Features of low degree myopia: causes of occurrence and methods of correction. Features of mild myopia: causes of occurrence and methods of correction Moderate myopia

Myopia called an optically incorrect structure of the eye that has a deviation from the norm. Wherein the focus of displaying an object is not located at all on the retina, but protrudes directly in front of it.

Light rays are refracted at the wrong angle. Focusing occurs directly in front of the retina, perceived picture.

People who have this problem see things in the distance poorly.

The average human eye has a distance from the cornea to the central part of the retina of 23.5 millimeters. This is normal.

For myopia the eye increases from 1 to 7 millimeters, and sometimes more. A deviation of the length from the standard by 1 millimeter adds 3 diopters of an unpleasant violation.

To help a person navigate life better, an ophthalmologist prescribes glasses. How to choose - .

In myopia these are concave minus lenses. Their task is to scatter light so as to move the focus position back, oriented strictly along the center of the retinal line.

As a result, the patient will see clearly and colorfully.

Symptoms and signs of myopia

Symptoms of myopia are:

  • reduced range of visibility;
  • blurred outlines;
  • merging the surrounding world;
  • maintaining near vision.

Blurred people and objects are unpleasant consequences of myopia

It is typical for myopia that visibility is reduced over long distances, but up close everything is perfectly visible.

Many people noticed people around who, having taken off their glasses, looked at an object or simply read in front of their noses. Their farthest point of normal vision does not extend into the infinity of the horizon, but is directly in front of them.

These are myopic patients. And probably with a high degree of disease.

This ophthalmological disorder varies in degrees of vision loss.

When viewed from a distance, at best there can only be a slight blurring of the edges.

A very pronounced degree of myopia will result in a completely blurred picture.

But it’s even worse when it’s insidious. And it's not just blur. The signs are:

  • splitting of objects;
  • visual change in shapes;
  • visual curvature of absolutely straight lines.

Degrees: weak, medium, high

There are different types of myopia.

Experts, based on the number of diopters, divide it into three degrees:

  • 1st degree (weak) – at a borderline level of up to -3 D;
  • 2nd degree (medium) – within the range from -3.25 D to -6 D;
  • Grade 3 (high or strong) – over -6.25 D.

Characteristics of stage 1 of the disease

Mild myopia is defined by ophthalmologists as a range from -0.25 D to -3 D.

The eyes are elongated from 1 mm to 1.5 mm compared to the standard.

Close-up vision does not fail, everything is visible perfectly, but in the distance objects already have a slightly blurry appearance.

Fact: Each millimeter increase in ocular length increases the deviation from the norm by –3 D.

The dependence here is directly proportional. The greater the growth error, the higher the progression of the disease.

Also check out the video, which describes in detail the mild degree of the disease:

Characteristics of stage 2 of the disease

Moderate myopia implies a deviation within the range of -3.25 to -6 D.

Many patients ask the doctor: “How much is this?” In simple terms, with a violation of up to -6 D, a person is already poorly oriented in space:

  • does not distinguish between people and objects in the distance;
  • cannot see text at arm's length;
  • cannot consider the transport number, etc.

The length of the eye exceeds the standard from 1 to 3 mm.

The eye coverings and blood vessels are thinned and very loose.

Important: Often the unenviable situation is complicated by all sorts of dystrophic manifestations of the main component - the retina.

Vision does not fail at a distance of 20 to 30 cm, but a person cannot see distant objects due to a significant decrease in visual function.

Characteristics of stage 3 of the disease

By high degree of myopia we mean stage 3.

Its source starts from -6.25 D to a maximum, which can sometimes reach -30 D or even more.

Important: An extremely high degree is dangerous. With it, huge changes occur in the eyes. The retina and fundus vessels are severely thinned.

The patient sees only 1 or 2% of 100%.

The absolutely meager visual acuity allows you to read the text exclusively in front of your nose and examine the contours of your fingers at arm's length.

The closest reference point for vision in such complex patients is only 5–10 cm away.

Interesting: A patient wearing -20 D glasses appears to have small eyes. The glass is very thick, that's why it looks like this.

Complications of myopia and disability groups

Doctors have established a relationship between the degree of myopia and unpleasant consequences.

The higher the myopia, the stronger the dystrophy.

The most dangerous degree of blindness is from -3 to -7 D. Therefore, you need to monitor your health and visit a doctor more often to monitor the condition of the visual organs and not miss the detachment.

