Is a dark spot on a tooth necessarily caries? Causes, symptoms and treatment of initial caries in the stain stage. Professional approach to treatment

We all want to have beautiful and healthy teeth. For them to remain so, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of initial caries in time in order to take adequate measures to prevent its further development.

Even if you go to the dentist every six months for an appointment, it is far from a fact that during this time the carious process from its initial form, for example, from the white spot stage, will not have time to develop further, affecting the dentin of the tooth. Then dental treatment without the use of a drill is unlikely to be avoided.

So, if you notice suspicious white spots on your teeth, and even more so brownish or even almost black, and also periodically there is a setback in your mouth (a feeling of astringency or an astringent aftertaste) - with a high probability we can say that caries has already begun its destructive work on the enamel of your teeth.

What is the initial caries and its causes

For a better understanding of what initial caries is and why it occurs, let's remember the structure of the tooth. Namely, that the topmost and most durable part of it is enamel. If hygiene behind the oral cavity is unsatisfactory, then as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms in the mouth, organic acids are formed from carbohydrates (primarily from sugar), and plaque forms on the surface of the enamel.

Tooth enamel consists of compounds of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine, as well as a protein matrix, which, like a mesh, permeates the entire structure. With prolonged exposure to acids on the enamel, mineral components are washed out of it - this process is called enamel demineralization and is the main cause of initial caries.

As a result, white chalky spots appear on the surface of the teeth - areas of demineralization. Initial caries at this stage is also called white spot caries. At the same time, the tooth enamel looks even smooth, but it is already losing its luster, its hardness in such areas decreases somewhat, it becomes more porous (see photo):

This is interesting

Enamel demineralization at the initial stages of the carious process is reversible. Numerous experimental and clinical studies have shown that the crystal structure of enamel can be successfully restored due to the intake of mineral components from the outside - primarily calcium, phosphorus and fluorine compounds. However, such remineralization is possible only with a certain degree of destruction of hard tissues.

The limit that determines the possibility of such a remineralizing treatment is the preservation of the enamel protein matrix. If the protein matrix has not yet had time to collapse during the initial caries, then, due to its inherent features, it is able to absorb calcium ions and phosphate ions from the outside, which eventually crystallize in its structure with the restoration of the protective properties and hardness of the enamel.

Initial caries in the white spot stage is especially noticeable on the front upper and lower teeth: it is enough to stand in front of the mirror and slightly dry the surface of the tooth. Areas of demineralization appear as white spots (the so-called white caries). However, it is quite obvious that the pathological process is far from being limited in its localization to the front teeth, it can occur on almost any tooth and any of its surfaces.

The dentist says:

“It should be noted that white spots on the enamel may also indicate a non-carious lesion (for example, enamel hypoplasia). Is it worth it to worry about looking at such areas? I don’t know, but I personally have a white spot on one tooth, which I noticed about 5-7 years ago in front of the mirror. Before that, I did not notice, but the first time I really panicked, looking at the site of change in the upper lateral incisor. I didn’t do anything, but after a while I realized that this is hypoplasia - underdevelopment of enamel since childhood.

It's better not to do what I did. Then I clearly imagined that such spots could not be caries and did not play it safe in the dentist's chair. Having initial knowledge on this issue, I made the correct preliminary diagnosis in absentia and was not mistaken.

The increased porosity of the demineralized areas of the enamel leads to the fact that the initial caries from the stage of a white spot quickly passes into the stage of a dark spot. At the same time, carious tissues are pigmented with various coloring substances and acquire shades from light brown to dark brown, almost black.

However, let's talk about the clinical manifestations of initial caries in more detail, since it is important to be able to recognize the problem at the initial stages of its appearance in order to take action in time.

Clinical manifestations of pathology

It is believed that with the initial caries, the standard symptom is a periodic feeling of a sense of soreness in the mouth by a person that occurs when sour, sweet or salty foods get on the teeth. At the same time, strong pain sensations, such as, for example, in the case of dentin caries (the main tooth tissue under the enamel), do not occur, which is the peculiar insidiousness of the initial caries - a person can walk with him for a long time, not even suspecting that the enamel his teeth are gradually destroyed.

However, in practice, patients do not always complain of a sense of soreness, especially in the early stages of initial caries.

On a note

Tooth enamel is devoid of nerve endings and consists of almost 97% of inorganic substances. The thickness of the enamel in different parts of the tooth varies significantly, practically disappearing at the neck of the tooth. Accordingly, strong pain during caries will be felt only when the carious process gets through the enamel below, to the dentin, penetrated by microscopic tubules with nerve endings.

However, tooth sensitivity can be caused not only by the appearance of demineralization zones, but also by increased enamel abrasion (when brushing your teeth and pressing the brush in the cervical areas), as well as a banal violation of the density (or structure) of the enamel, when the process of "conduction" occurs without the appearance of initial caries » cold and hot from enamel to deep tissues.

The enamel itself, of course, has no nerve endings, and its structure is constantly changing even without the initial carious zones. However, for some people, it is enough for a couple of days to press excessively on the cervical areas with a toothbrush so that they are afraid to even touch sensitive areas for the next 2-3 days.

The clinical manifestations of initial caries include a change in the color of the tooth, as already mentioned above. In this case, the following shades are observed as the pathological process develops:

  • natural shade of the tooth, but matte;
  • White;
  • beige;
  • light brown;
  • dark brown;
  • the black.

You may be surprised, but black dots or stripes on the teeth in the area of ​​fissures (the natural topography of the tooth surface) do not mean that the tooth is irreparably rotten and everything is very bad with it. There are really problems with him, but this condition may well be one of the clinical manifestations of the initial caries. And he, as you remember, can be quite reversible in some cases.

The photo below shows approximately the initial caries in the area of ​​the fissures of the tooth:

From the point of view of a professional dentist, the clinical picture of initial caries is complemented by a number of significant nuances. So, for example, the doctor will definitely check the condition of the enamel using a dental probe - with initial caries in the white spot stage, the tip should slide over the surface, since the enamel still retains a fairly high hardness.

With a deeper demineralization process, probing may reveal some roughness, reduced hardness. The patient may experience some slight pain.

Methods for diagnosing initial caries

There are several widely used methods for diagnosing initial caries, which make it possible to reliably differentiate it from other pathological conditions of the teeth. The simplest of them is the above-mentioned drying of tooth enamel. The areas of demineralization at the same time look dull, often whitish (loss of enamel luster is a characteristic sign of initial caries).

