Nils' journey summary read. The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese of Selma Lagerlöf. Analysis of the fairy tale The Wonderful Journey of Nils with Wild Geese

In one small Swedish village there lived a boy whose name was Nils. In appearance there was nothing special about him. Except that he really loved to play pranks. At school he got bad marks because he yawned in class, destroyed birds' nests in the forest, and in his yard he threw stones at cows and pulled a cat's tail. He also loved to tease and chase geese and chickens. But when he was twelve years old, an incredible adventure happened to him.

Mother and father went to a neighboring village for a fair, and their son was ordered to stay at home and do his homework. But it was not there,

It was March outside, and the boy was in such a mood that he wanted to scream and run through puddles, rather than sit at home on such a wonderful day off. The boy dozed off while reading a textbook, but when he heard some rustling, he woke up.

There was no one in the room, but then he saw that the chest in which mother stores her outfits was open. Nils remembered well that before leaving, his mother checked the lock and it was locked. The boy saw a funny little man crawling along the edge. Nils grabbed the net and caught the gnome in the net.

The gnome asked to let him go in exchange for a gold coin, but Nils decided to play a joke on him and ended up being bewitched by the gnome. He became the same tiny man as the gnome. Nils decided to find him and ask him to break the spell. Nils went out into the yard and saw a sparrow chirping loudly; the boy was surprised to discover that he understood the language of birds and animals. Geese and chickens began to peck at him mercilessly, and although the cat knew where to look for the gnome, he did not tell him anything.

At this time, a flock of geese flew past from the south, they began to persuade poultry to fly with them. One young white goose, named Martin, followed them, Nils hung on his neck to detain him and did not notice how he ended up high in the sky. He crawled onto his back and flew like that, looking at the fields and forests below. They flew all day, and only in the evening Martin began to fall behind. Once he even fell, but found strength in himself, and they continued on their way. Night fell and the flock landed.

The white goose lay exhausted, but Martin dragged him to the water and he was able to drink. This is how their friendship began. The flock was against man, and only when the boy saved one of the wild geese from a fox was he allowed to fly with them to Lapland. Five days of travel passed. The worst thing for Martin was getting food for himself. He did not eat what the geese brought; he had to look for fallen nuts. One day he was severely bitten by ants, and the flock had to stay for three days.

The next stop was a castle surrounded by mountains. No people lived here, it was inhabited by various animals and birds, and everything was fine. But this time the inhabitants of the castle were threatened by an invasion of huge rats. They were going to break into the castle that night with their countless hordes.

The head goose of the flock told Nils that he must save everyone. She told him how best to do it. And when at night a flock of gray rats climbed into the castle and began to greedily absorb the grain, the pipe began to play. The rats ran as if enchanted to her magical sound. Martin, playing, led them to the lake and got into the boat. So all the rats drowned. Later Nils learned that the dwarf gave this pipe.

A holiday began on Mount Kulaberg, where all the birds and animals gathered. Nils, as a hero, was allowed to visit him with everyone. Never before had any person seen such games. True, the holiday was overshadowed by a fox attack on the pack, but he was immediately punished. The geese flew further north.

The magpie told the fox where the flock would stop for the night and he ran after them. He persuaded both the marten and the otter to attack the geese, but they were prevented by a brave little boy. The angry fox promised the main goose to leave them alone if Nils was given to him. Akka refused him. Then he inspired the crows to grab Martin, and they would have succeeded if not for the boy’s natural ingenuity and courage. As a result, the fox paid for his bloodthirstiness with freedom.

Their next stop was the city. People were already asleep, but Nils wanted to take a walk. He wandered the streets until he saw a bronze statue. Nils teased her a little and went further when he suddenly heard her steps. The boy started to run and ran into a wooden man. He picked it up and put it under his hat. Later, from their conversation, Nils realized that the bronze one was the king, and the wooden one was the boatswain.

The flock continued its flight to Lapland. The boy later saved a family of bears. And just before the final destination, people grabbed Martin to kill him. Nils made his way into the house and, cutting the ropes, saved his friend. Finally the whole flock flew to the northern country. Everyone began to settle down there.

They got themselves families, chicks, and made homes. Nils met many people in the north. But now it's time to fly home. From the eagle, the boy learned a spell that could save him, but to do this, there had to be someone who wanted to trade with him.

