Phelps on meldonium. What you need to know about approved analogues of meldonium American analogue of meldonium

“An unexpected continuation followed the scandal caused by the use of meldonium, banned by Russian athletes since January 2016. It turns out that its analogues, but produced in the USA, are not prohibited substances for athletes,” reports Glen Beck, host of the American FoxNews radio station.

“American tennis player, multiple record holder, four-time Olympic champion Serena Williams and American swimmer, eleven-time Olympic champion, 17-time world champion Michael Phelps, who is considered one of the best swimmers in the history of sports, expressed their bewilderment about meldonium and the scandal surrounding athletes from Russia.

Thus, Serena William stated that “big politics is involved in this scandal, along with unfair competition, since all American athletes have long been taking its analogues, which in their pharmacological properties are completely identical to meldonium. The whole point probably depends on where exactly the drug was produced and which countries’ athletes take it. I believe that such a selective approach in sports is unacceptable.”

The greatest American swimmer, Michael Phelps, was more emphatic, noting that American sports would be last in the world if American athletes only ate disgusting hamburgers and washed down equally disgusting cola. “It is simply ridiculous to ban Eastern European meldonium but allow its American equivalents. Who is all this aimed at, complete idiots who are far from American sports?” - Michael asks rhetorically.

Both titled American athletes note that the world anti-doping agency WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has long been turned into an instrument of pressure on unwanted countries for political, economic or other reasons. Sometimes it's just a desire to do harm.

“Tomorrow they will receive a command to ban mountain air from Eastern Europe and China, since it allows American rivals to better prepare for competitions, and they will ban it. There will be a command to ban athletes from undesirable countries from eating national food, recommending American food, and WADA will do this. This completely discrediting organization should have been driven away from the sport a long time ago,” states Michael Phelps.

“I express my support to athletes from Eastern Europe and hope that all these misunderstandings with meldonium will be resolved. “At the end of the day, if it is so suddenly and selectively banned, then the athlete should be warned the first time, not repressed,” says Williams.

It's hard to disagree with our highly decorated athletes. Indeed, if a drug is banned, it is logical to assume that its analogues will also be banned, but for some reasons hidden from us, this did not happen. We will continue to update you on developments." — FoxNews reports.

re Ivars Kalvins, director of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and inventor of meldonium, explains to why meldonium is not used in the USA and what the “half-life” of the drug means.

- How did you find out that WADA plans to include meldonium in the list of prohibited substances?

Last year, in the fall, when WADA had already published the updated doping list in the public domain. Nobody contacted me: neither from WADA, nor from any national anti-doping agencies. Even at a time when mildronate was only under monitoring. I learned about everything from open sources.

- Have you tried to contact WADA representatives yourself?

No. But I almost immediately publicly voiced my position. Of course, I don't agree with their decision. And with their claims. Athletes did not take mildronate to improve their physical abilities. It helps solve completely different problems.

- Which?

First, it helps prevent damage to the heart muscle that can occur due to excessive exercise. This is especially true for athletes. During training, they often reach a state where the oxygen deficiency is so severe that the death of heart cells and other muscles begins. Secondly, and this is only relevant for men, mildronate helps restore normal sexual function. Many people also have problems with this due to excessive physical activity. I want to repeat once again: mildronate has never been used and is not used to increase work efficiency. Yes, if a person has had problems with the heart muscle, it becomes easier after using it. But this does not mean that the athlete will be able to run longer or jump higher. If necessary, we are ready to conduct special studies on athletes under loads to clearly show this. The experience of using our drug, including in sports, is very extensive - 32 years on the market. All this time there were no complaints or suspicions - and suddenly this happened.

Why was mildronate used so actively only in Eastern Europe, but in more than 30 years it never caught on in the Western market?

We were very roughly pushed out of the Western market back in Soviet times. When it came to the collapse of the USSR, one of the largest Western pharmaceutical companies approached us. They offered to buy the patent in order to obtain the exclusive right to develop mildronate in the West and all the necessary documents for this. We believed that they would really get involved in production and gave away the rights to the whole world, with the exception of Japan and the countries of the former USSR. But, naturally, no one was going to produce mildronate. This was the simplest and most effective way to eliminate a competitor - to buy out the patent and ruin everything.

- You said “liquidate a competitor,” that is, does Mildronate have any analogues?

No. Mildronate has no direct analogues. There are substances that are credited with properties similar to those possessed by meldonium. For example, levocarnitine (or L-carnitine - Preparations based on it are very common, including in the West. Carnitine, carnosine, carnitor. A lot of them. Also, say, beta-alanine and its derivatives. And in the literature, by the way, there is a lot of information that they are precisely stimulants and increase power and endurance.

It turns out that the same carnitine, which is freely taken by athletes all over the world, has many more reasons to be called doping than mildronate?

If what protects the heart and muscles from the destructive effects of fatty acids is now called doping, then both mildronate and carnitine should be banned. Now it turns out to be some kind of policy of double standards. Moreover, in the case of L-carnitine there are still some subtleties. When a person takes it under loads that his body tolerates well, in conditions where there is no hypoxia, then it most likely helps as a dope. It’s another matter if a person trains to the limit of his capabilities, when the overload of the heart is so deep that he is in danger of death. Then this is not doping - it is a protective agent against metabolic disorders.

- And in this case, meldonium and L-carnitine act on the body in approximately the same way?

No. In this case, they have one goal - to prevent excess fatty acids in the cells. But they work differently. Mildronate works very simply. Imagine the mixture that is prepared for internal combustion engines in a car. Speaking at a primitive level, fuel and air are mixed there. When the fuel to air ratio is correct, the engine is fine. As soon as it starts to run out of air, it stalls because the mixture is too oily. The same can be said about the work of the heart. Muscles and the heart typically use fatty acids for fuel. Carnitine (the one that is synthesized in the human body and not introduced artificially - usually brings them inside the cells, to the place of their combustion, thus, as it were, providing fuel supply. Oxygen must burn this fuel. It is delivered only by blood, using so-called red blood cells - erythrocytes. And if there is less oxygen inside the cells than necessary, under-oxidized activated fatty acids will begin to accumulate there, which simply dissolve all the membranes. And the cell dies. What does mildronate do? Mildronate reduces the amount of synthesized carnitine, and, consequently, the supply of fatty acids into the cell and gradually restores myocardial function under conditions of severe hypoxia. But can you imagine that if you supply less fuel, you get better performance or endurance? Of course not. The overall efficiency of the body will not increase. The cells just won't die.