With the location of dark spots in the fissures, it can be quite difficult for the doctor to determine whether this is really the initial caries, or is it a more deeply rooted form. Diagnosis is especially problematic in such cases in children, since the tooth enamel in the fissure area is often insufficiently mineralized, and pain during probing can occur even on intact (not involved in the carious process) surfaces of the teeth. Many reputable pediatric dentists generally prohibit the use of sharp probes (and probes in general) for diagnosis in children with unformed enamel due to the fact that:

  1. The probe injures the enamel;
  2. The probe can start to get stuck even in a normal fissure, creating artificial foci of "roughness" of the enamel.

A very effective method for diagnosing initial caries is the use of various dyes, which, due to the increased permeability of demineralized enamel, are able to penetrate into its depth and be firmly fixed in the pores. The most commonly used organic dyes are:

  • methylene blue (2% solution in water);
  • methylene red (0.1% solution in water);
  • tropeolin;
  • carmine;

and others. The diagnostic procedure begins with isolating the tooth from saliva using cotton rolls and then drying it. Then, a little dye solution is applied to the surface of the enamel with a cotton ball and wait a few minutes so that the dye has time to fix itself in the pores of the enamel, if any. Then the areas of the tooth subjected to staining are washed with water. A sign of initial caries will be persistent staining of the enamel in the color of the dye used.

The photograph clearly shows the areas of demineralized enamel stained with dye:

A method has also been proposed for staining demineralization sites with an aqueous solution of silver nitrate. At the same time, silver ions are reduced in the pores to metallic silver, which imparts a black color to the enamel. The disadvantage of the method is the irreversibility of such coloring.

  • sealing fissures of teeth
  • professional oral hygiene and training in proper dental care skills
  • preventive remineralizing therapy

Paying due attention to caries prevention measures, you can reduce the risk of its occurrence at any age. It's never too late to start, so start taking care of your teeth today.

Useful video: causes of initial caries and its treatment at the stain stage

How to properly brush your teeth

Caries is not always a hole in the tooth or dark spots on the surface of the enamel. The earliest stage of infection is characterized by the appearance of white rather than dark spots. This is how caries manifests itself in the stain stage. The disease is difficult to notice, but very easy to cure - and today we will talk about just that.

Characteristics of the initial stage of caries

Initial caries (spot stage) is characterized by the destruction of the surface of the enamel layer. This form has a peculiarity - since the destruction has barely begun, and the infection has not penetrated deep into the tooth, a carious cavity is not formed. But this is only until the enamel has sufficient resistance.

Interesting to know! Enamel is the hardest substance in the body. At 95-97%, it consists of the mineral hydroxyapatite, which contains a large number of calcium and phosphorus atoms.

At the initial stage, calcium is washed out of the surface molecules - this process is called demineralization. Outwardly, the changes look like a white or chalky spot.

Causes of caries

The etiology (causes) and pathogenesis (mechanism) of caries in the stain stage are in the interrelation of several factors. The main ones are considered bacterial and chemical. And the following happens here: due to poor hygiene or weak protective properties of saliva, soft plaque, plaques and hard stone (which consist of bacteria and food debris) accumulate on the teeth. Most often, the cervical part of the tooth near the gums or the interdental spaces, where food gets stuck, suffer.

Further, bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.) produce acids that destroy the enamel structure. The aggressive effect of microbes is aggravated, again, by poor hygiene (when food particles remain in the mouth) and the use of a large amount of simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, pastries), which are quickly absorbed by bacteria and contribute to their growth.

Among the causes of caries are crowding of teeth and hereditary features of enamel, when it is poorly mineralized due to problems in fetal development.

Important! Enamel caries in the stain stage in children, if left untreated, very quickly turns into more serious forms and can provoke complications. Milk teeth differ from adult permanent ones in their fragility and lower density. Therefore, carefully monitor the oral hygiene of the child and his proper nutrition.

Disease classification

The classification of caries of the initial stage is carried out in several directions - according to the zone of penetration and according to the location.

According to the zone of penetration

  • superficial: the enamel structure is still preserved, but its increased permeability is observed. A pellicle swells on the surface - a thin layer of a microbial-free film,
  • subsurface or "lesion body": demineralization is observed - the loss of minerals of enamel prisms is about 20%. The permeability between the fibers increases dramatically - by 25%,
  • zone of low mineralization: located under the "body of the lesion", i.e. destruction deepens
  • zone of increased mineralization: located closer to the enamel-dentin border, has a transparent structure.

By location

  • cervical: the pathological focus is localized near the gums (near the neck of the tooth),
  • : located in fissures - thin natural depressions between the tubercles of chewing teeth,
  • interdental: on the contact areas of adjacent teeth.

Features of symptoms

The insidiousness of the initial caries is that it is asymptomatic, i.e. almost imperceptible to humans. There will be no pronounced defects - severe darkening, visible or open cavity in the tooth. There is also no pain. It may feel set on edge, as if there is something astringent or sour in the mouth. Upon closer examination in the mirror, you can see spots on the enamel - white, yellow, dark. Let's consider this feature further.

white spots on enamel

Chalk spots indicate an active form of initial caries, which proceeds rapidly. The foci are single, have a matte smoothness (there is no natural enamel sheen). Formation is uneven.

Darkening on the enamel

Sometimes the examination reveals yellow, brown and black areas of pigmentation - this is how an early carious process manifests itself in the stage of a dark spot. The foci are stained due to the penetration of bacteria and the deposition of plaque in places of increased enamel permeability. This is a chronic process with a long course.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of caries in the stain stage is aimed at determining the depth of destruction (based on this, the dentist will choose a treatment method). You should also find out if the patient really has caries, and not some other pathology - or enamel hypoplasia. For this, differential diagnosis is carried out. For example, caries often appears as a single focus with fuzzy edges, while fluorosis is characterized by multiple and well-defined. And when dots and furrows appear on the enamel. Consider the methods for diagnosing initial carious lesions:

  • detection of matte spots: the tooth is treated with hydrogen peroxide and dried with an air stream,
  • the use of caries markers: a solution of methylene blue is applied, which stains only carious defects in blue,
  • x-ray diagnostics: not informative for non-carious diseases, and the defect itself will be clearly visible - especially if there is an infected cavity under a small spot on the surface,
  • transillumination: transillumination of the tooth with a special lamp shows a darkening in the area of ​​the stain,
  • ultraviolet lamp: the pathological focus will not luminesce, and healthy tooth tissues are highlighted.

“I noticed white spots on the teeth of the youngest, they were not cleaned with a brush and gradually became larger. We decided to go to the dentist with this trouble, otherwise you never know. The doctor asked if these spots appeared long ago and whether they were right after the teeth erupted. I understand that there are congenital diseases similar to caries - non-carious. The teeth then erupt with stripes or spots. And if it turns white after eruption, then this is caries. We were prescribed home treatment: to smear with pharmacy gel. It seems to be better now."

