The main character traits of a Cancer woman. Characteristics of a Cancer woman. Cancer (woman): characteristics of the sign, external features, career and family Girl under the zodiac sign Cancer

If you have met a mysterious woman, calm, dreamy, good-natured and open, but a little unpredictable, this is a Cancer woman.

Next to her

A gentle and non-conflict Cancer woman is very romantic. She lives for love and gives herself entirely to the feeling. She knows how to love, be faithful and devoted, the Cancer woman is not jealous, does not fight for primacy or equality with men, does not put pressure and is very comfortable in relationships, but only with those who will understand and appreciate her.

In love, a Cancer woman needs a lot of attention and does not tolerate loneliness. She constantly needs proof that she is remembered and loved.

In bed, this modest and sweet girl can become a real lioness who knows no boundaries or restrictions. Representatives of this zodiac sign love sensual pleasures, are relaxed and inventive.

The Cancer woman is created for life in marriage. She is an ideal housewife, wife and mother, her house is clean and comfortable, guests don’t want to leave, and everyone is surprised how she manages to manage the house so brilliantly, create incredible energy of warmth in the house and maintain harmony in the marriage.

Who will she end up with?

The Cancer woman is very distrustful and is in no hurry to become attached and open her soul. She will be able to make friends with representatives of all signs without exception, but she will only build relationships with a select few.

1. so unlike her! Aries is a practical zodiac sign, self-confident and careless. Aries is looking for someone like himself, and the Cancer woman is waiting for a completely different man. Compatibility is very low.

2. It is difficult to find two signs as similar as Taurus and Cancer. Taurus is calm, respects and values ​​women, and is committed to stable relationships and trust. They will feel good together both in bed and in communication. Compatibility is high.

4. Having met a man of her sign, this girl can live calmly and happily. Two Cancers - perfect compatibility: happiness in marriage and complete harmony.

5. According to the horoscope, Leo is a conqueror and leader, and at first it may seem as if a Leo man is not suitable for her. But Leo will be a good match for Cancer. Leo is looking for just such a person, he can win her and become her “soul mate.” They are different, but the characterization of the couple is very promising.

6. Virgo is the ideal sign for Cancer. Virgo is the keeper of the hearth, he is romantic and calm, this is the one she is looking for. These two signs have excellent compatibility.

7. Libra, like Cancer, is thoughtful, cautious and mysterious, and does not rush into adventures. Libra is a good option for Cancer, there is compatibility between them, but there may be misunderstandings.

8. Scorpio is the fatal man for the romantic Cancer girl. Scorpio is bright, he is like a jolt, he will conquer and tie her to himself. This couple has a complex characteristic: she can become attached to him, but will he be interested in her?

9. Sagittarius seeks adventure and brightness, lives for emotions and impressions. Sagittarius is unrestrained and risky, he will not sit at home. These two signs have different values, their compatibility is unlikely.

10. If there is an ideal relationship between two signs, then this is about a couple of Cancer woman and. Excellent compatibility, ideal characteristics, harmony and happiness - two signs created to be together.

11. Aquarius is too unpredictable for a Cancer woman. Aquarius loves adventure, is fickle and freedom-loving, lives for today and does not promise anything. And the Cancer woman needs reliability. A bad characteristic, such relationships are pleasant only in the first period.

12. Pisces, like Cancer, are dreamers, they live in fantasies, they are romantic and creative. Partners will understand each other, and if Cancer and Pisces meet and love each other, then forever.

What year were you born?

The eastern horoscope will give a broader description of this woman.