Why then drink L-carnitine if, on the contrary, for normal heart function we try to reduce its amount?

It's all about carnitine dosages. At normal physiological concentrations, it stimulates the transport of fatty acids. And at high concentrations, it pumps out under-oxidized fatty acids from cells. The same Americans, for example, administer 50 ml of carnitine solution 4 times a day. This is considered permitted, despite the fact that it is hundreds of times higher than the amount that is synthesized in our body. In addition, no one takes into account that if L-carnitine pulls too many fatty acids out of the cell, this will also lead to destruction of the myocardium. And everyone will remember about mildronate again.

- Mildronate helps remove excess carnitine. Are there substances that help remove mildronate itself?

Surely such substances exist. We simply did not conduct specialized research. But if someone asks to do it, we are ready.

The instructions in Russian say that the half-life of mildronate is from 3 to 6 hours. Many people still think that during this time the body completely gets rid of it.

This is, of course, completely wrong. The term "half-life" means that the first half of the dosage is eliminated after this time, that is, after 3-6 hours. Let's say you took 1000 mg of a substance, the first half, that is, 500 mg will be excreted within 4 hours, for example. Over the next 4 hours, half of the remainder will be eliminated, that is, half of 500 mg - 250 mg. After another 4 hours - 125 mg and so on. There is no linear relationship, as many people think: half in 3 hours, and the rest in another 3 hours. At least 20 half-lives. There are no exact release dates. But, knowing the structure of the compound, I can assume that traces of meldonium can be found in the blood three or even four months after taking it. It can linger in the blood because it is able to bind to proteins, i.e. proteins.

- And it turns out to be such a cumulative effect.

Partly so. It can accumulate, but only to a certain level. We have binding centers in our bodies. These are usually positively charged amino acid molecules that are readily available. Let's say a protein called albumin. There are others - there are many different types of them in the blood. The number of these molecules is limited. And when you occupy all the centers, nothing else accumulates. On average, about 100 mg of meldonium can be stored in these binding sites. But as soon as you take some sleeping pills, that’s it, consider that you just drank Mildronate, although you have long forgotten what it looks like. It’s just that in our body some substances are able to displace others from binding centers. And then these displaced substances (in our case, meldonium) can suddenly show up in tests.

Text: Marina Krylova

Photo: RIA Novosti/Oksana Dzhakhan, RIA Novosti/Pavel Lisitsyn


  • July 29th, 2016 , 08:08 am

used by 17-time world champion Michael Phelps

the continuation followed the scandal caused by the use of meldonium, banned by Russian athletes since January 2016. It turns out that its analogues, but produced in the USA, are not prohibited substances for athletes."- Glen Beck, host of the American FoxNews radio station, reports.

“American tennis player, multiple record holder, four-time Olympic champion Serena Williams and American swimmer, eleven-time Olympic champion, 17-time world champion Michael Phelps, who is considered one of the best swimmers in the history of sports, expressed their bewilderment about meldonium and the scandal surrounding athletes from Russia.

Thus, Serena William stated that “big politics is involved in this scandal, along with unfair competition, since all American athletes have long been taking its analogues, which in their pharmacological properties are completely identical to meldonium. The whole point probably depends on where exactly the drug was produced and which countries’ athletes take it. I believe that such a selective approach in sports is unacceptable.”

The greatest American swimmer, Michael Phelps, was more emphatic, noting that American sports would be last in the world if American athletes only ate disgusting hamburgers and washed down equally disgusting cola. “It is simply ridiculous to ban Eastern European meldonium but allow its American equivalents. Who is all this aimed at, complete idiots who are far from American sports?” - Michael asks rhetorically.

Both titled American athletes note that the world anti-doping agency WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has long been turned into an instrument of pressure on unwanted countries for political, economic or other reasons. Sometimes it's just a desire to do harm.

“Tomorrow they will receive a command to ban mountain air from Eastern Europe and China, since it allows American rivals to better prepare for competitions, and they will ban it. There will be a command to ban athletes from undesirable countries from eating national food, recommending American food, and WADA will do this. This completely discrediting organization should have been driven away from the sport a long time ago,” states Michael Phelps.

“I express my support to athletes from Eastern Europe and hope that all these misunderstandings with meldonium will be resolved. “At the end of the day, if it is so suddenly and selectively banned, then the athlete should be warned the first time, not repressed,” says Williams.

It's hard to disagree with our highly decorated athletes. Indeed, if a drug is banned, it is logical to assume that its analogues will also be banned, but for some reasons hidden from us, this did not happen. We will continue to update you on developments."— FoxNews reports.

This means that using it could potentially result in a ban of up to four years. Considering the prevalence of this drug in Russia, ridiculous cases will probably soon appear when a promising career is interrupted due to vitamins. “Yes, an extremely strange decision. Mildronate is similar to vitamins. There is no harm, only psychologically it seems that the body is “strengthened”, nothing more,” comments Ilyukov.

What analogue of meldonium is used by American athletes?

The other day I heard that the USA uses its own analogue of meldonium, which the anti-doping companies do not pay attention to.

What kind of analogue is this?

CARNITINE is a drug similar in properties to meldonium, but since it is produced in the USA and is a direct competitor of meldonium, the “pocket dog of America” WADA, closes its “innocent” eyes to this fact, removing the competitor in the pharmacological market, as well as a strong Russian team, a direct competitor of the same “pure” America at the Olympic Games in Rio.

One scam - two birds with one stone.

