A curly cat is stylish! Selkirk Rex - a cat in sheep's clothing A characteristic feature of cats is

Today there is a huge variety of cat breeds. Some of them are natural, while others were artificially bred by breeding scientists. That is why such animals are very popular and often become pets - each person can choose a cat depending on their individual preferences and needs.

There are breeds with long and short hair, hairless cats, tri-colored and solid. If you are looking for an unusual pet, then you should pay attention to curly-haired cats. A distinctive feature of such pets is their non-standard wavy coat.

What are the characteristics of curly-haired cats, what breeds exist, in what conditions should such a cat be kept, how to care for its fur - let's talk in more detail.


All curly cats, regardless of size, color and intensity of curls, are united into one large group called Rex. This name refers to the fact that these animals have a special rex gene, due to which their fur is wavy. At its core, such a gene is a kind of mutation (however, not artificial, but natural) - it began to manifest itself without any outside interference.

After scientists noticed such a mutation, they set about fixing it. As a result of large-scale selection work, curly-haired cats were born with a variety of external characteristics (color, size).

It should be noted that cats of the curly breed, in addition to their unusual coat, have other special advantages and characteristics that distinguish them from other breeds. Thus, the animal’s hair does not emit the unpleasant odor typical of cats. The molting period is also specific to these breeds. It is thanks to these properties that a kitten of a curly breed can become an excellent friend and pet for you.

It must be said that the first cat breed that contained the rex mutation in its body was officially recognized only in 1967.


To date, several possible variations of the mutation of the gene responsible for the curly hair of cats have been recorded. It is depending on this that all curly cats are divided into several breeds. Let's look at what kinds of animals there are and what each breed is called.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex breed was the first variety of curly-haired cats to be officially recorded. Thanks to historical sources, it can be established for certain that the first registered cat was named Kalibunker, and her owner was Nina Ennismore. It was Nina who gave the name to the unusual mutation of cats’ fur, which we still use today.

Kalibunker lived with his mistress in England, in the county of Cornwall. The unusual kitten was born in 1950. After Nina Ennismore, who was familiar with the animal breeding process (as she was breeding rabbits at the time), noticed the kitten's unusual fur, she waited until it reached puberty and then bred the individual with its own mother.

After this story became public, and photographs of unusual animals were published, enthusiastic scientists got involved. It is believed that the first ancestors of the Cornish crossed with the Siamese breed of short-haired cats.

If we talk about the structure of the fur of such an animal, it should be noted that the individual hairs of the coat are quite thin. The curls themselves are directed towards the skin (they are also called internal).

Generally speaking, Cornish Rex cats are animals that have long legs and a fairly muscular body. Thanks to these characteristics, the animal is able to move quite elegantly and flexibly. The cat's head is wedge-shaped, with large eyes and ears that are quite large in size. The animal's tail is thin and mobile.

The Cornish is a short-haired breed. However, the hair is dense and thick. The waviness is quite uniform, and it is observed throughout the body. There is a wide variety of colors of such a cat - it can be either one-color (for example, white) or tri-color (combining black, white and red).

Devon Rex

This breed of curly-haired cat was also developed in England. However, despite such similarities with the breed described above, the Devon Rex also has its own distinctive features, in particular, such characteristics include the type of genetic deviation, coat structure and general appearance. In addition, in scientific circles it is believed that the Cornish is an American-type breed, and the Devon is a European variety.

The anatomical structure of the animal is also quite unusual. So, the body itself is powerful and muscular, but the cat moves on rather long legs. Due to this feature, the cat’s body may seem rather awkward and disproportionate. The head is quite large in size, but the muzzle itself is shortened and flattened with prominent cheekbones (this feature can also be observed in the British breed of cats). The chest is quite wide and massive, but the neck is thin. The cat's eyes are slanted.

If we talk about the direct structure of the coat, it is important to note that there are no long guard hairs, and the curls themselves do not have a precise direction and can be directed both inward and outward.

German Rex

Today, there is no consensus among scientists about how and where this breed was bred. Some believe that German curly cats are descendants of Prussian animals, while others, on the contrary, completely deny this opinion. Only one thing is known for certain - the German Rex received official status in 1982. Moreover, it is important to note that in our country, as well as in other CIS countries, this breed is not very widespread.

However, this fact is compensated by the great love for the German Rex on the part of the inhabitants of Europe.

If we talk about the distinctive characteristics of this breed, then we should first of all turn to the reviews of the owners of such animals. So, they report that The structure of the Germans' coat is similar to that of the Cornish. However, the latter have thinner, less dense and elastic hair. On the other hand, with regard to anatomical features, the German breed is similar to the Devon Rex. Thus, we can conclude that German curly cats are a kind of synthesis of the characteristics of Devons and Cornish cats.

Selkirk Rex

Unlike the breed described above, the history of the origin of the Selkirk is known for certain. Thus, these cats were bred through the efforts of breeding scientists from the United States of America, namely from the state of Montana.

This breed, unlike those described above, is younger, since the Selkirk mutation was first discovered only in 1987, and official registration occurred, in turn, only in the early 1990s.

Selkirks differ from their counterparts in many ways. One of the most outstanding is the fact that this breed consists of several subspecies: long-haired and short-haired animals. In addition, the Selkirk Rex is a cat that is distinguished by its rather large dimensions and weight, having heavy bones.

The muscles on the cat’s body are also clearly expressed. The head has a round shape, on which there is a fairly wide muzzle with a prominent chin. In addition, unlike some other curly breeds, the Selkirk's paws are proportional, and the tail is thick and not very long.

The structure of the cat's fur is quite thick, the curls curl in large waves. However, an unknowing person, seeing such an animal, may decide that it has not been combed for quite a long time, since the fur is rather chaotically twisted.


