Dietary recipes for stewed zucchini with green beans. Potatoes with green beans. Zucchini stew recipe

Wash the bean pods, cut off the ends on both sides and cut into 2-3 cm cubes.

Peeled and washed potatoes, cut into medium-sized cubes.
We also peel the onion and a clove of garlic, wash and cut into cubes, chop the garlic finely.

Pour enough water into the pan and put it on fire, add salt. When it boils and only when it boils, throw in our beans and boil for 10 minutes or more until soft.
In order for the beans to retain their bright green color after cooking and not turn brown, you can add a little sugar to the water, this will help the chlorophyll to linger in the plant.
For the same purpose, as soon as the beans become soft, drain them and immediately douse them with cold tap water or place them in a container with cold water and ice. This will also help the beans retain their color and look more appetizing in the dish.

We also boil the potatoes in salted water until tender, but do not overcook them. Cut the washed tomatoes into slices.

Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan or saucepan and add finely chopped onion and garlic. Sauté until the onion becomes transparent.
Then we add sliced ​​tomatoes there and, if we use red pepper, it’s time to add that too. Simmer for a few minutes.
If necessary, for example in winter, when tomatoes are not so tasty, you can add a little sugar.

When the tomatoes have released their juice, add the sprout beans to the saucepan. And let it simmer for another 5 minutes.
In the meantime, we drain the potatoes that have already reached readiness, and we have no choice but to add them to the vegetables already in the pan, test for salt and a few more minutes under the closed lid and woo-a-la!

Green beans with potatoes and tomatoes are ready! It can be served as a side dish, as a hot appetizer, or as a main dish that is completely lean and dietary.
A very simple bean recipe, but it deserves attention.
Bon appetit!

Note: if the liquid evaporates too much during the stewing process, you can add a little potato or bean broth, or just hot water.

Cooking green beans with new potatoes.

Quite simple, but at the same time tasty and satisfying summer dish. It makes an excellent side dish for meat, poultry or fish, and is also suitable as a main dish.

Young vegetables, fresh aromatic herbs are very tasty. Instead of fresh young green beans, you can use frozen beans, and replace new potatoes with regular ones.


  • Green beans - 1 kg (fresh or frozen).
  • New potatoes-800g.
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt.
  • Freshly ground pepper.
  • Parsley.


Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into large pieces. If the potatoes are small, there is no need to chop them.


Wash the green beans and remove the tails.


Cut the beans into 3-4 cm pieces.

If you use frozen green beans, there is no need to peel or cut them.


In a cauldron or thick-bottomed saucepan, heat the vegetable oil well and fry the potatoes until half cooked. Salt and pepper to taste.


Peel the onion and chop finely. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, add onion, add a little salt and fry until soft.


Add beans, salt to taste, mix and simmer under a closed lid over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

Then pepper to taste and add chopped garlic. Let's mix.

If you use frozen green beans, you do not need to fry them. Add immediately to potatoes.


Add green beans to the potatoes, mix gently, cover with a lid and simmer until the potatoes are ready. If necessary, add a little boiled water.

Serve with finely chopped herbs.



green beans – 300-400 gr.,

potatoes – 5-6 pcs.,

onions – 2 pcs.,

garlic – 1 head,

vegetable oil,

salt, pepper - to taste.

Green beans enjoys special respect in some countries in southern Europe. But many of us also respect green beans, since they can be used to prepare various dishes. Today we want to invite you to cook potatoes with green beans.

wonderful side dish. This dish is easy to prepare and can be prepared by any novice cook. Prepare potatoes with green beans according to our recipe and you will certainly be satisfied with the result.

Cooking potatoes with green beans.

Before as cook potatoes with greens beans, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Potatoes must be peeled, washed and cut into medium cubes.

Peel the onion, rinse and finely chop.

Peel the garlic, rinse and chop.

Wash the parsley, dry and finely chop.

Green beans need to be washed, cut off the ends of the pods and, if they are long, cut them into pieces. Then place the beans in boiling salted water and cook for about 3-5 minutes. When the beans are cooked, place them in a colander. But it's easier to use frozen green beans. it does not need to be boiled first.

Then fry the potatoes in a frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown.

At this time, you need to lightly fry the chopped onion in a saucepan.

Then add boiled green beans to the onion. Stir and simmer a little.

Next, add the fried potatoes to the saucepan, add salt and pepper.

Then add chopped garlic, stir and simmer for another 8-10 minutes.

I would like to share with you a very simple but incredibly tasty recipe for stewed potatoes with green beans. The ingredients are the simplest and can be found in almost every housewife’s refrigerator.
First we need one small onion. The onion must be peeled and rinsed under water.