  • The Cancer Rat is a loyal friend, she will not betray, she is very honest and calls things by their proper names. Smart, reliable, does not tolerate loneliness, thoughtful and silent.
  • The Ox is a firm but slow sign. She is reliable, but does not know how to cope with difficulties, does not take risks and avoids conflicts.
  • Tiger-Cancer is a domestic cat. Soft, smart, loves pleasure and very emotional. She cannot live without friends, is modest but resourceful, has high creative potential and is very original. Can achieve a lot in life.
  • The cat is a real delight. This lady is soft, fluffy, gentle and relaxed, loves affection, care, and simply purrs. She does not strain, does not fight or compete, she is created for pleasure, does not like noise and screams.
  • The dragon is a dreamer. This woman builds castles in the air, is an incredible dreamer and inventor. She loves to dream, but at the same time she knows how to achieve her dreams, she is quite brave, although she is not prone to risks and dangerous adventures.
  • Cancer is already a cautious sign, and the Snake enhances these qualities. She is smart, prudent, looks for workarounds, very original and has fantastic intuition. Silent, mysterious and attractive, like a witch.

  • The horse is an interesting and harmonious personality. Not an upstart, but always in the spotlight. Kind, brave, but calm and reasonable. She is independent, learns a lot on her own and knows how to achieve goals.
  • The goat is contradiction itself. Flirtatious and at the same time modest, decisive and fearful, capricious and soft, everything in her is combined in an amazing way. She is a mystery to men, difficult to understand, but this woman captivates.
  • The monkey is smart, cunning and original. She knows how to come up with a cunning plan and get around everyone, an excellent entrepreneur, independent and capable.
  • The Rooster is straightforward and courageous. He says what he thinks, does not play or deceive, loves fairness in everything.
  • A dog is a faithful friend, loyal, brave and very kind. Values ​​high ideals and qualities, is always ready to help and protect, you can rely on her.
  • The pig is kindness and cordiality. This is a wonderful friend, wife and mistress, she knows how to forgive, reconcile enemies, with her by her side worries go away and your mood lifts. Will find a common language even with very difficult people.
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    Almost everything is on point, but I can’t talk about jealousy... Married to a virgin, we’ve been together for 17 years, but since the horoscope describes it all differently, I’ve never been jealous, I don’t even know what it is... Life is not easy, always I adapt to everyone and make it easy and comfortable for everyone, I easily forget the insults no matter what happens, believe me, it’s not easy and there is always an imprint on my soul, I’ve gone through almost everything from simple hand-to-hand abuse and betrayal (on his part), and I don’t feel he is guilty of anything, without even asking for forgiveness, he expects love and affection from me. But as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger... Over time, I really became a bitch, I live for myself, I do what’s convenient for me and take care of myself, but I don’t forget that I have a family and children and, of course, my obligations! Of course, it’s all off his nose now, but what can I do? He made me like this himself. Tired of crying and hoping for something better and everything will be fine TIRED!

    I am a Cancer myself, somehow it was written very well about us. I am jealous and unyielding and touchy. But all this was pushed into the background when there were men with whom I fell in love, so to speak (from the bottom of my heart). And then I forgave them everything. And they literally twisted ropes out of me, I’m ashamed to say. Years passed, I wised up and became a bitch. And I no longer needed anyone, because they were all in front of me, like an open book. Lost interest. And sex became just entertainment. And the men in whom you show no interest, on the contrary, began to simply try to get my attention. And if I had to humiliate myself for the sake of my “loved ones,” everything would have happened, what did I strive for? Oh, youth! Girls, love yourself. Men are not worth our tears. Don't waste your precious time trying to figure this out like I did. And then they themselves will be at your feet. Although, of course, there is love somewhere in the world, and mutual, and I wish the best for such people. Take care of this feeling.


