When you can go to the pool. When can I swim in the pool after giving birth? Myths about the dangers of the pool. Safe and healthy: when a young mother can take a bath and go to the pool Why should a woman swim in the pool

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Winter in Russia, figuratively speaking, lasts up to nine months a year. Those who can boast of financially stable prosperity prefer regular swims somewhere in the warm sea. The rest is only such an alternative as a pool. A wellness and pleasant procedure that everyone can afford - you just need to get a doctor's certificate and buy a swimsuit.

But is the pool as useful as we think? Are there any contraindications for such procedures?

Swimming in the pool - the pros and benefits

The body lacks tone? Want to get your body in shape for summer? Need an extra dose of energy? The ideal way out is the pool.

What is its use, what does swimming contribute to?

  • Treatment of scoliosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Development of all muscle groups.
  • Strengthening the joints.
  • Formation of correct posture.
  • Getting rid of extra centimeters at the waist.
  • Hardening of the body.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Increasing resistance to colds.
  • Positive effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.
  • Increased performance.

Swimming pool - cons

  • Chlorine used to disinfect pool water can cause allergic reactions skin, eye irritation and dermatitis.
  • With constant swimming in the pool, the female figure becomes masculine due to strong development of the shoulder muscles (with a couple of sessions a week and swims no more than five hundred meters, the figure, of course, will not suffer).
  • Swimsuit color is fading from chlorinated water (do not take an expensive swimsuit to the pool).

Follow these simple rules, and the pool will become a source of exceptional joy, health and the most positive emotions for you.

As a physical activity, the pool is shown to all people, regardless of age. And also for those for whom other sports are excluded. Who will benefit from swimming?

  • For those who wish lose weight.
  • For those who are concerned strengthening your joints and muscle training.
  • For those who are shown prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Adult men as prevention of prostatitis.
  • For those for whom stress- a frequent occurrence.
  • For expectant mothers.

The pool is also shown for diseases such as:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Neurosis.
  • Various disorders in the digestive tract(for example, flatulence or constipation).
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • placenta previa(in pregnant women).

For what diseases the pool is contraindicated

  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • Angina pectoris, rheumatic heart disease.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Tuberculosis of the open form.
  • The presence of open wounds.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system (cystitis, etc.).
  • The threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

In addition to taking into account contraindications, experts also recommend be very careful when choosing a pool. The most dangerous pool for health is the one that is allowed into without a certificate from a doctor. As a rule, it is there that the most risks are to catch a fungal infection, lichen, scabies or human papillomavirus.

After childbirth, the female body needs time to recover. In the maternity hospital, where a young mother and a newborn spend several days, specialists inform the woman about contraindications and prohibitions after childbirth and cesarean, which are not recommended to be violated for a certain period of time. Ignoring the advice and recommendations of a gynecologist often leads to serious complications with the health of a young mother. One of the prohibitions is taking a bath and visiting the pool. It would seem that water, having a relaxing property, will only be useful for the female body. This is true, but soaking in warm water while taking a bath or resuming swimming in the pool is recommended only after the approval of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

A categorical ban: for whom taking a bath instead of a shower and going to the pool are contraindicated

The process of childbirth is a serious burden for a woman. After the birth of the baby and the separation of the placenta, the inner surface of the reproductive organ is a wound that bleeds. Gynecologists warn that each body goes through the recovery path differently: some young mothers immediately begin to care for the baby, while others take time even to get out of bed. That is why experts always consult a married couple before discharge from the hospital: what can be done and what needs to be delayed.

In some cases, young mothers are faced with the development of postpartum complications. Sometimes the fault lies with the women themselves, who neglected the advice and recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Modern doctors do not have a common opinion about taking a warm bath after childbirth. Most doctors recommend waiting until lochia - spotting after childbirth - ends. But some obstetricians approve of relaxation in warm water as early as fourteen days after the birth of the baby, provided that the young mother has no complications or other contraindications.

Today, many physicians are returning to the practice of older generations. For example, earlier midwives (women who helped a woman in labor give birth to a child) insisted that after the birth of a baby, a young mother should take a steam bath in order to cleanse herself and improve her health. Therefore, some gynecologists do not see anything wrong with taking a warm bath. However, only the doctor should make the decision.

After childbirth, it is forbidden to take a bath immediately: a doctor's approval is required to avoid the development of complications

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the key to the health of a young mother. Therefore, many women sincerely do not understand why doctors are so strongly advised to avoid bathing in the bath or visiting the pool. Gynecologists explain the reasons for such a ban:

  • the mucous surface of the uterus is restored and completely heals six to eight weeks after the birth of the child. While taking a bath or visiting the pool, pathogenic microorganisms can get on the wound surface, which often causes infection of the reproductive organ;
  • the cervix in the closed state acts as a barrier that prevents bacteria from entering the uterus. However, after childbirth, the cervix is ​​open and it takes time for the organ to return to normal. This takes one and a half to two months. If a woman neglects the advice of a gynecologist, this increases the risk of infection of the reproductive organ;
  • the process of delivery is not always easy and fast. Often doctors are forced to perform a gynecological incision to help the baby be born. Sometimes cervical ruptures occur. After the birth of the baby, the obstetrician stitches the gaps that have arisen. If a young mother has tears and the doctors put in stitches, taking a bath and visiting the pool will also have to be abandoned in order to prevent the development of serious complications, namely, an infectious disease of the uterus.

New mothers should be aware that tap water is not perfectly clean. While taking a bath, bacteria from the surface of the body, getting into a warm liquid, can also penetrate the wound surface of the reproductive organ. The same applies to the water in the pool, which is chlorinated, it contains a huge number of microorganisms that can provoke infection and inflammation of the internal genital organs of a woman. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to bask in the bathroom and swim in the pool:

  • women who have recently given birth to children and less than two months have passed since the birth;

    After a caesarean section, the recovery process takes longer. Therefore, the gynecologist may allow you to take water procedures in a bath or pool no earlier than nine to ten weeks after delivery.

  • if the young mother has tears, sutures were placed, or the birth of the baby occurred with the help of surgical intervention. Without the permission of a specialist, no action can be taken independently;
  • postpartum complications have arisen that require qualified medical care: uterine bleeding has opened, body temperature has increased, pain in the lower abdomen has intensified, the suture does not heal well after CS, etc.

Many gynecologists recommend taking a bath no earlier than two months after childbirth.

Basic rules of intimate hygiene for a young mother

For example, in the maternity hospital they gave me a whole list of contraindications and prohibitions, which was printed out in the form of a brochure for young mothers. The main information was the topic of intimate hygiene after childbirth:

  • it is necessary to carry out an intimate toilet at least twice a day: in the morning and in the evening;

    If a woman has external stitches, the doctor may recommend washing herself after each urination to avoid infection of the wounds.

  • the water must be warm. It is strictly forbidden to direct a jet of cold water to the genital area, this can lead to inflammation. Hot water often causes uterine bleeding. The optimum water temperature is 37 degrees;
  • before carrying out water procedures, you must thoroughly wash your hands with baby soap;
  • for intimate hygiene today, gynecologists recommend using specially designed products. Personally, the obstetrician recommended products based on natural ingredients (chamomile, licorice, green tea) to me, and lactic acid must also be in the composition;

    Before buying a special tool, you must carefully study the composition. It should not contain dyes, flavors and harmful chemical components that can irritate the delicate mucosa.