Dystrophic changes require examination by a laser correction surgeon who can strengthen the sections.

In quite alarming cases of the disease with sclerotic changes, mature people often encounter problems with retinal dystrophy.

This threatens to lead to a rapid decline in visual acuity, and, consequently, to disability:

  • Disability 3 groups for myopia, they are given at levels from -10 to -15 D. In this case, a prerequisite is the transition to a type of activity that does not require visual strain.
  • Disability 2 groups for myopia, it is indicated for patients from -15 to -20 D. Retinal detachment can also serve as a reason.
  • Group 1 disability given in the most severe cases.

The combination of high myopia with a dangerous disease is diagnosed as advanced terminal stage.

At the same time, eye pressure is increased, which aggravates the course of a bouquet of ailments.

Outpatient treatment of such patients is not acceptable. Clinical intervention required.

Interesting: The latest scientific achievement in the field of ophthalmology is a new method - elastotonomerism.

It is simple, accessible, and arouses scientific and practical interest. And most importantly, it helps suffering people.

End stage glaucoma is 4. This is the very last stage when complete blindness threatens. Therefore, surgery is inevitable.

There are myths among patients about postoperative blindness. The truth is that the vision in a small number of patients decreases initially. But this is better than losing it completely if left untreated.

Fact: For most patients, their vision is saved. But you shouldn’t expect a 100% recovery if the optic nerve has been damaged.

Temporary inconveniences in the postoperative period go away on their own.

How to reduce myopia?

Correct the average degree of myopia in adults using laser surgery.

If there are no contraindications, then this method is quite effective. The operation goes quickly. Right after its completion, the patient gains 100% vision.

If an adult patient has contraindications, then hope remains for glasses or contacts. The doctor will select the right size and write a prescription. And only with it you need to buy glasses.

There are now a lot of cheap glasses on the markets, even with the appropriate diopter size. But don't rush into buying. Not so simple.

A very important point is the distance between the centers of the eyes. For the average person it is 62-64 mm.

If a particular person has a different distance, then ready-made glasses will not work; you need to go to an optician and center them there according to individual parameters.

If there is also astigmatism, then only opticians can help. Otherwise there will be no benefit.

Glasses - a universal correction method

A decrease in the degree of myopia can occur if you do exercises for the eye muscles. It represents developed .

Interested patients can, after consulting with their doctor, resort to such wonderful manipulations. This has a positive effect on vision.

Interesting: Yoga classes show phenomenal results.

Still, non-traditional methods also have every reason to exist.

Moderate myopia may be a contraindication to natural childbirth. Cesarean section is recommended for pregnant women.

The decisive factor is condition of the retina. If it is normal, then the gynecologist, based on the ophthalmologist’s report, can decide on natural labor.

Neglecting the advice of an ophthalmologist threatens vision deterioration, and sometimes complete blindness can occur.

Myopia is a pathology in which a person sees well near, but very poorly at a distance. There are different degrees and types of myopia (myopia), and they all have different effects on visual acuity. In this article you will learn everything about what myopia is, symptoms and treatment of visual impairment, signs and main causes of this pathology.

What is a disease

In a nearsighted eye, the light that enters the eye is refracted and focused in front of the retina. Therefore, a person cannot see objects that are far from him.

With myopia, the eye's accommodation system suffers. They speak of a weak degree if the myopia of the eyes is less than -3 diopters. Average myopia has from -3 to -6 diopters, and high myopia has more than -6 diopters. The disease can progress slowly and end only when the body stops growing. But if the progression does not end, then myopia reaches -40 diopters. Vision in this case is very poor near and far.

Non-progressive myopia can be easily corrected with glasses. If it is complicated and progresses slowly, then it is usually not possible to achieve one hundred percent vision correction.

Due to the constant expansion of the posterior parts of the eyeball, serious anatomical changes occur in it, primarily from the retina. As a result, serious changes occur in the fundus. Due to the stretching of the membranes, the vessels become brittle. This leads to recurrent hemorrhages into the vitreous body. Due to a rough pigment lesion, a person’s vision sharply deteriorates.

Myopia occurs in adults and children. It happens equally often in men and women. In the photo on the Internet you can find out how myopic people see without glasses. With progressive myopia, visibility is very low.

Causes of myopia in humans

The causes of myopia are as follows.

