The danger of involving teenagers in terrorist activities. Methodological analysis of the causes and conditions conducive to involvement in terrorist activities. Features of radical movements

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Terrorism and the teenager

Lesson plan 7th grade

1. Introduction 2. Brief history of terrorism 3. Types of terrorism 4. The most characteristic features of human behavior 5. Conclusion MBOU Bogorodskaya gymnasium Noginsk Life safety teacher FINYAK ELENA BORISOVNA

Terrorism is an extreme form of extremism. This is one of the most serious crimes, committed with direct intent by violent, generally dangerous methods (arson, explosion, spraying of toxic substances, kidnapping, attempted murder and murder of individual citizens, seizure of vehicles and buildings, attacks on computer networks, etc.).

Terrorism entails the death of innocent people, disrupts normal living conditions, and spreads fear and panic among the population. In this way, terrorists strive to achieve their criminal political goals.

Terrorism as a way to achieve political goals through violent means has historical roots. The word “terrorism” comes from the Latin word “terror” - fear, horror and began to be used in its modern meaning at the end of the 18th century. Terrorism is violence or the threat of violence against individuals or organizations. The main goal of modern terrorism: seizure of power.

Modern terrorism arose in the early 60s of the last century after the collapse of the leading colonial empires. The struggle for national liberation was often carried out by military means, and terrorist actions were one of the forms of guerrilla actions. However, as the situation in the world changed, terrorism began to undergo fundamental changes in political and military terms.

By the end of the twentieth century, terrorist acts aimed at regular, if possible mass destruction of people, became a common means of achieving political goals. The nature and tactics of terrorist activities have changed significantly. Terrorists have increasingly resorted to the tactics of committing explosions, kidnappings and assassinations of government officials, and hijacking aircraft.

The list of organizations recognized by the Supreme Court of Russia as terrorist and whose activities are prohibited on the territory of our country includes: “The Supreme Military Majlisul Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Kakaza”, “Al-Qaeda”, “Asbat al-Ansar” (“League of Partisans”), “Holy War” (“Al-Jihad”) and others (18 organizations in total). The face of modern terrorism is extremely diverse. Modern experts identify about 200 types of modern terrorist activities.

Political terrorism opposes the socio-political system of the state as a whole or certain aspects of its activities, or specific political personalities and government officials disliked by terrorists. Political terrorism, as a rule, has as its goal the conquest of political power in the country and is directed against the government system that currently exists in the country.

Political terrorism can only exist if it relies on at least a minimum of support and sympathy from public opinion. In conditions of socio-political isolation, he is doomed to defeat. At the same time, terrorists place their main bet on the press. Examples: “death squads in Latin America”, “Japanese Red Brigade”

Terrorism using religious motives manifests itself in extreme intolerance and violence, including armed violence, between representatives of different religious views and denominations. It is often used for political purposes, in the struggle of religious extremists against the secular state or to assert the power of one of the faiths.

Some extremists aim to use terrorism to achieve the creation of a separate state, the legal norms of which will be replaced by the norms of one faith common to the entire population. Examples: the infamous Al-Qaeda, the Taliban in Afghanistan, Aum Shinrikyo

Criminal terrorism is carried out by criminal elements or criminal groups in order to achieve certain concessions from the authorities, to intimidate the authorities and the population of the country using methods of violence and intimidation, borrowed from the practice of terrorist organizations. Forms of manifestation: contract killings, armed clashes between competing criminal groups.

Experts note that today political terrorism is increasingly merging with criminal crime. They can be distinguished only by their goals and motives, but their methods and form are identical. They interact and support each other. Often, political terrorist organizations use criminal methods to obtain financial and material resources, resorting to smuggling, illegal trade in weapons and drugs.

Nationalist terrorism is based on national conflicts, is an effective way to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of the country, and is characterized by terrorist actions by groups that seek to achieve independence from the state or ensure the superiority of one nation over another. Often nationalists seek to violate the territorial integrity of the country in order to create their own nationalist state entity.

Technological terrorism consists of the use or threat of use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, radioactive or highly toxic chemical and biological substances. And also in the threat of seizure of nuclear and other industrial facilities that pose an increased danger to human life and health. As a rule, technological terrorism has political goals.

According to the degree of destructiveness, nuclear terrorism is distinguished, consisting of deliberate actions of individuals, groups or organizations and even some states, aimed at creating a sense of fear among people, the emergence of discontent with the authorities or other entities associated with the use (threat of use) of the dangerous properties of nuclear weapons, nuclear materials, radioactive substances. Such actions are carried out in the interests of achieving the political, military, economic, social and other goals of terrorists.