  • a stream of water should be directed to the pubic area, and with light movements of the hand from front to back, it is necessary to wash the external genital organs, and then the anus area;

    It is forbidden to use sponges and washcloths for washing.

  • after completion of the procedure, it is recommended to blot the perineum with a special towel made of natural fabric.

Also in this brochure, in bold type, there was information that it was strictly forbidden to take a bath, visit the pool and swim in open water and the sea for at least two months. Then you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist and after the examination, only the doctor can allow or prohibit water procedures.

The benefits and harms of visiting the pool

Experts have long confirmed that swimming is very good for health. Today, even in the cold season, you can afford to swim in the water by organizing a visit to the pool. Doctors say that nursing mothers can swim in the pool and this does not have a negative effect on the lactation process, but on condition that the woman fully complies with the instructions of the swimming instructor. Some types of exercise can negatively affect milk production. The only condition that young mothers must adhere to after childbirth is that classes in the pool can be started no earlier than three months after the baby is born. However, if a woman underwent a caesarean section or some complications occurred after childbirth, gynecologists recommend visiting the pool only six months after delivery.

Modern nursing mothers actively spend time with their babies. Today, very popular joint classes in the pool, during which women and babies, under the guidance of an instructor, do water aerobics or baby swimming. This not only strengthens the emotional bond between mother and child, but is also beneficial for the health of both.

Today, young mothers have the opportunity to do water aerobics in groups

If a young mother wants to visit the pool with her baby, this is quite possible. Before starting classes, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician, who will conduct an examination and decide whether infant swimming will harm the child. In most cases, doctors are not against such exercises, because they also have a positive effect on the development of the crumbs. Swimming with the baby in the pool is allowed as soon as the child is three to four months old. Sometimes parents are offered to wait up to six months and only then introduce the baby to the “big” water.

Table: positive and negative points of swimming in the pool for nursing mothers and babies

The benefits of exercising in the poolPossible health hazards
breastfeeding mother
  • Water exercises help a young mother to quickly put her figure in order after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • swimming has a strengthening effect on muscles and blood vessels;
  • immunity increases, thereby increasing the body's resistance to infections and viruses;
  • a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system of a young mother has been proven, especially if there is a history of scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
  • blood microcirculation improves, which positively affects the lactation process;
  • the hormonal balance in the body of a young mother stabilizes;
  • some psychologists recommend water activities if a nursing mother is diagnosed with postpartum depression. Swimming is great for improving mood and energizing;
  • improves sleep, helps fight insomnia
If a young mother follows all the doctor's instructions, starts swimming in the pool only after the doctor's approval, there should be no negative consequences. But you should pay attention that sudden loads, complex exercises in the water can lead to injuries, so it is recommended to practice only under the guidance of an experienced instructor.
  • With regular exercises in the water, the muscles of the body are strengthened: the kids begin to sit down, get up and walk faster;
  • the body is hardened, the immune forces of the body are strengthened, so the child is less likely to get sick;
  • improves the functioning of the respiratory system, especially the lungs;
  • baby swimming has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • swimming has a positive effect on the nervous system of the crumbs: the baby becomes calmer, his emotional state normalizes;
  • appetite improves
  • The baby's body may not be ready for the stress experienced by the muscles during swimming. Some orthopedic doctors adhere to the following point of view: first, the baby must learn to sit down, then get on all fours and crawl, and only then can he be introduced to swimming and exercises in the water;
  • there is a risk of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • in some cases, the child may experience indigestion. This is due to the ingestion of some water while diving;
  • water entering the lungs during diving is very dangerous for the health and life of the crumbs

When can I take a bath and go to the pool after childbirth and cesarean section and how to do it right

With the advent of a child, time for parents goes unnoticed, because a young mother gets used to the baby, learns to care for the baby and take care of him. The body recovers, pain disappears and life returns to normal. Two months after delivery, a woman should definitely see a gynecologist. At the appointment, the doctor will conduct an examination to assess how the uterus has contracted, the degree of healing of the sutures, and take the necessary tests. In most cases, it is after eight weeks from the moment of birth that the specialist removes many prohibitions, for example, a young mother can resume water procedures in the bath, enjoying warm water. At least eight to nine weeks should pass from the moment of the COP.

In some cases, a woman may be allowed to take a bath earlier or, conversely, later. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a young mother, the speed of recovery after delivery and the presence or absence of complications.

We observe the main conditions: how to take a bath after childbirth

Experts recommend starting slowly, not rushing, but gradually allowing the body to get used to new sensations, even if a woman took a warm bath every day before giving birth, now it’s better not to risk it and follow all the doctor’s recommendations:

  • The very first thing a young mother should do is make sure the bathroom is clean. She can wash it herself or ask her husband to help. Then it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the bath with running water so that the remnants of detergents disappear from the surface;
  • then you can open the water and take a bath. The main rule is to monitor the temperature of the liquid, it should be 36-37 degrees. A higher water temperature, about 40 degrees, can provoke uterine bleeding;
  • time frames need to be set. For the first time, doctors recommend taking a bath for no more than ten minutes. This will be enough to relax the muscles, thereby not harming the weakened body. Gradually, the time can be increased, but the maximum time spent in warm water should not exceed twenty minutes;
  • do not experiment and get carried away with your favorite aromatic liquids, oils or bubble baths. The components that make up the funds, very often cause irritation. If a young mother has a desire to lie down not just in clear water, it is better to give preference to specially selected decoctions of medicinal herbs for bathing. Most often they are sold in a pharmacy and are completely safe for the health of a young mother.

    In my experience, I was convinced of the effectiveness of chamomile decoction: it not only helps relieve tension, but also has antiseptic properties. I bought a special children's collection at the pharmacy. Different companies make disposable bath bags or sell them as a set, for example, three, five or seven bags per pack.

If a new mother likes to soak in warm water, she can do it every day, but you should not overdo it over time. It is better to lie in the bath for ten to fifteen minutes and that will be enough.

Video: bathing features for a young mother

Beneficial for health and figure: rules for visiting the pool

Classes in the pool help not only to relax, enjoy swimming, but also are an effective way to get back in shape after the birth of a child. Doctors warn that a nursing mother is strictly forbidden from the first visits to the pool to engage in increased stress. This can lead to overwork of a fragile body, muscle strain. Therefore, all classes should be supervised by an experienced instructor (individually or in groups), and last for a short time. Experts have developed a list of recommendations that young mothers who decide to visit the pool after giving birth should listen to:

  • It is strictly forbidden to independently make a decision about the possibility of exercising in the pool. Only a gynecologist can allow or prohibit a nursing woman from starting exercises of this kind;
  • The first lessons should not last more than half an hour. This time is enough for the body to begin to get used to new physical exertion without overstraining;
  • gradually the time increases: first by 10 minutes, then by 15 minutes. In total, the maximum time for exercising in the water should not exceed sixty minutes;
  • in the first four to six weeks, it is recommended to simply swim in the water, walk slowly. This is necessary so that the muscles begin to get used to subsequent loads. Then you can connect exercises to strengthen the press. What types of exercises are allowed for a woman, only the instructor decides. Much depends on the type of delivery (natural or CS), the degree of recovery of the body and the individual physical characteristics of the young mother. For example, some moms are more resilient, while others simply swim in a relaxing fluid;
  • doctors warn that during lactation it is strictly forbidden to perform a set of exercises that leads to overstrain of the shoulder girdle, as well as the muscles of the chest and arms. Such loads negatively affect breastfeeding due to a sharp decrease in the production of nutrient fluid. In some cases, children refuse to breastfeed on their own;
  • after class, you must use the shower to thoroughly wash off the remnants of chlorinated water from the skin. After bathing, you need to apply special protective equipment to the delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nipples;
  • experts insist that it is forbidden to visit the pool if the nursing mother has cracks or sores on the nipples. During swimming, pathogenic microorganisms may enter the wound.