From a linguistic point of view, the history of the origin of the name of the breed is quite interesting. Thus, the word “laperm” is derived from the English word perm, which translates as “perm.” This breed is even newer and younger than the previous one - it received its official recognition in 2002.

A distinctive feature of the Laperm is its long hair. The body, like that of other curly-haired cats, is quite muscular, and the legs are long. The muzzle is rounded, the ears are set wide apart, and the eyes are slanted. The coat has a tough texture and may seem a little prickly.

Interesting fact. In order to evaluate the quality of wool (for example, this is important at various exhibitions), you need to blow on the laperma wool. From direct exposure to air, the curly fur should scatter in different directions.

The 5 breeds of curly-haired cats listed above are officially recognized and registered, however, there are several more varieties of animals that are not currently registered in any registers.

  • Skookum(or dwarf laperm). The United States of America is considered the homeland of these animals. The breed was developed by crossing Laperm and Munchkin.
  • Ural rex. The name speaks for itself - this breed comes from Russia. Cats have medium length hair.
  • Danish Rex is one of the most unstable breeds, as it is characterized by a high mortality rate and a tendency to baldness.
  • Oregon Rex from the USA is considered an extinct breed.
  • Czech (or Bohemian breed) was created based on the Persian variety.
  • Beloyarsk rex from Russia it is distinguished by its rather coarse, thick and short coat.

However, even this list is not exhaustive; there are many other varieties: Dakota Rex, Pennsylvania Rex, Astrakhan cat and many others.

Curly-haired cats do not require any special conditions compared to any other breeds. So, the cat needs a toilet, as well as a place to eat. He will need toys and scratching posts.

A curly-haired pet, like any other pet, needs a lot of attention. Therefore, you should not neglect communication with your cat - play outdoor games with him, use toys, or simply pick him up and stroke him.

Also pay special attention to your diet - it should be balanced. Cats can be fed dry food or natural food. If you prefer the latter option, then make sure that the cat’s food is fresh and tasty - do not feed the animal scraps from the owner’s table. If you decide to feed your pet dry food, then give preference only high-quality ingredients from trusted brands.

Curly cat breeds have appeared relatively recently. The first of them were bred in the middle of the last century. Curly fur is a random gene mutation, which breeders liked and many breeds with an unusual fur structure appeared.

Cat breeds with curly hair

The list of curly-haired domestic cat breeds is quite extensive. At the same time, animals have characteristic appearance features, but Most curly breeds have the prefix “rex” in their names.. It is she who informs the whole world about the unusual type of fur coat.

Cornish Rex

The world's first curly-haired cats were bred in England. History has even preserved the name of the first cat, who became the ancestor of all cats. Callybanker was born in July 1950 as a purebred barn cat.

The owner of the farm where the happy tricolor mother lived drew attention to the unusual kitten. She decided to keep the cat, but so that he would not cause trouble, she decided to castrate him. The veterinarian dissuaded the woman, explaining the curly curls as a mutation that had occurred. The cat had no guard hair, and the animal may well become the founder of a new breed.

Important! The Cornish have a unique coat. Visually, it resembles broadtail: it has almost the same elastic curl, and feels like silk.

Typical for Cornish Rex:

  • egg-shaped head;
  • big ears;
  • curly sideburns.

Cornish Rexes have a striking appearance and are considered a hypoallergenic breed.

To preserve the characteristics of the Cornish and obtain a stable breed, breeders carried out inbreeding. Later, blood infusions were carried out from Siamese, British Shorthair and Burmese cats. In Great Britain the breed was officially recognized in 1967. Cornish Rexes are highly socialized animals and are considered...

Devon rex

England became the homeland for another breed of curly-haired cats - the Devon Rex. The curly-haired kitten was found completely by accident. He was named Curly and it was he who became the founder of the new breed. To maintain curly hair, they tried to cross the kitten with Cornish Rex. But the resulting litter had normal fur. This proved that the gene responsible for the mutation is recessive (not main) in both breeds.

In order to consolidate a new type of mutation, the Devon Rex was actively crossed with many breeds. The blood of Abyssinians, Siamese, various short-haired cats, as well as Sphynxes, Bombays and Carats flows in the veins of the animals.

Devon Rexes are incredibly affectionate towards one owner.

Unlike the Cornish, which gives the coat a slightly disheveled appearance. A characteristic feature of the animals is the shape of their head, reminiscent of a heart, and huge ears with tassels at the tips. Devons love to be held, making them ideal pets for families with children.

Selkirk Rex

This representative of the curly breed was bred by American felinologists in 1987. A yard cat gave birth to an unusual kitten with wavy fur and curled whiskers. Persian breeder Jerry Newman liked the kitty. And after growing up, the cat was crossed with one of the Persians. Three kittens from the litter inherited curls on their fur coats.

Cats of this breed are favorites of children and adults.

Cats of this breed can have both long and short fur. But in any variation it is wavy. Although the strength of curliness is influenced by many factors, in particular, the hormonal status and climate of the area in which the animal was born.

Important! Kittens are born with curly fur, and then it straightens out. Towards the end of the first year of life, funny curls appear on the Selkirk's fur coat again.

Kittens born with straight hair, but with a confirmed pedigree, are called Selkirk Rex Straights. And they are also eligible to participate in breeding programs. needs to be brushed daily. Otherwise, the wool will fall into clumps and it will become impossible to sort them out.

Ural rex

The Ural Rex is a breed of curly-haired cats native to Russia. A domestic cat has given birth to another offspring, and two kittens were distinguished by atypically curly fur. The unusual kitten interested Ekaterinburg felinologists. In order to obtain offspring that retained all the characteristics of the new breed, the cat was bred with its mother.