Polina, feedback from the siteotzovik. com

How can you cure

Is it necessary to treat caries in the stain stage? Here you should know that if a carious defect has already appeared, then it will not pass by itself. Therefore, dental treatment is mandatory for enamel caries in the stain stage. Depending on the nature of the lesion, treatment can be conservative (remineralization) or with a filling.

Remineralizing therapy

Local treatment of caries in the stain stage is optimally carried out according to the principle of deep fluoridation. This method is much more effective than the application of fluorine varnish or remineralization with calcium gluconate. Deep fluoridation is carried out by a dentist and involves the alternate application of an enamel-sealing liquid containing 2 active ingredients - based on fluorine and calcium.

The result of the interaction of these substances is the formation of calcium fluoride ions and the helium component, which fills the voids in the enamel. Fluorine is fixed in the gel and triggers the formation of hydroxyapatite. So the enamel is completely restored. And you don't need to drill anything and install a seal. But it should be understood that this therapeutic measure will help only at the stage of the white spot.

When a filling is placed

Treatment of caries in the stage of a dark spot according to the principle of deep fluoridation may not give the expected result, since bacteria have already penetrated into the surface of the enamel and a bacterial film has formed. Here, the dentist may offer an option with a "liquid filling" (). Its advantage is that there is no need for a drill.

How is the treatment? The doctor removes plaque with tools, then dries the tooth and etches the pathological area with hydrochloric acid. After that, a liquid infiltrate is applied, filling the enamel micropores and hardening under the action of a blue light lamp. Then carry out the finishing polishing of the seal.

Interesting fact! Similar treatment can be used in children from 3 years of age. This is an optimal replacement for outdated silvering, which stains milk teeth black and practically does not prevent the development of carious lesions.

Is it possible to heal at home

Treatment can be carried out at home. Especially for babies who cannot sit for a long time at the reception in the clinic. Special pastes with calcium, fluorine and remineralizing gels are used here. If the concentration of fluorine is very high, the drug is used 2-3 times a week for a month, after which they switch to products suitable for daily use (Elmex, President or others). The peculiarity is that home therapy is carried out only in the presence of white spots.

Complications without treatment

Initial caries is the only completely reversible form of this disease. And if you do not resort to treatment in time, then the process will go deep into the enamel, into the dentin, and can infect the pulp. In all these cases, you will already have to drill and put a large seal. And with pulpitis, it is necessary to remove the nerve, which will ultimately affect the life expectancy of the tooth. Therefore, pulpless teeth need to be closed.

If pulpitis is not cured in a timely manner, then the patient may experience more serious complications - periostitis (flux), osteomyelitis of the jaw. Here, the treatment will be very long (several months) and costly from a financial point of view. Therefore, do not delay a visit to the doctor if disturbing symptoms appear.

Preventive measures

Most patients go to the dentist only when they are in pain. But for the prevention of the disease, regular visits to the clinic are simply necessary - the doctor can identify the problem in time and quickly eliminate it. Adults are recommended to visit the dentist once every six months, and children - 2 times more often.

And if the patient has healthy teeth, then you can have a professional dental cleaning (using ultrasound or Air-Flow), then undergo a course of enamel remineralization or deep fluoridation. This will increase the resistance of the enamel to the effects of hazardous factors.

Do not forget about daily oral hygiene, after which carefully examine the smile in the mirror - suddenly there are already problems, but you don’t notice them yet.

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) - dentist therapist, orthodontist. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of anomalies in the development of teeth, malocclusion. Also installs braces and plates.

Often, the dentist finds caries in the stain stage in the patient. This is the most initial stage of tooth damage, associated with the appearance of an area with reduced mineralization on the enamel. How dangerous is this condition for the teeth, why it occurs, how to get rid of the white spot and what methods of preventing this pathology exist.

They talk about caries in the white spot stage at the moment when tooth decay is just beginning. At the initial stage, caries is called "white", as it looks like white chalky or milky spots on the tooth enamel. This is due to the demineralization of enamel. At the same time, apart from a change in color, the enamel does not change in any way - it remains just as shiny and without any signs of destruction. In this phase of caries, calcium is lost from the dental tissue, leading to increased enamel permeability. The white spot phase is also called active by dentists (the brown spot phase is called stabilized).

Mechanism and causes

The formation of a white spot on the enamel is closely related to food debris and microorganisms remaining in the oral cavity after eating. In this case, soft plaque accumulates in the mouth, which is usually associated with poor oral hygiene after eating. Microorganisms decompose carbohydrates until they release organic acids, which gradually dissolve tooth enamel. The leaching of calcium salts from the enamel makes it brittle and porous, contributing to the formation of white spots.

Most often, areas of demineralization are located in the cervical region of the anterior teeth: they are usually noticed by the patient himself when brushing his teeth.

What will happen if you do not treat teeth at the stage of white spots? As a result, white spots on the teeth will darken (aging of pigmentation), which is associated with the process of demineralization and increased enamel permeability in this place. The aggravation of the carious process leads to the gradual destruction of the enamel.

It is best to contact the dentist at the stage when the tooth does not yet have hard tissue defects. Such a pathological process is still considered reversible and responds well to treatment.

However, patients rarely go to the dentist at the white spot stage. Most often, the reason for going to the dentist is the darkening of the enamel, when full-fledged carious defects have already formed.

The form of caries in the form of a dark spot is already irreversible and requires thorough dental treatment with preparation and filling.


There are several layers of "white-spotted" caries in the form of:

  • surface: in the form of a stable form with a reduced fluorine content and areas with reduced mineralization;
  • subsurface: with porous areas with reduced calcium content and highly permeable enamel;
  • central: with a strong degree of enamel changes and the most reduced calcium content and the development of enamel porosity;
  • intermediate: with the formation of microspaces in the enamel;
  • internal: the most prosperous area of ​​enamel with a minimum percentage of microspaces.

If treatment is not taken at this stage, then the porous and demineralized dental tissue with a broken crystal lattice will quickly collapse further.

Sparse tissues begin to accumulate pigments, which is why the stage of the white spot quickly turns into the stage of a dark (usually black or brown) spot. In the future, a cavity forms in the tooth at the site of the stain, which forces the dentist to use aggressive methods of treatment in the form of preparation and restoration of the tooth.


What symptoms should the patient be aware of in order not to bring dental treatment to the drill that frightens many patients?

The main symptoms of caries are usually associated with manifestations:

  • painful;
  • aesthetic.

How pronounced are these symptoms at the white spot stage?

Usually, patients do not feel any discomfort at this stage, however, upon closer examination, you can notice the loss of luster in the area of ​​​​the spot and its roughness. Therefore, at the stage of a white spot on the tooth, the minimum number of patients (about 10-20%) turns to the dentist.