There has been an increase in the danger of cyber terrorism, which consists of actions to disorganize automated information systems, creating the danger of death, causing significant material damage, or other socially dangerous consequences. A dangerous form of cyber terrorism is an information attack on computer information, computing systems, data transmission equipment, and energy facilities.

In order not to fall under the influence of the ideology of violence and not to become an accomplice of terrorists, we must remember that terrorists are not only heavily armed masked people who demand that you do evil and lawlessness on pain of death. Sometimes this danger comes to a teenager along with a person he knows well, who politely asks him to give something to another person he knows (a letter, a box, etc.).

Modern terrorists, for example, ask children or teenagers to observe something “out of friendship” or for a small gift and then simply tell about what they saw. Then, in places where they were watching or where something was transferred, shots, explosions, and people may die. First of all, terrorists are not counting on your inability to refuse an adult to fulfill his request, but on your desire to be a “well done” and a “hero.”

In order to reduce the risk of being involved in terrorist activities, you must be conscious of your actions and actions, be strong internally, and have reliable friends. It is also important to have a firm stance against terrorism in order to say a decisive “No!” to all suspicious persuasion.

Your behavior is largely determined, on the one hand, by external factors - the social environment, i.e. your environment, the system of values ​​​​accepted in society; on the other hand - internal factors - life experience acquired in the family, school, in the process of communicating with friends, some innate qualities, such as your temperament. There are four types of temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.

The most characteristic features of human behavior by temperament type Sanguine is a person characterized by rapid excitability, a vivid external expression of his emotions and their easy changeability. As a rule, these are cheerful, active, hot, energetic, impressionable people who love to talk. A choleric person is a strong but unbalanced person, easily irritated and not very quick to calm down. Most often he is quick-tempered and straightforward. A melancholic person is a weak, quickly exhausted and slowly recovering person. Phlegmatic is a strong, balanced type of person. He is calm, even, ready to carry any burden on his shoulders. His business qualities are stability and perseverance in work.

Telephone terrorism One of the most common types of terrorist attacks today is a telephone threat. In this case, the criminal calls a pre-selected institution, organization, object, premises and reports a bomb or announces an upcoming explosion, warns about how much time is left before the explosive device goes off, etc.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia conducted an analysis and found that the vast majority of the so-called. telephone terrorists are teenagers aged 11-17 years. They “mined” their educational institutions in order to extend vacations and disrupt exams and tests. It should be remembered that punishment for a false report cannot be avoided. Technical means make it possible to establish the identity of a hooligan very quickly.


Among the examples of criminal activity on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2007-2012. can be cited: on August 13, 2006, a terrorist attack was organized near the building of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Nazran (Republic of Ingushetia). The terrorist rammed the gate with a booby-trapped Gazelle, drove into the courtyard where police officers were forming up and detonated a powerful explosive device. 25 people were killed, 262 people were injured. On August 27, 2007, the Nevsky Express train on the St. Petersburg-Moscow route crashed in the Tver region. Over 60 people were injured. On the morning of March 29, 2010, explosions were carried out on trains at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations. The explosion was carried out by female suicide bombers. 41 people were killed, 88 people were injured. Homework § 6.1 pp. 144-155; pract. No. 2 in writing.

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Terrorism and the danger of teenagers being involved in terrorist and extremist activities.

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Terrorism is an extreme form of extremism. This is one of the most serious crimes, committed with direct intent by violent, generally dangerous methods (arson, explosion, spraying of toxic substances, kidnapping, attempted murder and murder of individual citizens, seizure of vehicles and buildings, attacks on computer networks, etc.).

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Terrorism entails the death of innocent people, disrupts normal living conditions, and spreads fear and panic among the population. In this way, terrorists strive to achieve their criminal political goals.

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Terrorism as a way to achieve political goals through violent means has historical roots. The word “terrorism” comes from the Latin word “terror” - fear, horror and began to be used in its modern meaning at the end of the 18th century. Terrorism is violence or the threat of violence against individuals or organizations. The main goal of modern terrorism: seizure of power.

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Modern terrorism arose in the early 60s of the last century after the collapse of the leading colonial empires. The struggle for national liberation was often carried out by military means, and terrorist actions were one of the forms of guerrilla actions. However, as the situation in the world changed, terrorism began to undergo fundamental changes in political and military terms.

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By the end of the twentieth century, terrorist acts aimed at regular, if possible mass destruction of people, became a common means of achieving political goals. The nature and tactics of terrorist activities have changed significantly. Terrorists have increasingly resorted to the tactics of committing explosions, kidnappings and assassinations of government officials, and hijacking aircraft.