Scientists have proven that the mutating gene, thanks to which the Ural rexes appeared, is significantly different from all known ones. The new breed standard was adopted in 1994.

The Ural Rex is a rare and relatively new breed of cat.

The Ural Rex's coat can be either half-length or short. In the latter case, it covers the animal’s body with a soft wave and is distinguished by the presence of elastic curls. Rexes with semi-long hair have less noticeable waves, but have a small mane and beautiful curls on the tail.

A feature of the breed is considered to be an easy-going character and the ability to understand the mood and desires of the owner. These cats are incredibly smart and have a well-developed intellect.– is still a rare breed. There are very few nurseries breeding them.


LaPerms are the next breed of curly-haired cats. It is noteworthy that lapermas are born completely naked. The first unusual kittens were born to a yard cat in Oregon. This happened in 1982.

Laperm cats have a calm, affectionate disposition.

The cat's owner kept the “naked” kitten for herself. And as the cat grew older, it began to become covered with unusual silky and curly fur. She was given the name Curly. When the cat entered the period of sexual maturity, it began to bring the same kittens: initially they were naked, and then covered with silky curls.

The new breed standard was adopted in 1996:

  • Laperms can have semi-long or short hair. This is allowed by the standard.
  • Males may have a fluffy collar (this feature is typical of Laperms with longer hair).
  • Cats of this breed are very affectionate, sociable, and excellent companions.


Skookum is the next member of the cat family to have curly hair. Their main difference from other cats is their short legs. In general, this breed is very young, and therefore not widespread.

Short legs are the first difference between Skookums.

Skookums were created by crossing LaPerms. They got beautiful curly fur from laperms and short legs from munchkins. This is why Skookums are often called dwarf munchkins.

Characteristic features of cats are:

  • short legs;
  • curly fur;
  • clearly defined collar.

Important! Skookums can be any color, but each representative of the breed must have curly eyebrows and mustaches.

Animals have a playful character. They are very affectionate and adore their owner. Skookums are curious like all cats and, despite their short legs, can jump onto a sofa or chair. General characteristics of the Skookum's character are that it is a smart and playful cat.

The pet does not need special care. The only thing is that the fur needs to be combed daily. Otherwise, dense lumps will form in it - tangles - which will no longer be possible to disassemble. Skookums meow little - they are naturally silent and love to swim, because they are not at all afraid of water.

The video tells about a cute and funny breed of curly cats - Selkirk:

The Selkirk Rex is one of the youngest cat breeds. Today it is still quite rare in our country, but it is quickly gaining love for its completely unlike-a-cat appearance. Curly-haired cats have the prefix “rex”, which means “king”. A cat with curls is not so much regal as touching, charming and unusual.

England is the Mecca of felinology. It was here that the first cats with curly hair appeared. This structure, unusual for cats, is due to a natural mutation of the gene, which means that curly-haired cats could have been born much earlier, but this feature was treated as a pathology and ignored. Only in the middle of the twentieth century. The first Cornish Rex was registered, and 37 years later the first Selkirk Rex was born. The story of his appearance is touching and similar to the fairy tale of Cinderella.

In the western United States in Wyoming, a litter of a domestic cat was brought to an animal shelter. Among the funny kids, one was distinguished by unusual curly hair. Even the baby's mustache was twisted into spirals. The shelter employee gave the baby to the famous felinologist Jeri Newman.

The baby was named after one of the characters from the popular series “Moonlight Detective Agency” - Miss de Pesto of Noface, and she had short fur. To establish the type of inheritance of the curly gene, the cat was bred with a Persian cat, and in the litter, ½ of the kittens had curled hair, and the other half had normal hair.

Among the kittens with curly hair, there was one with long hair, which allowed us to draw the conclusion about dominant inheritance - only one “curly” mating partner is enough for the same unusual kittens to appear in the litter. This distinguished the newcomers from the Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, and German Rex, which were gaining popularity at that time, in which the curly gene was recessive. It turned out to be a real gift that Miss de Pesto of Noface had the L (long) gene.

Geri Newman decided to create a new breed with long curly hair and named it after her stepfather - Selkirk. This is another feature - the first cat breed named after a person. Not only Persians took part in its creation, but also exotics - artificially bred short-haired cats and the British.

The breed received recognition only in 1992 and is still in the process of formation. Since 2015, crossbreeding has been carried out only within the breed, without adding blood from other breeds. Inbreeding helps improve breed properties and consolidate them.

Description and appearance

The Selkirk Rex breed has two intrabreed varieties - longhair and shorthair. There is a standard for both, but the formation of the breed is not yet complete, so it may change.

Breed standards

According to the Standard established by the CFA in 2015, individuals of this breed have the following external characteristics:

In appearance and tactile sensations, long-haired Selkirk Rex are compared to sheep, and short-haired ones are compared to bear cubs.


When breeding the breed, it turned out that Miss di Pesto had not only the genes for curly hair and long hair, but also the genes for the Siamese color. It was not possible to establish their sources in a mongrel cat, but among the huge number of color variations there is also a color point.

For the Selkirk Rex, bicolor coloring is allowed. The requirements are for the combination of the color of the eyes and the mirror of the nose with the color of the animal, but otherwise there is a riot of diversity here, sometimes amazing the imagination.

Personality of the Selkirk Rex

The character of the representatives of this breed is soft, non-aggressive, affectionate and loyal - they took the best features of the breeds that participated in their creation. Rexes are suitable as companions for both young families with small children and elderly people. These cats will never offend, scratch, or take revenge.

The family will not challenge the owner’s leadership, but will begin to love him undividedly. But their affection is not intrusive. Smart, sensitive “curls” patiently wait for their adored owner to pay attention to them. Separation is not tolerated well; changing places can cause stress.