Water aerobics instructors for nursing mothers inform that to achieve the effect, it is enough to visit the pool two, maximum three times a week. It is this number of exercises that is enough so as not to overstrain the muscles of the body.
If a woman wants, she can visit the pool with the baby

Andrey Kozlov

There are three fundamental differences between swimming and other types of cyclic activity:

  • no axial load on the joints and spine;
  • horizontal position - it positively affects the distribution of fluid in the body. The heart works more efficiently and “easier”, since blood flows to it at a much lower current and lower partial pressure than during walking (just imagine how much effort the vessels need to expend to raise blood from the legs up);
  • the cooling effect of immersing the body in cool water (on average, its temperature is 24-28 degrees). The blood flow in the capillaries improves - the skin receives not only a healing, but also a rejuvenating effect.

The only negative that a person involved in swimming may encounter is that the principle of filtering Soviet-type pools (such as the "Olympic" or "Bauman") has remained the same: the more chlorine the better. In such pools, water supply filters are installed, which, as the concentration of microbes increases, automatically begin to add chlorine to the water. Because of this, visitors may experience dry skin and, in some cases, allergic reactions (most often, the skin and mucous membranes suffer again - a person begins to sneeze, his eyes water and a runny nose appears). However, do not give up swimming if you do not like the water in the conditional "Olympic" - try the pool at the fitness club or a small pool with less traffic and traffic.

Meals before and after swimming

Before talking about nutrition, you should understand for what purpose a person comes to the pool. If he wants to lose weight, then he needs to calculate carbohydrates according to the following principle: two grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight (this is considered a calorie deficit). And if his goal is to prepare for some kind of start, then carbohydrates are calculated differently: 4-5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Plus, you need to avoid feeling hungry - when we do not have enough sugar, we involuntarily begin to reach for simple carbohydrates (fast food and sweets). In such cases, the brain needs to be deceived and eat, or. In general, everything that is digested for a long time and provides a slow intake of carbohydrates into the blood (you need to make sure that the food has it). This is important because the parasympathetic nervous system (it puts the body in rest and relaxation mode) will make you sleepy, lazy, and lethargic as a result of a sudden increase in sugar. It happens, for example, that a person, eating a banana an hour before a workout, soon catches himself that he no longer wants to do anything. That is, even a banana, due, perhaps, to the individual characteristics of the body, can cause a surge in the endocrine system.

When a person gets into cold water, the activity of his muscle group increases by 30%. I did research on this and found that a person swimming in water at a temperature of 26 degrees spends 160 calories more in 45 minutes than someone who trains outside in the same heart rate zone. Muscles that are in the cold have to expend energy to maintain homeostasis (the constancy of the internal environment), which causes a greater loss of calories. And a warm shower after the pool contributes to the fact that the sympathetic system switches to the parasympathetic (plus, during training, we deprived the brain of sugar). That is why after swimming you want to eat so much.

What to eat before and after morning workouts in the pool

Before a morning workout, you can safely skip breakfast - usually the sugar level in the morning is the same as in the evening. To make sure of this, take a sugar test at least once in the morning and in the afternoon. If the drop in sugar is not critical (critical - less than 4.0 mmol / l), you can train on an empty stomach. (When I worked with the Russian triathlon team, the athletes did not have breakfast and immediately went to training, during which they swam from 2.5 to 4 kilometers without problems.) But if a person for some reason (,) has a drop in sugar below critical mark, and he wakes up with a strong feeling of hunger, then you don’t need to endure - you need to eat. For example, oatmeal cookies without sugar (oatmeal, raisins and candied fruits), pasta, buckwheat. All this can be eaten an hour or even 40 minutes before training (it’s not hard to swim with these carbohydrates).

If during swimming you experience heartburn attacks, you should not ignore this fact, it is better to find the cause and contact a gastroenterologist. It's possible it's an allergic reaction to chlorine and the heartburn has nothing to do with the food you're eating. To find out, try eating different carbohydrates at different times during the week - well before training and just before it - and observe the reaction of your body. If the cause is not food, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications. Well, if you are full of heavy proteins and short carbohydrates before training, of course, heartburn will take you by surprise.

They can spend 1,500-2,000 calories per workout in the pool. That is why after swimming they can eat anything. And if a person swims 500 meters breaststroke in 45 minutes, then he burns a maximum of 150-200 calories. So there is everything you want, indiscriminately, such a person is not worth it - the calories spent for training need to be replenished with a slight deficit.

Counting calories is easy. It is enough to keep counting for a couple of weeks or one month to understand how many calories are in the food you eat. Still, our diet, as a rule, is the same - we do not eat something new every day.

What to eat before and after evening training in the pool

Before an evening workout, you can, just like in the morning, either have a snack or not eat anything. If a person feels overwhelmed (he had lunch at 13 o'clock, and swimming at 19), then he just needs to maintain his sugar level a few hours before the pool. It is advisable to do this with the help of bars, a sports gainer or gel. It is important that such food does not cause discomfort, heartburn attacks and heaviness in the stomach and contains easily digestible proteins, and not fast carbohydrates. This needs to be monitored, as some manufacturers add regular sugar to their meals.

However, not everyone is ready for such a snack - many people, due to ignorance, call the same protein "chemistry" (they do not know that protein is a highly concentrated micellar protein). In this case, you can be advised to drink juice, fresh juice or compote an hour before swimming. This is necessary so that again the sugar level rises a little. But you should not drink a lot of juice - 100-200 grams, no more (large doses of sugar must be avoided so as not to cause a surge of insulin and the launch of the parasympathetic system, which was mentioned above).

Because cycling doesn't build muscle, you don't need to eat more protein and sugar after your workout. However, you need to trick the brain. For this, fat-free cottage cheese with raisins, a spoonful of yogurt with berries, a salad with 20-30 grams of boiled or canned tuna, kefir with cottage cheese are suitable. In general, it can be both fiber and small milk proteins. But in no case do not go to bed hungry and do not forget about the portion size - it should not be more than a handful of two palms.

The fashion for a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity leaves the choice of sports activities at the discretion of the person. For a modern city dweller, swimming is a very convenient option for maintaining excellent physical shape and mental balance. Moreover, at present, visiting the pool is available to most people, and the schedule of sports and recreation centers allows you to choose a convenient time in your schedule for visiting them. We will analyze for whom and how the pool is useful, and also find out what troubles you may encounter when visiting it.

The effect of swimming on the body

Since all major muscle groups are involved in swimming, regular exercise has a positive effect on the overall muscle tone of the body. In turn, this allows you to follow the figure or work out the necessary muscle groups. Another amazing property of swimming is a positive effect on the nervous system. With a calm and long (from 30 minutes) swimming, even breathing helps to relieve stress and tension. Improves blood circulation in the brain.

During even a calm swim, the circulatory system is subjected to a significant load, which, in turn, leads to the strengthening of blood vessels. With deep breathing, when the chest is completely submerged in water, the volume of the lungs is fully used. This is a great alternative to professional breathing exercises. The difference in air and water temperatures allows you to work on strengthening the overall immunity of the human body.