The main symptom of the onset of caries is the formation of white or darker (gray, bluish, brown or black) spots on the teeth. Usually the spots are about 3-5 mm in size. The spots look less shiny and more rough due to the decrease in the hardness of the enamel and the porosity of the areas at the site of the lesion. To identify caries at the white spot stage yourself, you need to brush your teeth, dry them and carefully examine them in good light. Especially often the onset of a carious lesion is noticeable on the cervical surfaces of the anterior teeth. At the same time, the haze of demineralization areas is already clearly visible.

Another likely manifestation of the primary stage of caries may be the appearance on the teeth of sensations of increased sensitivity to taste or thermal stimuli (cold, hot, sour, sweet).

What can be confused

Caries in the form of a white spot, the patient can easily be confused with two dental pathologies:

  • (its spotted form);

The main differences between caries are associated with its features:

  1. The appearance of the lesion. With caries, the spot is chalky or pigmented, with a matte or smooth surface without clear boundaries. With fluorosis, the spots are also white, but with a more pronounced color in the center and a smooth transition to normal enamel on the periphery. At the same time, the enamel in the area of ​​​​spots with fluorosis does not have a shine, and sometimes acquires yellow pigmentation. With hypoplasia, white spots usually have a smooth surface, do not lose their luster and have a clear border.
  2. Consequences. The initial stage of caries without treatment leads to the formation of a carious cavity and tooth decay. Fluorosis or hypoplasia does not lead to defects in hard dental tissues.

The most common diagnosis with the appearance of a white spot is still caries.

For self-diagnosis, you can use ordinary blue (2% aqueous solution of methylene blue). The teeth must first be cleaned well, and then treated with this solution, which after a couple of minutes can be washed off with water.

The color of the stain on the tooth in blue indicates the beginning of caries. If staining of the spot does not occur, then this pathology is not associated with a carious lesion.

In the conditions of dental clinics, the diagnosis of caries in the form of stomatoscopy is often used. In this case, ultraviolet rays are directed to the teeth. Healthy tissues appear light green under ultraviolet light, while areas with caries appear darker. If the damage to the teeth is associated with fluorosis or hypoplasia, then such areas have a gray-green glow.


How is caries treated in the form of a white spot? Therapy of pathology at this stage differs from the usual for many "drilling" in the dentist's chair. After all, caries in the stain stage damages only the surface layer of the enamel and is most often reversible. At the same time, it is realistic to apply methods for remineralization (saturation with calcium) of teeth to restore enamel. This is usually the main treatment for teeth with white spots.

Clinical methods to restore enamel are also called remotherapy or remineralization.

The initial phase of caries can generally be cured by conservative methods without reaming the teeth. Remineralization can be performed both in the dentist's chair and at home. In dentistry, drugs with this type of therapy can be used in the form of:

  • applications;
  • brush application;
  • adding to kappa.

In parallel, patients may be prescribed mineral complexes (glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate, calcium phosphate with the addition of fluorine compounds).

The dentist uses professional preparations containing minerals. These drugs have medicinal properties in the form of:

  • the content of calcium and fluorine in ionized form or in compounds;
  • the maximum concentration of minerals in professional pastes, making saturation with minerals fast and effective;
  • minerals in the form of easily digestible ions, which, when exposed to a humid environment, react with demineralized enamel.

The main purpose of remineralization is to strengthen the enamel to prevent further tooth decay and loss.

Remineralization of teeth is effective only after their sanitation. No amount of brushing can completely remove tartar. Therefore, before the restoration of enamel, it is necessary to have a professional cleaning of the teeth by a dentist. This cleaning can be done in two ways:

  • using ultrasound;
  • using flat jet technology Air Flow (for patients with implants or multiple fillings).

Stages of treatment

What steps are used by the dentist to treat caries in the stain stage? This technique is carried out in the form:

  1. Removal of dental plaque and hard dental deposits (tartar) from enamel using abrasive pastes or hydrogen peroxide, followed by surface polishing.
  2. Treatment of affected teeth with special preparations based on calcium (usually 10% calcium gluconate solution). The preparations are applied in accordance with the instructions and changed every 5 minutes.
  3. The final step is in the form of applications using 2-3% sodium fluoride (a good option is "Enamel - sealing liquid Tiefenfluorid").

Usually effective course of treatment in 10-14 procedures. Then the tooth enamel is dried and fixed with a fluorine-based varnish.

In addition to application remineralization, you can also use specially made trays filled with medicinal preparations. Such removable mouthguards are hermetic and convenient, as they are made taking into account all the anatomical features of the patient. To do this, first the dental technician makes an impression of the teeth, and then a kappa is made on their basis. It is especially convenient that this technique can be used at home in the form of the technique and number of procedures indicated by the doctor.

Often, for remineralization, electrophoresis with drugs is prescribed to restore tooth enamel.

After the course of treatment, the patient is instructed on proper dental care and the need for periodic monitoring of the oral cavity by the dentist.

What to do if a white spot is found on the baby's enamel? If the parents found white spots on the teeth of the child, then he cannot do without the enamel restoration procedure, even if the process concerns milk teeth.

Remineralization is important to do before a carious cavity forms in a child. Enamel protection will be especially effective if parents do not forget about hygiene, balanced nutrition, general methods of increasing immunity that affect the health of the child.

home treatment

Many people try to avoid visiting the dentist and get rid of superficial caries in the form of a white spot at home. Sometimes dentists themselves are positive about home white spot treatments, but such methods will not be effective for everyone. At home, products are usually used to saturate the tooth tissue with the missing mineral components that are part of various preparations. Most often used for this purpose:

  • Dental gel Elmex for the treatment of the initial stage of caries and its prevention. It is designed to restore decalcified areas. Due to the content of fluorine in its composition, this gel cannot be used for fluorosis and children under 6 years of age.
  • Remineralizing gel ROCS Medical Minerals contains trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus). The gel does not contain fluorine, so it can be used from childhood and with fluorosis. The tool is used for caries in the stain stage, with slowly developing caries or in parallel with the use of braces (to prevent darkening of the teeth at the place of locks), with hypoplasia and fluorosis, after teeth whitening.
  • Enamel - sealing liquid Tiefenfluorid for deep fluoridation. This drug is one of the best remineralization agents due to the formation of microscopic crystals. After brushing the teeth and drying the oral cavity, the teeth are moistened with a cotton swab with preparation No. 1, and then with preparation No. 2. Then you can rinse your mouth.

Popular remedies

Other products with a remineralization effect are also Vivax Dent, Amazing White Minerals and other similar drugs.

