Why doesn't a person get sick? Why do some people not get the flu? Neglect of the body

Finding the cause includes several different techniques. When a person knows why a given disease is given, the search spectrum narrows noticeably, and if the cause is unknown, then the first thing to do is to remember and carefully analyze all the events that happened to the person during the day before the first signs of pain or malaise appeared.

The fact is that according to natural laws, punishment overtakes a person within 24 hours after the violation. Example: At five o'clock in the evening you have a sore throat.


You need to look for some conflicts with people that have happened since last night. Remember who was offended by you, who was dissatisfied with something, indignant, with whom there was a struggle on a subtle level.

If you can’t find anything, you can try the following technique: sit alone in a room, in a calm state, and mentally evoke images of all the people you encountered during the day. Mentally ask each person: “Are you sick?” What usually happens is that the person from whom you received punishment will flash brighter than the others on your mental screen. Then ask him what he was offended by, what his complaint is. If he does not answer, try to understand your violation yourself.

Let's say you couldn't find the reason. You can mentally turn to your powers and ask to show the reason in a dream. In a dream, you will find yourself in situations similar to the one that caused the disease, but there the violation of laws will be more visible.

This is one of the main methods, based on the law of similarity. It often happens that a disease in its form, appearance, nature of pain and location on the body resembles our disorder. If you have a headache, then immediately pay attention to the nature of the pain. Very often it is oppressive, and this may be due to the fact that you put psychological pressure on someone and got change. If your heart is pounding, then most likely you have “stabbed someone in the heart.”

Stomach and intestinal ulcers are directly related to sarcasm in communication. Toothache is associated with criticism, which can be figuratively imagined as if we are biting someone.

When you have a sore throat and a cough, it often resembles barking, but isn’t the energy with which we condemn our loved ones and acquaintances when we argue and prove something similar to barking? There is an expression in Russian that describes this behavior: “they bark like dogs.”

There is another key to finding the causes of diseases, also based on the law of similars. Someone's knee joints hurt. Placed
The key question is: “What does this pain prevent a person from doing?” The answer is that it prevents him from walking and being flexible. This means that he himself prevents someone from going their own way through life and being flexible, i.e. free in your desires, decisions, choices.

On the physical level, what we do to people psychologically and energetically comes back to us. In this case, an example was considered from healing practice, when a husband taught his wife how to act in different situations. These teachings were categorical, authoritarian in nature; the husband had great confidence in his own rightness and inner pride. The wife, trusting her husband’s authority, at first tried to do as he said, but then discovered that this did not correspond to her nature, became indignant, rejected his teachings and began to act in her own way. Just at the time when she was indignant, her husband’s knees began to hurt (polyarthritis).

Another example: a woman comes for healing because she has developed severe skin irritation in the groin area. We pose the question: “What is stopping her from doing?” It prevents you from making love. So she's stopping someone from making love? Not so literally. Let's try to expand the question - this sore prevents her from being a woman in some sense. This means that she is interfering with someone in this way. Soon, from further conversation, it turns out that her husband recently showed qualities in his communication with her that she cannot consider masculine, worthy of a knight. His behavior did not correspond to her idea of ​​what a man should be and she began to be offended, indignant, her thoughts were of a contemptuous nature: “Fie! This is not like a man... This is not a man!” The husband felt this energy and was offended in turn. His resentment caused his wife to become ill because... she had a violation of natural law - an attack by contempt.

They may ask: “Why isn’t my husband sick?” We do not know whether he violated natural laws with his actions. A wife came to us for healing and the fact is that his behavior did not correspond to her ideas about masculine qualities, but her idea was formed under the influence of the environment where she was brought up, and this environment could have its own laws that do not correspond to natural ones.
The woman apologized in the astral plane and a day later the inflammation disappeared.


You can ask your strength to bring people to you who have the same disorder as you. From the outside, violations are more visible; they are striking, especially if they are directed at you. Ask to be exposed to such people for a period of time, such as a week. This week you need to be very sensitive and attentive to everything that happens around you. Each event can be a sign, a hint. If, nevertheless, you have forgotten yourself in the bustle of the day, then sit down in the evening before going to bed and look through the whole day to see if anyone has had behavior similar to yours.


It is used for chronic diseases, the cause of which a person cannot find in himself. Ask your strength to slightly aggravate the disease immediately after, or even during, a situation where you break the law. Let's say you have a stomach ulcer. It is sometimes felt, sometimes not
is felt. It depends on behavior and nutrition. Make your meals a dietary one for a week so that there are no side irritants. Communicate actively and uninhibitedly with people, let your irony, sarcasm, and causticism manifest themselves in full. Where the pain in the stomach will stick is your violation of the laws.


The materials presented in this section are drawn from healing practice and have not one, but several confirmations. By confirmation, the following is meant: there was a fact of a person’s illness, the laws were explained to him, he changed his behavior, performed an apology ritual, and in many cases the illness went away on its own, without any treatment.

The selection of the list of diseases was made on the basis of the most typical cases, which have many repetitions in practice, but there were also exceptions, the reasons for which will be discussed below.

Arrhythmia is an uneven, episodic supply of cardiac energy and warmth to loved ones, alternating with closedness, alienation, and anger.

Mom comes home from work and gives heartfelt energy to the children: “Oh, my dear ones! You’ve been waiting for too long! Look what I brought you.” The next day she said: “I’m so tired of you all! Have you done your homework? Go to bed.”
Mom’s mood fluctuates and she allows herself to behave this way towards her loved ones.

Myopia - criticism of vision.
A well-read, intelligent young man, 10 years old, with great pride, wants to assert himself in the eyes of others, to gain authority for himself. He begins, without good reason, only to attract attention, to criticize the shortcomings of the world around him.
“Natalya Petrovna has smart children, but she doesn’t raise them well.”
“This is ugly architecture; they built better in the 19th century.”
"Poems like this? Come on, this is complete mediocrity." A couple of years later, the young man developed severe myopia. People were offended by such criticism and the energy of their offense fell on the boy's Ajna - the chakra responsible for vision. The less he will see, the less he will judge.

Varicose veins - suppression of anger, discontent within oneself.