Why should a woman swim in the pool

Let's see what is useful for women. It is no secret that the main motivating factor for women to exercise is to maintain a slim figure and maintain flexibility. Swimming in the pool does an excellent job with these tasks.

High water resistance allows the muscles to work in an intensive mode, which leads to their strengthening and tightening. At the same time, the weight of the body immersed in water is ten times less than in air, and the load on the musculoskeletal system and joints is minimal. This allows you to work on reducing even a very large weight without causing additional harm to health overload.

Swimming is also great for dealing with cellulite. Powerful streams of water, resisting the body during movement, improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat.

swimming pool during pregnancy

When asked about the benefits of swimming in the pool for women during pregnancy, medicine has long given its answer. Constant high loads on the lower back and legs during gestation can lead to serious health problems after childbirth. At this time, the pool helps out a tired body.

Relaxation, which brings free swimming at a comfortable pace, has a beneficial effect not only on the expectant mother, but also on the baby. Deep, measured breathing saturates the body with oxygen, and its constant delay for 20-30 seconds (between breaths) allows you to prepare the body for childbirth. Regular swimming helps to avoid congestion in the legs and pelvic area.

Currently, various complexes of aquatraining for pregnant women have been developed. At the same time, you can choose a complex that will be suitable not only for experienced swimmers, but also for women who have never dealt with water.

So the question of whether it is useful for pregnant women to go to the pool begs the answer, which is useful, but only after the permission of the obstetrician-gynecologist, since some conditions during pregnancy (for example, threatened miscarriage, nausea or bleeding) can be a serious contraindication for any physical activity.

The pool and the body of a man

A visit to the pool by the strong half of humanity often occurs without realizing how useful the pool is for men. In turn, fitness instructors argue that knowing what benefits this or that load brings to the body significantly improves the final result.

They are a great alternative to the gym. Swimming significantly loads the muscles of the upper half of the body, which allows you to create an ideal. Broad shoulders, a powerful chest - the result of swimming in the breaststroke or butterfly style. These are the most difficult styles in terms of execution. When choosing sports swimming in the pool, it is advisable to use special glasses. This will help protect your eyes from chlorine exposure.

How useful is a pool for children?

Regular swimming lessons can significantly strengthen the child's immunity. Many parents make the mistake of stopping taking their child to workouts after the first cold. They believe that the pool is to blame. In fact, at first, the child's body adapts to unfamiliar loads, reagents, and a new environment. And at this time children most often get sick. But after two months of constant trips to the pool, the baby's immunity will get stronger, and the problem of respiratory diseases will disappear by itself.

These pluses are more than enough for regular pool guests. Swimming is also useful for violations of the baby's appetite. Such classes help to solve the problems of both “little kids” and children who are overweight. Systematic training in the pool forms the correct muscle corset of the child, accustoms to physical activity. Deep night sleep is restored. That's what a pool for children is useful for. Even short sessions (up to 40 minutes) two or three times a week have such an effect on a growing organism.

Lose weight with swimming

A lot of useful exercises in the pool and during intensive weight loss. The transition to proper nutrition often becomes stressful for a losing weight person. As noted above, swimming allows you to relax and restore the nervous system. Calories expended during training, together with the massage effect of water, allow you to achieve visible results much faster.

For effective weight loss with the help of water procedures, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  • Systematic. Training in the pool should take place at least 3 times a week.
  • duration. The time of classes in the water should not be less than 45 minutes.
  • Activity. Swimming for weight loss is carried out with high intensity.

It is advisable to start training under the supervision of an instructor. A professional will help you organize the time of visiting the pool (he will set up a regime of intense exercise and rest), teach you how to properly perform exercises and how to warm up and cool down. All this contributes to the speedy achievement of the cherished goal.

Disease control

Conducting classes in the pool can greatly help in the treatment of various diseases. Doctors often come to the question of whether swimming is good for asthma. Optimal air temperature and humidity help to reduce discomfort during the breathing of an asthmatic. Medicine believes that regular swimming can significantly reduce the risk of seizures.

It is useful to visit the pool and in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Reducing the load on the skeleton allows you to recover faster from injuries, as well as strengthen the muscle corset without additional injury to the affected areas.

The dangers of visiting the pool

A meaningful attitude to one's own health implies an awareness not only of the benefits of the pool, but also of the dangers that visit it entails. High humidity is an excellent breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. Most of them no longer respond to the disinfectant used to clean the pool.

To reduce the risk of contracting a virus or fungal infection, choose a pool that requires a certificate when visiting. Beware of going there during epidemics. Be sure to shower thoroughly after water procedures.

When swimming, use a quality swimming cap to keep your ears covered. It is advisable to use special earplugs for the pool. These precautions will help protect yourself from otitis, which often occurs after getting water in your ears.

What to bring

When visiting the pool you will need:

  • Help from a medical institution.
  • Bathing trunks (swimsuit for women).
  • Slates.
  • Shampoo, shower gel, body sponge.
  • High-quality cap for swimming (in addition - earplugs).
  • Swimming glasses.
  • Towel or bathrobe.
  • Hairdryer (if not installed in the locker room).
  • Wet bag.

Prize-winner of the World and European Championships Nikita Konovalov tells how to swim and get high from it.

Do I need to check with a doctor before starting classes?

A medical board is a must, without a certificate they will still not be allowed into the pool. Something should be examined in more detail - for example, the back. If a person has formed, if his growth has stopped, you must definitely go to the doctor to check the spine. This is a very important moment for swimming. In an adult, the bones are ripe, there is nothing to fix there - you can only strengthen them.

It is not necessary for a child to check the spine, although it sounds a little strange. At an early age, back diseases are not so critical and can be cured over time.

It is also important to check if there is an allergy to bleach or alkali. Maybe you yourself don’t know about it, but there will be an unpleasant surprise in the pool.

What is the best time to go to the pool?

If our goal is to keep the body in good shape, then three to four times a week is enough, and let the training itself last an hour and a half.

It is advisable to swim in the morning - it is much more useful. The body wakes up, the muscles are relaxed - it swims much easier, and the effect will be higher. It is clear that many do not have the opportunity to go to the pool in the morning. So, we are going in the evening - this is not a tragedy, just more different little things can interfere with you.

How to eat before training?

Ideal option: fruit 40 minutes before you enter the pool building. There, 10 minutes will be spent on changing clothes, another 10 minutes will take a warm-up on dry land. Turns out it's been an hour. When you jump into the water, those fruit carbs will just start helping you. Of course, you should not eat heavy food before class.

You can eat porridge - these are "long" carbohydrates, but they are not suitable for any workout. There will be a lot of energy, but you won’t be able to swim intensively on porridge - only measuredly, calmly, without acceleration.

Do I need to master all styles at the same time?

For starters, the rabbit is enough. Then it will not be so difficult to master the back - the method is identical, you just need to roll over. Be careful with the dolphin. I myself am considered a “dolphinist”, but in training it takes 10% of all my work. This is a very energy-intensive and technical style - it drives the heart a lot, so you need to be physically ready for it.

Breaststroke is also not as simple as it seems. Ideally, you should be monitored by a trainer so that you do not make unnecessary movements. There are a lot of injuries in breaststroke - especially in the knees. Even professionals do not always notice how menisci are ruining.

Our storyteller Nikita Konovalov.

How to breathe correctly with a rabbit?

