Invitation to a New Year's concert. Invitation to a New Year's corporate event, party, Christmas tree. Survey before a corporate event

Posters announcing the time of the New Year's holiday, postcards with invitations to this event are the focus of all publications in this section.

Children will willingly make original invitation cards for parents, friends and even Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden during creative activities. Colorful cards and invitation cards of the most unusual and whimsical shapes... This creativity will become for them another sign of the approaching magical holiday. And, as you know, the only thing better than a holiday is its joyful anticipation.

Let's invite Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and guests to our Christmas tree beautifully!

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All sections | New Year's invitation. DIY New Year invitation cards

Approximation New Years are waiting for nature and good people! With childhood in a fairy tale - life is easier, As it happens - they don’t look for evil there. Approximation New Year! It brings a feeling of childhood - We part with him reluctantly - Let the big round dance spin! From firecrackers, toys, garlands! And on the street...

This year I became interested in the origami technique and I wanted to make New Year's invitation cards matinee using this technique. This is what we got. Target: develop fine motor skills and creative thinking using technology - origami. Tasks: -teach children various...

New Year's invitation. DIY New Year's invitation cards - Photo report "Invitation of Santa Claus to the New Year's party"

Publication “Photo report “Invitation of Santa Claus to the New Year...”
There is less and less time left until the most magical holiday - the New Year. Young children especially love this holiday, because it brings with it cheerful matinees in kindergarten, and, of course, a fabulous meeting with Santa Claus. Will there be a meeting between the guys and the good...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Direct educational activities on the application “Invitation card to Grandfather Frost” in the senior group Topic of the lesson: “Invitation card to Grandfather Frost” Educational areas: cognitive, social - communicative, speech, physical, artistic - aesthetic development. Goal: to teach children to design invitation cards by selecting and creating appropriate...

Winter is a wonderful time of year when it smells like tangerines, everything sparkles with lights, New Year's gifts lie under the tree, and children look out the window, which Santa Claus decorated with patterns. After all, only at this time is such a wonderful holiday - New Year! And for our children and parents...

Goal: creating a pre-holiday atmosphere, attracting children to creative activities. Objectives: Strengthen the ability to solve riddles. The ability to fold squares in half, into four parts, according to the pattern. The ability to create compositions from ready-made geometric shapes (origami) based on...

New Year's invitation. DIY New Year's invitation cards - Decorating for recreation before the holiday. An unusual invitation to a New Year's party for parents

Recreation design before the New Year's Confusion holiday. Dear colleagues! I present to your attention an unusual invitation to a New Year's party for parents. The need to form and develop independence in children is dictated by the needs of society in...

Does anyone really think about the New Year in December, expecting a holiday, simply because it exists and is clearly written on the calendar! Certainly! These are kids! - Mom, when is New Year already? - they ask on the way from the kindergarten. And even if there is still a month before the holiday, thoughts about gifts, Christmas trees,...

The New Year is on the doorstep and we need to celebrate it in a friendly, interesting and fun way, so that later the whole year we will have warm memories of bright moments. Therefore, we invite you to the New Year on _______ (date) and ask you to appear cheerful, smiling and ready for a grand celebration at _______________________.

Our dear friends and family! It is with great pleasure that we invite you to celebrate the upcoming holiday with us - the New Year. After all, this is a holiday that unites people, encourages them to give smiles and open their hearts. I would like to wish all of us all the best for this holiday. Let's meet him together with happy smiles and cheerful toasts. We are looking forward to seeing you. Happy New Year!

Do you want to feel like a part of the New Year's miracle and plunge into a real fairy tale full of magic, light and happiness? We invite you to attend our evening, where you can plunge into another world, forget about the everyday hustle and bustle and worries!

We invite you to celebrate the New Year! We would like to share with you the magical moments of the holiday and raise our glasses in a friendly circle for the fulfillment of all our desires! We will celebrate the New Year with smiles and laughter as a cheerful company! The lights of the garlands will leave the anticipation of accomplishments in your soul for the whole year and will give you a good mood. Waiting for you!

Dear friends, we invite you to attend our holiday in honor of the approaching New Year! We offer you a wonderful atmosphere in friendly company with prizes and good mood.

The holiday does not sleep at the gates, it is already in a hurry. Come celebrate it with us and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of fun, warmth and comfort. Be sure to take with you a good mood, a huge bag of wishes and a handful of wishes!