    I am a Cancer girl. 1. There was a Scorpio man, very caring, financially generous, gave flowers every week, took him to the cinema, there were no quarrels. I also answered him with pleasantries. But over time, I broke up with him, because... We saw each other once a week, lived in different cities and studied in different ones. Over time, he began dating my Capricorn friend, with her he opened up on the other side, there was not the same trepidation as with me, and I realized that he was still a liar... I always cried during sex, why I don’t know... 2. There was an Aquarius, we were together for 3 years, for 3 years there was constant dissatisfaction, nervousness on his part, 1.5 years of relationship, during quarrels he constantly raised his hand, and during quarrels, insults were always thrown at me. The reconciliation was always sex. Very passionate and bright. For the first year and a half, I treated him with trepidation, I even went for reconciliation and came. Then my patience began to wane. And the rest of the year we swapped places. I was indifferent to everything, I thought, “When will we part?” On the contrary, he became calmer and more restrained. Then my vessel of patience simply burst. I left for another city for a month, just not to put up with him. I am a very quick-witted person, and I quickly forget everything... But after half a year I began to understand its advantages. He is reliable, stable, she was behind him like a stone wall, they were always together, they did everything together. 3. There was a Pisces guy, very kind, never allowed anyone to say a bad word to me, but he was very unstable. In the 3 months we lived with him, he didn’t work, lived with dreams, waited for some mega-cool fort option with work, and lost in the tanks. We separated due to our financial situation. I wanted a great life independent of anyone, but I sat on the couch and at the computer. After we separated, we didn’t see each other for 2 weeks. Supposedly he worked somewhere, but I don’t even know... There wasn’t even an initiative for a meeting. To my question “Aren’t you even bored?” He replied, “I have no time to be bored, I’m at work all day.” Hmm...In the end, the end of it all was that he had a day off and met with some friends instead of me. + after some time there was reconciliation. And here again there is a jamb. The man does not keep his promises. And very without initiative. I was not behind a stone wall with him. I understood in advance that I would have to drag my family with him. But, he would be a good and kind father. In general, every person has + and -.

The Cancer woman is a sensitive nature. She is subject to frequent mood changes, reacts sensitively to the words of others, and if indifference or irritation creeps into them, Cancer experiences this painfully. She easily changes her perception of a situation under the influence of others. Tends to exaggerate difficulties and problems in life.

June 22 – July 22

zodiac sign Cancer

Cancer women are characterized by increased sensitivity, romance, and sentimentality. They are very touchy because of their excessive impressionability: an unfriendly look, gesture, not to mention verbal attacks, can hurt them painfully. Their rich imagination throws them plots and pictures that often have nothing in common with reality. They see some hidden meaning, intent in other people's words, and therefore they can become very upset because of them.

Character of a woman - zodiac sign Cancer

A characteristic feature of a Cancer woman is that she can keep secrets and also has great patience if it is related to relatives or a loved one. She desperately needs personal space, where she can be alone with herself for a while, think about this or that situation, and then make the right decision. A feature of the character of women with the Cancer zodiac sign is also that they have a rather rich imagination, which often separates them from the real world. This is expressed in the fact that they perceive other people’s words in a completely different aspect, which can greatly affect their mood, and sometimes lead to deep depression. In addition, this zodiac sign gives women a certain aura of mystery, so that it is very difficult for strangers and unfamiliar people to draw a conclusion about their moral and ethical qualities. This characteristic is characteristic primarily of those women who have not decided on their partner, but are actively searching.

Virtues of a Cancer woman

Cancers have a soft character, a sharp mind, and a rich imagination. They are friendly, sensitive, sympathetic and compassionate, love to travel and indulge in daydreaming. They are very attached to home, family, children, but at the same time they love variety and change. Cancers have an urgent need for love, affection and tenderness.

Weaknesses of a Cancer woman

Cancers are characterized by excessive suspiciousness, skepticism, caution, and shyness. Because of their over-emotionality, they easily succumb to momentary impulses and temptation, which is why they can make annoying mistakes. They are characterized by a tendency towards acquisitiveness, inconsistency in actions, and superficial thinking. Their actions and thoughts are often contradictory. If your relationship with a Cancer woman is important to you, the worst thing you can do is start to pull her down and criticize her. In the end, everyone has a lot of shortcomings, but only Cancer is capable of falling into dull melancholy if they are voiced openly to her. And this is only half the problem: in the end, the Cancer woman’s melancholy will end sooner or later, but the relationship with you is unlikely to remain the same. Most likely, she will simply withdraw, hiding from you not only her grievances, but also her tenderness and her love.