High socialization leads to friendly relations with all household members and pets. If a baby grows up surrounded by pets, he perceives them as members of his family.

They fully justify the prefix “rex” - calm, balanced, friendly, like true royalty. But Selkirk Rex cannot be called passive or phlegmatic. They are very inquisitive, active, love to play and explore, especially if their owner participates in the fun with them. They inherited these character traits from exotics.

Cats have a natural intelligence and intelligence. Fast learner. Learning to open a door or locker door is not a problem for them. Rex owners claim that their pets can fetch small objects like trained dogs. There are stories about the courage of the Selkirk Rex. They fearlessly rushed to protect their beloved owner.


Excellent health, stable psyche and good care make the Selkirk Rex long-lived. They live 15-20 years.

Unanimous in their admiration for the amazing Selkirk Rex, owners and breeders warn that lazy people should not have cute “sheep”, because if you do not provide proper care for their luxurious fur, soon tufts of curly wool will be “dangling” throughout the apartment.

Care and hygiene

Caring for these pets cannot be called particularly difficult, but it takes time for their amazing fur coat to always amaze with its beauty, softness and “astrakhan” quality. It is better to comb sheep with a special comb with sparse rounded teeth and an antistatic coating.

The procedure is carried out every 2-3 days, as for other long-haired species. Then the curls are carefully distributed with your fingers to give the “hairstyle” an elegant casual look. During molting, the procedure is repeated daily. Salon haircuts are usually used before shows and competitions.

Selkirk Rexes do not like to swim, but this is not necessary. They take excellent care of the cleanliness of their fur coats themselves and are distinguished by their cleanliness. They should be bathed with shampoo and conditioner for long-haired breeds when they are heavily soiled. Moreover, it is necessary to wash out the detergent very carefully so that the residue does not stick the strands together.

Drying only natural. After the fur has been dried with a towel, it is carefully combed. Place with fingers and allow to air dry completely. Experienced breeders and owners of exhibition specimens advise washing their pets at least a week before the exhibition to give the coat time to acquire its natural appearance.

Otherwise, care for teeth, claws, eyes and ears does not differ from the standard.

Selkirk Rex nutrition

This rare and unusual breed is completely unpretentious in food, but this does not mean that the Selkirk Rex can be fed “from the table”. The simplest, but not the cheapest solution would be to feed balanced ready-made dry food. They will provide the cat’s body not only with the substances, micro- and macroelements, and vitamins necessary for building cells, maintaining energy and health, but will also strengthen the coat, making it elastic and shiny. The food must be of the highest quality only.

When feeding Selkirks natural foods, the diet must include all nutrients. The basis of the diet is protein (at least 6 parts of the total portion), especially during periods of intensive growth and pregnancy. It is not recommended to feed cats river fish, pork, and kidneys. They can become a source of helminth larvae and eggs and negatively affect metabolism.

Preference is given to fresh veal, lean lamb, tender rabbit, and turkey. Once a week, you can give your pet sea fish, after boiling it and removing the bones. The meat is also cooked and cut into small pieces. If the owner is confident in the good quality of the meat products, then you can pour boiling water over them or freeze them.

To strengthen bones and maintain intestinal microflora, you can give your Selkirk Rex sour milk, kefir, natural yogurt, and sour cream for breakfast. Fiber is needed for normal intestinal function. Vegetables and fruits are given both raw, stewed and boiled.

A prerequisite for natural nutrition is the introduction of mineral supplements for the strength of the skeleton and vitamins for the beauty of the coat. Today, physiologists and felinologists recommend giving them separately to increase digestibility.

Diseases and breed defects

The breed has existed for too short a time to confidently name natural diseases and hereditary anomalies. Those specimens that are described, examined and recorded are in excellent health. But it can be assumed that, along with the best qualities and features of the exterior of the Persians, Britons and exotics, the Selkirk Rex could also inherit their diseases:

Timely diagnosis, proper care and feeding, and vaccination will help avoid these problems and confirm the reputation of the most problem-free and healthy cat breed.

Selkirk Rex dogs are especially popular in their homeland – America. There are nurseries there that specialize in their selection and breeding. There are more than 20 catteries in Germany selling high quality homozygous kittens. In our country, the breed is just gaining popularity, and purchasing a kitten is not so easy. There is a queue for them and pre-registration is required.

What to pay attention to

Kittens are born with pronounced curly hair, it straightens with age, and by the age of 2 it finally matures and takes on the appropriate appearance. If a kitten is sold during the period of baby fur change, then curls may be absent. The twisted vibrissae indicate that it belongs to the “curly” group.

Kittens should be well-fed, active, cheerful and playful. The appearance should not have any flaws or signs of pathology. Clear, clean eyes, no discharge from the nose, and fresh breath indicate internal health. In the nursery, the breeder is obliged to familiarize the buyer with the existing shortcomings.

Selkirk Rex price

The price of a kitten varies depending on breed qualities, age, gender, and in Russia it ranges from 5-25 thousand rubles. At the nursery the price can be 1000-1500 dollars.

As you know, cats can be short-haired and long-haired. A separate category consists of hairless (or hairless) cats (sphynxes, as well as various hybrid breeds created with their participation). However, not everyone knows that there are also cats with curly hair, like that of a sheep. Such exotic creatures appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to win many hearts. Anyone who is thinking about purchasing such an unusual pet should know what curly-haired cats are and how they differ from their straight-haired relatives.

The history of cats with curly hair

The history of the appearance of curly cat breeds is in many ways similar to the appearance of the Sphynx. Curly hair, as well as lack of hair, is the result of an abnormal change in hereditary properties, or a gene mutation (“mutation” in Latin means change). As with hairlessness, curly hair in cats is not the result of one specific mutation, but of several different mutations, most of which we still know very little about.