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s time to start preparing. Let's make this holiday truly magical, fun, bright and celebrate it with a friendly company. We invite you to the celebration of a decorated Christmas tree, colorful lights, sparkling champagne, delicious Olivier salad and colorful fireworks of joy, emotions and miracles.

We invite you to the New Year, because it is a holiday of joy and happiness, moments of fun and new hopes. Together we will make our wishes, think about all the good things, and all these good things will certainly happen to us in the new year. We are waiting for you at the holiday, because with you this New Year will be brighter, more fun and more amazing!

With great hope and sincere joy, I invite you to celebrate the New Year in a wonderful and cheerful atmosphere, in bright colors and twinkling lights. May all our wishes come true in the New Year, may a good and beautiful miracle unite our hearts with hope and love. I look forward to a warm new year together.

Our dear family and friends! We really want to share with you a wonderful holiday - New Year! We invite you to visit us to celebrate the New Year and spend the old year in our friendly company. We promise: it will be fun, there will be a gorgeous Christmas tree, fiery music and delicious food, not to mention dizzying champagne!

On the eve of the winter holidays, many users want to find original invitation templates for the New Year 2019. This type of invitation is intended not only for private events, but also for kindergarten, corporate events, school, etc. There are several options for where to get invitation templates: order at salon, download for free on a specialized web resource, do it yourself, create in graphic editors or online services. We suggest downloading a gallery of New Year's sources for Photoshop in PSD format or printing the images. We also recommend reading a few tips on how to write an invitation correctly.

In the Year of the Pig, the most relevant image for designing an invitation will be the totem animal according to the Chinese calendar. Especially pictures with a pig will look original in kindergarten or primary school. Children and their relatives will definitely love this graphic design. But corporate events require a completely different style than in a preschool educational institution. And if foreign partners or clients are planned to be present at the meeting, you need to compose the text in English.

How to write an invitation correctly

First of all, you need to take into account that the original picture is not the main component of the invitation card. The text is of primary importance. The goal is for a person to feel the importance and energy of the event and want to attend it.

  1. It is recommended to compose a text of 4 – 7 short sentences divided into 2 – 3 paragraphs.
  2. You should not write dry formal phrases. It is better to replace them with lines that set the tone of the party and lift the mood.
  3. Poems cannot be used for official corporate events. Only prose composed personally will do. For private, children's, friendly and school events, you can find on the Internet or come up with cool invitations in verse. There are no strict rules here. The main thing is that the recipient feels the whole holiday atmosphere.
  4. There is no need to send invitations by mail, but it is better to hand them out in person. This is a reliable way to find out whether a guest will be able to attend New Year's Eve.

New Year's invitation - templates for Photoshop

If you are familiar with working in this graphic editor, then we offer several interesting templates in multi-layer PSD format. If not, then you can ask friends or relatives to take up this matter. Surely you have a friend who has at least basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

Download sources >>

Download templates for printing on a printer

This gallery contains beautiful images of invitation sheets. The dimensions allow you to print pictures on A4 paper using a laser, inkjet or matrix printer. You can also choose special envelopes.

Letter No. 1

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We invite you to the annual corporate party, which will take place on December 28, 2015 at the Astoria restaurant at the address: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 26.

This year has been quite successful for our business and largely thanks to your merits. We sincerely hope that at the party you will be able to relax and at least for a while forget about work issues.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 2

Dear Colleagues!

You put a lot of effort into your last project and it brought amazing results to our company. As a sign of gratitude, we are throwing a small corporate party, and, of course, we invite you to join us.

The party will take place next Saturday, 03/15/2015 at the address: Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 26. Party start time: 19:00.

We will be glad to see you!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 3

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

In honor of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Innovation company, we are throwing a festive party. Since our company has been cooperating with you for many years, you have also contributed to the success of our activities. We value such a responsible business partner as you, and therefore we ask you to join us on our holiday.

The party will take place on March 15, 2015 at 19:00 at the address: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 26.


Innovation company

Letter No. 4

Dear Colleagues!

We value the responsibility, dedication and efficiency that our employees possess, but at the same time we understand that work productivity is impossible without good rest. We decided to surprise you and give you a small holiday. This Saturday, April 15, 2015, we invite you to a corporate picnic, where you can relax, chat with colleagues and enjoy the beauty of nature.