A person is angry at someone, at life, at difficult situations, and at this time Manipura generates a lot of negative destructive energy. If a person immediately dumps it through swearing, screaming, complaints, then there may be other diseases, and varicose veins occur when he suppresses this energy within himself with the help of will. Suppressed by the will, anger is thrown off through the legs because There are channels in the legs through which the body removes unnecessary energy. If dissatisfaction with something manifests itself for a long time, then the channels cannot cope with the release of destructive energy and this is reflected in the tissues of the physical body. The energy of anger and chronic irritation resembles billowing black smoke. Pay attention to the pattern of swollen veins on the legs - that’s exactly what it looks like. The law of similarity is also evident here. A person does not want to dump such energy on others, so as not to spoil relationships, and suppresses it within himself. The energetic mechanism of this disease is not the same as in the case of myopia. There the energy blow is delivered by the people around him, but here the person destroys himself.

Venereal diseases - disgust and contempt in sexual relationships.

This usually manifests itself in general disrespect of partners, when using someone to satisfy sexual desires. First, a person breaks the law, the partner is offended, and this offense goes into space as a request demanding that the offender be punished. After a couple of days, the one who showed disgust finds himself in bed with a new partner who already has a sexually transmitted disease. As for AIDS, it is apparently associated with vaccination of others
people, especially young people, have sexual perversions. The strength of the punishment is proportional to the strength of the violation. The question arises: “what about the infection of infants with AIDS in maternity hospitals?” All diseases of this kind from any infections, as well as miscarriages and abortions, are associated with the karma of past lives. When a creature is in space and is about to be born, it knows perfectly well what it is doing. From there, destinies are visible and the task of such an incarnation is to burn one’s negative karma through suffering.

Inflammation of the appendages - coquetry with the release of sexual energy, teasing men with a reluctance to enter into intimate relationships with them.

This is a very common violation. Women flirt in order to gather energy, to attract attention, and sometimes to receive some kind of service or help. At the same time, sexual energy goes beyond the woman’s aura and penetrates the man’s field, and according to natural laws, this is an invitation to bed. When a “warmed up” man comes up with proposals, the lady “turns him off”. If he is offended, the appendages or other organs of the genitourinary system will hurt, but if he is not offended, nothing may hurt.

Gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers - causticity, irony, sarcasm, barbed ridicule.

This type of behavior occurs a lot in today's world. Why doesn't everyone have ulcers? The energetic mechanism of communication, in which both interlocutors are internally closed, ready to be sarcastic and exchange barbs, resembles a duel between two knights. Both have put on armor and are trying to reach each other with swords. In this case, they do not take offense at each other, because they play by the same rules of communication, they were taught this way by their upbringing, they live by it and accept causticity as the norm. Diseases arise when sarcasm is directed at a person who lives according to different laws, who is open, vulnerable, and who does not accept a fight as a form of communication. He has the right to be offended if such energy was directed at him, but he gave no reason for this. The natural laws of our planet are on his side.

Hemorrhoids are a reluctance to let go of something that should go away according to natural laws. Greed.

A woman had to undergo surgery for hemorrhoids only because she did not want to throw away a large amount of canned vegetables that had already spoiled in her pantry. She walked around and felt sorry for her jars and worried that they needed to be thrown away. From strong emotions of this kind, the energy inside the body begins to circulate incorrectly and this is expressed on the physical level in the form of hemorrhoids. Here, too, the law of similarity is manifested - feces must leave the body, and letting them out is painful if the anus is not in order. It can be sad to let go of things, money, or even energy - something that relates to the navel chakra.

Hepatitis (jaundice) - bile.

This disease also belongs to Manipura, but the nature of the energy released by a person is different from causticity. Acrimony hits and stabs, and bile oozes, while those around them or their vision of the world are also attacked, but of a slightly different nature. When they fight back, the bilious person begins to get sick.


1. Pressure of will on people.
2. Imposing your vision and opinion.
3. “Breaking through” under someone else’s will.
4. Allowing other people to impose their vision on themselves.

Let's take a closer look.

1. Pressure from the will with the desire to force a person to do something does not cause headaches until the person becomes indignant. From this moment on, the person pressing begins to have a headache. These people usually have high blood pressure. Teachers, military commanders, and directors of organizations do not always have a headache - society partially covers for them this violation, since they are in the service and are, to a certain extent, “automata” of the societies for which they work. If you look at natural laws, then the influence of wills is an attack, since the laws “Don’t interfere”, “Don’t ask, don’t interfere” are violated.

2. Imposing your vision.

A husband and wife came to visit a friend. While they were sitting drinking tea, the husband said that he wanted to buy a new tape recorder, and his wife began to dissuade him. Then a friend intervened without asking and began to assure that this was an excellent tape recorder and that it was necessary to buy it urgently. When the guests left, the owner had a headache. The wife fell in love because she wanted to spend the money on buying a washing machine, not a tape recorder.

3. Bend under someone else's will. Those who allow themselves to be “ridden” often have low blood pressure.

These are oppressed people, accustomed to obey. They have no desire to argue, fight for their energy, and the reason may be fear and lack of faith in their strength. This usually begins in childhood - strong suppression on the part of parents creates submissive “automata” who, losing one psychological battle after another, turn into executors of someone else’s will. Your head may hurt from loss of energy - it goes to the one who commands you.

4. Allowing others to impose their opinions on you.

Living in someone else's mind is a characteristic of insecure people. They also give a lot of energy to those on whose advice, experience, and authority they live. They lack energy.

Umbilical hernia - hoarding, pride.

Often people develop a hernia after purchasing a summer house. Finally, you can accumulate some valuables, and in addition to valuables, all the old, unnecessary trash is also piled up at the dacha. If pride is also involved, then the owner’s thoughts take on the following character: “Now I have a lot of things. I will have more than my neighbors! Relatives will come - “I’ll show them how to live, let them envy, etc.” Everyone this can live in a person’s subconscious, and energy is precisely subordinate to subconscious impulses.

There is a specific case of a hernia. In one family, the father earned a lot, ran a lot of business, and a lot of valuables accumulated in the house. The owner himself took this quite calmly, but the son was proud of his father and the security of the whole family. A poor neighbor came to visit, not dressed well. And it was the son who began to look down on him, as if he were “unfinished,” showing pride. The neighbor was offended, sensing the attitude of the owner’s son, although there was no talk about this in words - they were talking about completely different topics. My son developed a hernia, and then his child too, because... the child lived on dad's energy.