They flew for a long time and finally, their native village. Nils saw his parents who were sad about him. Then one young gosling wanted to become as small as the boy. Nils cast a spell and everything changed. He is big again, and his parents run to him in tears.

Year: 1906 Genre: story

Main characters: the young man Nils Holgersson, the gnome Brownie, the gander Martin and Nils' friends - Aza and Mats.

This story is about a boy who lived with his family in one of the villages in Switzerland.

Nils Holgerson, that’s the name of our hero, was a 12-year-old hooligan who more than once got into trouble with local boys, mocked animals, throwing stones at them and pulling their tails. Nils, like many boys his age, did not want to study or obey his parents at all.

Nils' adventures began on one of the most ordinary spring days, when his parents, leaving on business, strictly ordered him not to leave the house and do his homework. After meeting a dwarf who didn’t like Nils’s ridicule and decided to teach him a lesson by shrinking him to his own size, the tomboy had to endure a lot of trials and adventures. In search of an evil forest gnome, the boy managed to travel with wild geese to Lapland, tagging along with his pet goose Martin, save an ancient castle from a rat invasion, help a baby squirrel return to its parent's nest, and help the bears escape from the hunter. Nils also met with people - he fought with the cook for Martin’s life, helped the writer restore manuscripts, and talked with animated statues. All this time, fighting off the attacks of the cunning fox Smirre. These and many other obstacles awaited him on his way to Lapland.

Along the way, Nils had to make friends with nature and himself, find a way to break the spell, and eventually return home and turn from a bully into a good boy.

This book tells not only about the wonderful nature of Switzerland and a breathtaking journey, but also teaches readers good things and makes them think about our actions. The little boy Nils showed by his example that by doing good and helping those in trouble, you only become stronger, making new friends, and becoming pride for your parents.

Picture or drawing Lagerlöf - Nils's Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese

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Nils' Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese

Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige

Micro paraphrase: The gnome turns the main character Nils Holgersson into a dwarf, and the boy makes a fascinating journey on a goose from Sweden to Lapland and back. On his way to Lapland, he meets a flock of wild geese flying along the Gulf of Bothnia, and with them he looks into remote areas of Scandinavia. As a result, Nils visits all the provinces of Sweden, gets into various adventures and learns a lot about the geography, history and culture of each province of his homeland.

Fourteen-year-old Nils Holgersson lives in a small peasant yard in the very south of Sweden, bringing only trouble to his parents, because he is lazy and angry by nature. One day at the end of March, for another evil trick, a kind gnome who lived in Nils’s house turns him into a gnome. Martin the gander intends to join a caravan of wild geese that are about to fly to Lapland. Nils is going to prevent this, but nothing comes of it, because he is a baby himself: the gander simply puts him on his back. After Nils helped several animals in trouble, the leader of the flock, the old and wise goose Akki, decides that it is time for Nils to return home to his parents and that he can become human again. But Nils wants to continue traveling with the geese around Sweden rather than turn back. Now our hero continues to travel with the geese, and learns the nature of his country, its history, culture and cities. At the same time, he experiences many dangerous adventures, during which he has to make a moral choice.

In parallel, the story of the peasant girl Aza and her little brother Mats is described. They are friends of Nils, who often guarded the geese together. Suddenly their mother and all their brothers and sisters die. Many people think that this is the curse of one gypsy woman. Aza and Mats' father leaves his children due to poverty and becomes a miner in Malmberg, in northern Sweden. One day, Aza and Mats learn that their mother and brothers and sisters did not die from a gypsy curse, but as a result of tuberculosis. They go to their father to tell him about this. During the trip, they learn what tuberculosis is and how to fight it. Soon Aza and Mats arrive in Malmberg, where Mats dies in an accident. Having buried her brother, Aza meets with her father: now they are together again!

In autumn, Nils returns from Lapland with wild geese. Before continuing his journey across the Baltic Sea to Pomerania, the gander Martin drops Nils off in the yard of his parents, who are already worried about the disappearance of their son. They catch the gander and already want to kill him, but Nils does not allow them to do this, because they have become true friends with Martin. At this moment he turns back into a human.

