Can camphor oil be treated? What and how is camphor oil used? What does oil help and what does it heal?

There are many opinions about the use of camphor oil. Some consider it unconditionally useful, especially for otitis media in children, others support the opinion: it cannot be used for babies, and still others regard it as one of the harmful agents. Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand whether camphor oil is harmful or useful, for which and how it has been used for decades.

A little about the origin

In some countries of Africa, as well as in Southeast Asia, the camphor tree (also called the Japanese laurel) grows - it is completely saturated with this substance, from which camphor oil is obtained by steam. There are two varieties of this remedy: brown and white. It is the second that has received wide application from medicine to cosmetology.

The use of camphor oil in medicine

Camphor oil is widely used both in folk medicine and traditional medicine.

It is used during massages for muscle diseases, for arthritis, rub oil on the back. In many hospitals, camphor is the first remedy for the prevention of pressure ulcers in bedridden patients.

But camphor oil is more widely used in the treatment of runny nose and colds.

The use of oil in the treatment of ear diseases

  • This remedy is used for otitis media of the external ear. The disease is accompanied by itching, as well as a burning sensation of the ear canal, camphor oil must be instilled into it. Gradually, the unpleasant sensations will begin to pass, and complete recovery will come.
  • With eustachitis - the disease gives the impression of a congestion of the ear canal in the patient. Treat this disease with tampons and compresses with camphor oil.
  • With otitis media - accompanied by inflammation and throbbing or aching pain. During treatment, castor oil tampons are used.
  • With otitis media of the inner ear - inflammation, accompanied by pain and the ability to hear normally. For treatment, "castor" tampons are used, but with a short placement in the ear canal.
  • If small insects get into the ear, you can drip the ear with castor oil, but if something large gets into it, you should go to the hospital.

If there is no improvement in a couple of days, be sure to consult a doctor for advice, since castor oil is not always an effective remedy, especially for serious and severe ear diseases.

Instructions for using oil for colds

It has already been written about colds of the ear, in addition to hearing organs in the cold season, each person is exposed to other colds.

  • With a runny nose (regardless of whether it is chronic or just sick), you can use your grandmother's recipe and prepare drops based on castor oil. The home remedy also includes: propolis tincture (one teaspoon) and vegetable oil (it is better to take unrefined). Dripping every eight to nine hours, three to five drops.
  • This medicine for the common cold can help with sinusitis, a couple of drops - in each nostril - after a few minutes there will be relief in breathing, and the headache will begin to pass.
  • When coughing, "camphor" mustard plasters are used. First, the chest area is rubbed with oil until the skin turns reddish, after which mustard plasters are placed on the rubbed place. Such rubbing is used for children for coughing, but instead of mustard plasters, it is better to wear a thin cotton T-shirt and a warm sweater on the body.

Inhalation with camphor oil is an effective procedure for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs.

Some add a few drops to a container of boiling water and then breathe in steam, but you can heal and enjoy yourself if you drop a few drops of this oil into a bathtub filled with water.

The use of camphor in cosmetology

Many years have passed since the time when women began to use Japanese laurel oil as an independent cosmetic product, and gradually masks, lotions and creams began to be made on its basis.

Here are some recipes useful for the face , which will keep the skin healthy and youthful for years to come.

Lotion - as a remedy for problem and inflamed skin

This remedy helps to narrow pores, reduce sebaceous secretions, and prevents the appearance of new acne and inflammation.


  • camphor - literally three drops;
  • cumin (oil) - a teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil (it is better to take from grape seeds or wheat seedlings) - a tablespoon.

Preparation and application:

All ingredients must be well mixed together. The resulting product should be wiped off the face twice daily. The lotion restores the balance of the skin and gradually relieves it of acne.

Moisturizer for mature skin

Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, soft and healthy appearance. This can be prevented and the complexion restored to radiance and charm by preparing a moisturizing lotion with camphor oil (three drops) and milk thistle or grape seed oil (roughly: a tablespoon). You need to mix these two ingredients together, and every night before going to bed, wipe your face with them. In a few days, the first positive changes will already be noticeable: from the wrinkles around the eyes, there will gradually not be a single reminder, the skin in the T-shaped zone will be smoothed.

Face mask (whitening)

Freckles and age spots are a problem for many girls and women, which is manifested by the arrival of warmth and the appearance of the first rays of the sun. A mask, the properties of which make it possible to apply it instead of a regular night cream, will allow you to cope with pigmentation and the beautiful half of humanity will be able to further enchant the stronger sex with its beauty.