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The list of organizations recognized by the Supreme Court of Russia as terrorist and whose activities are prohibited on the territory of our country includes: “The Supreme Military Majlisul Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Kakaza”, “Al-Qaeda”, “Asbad al-Ansar” (“League of Partisans”), “Holy War” (“Al-Jihad”) and others (18 organizations in total). The face of modern terrorism is extremely diverse. Modern experts identify about 200 types of modern terrorist activities.

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Political terrorism opposes the socio-political system of the state as a whole or certain aspects of its activities, or specific political personalities and government officials disliked by terrorists. Political terrorism, as a rule, has as its goal the conquest of political power in the country and is directed against the government system that currently exists in the country. Political terrorism can only exist if it relies on at least a minimum of support and sympathy from public opinion. In conditions of socio-political isolation, he is doomed to defeat. At the same time, terrorists place their main bet on the press. Examples: “death squads in Latin America”, “Japanese Red Brigade”

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Terrorism using religious motives manifests itself in extreme intolerance and violence, including armed violence, between representatives of different religious views and denominations. It is often used for political purposes, in the struggle of religious extremists against the secular state or to assert the power of one of the faiths. Some extremists aim to use terrorism to achieve the creation of a separate state, the legal norms of which will be replaced by the norms of one faith common to the entire population. Examples: the infamous Al-Qaeda, the Taliban in Afghanistan, Aum Shinrkyo

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Criminal terrorism is carried out by criminal elements or criminal groups in order to achieve certain concessions from the authorities, to intimidate the authorities and the population of the country using methods of violence and intimidation, borrowed from the practice of terrorist organizations. Forms of manifestation: contract killings, armed clashes between competing criminal groups. Experts note that today political terrorism is increasingly merging with criminal crime. They can be distinguished only by their goals and motives, but their methods and form are identical. They interact and support each other. Often, political terrorist organizations use criminal methods to obtain financial and material resources, resorting to smuggling, illegal trade in weapons and drugs.

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Nationalist terrorism is based on national conflicts, is an effective way to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of the country, and is characterized by terrorist actions by groups that seek to achieve independence from the state or ensure the superiority of one nation over another. Often nationalists seek to violate the territorial integrity of the country in order to create their own nationalist state entity.

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Technological terrorism consists of the use or threat of use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, radioactive or highly toxic chemical and biological substances. And also in the threat of seizure of nuclear and other industrial facilities that pose an increased danger to human life and health. As a rule, technological terrorism has political goals.

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There has been an increase in the danger of cyber terrorism, which consists of actions to disorganize automated information systems, creating the danger of death, causing significant material damage, or other socially dangerous consequences. A dangerous form of cyber terrorism is an information attack on computer information, computing systems, data transmission equipment, and energy facilities.

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Telephone terrorism One of the most common types of terrorist attacks today is a telephone threat. In this case, the criminal calls a pre-selected institution, organization, object, premises and reports a bomb or announces an upcoming explosion, warns about how much time is left before the explosive device is detonated, etc. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia conducted an analysis and found that the vast majority of so-called telephone terrorists are teenagers aged 11-17 years. They “mined” their educational institutions in order to extend vacations and disrupt exams and tests. It should be remembered that punishment for a false report cannot be avoided. Technical means make it possible to establish the identity of a hooligan very quickly.

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In order not to fall under the influence of the ideology of violence and not to become an accomplice of terrorists, we must remember that terrorists are not only heavily armed masked people who demand that you do evil and lawlessness on pain of death. Sometimes this danger comes to a teenager along with a person he knows well, who politely asks him to give something to another person he knows (a letter, a box, etc.). Modern terrorists, for example, ask children or teenagers to observe something “out of friendship” or for a small gift and then simply tell about what they saw. Then, in places where they were watching or where something was transferred, shots, explosions, and people may die. First of all, terrorists are not counting on your inability to refuse an adult to fulfill his request, but on your desire to be a “well done” and a “hero.”

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In order to reduce the risk of being involved in terrorist activities, you must be conscious of your actions and actions, be strong internally, and have reliable friends. It is also important to have a firm stance against terrorism in order to say a decisive “No!” to all suspicious persuasion. Your behavior is largely determined, on the one hand, by external factors - the social environment, i.e. your environment, the system of values ​​​​accepted in society; on the other hand - internal factors - life experience acquired in the family, school, in the process of communicating with friends, some innate qualities, such as your temperament. There are four types of temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.