Used to protect against caries and toothpastes such as Lacalut Alpin, Elmex, ApaCare, "ASEPTA PLUS" remineralization and others. However, toothpastes are more suitable for the prevention of caries or in case of overcoming tooth sensitivity. In the case of white spots, you should not especially rely on toothpastes.

But it is very important for people with impaired tooth mineralization to think about the correctness of their diet. At the same time, it is important to saturate your body with foods useful for teeth: meat, fish, dairy products such as cottage cheese or hard cheeses, herbs, legumes, as well as the inclusion of special vitamin and mineral supplements.

There are also many traditional medicine recipes on the Internet that allegedly help restore enamel. For this purpose, recipes are also used such as applying lotions to the tooth with an alcohol solution of propolis or calamus root, rinsing with onion juice, or sea salt, applying tampons with fir or camphor oils, etc.

However, one should not take such methods of treatment seriously, since with all due respect to traditional medicine, incipient caries and demineralization of teeth are unlikely to disappear after the use of non-medical remedies. At best, these recipes will help strengthen the gums or eliminate bad breath.

Indeed, even when using medical products for demineralization, the case may end up going to the dentist, since enamel restoration procedures do not guarantee 100% of the effect of their use.

The consequences of caries in the form of a white spot

There are several methods for treating the initial stage of tooth enamel destruction. But if the restoration of teeth is not started at the white spot phase, then such a tooth will continue to decay without treatment. In the future, a carious focus in the body can become an impetus for various inflammatory diseases such as adnexitis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Often people do not even suspect that carious teeth are the cause of frequent ailments, allergies or fatigue.

Over time, neglected caries can lead to:

  • chronic inflammation in the oral cavity (periodontal disease, gingivitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • pain when chewing, eating cold or hot food, inhaling cool air, etc .;
  • unaesthetic black spots or holes in the teeth;
  • malocclusion due to displacement of the tooth crown;
  • the formation of a carious cavity in the tooth, pulpitis;
  • allergies against the background of an infectious process.

Prevention measures

Often, teeth deteriorate due to causes beyond the control of the patient: polluted ecology, genetic prerequisites, and malnutrition.

If you do not pay attention to the fact that there are areas of demineralization in the tooth, then very soon you will have to consult a doctor for the treatment of caries. If you continue to postpone a visit to the doctor, it will have many unpleasant consequences.

Known to many, but still the same effective ways to protect against caries are the procedures:

  1. brushing your teeth with toothpaste in the morning and evening;
  2. rinsing your mouth or chewing gum after every snack
  3. use of dental care products with fluoride (pastes, gels, rinses);
  4. the use of floss (dental floss) or an irrigator to cleanse food debris;
  5. a balanced diet and reducing the amount of food containing sugars:
  6. visiting a dentist not only at the first signs of tooth damage, but also for prevention (at least once every six months). With the formation of a large cavity in the tooth, the situation may result in pulpitis and the need to remove the nerve. And depulped teeth become very brittle and quickly collapse.

In the fight against caries, overcoming bad habits plays an important role. Both smoking and alcohol consumption have a very negative effect on dental health. Alcohol and smoking destroy calcium and contribute to the discoloration and decay of teeth. In addition to proper nutrition, the characteristics of intrauterine development of the fetus and the hereditary factor are important for dental health. It is important for a pregnant woman to take special care of herself, since it is at this moment that the basis for the strength of the bone tissue of the unborn baby is laid. Equally important is the provision of proper nutrition and proper care for a newborn baby, which affects the condition of all organs, including teeth.

Rules for brushing your teeth

Particular attention should be paid to the correctness of brushing teeth, because often a person brushes his teeth incorrectly all his life and does not realize it. For this, it is not enough to have an expensive paste or brush. The main condition for the effect of brushing your teeth is the competent actions of the person himself. Important components of effective toothbrushing are:

  1. choosing a brush of optimal (usually medium) hardness with artificial bristles (to prevent the reproduction of microbes in it);
  2. good drying and airing of the brush after each brushing;
  3. replacing the brush at least once every three months with a new one (with an unscheduled replacement after a viral infection or inflammation of the oral cavity);
  4. when brushing your teeth, it is important to clean the entire tooth surface, using the “sweeping” movements of the brush and moving from the gums to the end of the crowns;
  5. with one movement, the brush is able to cover no more than three teeth, so at least three such movements must be made in one place;
  6. all teeth are conditionally divided into three zones and cleaning should take at least 1-2 minutes of each zone (anterior and two lateral);
  7. cleaning must include hard-to-reach surfaces of the teeth - lingual and buccal surfaces, with the obligatory cleaning of the tongue itself;
  8. they finish brushing their teeth with gum massage and flossing (in combination with rinsing after each meal), and bleeding after flossing indicates improper use of dental floss.

Prices and effectiveness of remineralization

Often, patients do not use tooth remineralization, considering this procedure to be very expensive. However, this is not the case. The average price for dental remineralization is from 150 to 800 rubles per tooth. The total cost of the entire course is related to the number of affected teeth, the choice of clinic, the cost of the drugs used, and the duration of the course of treatment.

The stain is the first stage in the development of caries. With her, the tooth can be confused with a healthy one, there are no symptoms, but in fact the tooth has already begun to collapse. Usually at this time the tooth looks intact, when touched, pain is not felt, only on the enamel, if you look closely, you can see a bright spot. In addition, the enamel becomes dull and loose.

At first, the spot is small and whitish. Then it gradually grows, darkens. At the same time, the enamel loosens, pores appear in it.

In the article, we will figure out what caries is talking about in the stain stage and how to properly treat it.

Features of caries at the initial stage of development

It is a disease in which, due to acids, which are the waste product of pathogenic bacteria, minerals uncontrollably leave the tooth. This leads to the fact that a carious cavity appears in his enamel and deeper.

This happens gradually. The disease is divided into stages. It begins with a stain - at this time, the minerals are just beginning to leave the tooth. They are washed out only from the top layer of enamel.

Important! Such caries can still be reversed. It is not possible to do this at the next stage.

In the meantime, caries can be completely cured, leaving no consequences from it, if you supply teeth with minerals and increase local immunity.

At first glance, it seems so simple that caries should not be so widespread. The fact is that the first, the only reversible stage of caries has no symptoms, it is extremely difficult to recognize even a good specialist, and it proceeds quite quickly. In addition, each person has their own individual characteristics of the body. In one, the first stage of this pathology lasts for weeks, while in another, after a few days, it passes into the next phase, when the disease is already irreversible.