Every three strokes, exhale to the right and to the left - this is for technique and for the spine, so as not to burden the same side. The mistake of many beginners is that they breathe on one side, on the one where they are more comfortable. Over the years, this leads to injuries - one arm works more, the shoulder is loaded by hand - and the joint begins to wear out. The coach may not notice this, so you need to take care of yourself.

If you breathe in different directions after three strokes, the shoulders will unload and the spine will work correctly. Twisting will go in different directions, and not in one.

What is the biggest mistake newbies make on the water?

Wrong calculation of forces.

Where does the right training start? You need to swim for 20-30 minutes so that the pulse does not rise above 120 beats per minute. Then the heart will work out, the system will start. After 30 minutes, fat begins to burn in this rhythm - now the pulse can be raised, but up to a maximum of 140 beats per minute, the amateur no longer needs it.

What are newbies doing? Beginners are always in a hurry to swim to the other side. I did not measure their pulse, but even by breathing it is clear that there is up to 180 per minute - this is a lot. Professionals compete on such a pulse. Muscles do not even get tired, they acidify. A "milk" appears - and that's it, the desire to swim disappears. The body itself rejects the load.

How should you swim in class?

The main thing is not to swim continuously for an hour. It is necessary to work in segments through a pause. Here everything is individual, everyone has their own capabilities, but the principle is the same: they made a segment - they rested, lowered the pulse. And so a few segments per workout.

Always focus on the heart, not the muscles. All recovery comes from the heart. Muscles can be rested and light, and at the same time the heart is pounding just from a bad dream - which means you don’t have to torture yourself. If you overloaded it, do not wait for recovery at night, in the morning there will be a headache and, possibly, also pressure.

How to breathe properly in water?

The correct position of the head in the water is when the athlete lies on his stomach, and the gaze does not go straight, but at an angle of 45 degrees to the bottom. Let's just say straight and down. The movement of the head to take in air should occur during the end of the stroke, the breath should be taken under the arm. So that there is not just a turn of the head to the side, but also with a slight turn back.

Of course, you need to exhale into the water - this has a very strong effect on recovery. Between working segments, you need to make the first two or three exhalations into the water especially powerful, and then exhale more calmly.

How to eat immediately after a workout?

Within 15-20 minutes, you can eat something from the "fast" carbohydrates: a banana, some kind of bun. Within 45 minutes, you can eat protein foods: scrambled eggs, cheeses, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, meat. This will not allow you to gain excess weight and restore muscle mass that burned during training.

Do I need to follow a strict training schedule?

A big mistake beginners make is to force themselves to go to the pool. It happens that circumstances interfere, there is no strength, there is no desire after work - but they still go. No need to turn classes into hard labor. There will still be no effect, and skipping one lesson will not turn out to be anything terrible.

Even professionals try not to take risks, but skip a workout if something does not allow them to do it effectively. The first rule in swimming is: it is better to underdo than to overwork.

What to do if recycled?

Take a break - there are no other options. The problem is that even professionals do not immediately understand that they have done too much.

Overloading is very harmful. Everyone wants to progress, achieve muscle growth, and as soon as possible. It happens like this: there is excitement - you try to do more and more and drive yourself into a hole. Sleep, mode, nutrition are disturbed. It’s just impossible to eat, an internal refusal appears: I don’t want to and that’s it. Muscles no longer grow, no matter how hard you work, and the weight only falls - you have already entered the hole.

Solution: either stop training for a few days until the body recovers, or in extreme cases, just swim, swim freely.

Can the pool be combined with the gym?

If our interest is simply to be healthy, then we can add a maximum of three classes per week in the gym. But this is not a rocking chair, but something mobile so that the cardiovascular system works.

But then again, you don’t need to torture yourself so that the workout becomes nauseating. You need to have fun, as if you were running with a ball. I went to one simulator, to the second, stretched a little, went to the third - small loads after short breaks.

It is best to put the pool immediately after the hall. An hour of the gym, then an hour of the pool - it turns out that you loaded the muscles and then stretched them in the water. In addition, the pool will give good cardio work, help you lose weight, and your muscles will be in good shape.

Do I need a sauna after the pool?

Once or twice a week, depending on the condition. A bath is an additional burden on the heart. If you have done an intense workout, then the heart already has enough. After each workout, there is definitely no point in going to the bath - it turns out that the muscles are not loaded at all.

How important is it to work under the supervision of a coach?

Of course, it is better to train under the supervision of a coach than alone. If it is possible to choose a coach, I advise an adult and experienced one.

Young professionals are recent university graduates. They follow what they read in books, but they cannot rely on experience. A lot of people have gone through an adult coach, sometimes he is able to work on a premonition: looking at the athlete and understanding what he needs and what not.

There is also a psychological moment. If the coach is older than you, that's good, he can motivate you to work, inspire respect. If you are studying with a peer, there will be no incentive for even the slightest progress.

"The bar is terribly harmful - for a flat priest and flabby arms." Why do girls go to the gym

Photo: globallookpress.com/Peter kneffel/DPA; RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich, Alexander Vilf

Despite the inconvenience, discomfort, painful symptoms, menstruation is a natural process of the female body. However, this does not mean at all that during the period of menstruation a woman cannot live an active life, play sports and other physical activities.

However, often women just want to know if specific physical activity is possible at this time, if there are any contraindications and possible consequences of playing sports. Today we will take a closer look at the issue of is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation?

Is it necessary to limit physical activity during menstruation? Is it possible to go to the pool? Even specialists cannot give an unequivocal answer for all women. every body is different

Women who care about their health often ask this question to gynecologists, but do not get an exact answer.

If a subscription is purchased for a certain period or number of visits, do not thoughtlessly follow the schedule, most establishments provide for the receipt of certificates from the doctor confirming the respectfulness of absenteeism.

Is it possible to go to the pool during menstruation, according to gynecologists

Experts report that taking full-flow procedures during menstruation is highly undesirable They base their opinion on three main reasons:

  • the cervix is ​​ajar and vulnerable, like an open wound;
  • the reproduction of harmful bacteria in the microflora of the menstrual environment is enhanced and helps to distinguish between inflammation;
  • increased saturation of water with chlorine causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Important to remember! On critical days, the risk of infection increases tenfold. The aquatic environment is always conducive to the development of bacteria and none of the available preservatives protect against moisture penetration.

Gynecologists do not put a categorical ban on visiting the pool. Medical statistics do not have sufficient data on the dangers of water procedures during menstruation, otherwise doctors would have long ago raised the issue of prohibition to the legislature.

Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation, not a single specialist says, everyone specifies the reasons that prompted the woman to continue swimming these days.

It turns out that active sports are sometimes very useful during menstruation. Many women cannot refuse training, as swimming perfectly relieves pain symptoms.

In the medical classifier of diseases, there is a diagnosis - algomenorrhea. This pathology is detected by doctors in many patients. The main symptoms of algomenorrhea are expressed in painful menstruation, when the course of the natural process is accompanied by spasms and contractions.

This disease causes an unequivocal answer to the question of whether the patient can go to the pool with menstruation.

With algomenorrhea, gynecologists prescribe swimming as a medical procedure.

Active swimming becomes a panacea. The endorphins released during training perfectly relieve pain, swimming movements lead to muscle relaxation and help relieve spasms in the female genital organs.

With algodysmenorrhea, a gynecologist may prescribe swimming as a treatment procedure

be careful! The procedures prescribed by the doctor save only from pain symptoms, but do not eliminate the risks of infection of the uterus and vagina.

If there is inflammation or irritation in the genitals, it is not necessary to carry out swimming treatment, it is better to use medication or other available methods of pain relief.