  1. Unfavorable heredity. Myopic people often have nearsighted children. Sometimes a child may suffer from poor vision from birth.
  2. Prolonged visual work, especially in poor lighting conditions. Such myopia develops very quickly during the period of active human growth.
  3. Weakness of accommodation of the eye system (it leads to stretching of the eyeball).
  4. Pathological spasm of accommodation. Often a spasm in the eyes leads to illness.
  5. Insufficient physical activity.
  6. Various pathological conditions of the organ of vision.
  7. Increased intracranial pressure.
  8. Injuries during childbirth.
  9. Traumatic brain injuries of varying severity and severity.
  10. Hormonal imbalances in the body.
  11. Poisoning.
  12. Transferred viral, bacterial or fungal pathologies.

What you need to know about the degrees of the disease

With mild myopia (grade 1), its strength is not higher than 3 diopters. Visual acuity with this type of eye pathology decreases, but this does not affect a person’s performance. Only some objects, being in the distance, are visible with blurred contours. Still, a person can see them. But for this he needs to squint. Because of this, the eyes get tired quickly. These are the first signs of vision loss.

With moderate myopia (grade 2), the refraction does not exceed -6 diopters. This entails significant changes in the fundus. Its main symptom is decreased vision. Visibility deteriorates significantly in twilight conditions, which creates problems when moving. As it progresses, flashes of light may appear in front of the eyes.

With high myopia (grade 3), the refractive power is higher than -6 diopters. Some people may not see the world around them at all with this disease, since all objects merge into a large blurry spot. The patient complains of visual fatigue.

There are other types of the disease according to the accepted classification:

  • axial myopia (light rays are refracted very strongly);
  • congenital myopia;
  • acquired;
  • false myopia (it occurs with a false spasm of accommodation). False myopia often occurs in children;
  • bilateral myopia of both eyes;
  • mixed (there may be myopia in one eye and farsightedness in the other).

Other symptoms of myopia

In addition to decreased visual acuity, a person may experience the following signs of myopia:

  • change in color of the sclera;
  • the appearance of pain in the head;
  • the appearance of flashes of light in the visual field;
  • squinting;
  • rubbing the eyes;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • tension of the organ of vision.

During pregnancy, eye myopia can lead to a sharp deterioration in vision and retinal rupture.


The following types of examinations are used for diagnosis:

  • measurement of visual acuity and diopters of myopia;
  • perimetry;
  • examination of the shadow in the pupil;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • blood analysis;
  • examination of the fundus using a Goldmann lens (diagnosis of Fuchs spot, myopic cone, protrusion of the sclera (retinal staphyloma), retinal dystrophy, hemorrhages).

All visual impairments must be diagnosed as early as possible.

Treatment for this visual impairment should begin as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. For varying degrees of refractive error, medications are prescribed to help restore visual acuity. Such medicines necessarily contain B vitamins, calcium compounds and agents that increase blood circulation in the brain.

The traditional way to correct myopia is to wear glasses. The strength and degree of correction is chosen only by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the patient’s body. The issue of wearing contact lenses for myopia should be decided individually. A person cannot independently determine what kind of glasses he should wear.

With the rapid progression of myopia, the issue of surgical intervention is decided. Recently, laser vision correction techniques have been increasingly used. The main goal of such therapy is to stop the development of pathology. Laser therapy has the following contraindications:

Can myopia be cured? If it is detected at an early stage, its progression can be significantly slowed down. However, it must be treated as early as possible. Treatment at home and treatment with traditional methods will not bring results. Often such methods are selected on the advice of friends and acquaintances who... Some recipes for the treatment of myopia are downright harmful to the eye. Not a single folk method can stop the progression of myopia and the restoration of the retina.

The consequences of myopia are very dangerous. Its most serious complication is loss of vision. When myopia worsens, surgery is most often performed. It will help get rid of blindness. In case of rapid progression, pathologists issue a visual disability.

First aid

Sometimes myopia can cause a retinal tear. This is a very dangerous complication that can lead to irreversible vision loss. First aid in such conditions is to calm the person, eliminating any physical activity, and call an ambulance.

How to prevent myopia

Every person can slow down the aging of the eyes and maintain good vision, and there is nothing complicated or supernatural about it. Preventive measures should be taken in childhood, since the development of pathology begins at early school age.

Prevention of myopia comes down to the implementation of such measures.