I would never have thought that this book was intended as a geography textbook. Yes Yes! "" Selma Lagerlöf wrote for schoolchildren to teach about the geography and history of Sweden. Written on the basis of folk tales and legends, the book told about very serious things - the historical and cultural traditions of Sweden.

Fairy Tale Selma Lagerlöf« The wonderful journey of Nils with geese"one of the most read and revered books by Scandinavian writers. The book received wide acclaim throughout the world. Written in 1906-1907, it was translated into Russian in Russia and first published in 1908. But she began to gain ardent fans only in 1940, when Z.M. Zadunayskaya and A.I. Lyubarskaya retold it in a more free version, for children. In their treatment of the book Selma Lagerlöf « The Wonderful Journey of Nils Holgersson in Sweden” was significantly shortened, simplifying the storyline and historical details. They turned a Swedish geography textbook into a good, instructive story, a simple fairy tale.

There lived a mischievous and mischievous boy, Nils, in a small Swedish village. He teased geese, shot sparrows with a slingshot, destroyed birds' nests, threw stones at cows, painfully pulled the cat's tail, and got away with all his pranks. But the cruel joke on the forest gnome was not in vain for Nils. The gnome did not allow himself to be offended and bewitched the mischievous man, making him a little man, his sprout from the gnome. Let him feel what it’s like to be so small and defenseless! That’s when Nils got his nuts from both the sparrows and the cat. At this time, a flock of wild geese flew past; with their ridicule, they lured the pet gander Martin from the yard with them to Lapland. Nils grabbed the goose and flew away. On the very first night, Nils saved a goose from the flock from a fox. In gratitude, the geese allowed the little man and the domestic goose to fly with them. And so began the wonderful journey of Nils Holgerson from Västmenhög with wild geese. But not just a trip, but real adventures. Nils helped the inhabitants of the ancient castle get rid of the raid of gray rats, saved a family of bears from hunters, and returned to the squirrel a baby squirrel that had fallen from the nest. During the trip I made friends with many animals and birds. Nils also found out how to remove the curse placed on him. Only when he became little did Nils realize how much trouble and insult he brought with his pranks. Together with Martin and his family, Nils returned home to his parents as a real man. Having lifted the gnome's spell from himself, he began to live his former human life, but he never again offended animals and birds, and respected his parents. He also became the best student in the class, because during the trip he learned so much about the history, culture and geography of his homeland. Just think, this book is 105 years old, but today it is more relevant than ever. The value of this fairy tale is that Nils, from a mischievous boy, becomes a kind and caring boy who knows how to empathize. This tale is about kindness, mutual assistance and friendship.

A very interesting and educational tale by a famous Scandinavian writer Selma Lagerlöf, Nobel Prize winner, the first woman to be an honorary member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Which, moreover, is considered the pinnacle of her literary work.

In 1955, based on the fairy tale " Nils' Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese» Selma Lagerlöf The cartoon “The Enchanted Boy” was created at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.

Interesting and informative reading for you!

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Fairy tale by Selma Lagerlöf, summary: “Nils’s Adventure with the Wild Geese”

February 11, 2017

In 1907, Selma Lagerlöf wrote a textbook fairy tale for Swedish children, “Nils's Adventure with the Wild Geese.” The author told a lot of interesting things about the history of Sweden, its geography, and wildlife. From every page of the book, love for one’s native country flows, presented in an entertaining way. This was immediately appreciated by readers, and in 1909, by members of the Nobel Committee for Literature, who presented her with a prize for the children's book “Nils's Adventure with the Wild Geese.” You will find chapter summaries below.

How Nils went on a trip

In a remote Swedish village there lived a boy whose name was Nils Holgersson. He loved to misbehave, often even in an angry way. At school he was lazy and got bad grades. At home he pulled the cat by the tail, chased chickens, ducks, geese, kicked and hurt cows.

We began to get acquainted with the abridged version of the fairy tale book and present its brief content. “Nils's Adventure with the Wild Geese” is a work where miracles begin from the first pages. On Sunday, his parents went to a neighboring village for a fair, and Nils was given “Instructions” to read, a thick book that told about how good it is to be good and how bad it is to be bad. While reading a long book, Nils dozed off, and woke up from a rustling sound and discovered that the chest in which his mother kept all the most valuable things was open. There was no one in the room, and Nils remembered that before leaving, his mother checked the lock. He noticed a funny little man sitting on the edge of the chest and looking at its contents. The boy grabbed a net and caught the little man in it.