The threat of the terrorist organization ISIS no longer seems distant and does not concern us. Every day we have to be convinced that recruiters are penetrating our lives more and more actively. And the worst thing is that they are hunting for our children.

Terrorists with medical degrees

On Monday, we published on our website the material “ISIS is already at our home,” in which experts assess the situation and agree on one thing - ISIS is indeed already at our home. Moreover, the recruiters of this organization, banned in Russia, decided to hunt for the best guys. It seemed to them that it was not enough that unemployed, unemployed young men and women from disadvantaged families wanted to become terrorists. They felt that the ranks needed to be replenished with more “high-quality personnel.” Today, for example, the Medical Academy of Astrakhan has become almost the epicenter of such recruitment.

Scandals in this educational institution flare up very often. The last of them happened after it became known that a 22-year-old student was trying to escape to Syria and join the ranks of Islamists. Security officers stopped him several times while trying to fly to Turkey and handed him over to his parents. First it was filmed at the Astrakhan airport, then in Moscow. He even tried to put on makeup and glued on his beard. Instructions on how to fly and how to get to Syria through Turkey were given by recruiters through social networks and convinced that he could live in Syria as an ordinary citizen, observing Sharia law.

Now the parents had to pick up the guy and take him home to Dagestan. They did not initiate a criminal case against him, since he voluntarily agreed not to fly anywhere and also changed his mind about joining ISIS.

You can imagine how glad the guy’s parents were that they were able to save their son. After all, just recently a friend of this same Astrakhan ex-student, who also studied at ASMU, died in Syria. The terrorists still managed to recruit that guy.

Experts believe that it is no coincidence that the Astrakhan Medical Academy arouses such interest among recruiters. It traditionally leads among the city’s universities in terms of the number of Muslim students in the region.

Another victim of ISIS emissaries is a student at the same medical academy. Saida Khalikova. She is accused of a serious charge - promoting terrorist activities. She faces a prison term of 5 to 10 years. And although the lawyer is trying to convince the justice that the girl was allegedly engaged in charity and transferred money to Muslim youth, who are in great need of support, so far these arguments have not had any effect. Saida managed to transfer 43,000 rubles to ISIS. For a student who is currently in a pre-trial detention center, this is a considerable amount. And the organizer of such a “good action” to raise money for terrorists was a certain Daria Itsenkova, who converted to Islam and became an ardent supporter of the Islamic State.

And it’s hard to believe that Saida was so naive as not to guess where the money was going. After all, if you think about it, in Russia we also have enough children from Muslim families who are left without parents and in need of support. It is not necessary to transfer your money to Syria to do a good deed.

So the big story with Varvara Karaulova, a student at Moscow State University - not the only case in the country. As you can see, there are plenty of clones of this girl, who received an excellent education at Moscow State University, but succumbed to the charm of the villains.

Chechnya has its own rules

These children of yesterday still have no idea that the consequences of “friendship” with ISIS can be very serious. Accusations of terrorism or complicity with it are serious things.

And it’s very touching that Ramzan Kadyrov, Unlike strict law enforcement officers, he did not initiate any criminal cases against 20 young Chechens for the fact that they were preparing an attempt on his life and had already managed to plant explosives in the boiler room of the mosque in the city of Argun. The terrorists hoped that it would work when Kadyrov visited the mosque. Ramzan Kadyrov himself, as he assured Instagram, personally met with failed terrorists, according to - he scolded him fatherly, and noted that it was the illiterate imam who convinced them that the real head of the Wahhabis was the leader of Chechnya.

— As it turned out, about twenty people were united by loyalty to the Wahhabi ideology. Their brains have been clogged by the so-called half-educated imam. They did not have even the remotest idea about the personality of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his patrons. They were instilled with hatred of the head of the Chechen Republic, as the main enemy of Wahhabism. I invited parents and relatives to the meeting, who were told in detail what their sons’ interests and hobbies were. It’s good that young people have not yet had time to commit a crime, to actually break the law. They sincerely stated that they realized their mistakes, repented and would take the path of truth. The parents assured that they would strictly control their behavior,” Kadyrov wrote on his social network page.

“Any attempts to recruit our youth will not pass without leaving a mark on those involved. The people themselves who fell under the influence of recruiters will be given a chance to reform,” Kadyrov says.

Kadyrov, of course, will try to instill the right thoughts in the children. And about Wahhabism, and about Ramzan Akhmatovich himself. The main thing is that the guys were given a chance, and not sent to prison for 25 years. Chechnya, as you know, has its own laws. There is no doubt that these guys will be able to become the most loyal people of the head of the republic. But not everyone will be so lucky.