Woman - Cancer in love

Female Cancers are extremely afraid of looking approachable - in many different senses of the word. They are afraid of appearing vulnerable, they want to give the impression of independent, strong natures. These ladies are charming, modest, always listen sympathetically, delve into problems, and men are extremely impressed by this, so they quickly become imbued with the warmest feelings for them. This woman is designed in such a way that it is difficult for her to give herself completely to love. But, at the same time, if she is lucky enough to find true love, her chosen one will see her willingness to do literally everything for him. But on his part, she also needs a constant demonstration of feelings and care. She will not tolerate an aggressive or indifferent person next to her. She is not attracted by holiday romances, because in a relationship she is looking not for a fleeting riot of feelings, but for real values: love, fidelity, care, attention. Betrayal and betrayal of a loved one can break her tender heart, but for her part she is simply not capable of them. In love, Cancer is very faithful, and sometimes her loyalty even becomes obsessive.

Woman - Cancer in marriage and family

Women of this zodiac sign get married quite late because of their strong attachment to their parents and home. Having received her beloved man at her disposal, the Cancer woman considers him her property, while being terrified of losing him. She needs a feeling of warmth, reliability and protection. At the same time, Cancers are patient with their loved one. If the husband has problems, the wife will not escalate the situation, will not resort to betrayal, and in a difficult situation will always defend family happiness. The character of a Cancer woman will not allow her to cheat - such entertainment as, for example, flirting with men on the verge of a foul does not attract her at all. Most wives of this sign are not inclined to break the oath of marital fidelity.

Woman - zodiac sign Cancer

Vulnerable and impressionable, kind and mysterious - these are women born between June 21 and July 22 under the constellation Cancer. Such representatives are highly emotional. At the slightest criticism, sideways glance or aggression, their mood can change from good to whiny and touchy in a matter of seconds. But despite this, Cancer has a lot of positive aspects.

Characteristics of the sign

Cancer women are reserved, calm and open by nature. However, if others show negativity or an unkind attitude, they can easily become offended and withdraw into themselves. At the same time, it will be almost impossible to find out the reason, since representatives of the sign prefer to remain silent.

Cancer girls have excellent memory and high intelligence. They do not like conflicts and disagreements, they try to find a compromise in everything. And the charge of constant optimism surprises others: they often think that the Cancer woman has no problems at all. However, only those closest to you know about real experiences and worries. The characteristics of the representatives of the sign delight many, but not everyone believes in their sincerity and expects a catch. People believe that such kind and truly sympathetic people can only be found in fairy tales.

Woman born under the sign of Cancer , distinguished by punctuality. The lady will come to any meeting not only on time, but will also try to be early at the appointed place. It is much easier for her to wait than to be late.

The representative of this sign has a special inner core. Men are attracted to her charm, beauty and femininity. And ladies value her as a faithful, kind and sympathetic friend who will never betray, will support and help in difficult times. However, the Cancer woman really doesn’t like it when people start taking advantage of kindness and “sitting on someone’s neck.” In such cases, she tries to reduce communication with this person or stop it altogether.

The Cancer woman expects only the best from fate. She often brings up the past and analyzes a lot. It seems to her that if she had acted differently then, she could now be more successful and happier. This person also suffers from insecurity. A Cancer woman, when doing any work, always thinks that the results will not please anyone and she is definitely doing something wrong. Because of this mood often worsens.

Thanks to excessive sentimentality, such a lady may even burst into tears, and after a short period of time she will again gather her strength and rejoice at what is happening. Almost at lightning speed, a good mood gives way to a bad one and vice versa.

The Cancer woman is always looking for support and understanding. She needs a lot of attention, otherwise suffering begins. If it happens that she was undeservedly offended, then she will endure it silently and calmly. But, being alone or with loved ones, he will give free rein to those emotions that he had barely managed to restrain before.


Outwardly, girls born under this sign are very attractive, charming, have a beautiful figure and a captivating look. Because of this, they are extremely popular among men. With one glance, such a person is able to charm and attract a representative of the opposite sex, completely bewitching him. However, she is only able to truly open up in front of her beloved man, whom she trusts completely.

The representative of this sign prefers to always be well-groomed, elegant, and have a beautiful appearance. It is important for her to remain attractive and young all the time, so the Cancer lady carefully selects a stylish wardrobe, optimal proportions of cosmetics and perfumes.