  • camphor - three drops;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - a tablespoon.

The prepared mask should be applied from two times a day (three or four can be used) on problem spots or once before going to bed.

Camphor oil for eyelashes

A recipe for eyebrows and strengthening thin and brittle eyelashes has long been known - camphor and castor oils. A mixture of these oils must be gently applied to the eyelashes a few minutes before bedtime so that the product has time to be absorbed a little.

How to maintain the beauty of your hair?

In recent years, the problem of hair loss has become very urgent, already at the age of twenty, many young people (boys and girls) risk being left without a beautiful "hair" on their heads - for some, this problem manifests itself in psoriasis.

All this is the result of poor ecology, nutrition and drug exposure to drugs. Camphor contained in masks or shampoos, balms for hair care strengthens the hair roots, and the scalp deodorizes and restores the balance in the work of the sebaceous glands, nourishes it.

A mask for oily hair of one egg yolk, a couple of tablespoons of water and a few drops of oil will remove the abundant oily shine, moisturize the skin and normalize the glands. You need to apply this mask literally for two to three minutes (you can on wet or dry hair), and then rinse with water.

When the scalp is very irritated (itching, dandruff occurs) - a common occurrence in those with dry hair type, you should prepare a mask based on yolk (1 piece), almond oil (tablespoon), camphor oil (five drops) with the addition of oil tea tree (three drops). The product is applied to washed hair, and then washed off with warm water. The time for this procedure is very limited - only five to seven minutes after the first signs of discomfort appear.

For hair that is damaged and has begun to fall out, we recommend a regenerating mask of camphor oil (one teaspoon) and lemon juice (from one fruit), applied for an hour, activates the vitality of the hair follicles and your hair will begin to grow. It is necessary to continue the procedure for two weeks.

There is another remedy that will allow your hair to gain strength and grow faster.


  • egg yolk (1 piece);
  • few sesame seeds (tablespoon);
  • hot pepper tincture (one teaspoon);
  • camphor (half a teaspoon).

The finished product is rubbed into the scalp, covered with a plastic bag on top and left for half an hour. After the expiration of the time, the mask must be washed off with warm water using shampoo. The course consists of 10-12 procedures, after three to five days.

Application for mastitis in women

During lactation, many women face a problem when the milk ducts can become clogged - which leads to pain in the mammary glands (lactostasis). You do not need to be afraid of this painful ailment, you should keep a bottle of camphor oil at home, which you can warm up at any time and make a compress for the chest.

It is necessary to apply only on the sore part of the chest and make a tight bandage. There will be relief in the morning. Despite the fact that camphor oil is good for lactostasis, it can be one of the factors in reducing lactation and refusing a baby from breastfeeding. Compresses with warmed camphor oil also help with mastitis, they are an adjunct to the main treatment, but you cannot feed the child for several days, so you need to express milk.

The use of camphor oil for mastopathy in women

Mastopathy - diseases of the mammary glands as a result of hormonal disorders of the body. Formations appear in the glands, if they are benign - camphor therapy will be enough to get rid of them. In case of cystic mastopathy, compresses are made before going to bed or massage with camphor oil diluted with camphor alcohol and medical bile.

Rare use of camphor

Since this agent is prophylactic and antiseptic, it can be used from the nail, applying it directly to the lesions of the fungus. It is necessary to process until a new healthy nail grows.

With hemorrhoids, camphor oil baths can become the main or auxiliary method for treatment, depending on the severity of the disease. You can add herbal decoctions to the baths: chamomile, milk thistle or any other.

For prostatitis, a remedy is prepared based on propolis (25 grams), camphor (15 grams) with the addition of fir oil (five drops) and Bom-Bange ointment (25 grams). The resulting mixture is applied with massage movements to the perineal area, but it cannot be rubbed. The course of treatment is 14 days (at night).

On the basis of camphor oil, you can prepare a remedy for cellulite by adding a little hot pepper, cinnamon and vegetable oil to it. It must be applied with massage movements and wrapped for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be carried out twice a week.

When watering indoor plants, you can add a drop of camphor oil to the water. For flowers, it will become a prophylactic agent against pests.