Curly-haired cats periodically appeared in different parts of the world, and kittens with not quite straight hair were born to animals of any breed and color. Another thing is that until the second half of the 19th century, no one was engaged in professional breeding of cats, so bald, curly, fold-eared and other unusual kittens aroused only surprise among people.

The history of curly and hairless cats has a lot in common - they arose as a result of mutations

For this reason, when talking about the history of curly-haired cats, there is no point in looking for the first mentions of them. It is possible that curled fur, as a hereditary pathology, occasionally appeared in certain animals and always did not acquire stability in the process of evolution. There is also an assumption that such mutations are caused by climatic, environmental changes or other environmental factors. One way or another, people do not have a direct relationship with the very fact of the appearance of a curly cat. But it was the man who decided that the strange mutation needed to be fixed.

Now it is difficult to say who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a new breed based on hereditary pathology. Most likely, similar thoughts began to arise in parallel among different people at the sight of a cat with one or another oddity in appearance. One thing is obvious: it was not scientists who began to conduct such experiments, but rather random owners of “mutants.” This process began around the middle of the twentieth century and has been steadily gaining momentum since then.

The idea of ​​fixing the curly gene was realized in the 20th century

The change in fur that makes it curly is called the rex mutation.

The word "rex" is of Latin origin. In ancient Rome this was the name of the king. However, curly-haired cats began to be called rexes not because of their royal appearance. Rather, the analogy with the breed of rabbits of the same name, which has thick and very valuable fur, also slightly wavy, played a role here.

Curly-haired cats owe their name not to kings, but to rabbits

Cat hair is represented by three types of hair - guard hairs (longer ones, also called integumentary hair), fluff (or undercoat), and vibrissae (what we call “whiskers” and “eyebrows” in a cat). In normal condition, the shaft of each hair should be straight. The Rex mutation changes the structure of the hair follicle, causing the hairs to become wavy or broken, and this can manifest itself in different ways.

Table: types of rex coat mutations in cats

Cat breedGenetic designation for mutationInheritance typeWool structure
Cornish RexrrecessiveThe guard hairs are very thin and have the same length as the undercoat. Both types of hair are curled in waves towards the skin (inward). Vibrissae convoluted.
Devon RexrerecessiveIntegumentary (long guard) hairs are absent. The awn is thicker and longer than the undercoat. The curls have different directions. The vibrissae are curled.
German Rexrgrgrecessive
Oregon RexrorecessiveThe external structure of the coat is identical to the Cornish Rex
Danish RexRddominantAt birth the coat is wavy, but with age it becomes straight, very thin and sparse. Vibrissae remain wavy.
Selkirk RexSedominantThere are no outer hairs. The coat is thick and soft, curled in large waves.
Ural (Ural) rexRu or rupresumably recessiveThe coat is of medium length, almost without outer hair. The undercoat is strongly curled, the awn is thin and curly, without a pronounced direction. The vibrissae are thin and curved.
currently unavailabledominantLong or medium coat with very dense undercoat. May be curly or wavy.

Types of curly cats

The first cat breed based on the rex mutation received official recognition in 1967. But despite the fact that at different times, various variants of cats with wavy and broken hair have been discovered and fixed with varying success, international felinological organizations in general perceive such experiments very skeptically.

Curly-haired cats often have difficulties with official recognition

FIFe shows maximum alertness to “curly” mutations. American associations such as TICA and CFA are somewhat more accepting of new breeds. Nevertheless, today we can talk about only five rex breeds that have received full status:

  • Cornish Rex (recognized by all felinological organizations);
  • Devon Rex (recognized by all felinological organizations);
  • German Rex (recognized by FIFe, WCF, SCFF; not recognized by CFA);
  • Selkirk (recognized by ACF, WCF, CFA, TICA, ACFA);
  • Laperm (recognized by TICA, FIFe, WCF and CFA).

Cornish Rex

It was the Cornish that became the first cat breed to be awarded official recognition.

Even information has been preserved about the name of the ancestor of this type of rex mutation, as well as its owner: the cat’s name was Kalibunker, his owner was Nina Ennismore. It is known about the latter that she was engaged in breeding rabbits, and it was with her light hand that the mutation got its name.

The Cornish Rex is the first recognized breed of curly-haired cat

The events took place in one of the English counties - Cornwall, famous for its tin mines. In 1950, an ordinary local cat gave birth to a curly-haired kitten.

Tin mining is associated with the release of radon, a natural radioactive gas that is a source of ionizing radiation that is quite dangerous to health. It is reliably known that it can cause the development of lung cancer. It is therefore likely that the cat's Cornish coat mutation is also somehow related to exposure to this gas.

Initially, as often happened with breeds based on mutations, a strange but apparently healthy baby was crossed with its own mother upon reaching puberty. But then American enthusiasts got involved, seeing photos of amazing kittens published by Nina Ennismore and buying several of them at once.

It is believed that in order to obtain viable offspring, future Cornish cats were crossed with Siamese cats, which have short hair that is almost devoid of undercoat.

The Cornish Rex is a long-legged, elegant and flexible animal with a muscular body, a wedge-shaped head with huge eyes and large ears. A characteristic feature of the breed is a thin and flexible tail, similar to a whip.

A distinctive feature of the Cornish is its very thin tail.

The Cornish Rex's curly hair is so short that the cat's appearance is very similar to that of a Sphynx. However, this coat is quite dense. The waves spread out in a uniform flow from the top of the head to the tip of the tail, but their range may vary.

The breed standard allows for almost any color - from solid colors to various variations of bicolors and tabbies. The most interesting option is the so-called C-Rex - a Cornish cat with a colorpoint color.