Work and career

For a person born under this sign, stability is extremely important. However, in a career, things are often not as smooth as we would like. The Cancer woman happily takes on a new job, gets to the middle of the process with high enthusiasm, and then also quickly burns out and rarely completes anything. Excessive emotionality and tearfulness often prevent one from achieving heights in the professional sphere.

The Cancer girl loves to work, but if there are any comments from her boss or she simply doesn’t like it, then the lady can easily quit on the same day. But there are also cases when, after such actions, she begins to regret and think why she did this. Colleagues often trust the representative of the sign and keep secrets with her, because they know that the girl will never reveal anyone’s secrets.

A Cancer woman always puts her family first, and work is nothing more than a hobby that generates income. She will never hold on to her job. She believes that there are plenty of vacancies, and her intelligence and education will always help her find another job. Cancer is a creative person. Positions in the theater, school, and kindergarten are perfect for her.

Love affairs

How do representatives of this sign manifest themselves in love affairs? The following features can be noted:

Sexual sphere

A man who wants to woo a woman under the sign of Cancer should be patient. Since such a lady will not open up right away. She needs trust your partner.

In bed, everything will depend only on the man. If he, for his part, gives affection and warmth, surrounds her with attention, and also showers her with compliments, then the lady will try to open up completely for him, charm him with her splendor, seduce and become a wonderful lover. By giving free rein to her feelings and forgetting about all restrictions, she will be able to give him the highest pleasure and violent passion.

Family life

Thanks to her gentle character, a lady under the sign of Cancer is ideal as a wife. Wherein:

A girl of the Cancer zodiac sign shows special love and affection for children. Literally from school he dreams of children and family. And after their appearance she becomes an excellent mother. Treats them very kindly tries to support in everything. However, children sometimes suffer from strong maternal attachment, since the mother controls everything and tries to protect them from bad company.

Health horoscope

In general, these ladies are not deprived of health. However, everything depends directly on them. Since Cancer girls are very vulnerable and emotional, they worry about every little thing, they may complain of pain in the heart. The family regime comes first, so they often forget about their own regime. Due to frequent worries and stress, people may also complain of stomach pain from the age of 20-25 years. Therefore, if you try to be calmer and have a lighter attitude towards everything, then your health will be in perfect order.

Cancer is a very sensual nature. Changing partners is quite difficult and painful. For a representative of this sign, stability in relationships and comfort are important. But she won’t be able to get this from every sign. Who is suitable for Cancer:

In general, many people like the characteristics of the Cancer zodiac sign, since it consists mainly of positive qualities. From the description it can be understood that women born under the auspices of this sign kind and trusting, often become good friends, try to help and support in everything. They value harmony in their relationship with their husband and become great mothers for your kids.

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Women born under the Cancer zodiac sign are distinguished by increased sensitivity, romance and sentimentality. They are easily offended by even the slightest sideways glance in their direction, not to mention a rude word thrown at them. This zodiac sign predetermines a secretive character combined with mood swings: tears can quickly give way to laughter, and aggression to friendliness. Women whose zodiac sign is Cancer also easily convey their mood to the people around them, which can have a serious impact on the microclimate in the team.

A feature of the character of women with the Cancer zodiac sign is also that they have a rather rich imagination, which often separates them from the real world. This is expressed in the fact that they perceive other people’s words in a completely different aspect, which can greatly affect their mood, and sometimes lead to deep depression. In addition, this zodiac sign gives women a certain aura of mystery, so that it is very difficult for strangers and unfamiliar people to draw a conclusion about their moral and ethical qualities. This characteristic is characteristic primarily of those women who have not decided on their partner, but are actively searching.

A characteristic feature of a Cancer woman is that she can keep secrets and also has great patience if it is related to relatives or a loved one. She desperately needs personal space, where she can be alone with herself for a while, think about this or that situation, and then make the right decision. Moreover, for such a woman it is extremely important to feel and survive an emotionally specific critical situation in order to later regain her good mood.


The Cancer woman has an attractive appearance and an excellent figure, which is why she is very popular among members of the opposite sex.