The scope of application of camphor oil is very wide. It should be borne in mind that in case of an overdose, an allergic reaction may occur, and with its use during pregnancy, you need to be very careful, because it is not just an etheric substance, but a medicine.

In the article we talk about camphor oil, its use by medical workers and cosmetologists, talk about the effect on the skin, hair, eyelashes, and especially its use for pregnant women and children. You will learn how to relieve pain in mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands, cure colds, otitis media, and also relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Camphor essential oil is isolated by distillation with water vapor from camphor laurel wood. Growing zone - China, Japan, Indonesia. The product has a strong, concentrated odor. Cosmetology and medicine usually use its white variety.

The herbal remedy has pronounced medicinal properties:

  • When applied to a problem area, it is quickly absorbed by the epidermis, stimulates nerve endings, stimulates blood circulation, cardiac activity, and restores the protective functions of the body.
  • The active oxygen contained in camphor molecules destroys the cell membranes of microorganisms that cause pain and inflammation.

Thanks to these features, the agent accelerates tissue healing, enhances metabolic processes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What are they used for?

The use of camphor oil is advisable in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the internal organs and mucous membranes. On its basis, inhalations, compresses are made. It is also used as a base oil during massage therapy. A few drops of camphor will reduce stress, apathy, and overwork, which is why it is so in demand in neurology.

Herbalists prescribe camphor compresses to relieve pain after tooth extraction. In case of a headache, it is recommended to massage the temples by wetting your fingers with this product.

Due to its positive effect, the product is added to various creams, masks, ointments, compresses, hair and skin lotions. It is used as an aromatic additive in men's perfume.

In cosmetology

The tool is used for acne, to eliminate scars, smooth wrinkles. It has the following beneficial effects:

  • deodorant;
  • cleansing;
  • pain reliever;
  • nourishing;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-aging;
  • brightening.

Camphor improves complexion, accelerates cell metabolism, smoothes the surface of the epidermis, and stimulates the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. Recommended for owners of oily skin - it stabilizes the secretion of fatty glands, and also regulates the protective functions of the epithelium.

For face

Cosmetic masks, camphor oil face lotions have a beneficial effect on the skin condition, eliminate inflammation, and narrow enlarged pores. It is effective in the fight against wrinkles: it reduces the depth of nasolabial folds, prevents age-related changes.

If you are worried about the excessive oily shine of the face, use the product in its pure form. The method of application is very simple: moisten a cotton pad with oil, and then wipe your face, paying special attention to the T-zone and inflamed areas of the skin. Dab unabsorbed product residues lightly with a paper towel. Before the procedure, be sure to wash yourself using a soft foam for washing without scrubbing particles, remove makeup from your face.

For mature skin

The product helps to restore the elasticity of the skin, returning it to a beautiful and healthy look. But here you need to be patient - after the first procedure you will definitely not look 5 years younger. To do this, you need to use the lotion regularly for at least 1-2 months.


  1. Camphor oil - 3 drops.
  2. Grape seed oil - 1 tablespoon

How to cook: Mix the ingredients in a glass container.

How to use: Place the mixture in the palm of your hand, warm it up a little with your warmth. Wipe the skin of the face, neck, décolleté. The procedure is recommended before bedtime. You do not need to wash, do it only in the morning.

Result: Reduces the number of expression lines around the eyes, straightens the nasolabial folds.

Whitening agent


  1. Camphor oil - 3 drops.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tablespoon

How to cook: Combine the ingredients in a dark glass bottle.

How to use: Wipe problem areas with the mixture. Do not use on the skin around the eyes.

Result: Eliminates pigmentation on the face. Evens out the tone of the face.

For hair

Camphor soothes the scalp, disinfects and relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation. It helps to activate metabolic processes, restores the structure of damaged hair

Most often, camphor shampoos and masks are suitable for hair prone to oily and hair loss. The funds help to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, strengthen the hair follicles.

In its pure form, the product is rarely used. It can be rubbed into the scalp to accelerate hair growth, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. However, it is best to combine camphor with other ingredients.

For eyelashes

Below is a recipe for two oils. It is recognized as an effective strengthening agent for thin, brittle lashes.


  1. Camphor oil - 3 drops.
  2. Castor oil - 2 tablespoons

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Using an old mascara brush, apply the mixture to your lashes. Leave it overnight. The course of therapy is 1 month.

Result: Prevents eyelashes from falling out by restoring their original density.