  1. Perform regular eye exercises (orthoptic treatment).
  2. Taking complexes with essential carotenoids, antioxidants, enzymes. The most active and effective supplement is Okyuvite forte. It does an excellent job of treating eye fatigue and helping restore vision.
  3. Maintaining correct posture during visual work.
  4. Maintaining a balanced diet.
  5. Protecting your eyes from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  6. Having regular examinations with an ophthalmologist.

Timely diagnosis and vision correction help to avoid vision loss and maintain high performance. The prognosis worsens with rapid progression of pathology and the presence of diseases of the retina.

Watch the video:

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Myopia is a type of vision impairment in which a person sees well up close, but blurry at a distance. Hence the second a more common name for this condition: myopia.

Today myopia is considered a disease of civilization. This is not at all surprising, since with the rapid growth of computer technology, the number of cases of myopia is literally growing exponentially.

Statistics say that every third modern person suffers from myopia.

It is noteworthy that myopia most often occurs between the ages of 7 and 18 years. At older ages, it either progresses or remains at the same level.

Interestingly, the very first mention of this visual impairment is found in the works of the ancient philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). Even then he noticed that people squint and come closer to any object in order to see it. The term "myops" meant squinting the eyes.

To understand the essence of myopia, it is necessary to remember the structure of the accommodative apparatus of the eye.

Anatomical certificate

Cornea and lens- these are the main structures that are involved in the refraction of light and transmission of images to the retina. The lens is suspended on thin ligaments, which are fixed to the ciliary (ciliary) muscle.

When this muscle relaxes, the ligaments tighten, the lens flattens in response and its refractive power decreases. And vice versa: contraction of the ciliary muscle relaxes the ligaments and makes the lens more convex, resulting in an increase in its refractive power. This mechanism is called accommodation. Thanks to it, a healthy person perceives objects equally well both at close and far distances.

Thanks to the lens and accommodation, the image falls on the retina. Light impulses react with light-sensitive cells in the retina and enter the brain, where visual images are formed. For the image to be clear, the image must be projected strictly onto the retina.

The higher the degree of myopia, the shorter the distance from which a person can see well

With myopia (myopia), certain disturbances occur in the accommodation system, as a result of which the image is projected not on the retina, but in front of it. It is for this reason that a person sees objects located at a distance blurry. The higher the degree of myopia, the shorter the distance from which a person can see clearly.

Readers often wonder: “Is myopia a plus or a minus?” The answer is simple: Myopia is a minus. And it is indicated in the doctor’s prescription as: Sph - 1.5D (The value -1.5; -2 or another indicates the optical power of the lens)

Causes of the appearance and development of myopia

Myopia develops due to a violation of accommodative processes. This may happen due to the following reasons:

  • Changing the shape of the eye. Under physiological conditions, the eyeball has a round shape. However, under the influence of certain factors (trauma, increased eye pressure, thinning of the sclera), it becomes oval. For this reason, the visual axis lengthens and the image simply does not reach the retina.
  • Disturbance in the functioning of the ciliary body and lens ligaments.
  • Displacement of the lens as a result of injury;
  • Congenital anomalies of eye development.

Predisposing factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. Hereditary cases of myopia are most common among females.
  • Constant overstrain of the visual analyzer (long-term work at the computer, reading and other activities that require concentration of vision). This is especially true for schoolchildren, students and office workers.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of visual hygiene: reading in the wrong lighting, incorrect posture, placing the monitor too close to the eyes, etc.
  • Inadequate correction of myopia (incorrect selection of glasses or contact lenses).
  • Chronic diseases (for example, rheumatism).
  • Disturbance (slowdown) of intraocular blood circulation.
  • Wrong diet, which does not contain enough vitamins and microelements.

Types of myopia

Modern science identifies several types of myopia:

  • Congenital: quite rare. Caused by intrauterine anomalies in the development of the eye.
  • False: caused by a spasm of accommodation. In this case, a spasm (freezing in one position) of the ciliary muscle occurs and, accordingly, the entire accommodative function is disrupted. After using antispasmodics, this phenomenon disappears without a trace.
  • Transitional, that is, not constant. It may occur after taking certain medications (for example, sulfonamide antibiotics) or as a result of diseases (diabetes mellitus).

Classification of myopia

Depending on the current:

  • Stationary (that is, stable);
  • With slow progression (no more than 1.0 diopters per year);
  • With rapid progression (more than 1.0 diopters per year).