Athletes often work close to the limit or at the limit during competitions and training. To recover physically, until 2016, all athletes in the world used a catalyst for cellular respiration - meldonium. However, 2 years ago, it is believed that due to the struggle in the United States between pharmaceutical companies producing meldonium and carnitine, victory was on the side of the latter. And athletes were prohibited from taking meldonium floor for fear of disqualification, which immediately followed for Russian athletes.

However, analogues of meldonium, which are pharmaceutical. companies produce in the USA, are not included in this STOP list. As a result, American athletes continue to take these drugs. This is a metabolic cytoprotector, the name of which is kept secret by American trainers. In terms of action, carnitine is close to meldonium. Americans also use it in sports.

Cheap analogues and substitutes for the drug Mildronate: in tablets, ampoules and capsules

Mildronate is a broad-spectrum drug. The active ingredient meldonium is a synthetic analogue of B vitamins.

Significantly restores impaired body functions and regenerates metabolic processes. The medicine is available in injection ampoules, capsules, and tablets.

Widely used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe pathologies of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma, neuralgic cardiac abnormalities.

Plus is used to maintain work activity, during heavy physical activity (professional sports), and rehabilitation after surgery.

Cheap analogues of the drug are easy to find in any pharmacy. All close substitutes of Russian and Ukrainian production should be carefully considered. Weigh all the pros and cons of cheap mildronate synonyms and choose the most appropriate drug.

Russian analogues

Synonyms produced by domestic producers are quite inexpensive, have the same active ingredient, and have a similar degree of application.

Table of effective synonyms for mildronate.

Mildronate analogues produced in Ukraine

Mildronate substitutes from the Ukrainian manufacturer have very similar pharmacological compositions and are quite good synonyms for the original.

List of Ukrainian quality synonyms:

  • Cardazin. An inexpensive analogue of mildronate in tablets. Trimetazidine has a number of unique properties. It is used for the treatment of cardiac, ophthalmological, and ENT diseases.

Generics from a Belarusian manufacturer

Medicines produced in Belarus have fairly simple ingredients, but fully comply with all relevant conditions. Table of close substitutes for mildronate.

Foreign synonyms for imported manufacturer

Among modern medicines that are foreign-made analogues of the original, it is easy to find several drugs with similar characteristics and good prices. List of the most effective mildronate substitutes.

  • Angiocardil. Inexpensive synonym for mildronate in capsules. Meldonium is widely used in the complex treatment of post-infarction conditions, low working capacity, and professional sports.

A wide selection of mildronate analogues allows you to choose a drug that meets all the necessary criteria. The immediate well-being of a person depends on the correctness of the choice.

Therefore, before replacing the medicine with any analogue, you should consult a specialist. Good health!

Director of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and inventor of meldonium Ivars Kalvins explains to what carnitine and mildronate have in common, why meldonium is not used in the USA and what the “half-life” of the drug means.

Text: Marina Krylova

The most effective analogues of Mildronate

Mildronate, a drug that, through the action of the main substance Meldonium (an analogue of vitamin B) on the body, can improve metabolism. The active substance (AI) is an analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine, which is present in any cell of the human body. Mildronat helps balance the cells' need for oxygen and its actual supply, especially during increased physical activity. In the article we will look at the drug Mildronate itself and analogues that replace it if necessary, the cost from various manufacturers.

Characteristics of the “dad” drug

Mildronate helps to stop the excessive accumulation of toxic substances during metabolism, protects the structure of cells, and tones their work. Indicated for use in cases of increased physical activity, it can quickly restore energy losses. In practice, Mildronat is used as a drug that stabilizes the functionality of the cardiovascular system, improves cerebral circulation, and helps with excessive mental work and physical overload.

Mildronate action facts:

  1. Reduces the production of carnitine, increases the secretion of gamma-butyrobetaine (vasodilator).
  2. In case of cardiac ischemia, it inhibits the development of a necrotic lesion and is indispensable during the rehabilitation period after treatment of cardiac pathologies.
  3. Reduces the number of angina attacks in the presence of heart failure.
  4. Helps stabilize cerebral circulation in acute and chronic conditions, “directing” blood flow to the site of ischemia.

Mildronate is also indispensable for various vascular diseases of the eyes, for functional disorders of the central nervous system against the background of withdrawal syndrome in a chronic alcoholic.

Mildronate is indicated as part of complex therapy for heart diseases, strokes, heart attacks, chronic fatigue and reduced performance, as a “stimulant-restorer” during excessive physical exertion, especially in athletes, etc. “Dad-drug” “spurs” to the work of the human body when its vitality is greatly reduced and a “magic kick” is required.

Important! Mildronate (Meldonium) should not be used in case of severe allergic reactions to the components of the product. Prohibited for children under 18 years of age, with intracranial hypertension, pregnancy and hepatitis B. The average cost of a domestic (Russian) drug is rubles.

But in cases where Mildronate cannot be taken for any reason, and its undoubted abilities that bring a person back to life are necessary, analogues are needed. How to replace Mildronate? Which generics are suitable as a “drug substitute”, which is better: domestic (Russian), Ukrainian or imported analogues, more about this later in the instructions for each product.

Drugs released on the territory of the Russian Federation

Relatively cheap analogues and substitutes for Mildronate are produced on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to observations, they give a good therapeutic effect; when used, energy exchange in the human body is stabilized, blood circulation through the vessels is restored. Analogue drugs with a similar composition are indispensable for a number of diseases and physiological conditions.


It is classified as a cytoprotector and is approved by cardiologists, who prescribe it as a drug as part of complex treatment for blood flow disorders, cardiovascular failure, and angina pectoris. Melfor has proven itself well as a means of stimulating physical activity, mental activity, and as a drug indispensable in the rehabilitation of patients after operations, heart attacks and strokes.

The prescription analogue of Mildronate is prescribed taking into account the diagnosis, the individual characteristics of the patient, and his tolerance to the components of Melfor. It is not recommended for use in the evening, as it has highly stimulating properties. Take a course of 0.5-1 g for 7–10 days.