C-rex - a cat with a Siamese color and curly hair

Photo gallery: various colors of the Cornish Rex

Solid colors of rexes can be very different The cream Cornish Rex has an even color without a pattern. Calico - white with faint black and red spots Bicolor - a color in which both colors are present in significant proportions

It is worth noting that recently the European and American versions of the Cornish Rex are increasingly different from each other, moreover, experts have even begun to talk about separating the “Americans” into a separate breed. The fact is that in the USA cats of the eastern type, long-legged and graceful, are traditionally valued, while in Europe they prefer stockier animals with strong bones. That is why Americans add Oriental cat blood to their Cornish lines. As a result, not only the appearance, but also the character changes: the animal becomes more active and “talkative”.

The American line of Cornish Rex is slightly “corrected” due to the oriental cat

Video: Cornish Rex

Devon Rex

The second known Rex mutation also has English roots, and this breed was formed almost simultaneously with the Cornish.

Devon Rex is the second type of cat with curled hair, bred in England

And here's what's interesting: an almost hairless kitten with a rex mutation different from the Cornish one was discovered in Devonshire near a tin mine!

The author does not build any scientific hypotheses and does not try to manipulate the facts. Just food for thought. Tin mines were actively developed in Altenberg (Saxony) and Obergraupen (Czech Republic, Bohemia). Tin is present in copper-electrolyte sludge, the processing of which has been famous in the Sverdlovsk region since the mid-19th century. There is no direct reason to believe that the appearance of English, German, Bohemian and Ural (discovered in Yekaterinburg, former Sverdlovsk) cats with a gene mutation in fur is somehow connected with exposure to a certain radiation, but the series of coincidences slightly alarms me.

The Devonshire Rex differs from the Cornish Rex not only in the type of genetic abnormality and coat structure, but also in its overall appearance.

Let me say that if the Cornish is the embodiment of the American idea of ​​feline beauty, then the Devons are typical Europeans!

The Devon Rex is as different from the Cornish as the European cat is from the Oriental.

These cats have a short, muscular body that makes their long legs seem a little disproportionate. The head is large, the muzzle is shortened and even slightly flattened with prominent cheekbones, like those of British cats. The chest is wide, but the neck is very thin, which also creates a feeling of some kind of imbalance. The overall picture is completed by huge, slightly slanted eyes, as if wide open in incredible amazement.

Devon Rex looks like a little gnome

Thanks to the Devon Rex, another unique cat breed was created - the Canadian Sphynx. At first, the hairless mutation could not be consolidated for a long time, since the hairless offspring died out after several generations. But the hybrid with a Devonshire cat turned out to be unexpectedly successful. The experiment was carried out without any scientific basis, but it later turned out that Canadians and Devon Rexes owe their appearance to mutations of the same gene. Its scientific designation is KRT71. Although both mutations of this gene (rex and hairless) are recessive to its normal state, baldness suppresses curly hair. Thus, the Devonshires played along perfectly with the Canadians, ensuring that they retained the initially unstable hairless gene.

Unfortunately, some very unpleasant and dangerous pathologies for the animal are associated with the Devonshire Rex mutation (more on this below). In the process of selection work, breeders try to eliminate these deviations by excluding individuals with critical deficiencies from breeding, but the problem is still far from being completely resolved.

Video: Devon Rex

German Rex

I will not tell the story of the appearance of these cats. The fact is that different sources describe completely different versions. Moreover, they are all replete with geographical names, names and dates that absolutely do not coincide with each other. Some argue that modern German rexes are direct descendants of curly-haired cats discovered in Prussia back in the 30s of the last century, others do not connect these mutations with each other.

One way or another, the German Rex received official status in 1982. The breed is not very popular in Russia, but in Europe it is considered one of the most sought after.

The German Rex was officially recognized in 1982

Describing my own impression of these animals, I will say this: in terms of the structure of their coat, they are very similar to the Cornish variety, except that the German version has a coat that is a little thicker and more elastic. But in terms of physique and overall appearance, German rexes are much closer to their Devonshire counterparts.

Selkirk Rex

Unlike the three previous breeds, the Selkirk Rex was bred in the USA, in the state of Montana. This breed is younger than its European counterparts - the mutation was first discovered in 1987, and the Selkirk received recognition already in the 1990s.

The Selkirk Rex is a very young breed of curly-haired cat that gained recognition in the 1990s

The peculiarity of the Selkirk is that within the breed there are two varieties - long-haired and short-haired. Selkirks are fairly large animals with heavy bones. They have a powerful muscular body, a round head with a wide muzzle and a strong chin, proportionate paws and a thick, not very long tail.

Selkirks are fairly large cats with a powerful, muscular body.

The characteristic shaggyness and heaviness of the Selkirks was provided by the breeds that were used to breed this variety of curly-haired cats: British, Exotics and Persians.

The Selkirk's fur randomly sticks out in different directions, so, to be honest, I get the impression that the animal has not been combed for a long time.

Video: Selkirk Rex

The name of this breed comes from the English word “perm” - perm.

In some sources, this breed is contrasted with the Rex, but in fact, Laperms are also a type of Rex mutation. The genetic deviation that gives cats curly hair is inherited as a dominant trait, but the Selkirk Rex is also characterized by the same feature.

Lapermas received recognition even later than Selkirks: TICA approved the breed standard in 2002, and after some time, other felinological organizations registered a new variety of curly cats.

Laperm is the last curly cat to receive official recognition

The Laperm is a long-haired variation of the curly cat. This animal has a muscular body, long legs and a slightly rounded muzzle with widely spaced ears and large slanted eyes. Laperm wool is quite hard, even a little prickly, like mohair thread. A characteristic feature of the fur coat is a sparse undercoat and a very thin awn.