According to the presence of complications:

  • Complicated;
  • Uncomplicated.

Depending on the stage of morphological changes:

  • Initial;
  • Developed;
  • Far gone.

Symptoms of myopia

Unfortunately, most people do not immediately notice their vision deterioration. This causes untimely visits to the ophthalmologist and detection of the disease in late stages. Myopia is often discovered during annual preventive examinations.

Visual acuity in most cases decreases gradually. A person may not pay attention to the fact that he needs to squint to see something for a long time.
Over time, a person begins to bring printed text closer and closer to his eyes. In this case, pain often occurs in the eyes, temples or back of the head.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of myopia is usually not difficult and is based on a vision test using Sivtsev tables. Every ophthalmologist has them in their office.

Additionally, the following research methods can be used:

Treatment of myopia (myopia)

In the absence of timely treatment, myopia can quickly progress or be complicated by retinal diseases (dystrophy, rupture, detachment), hemorrhages into the vitreous cavity, staphyloma (protrusion) of the sclera, and blindness.

Today there are several ways to treat myopia:

  • Correction with glasses or contact lenses ();
  • Drug treatment;
  • Surgical intervention;
  • Laser correction;
  • Traditional methods.

Correcting myopia with glasses or contact lenses

May deteriorate vision just the wrong glasses.

The purpose of this correction is to correct the focus of the image so that it falls on the retina rather than in front of it.

There is an opinion that glasses further aggravate myopia. This is a fundamentally incorrect judgment, because glasses, on the contrary, do not allow myopia to progress. Only incorrectly selected glasses can worsen your vision.

To correct myopia, glasses that diffuse light are used. During the selection of glasses, the patient is seated at a certain distance from the Sivtsev tables, and negative lenses are placed. If there is an improvement in vision, the diagnosis of myopia is confirmed.

Then they begin to select the necessary lenses. They start with the weakest and gradually move on to the stronger ones. Typically, maximum visual acuity is obtained when looking through multiple lenses. The ophthalmologist writes down the weakest lens in the prescription. If you choose a stronger one, it will cause hypermetropia (the image falls behind the retina) and further deterioration of vision.

Thus, the degree of myopia is characterized by the weakest lens that gives the best visual acuity.

If a person suffers from mild myopia in both eyes, he does not need to constantly wear glasses and uses them as needed (as ophthalmologists say, “for distance”).

Modern people increasingly prefer contact lenses rather than glasses. This is not surprising, because lenses have a number of beneficial advantages:

However, contact lenses require careful handling and daily care. Improper use can lead to infectious and inflammatory eye diseases.

Taking medications

A medicinal course of treatment is recommended for all people with myopia, as this stops its progression, and in some cases can be used as a treatment for myopia without surgery. The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Calcium gluconate: strengthens the vascular wall and reduces its permeability. Accepted within 10 days.
  • Ascorbic acid: increases the elasticity of blood vessels and sclera. Accepted within one month.
  • Medicines that help improve blood circulation in the eyes: halidor, picamilon, nigexin, trental, cavinton. Take within one month.
  • For retinal lesions, either histochrome can be used.

Surgical intervention

Eye surgery for myopia is a radical method of correcting myopia, which is used in the most difficult cases. Eye surgeons may perform artificial lens transplantation or implantation of an additional lens behind the iris. These operations help restore vision even with myopia of -20 diopters.

Laser correction

Myopia and sports

Until recently, myopia was a contraindication for sports. However, today the significant role of physical education in the prevention of myopia has been proven. As is known, sport has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, including the eyes.

Aerobic exercise (cycling, running, skiing, swimming) has a good effect on the circulatory system and the accommodative function of the eyes. However, this applies to moderate intensity loads, in which the heart rate does not exceed 140 beats per minute. More intense training negatively affects the condition of the ciliary muscle (jumping rope, acrobatic stunts, strength training).


To avoid the development of myopia, you must strictly follow the rules of visual hygiene:

In addition, you need to include in your diet as many vegetables and fruits as possible that contain retinol (vitamin A) and ascorbic acid: blueberries, carrots, spinach, bananas, citrus fruits, black currants, sea buckthorn, rowan, etc.

You can read more about the prevention of myopia.

1. Heredity. A scientific connection has been established between the myopia of parents and their children. If both parents have myopia, then the risk of developing this disease in their child under 18 years of age is more than 50%. When both parents have normal vision, the risk of their child developing myopia is 10%.