A transfer will be organized to the picnic site.

Meeting at 10:00 near the main entrance to the office.

We hope that you will accept our invitation!


Directorate of the company "Innovation"

Letter No. 5

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We invite you and your family to our annual party! At the party you will find a banquet, entertainment program and, of course, pleasant communication with colleagues.

The holiday is approaching. Please your colleagues and partners - organize an event. Send invitations to the New Year's corporate party in advance! Find out how to compose them correctly, use 5 ready-made texts.

From the article you will learn:

Related materials:

Who should I send an invitation to the New Year's corporate party?

Leaders have long considered corporate events as a tool development of the company’s internal policy, a chance to increase the client base and expand the list of useful contacts. In an informal setting, you can evaluate people’s personal qualities, their style of behavior, and manner of communication.

Send an invitation to those people who are important to the company and are directly involved in its development. They can be divided into three groups, and the text of the invitation for each of them should be different.

  1. Gold category - sponsors, managers

Take a personal approach when writing your invitation text. Avoid familiarity, humorous texts and poems. Deliver cards in person. Do this in advance - ideally a month in advance, because people must have time to plan their schedule in such a way that they have free time at the appointed hour.

  1. Company employees - employees of all levels

It’s up to you to compose the text of an invitation to a New Year’s corporate party for everyone or use a standard template for everyone. The first option is preferable, but if the organization has a large staff, it will take a lot of time to prepare postcards. A general invitation will make the task easier. Print out a colorful poster and place it in a visible place.

Rules of the competition for the best New Year's greetings

Download the rules in full

  1. Other persons - suppliers, business partners, media representatives

Before you send out cards or hang up a poster, make a list of people. Check that you have included everyone. If you have a limited budget, think about who you can not invite to the corporate event - this could be presented by the media and other persons who are not directly involved in the development of the company. Make an announcement about the New Year's corporate party 2 weeks before the date of celebration. Check to see if those invited will be able to come.

How to make an invitation and announcement for a New Year's corporate party for employees

Before drawing up invitations and generally preparing for the holiday, conduct a survey among employees. With its help, you can take into account the opinion of the majority and avoid dissatisfaction on the part of your subordinates.

Survey before a corporate event

Choose in what color scheme and form the invitation to the New Year's corporate party for employees will be issued. The appearance of an insert or postcard with winter symbols evokes positive emotions, but everything should be in moderation.

Invitation to a corporate event: text

Make sure that the text is readable against the background of the pictures. Don't choose small font.

In your invitation to colleagues to a New Year's corporate party or announcement for employees, partners, sponsors and others, include about 6-8 sentences, divided into several paragraphs:

  • contact the invitee, indicate the reason for the appointment;
  • describe the nature of the event, clarify important details;
  • write the time and location of the corporate event.

Note! Be sure to indicate in the invitation whether you can take accompanying persons with you and what dress code to adhere to. If you are planning a themed corporate event, such as a carnival, write this.

Sample memo before a corporate event

Download the full memo

Invitation to a New Year's corporate party: sample text

If you don't have time to prepare custom cards, use a template. Entrust sending out invitations to a secretary or other employee, but be sure to control the process.

Inviting colleagues to a New Year's corporate party: sample text No. 1

Invitation to a New Year's corporate party: sample text No. 2


Thank you for your fruitful cooperation and contribution to the development of the company. We invite you to the New Year's corporate party, which we organize in honor of our partners, employees, and friends. On the eve of the New 20... Year, we will all gather together to have fun in a festive atmosphere, wish each other success and victories.

May the coming year bring only pleasant changes, and may every day be fruitful in your work and successful in your personal life!

We will inform you about the time and place of the celebration later.


employees ………………………….

Inviting colleagues to a New Year's corporate party: sample text No. 3

Dear ...!

In searching for the meaning of life, it becomes obvious that wealth is not about accumulating material wealth. It is important to realize that there are true friends and partners nearby, tested by time and actions.

We will be glad to meet you at Christmas dinner... December 20... at... o'clock in the restaurant... at.... We hope that the festive evening with colleagues, partners and friends will become a pleasant and interesting event.

Download these and 2 more invitation texts

For young employees, a cool invitation to a New Year's corporate party is suitable. It can be written in poetry or prose. Compose it yourself, with the help of colleagues, or use a suitable template. The main thing is to remember to indicate the time and place of celebration.
