valued by any boss for generating new ideas.

How to find yourself in life - Orthodoxy

Orthodox Christians look for the key to thinking about finding the meaning of existence and their own path in religion. It suggests that every believer is created to be an individual who can decide how to find his own path. God reserves for him the right to make an informed choice, carried out in conjunction with responsibility for it. Knowledge about the positive and negative consequences of any step forces you to think before making an important decision in order to ultimately achieve success and not failure.

Orthodoxy also talks about the responsibilities of a Christian on the path of faith, as part of knowledge that reveals the secrets of self-knowledge. He can choose any profession and hobby, except those that are considered sinful. A person who has already set foot on the path of sin, but repents in time, can receive redemption by flatly renouncing blasphemous goals. Every believer must constantly strive for spiritual development, increase talents, search for himself, simultaneously getting rid of fear. A mentor—a wise clergyman with experience and knowledge of the Bible—can help in this difficult matter.

How to find yourself in life - books

The best way for self-determination on the path of life remains the work of psychologists and philosophers. Even in fiction there are answers to questions related to how to find yourself in life. Some books help those who cannot choose their own life guidelines to set goals correctly. Success is trained by reading A.S. Griboyedova, A.S. Pushkin, Paolo Coelho, Jerome Salinger. Their books touch on questions of good and evil, the value of every breath and the truth of dreams for those who are ready to do anything to find their path in life and walk it with dignity.

Leadership books deserve special attention: they tell how to find yourself in life from the perspective of high personal motivation and maximum career advancement. There is a prejudice against them due to the abundance of quackery in the field of business coaching. And without attending trainings, a good book will tell you everything about finding a purpose in life, high earnings and choosing the right profession.

These include:

  1. "Be the best version of yourself"- a book by Dan Waldschmidt, who went from suicidal thoughts to the pinnacle of success, becoming a strong personality.
  2. “What will you choose?”- a book by Harvard teacher Tal Ben-Shahar will help you make the right choice and get rid of fear of yourself.
  3. "Important Years"- Mag Jay's book about why you shouldn't put everything off until later.
  4. "Rice Storm" by Michael Mikalko. A book about the most interesting ways of thinking outside the box leading to success.
  5. "From urgent to important" Steve McCletchy. A book for those who are tired of running from themselves and want to find their spiritual path.