Types of caries at the beginning of its development

According to most doctors, stains on the teeth appear mainly as a result of neglecting the basic rules of oral hygiene. If you leave even a little food residue in it, acid is formed there as a result of the activity of bacteria, and because of this, tooth enamel. Gradually, it loses calcium and density. As a result, the enamel, due to the porosity of its structure, becomes less strong and soon collapses. Demineralization is the loss of calcium, which means that the fragility of the enamel increases.

Important! Caries in the stain stage can be identified by the stain itself, where demineralization occurs. But remember: not every experienced dentist can do this.

Such spots are of two types, which is determined by the stage of pathology.

Type one. White spots

White spots are a kind of “dawn” of caries. With them, there are no noticeable manifestations of enamel destruction.

The term "white caries" refers to the very beginning of the pathology on the tooth surface. At this time, yellow-white spots appear.

In the mouth, food particles that feed on bacteria and their waste products can remain. Because of this, caries begins to develop. This can be avoided with normal oral hygiene, but this must be done carefully.

Food for pathogenic bacteria are carbohydrates from food residues. Bacteria convert these carbohydrates into acids harmful to enamel. If the disease is allowed to develop, the enamel will become loose and fragile.

Important! Caries may well begin from anywhere on the tooth. Even on the inside.

Something like a stain is most easily seen on the outside of the front teeth. Having dried the enamel a little, it is easier to notice the affected areas. If caries is detected in time, it is very easy to cure. With the help of an effective therapeutic regimen, both and all of its consequences can be eliminated. The whole trouble lies in the frivolous attitude of most patients to the first sign of the disease. They hope it's "nonsense" or "will go away on its own". As a result, the spot does not go anywhere, and the development of caries very soon becomes irreversible.

Type two. dark spot

In the absence of timely therapy, the initial caries becomes more pronounced. At the same time, the affected areas darken, acquire black pigmentation. These are the consequences of tooth decay caused by an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria. But the enamel is still quite strong and smooth.

It is best to treat cavities while the stain on the tooth is still white. A proper and timely therapeutic regimen will allow you to cure caries that has begun even in, without allowing any more or less serious harm. But there is a stereotype that is destructive for teeth, that a slight whitish speck is not yet a sign of something dangerous, and you can wait with treatment. And therefore, people go to the doctors, only having discovered other symptoms of the disease, when it is too late to return the tooth to the same healthy state as it was before the stain appeared.

Important! Against the background of pigmentation without proper therapy, the next phase of the pathology begins - a carious defect, a superficial form of this disease.

Why does a carious spot occur?

It appears due to the vital activity of bacteria in the mouth. They feed on the waste that is caught between the teeth - food residues - producing the so-called plaque. This is due to poor oral hygiene.

Gradually, calcium is washed out of the enamel, and pores appear in it, its strength disappears. This is how demineralization occurs, it is also the loss of minerals. Accordingly, the spots, the appearance of which provokes this process, are called areas of demineralization.

Often, the site of the formation of such spots is the area of ​​​​the tooth, which makes it even more difficult to detect them during visual inspection. So the patient cannot even guess that it is time to treat the tooth. The result is as follows: caries is detected no earlier than the appeal to the doctor with complaints about neighboring teeth. And it’s good if caries is still in the stain stage.

Important! On the outer part of the front teeth of any jaw, it is easy to see the signs of pathology yourself. It is not difficult to do this: just examine them in the mirror, having previously cleaned and dried them. Finding spots, you should immediately go to the doctor and treat caries.

By comparing photographs of a healthy tooth and one with a carious stain, you can make sure that the stain and enamel have quite similar shades, which greatly complicates self-diagnosis, even if it is in the most prominent place. If caries is detected in time, you can be sure that by supplying the tooth with minerals from the outside, it will be possible to get rid of the disease.

But with a dark spot, this is still unknown. It all depends on whether tissue destruction has gone too far. If you managed to enter, then it is already impossible to restore the enamel.

How to diagnose the onset of caries?

The simplest diagnostic method that you can use on your own is a visual inspection of dried enamel. At the same time, diseased areas are dull, but healthy ones shine.

However, it is much more reliable to turn to for diagnostics. He will check the enamel using organic dyes. Now it is often used:

  • methylene blue (more than others);
  • carmine;
  • methylene red;
  • tropeolin.

To determine the condition of the teeth, they must first be prepared. This happens in several stages:

  • plaque cleaning;
  • washing with a solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • isolation from saliva.

For isolation purposes, the doctor uses cotton rolls, medical suction, air jet. Then he:

  • applies dye to the tooth;
  • waits for the due date;
  • does a rinse with water;
  • see if the tooth is stained.

Important! Enamel staining means the development of caries.

Additionally, the doctor performs probing of the spot. The carious area will be rough.

The onset of caries is especially difficult to notice in those areas that are the most difficult to inspect. That is, on such as between the teeth or on the inside of their row. In such areas, this pathology can usually be detected only after a carious cavity begins to form.

In addition to caries, teeth can be affected by endemic, which occurs on the basis of fluoride oversaturation. The symptoms of these diseases, which are reflected in the teeth, if you do not look closely at the details, are similar. But their manifestation has differences in location.

The carious spot is usually single. In fluorosis, either paired (on the teeth of the same name), or multiple. It doesn’t matter to caries which one to hit, although it “prefers” certain places on the tooth itself: the cervical area and the area. Fluorosis spots usually appear on the incisors and canines. And at risk of endermic fluorosis are people living where drinking water is rich in fluorine.

Diagnosis of a carious spot by excluding pathologies with similar symptoms.

To correctly diagnose initial caries, this pathology should be distinguished from the following:

  • suspended caries;

Important! In suspended caries, as in the initial one, the main symptom is a stain.

At the beginning of active caries, it is dull, with a coating, has a dirty gray, chalky tint and irregular shape. But with suspended caries, it’s already different: shiny, with the correct shape, pigmented - black or yellow-brown.

The onset of active caries is accompanied by manifestations, and usually reminiscent of sore teeth. For suspended caries, this physiological discomfort is not typical, but there is a psychological one: the patient is not satisfied with the appearance of his teeth.

The stain can be detected when the tooth is translucent with a narrow light beam. But with the help of dye treatment, it is possible to distinguish a stain, the appearance of which is provoked by acute caries, from a pigmented one. The stain caused by acute caries is stained. Pigmented - no. Such a stain, like enamel untouched by diseases, is a natural electrical insulator. At the beginning of the pathology, the affected enamel can already conduct current.

The difference can be seen by comparing the stains from caries and from endemic fluorosis. And what about chalky spots, what about pigmented ones. The stain from caries is single, but from multiple fluorosis. Enamel with caries, painful externally, it has a spot of a chalky / dirty gray tint. With fluorosis, the enamel is dense, milky in color, and the spots are shiny, with a shade similar to white pearls.