Important! Melfor is prohibited for use by patients under 18 years of age, for women at any stage of pregnancy during breastfeeding. Prescribed with caution for liver and kidney diseases of various origins.


The active ingredient is Meldonium dihydrate; the drug is available in the form of syrup, capsules and ampoules for intravenous administration. Indications for use of the Mildronate analogue are similar to the main drug: for reduced performance, weakness, chronic fatigue. In the presence of cardiac ischemia, impaired blood supply to the brain, as a drug that helps to quickly recover after complex surgical interventions or injuries.

The dosage of Meldonium is strictly individual, self-prescription is contraindicated, the drug is a prescription drug. Contraindications to the use of Meldonium include:

  1. Malignant neoplasms in the structure of the brain.
  2. Intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
  3. Age under 18 years, breastfeeding or pregnancy.

In case of overdose, symptoms are observed: tachycardia, allergic reactions, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, excitation of the nervous system, surges in blood pressure.


The release form is ampoules, the main active ingredient is Meldonium, which has the ability to enhance metabolism and stimulate the functioning of the whole body. Used as a preventive measure at the risk of developing ischemic stroke, heart attack, angina pectoris. Contraindications for use are standard, similar to Mildronate. Average price – rub.


Improves energy exchange and cell metabolism, is a cardioprotector, indicated for high stress on the heart and during physical overload. It is used for cerebrovascular insufficiency in the chronic stage intramuscularly, the injection is given once a day, 5 ml, for mental and physical fatigue - 10 ml intravenously, once a day for a course of days. For cardiovascular pathologies, it is used as an addition to a course of treatment, for a course of about 2 weeks, 5-10 ml/day. Price in solution rubles, capsules - up to 300 rubles.

As analogues of Russian-made Mildronate, we can mention: Medatern at price, Mildroxin charge. Each of the substitutes has similar properties, but when taking it, it is important to carefully study the instructions; you should not take the drugs without a doctor’s prescription in order to avoid undesirable consequences for the body.

What is popular in Ukraine: Ukrainian-made drugs

Ukrainian manufacturers of Mildronate analogues produce drugs that are in no way inferior in quality to the main drug. Almost all products contain meldonium in various forms. The most popular are the following:

  • Energoton. Received good reviews from doctors who use the drug in the field of cardiology, otolaryngology, and ophthalmology. The tablets are indicated for coronary artery disease, relief and prevention of angina pectoris, as stabilizers of the heart muscle, for dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss, etc. Administration for a course of 7-14 days, adjustment of the dose and duration of the course is within the competence of the doctor. No studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on fetal development; Energoton is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also unacceptable to take the medicine for liver and kidney pathologies, for children under 12 years of age and for individual sensitivity to any component. Price, rub.
  • Triductane. Trimetazidine dihydrochloride acts as an active ingredient; it is cheaper in cost than Mildronate, but in terms of the quality of assistance provided to the body it is not inferior to many expensive drugs. Indicated for use in cases of: IHD, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, and vascular pathologies. The dose of Triductan is 2 tablets per day, the duration of the course is individual. Price about 40 UAH.
  • Cardazin. Available in the form of tablets, deep pink in color, an analogue of Mildronate is used for the same conditions as the “dad” drug, 1-2 tablets three times a day with meals. For cardiac and vascular pathologies, the course is 4-6 weeks.
  • Carductal. Used in cardiology, d.v. tablets - trimetazidine dihydrochloride, supports cellular homeostasis, metabolism, helps improve tissue trophism. Take 1-3 tablets per day from 7 to 21 days.

The dose of Carduktal is selected with caution; in case of overdose, an increase in blood pressure, neuralgic disorders, etc. are noted. Price from 80 rubles.

Belarusian analogues of Mildronate

On the territory of Belarus, medications are produced in the form of tablets, ampoules and capsules; in composition and effect on the body they are in no way inferior to Mildronate. Analogues have a good therapeutic effect and are affordable to a wide range of consumers.


Helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, stimulates energy exchange, trophism of tissues and organs, saturating them with oxygen. Indications for use are similar to the main drug; Mildrocald is used in tablets and injections according to an individual regimen; self-prescription is excluded. Price about 400 rubles.


The most famous analogue of the original in tablets, costs about 45 rubles, is indicated for arrhythmia, ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction. The active component of the drug, inosine, promotes the activation of metabolic processes.

Foreign manufacturers: names and characteristics of analogues

The list of Mildronate analogs is presented as relatively inexpensive and similar in characteristics and affordable prices. The description of the drugs is given for informational purposes; it is not advisable to drink them on your own without preliminary diagnostics of the body and recommendations of a doctor.

The cost of each of the analogues is within rubles per package of the product.

A wide selection of Mildronate analogues is presented by different manufacturers. What to choose based on price is decided by the patient himself, based on his financial capabilities; the composition and effect of the synonyms of the main drug are almost identical. But in any case, it is important to listen to the opinion of the treating specialist and, based on the individual characteristics of the human body, the diagnosis.

Analogues of Mildronate

Mildronate analogues are a group of drugs with an identical ATC code. These drugs have similar pharmacological effects and belong to the same group of metabolic agents.

The drugs are used in the treatment of various cardiac disorders, stroke, cardiac ischemia, and ophthalmological diseases. The list of the most well-known and widely used medicines will allow you not to make a mistake in choosing an analogue of Mildronate.



The drug is the highest quality analogue of Mildronate and also contains meldonium. The drug is widely used in the treatment of the acute phase of angina pectoris.

In the human body, the cardioprotector has the following actions:

  • improves blood supply to the brain and heart;
  • increases performance;
  • helps to quickly recover in the postoperative period;
  • eliminates mental and physical stress.

The main indications are the elimination of chronic heart failure, cardialgia, myocardial dystrophy.


The average dose for an adult is 250 mg 2-4 times. in a day. The product is available in capsules and tablets.


It is prohibited to take the medication:

  • up to 18 years old;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • when venous outflow is impaired.