For a Dagestani Gadzhi Magometova The prosecution asked for 25 years, but in the end the court agreed on 17. The sentence was pronounced by the North Caucasus District Military Court in Rostov on November 2. And all because this young man also acquired some wrong knowledge, succumbed to the influence of the wrong people. As a result, he was accused of mass unrest and participation in Syria in an illegal armed group, where he sought to take direct part in clashes with Syrian government forces on the side of illegal armed groups and the Islamic State. But he did not prepare any assassination attempts at home. Nevertheless, I fell under the influence.

And today the authorities of all regions, especially the southern ones, are sounding the alarm. Returning to Astrakhan, where we started the conversation. Several dozen young people have already fallen under the influence of recruiters there. Why is this happening? Where does the threat come from?

Authorities cite several reasons. Among them is uncontrolled migration, when unknown people come to the regions and do unknown things. Recruitment of neophytes by extremists in correctional institutions. In prisons, yesterday's schoolchildren are quickly put into circulation. There is also a very low level of religious literacy among believers. They start preaching false Islam to the guys and they easily fall for this bait. That is why systematic monitoring of the activities of religious associations began in the Astrakhan region. This statement was made recently by the head of the governor’s administration. Kanat Shantimirov during a meeting with representatives of the Muslim clergy. He started talking about Muslim traditions. The fact that the number of Islamic “nikah” marriages in violation of Muslim traditions is growing. Such fictitious marriages are one of the ways to involve girls in extremist activities. Moreover, for non-Muslim girls, “nikah” looks like a promise of great and bright love. Varavara Karaulova and her other associates followed this, apparently, love. It’s a pity, again, that they didn’t find an intelligent person like Ramzan Kadyrov.

Kanat Shantimirov called on the imams of the region to strengthen outreach work among Muslims, especially among young people. The meeting participants focused on the need for close cooperation in informing about the facts of the involvement of Astrakhan residents in extremist and terrorist activities. Ramzan Kadyrov, as we remember, also drew attention to the illiteracy of the half-educated imam, because of whom the tragedy almost happened. The main thing today is to know exactly under whose influence your child has fallen and whose sermons or lectures he actually listens to.

Terrorism has become a major threat to peace and stability, and its suppression is the common cause of the entire international community. Terrorism poses a threat to the national security of Russia, and the state, society and every sane person must fully counteract it.

At the same time, we note the need to resist involvement in terrorist activities, since there is a danger of ending up in the networks of a terrorist organization, falling under the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking.

Let us note a number of factors and social phenomena that can contribute to a person’s involvement in terrorist activities:

- growing dissatisfaction in society, primarily due to the large gap in income levels between the richest and the poorest;

- a decrease in the level of protection of the vital interests of the individual from external and internal threats, a decrease in the standard of living of the population, unemployment - all this contributes to the formation in society of a mood of social alienation, increased selfishness, apathy and dependency on the part of a significant part of the population;

— the influence of organized crime on the exacerbation and deepening of contradictions in society, the gradual involvement of a certain part of the population in criminal relations;

- the decline of the spiritual life of society, the destruction of the historical and cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, the establishment of the cult of individualism, selfishness and violence, the formation in society of disbelief in the ability of the state to protect its citizens, the decrease in the importance of such concepts as duty, dignity, honor and loyalty to the Fatherland;

— expanding opportunities for promoting the ideas of terrorism using modern means of communication, disseminating technological methods for organizing and carrying out terrorist attacks through the media and the Internet.

In order not to fall under the influence of the ideology of violence and not to become an accomplice of terrorists, we must remember that terrorists are not only heavily armed masked people who demand that you do evil and lawlessness on pain of death. Sometimes this danger comes to a teenager along with a person he knows well, who politely asks him to give something to another person he knows (a letter, a box, etc.).

Modern terrorists, for example, ask children or teenagers to observe something “out of friendship” or for a small gift and then simply tell about what they saw. Then, in the places where they were watching and where something was transferred, shots, explosions, and people may die.

What do terrorists most often count on when recruiting teenagers as accomplices? First of all, they are counting on your inability to refuse an adult to fulfill his request, your desire to be a “well done” and a “hero”.

In order to reduce the risk of being involved in terrorist activities, you need to be conscious of your actions and actions, be strong internally, and have reliable friends. It is also important to have a firm stance against terrorism, so that to all suspicious persuasion you can say a decisive “No!” "

The video was filmed by local residents. In detail: Residents of the Australian city of Tinaroo, Queensland, witnessed a very unusual phenomenon on April 25 of this year.
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Terrorism- this is the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by various government bodies, local governments or international organizations associated with intimidation of the population and other forms of illegal violent actions.