Diabetes is the contempt of inferiors while admiring superiors.

If a person exhibits only one of these qualities, then he will not have diabetes. This is a disease of people who are hierarchical in their vision of the world.
Diabetes is the scourge of India. In the 20th century, India ranked first in the world for this disease. This is the only country where casteism is still so strongly manifested in our time. The untouchables are despised there - this is the norm - but they are worshiped before the owners, which creates fertile ground for diabetes. It is interesting that in different societies the hierarchy is built according to different laws - wealth will not always be the main thing. Somewhere they value strength, somewhere they value intelligence, creativity, etc. Let's take a chess club - the ability to play chess is valued there. If a club member despises those. Anyone who plays worse than him and bows down to the best players may well develop diabetes. Resentment often comes from those who are despised, from those who are stamped with inferiority.

Toothache is a criticism of society, of any societies.

This may include both criticism of the government, reforms, laws, and condemnation of doctors, police, merchants - any societies that make up the social structure. If someone criticizes another person or the activities of an entire organization with the goal of improving it, helping to understand something, then this may not cause a toothache. But when we sit in the kitchen, drink tea and scold the state, our emotional energy flies out and hits this structure in the astral plane.
This is an attack from our side and astral society has the right to fight back.

Skin diseases are disrespect for people.

Disrespect is expressed in arrogance, neglect, placing oneself above others, considering oneself chosen, significant, and others inferior, low. Disrespect for people can be shown when their shortcomings are sharply manifested: self-interest, greed, stupidity, etc. According to natural laws, any creature is worthy of respect because it contains a particle of the Divine. One must respect not for the set of qualities of a person, but for the fact that he has an immortal soul. We prevent her from developing by imposing disrespectful cliches. Don't confuse it with respect - it's completely
another type of energy that is given to parents for giving us a physical body and to Teachers.

Oncology is an unintentional deception, deception by behavior.

Andrey has long wanted to buy winter shoes so that they are of high quality and inexpensive. At work he was offered a pair of good shoes for $40. He didn’t have any money with him and he asked Vasya to lend it to him. Vasya replied that, of course, he would give the money, he would just go home for it during lunch. He went home and took the money, but on the way to work he saw in the store a blouse that his wife had been looking for for a long time. Having bought it for $20, he brought Andrey only half the money. While Andrei was looking for the amount he was missing, the owner of the shoes had already sold them to someone. Then Andrei, when he saw good shoes on someone, remembered Vasya...
A couple of months later, Vasya was diagnosed with a tumor. This is a simple example of unintentional deception.

Behavioral deception is somewhat more complex. There are many of them in sexual relationships. For example, all tumors in the genital area are associated with these deceptions. The reasons are the same as those described for inflammation of the appendages - it all starts with inflammation, then benign tumors form, sometimes turning into malignant ones. Here people do not talk about what they will do, but promise through their behavior and the energy they emit. Remember how a woman lives with one man, and “keeps another or even several in reserve.” After all, in order to keep it in reserve, you need to promise something energetically, to lure a person with something. But she doesn’t go to bed with others, and that’s why she gets tumors.

Baldness is a concern, heavy depressing thoughts for a long time.

Hair simply cannot withstand such energy on the head. (We do not consider reasons such as radiation or calcium deficiency here).

Periodontal disease - criticism, shaking of foundations.

Again we find the action of the law of similarity. Gums are the foundation for teeth. When a person condemns the foundations of a family, clan, clan, people, or some society, then by doing so he undermines them. The foundations may be imperfect, they may contain violations of natural laws, but some people still need them and it is pointless to criticize them; society will fight for its foundations, laws, moral principles developed over centuries. Jews have one foundation, Ukrainians have another. A Ukrainian married a Jewish woman, ended up in her family and cannot resist criticism, as a result - periodontal disease.

Fractures, injuries, bruises are deliberate deception.

This is a deliberate deception when a person already knows that what he is saying is not true.

The liver hurts when we show malice, anger, or gloating.

One student at the institute, for some reason, was not transferred to the next year. Whether the administration was right or not is an obscure question, because the institution lives not according to natural, but according to social laws. But the student was offended, and when something did not work out for the administration in the educational process, he rejoiced, or rather, gloated, in general, he took out his offense in conversations with representatives of this very administration.
His liver started to hurt a few hours after the conversation. This is a simple example, but all examples are taken from life.

Polyarthritis - pride with integrity.

There have been many cases where one person taught another how to live, planted his principles down on him and suffered from polyarthritis.
It doesn’t matter how true the principles are, but this form of teaching makes an “automatic” out of the student, deprives him of flexibility and forces him to accept someone else’s experience in a ready-made form, rather than grow himself, reaching the truth, albeit more slowly, but with his own mind. Nature and its laws are flexible, fluid, changeable, they fight dogma and authoritarianism.

Kidneys hurt for various reasons, but the most common are:

1. Sexual causes, similar to all inflammations, i.e. the use of sexual energy is not relevant, which has already been discussed.

2. Fear. It is dumped in the body on the kidneys, which can immediately cause children to wet their pants. It is through urine that the destructive energy of fear for the body is released. Adults don’t allow themselves to do this and they have a lot of accumulating chronic fear - it destroys the kidneys.

Colds - condemnation and criticism, most often in relation to family members.

Chronic tonsillitis is often observed in people who judge their loved ones.

Radiculitis - consider the most common causes:

The mother was very afraid for her two adult daughters. She loved them, but she was so worried about their personal lives and financial situation that she shrouded them in a dark field of fear. This distorted the girls’ real picture of their lives and prevented them from moving along the path of development. The mother began to have an attack of radiculitis. They began to look at what he was preventing her from doing - sciatica prevents her from moving freely physically. As soon as the mother apologized and forbade herself to be afraid, the pain went away. In this situation, she violated the “Do not interfere” law in relation to her daughters.