I have seen how some experts at exhibitions assessed the quality of a Laperm by blowing on its fur: “correct” curls should instantly scatter to the sides at the slightest breath of wind.

Laperma's curly coat is very fine and has no undercoat.

Video: laperm

Other cat breeds with rex coat mutations

In pursuit of the unusual appearance of a pet, it is impossible to stop enthusiasts. Without thinking about the consequences of their actions and without understanding the underlying reasons for the occurrence of certain mutations, people cross animals with each other in the most unimaginable combinations. Of course, not all of the breeds listed below are the result of such experiments; some are rex mutations that have not yet been studied. And yet, in general, the trend is obvious: the demand for various kinds of mutants is growing, the rarity and unusualness of the “breed” determines the higher price for it, and, therefore, the number of strange cats that combine any possible deviations from the norm will only increase.

Table: little-known and unrecognized breeds of cats with wavy hair

Conditional name of the breedCountry of originAppearance periodBrief information
Skookum (dwarf laperm)USA1996 An artificially bred breed, a hybrid of Laperm and Munchkin.
RF1988 Cat with medium length hair. The undercoat is strongly curled, the direction of the curls is not expressed.
Danish RexDenmark1968 Cats tend to become bald and their viability is questionable.
Oregon RexUSA1944 Presumably went extinct in 1972.
Czech (Bohemian) RexCzech1980sThe only successful attempt to create a curly cat based on the Persian breed.
Beloyarsk rexRF2005 The coat is coarser than that of the Cornish, thick and short. The curls are directed inward.
Maine Coon Rex (Dutch Rex)Netherlands1985 According to one version, it is a natural mutation of the American wirehair cat, according to another - a Rex mutation of the Maine Coon.
California Rex (Marseille cat)USA1959 Rex is a mutation similar to the Cornish, but with long hair.
Karakul catUSA1930sCats with an unknown rex mutation, no offspring survived.
Prussian rexEast Prussia1930sBrown cats with curly hair, no offspring survived.
RaffleUSA1987 An attempt to obtain a hybrid of an American Curl and a Cornish Rex. The experiments were stopped.
Dakota RexUSA1991 A type of rex mutation. Work is underway to create the breed, but there is very little information about it.
Ohio RexUSA1953 Unknown curly coat mutation. The kittens did not survive, the experiments were stopped.
prairie rexUSA- Unsuccessful rex mutation. Breeding experiments have been discontinued.
Missouri RexUSA1990 A little-known variety of the shorthaired rex mutation.
Tennessee RexUSA2004 A type of rex mutation, work is underway to develop the breed.
PoodlecatGermany1994 Fold-eared curly cat. A hybrid of Carthusian, Somali, Norwegian forest cats and Maine Coons.
Pennsylvania (Maryland) rexUSA1971-1973 An unknown rex mutation similar to the Cornish.

Photo gallery: little-known breeds of curly-haired cats

The Tennessee Rex's coat is curly from birth. Ural Rex is an unrecognized domestic breed Skookum is translated from the Indian dialect as “brave” The poodlecat is a fold-eared, curly-haired cat - partially recognized by FIFe.

Video: Ural Rex

Useful information for potential owners

Taking into account that curliness appears in cats that differ from each other both in coat length and breed, and, in addition, mutations that cause changes in hair structure are also different, we can talk about some general rules of care for rexes would be completely wrong.

Cats with curly hair differ in more than just their color.

Breeds with very short hair

Of the recognized rexes, these are the Cornish and Devon, and they are the most common in Russia. These breeds are characterized by the same problems that Sphynx owners often face: these cats are cold all the time and, due to their accelerated metabolism, are constantly hungry.

A friend of mine once complained that her mother fed her Devon Rex so much that it took five long years to bring the unfortunate animal back to normal, while the animal screamed indignantly, demanding another portion, and the owners literally felt like concentration camp guards, starving the animal.

Short-haired Rex cats beg for food all the time.

As a result of the constant feeling of discomfort, half-naked rexes may also exhibit some “oddities” in their character: aloofness, an attempt to hide in a secluded place, or, conversely, an obsessive desire to jump on their laps (in the figurative expression of another friend of mine - “I don’t love you, you’re just warm").

Rexes are very easy to overfeed, as they have a fast metabolism and are always hungry.

In short, the expectation of getting a predictable, affectionate and intelligent cat in the form of a Rex may not come true.

A few words about hypoallergenicity

If a breeder of a Shorthair (or any other) Rex assures a potential buyer that such a cat does not cause allergies, this can mean one of two things: either the person is incompetent, or he is outright lying. In both cases, it is better to refuse to purchase a kitten from this seller (an unprofessional or unscrupulous owner will not provide his pets with the correct living conditions).

Curly-haired cats are no less allergenic than any other

Rexes cause allergies no less and no more than cats with straight hair or no hair at all. This becomes completely obvious if you are not too lazy to get at least the most general information about what cat allergens are (by the way, there are more than a dozen of them known). The substances that cause a pathological reaction in some people are not contained in the cat’s fur, but in its saliva, sweat, dander and urine.

Fur can carry such antigens around the house, but if a completely naked cat is indoors and in contact with various objects, this can make life a living hell for an allergy-prone household member.

I will say more: traces of allergens will remain in the house for several months after the cat leaves it forever!


Genetics is a very young science. It is even sometimes called the same age as our century, although Mendel’s laws on the principles of transmission of hereditary characteristics were formulated at the end of the century before last. In recent years, scientists have made a lot of interesting discoveries, including those concerning the nature of the mutation that causes cats’ fur to become “curly.” And yet, a direct answer to the question of whether this gene change is connected with some other failures, less obvious, but perhaps fraught with potential danger (including for subsequent generations of the mutant) has not yet been found.