Medical use

Camphor oil has a cleansing, wound healing effect. Effective for neuralgia, muscle inflammation (myositis), arthritis, for the prevention of pressure sores. The product is often used in the treatment of asthma, epilepsy, gout, bronchitis, cough, rheumatism, etc.

For colds

To quickly get rid of a cold accompanied by a cough, take a bath with 10 drops of camphor. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. The water should not be too hot.

Mustard plasters will also be useful. Rub the oil on the chest beforehand. Rub until the skin is red. Then put on mustard plasters. For children under 10, use a piece of cotton instead of a mustard plaster.

Homemade drops of propolis tincture, sunflower and camphor oils will help with a cold. Take all ingredients 1 teaspoon. Instill 3 drops in each nasal passage. The same recipe is shown for sinusitis: relieves swelling, reduces headache.

With otitis media

A gauze swab soaked in camphor will save you from ear pains. Heat the product slightly in a water bath, saturate it with gauze, insert turundas into the ear canals. Be sure to wrap your head with a woolen scarf. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours.

Do not try to replace camphor oil with alcohol, or you may seriously damage your eardrum. Also, you do not need to instill the substance directly into the ear. The price of such a solution is a burn, which will complicate the treatment of otitis media.

With mastopathy

For benign mammary glands, camphor-based compresses are useful. They, of course, are not a panacea for the disease, but they can speed up recovery. Any funds that you plan to use to treat this serious disease, it is better to agree with a specialized doctor.


  1. Camphor oil - 3 tablespoons
  2. Alcohol - 3 tablespoons

How to cook: Mix alcohol and oil 1: 1, heat slightly.

How to use: Take a piece of gauze, roll it up in several layers, soak it in a warm composition, and then apply it to your chest. Wear a tight cotton T-shirt over the compress and try to keep it that way from evening to morning.

Result: Has a calming effect. Relieves aching breasts.

With mastitis

Compresses will help relieve inflammation at the initial stage of the disease. Most often, mastitis is caused by a bacterial infection. Camphor in this case is only an auxiliary therapeutic agent.


  1. Camphor oil - 1-2 tsp
  2. Baby cream - 2-4 tsp

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Lubricate the chest with the resulting composition, being careful not to touch the nipple area. Cover with cling film. Do not overtighten the breasts. Keep the compress as long as possible.

Result: It has a warming effect, relaxes the breast tissue.

With lactostasis

Lactostasis is stagnation of milk in one or more areas of the breast. This condition is manifested by the compaction of the gland tissue. To prepare this folk remedy, you will need liquid honey. Perform the procedure before bedtime.


  1. Cabbage leaf - 1 pc.
  2. Camphor oil - 1 tsp
  3. Honey - 1 tsp

How to cook: Brush the cabbage leaf with oil and then honey.

How to use: Apply a compress to the affected chest, cover with cellophane on top, fix with a warm scarf.

Result: It has an analgesic effect.

From hemorrhoids

To soften the inflamed skin of external hemorrhoids, lubricate the area around the anus with the substance. Do not rub in the product too vigorously so as not to hurt the hemorrhoids.

For internal hemorrhoids, soak a swab with oil, gently insert it into the anus. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Do the treatments twice a day. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.

For kids

Doctors allow the use of camphor oil for children over 2 years old. Compresses or rubbing are acceptable. If you want to treat a cold in a child under one year old, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Improper treatment can cause pneumonia.

During pregnancy

The use of oil for pregnant women should be justified in terms of preserving the fetus. The agent has a high permeability through the placental, blood-brain barriers, which regulate the metabolism between the brain and blood. Consult your gynecologist before use.

During the lactation period, the use of the product is also not recommended, as it easily passes through the ducts into breast milk.


Camphor oil has the following contraindications:

  • tendency to seizures, epilepsy;
  • acute inflammation of the inner lining of the heart;
  • lack of milk during breastfeeding;
  • expansion of large vessels, aneurysm;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

The product can cause irritation and allergic reactions, hives, therefore it is not recommended for people with eczema, dermatitis, and other skin lesions. Carefully read the instructions for use, there are warnings about side effects. In case of an overdose, dizziness and headaches may occur.

Also remember that oil cannot be used internally, only externally.

Instructions for use:

Camphor oil is a herbal remedy that is used in medicine and cosmetology.

pharmachologic effect

Camphor oil is extracted from the wood of the tropical camphor tree, it has anti-inflammatory, local irritant, analgesic, antiseptic effect.