This sign endowed her with a charming, languid gaze that simply brings men into a state of delight and completely attracts them to itself.

And her modesty and melancholy are characteristics of the mysterious spiritual world, which intrigues and fascinates many men. It should be noted that the Cancer sign can only fully open up to a loved one who can understand her.

The Cancer woman's desire to remain elegant, young and beautiful all the time pushes her to constantly improve her appearance. She tries to choose clothes that would visually make her younger. In addition, she carefully ensures that cosmetics and perfumes are in optimal proportions. Possessing high intelligence, such a woman can keep herself in perfect shape for a long time.


A woman under the zodiac sign Cancer is not a zealous careerist, since she almost never strives to occupy high positions and become an influential person. However, with a successful combination of circumstances, when she is given the opportunity for a promotion or improvement in her financial condition, she does not miss such a moment, because she constantly thinks about her family and its financial support. And in such situations, she usually manages to achieve a certain power and influence. In her work, a woman of this sign shows diligence, hard work and good organizational skills.. She is valued in the team and respected for her dedication and good nature.

Constantly thinking about difficult days that may come in the near or distant future, a woman with this zodiac sign usually does not set big and grandiose goals for herself, preferring small goals, the achievement of which gives her pleasure. And this, combined with her frugality and ability to spend money, brings quite tangible results. In general, the characteristics of such women as workers are mostly positive, since they take their work responsibilities seriously.


In romantic relationships, a girl or woman with this zodiac sign prefers a strong and confident partner who can comfort and calm her down in difficult times. Possessing a sensitive body, pronounced eroticism and sexual attractiveness, she can seduce any man with almost no difficulty, but she does this extremely rarely.

Throughout her life, she is haunted by the fear of loneliness, so she painfully endures situations when she has to part with her loved one for one reason or another. At the same time, it is extremely difficult for her to subsequently begin a romantic relationship with anyone.

It should be noted that a Cancer woman in love keeps her emotions to herself, without expressing any reproaches, complaints or dissatisfaction to her lover. But at the same time, she really needs the support of her chosen one, his praises and compliments, with the help of which she regains calm and self-confidence. In addition, she does not tolerate ridicule, excessive criticism and disdainful attitude towards herself, thereby showing a vulnerable and sensitive nature.

When meeting representatives of the opposite sex, the Cancer woman has a hard time approaching each other, preferring to remain unapproachable and cold. In the event of a fleeting acquaintance and intimate contact, she will subsequently avoid her partner, therefore representatives of this sign cannot be called promiscuous women. They are faithful wives and rarely enter into love relationships on the side. They cannot be called jealous, because they know how to calmly assess the situation and make the right decisions.


In family life, a Cancer woman proves herself to be a thrifty and zealous housewife, a loving wife and a caring mother. She perfectly manages the family budget, but always remembers that difficult times may come, so she always saves money for a rainy day. In cooking, she has practically no equal in skill, since she loves and knows how to cook, trying to diversify the range of dishes for her family.

When choosing a partner, such a woman is guided by his ability to earn money, since she attaches very great importance to this issue. Her economy as a housewife has nothing to do with commercialism, since she is used to treating money lightly, despite her frugality. She always has money for emergencies, which can be very important in a critical situation.

She treats children very kindly, constantly takes care of them and delves into all the problems they face. This often leads to sad consequences: shackled by the excessive love of their mother, they do not create their own families for a very long time, and sometimes do not do this at all. And Cancer women themselves tie the knot quite late, which is due to their attachment to their mother.

The gentle, fragile and graceful Cancer woman has a very sensitive psyche. Therefore, when communicating with her or creating any relationship, you must always show very careful care.

As practice has repeatedly proven, the Cancer woman is a devoted friend and faithful wife.

There is so much secret and incomprehensible hidden in her soul that a stable mood for representatives of this sign is an unattainable goal.

This is precisely the goal, because in public the Cancer girl will try to behave as confident, self-sufficient and independent.

Although this is absolutely not true. In fact, these are very dependent people who are afraid of being left alone and abandoned.