The medicine in some cases can cause tachycardia and an allergic reaction. It should be taken into account that Mildronate analogues must be stored in a dark place at room temperature. You can buy this analogue of Mildronate at the pharmacy. The average price for a medicine varies between 300 rubles.



The cheapest substitute for Mildronate is the Russian analog drug Meldonium. The product contains meldonium dihydrate. The product is available in capsules and ampoules.

The medicine has the following effects:

  • supports heart function in case of illness, heart attack, stroke;
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • ensures the delivery of oxygen to organic tissues;
  • relieves alcohol syndrome;
  • improves endurance.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of heart failure, angina pectoris, ischemia and improving performance.


Mildronate analogue in capsules is taken according to the instructions in the package. The metabolic agent is prescribed orally at 500 mg per day. The Mildronate analogue tablet should be swallowed whole with water. The course of therapy is 2-3 weeks. For angina pectoris, take 250 mg of medication three times a day.

The Mildronate analogue is also administered intravenously, retrobulbarly and intramuscularly. The dosage is calculated by the attending physician.

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • intracranial tumors.

Side effects may include nervous agitation, an allergic reaction of the body, stool disorders and itchy skin.

The Mildronate analogue is stored in a dark place at room temperature. The average price for a medicine in a pharmacy is rubles.



The drug Vasonat is an effective substitute for Mildronate. As an analogue of Mildronate, this drug contains meldonium.

This substance has a cardioprotective effect:

  • improves heart contractions;
  • normalizes blood supply to the brain and heart;
  • accumulates unoxidized fatty acids in cellular structures;
  • improves cellular metabolism.

This analogue of Mildronate is used in the treatment of various cardiac disorders, during mental, mental and physical stress. The drug improves the functioning of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems, redistributes blood and directs it to the ischemic area.


An analogue of Mildronate in tablets is taken several mg per day. This treatment regimen is indicated for angina and other cardiovascular diseases. In the acute phase of circulatory disorders in the brain, injections of the drug are administered. In cases of mental and physical overload, supplemental tablets are also prescribed.


This analogue of Mildronate is not prescribed:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • in childhood;
  • with an intracranial tumor.

The Mildronate analogue should be taken with caution in case of liver and kidney failure. The average price for a medicine is rubles.



Instead of Mildronate, you can take the drug Cardionat. The medication contains meldonium and is a structural analogue of Mildronate.

  • enhances performance;
  • supports the heart and blood vessels during physical activity;
  • improves cerebral circulation;
  • inhibits carnitine synthesis;
  • restores ATP transport.

The drug is indicated for use in angina pectoris, cardiac ischemia, after stroke and heart attack. It restores the supply of necessary oxygen to cells and prevents oxygen starvation of tissues. As a result of taking the Mildronate analogue, the activity of the brain and cardiovascular system improves.


The product is available in 250 mg capsules. For ischemic processes and cerebrovascular disorders, this Mildronate analogue is taken pomg. For cerebral circulatory dysfunction in the post-stroke period, take PMG twice a day. A dosage of 250 mg 2 times a day is appropriate for various heart pains.


This Mildronate analogue is not taken when:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • liver failure.

In some cases, the Mildronate analogue may cause adverse reactions - headache, dyspepsia, bradycardia. Nervous tension and an allergic reaction are possible.

The drug is stored in a dark place. The average cost of an analogue of Mildronate is 200 rubles.



As an effective analogue of Mildronate, the doctor may recommend the drug Idrinol. The product is available in ampoules as an injection solution.

In the human body, the drug has the following effects:

  • eliminates disruption of acid transportation;
  • increases performance;
  • prevents the development of acute ischemia;
  • stabilizes blood microcirculation;
  • improves blood supply to the brain;
  • reduces the frequency of heart attacks;
  • increases humoral immunity.

This analogue of Mildronate is indicated for physical overexertion, decreased performance, and hemorrhage in the retina. The drug is also used in the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, heart attack, and stroke.


The medicine is prescribed according to individual indications. 0.5-1 g of solution is injected intramuscularly and intravenously once or twice a day.


The drug is contraindicated for:

  • high intracranial pressure;
  • bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding;
  • intracranial tumor.

The drug is not prescribed for children. Take the medicine with extreme caution in case of liver and kidney diseases.

The average cost of an analogue of Mildronate is 175 rubles. The drug should be stored in a dark place. The product must be used as prescribed by a doctor and according to the attached instructions.

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Is the meldonium ban the machinations of US competitors?

Pill for the record

The meldonium doping scandal, in which 10 Russian athletes are currently involved, including tennis player Maria Sharapova, has grown beyond the scope of a purely sporting incident. The UN has suspended its cooperation with Sharapova as a goodwill ambassador. Four-time world swimming champion Yulia Efimova also tested positive for meldonium. Since the athlete has already been temporarily suspended for doping, she faces a lifetime ban.

What happened, like a drop of water, reflected all the problems of modern sports: the influence of politics, unfair competition, the interests of the pharmaceutical business.

The drug meldonium can be purchased in Moscow pharmacies without a prescription. In the indications you can read: “A drug that normalizes the energy metabolism of cells exposed to hypoxia or ischemia. Supports energy metabolism of the heart and other organs. In heart failure, it increases myocardial contractility, increases exercise tolerance, and reduces the frequency of angina attacks. As a result of use, the body acquires the ability to withstand stress and quickly restore energy reserves.” Since 2012, meldonium has been included in the List of Essential Medicines.

Have competitors decided to push meldonium out of the market?

As it turned out, the study of the properties of meldonium was ordered by WADA to the American company Partnership for Clean Competition. The results were published in the journal Drug Testing and Analysis in November 2015. It says, in part: “The use of mildronate, which may be based on medicinal substances, is supported by certain analytical data that allows us to assess its prevalence in professional sports.” It is difficult to come up with a more vague explanation. It was this that made me think that there was something wrong with this ban...