Next, I cut the onions into half rings on the board.

After chopping the onion, you need to prepare dishes for frying it. Here, each housewife can do it her own way, for example, I fry onions in a saucepan where the dish itself will be prepared next. If you wish, you can do this in a separate container, such as in a frying pan. In general, I think you understand me)

Throw onions into a heated pan with sunflower oil.

While the onions are browning in a pan with butter over low heat, I start cooking the carrots. The carrots must first be cleaned and thoroughly rinsed from dirt under water. In the photo below it looks like two carrots, however I cut one carrot in half lengthwise so it looks that way.

And so, I cut the carrots lengthwise and then also chop them into half rings.

After cutting the carrots, it's time to throw them into the pan where the onions are fried over low heat. You need to mix the onions and carrots thoroughly and fry a little more.

I will use frozen green beans since green beans are not in season. To use green beans for preparing any dish, you just need to take them out of the freezer and throw them directly into the dish, frozen. Basically that's what I did.

I added frozen green beans to the pan where the onions and carrots were fried.

It is necessary to mix the vegetables well and cover with a lid, leaving them to simmer together over low heat.

While the onions, carrots and green beans are simmering in the pan, it's time to cook the potatoes.
I also peeled the potatoes in advance, washed them well under water and left the tubers in cold water until needed, so that the potatoes would not darken in the air.

Peeled potatoes need to be cut, I cut them into medium-sized cubes. Pour the potatoes into a separate bowl.

When the vegetables from the pan: onions, carrots and green beans have stewed a little and even softened, then it’s time to add our potatoes to the rest of the vegetables.

Now you need to pour water into the saucepan with vegetables, just enough so that the water covers the potatoes, or maybe a little more, about one centimeter. It also depends on who likes it, more or less vegetable broth.

Now we need to cover with a lid and let our vegetables boil over medium heat. When the potatoes and vegetables boil and simmer for even five minutes, you can start seasoning. As usual, I use sea salt, I fell in love with natural sea salt, since it contains more vitamins and is obtained by evaporating sea water. In general, I read a lot about sea salt and now in our family we only use it.
You need to add salt and ground black pepper to the vegetables to taste, also to taste, or you can omit it if you wish. We love it tasty, so I add salt and pepper, and sometimes I can even add cucumber or tomato brine. After I’ve eaten the vegetables from the jar, I don’t pour the brine down the sink, but put it in the refrigerator and add it to dishes as needed. in borscht, in soup or, for example, in stewed potatoes with green beans.

I pour about four tablespoons of wheat flour with water and stir well until the lumps disappear, so that the flour is completely soaked and the consistency is as thick as rare kefir.

The flour needs to be poured into the pan with the vegetables when the vegetables are ready, because if you pour the flour and water into the pan and the vegetables still need to be cooked for a long time, then there is a risk of the vegetables sticking to the bottom of the pan. In general, this procedure is done at the very end, but you will need to cook for another ten minutes. It’s easier to write this ten minutes before turning off the stove, you need to pour flour and water into the vegetables.

I also use frozen parsley, if fresh is even better. After pouring the flour, add the herbs to the dish for freshness and flavor.

You need to mix well and let it simmer for another ten minutes so that the flour is cooked and the dish becomes even more aromatic and tasty.

After turning off the stove, I usually always leave the dish covered for another 15 minutes. It will cool a little and become more aromatic.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

green beans- 250 gr;
carrots - 1 pc.;
garlic - 3 cloves;
onions - 2 pcs;
potatoes - 1 kg;
mayonnaise - to taste

Cooking method:

Hello everyone, everyone. I want to write a recipe for a very tasty baked potato in a sleeve with frozen green beans with carrots and garlic. The dish turns out very tasty and satisfying, and thanks to the fact that I baked all the vegetables in the oven in a sleeve, all the vitamins are alive and well and the vegetables are juicy and very tasty. Be sure to try this budget version of baked potatoes in the oven; everyone who tries this wonderful recipe, I assure you, will be satisfied and ask for a little more. This dish can be prepared for dinner for your beloved children and beloved husband, or you can even please guests, especially when guests decide to come to you unexpectedly, the dish can be easily prepared quickly, load a sleeve of vegetables into the oven and continue communicating with friends who came to guests until the dish is ready. To prepare such an exquisite dish, we need a minimum of ingredients, but you will get a lot of pleasure and delight from the taste, aroma and juiciness. Since it’s still winter and the season for fresh green beans has not yet arrived, I use last year’s green beans frozen in the freezer, I have two types of green and white green beans, peeled, washed and frozen, so I won’t wait until the green beans are frozen and start right away to prepare our dish. I poured frozen green beans by eye, there is approximately 200-250 grams. here you can play with the quantity, as desired and possible, I like it when there are more potatoes, so I took less frozen beans, but if you prefer about the same or more green beans than potatoes, then it’s up to you, this will only be better, because the taste will be closer to your preferences. I poured the frozen green beans into a bowl and waited in the wings.