Terrorism is an extreme form of extremism. This is one of the most serious crimes, committed with direct intent by violent and generally dangerous methods (arson, explosion, spraying of toxic substances, kidnapping, attempted murder and murder of individual citizens, seizure of vehicles and buildings, armed attack, attack on computer networks, etc. ).


    Terrorism entails the death of innocent people, disrupts normal living conditions, and spreads fear and panic among the population. In this way, terrorists strive to achieve their criminal political goals.

Terrorists in our country never go unpunished. They are either eliminated during counter-terrorism operations or punished in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. (We discussed in detail what punishments for terrorist activities are provided for in Russian legislation in grade 5.)

Thus, the leader of the terrorist attack in Budennovsk in 1995 was eliminated. The leader of the militant raid on Kizlyar (Dagestan) in 1995 was arrested five years later and sentenced to life imprisonment. To this day, law enforcement agencies find participants in the seizure of a hospital in Budennovsk and perpetrators of other terrorist acts and sentence them to various terms. The perpetrators of the explosions of two residential buildings in Moscow in 1999 were liquidated during hostilities or sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. Almost all the perpetrators of the seizure of a school in Beslan in 2004 were destroyed and one was sentenced to life imprisonment.

This young hostage miraculously managed to escape from the terrorist fire. September 3, 2004

Repeatedly, an amnesty was declared for those militants who voluntarily lay down their arms. Those of them who refused to do this will continue to be wanted by intelligence services and law enforcement agencies so that none of the terrorists escape responsibility before the law.

Terrorism as a way to achieve political goals through violent means has historical roots. The word “terrorism” comes from the Latin terror - “fear”, “horror” and began to be used in its modern meaning at the end of the 18th century.

In Russia, people began to talk about terrorism starting from the second half of the 19th century, when some political organizations tried to use it as a means of fighting the authorities.

The main goal of modern terrorism: seizure of power.

Modern terrorism arose in the early 60s. last century after the collapse of the leading colonial empires. The struggle for national liberation was often carried out by military means, and terrorist actions were one of the forms of guerrilla actions. However, as the situation in the world changed, terrorism began to undergo fundamental changes both politically and militarily. By the end of the 20th century. Terrorist acts aimed at regular, possibly mass destruction of people have become a common means of achieving political goals.

The nature and tactics of terrorist activities have changed significantly. Terrorists have increasingly resorted to the tactics of committing explosions, kidnappings and assassinations of government officials, and hijacking aircraft.

The list of organizations recognized by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation as terrorist and whose activities are prohibited on the territory of our country includes the “Higher Military Majlisul Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of the Caucasus”, “Al-Qaeda”, “Asbat al-Ansar” (“League of Partisans”), “Holy War” (“Al-Jihad”) and others (18 organizations in total).

The face of modern terrorism is extremely diverse. Modern experts identify about 200 types of modern terrorist activities. All types of terrorism are political in nature, that is, they serve primarily the political goals of terrorists. Currently, there is no classification of types of terrorism accepted by all experts. But they can be distinguished by the nature of their social manifestation and forms of technical implementation.

Political terrorism opposes the socio-political system of the state as a whole or certain aspects of its activities, or specific political personalities and government officials disliked by terrorists. Political terrorism, as a rule, has as its goal the conquest of political power in the country and is directed against the government system that currently exists in the country.

Political terrorism can only exist if it relies on at least a minimum of support and sympathy from public opinion. In conditions of socio-political isolation, he is doomed to defeat. At the same time, terrorists place their main bet on the press.

Examples: “death squads” in Latin America, “Japanese Red Army”.

The moment of the counter-terrorism operation in Mumbai (India). Terrorists took hostages in hotels in the city center. During the release of the hostages, 166 people died. November 2008

Terrorism using religious motives, manifests itself in extreme intolerance and violence, including armed violence, between representatives of different religious views and denominations. It is often used for political purposes, in the struggle of religious extremists against the secular state or to assert the power of representatives of one of the faiths. Some extremists aim to use terrorism to achieve the creation of a separate state, the legal norms of which will be replaced by the norms of one religion common to the entire population.

Examples: the notorious Al-Qaeda, the Taliban in Afghanistan, Aum Shinrikyo.

Criminal terrorism carried out by criminal elements or criminal groups in order to achieve certain concessions from the authorities, to intimidate the authorities and the population of the country using methods of violence and intimidation, borrowed from the practice of terrorist organizations.