2. Pride.

The young man often went hiking and if the nights were cold, he gave the girls a sleeping bag, and he slept in a tent right on the ground. I've never been sick. One evening a situation arose where the guys were arguing, showing off, apparently proving to each other and the girls their intelligence, strength, etc. He handed over the sleeping bag again, but this time with pride, saying, “You can’t do that.” Some of the guys were probably in poor health and were really afraid of catching a cold. That night
our tourist developed sciatica.

3. Sexual disorders.

In one company, relationships developed in such a way that flirting became the norm, a game, a way of communication. Everyone was flirting, that is, both men and women radiated sexual energy, teasing each other. As long as none of them got upset or offended, everything was fine. But one lady greatly desired some man. He didn’t pay attention to it, ignored it (maybe he didn’t like her too much). So he got radiculitis. Why? If he had not given a reason, had not flirted with everyone, including her, he would have avoided such a situation. But he played this game, and according to natural laws it has a continuation - bed and there is nowhere to dodge.

Muscle strains are almost always associated with pride.

One lady could not move her arm freely in the shoulder joint for half a year; because of this, she could not sleep normally or do yoga exercises. During the healing session they helped her find the reason, she apologized and everything went away on its own. One morning she went to do gymnastics at the stadium. There a man was mowing the grass and she wanted to try mowing - she had never had to before. It turned out well. Then she did gymnastics and went home. The next day everything was repeated, but with one small difference - next to the man stood another lady, as it turned out later - his wife. And our heroine, of course, showed herself while mowing the grass. On the first day everything was fine, but on the second she suffered a muscle strain and joint pain.

Heart failure - a person does not provide enough cardiac energy to loved ones.

If you are in a friendly or social relationship with someone, then it hardly makes sense to look for the cause of heart failure among these people. This is usually a disease
It manifests itself where the relationship on your part was warm and close at the beginning, and then changed, becoming cooler and closed. But the person remained open to you. At the same time, it would be necessary to warn him, apologize, explain something. But it's not always easy. People are vulnerable, it is difficult to speak frankly with them. Many people try to avoid open explanations. And here fertile ground is created for this disease.


The reasons may be different, but related to the vision. Let's look at one example. The girl was dating a guy. She became pregnant and had an abortion. Then they got married, she became pregnant a second time and gave birth to a healthy child, but she herself became 95% blind by the end of the pregnancy and had a detached retina. During the healing session, it turned out that the reason for the abortion was “so that they wouldn’t see the belly at the wedding.”

Tuberculosis - integrity in cordial relationships.

When we want to act in one way according to our hearts, but we do differently, guided by some reasons, and this hurts people, then there is a chance of getting tuberculosis. Why is tuberculosis common in prisons? Not only because of sanitary conditions. There people live according to developed principles that are far from natural laws.
It became psychologically difficult for one person - sadness, melancholy, depression, this is not uncommon in prison. Another would be happy to help him, give him heartfelt energy, encourage him, but he does not do this, because they may treat him with contempt: they say that you are messing around with him. They were comrades and received a sentence together for one case. The first one became despised in prison, but the second one was accepted normally and would be happy to help a friend, but according to the principles of the local hierarchy he should not do this. If the friend gets offended, which is very likely, the other one may get tuberculosis.

Insect bites with severe swelling are pride.

When the body's defense systems are working properly, normal bites do not swell much.
The company went on vacation to Crimea. Everyone gets bitten by mosquitoes and some other midges. But some people's arms and legs swell, while others don't. Allergy? Yes, it’s an allergy, but it has a reason, in this case it’s pride. Pride swells and the body swells. Again, you can calculate the reason using the law of similarity.

Cystitis - pride with integrity and pretensions in relations between men and women. Cases of cystitis were observed by healers. For successful treatment, it was enough to remove the cause with a ritual of apology. When the wife began to make claims to her husband with pressure, demand, resentment that he was not behaving like a man, she had attacks of cystitis. In this example, unlike the example with inflammation on the skin, the woman does not have contempt, but she has a claim.

Schizophrenia is the incorrect handling of information and knowledge.

One of the common causes of schizophrenia is the accumulation of a large amount of information without its practical development and application. This usually concerns people who learn not simple information from books and newspapers, but esoteric information that greatly influences their worldview. Most often, this happens when a person is suspicious, suggestible, falls for information and, without making the acquired knowledge his experience, skill, ability, grabs more and more new knowledge from various occult sources.

There is another example where a woman violated the law “Do not transmit information without making it your own.” She gave large lectures in Moscow, encouraged people to go hungry, but she herself only starved for three days. One of her listeners, inspired by these sermons, began a multi-day fast. On the 15th day, mercury began to leave her body. Mercury accumulates in bones and this woman had a lot of it. Mercury came out in balls from the anus. The woman and her family were very frightened and at three o’clock in the morning they called the lady who was giving the lectures. In her sleep, she didn’t figure out how to talk, and told the truth: “Actually, I only fasted for three days, and I don’t know what to do in such cases.” And soon she went crazy.

If we pass on knowledge to someone, especially one that affects the psyche and health, then we bear serious responsibility for this.


When a child is born, for the first year of his life he is connected with the energy of the mother and is highly dependent on her state of health and psyche. Since the mother’s body is energetically stronger, if it breaks the laws, the child may get sick. This is called dumping the disease on the weak. After a year, the child either remains on the mother’s energy, or is transferred to the father’s energy. This is how he lives until he is 8-10 years old and suffers for his parents’ violations, and begins to suffer for his own violations after 8-10 years, switching to his own energy. To determine which parent needs to monitor their behavior, you can leave the baby to play alone in the room.
Then mom and dad enter the room and stand in different corners. Whoever the child rushes to first, presses him to his feet, hugs him, is the one who needs to look for his own violations - the baby lives on his energy.
After the child switches to his own energy, which is usually accompanied by changes in his character and some distance from his parents, he can be taught to track his violations, analyze situations and use the ritual of apology.

Domestic animals also transfer diseases from their owners. A dog usually has one owner in the family, whom he chooses himself, and cats live on the energy of the entire house.


When the cause of the illness is found, you need to sit down and think about your behavior in the future. Having found a new form of behavior without violating natural law, it is necessary to lay it on the subconscious in meditation.
To do this, they vividly imagine themselves in situations similar to the one where the violation was made and mentally act in a new way. It would be good to work out 10-15 situations and the more varied they are, the better.