WADA press secretary Ben Nichols wrote on Twitter that meldonium was found in samples of about 100 athletes, 10 of them from Russia. At the end of October 2014, WADA added meldonium to the list of drugs being monitored. At the same time, with the financial support of the American non-profit organization Partnership for Clean Competition, created by USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) together with the United States Olympic Committee, urine samples of athletes were tested. Analysis of 8,300 samples revealed the presence of meldonium in 182 of them (2.2%). All the athletes who hosted it represented Eastern European countries. It was after this that they suspected overseas that meldonium was being used as a doping by athletes from Eastern Europe...

Thus, meldonium is not just a medicine. This is already politics. However, then the question arises: if it does not give anything, then why was it taken?

It is interesting to note: speaking about meldonium analogs that American athletes use, no one was able to accurately name these drugs. This may mean that the doping control did not detect them. This is only possible in two cases: either they did not want to notice them, or they were skillfully “covered up”.

This is what Konstantin Zverev, who worked for a long time in one of the hospitals in New York State, told Our Version: “I think there are actually no analogues of meldonium in the USA; they use something else there. In the USA, there is a rather strict attitude towards drugs without proven effectiveness. Meldonium is officially banned in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The logic is this: why sell and take drugs whose benefits have not been proven by serious clinical studies?”

Having nothing against American regulations regarding food and drugs, let me nevertheless note: why extend your rules to the whole world? Let us remember: the World Anti-Doping Agency included meldonium in the list of prohibited drugs at the initiative of the US Anti-Doping Agency.

“I think that the ban on meldonium is a lobby of carnitine manufacturers. This drug is the most common nutritional supplement used by athletes and bodybuilders. Our group, which at one time developed meldonium, unfortunately, stated that carnitine is not a harmless drug that can affect the development of atherosclerosis. So manufacturers do not want to lose their business, but with their ban they want to influence competitors or those who point out the disadvantages of carnitine,” quotes Ivars Kalvins.

Team Meldonium

Prohibited meldonium was found in doping samples of the following Russian athletes: Maria Sharapova (tennis), Ekaterina Bobrova (figure skating), Pavel Kulizhnikov (speed skating), Semyon Elistratov and Ekaterina Konstantinova (short track), Alena and Alexey Mikhaltsov (rugby), Alexander Markin (volleyball), Eduard Latypov (biathlon), Nadezhda Sergeeva (bobsleigh), Yulia Efimova (swimming), Eduard Vorganov (cycling).

Bread, circuses and... doping!

Sport has long ceased to be a competition of the strongest, turning into a competition of the cunning and rich. And sometimes – even in a competition between pharmacists. The people and sponsors demand spectacles and results, otherwise the stadiums will be empty. Therefore, everyone is interested in the use of doping – athletes, sports businessmen and, most paradoxically, spectators. In addition, the athletes’ performance schedule is designed in such a way that there is practically no time for recovery. The work is wearing thin, and you can’t do without medications. Many coaches and doctors have built and are building their careers on putting athletes on all kinds of drugs. Doesn't the Anti-Doping Agency know about this? Of course they do. But not everything is allowed to be used. And not everyone.

Master of Sports in cross-country skiing, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Dubrovsky, says: “Everyone took doping, and it was not a secret - I mean for the athletes. I know that in America there is a special pharmacological center that works only for the national teams of the country. At one time there was such a laboratory in Bulgaria. Methods of “maintaining” sports shape are only being improved. At the same time, virtually no one thinks about the health of the athlete himself and bears no responsibility. There were cases when our athletes died from an overdose of the drug. I remember the famous swimmer Vladimir Salnikov, four-time Olympic champion, was in the hospital for more than 40 days. The doctor insisted on taking some kind of drug, and this led to serious complications. There was a case in St. Petersburg when a 22-year-old swimmer died after taking doping. No one takes medications on their own. In such cases, there is a program signed by the coach, doctor, athlete and sometimes (if preparations are underway for serious competitions) by higher management. Naturally, this information is secret, and only a narrow circle of people knows about it.” When asked whether Dubrovsky himself used doping during competitions, he answered in the affirmative: “As a rule, we used anabolic steroids that reduced body weight, increased performance, and usually with a “cover.” “Cover” are drugs that do not reveal the presence of doping inside the body. I myself personally accepted the “cover-up.” And he was never caught in a doping test. It has long been known that American athletes are walking dopes. How to fight them on equal terms?

After this, only one thing can be said about WADA’s activities: it is politics, diplomacy, connections with the pharmaceutical business - anything but sports.

The most surprising thing in this story is that meldonium analogues are not prohibited: athletes continue to take them. Glenn Beck, presenter of the American radio station FoxNews, reported this in particular. American tennis player and four-time Olympic champion Serena Williams also expressed her bewilderment at the scandal surrounding athletes from Russia. In particular, Williams stated that all American athletes have long been taking analogues of meldonium, which in their pharmacological properties are completely identical to it. “The whole point, probably, is where exactly the drug was produced and athletes from which countries take it. I believe that such a selective approach in sports is unacceptable,” said the tennis player. American swimmer, 18-time Olympic champion, 26-time world champion Michael Phelps was more categorical: “It’s just ridiculous to ban Eastern European meldonium, but allow its American analogues. Who is all this aimed at, complete idiots who are far from American sports?” Both American athletes noted that WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has long become an instrument of pressure on unwanted countries for political, economic or other reasons. “Tomorrow they will receive a command to ban mountain air from Eastern Europe and China, since it allows American competitors to better prepare for competitions, and they will ban it. There will be a command to ban athletes from undesirable countries from eating national food, recommending American food, and WADA will do this. This completely discredited organization should have been driven away from the sport a long time ago,” says Michael Phelps.

By the way, for some reason the leadership of WADA is also composed exclusively of Americans and Canadians...

So this is all not true. Foreign athletes did not make such statements. But during the period of heated discussion, such “misinformation” let off steam in the naive Russian blogosphere.

The biggest doping scandals

Many famous athletes have been involved in incidents related to the use of steroids.

At the 1976 Olympics in Innsbruck, ephedrine was found in the body of Soviet skier Galina Kulakova. True, Kulakova was suspended for only one race.