2. Intense visual loads to which the organs of vision are exposed. Myopia most often develops either during school or student years, precisely when the maximum load is placed on the eyes.

3. Incorrect vision correction. When selecting glasses for the first time, it is very important to follow all correction rules, as well as eliminate false myopia. To prevent the progression of myopia, you need to follow the recommendations and rules for wearing glasses and contacts, and do not forget to regularly check your vision.

It is worth noting that wearing contact lenses contributes to changes in the tissues of the ocular surface, which is often accompanied by discomfort and dry eye syndrome. A comprehensive solution will help ensure the healthy condition of the eye surface - the use of ophthalmic gel and eye drops. Eliminates the causes of discomfort with the Korneregel gel. It contains carbomer on a soft gel base, which maintains complete hydration, and dexpanthenol, which has a healing effect.

Those who experience discomfort and dryness 3 or more times a day should choose Artelak Balance drops, which combine a unique combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B12. Hyaluronic acid forms a film on the surface of the eye that provides long-lasting hydration. The action of hyaluronic acid prolongs the special protector. Vitamin B12 is the most powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage by free radicals.

For those who experience discomfort no more than 2-3 times a day, Artelak Splash drops are suitable, containing hyaluronic acid, which provides instant hydration.

Regardless of the symptoms, to prevent discomfort and dryness, it is good to use these eye drops in combination with a gel based on dexpanthenol.

4. Poor nutrition. Myopia can occur due to the lack of microelements and vitamins in the diet, which play a significant role in the synthesis of tissues (the membrane of the eye) and are involved in light perception.

5. Vascular factors. If the blood supply to the eye is disrupted, then there is a high probability of developing myopia in the near future.


The main symptom of myopia is decreased distance vision, when all objects appear blurry and indistinct. A person, trying to improve the clarity of the picture, begins to squint. At the same time, a person with myopia sees objects located nearby clearly. In addition, symptoms of myopia include the following: headaches, visual fatigue.

Usually, the first signs of myopia appear at a fairly young age (7-12 years), after which the disease progresses in women up to 20 years, and in men up to 22 years. Then vision usually stabilizes, but may further deteriorate.

The development of myopia is not difficult to recognize. If you notice that your child often squints while looking at something, this is a good reason to seek advice from an ophthalmologist.


Degrees of myopia

There are three degrees of the disease:

1. Mild myopia (no more than three diopters).

2. Moderate myopia (3-6 diopters).

3. High myopia (more than six diopters).

According to the clinical course, myopia is divided into progressive and non-progressive:

Progressive myopia is a disease that requires an increase in lens power by more than 1 diopter per year. In this situation, serious complications may occur that require surgical intervention. Non-progressive myopia is an anomaly. Its clinical manifestation is decreased distance vision, which can be corrected and does not require any treatment.

Diagnosis of myopia

Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose myopia. For this purpose, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out, his visual acuity and a number of special studies are determined (, and others).

If you discover symptoms of myopia, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist, but not an optician, because it is not always possible to get advice from a specialist with a higher medical education (ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist). By going to an optician, where clients are advised by a regular optometrist (a person who has completed courses on the correct selection of glasses), you risk receiving incorrect information and harming your vision.

Complications of the disease

Myopia treatment

Treatment of myopia is divided into several areas: correction, treatment and surgery.

1. Myopia is corrected using diverging lenses. When prescribing glasses or contact lenses, the doctor is based on the degree of myopia. If the degree is weak, glasses can not be worn all the time, but only when necessary.

2. Treatment of myopia. In childhood and adolescence, special ones are shown that train the ciliary muscle. In addition, special stimulating (hardware) therapy and restorative treatment, including sedatives (" " for adults and " " for children), are prescribed.

Among the physiotherapeutic devices, one can highlight "" - a device that combines 4 methods of influence: infrasound, phonophoresis, pneumomassage and color pulse therapy. This complex effect improves blood supply to the tissues of the eye, trains the eye (ciliary) muscle, and enhances the effect of medications. The advantage of the device is that it can be used at home by patients of all age groups (both elderly people and children over 3 years old.)

3. Surgical intervention for myopia has become widespread:

To prevent the progression of myopia and the development of complications, it is performed (strengthening the posterior wall of the eyeball).

Most often used to restore vision