Then they do the ritual:

1. Mentally evoke the face of the person in relation to whom the violation occurred. Greet him and thank him for his science.
2. Tell him what law you broke.
3. Show that in future you will act differently, that you are the law
worked out.
4. Sincerely ask for an apology, without harboring anger or resentment towards him in your soul.


There are exceptions to every rule. In healing there are many situations when diseases arise differently than described above.

1. If someone practices yoga or any energy gymnastics, he constantly pumps energy into the organs of the physical body, etheric and chakras. It happens to such people that when the law is broken and the heart should ache, suddenly the head hurts. This happens because in any structure there is the weakest and the strongest point. The weak becomes a release point for destructive energies.
Every organ of the body tries to throw off negative influences and it goes to the weakest. Everyone has their own.

2. It also happens that people relieve illnesses from their loved ones. This happens if they love them very much or feel sorry for them. Then the one from whom the disease was removed needs to apologize. Sometimes even healers who have not worked out pity take the disease off their patients onto themselves.
There was even a case when a woman felt sorry for a completely unfamiliar young handsome guy whom she met by chance at the station. He was deaf and began to hear in two days, but the woman’s seven-year-old son became deaf. The healers had to work to restore the boy's hearing, but the guy was left with normal hearing.

3. Sometimes a person gets sick of his own free will. Since childhood, he was accustomed to receiving a lot of energy, warmth, care, and sometimes pity from his family during illness. He was relieved of all household responsibilities and the need to prepare homework. A subconscious mechanism has developed, and when such a person wants to take a break from worries, he himself gets sick.

4. Magic, curses, spells also do not belong to ordinary diseases and proceed according to their own laws. Whether a person will dry out or be childless, or the organ on which the magician has transferred his sore will become ill - all these cases are dealt with separately in healing and their classification is not part of the task of this work. One thing is certain:
magical attacks happen for a reason, but mainly against those people who themselves meddle in the world of magic. For example, they begin to hold a husband, bewitch a lady, cast illnesses on someone, hypnotize for their own purposes. To get out of such cause-and-effect relationships, rituals of apology and exchange are used with internal refusal to influence people.

5. There are also cases when people behave not according to their nature and because of this they get sick.
Once upon a time there lived an official. I never did anything selflessly to anyone. By the age of 60, I had tried everything in my life, “ate enough” and calmed down. A girl came to him and gave him a sincere request - she asked him to help her go to college. And he thought: “What should I take from her? I have plenty of money, I’ve also had enough of a bed. I’ll arrange it for her just like that, let her live and be happy.” He acted not according to the nature of his astral body, in which the element of self-interest dominated, but according to his soul - according to a deeper part of his nature, according to which he had never lived before. The girl entered the institute and all the time remembered with gratitude his selfless act. And his heart chakra (the astral body consists of chakras) is not used to receiving such energy, because people have always given energy to it. Envy, self-interest, fear. So, from this pure energy he had a heart attack - the chakra could not process it. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Why do people get sick? Each of us has thought about this question at least once in our lives. What is the cause of all our problems, can this be avoided and what are the main reasons why people get sick?

To get started, answer the questions:

Do you get sick often and have already tried many treatments, but nothing helps?

Are you young, successful, full of energy and want to have healthy children in the future?

You have no obvious health problems, and you think that it will always be like this?

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then this article is exactly what you need!

Each of us wants to be healthy, energetic and maintain our youth as long as possible. But for some reason, few of us can boast of excellent health, stamina and energy. What's the problem???

Causes of human mortality according to statistics from around the world:

Quite a big number, right?...

If it is difficult for us to influence old age and accidents, then we can take control of a cause such as illness and significantly influence it!

Slagging in the body

One of the main causes of all human diseases is the general sludge in the body.

As a result, toxins and poisons are carried throughout all human blood vessels, which are deposited in all tissues and joints of the body.

As a result, a person begins to complain of headaches, general weakness, and diseases such as varicose veins, radiculitis, etc. appear. But as they say, if there is a problem, then there is a solution!

I will tell everyone about this below. But first you need to figure out what your body should receive every day in order to never get sick.

And the first thing you should take care of is your nutrition!

Nutrition for a person who is not sick

It should contain various vitamin and mineral complexes.

Since our body consists of 75 billion cells, we simply need to receive “building material” every day to maintain their normal functioning (after all, our entire body is made up of them).

And it doesn’t matter here whether you believe in it or not.

This is the basis of the life activity of your body, and any other living organism on the planet, and if you do not nourish your cells correctly (minerals, vitamins, amino acids), then they begin to hurt, and, therefore, you develop various diseases in the body!

Table of the influence of microelements and vitamins on the human body

Item name Effect on the body
Iodine With a lack of iodine in the body, apathy begins, chronic fatigue develops, and immunity declines. A person begins to get sick often and chronic diseases appear.
Potassium, Selenium They are responsible for the work of the heart and without them it can simply stop. Especially if you constantly eat food that draws these microelements from the body (sugar, flour products, carbonated drinks, coffee, sweets...).
Sulfur The lack of this element leads to the destruction of cartilage tissue and sagging skin.
Vitamin C Preserves your youth and strengthens blood vessels. Strengthens the immune system, fights various types of diseases.
Calcium Lack of calcium in the body is one of the main reasons for the development of more than 150 pathologies in the body.

I can continue this list for a long time, but I want you to understand one thing: your body simply needs CELLULAR NUTRITION.

What do cells eat?

Why bring your body to a state of despair when various diseases and pathologies begin to develop in it?

Isn’t it easier to nourish your body correctly from the very beginning, so as not to get sick later?

There are no “dead” foods in the diet or very few of them

Eliminate “DEAD FOODS” from your diet.

Because they are the ones who poison your body every day.

Most food products that have been processed in food factories completely lose all their beneficial substances.

Plus, preservatives, synthetic vitamins, flavors, dyes, etc. are added to all products. And it doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, but every day this entire chemical set enters your body.

Over time, they are deposited and accumulate in tissues, which leads to the destruction of your body from the inside!

We are all free people and everyone is free to choose what to eat every day: food that strengthens your health, or, conversely, completely destroys it, reducing your life expectancy by decades!