Forms of manifestation: contract killings, armed clashes between rival criminal groups, etc.

Experts note that today political terrorism is increasingly merging with criminal crime. They can be distinguished only by their goals and motives, but their methods and forms are identical. They interact and support each other. Often, political terrorist organizations use criminal methods to obtain financial and material resources, resorting to smuggling, illegal trade in weapons and drugs. It can be difficult to figure out what nature - political or criminal - a number of criminal actions are, such as the murder of major business figures, hostage-taking, aircraft hijacking, etc. One thing is obvious - the inhuman and criminal nature of these acts.

Nationalist terrorism is based on national conflicts, is an effective way to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of the country, and is characterized by terrorist actions by groups that seek to achieve independence from the state or ensure the superiority of one nation over another. Often nationalists seek to violate the territorial integrity of the country in order to create their own nationalist state entity.

Example: the long-term activities of the Irish Republican Army with the goal of separating Northern Ireland from Great Britain.

Technological terrorism consists of the use or threat of use of nuclear, chemical or bacteriological weapons, radioactive and highly toxic chemical and biological substances, as well as the threat of seizure of nuclear and other industrial facilities that pose an increased danger to human life and health. As a rule, technological terrorism has political goals.

According to the degree of destructiveness it stands out nuclear terrorism, consisting of deliberate actions by individuals, groups or organizations, and even some states, aimed at creating a sense of fear among people, the emergence of dissatisfaction with the authorities or other entities associated with the use (threat of use) of the extremely dangerous properties of nuclear weapons, nuclear materials, radioactive substances. Such actions are carried out in the interests of achieving the political, military, economic, social and other goals of terrorists.

There is an increase in danger cyber terrorism, which consists of actions to disrupt automated information systems, creating the danger of death, causing significant material damage or other socially dangerous consequences.

The main form of cyberterrorism is an information attack on computer information, computing systems, data transmission equipment, and other components of the information structure, which allows one to penetrate the attacked system, intercept control or suppress means of network information exchange, and carry out other destructive effects.

The most dangerous attacks are on energy facilities, telecommunications, aviation dispatch systems, financial electronic systems, government information systems, as well as automated control systems for troops and strategic weapons.


    Terrorism has become a major threat to peace and stability, and its suppression is the common cause of the entire international community. Terrorism poses a threat to the national security of Russia, and the state, society and every sane person must fully counteract it.

At the same time, we note the need to resist involvement in terrorist activities, since there is a danger of ending up in the networks of a terrorist organization, falling under the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking.

Let us note a number of factors and social phenomena that can contribute to a person’s involvement in terrorist activities:

  • growing dissatisfaction in society, primarily due to the large income gap between the richest and the poorest;
  • a decrease in the level of protection of the vital interests of the individual from external and internal threats, a decrease in the standard of living of the population, unemployment - all this contributes to the formation in society of a mood of social alienation, increased selfishness, apathy and dependency on the part of a significant part of the population;
  • the influence of organized crime on the exacerbation and deepening of contradictions in society, the gradual involvement of a certain part of the population in criminal relations;
  • the decline of the spiritual life of society, the destruction of the historical and cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, the establishment of the cult of individualism, selfishness and violence, the formation in society of disbelief in the ability of the state to protect its citizens, the decrease in the importance of such concepts as duty, dignity, honor and loyalty to the Fatherland;
  • expanding opportunities for promoting the ideas of terrorism using modern means of communication, disseminating technological techniques for organizing and carrying out terrorist attacks through the media and the Internet.

In order not to fall under the influence of the ideology of violence and not to become an accomplice of terrorists, we must remember that terrorists are not only heavily armed masked people who demand that you do evil and lawlessness on pain of death. Sometimes this danger comes to a teenager along with a person he knows well, who politely asks him to give something to another person he knows (a letter, a box, etc.). Modern terrorists, for example, ask children or teenagers to observe something “out of friendship” or for a small gift and then simply tell about what they saw.

Then, in the places where they were watching and where something was transferred, shots, explosions, and people may die.

What do terrorists most often count on when recruiting teenagers as accomplices? First of all, they are counting on your inability to refuse an adult to fulfill his request, your desire to be a “well done” and a “hero”.

In order to reduce the risk of being involved in terrorist activities, you need to be conscious of your actions and actions, be strong internally, and have reliable friends. It is also important to have a firm stance against terrorism in order to say a decisive “No!” to all suspicious persuasion.