Do you want your compatibility with a Cancer woman to be perfect? Show her that she is the only one and the most beloved.

Cancer woman - characteristics of the sign

In her behavior, the Cancer woman shows timidity and shyness, and therefore is in great need of support, which only close people can provide her. Shyness will not allow her to express her need directly.

The sensitive soul of the Cancer girl is very susceptible to other people's criticism and ridicule. Therefore, having heard something similar about herself, a representative of this sign, which is part of the Zodiac, will remember it for a long time. After all, in her opinion, the worst thing that can happen is to hear criticism addressed to you.

By the way, representatives of this sign have a really good memory. Having heard something interesting, a Cancer woman can easily reproduce it later.

She also loves history and loves to immerse herself in the past. In her house you can often find history books on the shelves, antiques in the interior, and family portraits and images of ancestors on the walls of the house.

This attitude is Cancer's desire to show the compatibility of the past and the present. They really like to feel like they are a link in a chain of events. Therefore, they are often interested in questions about the transmigration of souls, believing that this is possible.

In communication he is a very pleasant person. A woman born under the sign of Cancer knows how to carry on a conversation and is an excellent storyteller.

Her stories are able to captivate and interest. In addition, she is a wonderful friend who is able to listen and will keep the secrets entrusted to her.

However, you should always be careful about your words and actions. It is very easy to offend Cancer. For example, a bad joke can bring her to tears.

Such impressionability of these individuals originates from the expectations that Cancer draws in his imagination. For these people, the compatibility of reality and imaginary pictures is the norm, and they are sincerely surprised and offended when this is not the case.

Having your head in the clouds and longing for what could have been is suddenly replaced by a good mood, and then returns to its original state.

Cancers are very changeable and can be in several different moods throughout the day.

Cancer woman in relationships

For a happy life, the classic Cancer woman needs only two things - love and protection. That is why she will be able to completely give herself to a partner who will provide her with the opportunity to experience both.

It is important to understand that with all the manifestations of coquetry and charm, such a lady is unlikely to take the first step. Therefore, a man will have to take on the role of a leader, a leader.

Representatives of this sign can flirt, but they will do it very restrained and carefully. After all, they are afraid to seem approachable. And they will not show off their feelings and emotions. After all, the vulnerability that the Zodiac has endowed them with makes them defenseless against the dangers of the world around them.

Therefore, such a trembling soul is looking for its protector, who can shelter it from all kinds of adversity. In return, she will be able to listen and understand the problem, which is very attractive to men. The compatibility of modesty and charm in this sweet woman makes her, although not popular, a desirable companion for many men.

In love, she will be able to give completely and selflessly, but she will demand the same attitude from her partner. He must prove to her every day that she is beautiful, smart and simply wonderful. The zodiac makes these modest women prone to self-deprecation, and therefore she often requires confirmation of her exclusivity.

Such a woman will be faithful to her partner and will be able to forgive many of his shortcomings. But not indifference and aggressive behavior. To win the trembling heart of this doe, you need to show sensitivity, tenderness, affection and care.

A Cancer woman can let a man into her bed when she feels that she has met true love. But in order not to suffer a fiasco for the lover, it is necessary to convince her that there is nothing forbidden in erotic desires.

Cancer will have excellent physical compatibility with a gentle and affectionate partner who will not allow himself to behave rudely. At the same time, it is very important to give her a lot of compliments about her appearance and beautiful body.

And if a lover can take these features into account, he will receive a sensitive and affectionate lover in bed who can give him great pleasure.

She likes to have sex slowly and in the most comfortable conditions. This place could be her home, where she can feel safe. The Zodiac endowed her with the ability to cause an increase in desire with light touches and to sensitively respond to the slightest movements of her partner.

Romantic in life, Cancer lovers in bed will also appreciate the aesthetics of lovemaking. For example, sex on the beach under the light of the moon or a room with scented candles and pleasant music will allow her to relax and enjoy her time. Create such conditions for her, and your compatibility will give you unforgettable moments of sexual pleasure.

