Love horoscope for July Aquarius woman

In general, the calm and measured character of this July for Aquarius will be ensured by their main heavenly “guardian” - Saturn, who himself loves order in everything and in every possible way calls for order in his charges. Unrest and shake-ups in your destiny will not occur in the middle of this summer, but you will not move towards new heights either. Why? The whole point is that Saturn will introduce some conservatism into your character, more reminiscent of laziness or apathy. Even if you are somehow dissatisfied with your usual way of life, you would prefer to humbly come to terms with its imperfections rather than lose your emotional peace for the sake of struggling with circumstances.

Mercury will be your other ally in mid-summer 2017. The planet, on which financial well-being and success depends, will suddenly decide that you have lived for too long in conditions of a total financial deficit. Thanks to the support of Mercury, your income will skyrocket (though you won’t want to sacrifice your emotional harmony for the sake of this growth). Success in the material sphere will come to you by pure chance, as if by chance, without arousing ardent joy in your soul (you will take this moment for granted).

The only celestial being who will decide to send at least some variety (and exclusively negative coloring) into your leisurely July way of life will be a militant planet. Mars will periodically intrusively invade your calm life, making the character of people close to you too explosive, too inconsistent and impulsive. Fortunately, your contemplative and philosophical attitude will help you to extinguish all external outbreaks of aggression without much difficulty. Your world will return to normal, and the people close to you, whom you help get rid of negativity, will be sincerely grateful to you.

One of the best months of 2017 for the personal life of Aquarius is coming. The stars foretell an extraordinary period, full of exciting events on the love front.

The astrological situation in July is unique, and you definitely need to take advantage of the stars’ favor. A good omen is that Venus, the planet of harmony and beauty, is in the house of love of Aquarius. You may be lucky in love.

There is a cluster of planets in the house of the Aquarius partner - here are Mercury, the Sun and Mars. The influence of Mercury brings a feeling of freshness and novelty, Mars promises passion and eroticism, and the Sun emphasizes these tendencies. This concentration of energies means an abundance of events and opportunities, but they need to be given the right direction. Take amorous affairs into your own hands, otherwise, by the will of circumstances, a lot will happen in love, but not necessarily what you want.

The last ten days of the month will be a particularly interesting time. Energetic Mars moves into the partner sector of Aquarius on July 19, 2017, and the Sun joins it on July 22. You will feel an adventurous spirit and will want to go in search of romantic adventures. Remember that everything is good in moderation. Do not get carried away too much, as Martian energy not only fuels passions, but also causes conflicts. Transits of Mars are always accompanied by active actions and rapid changes in circumstances, and your task is to keep this ebullient energy within the limits of what is acceptable.

For single Aquarius, this is a promising time. There is a chance that fate will send a special person on your path who will fill your existence with new meaning. If you already have a soulmate, it's time to refresh your relationship. Those who have had any difficulties in their love relationships can count on positive changes.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for July 2017

If your personal life does not absorb all your attention, then in July 2017 you will succeed in work. The first and second decades of the month are a very active and productive time for career development. Calm is not expected; on the contrary, the professional environment is becoming more dynamic.

The Sun and Mars in the house of work promote success in work. The workload will likely increase, but you have the hard work and persistence to handle all of them well. Thanks to this, you will increase your authority in the team, create the image of a competent specialist and a reliable employee. Moreover, your efforts will be appreciated by your superiors and generously rewarded.

What needs to be warned about is the machinations of secret ill-wishers who may become more active in the first half of the month. Not everyone around you will be happy about your success; there may be envious people among them. To minimize risks, you need to be more attentive to what is happening.

In terms of finances, you should not rely solely on luck. Of course, you need to listen to your intuition, but all decisions affecting the most important financial aspects should be made based on common sense.

The financial horoscope foretells an increase in profits through partners. If you want to achieve material well-being, look for people with whom you can make money. If there are no such people near you yet, then now is the right time to look for them, since the Aquarius partnership sector is activated.


The first half of the month is a controversial time for Aquarius, as the planets in your house of health form negative aspects. To avoid trouble, lead a balanced lifestyle and pay attention to your body's signals. Health problems can occur due to the fact that under high pressure at work it is not easy to relax. Try practicing meditation, it will help reduce the effects of stress and maintain peace of mind.

Do not allow yourself to be careless in the performance of your duties! This applies to both family and work.

July for some Aquarius will be full of turning points and especially important decisions. Don't be afraid to accept yourself for who you are and act in accordance with your beliefs. In July, you can achieve any desires, the main thing is not to doubt yourself. Remember your past experience and do not give up in the face of difficulties.

This is the time when you cannot shift your responsibilities to someone else, remember that if you want to do well, do it yourself.

Aquarius career horoscope for July 2017

In the field of career and work, you can expect some changes. Comfort and environment will be of particular importance and will affect productivity.

If you work for yourself, you can seriously think about changes in the personnel area. If you don't like something, this is a good time to make changes. July can be incredibly successful for you, especially if you correctly define the principles of work for yourself.

If you are employed, there is a possibility of getting a new position or changing your profession. Don’t shy away from informal meetings and corporate events, where you can meet influential patrons. The only thing is, control yourself and don’t allow yourself to become familiar.

