Queso cheese sauce. Mexican cheese sauce "Chile con queso"

Made from melted cheese, chili peppers, tomatoes and various spices, common in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine, as well as in the United States. Often eaten with corn chips (nachos) - together these dishes are a very popular snack.

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Excerpt describing Chile con queso

There were no inhabitants in Moscow, and the soldiers, like water into sand, were sucked into it and, like an unstoppable star, spread out in all directions from the Kremlin, which they entered first of all. The cavalry soldiers, entering a merchant's house abandoned with all its goods and finding stalls not only for their horses, but also extra ones, still went nearby to occupy another house, which seemed better to them. Many occupied several houses, writing in chalk who occupied it, and arguing and even fighting with other teams. Before they could fit in, the soldiers ran outside to inspect the city and, hearing that everything had been abandoned, rushed to where they could take away valuables for nothing. The commanders went to stop the soldiers and themselves unwittingly became involved in the same actions. In Carriage Row there were shops with carriages, and the generals crowded there, choosing carriages and carriages for themselves. The remaining residents invited their leaders to their place, hoping to thereby protect themselves from robbery. There was an abyss of wealth, and there was no end in sight; everywhere, around the place that the French occupied, there were still unexplored, unoccupied places, in which, as it seemed to the French, there was even more wealth. And Moscow sucked them in further and further. Just as when water pours onto dry land, water and dry land disappear; in the same way, due to the fact that a hungry army entered an abundant, empty city, the army was destroyed, and the abundant city was destroyed; and there was dirt, fires and looting.

Chili con Queso or translated from Spanish - chili with cheese. Favorite dip sauce in Mexican cuisine. It is impossible to put store-bought sauces in your mouth: they are either too salty or the added starch turns the sauce into a paste. Why put salty glue in your mouth when you can enjoy it? delicious sauce, cooked at home? Stock up on a huge bag of nacho chips and make some warm, mildly spicy sauce to go with them.

The same sauce goes well with any dish with chicken, salad, or rice.


    1 medium tomato

    1 kg chopped mild green chillies

    1.5 tbsp. butter

    1 small onion

    1/2 cup milk

    1/2 teaspoon hot (or mild) chili powder

    1 tsp corn starch

    2 cloves garlic

    350 grams cheddar

How to make cheese sauce:

    Take a tomato and get rid of the seeds, finely chop the onion, garlic, and fresh chili pepper.

    Fry all the vegetables in butter until soft and add ground chili pepper.

    Stirring constantly, add starch, then slowly pour in milk. Wait until it boils and thickens, stirring continuously.

    Reduce heat and add half of the grated cheese to the mixture and wait until the cheese is completely melted. Make sure the mixture does not boil. Stir constantly.

    Add the remaining half of the grated cheese and wait until it melts.

    Give it a try. Need salt? Add as you like.

    The finished chili sauce should be served hot with chips. If it's cold, you can always reheat it in the microwave.

Chili con queso is one of the most famous Mexican dip sauces (dip means an original sauce that is not poured onto food, but rather, food is dipped into the sauce). It was invented at the border of the 16th and 17th centuries, when the first conquistadors came to the wild lands of the Mexican Indians. Translated from Spanish it means “pepper with cheese.”

Before the arrival of the Spaniards, the local Mexican population ate mainly beans, hot pepper, cacti and tomatoes. The conquistadors taught the Mexicans how to make cheese, eat meat, rice, olive oil and drink wine. Two culinary traditions mixed, forming a unique Mexican cuisine, which UNESCO took under personal protection, recognizing it as an object of world cultural heritage.

The sauce that we are going to prepare now originated at the intersection of two culinary cultures, Spanish and Indian. It contains the most popular Mexican spice, chili peppers, tomatoes and a gift from the Spanish conquistadors - hard cheese.

But this sauce is best served with traditional Mexican dishes in their pure, unmixed form - nacho corn chips, for example. The con quesoi was not bad in combination with meat, minced meat, rice, tartilla. But in fact, you can eat whatever you want with this sauce, whatever you think is delicious. There are no restrictions.

The only rule: do not buy this sauce ready-made in the store. It looks more like a semi-finished rubber product or a salty paste and cannot be compared with the homemade version of the dish.

Product composition

The range of ingredients and spices for the sauce is small. The most expensive ingredient in this culinary story is cheese. You should only use cheeses that melt well. For example, cheddar, gouda, Monterrey jack. If you choose the wrong cheese, the sauce will not work.

So, you will need:

  • Cheese - 200 g;
  • Cow's milk - half a glass;
  • Garlic - 3 medium cloves;
  • Large tomato - 1 pc. (meaty, “cream” type);
  • Mexican spices - to taste;
  • Hot fresh chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Corn starch - half a teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - 1 tbsp. for frying.

Cooking procedure

First, finely chop the garlic. It needs to be cut, not crushed or grated.

Remove seeds and stems from the chili pepper. Cut into small cubes.

Place the frying pan on the fire, pour oil into it and add pepper, spices and garlic. And while they are “warming up” in the pan, quickly free the tomato from seeds and juice. We only need the pulp in this sauce. Chop it as finely as the pepper and combine it in a frying pan with the rest of the ingredients.

Let this aromatic mixture warm up for 2-3 minutes, then pour in the milk (not all of it - leave about 50 grams for mixing with starch).

Stirring, bring the milk to a boil, and proceed to the most important part of making chili con queso - adding the cheese. Place thinly sliced ​​cheese into boiling milk and stir until cheese is completely melted.

At the same time, mix cornstarch with cold milk and pour into the mixture in a frying pan. Starch will allow you to bring the sauce to the desired thickness. As soon as you see that the sauce has become like thick sour cream, turn it off and serve.

  • If your cheese still doesn't melt, don't worry. Of course, you won't get Mexican sauce from it, but if you squeeze out the excess liquid, you'll get an excellent cheese snack. Just like our sauce, it can be served with meat, but this cheese will be even tastier when combined with red wine. As a stand-alone dish, the appetizer will be an excellent addition to tomatoes.
  • If you overheat the sauce after adding the starch and your con queso becomes too thick, add a splash of milk, stirring continuously. The sauce will thin out.
  • For frying ingredients, you can use not vegetable oil (olive oil), but fatty oil. butter. The taste of the sauce will be slightly different, more creamy. Many people like this particular aroma that the sauce inherits from cow butter. However, in classic recipe Vegetable olive oil is still used for frying vegetables. But if sunflower oil can be used, it can only be refined.