In 1994, the famous Diego Maradona was suspended for 15 months for using ephedrine at the World Cup. The famous American track and field athlete Carl Lewis was caught using ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.

In 2001, at the home World Ski Championships, almost the entire Finnish star team was caught using the hormone erythropoietin - Mika Myllula, Jari Isometsa, Virpi Kuitunen. A year later, at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Russians Larisa Lazutina and Olga Danilova became victims of checks. In 2008, four people were caught at the Tour de France and a new type of erythropoietin, CERA, was found in their blood. Also, two-time world champion 1500 and 5000 meter runner Rashid Ramzi was caught using erythropoietin - CERA. The recent biathlon scandal involving Russian athletes Akhatova, Yaroshenko and Yuryeva also did not go without mention of erythropoietin.

American media: 17-time world champion Michael Phelps uses an American analogue of meldonium

“An unexpected continuation followed the scandal caused by the use of meldonium, banned by Russian athletes since January 2016. It turns out that its analogues, but produced in the USA, are not prohibited substances for athletes,” reports Glen Beck, host of the American FoxNews radio station.

Thus, Serena William stated that “big politics is involved in this scandal, along with unfair competition, since all American athletes have long been taking its analogues, which in their pharmacological properties are completely identical to meldonium. The whole point probably depends on where exactly the drug was produced and which countries’ athletes take it. I believe that such a selective approach in sports is unacceptable.”

The greatest American swimmer, Michael Phelps, was more emphatic, noting that American sports would be last in the world if American athletes only ate disgusting hamburgers and washed down equally disgusting cola. “It is simply ridiculous to ban Eastern European meldonium but allow its American equivalents. Who is all this aimed at, complete idiots who are far from American sports?” - Michael asks rhetorically.

Both titled American athletes note that the world anti-doping agency WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has long been turned into an instrument of pressure on unwanted countries for political, economic or other reasons. Sometimes it's just a desire to do harm.

“Tomorrow they will receive a command to ban mountain air from Eastern Europe and China, since it allows American rivals to better prepare for competitions, and they will ban it. There will be a command to ban athletes from undesirable countries from eating national food, recommending American food, and WADA will do this. This completely discrediting organization should have been driven away from sports a long time ago,” states Michael Phelps.

“I express my support to athletes from Eastern Europe and hope that all these misunderstandings with meldonium will be resolved. “At the end of the day, if it is so suddenly and selectively banned, then the athlete should be warned the first time, not repressed,” says Williams.

It's hard to disagree with our highly decorated athletes. Indeed, if a drug is banned, it is logical to assume that its analogues will also be banned, but for some reasons hidden from us, this did not happen. We will continue to update you on developments." - FoxNews reports.

All sorts of things

What I see, I write about

Tags: meldonium

  • July 29th, 2016 , 08:13 am

What you need to know about approved meldonium analogues

What do carnitine and mildronate have in common?

– How did you find out that WADA plans to include meldonium in the list of prohibited substances?

– Last year, in the fall, when WADA had already published the updated doping list in the public domain. Nobody contacted me: neither from WADA, nor from any national anti-doping agencies. Even at a time when mildronate was only under monitoring. I learned about everything from open sources.

– Have you yourself tried to contact WADA representatives?

- No. But I almost immediately publicly voiced my position. Of course, I don't agree with their decision. And with their claims. Athletes did not take mildronate to improve their physical abilities. It helps solve completely different problems.

– Firstly, it helps prevent damage to the heart muscle that can occur due to excessive exercise. This is especially true for athletes. During training, they often reach a state where the oxygen deficiency is so severe that the death of heart cells and other muscles begins. Secondly, and this is only relevant for men, mildronate helps restore normal sexual function. Many people also have problems with this due to excessive physical activity. I want to repeat once again: mildronate has never been used and is not used to increase work efficiency. Yes, if a person has had problems with the heart muscle, it becomes easier after using it. But this does not mean that the athlete will be able to run longer or jump higher. If necessary, we are ready to conduct special studies on athletes under loads to clearly show this. The experience of using our drug, including in sports, is very extensive - 32 years on the market. All this time there were no complaints or suspicions - and suddenly this happened.

– Why was mildronate used so actively only in Eastern Europe, but in more than 30 years it never caught on in the Western market?

– We were very roughly pushed out of the Western market back in Soviet times. When it came to the collapse of the USSR, one of the largest Western pharmaceutical companies approached us. They offered to buy the patent in order to obtain the exclusive right to develop mildronate in the West and all the necessary documents for this. We believed that they would really get involved in production and gave away the rights to the whole world, with the exception of Japan and the countries of the former USSR. But, naturally, no one was going to produce mildronate. This was the simplest and most effective way to eliminate a competitor - to buy out the patent and ruin everything.

– You said “liquidate a competitor,” that is, does Mildronate have any analogues?

- No. Mildronate has no direct analogues. There are substances that are credited with properties similar to those possessed by meldonium. For example, levocarnitine (or L-carnitine - Preparations based on it are very common, including in the West. Carnitine, carnosine, carnitor. A lot of them. Also, say, beta-alanine and its derivatives. And in the literature, by the way, there is a lot of information that they are precisely stimulants and increase power and endurance.

– It turns out that the same carnitine, which is freely taken by athletes all over the world, has many more reasons to be called doping than mildronate?

– If what protects the heart and muscles from the destructive effects of fatty acids is now called doping, then both mildronate and carnitine should be banned. Now it turns out to be some kind of policy of double standards. Moreover, in the case of L-carnitine there are still some subtleties. When a person takes it under loads that his body tolerates well, in conditions where there is no hypoxia, then it most likely helps as a dope. It’s another matter if a person trains to the limit of his capabilities, when the overload of the heart is so deep that he is in danger of death. Then this is not doping - it is a protective agent against metabolic disorders.

– And in this case, meldonium and L-carnitine act on the body in approximately the same way?