The stain caused by caries is usually found in places such as the neck or fissure area, in a word, on the proximal surfaces. But during fluorosis, they appear on the lips, tongue, and on the teeth they can be seen near the cutting edge.

Important! You should also pay attention to symmetry or its absence: the spots caused by fluorosis are symmetrical, similar in shape and color. Carious is no different. Each of them has its own shape and location, which can only coincide by chance.

Typically, a carious spot is found in those who are prone to caries, and it can be combined with other stages of this disease. But with fluorosis, the body automatically becomes immune to caries. Transillumination allows you to identify spots-symptoms of both of these pathologies. But methylene blue stains only those caused by caries. These two diseases can also be distinguished by endemic alertness: where a lot of fluorine enters the body with water, the risk of getting fluorosis increases.

Systemic enamel hypoplasia is also distinguishable from caries. During it, the enamel may be thinned. The spots are white, glassy, ​​they also form a chain that can encircle the dental crown. These chains are single or placed at different levels. Spots similar in shape, like fluorous ones, can be found on symmetrical molars, and mainly on their immune zones.

Important! Hypoplastic spots are not stained with dyes. On the other hand, hypoplasia does not give immunity to caries, and therefore the teeth of the same person can be affected by both of these pathologies. And therefore, he can have spots of both.

Finally, local hypoplasia, also known as Turner's tooth. This disease is also easy to distinguish from the first signs of caries. The spot caused by local hypoplasia can be found on the tubercle of the tooth or near its cutting edge. Pathology begins to form only on the permanent molar, and even before it begins to erupt, and therefore does not affect the large molars. The size and shade of the spot are stable. It does not stain with methylene blue.

Recent Developments

Recently, at a dental exhibition in the German city of Cologne, the Americans presented their latest development - a tip that emits a special light, due to which carious tissues are highlighted.

Tooth tissues fluoresce in this light. Healthy ones are marked in green, carious ones in orange. Thanks to this invention, dentists are able to view the entire carious area, regardless of its depth.

The spread of such tips means a significant increase in the efficiency of dentists: the risk of errors and complications will be minimized, since caries will now be diagnosed already at the first stage, when it is still difficult to notice, but quite easy to cure.

Therapy of the first carious stage

Several methods have been developed to get rid of caries at an early stage.

Treatment of a diseased tooth with sodium and calcium solutions, called the Borovsky-Leus method. Until quite recently, this technique was quite popular. Now it is less common, and the main reason for this is the toxicity of this method of treatment. Here are the processing steps:

  • cleaning the tooth with a specialized abrasive paste;
  • hydrogen peroxide treatment;
  • the same use of calcium gluconate solution.

Do all this every other day 15-20 times.

Gel applications. Cleansing of diseased teeth, followed by the application of a special heated gel, which includes agar-agar and sodium fluoride. Forming a film on the enamel, the gel supplies it with minerals. There are five applications in the course. Now this technique is also not very popular.

The use of various products that supply enamel with minerals. For example, gels with calcium phosphates, varnishes with fluoride.

The doctor does this:

  • cleans plaque;
  • drilling prepares enamel;
  • protects the molar from saliva;
  • applies acid, as well as a special adhesive, thanks to which the tooth will be better adhered to its future filling;
  • puts a seal;
  • polishes it.

Important! Whatever technique is used, the doctor teaches the patient about quality dental care. He also advises to visit him in a few months for inspection.

Video - About the treatment of caries in the stain stage

dark caries therapy

If nothing is done, the pathogenic microflora enters the tooth through the enamel. Then it begins to multiply, due to which the white spot darkens. Due to the severity of the disease, it is necessary to use a drill. Then the doctor treats the tooth with ozone, after which it supplies minerals - this is required to consolidate the result. Further, the enamel is restored by carrying out a certain set of procedures.

Home caries therapy at the very beginning

With the opinion of the dentist that caries has not yet started, it is acceptable. Fluorine- and calcium-containing pastes and remineralizing gels are useful here. These funds should be alternated. For example, using a paste, you can return the amount of calcium in the enamel to normal, so that the development of caries will go more slowly.

Traditional medicine is also useful.

Recipe, componentDescription
Onion is an excellent remedy for inflammation and to fight bacteria. Its fresh juice is good for preventing tooth decay and is a pain reliever. It is required to squeeze the juice from the onion and the cotton wool soaked in it, keep it applied to the affected tooth for several hours. If you do not like the taste of onion juice, you can make a decoction from the husks of the same plant. Preparing and using it is extremely simple: pour boiling water into a container with husks, and when infused, rinse your mouth three times a day.
In the fight against caries at this stage, alcohol tincture of calamus root is useful. Recipe: chop calamus; fill it with vodka; let stand for seven days. Rinse your mouth with the liquid obtained as a result of these manipulations for a minute or two at night. To enhance the effect, you can add alcohol tincture of propolis to it.
Chinese lemongrass can also help against bacteria. It can be used in two ways. The procedure for one of them is to hold a sip of tea with it in your mouth, and then just drink it. The second is to rinse your mouth with tea, also with the addition of Chinese magnolia vine.
According to most people, propolis is the most effective here. You need to take a piece of this mass, put it on the tooth, press it with a cotton swab and hold it in this form for half an hour.
It also helps to use laundry soap instead of toothpaste. The soap solution needs to be fresh. It is even more important to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after brushing.
Fir oil can, in addition to stopping carious development, have an analgesic effect. It is only required to apply a cotton swab with oil to the affected tooth.
It is spread on the tooth or, alternatively, used in the same way as fir oil.

A warning

  • after eating, rinse your mouth or chew sugar-free gum;
  • forget about toothpicks - use them instead;
  • choose correctly, brush regularly;
  • increase the functioning of the immune system;
  • Healthy food;
  • Do not smoke;
  • avoid stress as much as possible.

Judging by the reviews, a good device is a magnetic brush. Such an item not only cleans your teeth better, it also provides a feeling of their smoothness for a long time, since there is no plaque left on the enamel. To make the effect stronger, it should be used twice a day: after breakfast and at night.

Keeping the mouth clean

The success of the treatment of the initial stage of caries is unthinkable, if contamination of the oral cavity is allowed. The specialist at the reception will give the necessary advice. It is necessary to use special anti-caries pastes and antibacterial rinses. Brushing and washing teeth is required at least twice a day. After eating, it is useful to clean food residues with a brush without paste.

Important! At this stage of the development of the disease, it is necessary to eat right: as few carbohydrates as possible and more fruits and vegetables.

What will happen next?

If caries is treated on time, while maintaining cleanliness in the oral cavity during and after the course of therapy, you can get rid of it and prevent relapses. The white spot, at least, will stop growing. Pigmented may not soon become a carious cavity. If preparation and filling techniques were applied during this phase, there can be no trace of such a disease. But if you do not treat and neglect brushing your teeth, the stain will become a carious cavity that requires preparation and filling.