Cat with wavy hair - an unsolved mystery

In humans and animals, the same genes are responsible for hair development, and the mutation that causes curly hair in cats causes pathology in humans.

N. Reznik. You and I are of the same wool


Veterinarians came to the aid of geneticists. Through many years of observation, they were able to identify some hereditary diseases to which curly-haired cats are more susceptible than any other. When, in pursuit of an unusual appearance, several mutant breeds begin to be crossed (notable examples are the dwarf Laperm, a hybrid of the Cornish and the Munchkin, and the tailless Manx Rex), the likelihood of serious hereditary abnormalities in the offspring increases sharply.

Table: characteristic hereditary diseases of Rex

Breed nameCommon pathologies
Cornish Rex
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • hypokalemia (muscle weakness, especially in the cervical vertebrae).
Devon Rex
  • strabismus;
  • hypotrichosis (baldness);
  • hypothyroidism (slow metabolism);
  • myopathy (chronic progressive muscle disease);
  • flat chest syndrome;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • defects and creases in the tail (such cats produce non-viable offspring).
Selkirk Rex
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (thickening of the ventricular wall);
  • polycystic kidney disease.
German Rex
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • joint problems.

Note that most Rexes are fairly new breeds, and while for Cornish and Devons we have already managed to collect statistics sufficient for some generalizations, there is still too little such information for other curly-haired cats.

There is still very little information about the health of curly-haired cats.

Over the last century, curly-haired cats have been discovered in different parts of the world, and there have also been many attempts to create a separate breed based on them. But most of these experiments ended in failure: at best, curliness could not be consolidated, at worst, the resulting offspring died.

Everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions, but one thing is obvious to me: we know too little about the causes of cat hair deformation to talk about the healthy heredity and vitality of its owners. And numerous reviews from owners of these breeds confirm that the Rex is not a cat for everyone.

Big, small, with different ears and faces. This list also includes curly-haired cats. Their fur is curly, there are even animals with obvious curls. They look very unusual. Let's look at the breeds of curly-haired cats.


Rexes make up a whole group of cat breeds, divided into subspecies. An interesting fact is that representatives of the breeds appeared naturally. Kittens can be born with completely straight hair; it curls over time. It is generally accepted that curliness is the result of a gene mutation. However, when they saw the cute curly-haired cats, breeders fell in love with them and decided to develop breeds of curly-haired cats. As a result of their work and crossings, more and more kittens with curly hair were born. These cats have an unusually attractive appearance and good disposition. For this they have become popular all over the world.

Selkirk Rex

A curly-haired kitten was born in the USA in 1987. To consolidate the breed, breeders began crossing it with Persian, British and exotic cats. Thanks to this combination, representatives of the breed appeared with a wide head, large round eyes, thick paws and a stocky body. Their coat is thick and can be long or medium length. The color can be varied, the degree of curl of the fur depends on the shade.

The degree of curling of the coat is also affected by age and seasonality. It happens that kittens are born curly, then their fur straightens, and over time it becomes wavy again. These are very sociable and kind cats. They love the company of people, children and other pets. These animals are also distinguished by their talkativeness. They are also given a name for their coat: lambs or poodles.

Devon Rex

In the 60s, a kitten appeared in Britain that was unusual and captivated everyone. This was the result of a gene mutation and mating with the Cornish Rex breed. The appearance of the resulting cats frightens some, but pleasantly impresses others.

The pet is small in size, has huge, widely spaced ears, its muzzle is flat, and its nose is snub-nosed. Devon fur is soft and hypoallergenic. These animals are active - they run, play, jump, and climb to heights.

Thanks to their developed intelligence, Devons are trainable. Since they are small cats, they need to be treated with care. It is especially important to protect them from drafts. There are such cats in the apartment.

Herman rex

This breed appeared in Germany thanks to the crossing of a Russian Blue cat with an Angora cat. Later, European Shorthairs took part in its breeding.

There were times when the breed was almost completely exterminated. We had to start the selection all over again, so the shades of coat and exterior faded into the background. The main goal was to obtain a characteristic coat texture - without undercoat, soft and with curls resembling astrakhan fur.

Representatives of the breed are very smart and loyal, cheerful and energetic. Moderately curious and inquisitive. The happy owners of these cats are very glad that they chose this particular breed.

Cornish Rex

This is a very ancient breed of cat. It appeared in Britain in the 50s, but was recognized only 17 years later. The first kitten appeared on a farm where they were breeding rabbits. To consolidate the breed, they began to be crossed with Siamese and ordinary domestic cats.

The appearance of this cat is lean and tall, but the body is very graceful and graceful. The ears are very large, set wide apart and look in different directions, the muzzle is elongated, and the eyes are large. The legs and tail are long and graceful relative to the body.

The Cornish Rex is very similar to the Sphynx, but with wavy fur. It differs in that it does not have main hairs, but is an undercoat. Such cats resemble in their appearance a Karakul lamb.

These are sociable and inquisitive cats. They easily find a common language with everyone. They are very smart, very loyal and friendly, and amenable to training.

Ural rex

The Ural rexes appeared completely by accident, thanks to Mother Nature. Such kittens were considered defective, sick and destroyed, thereby reducing the breed to a few individuals. Years later, one cat gave birth to curly-haired kittens. Breeders paid attention to this; they did not miss the opportunity to breed and reproduce this breed.

These are medium-sized cats with a powerful, muscular body. The eyes are large almond-shaped. Their fur is dense and dense, and can be medium-length or short. Due to the presence of large curls, it is difficult for the rex during molting. Lost hairs can get stuck in your hair. The owner’s task is to comb the fur with a special one so that all unnecessary hairs fall off. The character of these cats is characterized by cheerfulness, simplicity and kindness.