In relationships, the Cancer woman shows maximalism. That is, at the stage when it is necessary to move to the next step - to the wedding - she will set a clear condition: marriage or separation.

Loyalty to loved ones also applies to the man you love. But this situation often leads to a depressed state of men who feel as if they are in a cage. Especially when the wife’s fear of losing her husband begins to manifest itself.

She is able to sit until late at night waiting for his arrival. She can call several times and clarify where her husband is and what he is doing, but she will not dare to directly express her feelings in scandals. After all, this would mean showing weakness, and this sign, which is part of the Zodiac, cannot afford this.

For Cancers, home is a refuge in which they hide from the outside world. The economic woman Cancer will maintain order in her home, and will show care and attention towards loved ones.

That's who will really have a “house full of cups.” Everything will always be in abundance here: love, care, food, comfort and coziness. Such a housewife always keeps all her things and never gets rid of them. The same careful attitude is manifested in relation to money. Cancer will have good compatibility with a husband who will not throw money away.

A classic example of a woman born under the sign of Cancer is a wife who will not leave her husband, even if he is an alcoholic, drug addict or womanizer. Such all-forgiving love, which this Zodiac sign has endowed, can confuse a partner. But such a woman cannot do otherwise, because she is simply terrified of being left alone.

In order to find happiness in life, a person often has to struggle with his shortcomings.

Some of them may simply cause discomfort.

But there are traits that can ruin your life for a long time.

When embarking on the path of self-improvement, knowing about her own shortcomings will help her become better.

The Cancer woman may be able to achieve changes in her own destiny.

The always different and sometimes even hysterical Cancer woman can improve her life if she copes with the negative traits of her character. Namely:

  • laziness;
  • steadfastness and perseverance in defending one’s own and, at times, erroneous beliefs;
  • the desire to show oneself as cruel or forgiving, which depends on one’s own sympathies;
  • tendency to denigrate people;
  • aggressiveness;
  • euphoria;
  • mania;
  • various whims;
  • rapid and groundless irritability;
  • manifestation of oddities;
  • inflated value of one's own self;
  • optional;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • slowness;
  • hysteria;
  • lack of composure.

Perhaps a Scorpio man will be the best partner a Cancer woman can meet. His possessive feelings and jealousy are exactly what such a woman needs.

A good couple would be a Pisces man and his Cancer companion. She will be able to return him “from heaven to Earth” and provide him with truly maternal care, which is inherent in this sign.

A Cancer girl will have a long and happy relationship with her Virgo partner. After all, they both love order, show thriftiness and are able to spend money economically.

The compatibility of two Cancers will also be good. After all, they are, in fact, very similar and therefore will be able to understand each other perfectly. They won't get bored together; they will show respect for each other. It is important for both of them not to become depressed at the same time.

For a Taurus man, who is very stubborn, which is what the Zodiac has endowed him with, an alliance with the shy Cancer will also be successful. After all, they will perfectly complement each other with character traits that the other side lacks.

A driven woman born under the sign of Cancer will be able to get along with a Leo man and their relationship will be stable.

A beautiful romance will be an alliance with an Aries man. And if Cancer’s mismanagement irritates him, then the intensity of passions will smooth out all the “irregularities.”

Cancer will have poor compatibility with a Gemini man. Her excessive sensitivity will irritate his calculating mind, but she simply will not be able to get along normally with a person who does not know what stability is and treats everything frivolously.

Aquarius man and Cancer woman they will not be able to build a romantic relationship. His frivolity will not be able to give her the necessary feeling of security and stability. They may be buddies or friends, but nothing more.

A man born under the sign of Libra, which is part of the Zodiac, will be able to charm a Cancer woman. But she won’t feel stability and reliability next to him.

And although the Capricorn man knows how to be confident in the future, his compatibility with Cancer will still be low. Although she will feel protected at first, she may soon feel useless and even become a hindrance in his life.

A Sagittarius man is capable of charming a Cancer companion at first sight, but his complete lack of housekeeping will irritate her. In addition, his unpredictability, which this Zodiac sign has endowed, will cause her discomfort.

Cancer woman - general description of the sign