Now we prepare the following vegetables to prepare our amazing dish. We will need a small carrot, maybe more, then the taste of the carrot will be more clearly felt, and the color of the dish will be brighter. I prefer to use carrots that are approximately this size in this dish. Peel the carrots and rinse well under clean running tap water.

Now I cut the carrots in half first, then chop them into half rings, so that the carrot pieces are not quite small, but rather larger and brighter, then the dish will turn out not only tasty but also very beautiful and colorful.

Garlic, three cloves of garlic will be enough. Peel the garlic and rinse well.

Now I prefer to chop the garlic in this way, so that pieces of garlic can be found in the dish, it turns out very interesting and tasty, and the baked potatoes are even more aromatic from this. I don’t like to crush garlic through a special garlic press for a dish like baked potatoes with green beans.

Next we need two small onions. They must be peeled, get rid of the roots and tail, and rinse the bulbs well under water.

Chop the onion on a board into half rings or strips.

Potatoes are about one kilogram, you can have less or more, depending on how many people you are preparing the dish for, we cooked for two, but there were still potatoes and green beans left for one more time, then it turns out for four people at a time. The potatoes must first be peeled and rinsed very well under clean water.

Next, I cut the potatoes into slices, this time I chose to cut the potatoes into slices so that they turned out to be more similar in shape to elongated green beans, so that the dish turned out very beautiful and without comment tasty.

Well, now that all the vegetables are prepared and they can’t wait to get them into the cooking sleeve and go into the oven. It is necessary to choose a large bowl so that all our vegetables fit and can be mixed well without problems. Well then let's begin. First pour the potatoes into a large bowl, followed by the frozen green beans.

Now the orange mood with carrots, also throw in a bowl of vegetables.

Send the onions, chopped into strips or half rings, after the carrots and pour them into a bowl with vegetables.

Also add chopped garlic to the rest of the vegetables in a large plate.

Basically, all that remains is to season our vegetables. To begin with, I added fine sea salt, it is the healthiest and tastiest, so we have already started using only sea salt in cooking and simply adding it to taste.

And a little ground black pepper for aroma and taste.

And also a hint of basil for taste. I added dried basil spice, it smells great and gives an extraordinary aroma to the dish, I really love it as a spice.

Now season well with vegetable oil so that the vegetables really shine from the oil, so they will turn out very juicy and tasty and not dry. In this case, I used sunflower oil.

Now mix all the vegetables very well, such beauty, bright vegetables, juicy carrots and beautiful green green beans give the dish a very beautiful, healthy look.

Now, after you have added all the vegetables and spices, and more specifically, after you have added the vegetable oil and mixed everything, then it’s time to add a little mayonnaise or maybe sour cream, in my case mayonnaise. I clarified that I added mayonnaise after mixing all the vegetables with oil, because it will take much less mayonnaise and it is better to mix vegetables in this way with mayonnaise.

Our entire dish is ready for the continuation of the banquet and for sending to the oven.

To do this, you need to prepare a food sleeve for baking, more precisely measure it, cut it off and tie one end with a special thread, then open it with your hands and load all the vegetables along with the remaining juice at the bottom of the dish into the baking sleeve.

Now that all the vegetables are in the sleeve, the sleeve needs to be secured on the other side with a special thread. Place the baking sleeve in a baking dish first, so that you do not have to move the sleeve from place to place. Everything is ready, here is the moment when our dish needs to be sent to a preheated oven at 180 degrees and baked for about an hour so that the vegetables turn out soft and juicy. Before putting it in the oven, I pierce the sleeve with a knife in several places so that the sleeve does not inflate.

That's all, when the vegetables are ready, we take out our dish and let it cool a little and then we can start taking out all the vegetables, I carefully tear off the sleeve and carefully take out the vegetables with a spatula and put them on everyone's dishes.

Here is my nursery from the window, a fresh green onion, an excellent option for decorating winter dishes.

I carefully cut off a few feathers of a green onion; if I continue to keep the onion on the window, it will grow back. Now chop the feathers of green onions on a board and sprinkle them on our hot, yet delicious dish.

This is how beautiful it turned out for me, and it’s just finger-licking delicious.

Bon Appetit everyone!!!

Cooking time: PT01H20M 1 h 20 min.