Spasms and contractions are perfectly relieved by other types of physical activity, and infection with an infectious disease can ruin women's health forever.

Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation: all the pros and cons

To make an independent decision about visiting the pool, it is necessary to carefully consider all the positive and negative aspects.

Table. Pros and cons of water procedures during menstruation

Benefits or Positives Disadvantages or possible negative consequences
Compliance with the regularity of trainingRisk of infection
Reducing pain while swimmingIrritation from chlorinated water
Increased excretion during physical activity
Stimulation of the tone of the female genital organsPossibility of leakage of secretions (aesthetic discomfort)
The occurrence of spasms and pain after visiting the pool when the load on the pelvic muscles is exceeded

note! When you are not sure whether it is possible to go to the pool with menstruation, and there are more negative points than positive ones, discard this idea without hesitation.

Despite some positive effects from swimming, there are categorical prohibitions on water procedures during menstruation. They cannot be neglected!

It is strictly forbidden to dive into water:

  • with abundant discharge, especially in the early days;
  • if there is any inflammation in the genital area;
  • when the stomach hurts, the general condition is accompanied by weakness and nausea.

These rules apply not only during menstruation, they should be followed in any water procedures.

Remember! Burning or itching can cause not only infectious diseases, the use of inappropriate protective equipment can also provoke irritation.

Properly selected protective equipment does not yet guarantee acceptance by the body, sometimes allergic reactions can be triggered by any foreign body.

No doctor will tell you whether it is possible to go to the pool with menstruation using a tampon. Protective equipment must be handled very carefully and carefully.

How to choose a tampon for swimming in the pool

There are no generally accepted rules for choosing a tampon. A woman will never be able to guess whether this remedy will suit her. Only personal experience will show whether the choice was correct.

If you previously had experience using tampons, there should be no problems with the choice.

The designations on the packages are marked by the number of drops, the best option for those who buy tampons for the first time is the smallest designation.

Note! When swimming, the product absorbs and retains moisture not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

For water procedures, it is not recommended to purchase tampons with a low level of absorption., but if the characteristics of the body do not allow the use of bulk products, you need to take a few pieces into the pool and try to change them at least 1 time in 10-15 minutes.

It is better to stop the choice of model on proven brands.

There are several types of tampons:

  • with applicator;
  • without applicator;
  • smooth;
  • embossed.

The applicator is a device that helps guide and position the tampon correctly., in the pool it is better to stock up on just such models. Convenient design allows quick replacement.

It is advisable to pay attention to the surface of the model, although manufacturers claim that the products are completely protected from leakage - this is not so. The smooth surface of the model can easily slip out during physical exertion, therefore relief is most preferable for attending training.

The basic principle of using tampons is the individual characteristics of the body, sometimes this method of protection is categorically not suitable, causing discomfort, pain or even vomiting.

In order not to be taken by surprise, it is necessary to check the tolerance before coming to the pool with menstruation. At home, this can be easily done: after inserting the tampon into the vagina, it will plunge into a bath of water, it is enough to stay there for 10-15 minutes.

Before going to the pool with menstruation, it is necessary to check the tolerance of protective equipment using a bath

If nausea or discomfort appears, this type of protection is not suitable. You should not think that everything will go away by itself, the body refuses to accept a foreign body, so you need to choose another method.

menstrual cup

If the use of tampons does not cause enthusiasm, or there are negative reactions to these funds, you can try the use of a special mouthguard.

Menstrual guards are widely used by those who suffer from irritation, itching, eczema and other ailments caused by pads or tampons.

They are especially convenient if you go to the pool on the 2-3 day of menstruation, they can also be used in everyday life.

Outwardly, the cap resembles a bowl; it does not absorb secretions, but collects them in a vessel. The blood collects in it and is kept inside, thanks to the retention by the muscles and the vacuum, it imperceptibly and comfortably protects against leaks on critical days.

Ease of use is highly valued by women who lead an active lifestyle. The menstrual cup does not require constant checking, it must be emptied 1-2 times a day. In the pool with it there will be no problem of constant replacement, as with tampons.

Silicone cap - an excellent means of protection against leakage during menstruation

All mouth guards are made of silicone, medical institutes have developed very comfortable models, the only drawback of which is the high price.

The cost of a bowl varies from one to several thousand rubles, but the purchase is reusable, so in a year or two there will be clear savings on pads and tampons, since at least 10 packs are purchased per year.

A distinctive feature of the menstrual cap is its versatility. You can start using it a few days before the start of your period, so there will be no trouble with an unexpected leak in the pool.

When moving and walking, the bowl does not cause discomfort, and also allows you to maintain the usual microflora of the vagina.

Rules for visiting the pool during menstruation

The main and most important rule is not to harm yourself and others. Everyone understands that the possible leakage of menstrual blood can cause not only personal discomfort, but also ruin the pleasant swimming experience for others.

To avoid embarrassment and negative consequences, follow simple rules:

  1. If there is no certainty whether it is possible to go to the pool with menstruation, it is better to attend training only if it is really necessary;
  2. Bathing should be avoided in the first 2-3 days from the onset of menstruation, during this period the discharge is especially plentiful and the risk of leakage is increased;
  3. Only convenient means of protection against leakage are used, which do not cause discomfort;
  4. Be sure to remove tampons from the vagina immediately after training. Products impregnated with moisture and chlorine can immediately provoke irritation;
  5. Do not use sanitary pads when immersed in water;
  6. A comfortable swimsuit is specially purchased, always with a dark bottom, preferably black. On a light swimsuit, spots can appear even from the slightest leak;
  7. When using tampons, it is recommended to buy shorts so that a peeking tail-rope does not accidentally compromise an uncomfortable situation;
  8. Before and after bathing, it is useful to take a contrast shower, which activates blood circulation, which contributes to the proper functioning of organs and muscles, avoiding pain in the lower abdomen during the menstrual cycle;
  9. You can’t eat fatty and salty foods these days, you should exclude caffeine, proper nutrition contributes to the rapid and imperceptible passage of menstruation;
  10. For spasms and pains, painkillers are taken immediately before visiting the pool. In any pharmacy, pharmacists will advise the appropriate drug, but some can be taken into account and have in your home arsenal, such as Nurofen, Motrin or Revalgin. In their annotations there are special instructions for use during the menstrual cycle.

Alarm call - acute manifestations of pain symptoms, with any signs of deviation from the norm, you should consult a doctor.

Useful video materials on the topic of whether it is possible to go to the pool with menstruation

The expert shares his way of bathing during menstruation:

Is it possible to swim during menstruation and how to do it correctly:

The Honored Master of Sports talks about the benefits of swimming in the pool:

Be healthy and beautiful!

If you don’t feel like walking in the current weather, like 43 percent of visitors to the Takzdorovo.ru portal (scroll to the survey on physical activity), you need to come up with an alternative. For example, you can go to the pool. If you've never done this, now is the time to try it.

detailed instructions

Step one. First you need to choose a suitable pool. Here is an almost complete list of Moscow basins, broken down by districts. All important characteristics are indicated: the price of a single visit, length, number of tracks, depth, special options (for example, the presence of a “paddling pool”, tower), cleaning method, working time, workload, the need to provide a medical certificate.

In some cases, it is beneficial to buy a subscription to a fitness club that has a swimming pool. Here is a handy list of fitness clubs: those with a pool are marked with a special icon. While you are saving up for a card, you can go to the pool from the first list once or twice. At the same time, check whether this type of physical activity is right for you.