He turned out to be a gnome and asked Nils to let him go. For this he promised a gold coin. Nils let the gnome go, but immediately regretted not asking for a hundred coins and swung the net again. But he got hit and fell to the floor.

We have presented only a very brief summary. “Nils's Adventure with the Wild Geese” is a book by a Swedish writer that has long become a brand.

When Nils came to his senses, everything in the room miraculously changed. All familiar things became terribly large. Then Nils realized that he himself had become as small as a gnome. He went out into the yard and was surprised to learn that he understood the language of birds and animals. Everyone mocked him and said that he deserved such a punishment. The cat, whom Nils politely asked to tell him where the gnome lived, refused him because the boy often offended him.

At this time, a flock of wild gray geese flew from the south. In mockery, they began to call their family to follow them. Nils' mother's favorite Martin ran after them, and Nils grabbed him by the neck to hold him back, so they flew out of the yard. By evening, Martin began to lag behind the flock, arriving last when everyone was settling down for the night. Nils dragged the exhausted Martin to the water, and he drank. This is how their friendship began.

Insidious Smirre

In the evening, the flock moved to a large ice floe in the middle of the lake. All the geese were against the man who was traveling with them. The wise Akka Kebnekaise, the leader of the pack, said that she would make a decision regarding whether Nils should fly further with them in the morning. Everyone fell asleep.

We continue to retell the work of Selma Lagerlöf and give its summary. “Nils's Adventure with Wild Geese” shows what changes are happening to Nils. At night, the boy woke up from the flapping of wings - the whole flock soared upward. The red fox Smirre remained on the ice floe. He held a gray goose in his teeth and moved ashore to eat it.

Nils pricked the fox in the tail with a penknife so painfully that he released the goose, which immediately flew away. The whole flock flew in to save Nils. The geese outwitted Smirre and took the boy with them. Now no one said that a man in a flock of geese is a great danger.

Nils saves everyone from rats

A flock of geese stopped to spend the night in an old castle. People have not lived in it for a long time, but only animals and birds. It became known that huge evil rats want to populate it. Akka Kebnekaise handed Nils the pipe. He played it, and all the rats, lined up in a chain, obediently followed the musician. He led them to the lake, got on the boat and swam, the rats one after another followed him and drowned. So they were gone. The castle and its inhabitants were saved.

Here is just a short summary. "Nils's Adventure with the Wild Geese" - A very interesting and exciting story, which is better read in the author's version.

In the ancient capital

Nils and the geese had more than one adventure. Later the flock stopped for the night in the old town. Nils decided to take a walk at night. He met the wooden boatswain and the bronze king, who came down from the pedestal and chased the boy who was teasing him. The boatswain hid it under his hat. And then morning came, and the king went to his place. The work “Nils’s Adventure with the Wild Geese” continues to unfold before you. A summary without interesting details describes all the events.


After many adventures, when, for example, Martin was caught by people and almost eaten, the flock reached Lapland. All the geese began to make nests and have offspring. The short northern summer ended, the goslings grew older, and the whole flock began to gather south. Soon, very soon, Nils' adventure with the wild geese will end. The summary of the work we are covering is still not as interesting as the original.

Returning home, or How Nils turned into an ordinary boy

Flying over Nils's parents' house, Martin the goose wanted to show his children his native poultry yard. He couldn’t tear himself away from the feeder with oats and kept saying that the food here was always so delicious. The goslings and Nils hurried him. Suddenly Nils' mother came in and was happy that Martin was back and could be sold at the fair in two days. The boy's parents grabbed the unfortunate goose and were about to kill it. Nils bravely promised Martin to save him and rushed after his parents.

Suddenly the knife fell out of the father’s hands, and he let go of the goose, and the mother exclaimed: “Nils, dear, how you have grown and become prettier.” It turned out that he turned into an ordinary person.

S. Lagerlöf’s wise book “Nils’s Adventure with the Wild Geese,” the contents of which we briefly recounted, says that while the boy had a small, evil soul, he was a dwarf. When his soul became large and open to good deeds, the dwarf returned him to his original human appearance.
