Killing floor 2 latest update. Among the new products, updates also include

Tripwire Studio today free update for Killing Floor 2, which added a new game mode, maps, D.A.R. robots, weapons and a number of things for character customization. All this wealth fell on the players thanks to the excellent sales of the original.

That's right, more than 5,000,000 copies have already been sold worldwide Killing Floor, how can you not please the fans about this? Therefore, the first addition for the sequel in 2018 became free.

IN Infinite Onslaught An “Endless” game mode has appeared, which will not end until players are defeated by hordes of zombies and mutants. Additionally, waves of enemies will become more difficult the more waves your team defeats. The Patriarch boss in this new mode has been upgraded to a cooler version.

As for the cards, there are two of them. Powercore is the underground production facility, DieSector is the equipment testing facility. Both are simply crammed with various bloodthirsty devices that need to be activated so that enemies in the area of ​​effect are destroyed.

After numerous requests from players, the MAC-10 submachine gun is returning to Killing Floor 2. And the new weapons are the Husk Cannon, which deals area damage, and the AF2011-A1 pistol, which can destroy two enemies at the same time.

If you played the original Killing Floor, you'll be glad to see the return of D.A.R. as playable characters. There are new tools for customizing characters, character models and weapons. Changes have been made to the work of Quality of Life, and some errors and bugs have been fixed.

Killing Floor 2: Infinite Onslaught can be downloaded by owners of the game on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms.

Yuletide Horror

  • Happy holidays from the Horzine team as we present our seasonal Yuletide Horrors update! Take a perilous stroll through Sanitarium and uncover its dark, ritualistic secrets while dispatching the holiday horrors skulking through its maniacal hallways. But don't stop there! You can thwart the Patriarch’s plans to clone a legion of Zeds in the Biotics Lab Objective game mode. Seems a bit much to get done on top of decorating and gift wrapping? Don’t worry, the Horzine team developed a few new handy dandy weapons to knock the socks off those pesky, ravenous elves! As you deck the halls with guts and blood, wear some holiday cheer with our many new cosmetics that’ll put even your own grandmother’s sweater to shame! Tis the season to be slaying, and from the Horzine team, we wish you all a grand, bloody-good time!
  • Event Ends on 1/7/2020
New Additions and Highlights
  • 1 New Boss

    • Matriarch
      • Rachel Clamely returns as the Matriarch. Her pursuit to stop her father turned into an overzealous dedication, and she has gone through great lengths to contest against him. Her biotech modifications have given her a new perspective in life but her mind has gone quite mad from it. Nothing will stand in her way, friend or foe!
  • 1 New Community Map
    • Sanitarium
      • Compatible with Survival, Weekly, and Endless Game Modes.
      • Blast away crowds of holiday Zeds as mysterious entities perform a dark ritual to summon the great one.
  • 1 Objective Map
    • Biotics Lab
      • Mercenaries assist Dr. Ogada Buyu in demolishing the cloning mechanisms of the Biotics Labs to stop the Patriarch’s plans to clone a new legion of Zeds!
  • 4 New Weapons

  • Music
    • Matriarch's theme - “Plasma Shock” by Rocky Gray
    • Yuletide Horror Main Menu - “Silent Night, Zedly Night” by Rocky Gray
  • Dosh Vault
    • HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle | Vault | Vosh | Precious
    • MKb.42 | Vault | Vosh | Precious
    • Doomstick | Vault | Vosh | Precious
    • Seeker Six | Vault | Vosh | Precious
  • New Steam Achievements
    • Defeating the Matriarch
    • Sanitarium and its collectibles
    • Biotics Lab Objective game mode completion
  • Time-limited Objectives, Tickets, and Cosmetics
    • Matriarch, Sanitarium, and Biotics Lab seasonal objectives to earn the FN FAL | Jaeger | Dynamic weapon skin
    • Christmas Event Tickets
    • Christmas Cosmetics
  • Zedconomy
    • Mosin Nagant Weapon Bundle
    • Riot Shield & G18 Weapon Bundle
    • Grim Treatments Weapon Bundle
    • Yuletide Horrors Weapon Bundle
    • Jaeger Weapon Skin Double Pack
    • Foster's Favorites Weapon Skin Pack
    • Santa's Helper Outfit Bundle
    • Added Bronze, Silver, and Gold Bundle Packs for:
      • Premium Christmas Tickets
      • Emote Crate | Series #3
      • Jaeger Weapon Skin Encrypted USB
      • Horzine Supply Crate | Series #12 (Deepstrike)
Addressed Community Feedback
As mentioned in the 2018 Killing Floor 2 ‘State of the Game’ our goal is to bring to the community a continued stream of QOL changes for each update throughout the year. Please continue to report any QOL changes you believe should be added to the game by submitting your feedback on our official forums at:


  • Zeds
    • Bosses
      • Matriarch
        • Plasma Cannon turn rate while firing increased by 29%.
        • Plasma Cannon damage reduced by 30%.
    • Rioter
      • Head armor obliteration value increased from 80 to 125.
Designer Note:
There were feedback concerns that the Plasma Cannon special move dealt an excessive amount of damage, especially on the Normal and Hard difficulties where it had the potential to kill a player with full armor and health on a multiplayer server. As such, we tweaked its damage down. To compensate for the reduction of damage, we boosted the turn rate while she is firing the Plasma Cannon to allow her to better track players with it.

There was a bug with the damage calculations where Perk bonuses were not applying correctly to the head armor obliteration value. As such, the base obliteration number was lower than intended. Now that the bug has been fixed, the value has been increased to its intended gameplay value.

  • Weapons
    • HRG Incision
      • Removed Zed weak spot lock-on.
      • Increased base damage of primary fire from 350 to 400.
      • Ammo price per magazine increased from 11 to 14.
      • Starting spare magazines upon Trader purchase reduced from 14 to 12.
    • HRG Winterbites
      • Removed freeze affliction from the impact. This will reduce the freeze application rate by ~29% for shots that directly hit Zeds. The explosions will continue to have the same freeze application rate.
      • Base damage of impact increased from 30 to 40.
      • Ammo price per magazine increased from 10 to 12 for Single.
      • Ammo price per magazine increased from 20 to 24 for Dual.
    • Mosin Nagant
      • Fire rate increased by 15%.
      • Block damage mitigation reduced from 50% to 40%.
      • Parry damage mitigation reduced from 60% to 50%.
    • Riot Shield & Glock 18
      • Block damage mitigation increased from 50% to 60%.
      • Bash impact damage increased from 25 to 35.
Designer Note:
We removed the HRG Incision’s weak spot lock-on capabilities. There were multiple recommendations from the community survey to remove it as it made the weapon gameplay feel too simplistic and unrewarding. There was also a lot of concerns that the damage output for the weapon felt a little underwhelming, so to compensate for the removal of the lock-on functionality and address the damage concern, we boosted the damage of the primary fire. We are also taking note of the EMP affliction feedback and will keep an eye on this for future adjustments if needed.

The HRG Winterbites provide a strong, early, and cheap method to freeze Zeds. As such, there was a lot of concern that the freeze affliction was too good, especially against the larger Zeds, such as the Scrakes and Fleshpounds. We removed the freeze affliction on the impacts to help alleviate this concern. It should feel harder to freeze large Zeds while closely maintaining its previous freeze rate for smaller Zeds. We also increased the damage of the projectile impacts to address feedback that the damage output felt too low.

The Mosin Nagant’s fire rate has been increased to address multiple feedback concerns about it feeling too slow on fire to be as effective as the other Sharpshooter weapons. Also, Its damage reduction on block and parry has been adjusted down as the previous values ​​felt a tad too high and allowed for effective reduction of damage.

The Riot Shield aspect of the Riot Shield & Glock 18 felt underwhelming, and we decided to increase its damage mitigation to allow players to absorb more damage. We also boosted the damage of the bash impact. This damage increase should deal enough damage to kill crawlers if they are the primary target struck by the shield.

As always, we'd like to hear the community's feedback on these changes. You can do so by visiting and posting on the official Tripwire Interactive Killing Floor forums at:

Bug Fixes
Also mentioned in the 2018 Killing Floor 2 ‘State of the Game’ our goal is to bring to the community a continued stream of community reported bug fixes for each update throughout the year. Please continue to report any bugs you discover by visiting our official forums at: .

Top Community Issues:

  • Fixed instances of the Abomination’s gorge attack causing players to get caught in a stuck state.
  • Various fixes to snag and stuck spots in Ashwood Asylum.
  • Implemented measures that should help reduce server hard drive load on workshop content update retrieval. We"re continuing to look for server admin feedback to further improve it.
  • Fixed an issue with the Matriarch’s weak spot that would prevent the Rack ‘em Up Perk skill from working correctly.
  • Refined the hit box on the Matriarch’s claw so that it matches with the visual more accurately.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Sanitarium map from being searched for in the VS Survival game mode when using Create a Match
  • Resolved an issue that caused servers to sometimes lose their Server Takeover flag when set to play maps in Objective Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where achievements were not granted to all players who participated in killing a boss.
  • Fixed an issue where Seasonal Objective progress was not tracking correctly on the Sanitarium map.
  • Fixed an issue where a player playing as the Survivalist Perk did not receive XP for Berserker or SWAT while using their respective Perk weapons.
  • Fixed an issue which caused some melee weapon swing animations and damage values ​​to not sync up as intended.
  • Matriarch
    • Fixed an issue where some of the Matriarch’s audio would not play during her intro cinematic.
    • Refined the audio priorities for the Matriarch’s attack warnings so that they should not get cut off by other sound effects.
    • Fixed an issue which caused the Matriarch not to use her special attacks if she was attacking a player in melee range.
    • Relocated the Matriarch’s affliction effects so that they could more easily be seen when her helmet is on.
    • The Matriarch’s boss music is now included when fighting her.
  • Fixed an issue with the Abomination where the FX for his gorge would continue to play after the attack was finished.
  • Biotics Lab Objective Mode
    • Removed visible debug text displayed during the boss wave.
    • Corrected objective trail colors on waves 5 and 8.
    • Fixed issues where in some cases mission dialogue would not not play.
    • Added missing water effects to cinematics.
  • Sanitarium
    • Fixed multiple player stuck spots and areas that Zeds could not path to.
    • Audio fixes for missing and incorrectly playing sound effects.
    • Fixed multiple lighting and visual effect issues in the environment.
    • Fixed issues with trap interactions.
    • Fixed a missing collision volume allowing access under the map
  • Fixes to ZED pathing in Ashwood Asylum.
  • Fixed an issue with Trader Pod textures appearing incorrectly in survival mode.
  • Fixed an issue with boss pathing on Monster Ball.
  • Riot Shield & Glock 18
    • Fixed an issue with bullet tracers not being properly aligned.
    • Fixed an issue which caused an incorrect fire rate for single fire mode.
  • Mosin Nagant
    • Fixed an issue which caused inconsistent damage when stabbing a Zed.
    • Corrected the weapon stats displayed in the Trader Pod.
  • HRG Wintebite
    • Fixed the weapon incorrectly receiving damage bonuses from the Demolitionist Perk.
    • Fixed an issue with the dropped weapon model showing two pistols when only one was dropped.
  • Fixed an issue where the lock-on indicator for the Railgun could remain on screen after changing fire mode.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the Ion Thruster’s Lucifer skin.
  • Fixed an issue with the Kickin’ It Deluxe emote textures not displaying correctly in the game lobbies.
  • Fixed an issue with the Air Metal emote not displaying correctly when equipped by a player using D.A.R.
  • Fixed an issue with the D.A.R. cosmetics where armor cosmetics and their variants were not visible in 1st Person.
  • Security improvements for kick/ban exploits
As always, thank you for your continued support!

Considering that the game is still very raw and sparse in terms of content, the appearance of the expected second boss at least calmed the burning community a little... Or not?

The new updates also include:
Two cards;
Six guns;
One hero;
Microtransaction Store.

I would like to remind you of a few obvious things. Firstly, it’s difficult to call it a real continuation of the series; it’s rather a reskin, and not the most successful one. The developers, the studio, have promised a lot, but the deadline is already coming to an end, and there is still no announced content. It's funny, but the game failed to reach the level of its predecessor. At the moment there are very few active gamers in the game and even on peak days the attendance is very low. In the list of popularity, the project sits somewhere in fortieth place, 4 times inferior even to its competitors in the genre...

Secondly, the game is in early access, and in an extremely raw state. New content is released very slowly, and bugs are not fixed quickly. The last straw was the introduction of the microtransaction store. Let me remind you that the game is not cheap (I get a price tag of $18). It turns out that people paid for the idea, but received chests with random contents, which also need to be purchased. Of course, for now there are only decorative goodies - weapon reskins. But did people really pay money for this? A storm of negative reviews has flooded the project’s page over the past two weeks. What is noteworthy is that the same situation happened with - there the developers made excuses by saying that they did not have money to pay salaries.

But what’s even more interesting is the politics itself. If I had posted what I wrote above on their forum as a review, opinion, or something else, I would have been banned immediately... Because a negative point of view (although in fact, this is an indication of reality) does not suit them. Many old-timers of the first part with similar thoughts, without holding back, poured out their souls on the forums, until the mass ban apocalypse began. And it doesn’t matter that you are an ardent fan of the series, that you buy all the DLC and actively participate in the life of the project - the image comes first. In numerous interviews, the company left many loopholes for itself, actively using the words “maybe”, “we don’t plan right now” and the like when it came to microtransactions. If you output one clear answer, you'll get something like this: Now the cases contain only decorative items, but you never know...