By what parameters to evaluate the pool, except for the cost and location.

Length and number of tracks. The pool must be at least 25m long. Even more convenient - 50 m. In such, however, you can often meet professional or just good swimmers. Sharing the same track with them can be uncomfortable. The more tracks, the better, usually there are at least four.

Cleaning system. There are Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision standards that require the presence of chlorine in the water of any pool in quantities of 0.4–0.6 mg / l. This means that any pool has chlorine, even if its employees say otherwise. However, its amount can vary significantly.

Significantly reduce the content of hypochlorite - it is he who is used in pools for chlorination - allow additional treatment systems. For example, water ionization, ultraviolet cleaning, ozonation. Some pools consider it an advantage to use water from artesian wells. However, the quality of such water is far from always better than ordinary tap water.

If you still doubt whether you should go to the pool, who benefits from swimming and why.

Step five. After the pool, a shower is also required to wash the bleach off the skin. Sauna, massage and other relaxing treatments - if you decide to take everything from the pool - leave it for last.

Here's another eight unspoken rules, which should be observed by all visitors to the pools:

1. If two or more people share the track, they swim one after the other in a circle counterclockwise. If you are swimming with someone together (especially if it is a woman), you can agree to swim on opposite sides of the track in parallel.

2. Do not use perfumes and cosmetics even with waterproof mascara. Others may be allergic to them. In addition, they will still wash off in the pool (because bleach!) And only spoil the quality of the water.

3. Don't urinate, spit, or blow your nose. This water then goes into your own mouth. In the West, special reagents are even added to the water, which color the water a bright color if a person urinates. Such visitors are shamefully removed by caretakers. We rely on human decency.

4. Do not swim all over the pool and do not dive from all the bollards. Choose one lane and swim along it. Usually children, beginners and seniors swim at the edge of the pool.

5. Don't compete at least with strangers. This may cause irritation.

6. Don't talk across the tracks it's better to talk outside the pool if you come with friends. Conversations distract and unnerve others.

7. No erotica. Kissing, caresses and skimpy bikinis are not for public pools.

8. Keep an eye on splash levels. With some styles of swimming, splashing is unavoidable. But if you are dousing people in the next lane, it is worth working on the technique.

Staying in the aquatic environment, combined with physical activity, has a beneficial effect on the woman's body, strengthens various muscle groups, improves well-being and mood. Swimming is the most acceptable form of exercise during pregnancy. This lesson is useful for almost all expectant mothers, with a few exceptions.

Before visiting the pool, the expectant mother should consult a doctor and undergo an examination in order to identify possible contraindications. If everything is in order, you can safely purchase a subscription for swimming lessons.


Swimming as a form of physical activity is useful for almost all healthy people, and for expectant mothers it is doubly useful. Water procedures in the pool affect the woman's body and the development of the fetus as follows:

  • swimming strengthens the muscles of various parts of the body;
  • the endurance of the woman's body increases, which is important as preparation for the future;
  • blood circulation improves, blood stasis in the legs and pelvic area is eliminated, and this is the prevention of the appearance of and;
  • while in the water, the load on the spine is significantly reduced, which helps to relieve pain in the lumbar region;
  • the respiratory system is trained;
  • during swimming, the likelihood that the child will take the correct position in the abdomen (head) increases.

Features of classes in different periods of pregnancy

advice Both doctors and coaches believe that training in the pool should be started as early as possible. The ideal option is to go swimming before pregnancy: in this case, the body will be sufficiently trained.

If the expectant mother decided to enroll in the pool during pregnancy, you should not hesitate, because swimming is useful at any stage of pregnancy.

During the course, you can swim for 20 minutes a day, while visiting the pool every other day, i.e. three to four times a week. Subsequently, the duration of classes in the pool can be increased to 45 minutes, but you should focus on your well-being. Swimming should be stopped only when the deadline is approaching, especially when the discharge and the appearance of pain in the abdomen.

Precautionary measures

Any type of physical activity requires compliance with certain safety regulations, and swimming is no exception. When exercising in the pool, expectant mothers are advised to pay attention to the following:

  • It is better to swim in pools, provided that the personnel comply with sanitary and hygienic water quality standards. Before swimming in open water, it is necessary to assess the level of cleanliness at least visually, and even better, ask about the results of the examination at the local sanitation station.
  • Avoid significant temperature fluctuations when immersed in water.
  • It is necessary to swim slowly, preferably in the usual style. Avoid swimming on your back.
  • To visit the pool, you should purchase non-slip rubber shoes to protect yourself from accidental falls on a wet surface.

Swimming is only necessary if you are in good health. In case of any discomfort or discomfort during exercise, you should get out of the water.


A visit to the pool is contraindicated for expectant mothers in the following cases:

  • with the threat of termination of pregnancy - in case of high probability or;
  • if found;
  • if present, resulting from any infection or imbalance of microflora;
  • in case of allergy to chlorine-containing compounds, which are used to disinfect pool water.

important Before starting classes, you should definitely inform the doctor observing the pregnancy about your intention, as a woman may not recognize the symptoms on her own, in which swimming may be contraindicated.


You can visit the pool during the entire pregnancy, except for periods of temporary deterioration in well-being or in case of a doctor's ban. Subject to the necessary precautions, swimming is practically safe for the expectant mother and baby.

Women who have chosen swimming as the main type of physical activity during pregnancy are more likely to avoid significant pain during childbirth and such troubles as perineal tears, because during classes the corresponding muscle groups are trained. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications and the availability of opportunities and places for training, one should not refuse such a pleasant and useful sport.

The public pool regulates the behavior of its visitors with a set of rules, they are similar for all organizations. In addition to the indicated rules, there are also unwritten ethical laws that must also be observed. Follow these recommendations, then every visit to the pool will be useful, safe and enjoyable for you.

What do you need to bring with you to go to the pool?

First of all, you will need a medical certificate confirming that you do not have any transmissible diseases. This certificate must be presented at the first visit, then it is necessary to update the document every six months (the frequency of the medical examination is regulated by the organization, sometimes it is necessary to update the certificate more often). You can get a document confirming the state of health at the clinic at the place of residence or any private medical center. The staff of modern fitness clubs consists of a physician, if you contact one of them, you will be able to undergo an examination and get a certificate right at the sports center.

List of necessary things:

Swimsuit for girls and swimming trunks for men;

Replaceable shoes for staying in the pool;

Swimming cap;

Goggles for swimming;

Shampoo, soap or shower gel, washcloth;

Towel (in some pools they are given to visitors).

If the institution does not provide hair dryers, then it would be appropriate to take your own, and if the complex is equipped with a sauna that you plan to visit after swimming, then you need to take a textile cap that will protect your hair from temperature exposure. It's a good idea to carry an energy bar or something for a healthy post-workout snack. All pools are disinfected with bleach, which causes dry skin. To avoid unpleasant sensations of skin tension, after a shower, you need to use a moisturizer or lotion.

What should be done before visiting the pool?

In order to have enough energy for an intense workout, you should eat 1.5 - 2.5 hours before class, but it is important not to overeat;

Do not eat onions or garlic if you plan to go to the pool;

Before you start swimming, you should take a good bath with a washcloth to get rid of the remnants of cosmetics on the body. If there are patches on the skin, they should also be removed;

Swimming is a workout, so if you do not want to get injured, you should warm up before exercise.

What is prohibited in the pool?