Your behavior is largely determined, on the one hand, by external factors - the social environment, that is, your environment, the system of values ​​​​accepted in society; on the other hand - internal factors - life experience acquired in the family, school, in the process of communicating with friends, some innate qualities, such as your temperament. There are four types of temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.

Let us note the most characteristic features of human behavior by type of temperament.

Sanguine- a person characterized by rapid excitability, a vivid external expression of his emotions and their easy changeability. As a rule, these are cheerful, active, hot, energetic, impressionable people who love to talk.

Choleric- a strong but unbalanced person, easily irritated and not very quick to calm down. Most often he is quick-tempered and straightforward.

Melancholic- a weak, quickly exhausted and slowly recovering person.

Phlegmatic person- a strong, balanced type of person. He is calm, even, ready to carry any burden on his shoulders. His business qualities are stability and perseverance in work.

It is generally accepted that the type of temperament depends on the type, rhythm and intensity of basic mental processes. At the same time, it is believed that pure representatives of one or another temperament are extremely rare. Most people, in a given situation, may exhibit traits inherent in different temperaments.

You can’t talk about “bad” or “good” temperament. These are innate human characteristics and cannot be changed. However, these features need to be known and taken into account in order to change your behavior if necessary and reduce the risk of involvement in terrorist activities.

Thus, a person, if desired and under certain conditions, can change his behavior.

Thus, a sanguine person is able to achieve great results if he worries less, but acts more, purposefully bringing his plans to the end.

Psychological imbalance can lead to conflict

A choleric person must cultivate psychological balance and restraint in himself, so as not to quickly succumb to emotions. Before doing something rashly, you need to ask yourself two questions: “Why do I need this?” and “What will this lead to?” - and only after a reasoned answer to them make a decision and act;

A melancholic person can be advised to learn how to more quickly switch attention from one type of activity to another and be ready to come to the aid of others in appropriate situations that arise in everyday life.

A phlegmatic person must not stop there, constantly set himself increased but achievable tasks and achieve their fulfillment.

Telephone terrorists

Law enforcement officials and the Ministry of Emergency Situations constantly deal with one serious problem - telephone calls and anonymous letters about allegedly mined train stations, residential and administrative buildings. The overwhelming majority of such reports are false. But their consequences are significant, since the search for explosive devices and the evacuation of people diverts significant forces and resources from internal affairs departments, firefighters, and medical workers, and the efforts of authorities and law enforcement agencies to counter terrorism are discredited.

Thus, recently in Saratov, within one week, anonymous reports of bombs were received in two markets and in four schools. Sappers, dog handlers with dogs, internal affairs officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations inspected all the buildings and were convinced that the alarm was false. However, in each case, thousands of people had to be evacuated.

From the textbook for grade 5, you know that such messages are crimes for which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability. Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation determines that knowingly false information about an impending explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death is punishable by a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles, or correctional labor for a period of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee conducted an analysis and found that the vast majority of the so-called. telephone terrorists are teenagers aged 11-17 years. They “mined” their educational institutions in order to extend vacations and disrupt exams and tests. The motives for their actions are also hooligan motives, revenge, and the desire to gain pseudo-authority from their comrades. Some teenagers, when they are detained for false reports, say that they just wanted to joke, not realizing or not wanting to understand that they had committed a crime.

Despite the emerging downward trend, the total number of these crimes is still high.

The accusation in such criminal cases is necessarily accompanied by a civil claim for reimbursement of the costs incurred by various services to travel on a false report and its verification, as well as damage to the owner of the premises (institution or enterprise) caused by the violation of normal operating hours. The amount for such claims can amount to tens of thousands of rubles. Moreover, if the offender is a minor, these costs plus a fine are reimbursed by his parents. In addition, minor “pranksters” are registered with the internal affairs department, which in itself is a serious punishment.

Finding yourself behind this door is as easy as shelling pears, but it may take many years to return to normal life.

It should be remembered that punishment for false reports is inevitable. Modern technical means at the disposal of law enforcement agencies make it possible to identify a telephone terrorist in a short time.

Test yourself

  1. What threat does terrorism pose to individuals and society?
  2. Why do you think falsely reporting an act of terrorism is a criminal offense? Justify your answer using the Internet and the media.
  3. Why do you need to be especially vigilant when a stranger asks you to provide him with a suspicious service?
  4. Why are all types of terrorism politically motivated? Justify your answer.


  1. Review the material on punishments for terrorist activities from the 5th grade textbook.
  2. You are at home alone. A stranger rings your doorbell and asks you to leave a well-packed package for your neighbors. Your actions?