The remedy improves the healing of tissues and organs, and with the subcutaneous injection of oil, the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the brain are stimulated, metabolic processes are enhanced in the myocardium, the tone of the venous vessels increases and the volume of blood flowing to the heart increases, the blood supply to the lungs and brain improves.

Treatment with camphor oil is effective for coughing. the product helps to remove phlegm.

Due to the drying, anti-inflammatory effect of the product, camphor oil is successfully used for hair.

Release form

Release camphor oil in the form of an oil and alcohol solution, in the form of an ointment.

Indications for the use of camphor oil

External use of camphor oil is indicated for neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, sciatica, arthralgia, myalgia, pain in the ears, to prevent the appearance of bedsores.

The oil is injected subcutaneously in case of collapse, in case of poisoning with hypnotics or opioid analgesics, in case of depression of the respiratory center in case of infections, in case of heart failure.

Camphor oil for hair is used in cases where it is necessary to restore their growth, eliminate oily and brittleness, relieve inflammation on the scalp.


You can not prescribe treatment with camphor oil to a patient with hypersensitivity to the drug, with epilepsy (subcutaneous injection). External use of camphor oil is contraindicated in case of violations of the integrity of the skin.

Do not prescribe camphor oil to children under two years of age. Oil vapors are easily absorbed by the mucous membranes, the skin of the child, which can provoke poisoning. Camphor oil is especially contraindicated for children with epilepsy - oil and products containing it can provoke an epileptic seizure, convulsions.

Instructions for the use of camphor oil

For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, compresses with camphor oil are used: moisten a gauze napkin, apply on a sore spot, cover with cellophane and bandage slightly. The bandage is kept for about a day, after which it is changed.

For the healing of purulent wounds, tumors, injuries, dislocations with cyanosis and edema, lotions are made with oil. After three or four days, the pain goes away and the wounds heal.

For the prevention of bedsores and diaper rash, camphor oil is used to lubricate the patient's body after hygiene procedures.

To relieve pain in the ears, it is undesirable to instill camphor oil in the ear - they make lotions with oil on the area around the sore ear.

For the treatment of cough, you can take the oil inside - mix four drops with milk and take two r / day.

For hair, camphor oil is used in homemade masks and shampoos.

For oily hair, shampoo is made from one egg yolk, two tablespoons of purified water and 0.5 tablespoons of camphor tea oil. The mass is applied to damp hair, held for two or three minutes, washed off.

For dry hair, mix one egg yolk, one tablespoon of burdock oil, five drops of camphor oil and three - tea tree oil. You cannot constantly use shampoo - only when there is inflammation or irritation on the scalp.

To stimulate hair growth, camphor oil is used in the form of a mask: combine the egg yolk, one spoonful of st. sesame oil, four drops of bey oil, 0.5 teaspoons of camphor mala and one teaspoon of hot pepper tincture. Keep the mask on the hair under cellophane and a towel for 30-40 minutes. The procedures are carried out two times per week. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Camphor oil is prescribed for children in the form of rubbing and compresses.

Side effects

External use of camphor oil can cause skin allergies and irritation.

With subcutaneous injection, dizziness, fatty embolism (if oil enters the vessel), headache, oleogranuloma at the injection site may occur.

Anna Basis

Camphor ether is obtained from the bark and other parts of the plant known as camphor laurel or camphor tree. This tree grows on the territory of Russia only in the Caucasus, in the rest of the globe it is widespread in Japan, southern China, Taiwan. It is difficult to find pure essential camphor oil in pharmacies, usually they sell its synthetic counterparts there. But they also have all the properties that are inherent in natural oil.

Camphor oil has a yellowish-green hue, it is transparent and resembles ordinary vegetable oil in consistency.

Camphor oil is distinguished by its unique smell. A bit harsh and bitter, weathered, it becomes very pleasant

Useful properties of camphor oil

It is difficult to list all the useful properties of camphor ether, but the main one is the awakening and stabilization of the central nervous system. In addition, camphor oil has the following characteristics:

  • Activates the work of the heart and blood circulation;
  • Restores breathing function;
  • Improves brain function.

This oil can be used as the following preparations:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • analgesic;
  • pathogen;
  • decongestant and anti-allergenic.

What is camphor oil used for?