Therefore, if you eat all kinds of “junk” and do not pay attention to the deterioration of your own health and fermentopathy (lack of enzymes), then you will soon lose the opportunity to enjoy life.

Listen to your body, maybe it's time to cleanse yourself of all this garbage. Stop carrying it all around!

You are responsible for your own health

Yes, yes, I'm talking specifically about the PHARMACEUTICAL MAFIA.

I’ll tell you a secret that people’s illnesses are also a business, a multi-billion dollar business.

They benefit from you being sick.

Therefore, not a single pharmaceutical drug is capable of curing a single person on earth. If only because each pharmaceutical drug has a huge variety of different side effects, and they all treat one thing - and immediately cripple another!

And for the other, there are already medicines that will cure this, but will cripple something else!

And so on ad infinitum...

Every day more and more different medicines are being invented (most of them for non-existent diseases).

And the horror is that millions of people die from such drug treatment every year!

Take any medicine and read how many side effects there are (I will repeat, but this is important!).

Trying to cure one organ, you thereby kill the rest. Can a drug that is supposed to benefit you have so many side effects?

About 1OO-12O pharmaceuticals are counterfeited every year. Often they try to counterfeit well-known drugs that are often used and are not too expensive.

At the moment, there are 23,000 diseases in the world, about 500,000 pharmaceutical drugs that treat them - and ONLY 9 real causes of these diseases.

By the way, I recommend that you abandon the word disease and replace it with the word - state of the body. Because any disease is just a state of the body that can be changed. Agree, it sounds more humane!

Do you want to know all these reasons?

9 main reasons why people get sick

I have already listed the first 4 reasons above: slagging of the body, lack of cellular nutrition, eating dead foods, side effects from medications.

So, the remaining 5 reasons:


Or rather, its absence in the daily diet.

We all know that our body consists of 70% water. A person drinks about 75 tons of water in his entire life.

And no matter how strange it may sound, but

People drink 80% of all their illnesses with water!

Polluted water accelerates the aging process by 30%!

I'm already silent about sparkling water.

Also, water must not only be clean, but also have certain properties, such as mineralization, pH = 7.4, be biologically accessible, structured, and have the correct redox potential.


It’s not beer that kills people, it’s water that kills people! Or rather its absence. Often people, succumbing to the onslaught of public opinion and their own selfishness, simply destroy themselves, believing that, for example, drinking water is not cool, and ultimately die from diseases associated specifically with dehydration of the body. what kind of water you need to drink every day to stay healthy, energetic, strong and live happily ever after.

If water does not have all these qualities and the parameters that I described in the article about water, a person begins to have health problems, namely respiratory diseases, gastritis, heartburn and much more.

So, some statistics.

For example, only the disease of intestinal helminthiases ranks third in terms of the number of patients in the world.

Therefore, at present, this type of disease is the main cause of human death.

They also lead to a decrease in the working capacity of the adult population.

Unfortunately, there are no statistics on the incidence of helminthiasis for the CIS countries yet, but it is obvious that the statistics there are higher than in developed European countries.

Despite the fact that humanity has seemingly evolved so much recently and has been able to create spaceships, powerful weapons, mobile phones, etc., it still cannot cope with worms.

Or he doesn't want to.

Today, there are many forms of helminths and the different types of damage they cause.

Therefore, to get rid of them you need an integrated approach that will not harm the body and will be highly effective.

After all, in case of mass death of helminths, they must be immediately removed from the body, because Possible intoxication (severe poisoning of the body).


Many of us have heard about free radicals and how they negatively affect our health.

But it is precisely their increase that is associated with more than 80 types of human health disorders.

Free radicals “strike” your cells and thereby damage them. After this, your body is in a weakened state and is completely open to harmful bacteria and germs.

Therefore, it is very important to protect your body from free radicals!

I like it I don't like it

A disease of any degree of complexity is based not only on physiological, but also on psychological causes, which may not be recognized by the person. Even classical medicine has long recognized the psychosomatic nature of diseases such as ulcers, colitis, dermatitis, arthritis, asthma, hypertension and heart problems. What can we say about tumor diseases or weakened immunity due to nervousness?

Illness is a way to reach the cockroaches in the head with the help of the body, when the person himself, for some reason, ignores his needs and does not want to hear them. That’s when something comes into the arena that makes you stop and think once again: am I moving in the right direction?

Why do we get sick? Here are 9 reasons that will change your view of pain:

1. Vacation permit

The modern world imposes a crazy race for survival on people. Work according to a schedule, family, self-development, life according to the principle “do more and don’t whine” - all this puts pressure on the body, squeezes every drop of strength. And if a person does not leave time for recovery, for things that bring him pleasure, the body takes care of itself, “at the wrong time” getting sick. This is how the flu or a cast appears on the leg, which forces you to stop and take a break.

2. The desire to feel cared for

Being strong and successful is cool, but it’s even nicer to feel loved. If for some reason a person lacks the attention of loved ones, if he does not feel care and tenderness from his partner, the body decides to get its way in any way and gets sick. After all, it’s so nice to be in the role of a child, around whom everyone is running around with a thermometer, buying oranges for him and stroking his head. If symptoms are ignored, the disease progresses until it reaches its destination.

3. The ability to postpone an important task

Let's imagine a hypothetical situation: a husband demands a divorce, the usual world is collapsing, but then a tumor is found on his wife, then he stays with her. Or another picture - a girl needs to visit her parents, but she really doesn’t want to, then she successfully catches a cold. What mechanism? Illness serves as an excuse to put off some unpleasant activity or put off an important decision, and it can also explain any career or love failures.

4. Self-punishment

In this situation, the person himself unconsciously programs the body for illness in order to atone for guilt. For example, a mother beats a child, and then her arm joints are twisted, because she understands that she did wrong and reproaches herself. Another situation is that a man cheated on his wife and his pangs of conscience for what he did result in a venereal disease. The third - the daughter blames herself for her mother's death all her life and thereby brings on exactly the same disease. This is why it is harmful to live with a feeling of guilt.