In the absence of therapy, but hygiene, occasionally caries in the first stage can pass by itself. More often it goes into a stable form. Having noticed a stain on the tooth, you should make an appointment with a doctor who can correctly diagnose and cure the disease.

From this article you will learn:

  • why do white spots appear on the teeth,
  • what is demineralization
  • how to treat initial caries in the stain stage.

The surface of the enamel in the centers of demineralization is very fragile, it can be easily scraped off under mechanical pressure. An important point - the initial caries in the white spot stage should be distinguished from white spots of non-carious origin, which can occur with enamel hypoplasia and dental fluorosis. At the dentist's appointment, this is checked by applying a coloring solution (1% methylene blue solution) to the surface of the stains. The centers of demineralization will turn blue, and in case of hypoplasia and fluorosis staining of the spots does not occur, because. the enamel in these diseases is very dense.

Caries in the white spot stage - causes

The main reason is soft microbial plaque and food residues that remain on the teeth with irregular or insufficient effective oral hygiene (Fig. 3-5). The process of formation of white spots proceeds as follows: cariogenic microorganisms actively metabolize food residues, resulting in the release of a large amount of organic acids. When the acid comes into contact with the tooth, the process of dissolution of the mineral matrix of tooth enamel occurs.

Please note in the photographs that plaque and hard tartar are always localized in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth in the first place. Having removed dental plaque in such patients, we will almost certainly immediately see foci of demineralization of tooth enamel hiding under plaque. White chalk-like spots become more visible - especially when the tooth enamel is slightly dried (for example, with a stream of air).

Caries in the stain stage: treatment

Treatment of initial caries in the form of a white spot is carried out conservatively, because. there is no carious cavity, which means that it is not necessary to ream the tooth at all. We have already said above that the process of formation of white spots is associated with focal demineralization of tooth enamel (leaching of calcium and fluorine from it). Therefore, the basis of conservative treatment will be the use of tooth remineralization, i.e. we will try to re-saturate the white spots with calcium and fluoride. However, this process will not be possible if oral hygiene remains at the same level.

Conducting a remineralization course only makes sense if the patient is motivated and ready to improve oral hygiene. Treatment of foci of enamel demineralization requires the complete elimination of bacterial plaque and food residues in the oral cavity. This is possible if the patient is willing to floss after every meal, brush teeth after every meal (while avoiding snacking between meals and drinking sugary drinks). In fact, the patient is required to devote everything to hygiene - 4-5 minutes 3 times a day.

It is also important to exclude easily digestible carbohydrates, starchy, salty, acidic foods and drinks (wine, fruits and fruit juices) from the diet. The diet should contain more protein and calcium. The patient is selected means for oral hygiene - dental floss and paste, rinses. As for toothpastes, at the beginning of treatment, the use of pastes with calcium and phosphates is recommended, and at the end, anti-caries pastes with fluoride. We will talk about hygiene products in more detail below. Only after teaching the patient about oral hygiene, as well as after conducting it, we proceed to the course of remineralizing therapy.

The course of remineralization of tooth enamel -

Remineralization of white spots is achieved by remineralizing therapy with preparations containing calcium and phosphates, as well as fluorides. As we said above, at stage 1 it is especially important to use products with calcium and phosphates, or combined two-stage products such as the Enamel-Sealing Liquid preparation (when a suspension with calcium is first applied, and after a few minutes - a solution with fluoride).

One of the best drugs for enamel remineralization is Tiefenfluorid Enamel-Sealing Liquid (manufactured in Germany), but its use is possible only at a dentist's appointment. The course of treatment with this drug usually includes 5 to 10 procedures.

A course of 10 electrophoresis procedures with a 10% calcium gluconate solution can be prescribed, which is done on the basis of a physiotherapy room (your dentist gives a referral there). Let's say right away that buying and rubbing tablets with calcium gluconate into the necks of the teeth will be completely useless, because. Calcium gluconate dissociates into active ions only by electrophoresis. A course of calcium remineralization can also be carried out using the CPP-ACP complex, consisting of calcium and phosphates (site).

  • milk teeth - up to 0.25 ml,
  • interchangeable bite - up to 0.4 ml.

Thus, after a course of remineralization with calcium and phosphates, it is optimal to do several sessions of fluoridation with professional varnish, and in parallel switch to such therapeutic toothpastes. When the white spots disappear, you can continue to use one of these pastes on an ongoing basis once a day, or use other pastes with lower fluoride dosages, but in adults - at least 1400 ppm. Other very good fluoride toothpastes are for example (they are available for children of all ages and adults).

Other drugs for remineralization at home -

Below we have listed a few more worthy preparations that you can use to remineralize weakened tooth enamel.

The result of the treatment

A positive result is more often observed when the patient fulfills all recommendations for oral hygiene, nutrition, and also after completing the full course of treatment. As a result, complete remineralization of the foci of demineralization can occur (or the spots decrease in size), the shine of the tooth enamel appears, in addition, it becomes denser and smoother. A negative result is observed in patients who do not follow all recommendations for oral hygiene, i.e. flossing and brushing your teeth after every meal. In such patients, carious defects form in place of white spots.

How to properly use your toothbrush and floss

If the patient has achieved only a decrease in the size of white spots, but they have not disappeared completely, a second course of mineralization is prescribed after 1 month, and so on until a stable positive effect is achieved in the form of complete remineralization of caries in the white spot stage.

Microabrasion of the surface of spots -

If matte or partially pigmented enamel is preserved (provided that staining of the stain when using a solution of 1% methylene blue no longer occurs), the microabrasion method can be applied. This method involves partial grinding of the surface layer of enamel using, for example, Prema paste containing acid and abrasive. After microabrasion, it is necessary to carry out remineralization / fluoridation of tooth enamel.

The effect of microabrasion of tooth enamel -

Icon preparation: treatment of caries

  • Avoid snacking
    snacking between main meals is a great evil for the teeth, because rarely does anyone think about hygiene after a snack. The consumption of chips, sweets, starchy foods without subsequent brushing of teeth is one of the main reasons for the development of caries.
    • Removal of tartar and fluoridation of teeth
      Depending on the quality of oral hygiene, it is desirable to remove dental deposits from the dentist at certain intervals, as well as to carry out professional fluoridation of teeth.


    1. Higher prof. the author's education in therapeutic dentistry,
    2. Based on personal experience as a dentist,

    3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
    4. "Therapeutic dentistry: Textbook" (Borovsky E.),
    5. "Practical therapeutic dentistry" (Nikolaev A.).