First of all, camphor ether is widely used in medicine. These are compresses for ear pains and pain in the lymph nodes, and the treatment of cough and toothache. Secondly, camphor oil can be used as a revitalizing agent for skin and hair that need extra support.

Medicine and camphor oil

Camphor oil can help you deal with pain in various locations.

Compress for otitis media

The most famous recipe with camphor ether is the treatment of otitis media. You need to fold a wide bandage in several layers so that you get a square. Cut an ear-sized hole in the center. Soak the bandage in oil and thread the "ear" through the hole. Gently place the fabric on the area around the auricle, put a layer of cotton wool or a towel on top and wrap everything with a warm scarf. You need to sleep with this compress overnight. It is advisable not to go outside the next day and keep your ear warm. Contrary to the recommendations of many, camphor oil cannot be dripped into the ear. It is especially dangerous to do this for children under 2 years old.

Compress for the prevention and treatment of lymph nodes

A compress of camphor ether is excellent for diseases of the nodes of the human lymphatic system. If the inflammation is insignificant, you can do with rubbing the lymph nodes with camphor oil. But with a strong inflammatory process, compresses are needed. A piece of tissue must be moistened in camphor oil, applied to the area of ​​the enlarged lymph node, put a piece of cellophane on top and wrap it up warmly. The procedure must be carried out before bedtime. Keep the compress all night long. Under no circumstances should you overcool during the course of treatment. The whole course should last 5-7 days.

Panacea for cough

Can camphor ether be taken internally? This is a controversial issue, but doctors categorically forbid doing this. Some adults who are tormented by coughing take 2-3 drops of camphor oil to dilate blood vessels and improve the outflow of phlegm from the respiratory tract. You need to heat a mug of milk, add 2 teaspoons of natural honey to it and drip 2-3 drops of camphor oil. Be prepared for the fact that the "elixir" has an extremely unpleasant smell and taste. But in the morning you will feel real relief.

Camphor oil for dental pain

Camphor oil can be used for toothache. If you have a severe toothache in the evening, and you can only get to the doctor in the morning, lubricate the outside of your cheek with camphor oil. If the pain persists after half an hour, try dripping a little oil on the aching tooth or lubricating the surrounding gums. By the way, the same remedy helps if you have a tooth removed, and the swelling does not disappear and the pain persists.

Camphor oil - warming agent

Therefore, it is widely used to treat health problems such as:

  • sciatica;
  • sprain;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis, etc.

They lubricate the skin of bedridden patients to prevent bedsores.

Camphor oil for skin

Cosmetologists recommend using camphor oil for the face and skin for those who have oily skin with enlarged pores. It normalizes the work of subcutaneous fat nodes, cleans pores and promotes the healing of microcracks. Camphor oil is especially good at removing acne and blackheads. It not only removes existing inflammations, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

Postpartum age spots will be less noticeable if they are rubbed daily with a mixture of camphor oil and shea butter

If you use this remedy regularly, your skin will soon become velvety and matte.

Skin cleansing toner

Camphor oil for hair

Due to the fact that camphor is irritating to the skin and improves blood circulation, camphor hair oil is used to dry the skin, improve hair structure, etc. There are several proven hair masks for each type of hair:

For oily hair

  • chicken yolk - 1 pc;
  • warm water - 2 tablespoons;
  • camphor oil (heated) - 0.5 tsp

Apply the product for 5 minutes. Wash off with hot water.

For dry hair

  • chicken yolk - 1 pc;
  • - 1 tbsp.;
  • camphor oil - 0.5 tsp

Apply the mixture to wet hair, keep it on for 5 minutes. Wash off with hot water.

To strengthen hair follicles

  • lemon juice - 5 tsp;
  • camphor oil - 0.5 tsp

Rub into scalp for 15 minutes, cover hair with a plastic bag or towel. Wash off with hot water.

To increase the volume

  • chicken yolk - 1 pc .;
  • - 1 tbsp.;
  • camphor oil - 0.5 tsp;
  • alcohol solution of red pepper - 1 tsp.

Rub the mixture into the scalp, make a compress and wash off after half an hour.

It must be repeated every 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 10 to 14 times.

Camphor oil for eyelash treatment and eyebrow care

To add shine and improve their texture, add 3 drops of camphor ether to a teaspoon of castor oil. Apply the mixture to the mascara brush (first, the brush must be thoroughly washed from the pigment) and distribute over the entire length of the eyelashes and eyebrows. The procedure should be done at night.