Aquarius love horoscope for July 2017

In the sphere of personal relationships, the month will definitely be successful for all Aquarius. Be prepared for a huge number of events, so there is a chance of getting confused and drawing the wrong conclusions. Due to the influence of planets, you may not correctly interpret events in this area.

If you are alone, you just need to be yourself and you can be sure that you will attract the views of the opposite sex.

If you have a loved one, you should think about going on vacation together. To avoid problems, learn to give in and not think only from your point of view, otherwise, due to the influence of Mars, you will constantly encounter aggression. A diplomatic approach will provide a better chance for peace.

Health horoscope for July 2017 for Aquarius

In July, you will be completely satisfied with your health. You can face every day with a smile on your face, and many problems will disappear on their own.

Favorable days in July 2017

  • Luck in sports: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
  • Successful days in business: 18, 19;
  • Activity, ambition in work: 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
  • Luck and optimism: 19, 20;
  • Clarity of thinking (days of insight): 14, 19, 24;
  • Confusion in thinking: 5;
  • Foresight, prophetic visions: 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
  • Emotional sensitivity: 17, 24, 29, 30;
  • Luck in love: 14, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30;
  • Desire for loneliness: 5, 6, 18, 19;
  • Probability of accidents: 4, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21.

The love horoscope for July 2017 does not advise Aquarius to fall in love and meet everyone with whom fate brings you together. It is possible to renew relationships with those with whom you broke up a long time ago or for some reason stopped trusting them. Intuition will tell Aquarius in July who is better to go through life with. Married couples will begin to move away from each other, which will lead to a desire to divorce. The main thing is not to accept everything as tragic as it really is. Aquarius may have love and friendship with Leo in 2017, but it is better to avoid Cancer, Libra and Gemini.

Love horoscope for July 2017 for Aquarius woman does not recommend that the chosen one allow more than he deserves. Especially if the relationship between you is not yet close enough and trusting. You should count on nobility on the part of your beloved man, and not accept him with all the disadvantages. Aquarius needs to share less details of his personal life with his friends.

Love horoscope for July 2017 for Aquarius man predicts a meeting with a woman who will become better and unique for him in every way. Only you yourself need to prove yourself as a desperate and confident man.

Aquarius family in July 2017

The horoscope recommends arguing and quarreling less with relatives. It is possible that some of them will persistently impose their opinion on you. Some Aquarians will become overly touchy and vulnerable, which is unlikely to please their spouse. In July 2017, you need to spend more time with your children, as well as talk with them on various topics of interest. July is great for family travel, cultural events and relocation. If Aquarius has the strength and means to do all this, then do everything possible to make your dreams come true.

Horoscope for Aquarius for July 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Aquarius for July 2017

Love horoscope for the month of July for other zodiac signs:

In July 2017, representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius, according to the astrological forecast, will have a lot of arguments. The stars do not recommend that you completely abandon this. But try to prove that you are right not too vehemently (especially in your personal life or when communicating with family and friends). You can offend someone dear to you with a carelessly uttered word.

Not the least important role, in particular, in Aquarius relationships of a professional nature, will be played by personal disposition. So, by treating someone well, you will probably be able to turn a blind eye to the tangible mistakes that person will make. But if you don’t like someone, all the bad things will go to him. Heavenly bodies advise not to be too biased, and try to distinguish between personal feelings and the work sphere.

Aquarius work and finance horoscope for July 2017

Professionally, for representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign, things will be quite smooth. There should be no significant cause for concern. Carry out your basic responsibilities calmly and spend more time looking for opportunities to improve your skills. Surely, now you will come across, for example, interesting courses. In an informal setting, an acquaintance can be made that will soon be useful to you in moving up the career ladder.

The financial horoscope for July for Aquarius recommends showing reasonable frugality. Be rational when choosing your purchases. If you reevaluate your approach to “communication” with stores, you will probably be able to save a lot of money even on purchasing necessary food products. Ideally, go after them with a list already compiled (even if you only need to buy a little).

Love horoscope and Aquarius family for July 2017

Representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign who are in a relationship will want to especially actively demonstrate their feelings to their chosen one. Surely this impulse will be sincere. However, your other half may not really like your behavior, for example, kissing in public places. Listen to the opinion of your chosen one, otherwise a breakdown may occur in the relationship.

The likelihood of starting a new romance in the life of Aquarius, who is still single, in mid-summer is low. It is quite possible that you will flirt with a member of the opposite sex that you like, or even go on a couple of dates. But it is unlikely that this will turn into a long sensual story.

Aquarius health horoscope for July 2017

Health problems may arise for representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign at an older age. Due to the increased air temperature, you may experience a particular loss of strength and activity. The best medicine (if the problem has not reached a critical level) is rest. In general, in July 2017, all Aquarians were recommended to provide themselves with good sleep and eat right. This month is not the best period for trying new dishes and exotic cuisine.

Favorable and unfavorable days for July 2017 Aquarius

Favorable days for Aquarius July 2017 - July 4, July 9, July 13, July 25, July 29, July 31, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Aquarius July 2017 - July 11, July 17, July 28, 2017.