5. The desire to attract attention

This type of disease often manifests itself in old people who feel unwanted, so they try to attract attention by any means. Some kind of chronic rheumatism becomes an excellent reason to terrorize relatives, beg their sympathy, and also become the topic of the day in discussions among neighbors. Now the old man is not just anyone, but a hero who has experienced a lot and deserves respect.

6. Hidden fears and grievances

This reason is also not new. The body senses the owner’s mood and reflects his subconscious ideas about life. If a person is afraid of the future, his kidneys suffer, if he takes the words and actions of others to heart, his heart hurts, if he carries an unbearable burden of responsibility and is afraid to ask for help, back problems begin. And the more deaf he is to his problems, the stronger the pain.

7. A lesson in self-love

Expensive massage courses, proper nutrition, an annual examination with a doctor - all this requires time and money, which it would be a pity to allocate to yourself. But the body does not forgive neglect, it also wants attention, so illness can appear as a lesson in love. How much can a person value himself? Is he ready to take care of his well-being, eat healthy food, and control his sleep patterns? Through illness, the body forces its owner to learn to love himself.

8. An incentive to rethink life

A serious illness forces a person to stop and think: is he moving in the right direction, have he managed to realize all his desires? What was previously ignored now comes to the fore, every breath taken becomes important. A person begins to look for his present self, the moment when everything went wrong. There is a reassessment of life, goals, guidelines and prospects, attitudes towards many people and things change. The disease, as it were, provokes a spring cleaning in the inner world.

9. Realization of the “last” wish

Finally, another common cause of incurable diseases is suppressed needs that a person has not fulfilled. On his deathbed, he realizes that he will die, which means he can no longer be afraid of losing everything, the time has come to realize the dreams that he has been nurturing for a long time. You can quit the job you hate, go on a trip around the world and eat your fill of ice cream. And no one will stand in the way with their moral teachings. You can also exploit your loved ones with your “last will”, maybe then the husband will finally do the repairs and let his wife go to the races?

As we see, illness is the language of the unconscious, which forces a person to listen to repressed needs and come to what he wants in a roundabout way. And if so, you can get rid of pain by allowing yourself to satisfy your desire openly, without resorting to manipulation through illness. As soon as a person fills the internal emptiness, the external will also change, the main thing is to realize for yourself what your illness gives you. The solution will be the key to recovery!

Why a person is sick - doctors usually have the right to answer this question. But Orthodox Christians have their own arguments on this matter. Many say because of sins. But is it? Is there a relationship between vices and physical illnesses?

When did the pain appear?

Let's start with a biblical excursion.

Have physical illnesses always existed? No, when God created Adam and Eve, they did not know what physical weakness was. Diseases appeared only when the ancestors sinned. It was then that the concepts of aging of the body, illness and physical death appeared.

In this regard, there is an opinion that physical weakness is a consequence of sin.

Does the Lord always send us illnesses for our sins?

Imagine the situation: a person suffers from bodily ailments. Doesn't this contradict the idea that the Almighty is love and mercy?

Firstly, there can be many reasons; below we will look at some of them.

Secondly, words about divine love and mercy should not be taken literally. For the Lord, the main thing is that a person is saved in this life, and after death goes to heaven. Events of earthly life, joy and wealth, health and illness are passing.

Is it really so important to receive candy at this very second if you look at everything from the perspective of eternity?

Now let’s imagine that our health is some kind of delicious candy in a beautiful wrapper, and using this as an example, let’s look at some of the reasons why a person gets sick.

Don't eat candy - you'll get tooth decay

You are still just a child. Every day your parents give you candy. Then they realize that if this continues, you will ruin your teeth.

Mom and Dad love you very much, so they stop giving you sweets, protecting you from caries.

God acts by analogy when he sends us health problems in order to protect us from some kind of global catastrophe.

For example, when you get enough of sweets, you will completely forget about the main thing - God and salvation.

History knows the names of saints who were disabled. Through their prayers, others received healing. But they did not ask for this for themselves. Why? They were afraid that in physical health they would no longer be able to pray so sincerely. God won't be so close.

If you run out of candy, ask Father!

I agree, these words indeed sound too primitive.

But if a person has serious health problems, doctors do not give any guarantees or hopes, then what is the Last Resort to turn to? To God, the Most Holy Theotokos and many saints.

But you need to understand the importance of two conditions. I'm sure you've heard of them. And more than once. This is the sincerity of prayer and the importance of healing specifically for a particular patient.

How it works? The person fell ill for some reason, perhaps it was illness due to sins. But he is not yet ready to leave this world, he has done so few good deeds, he has not strengthened his faith, he has not repented of the bad things he has done...

He asks God to heal him and sincerely wants to change.

God sees a person’s intentions and understands that after recovery he will indeed follow the righteous path. Therefore, the Lord rewards the sick person with candy, that is, with health.

Suffer because grandma can't eat sweets

It often happens that our relatives, especially the elderly, suffer greatly. If we see unhealthy grandparents, we are unlikely to ask: “why is the person sick?” Old age and illness are perceived as complementary.

But how does, for example, an 80-year-old grandmother feel? She really wants to eat at least a small caramel (that is, gain a little weight), but the Lord often does not allow this.

Why? So that the old woman learns to do without it. Be patient, grandmother, with sorrows - it is God who gives you a chance to endure trials with dignity and be cleansed. Wouldn't you give up caramel and even your favorite Napoleon cake for the sake of heavenly life?

If the old woman voluntarily agrees to this and says to herself: “Lord, is there happiness in sweets?” - and accepts all the sorrows, then God will count it to her. If he starts to grumble, he will make things worse for his soul.

“Well, what do relatives have to do with it? - you ask. “Why should they suffer because grandma can’t eat sweets?” And then, to learn to live with the illnesses of relatives. This is a free lesson in help, kindness, mercy and love.

Because of the sins of their parents, children were left without candy.

You've probably heard about generic passions. This is a condition in which the unrepentant guilt of the parents is transferred to the children. Often this is supplemented by suffering illnesses for sins.

There are indications in the Bible that up to seven tribes can be held accountable for especially serious vices.

Why does this happen? The parents sinned and did not repent. This was passed on to the children. They didn't try to improve either. Their sons and daughters saw vices from birth and thought it was normal. This will continue until someone decides to repent.