Arrive under the influence of alcohol. This may seem like a fun adventure to you, but believe me, it is very dangerous. Surrounding visitors will be unpleasant, that is, swimming while intoxicated is a neglect of one's own safety and the comfort of others;

Jump into the water from a running start, bollard or board. Please note that in each pool there are prohibition signs, civilized visitors descend into the water along the ladder without interfering with the training of other visitors. Pools are equipped with bedside tables for the start of sports swimming athletes, not at all for one of the visitors to jump from them with a “bomb”, dousing everyone around with waves and spray;

Run around the pool. With careless behavior, there is a high risk of slipping and getting injured, which will make you forget about swimming for many months to come;

Block the clock if your workout is already over. Other visitors keep a close eye on the time;

Before going to the pool, you do not need to use perfume, persistent perfume will not wash off in the shower before training, on the contrary, their smell over the surface of the water will become many times stronger. Everyone has a different attitude to perfume, among your comrades in the pool there may be allergies;

You do not need to swim if there are open wounds on the body. Contact of chlorinated water with a wound is not very good for your health, besides, other visitors may be horrified by what they see and lose their training mood;

It is forbidden to hang on the track dividers, sit down and climb on them, they are not intended for this. This rule is most often violated by girls who are afraid to swim under the separators or simply do not want to put their heads under water. Inexperienced swimmers may want to take a break right in the middle of the lane, and they find nothing smarter than leaning on the divider. If you are not confident in your abilities, then choose the extreme paths for yourself, so you can take a break at any time, moreover, the feeling that the edge of the bowl is nearby will give strength;

Do not interfere with the training of other visitors. This includes the above-described jumps from the bollards or the side almost on the heads of other people, hanging on the dividers in the middle of the pool as a rest, as well as violation of the order of movement on the water, playing in the pool, spending a long time at the side for a conversation and other things not provided for by the training regulations .

What can and should be done during a swimming session?

Pool visitors adhere to unwritten ethical rules that are difficult to regulate administratively. However, their execution speaks of your culture of behavior, only if the rules are followed, all visitors to the pool will be safe and comfortable. If you meet a person who neglects this code of politeness, you will immediately mark him and understand how unpleasant such a neighborhood is.

Swimmer's courtesy code

Track selection

Before diving into the pool, evaluate what is happening in it. That is, how many people train on each of the lanes, whether personal training is conducted with a trainer, how fast they swim on each lane. Understanding the situation will help you make the right choice of track.

You should choose a track according to several criteria, the main one being swimming speed. The paths that are located along the sides of the pool are designed for those who are just starting to swim and need to feel the proximity of the side, for children and adults who move slowly in the water. Those paths that are located in the center of the pool are reserved for those who are engaged in sports swimming, experienced and confident swimmers. The remaining lanes are reserved for those who float confidently on the water, swim freely in different styles, but do not do it as fast as the professionals.

The closer to the center - the higher the speed of swimming, this is true for each pool, even if it has only three lanes, in which case the central one will be intended for the most experienced swimmers.

Assessing the situation, you will be able to compare your skills and the abilities of other athletes. You should always choose the track where you train equal in strength. If you cannot swim fast, then do not swim on the center lane, you will not be able to match the speed limit of the people on it, you will obstruct others, feel uncomfortable and insecure. If you swim confidently and quickly, then do not choose the extreme track, in such a situation you will have to constantly go around obstacles.

In many pools, there are signs in front of the beginning and end of the lane indicating the purpose of the lane. Most often they say:

Path for slow swimming;

Path for fast swimming;

Path for measured swimming and recreation on the water;

Group training;

Personal lesson;

Water aerobics class.

If you do not pay attention to information signs in time, you can get into an awkward position. Imagine you are determined to swim 400 meters, and suddenly, in the middle of the path, a dozen and a half girls doing water aerobics appear. If a person is engaged with an instructor on a personal basis, then you should not try to connect to the training. People don't pay money to a personal trainer to be distracted by someone in the next lane.

Rules of the water traffic

It is not difficult to remember the principles of movement on the track in the pool, they are fully consistent with the rules of the road. Within the same path, you need to swim on the right side, that is, counterclockwise. If you ignore this rule and swim to the left or in the middle of the track, you can collide with another athlete. Remember, a person swimming on your back does not see you, and it will be difficult for you to see the obstacle in time if you are swimming on your chest.

If you need to overtake another athlete, then you should again remember the rules of the road. You can overtake only on the left side, before that you need to be sure that no one is moving towards you, otherwise an unpleasant collision will occur. There should be enough space for overtaking, if there is enough, then you should shift to the left and slightly increase speed in order to take the lead. Overtaking should not become an obstacle for the one being overtaken, a person should not be forced to cuddle up to the dividers. After overtaking, you must again take the right side of the lane, this can be done only after your legs go around the head of the overtaken. If you turn back to the right ahead of time, then you will force the other swimmer to brake sharply, and if he does not have time to react, then your legs will strike at his head.

If you see that they decided to overtake you, you should be polite and let your comrade through the pool. If possible, lean to the right, it is considered good form to let a more experienced swimmer pass while turning at the edge of the pool. If they start to overtake you, you don’t need to demonstrate your strength and increase speed, this is not a competition, but a training session. It is very important to observe the markings of the pool, not only when overtaking, but at any time while in the pool.

If in the middle of a workout there is a need to rest, then it is important to rest so as not to interfere with movement. You can’t rest in the middle of the path, you need to move to the right corner in relation to the board you are moving towards. So you will not interfere with those who want to make a turn. You can rest in this way for only a few minutes, and if a longer pause is required, then it would be more appropriate to sit on the edge of the pool.

Very often, during peak hours, there are many people in the recreation area described above, often they take this position not to rest for a minute or two, but to chat with each other and forget that there are other visitors in the pool. This is regarded as disrespect, if you do not respect your fellow sailors, you will not be able to count on their respect.

If you need to go to another path or get to the stairs, which requires you to cross the bowl across, be especially careful and attentive. If we draw an analogy with an automobile road, then an athlete swimming at high speed will be a car, and a swimmer who does not carefully cross the paths will become a pedestrian who jumped out onto the roadway. In order to avoid a collision, the pedestrian must carefully look in both directions, get confidence that the road is empty, and only then cross it. In the same way, you should cross the path in the pool, you must be sure that you will not become a hindrance to anyone and will not cause a collision. Particular attention should be paid to those who swim freestyle, they do not see you and will not be able to see you until the collision. You can only cross the dividers from below, diving under them. If you try to cross the strip from above, you are guaranteed to hang on it, but you can’t do this, it was mentioned above.

It is also important to assess the situation and position of the swimmers on the track when jumping off the bollard. Before starting, you must make sure that there is no one within a radius of several meters from the place where you land. Even if the swimmer is only approaching this radius, it is better to wait, because he may not notice you and not have time to dodge, at least you will scare him, at the maximum - you will injure and harm yourself.

Be polite to other swimmers

If you deliberately start at the same time as the person on the next track, then this can be assessed as a challenge to measure strength. This is similar to the situation when two cocky drivers are standing at a traffic light and strenuously accelerating. Experienced athletes will not pay attention to such a challenge, but from now on they will begin to look at you as if you were a bully. If you want to compete with someone, then share your desire with a person, it is very likely that he will share your idea. Tolerant and educated behavior in the pool is valued no less than outside it. If you arm yourself with these rules, you will ensure the safety of yourself and others during training, as well as pass for a polite person and make pleasant acquaintances.

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