Contraindications when using camphor oil

Camphor oil is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  1. epilepsy;
  2. disorders of the central nervous system;
  3. allergy.

In addition, for some, the smell of camphor oil can cause headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Camphor oil poisoning can cause the same symptoms. The consequences of taking camphor oil by mouth can be unpleasant: when you take large amounts of oil, you can experience convulsions.


Advice: if you are going to nature, live in a rural area and are very fond of summer gatherings over a cup of tea in a gazebo on the street, then you absolutely need to buy a bottle of camphor oil. After all insects that annoy on the street do not tolerate the smell of camphor. Just grease your wrists and ankles, pour some oil into a wide saucer and you won't be afraid of any insects.

December 23, 2013 5:04 pm

Camphor is widely used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases. It is a crystalline substance with a slight whitish tint. Camphor is most commonly used as an antiseptic and fragrance, but it is also widely used as an ointment, capsule, oil, and injection.

While camphor can be used for a wide variety of purposes, it is not suitable for weight loss. Excessive consumption of camphor can be harmful to health, as it is toxic in large quantities. Camphor is widely used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases. It is a crystalline substance with a slight whitish tint. Camphor is most commonly used as an antiseptic and fragrance, but it is also widely used as an ointment, capsule, oil, and injection. Later in our article, we will talk about some of the ways to use camphor.

How to use camphor correctly

Camphor is extracted from a tree (camphor cinnamon) that grows in Japan, China, some African countries and America. Its height can reach fifty meters, and its girth is five. Usually old trees are used for processing. They are cut down and divided into chips, which are then ground into powder. With the help of special apparatus with water vapor, it is distilled, obtaining camphor oil at the exit. Later, crystals with a pungent odor are produced from it. These crystals are natural camphor. Camphor is most commonly used as antiseptic and flavoring.

It can be part of such tools as:

  • essential oil: for inhalation, treatment of abdominal pain and colitis
  • cream: for massage
  • liquid: for various purposes

Camphor has a bitter taste and a distinctive pungent odor.

Once applied to the skin, it is quickly absorbed but may cause a slight tingling sensation.

Useful properties of camphor:

  • improves blood circulation
  • protects against conjunctivitis and eye redness
  • reduces gas formation
  • helps in the treatment of chickenpox
  • improves digestion
  • improves metabolism in the human body
  • helps relieve joint pain, pain in case of bruises and dislocations
  • relaxes muscles
  • is an excellent expectorant, relieves phlegm
  • disinfects wounds
  • helps in the treatment of fungus on the feet
  • repels insects and kills lice
  • reduces itching and burning from mosquito bites
  • helps to cope with skin problems (acne and various rashes)
  • strengthens the immune system
  • has a relaxing effect, especially when combined with lavender, chamomile and basil.

Contraindications for the use of camphor

Camphor is toxic when used in large quantities. Therefore, an overdose of it can harm the human body. In addition, it is not recommended to use camphor for children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from epilepsy or Parkinson's disease.

An overdose of camphor can cause:

  • vomiting
  • headache
  • colic
  • irritation

Do not apply camphor to areas of your skin such as:

  • open wounds
  • scratches
  • sensitive skin
  • nostrils (in people with asthma)
  • skin on the face

Caution: camphor won't help you lose weight

Quite often on the Internet you can find information that camphor helps to lose weight, but this is not the case. There is an opinion that funds based on it lead to loss of appetite and excretion of fluid from the body through urine and sweat.

but There is no scientific evidence that camphor can help you lose weight. Moreover, the amount required for the desired effect is too large and can cause serious harm to health, including death. We have already mentioned above that camphor should be used in small quantities. It all depends on the purpose for which you will use it:

  • Dilute camphor in olive oil to relieve rheumatism pain
  • Mix it with water for inhalation preparation
  • Combined with any essential oil, camphor can be used for massage and aromatherapy
  • Apply it to a small piece of cloth to repel insects.
  • Place a few drops of camphor on a cotton ball to heal cuts and scrapes.
  • Mix it with a cream to relieve muscle pain
  • Use camphor as an air freshener or fragrance.
  • Use of camphor when cleaning the house. Camphor effectively removes unpleasant odors. To do this, add a few drops to the water for cleaning the floors. It can also be used to disinfect curtains, carpets and blankets. Published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

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