Sometimes God creates special conditions for people to improve. Often - at the cost of their health or even the physical condition of their children. The Merciful Father deprives his children of sweets so that spiritual caries does not corrode their souls.

If parents sincerely want to repent, realizing that this was “given to them because of their sins,” and completely change their lives, then won’t God forgive? Forgive me. Will it not heal? If this is really useful for people, then they will receive their long-awaited candy in this life.

The main thing is that, while enjoying its taste, you should not be distracted from the main thing. From saving the soul, of course.

The evil one stole the candy to test the person’s reaction

We are approaching a situation where we will have to answer the question “why does a person get sick” differently. This is not associated with severe vices.

The fact is that sometimes a person suffers physically due to the promptings of the evil one. Why does God allow this? So that a person, even in such difficult circumstances, testifies to the depth of his faith.

There is a wonderful example in the Bible - the story of long-suffering Job. He had everything - health, family, wealth. He thanked the Lord for all these gifts. But then before his eyes it all collapsed.

Evil people took his herds away and killed his children, houses collapsed from the hurricane, animals suffered from the fire... In the end, Job lost his “candy” - he fell ill with leprosy. Dying, all covered with scabs, even in such a coldly trembling difficult situation, he did not grumble against the Lord and ask for his death.

God returned Job's candy and livelihood, and the evil one left, as they say, with his tail between his legs.

The man did not know the taste of sweets, so that later he could receive a sweet gift from the hands of God

Another example of when the “sickness for sins” option does not work. Let's remember the Gospel story about the man born blind.

One day a man came to Christ who had no sight from birth. The apostles were perplexed: was it he who sinned or his parents? To which Jesus replied: It is no one’s fault. The grace of God must simply manifest itself on this person.

That is, the Lord gave “candy” from His own hands to the man born blind.

Why does God take candy from the righteous and not from the sinners?

The question is more than difficult.

You can hear about sick believers: “The Lord has visited.” There is also a biblical quote with the corresponding meaning: “Those whom I love, I rebuke and punish.”

The righteous is not at the first steps of faith, so more trials await him. Christianity understands the dignified enduring of sorrows and illnesses as a way to purify oneself and draw closer to God. Therefore, if the Lord sent a person weakness, it means that He did not forget about him.

With sinners, too, everything happens individually.

But God, unlike man, knows everything. In addition, He always acts only in the way that will be best for a person. For the purpose of saving the sinner. If he is able to accept the option of “sickness for sins,” realize and change, God sends him bodily weakness.

If a person only begins to sin even more and murmur, become despondent and curse the Lord, then why make the soul of such a “patient” even worse?

When answering the question of why a person is sick, it is important to consider many different aspects. In most cases, this occurs due to the fault of the ailing person. And only in some cases the gospel story with the man born blind is repeated. Only one thing is clear: a person can no longer live as before. After all, the Lord visited him.

There is a fairly widespread point of view that if a person does not suffer from acute colds, then his health is fine. It’s so convenient and great - everyone around is sick, but at least he cares. He lives on and doesn't give a damn! Beauty! And it’s convenient for the employer - no sick leave.

Since this does not fully correspond to the real state of affairs, I consider it necessary to at least briefly highlight this issue. We are all different and each case must be assessed individually.

We must not forget that we live in a world that, long before the advent of man, was populated by microbes - viruses and bacteria, which, due to their simpler structure, adapt much better than us. They are ready to use any place they can for their comfortable existence. There is no way to avoid meeting them. But the result of this meeting depends on how sensitive we are to such influence and on our ability to resist it. It is in these qualities that we differ.

To make this issue easier to understand, George Vithoulkas and Eric van Wunsel developed a system of 12 levels of health, grouped into four groups: A, B, C and D. This information is presented in detail in the work of these authors “Levels of Health”.

For example, a person belonging to group A either does not get colds at all, or gets sick rarely - once a year or several years, with a high temperature - more than 38.5 degrees, but recovers briefly on his own, without any treatment, according to the principle of “resting in bed.” and moved on." Fevers in this case are not dangerous, do not lead to deep pathology and do not cause general depression of the immune system. The body can cope with them without outside help and they disappear quickly, leaving no traces. Such a person is the healthiest and does not have any chronic diseases. In cases where the disease is mild, he may not even develop a high temperature - this is simply not necessary, the body copes just fine. And high temperature is an effective protective reaction that makes the presence of infectious agents in the human body uncomfortable. In order to raise body temperature, you need to apply a lot of energy, which is quite enough for a healthy person.

As their defenses decrease, those people who suffer from acute illnesses once a year begin to need treatment, because... feel unwell or continue to cough for several days after the acute condition - they belong to the lower part of group A. They have the lowest immunity in this group of generally healthy people. This is the first of four health groups - healthy people. By the way, their prognosis for homeopathic treatment is the most favorable.

In group B, with a lower level of health, acute diseases that affect the general condition of the patient appear more often. If the body is able to fight them mainly without the help of drugs, this means that the body is at the highest level of group B. If the defenses weaken, then the general consequences of the acute illness remain for a significant period of time (from 10 days to 1 month), for example, they are manifested by fatigue or lack of appetite and already require treatment. With further weakening of immunity, people suffer from recurring acute diseases such as cystitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., who often used traditional medicines such as antibiotics, and yet the return of acute conditions is so frequent that they can fall ill almost every month and continue to take traditional medications almost constantly. Such conditions are now common even in children.

With this suppressive approach to treating acute conditions, immune defenses are further reduced and chronic conditions develop. In this even lower health group - group C - acute inflammation with a high temperature of 38.5 to 40.5 will cease to develop and a serious chronic condition will inevitably appear within a short period of time. In this case, the type of chronic condition will be determined by the genetic predisposition of the patient. The body reaches its limit in dealing with acute inflammation as well as drug exposure and eventually stops developing acute conditions, thus retreating from the “front line of defense” and moving to a deeper line of defense that becomes apparent as chronic symptoms develop. That is, when a person stops suffering from acute diseases, especially with high fever, and develops chronic pathology, this is very bad and indicates improper treatment.

Based on materials from the book “Levels of Health” by George Vithoulkas and Eric van Wunsel.
Moscow, February 2013