- No. In this case, they have one goal - to prevent excess fatty acids in the cells. But they work differently. Mildronate works very simply. Imagine the mixture that is prepared for internal combustion engines in a car. Speaking at a primitive level, fuel and air are mixed there. When the fuel to air ratio is correct, the engine is fine. As soon as it starts to run out of air, it stalls because the mixture is too oily. The same can be said about the work of the heart. Muscles and the heart typically use fatty acids for fuel. Carnitine (the one that is synthesized in the human body and not introduced artificially - usually brings them inside the cells, to the place of their combustion, thus, as it were, providing fuel supply. Oxygen must burn this fuel. It is delivered only by blood, using so-called red blood cells - erythrocytes. And if there is less oxygen inside the cells than necessary, under-oxidized activated fatty acids will begin to accumulate there, which simply dissolve all the membranes. And the cell dies. What does mildronate do? Mildronate reduces the amount of synthesized carnitine, and, consequently, the supply of fatty acids into the cell and gradually restores myocardial function under conditions of severe hypoxia. But can you imagine that if you supply less fuel, you get better performance or endurance? Of course not. The overall efficiency of the body will not increase. The cells just won't die.

– Why then drink L-carnitine if, on the contrary, for normal heart function we try to reduce its amount?

– It’s all about the dosage of carnitine. At normal physiological concentrations, it stimulates the transport of fatty acids. And at high concentrations, it pumps out under-oxidized fatty acids from cells. The same Americans, for example, administer 50 ml of carnitine solution 4 times a day. This is considered permitted, despite the fact that it is hundreds of times higher than the amount that is synthesized in our body. In addition, no one takes into account that if L-carnitine pulls too many fatty acids out of the cell, this will also lead to destruction of the myocardium. And everyone will remember about mildronate again.

– Mildronate helps remove excess carnitine. Are there substances that help remove mildronate itself?

– Surely such substances exist. We simply did not conduct specialized research. But if someone asks to do it, we are ready.

– The instructions in Russian say that the half-life of mildronate is from 3 to 6 hours. Many people still think that during this time the body completely gets rid of it.

– This, of course, is completely wrong. The term "half-life" means that the first half of the dosage is eliminated after this time, that is, after 3-6 hours. Let's say you took 1000 mg of a substance, the first half, that is, 500 mg will be excreted within 4 hours, for example. Over the next 4 hours, half of the remainder will be eliminated, that is, half of 500 mg - 250 mg. After another 4 hours - 125 mg and so on. There is no linear relationship, as many people think: half in 3 hours, and the rest in another 3 hours. At least 20 half-lives. There are no exact release dates. But, knowing the structure of the compound, I can assume that traces of meldonium can be found in the blood three or even four months after taking it. It can linger in the blood because it is able to bind to proteins, i.e. proteins.

– And it turns out to be such a cumulative effect.

- Partly so. It can accumulate, but only to a certain level. We have binding centers in our bodies. These are usually positively charged amino acid molecules that are readily available. Let's say a protein called albumin. There are others - there are many different types of them in the blood. The number of these molecules is limited. And when you occupy all the centers, nothing else accumulates. On average, about 100 mg of meldonium can be stored in these binding sites. But as soon as you take some sleeping pills, that’s it, consider that you just drank Mildronate, although you have long forgotten what it looks like. It’s just that in our body some substances are able to displace others from binding centers. And then these displaced substances (in our case, meldonium) can suddenly show up in tests.

Text: Marina Krylova

Photo: RIA Novosti/Oksana Dzhakhan, RIA Novosti/Pavel Lisitsyn

What you need to know about approved meldonium analogues

Director of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and inventor of meldonium Ivars Kalvins explains to the site what carnitine and mildronate have in common, why meldonium is not used in the USA and what the “half-life” of the drug means.

– How did you find out that WADA plans to include meldonium in the list of prohibited substances?

– Last year, in the fall, when WADA had already published the updated doping list in the public domain. Nobody contacted me: neither from WADA, nor from any national anti-doping agencies. Even at a time when mildronate was only under monitoring. I learned about everything from open sources.

– Have you yourself tried to contact WADA representatives?

- No. But I almost immediately publicly voiced my position. Of course, I don't agree with their decision. And with their claims. Athletes did not take mildronate to improve their physical abilities. It helps solve completely different problems.

- Which?

– Firstly, it helps prevent damage to the heart muscle that can occur due to excessive exercise. This is especially true for athletes. During training, they often reach a state where the oxygen deficiency is so severe that the death of heart cells and other muscles begins. Secondly, and this is only relevant for men, mildronate helps restore normal sexual function. Many people also have problems with this due to excessive physical activity. I want to repeat once again: mildronate has never been used and is not used to increase work efficiency. Yes, if a person has had problems with the heart muscle, it becomes easier after using it. But this does not mean that the athlete will be able to run longer or jump higher. If necessary, we are ready to conduct special studies on athletes under loads to clearly show this. The experience of using our drug, including in sports, is very extensive - 32 years on the market. All this time there were no complaints or suspicions - and suddenly this happened.

– Why was mildronate used so actively only in Eastern Europe, but in more than 30 years it never caught on in the Western market?

– We were very roughly pushed out of the Western market back in Soviet times. When it came to the collapse of the USSR, one of the largest Western pharmaceutical companies approached us. They offered to buy the patent in order to obtain the exclusive right to develop mildronate in the West and all the necessary documents for this. We believed that they would really get involved in production and gave away the rights to the whole world, with the exception of Japan and the countries of the former USSR. But, naturally, no one was going to produce mildronate. This was the simplest and most effective way to eliminate a competitor - to buy out the patent and ruin everything.

– You said “liquidate a competitor,” that is, does Mildronate have any analogues?

- No. Mildronate has no direct analogues. There are substances that are credited with properties similar to those possessed by meldonium. Preparations based on it are very common, including in the West. Carnitine, carnosine, carnitor. A lot of them. Also, say, beta-alanine and its derivatives. And in the literature, by the way, there is a lot of information that they are precisely stimulants and increase power and endurance.

– It turns out that the same carnitine, which is freely taken by athletes all over the world, has many more reasons to be called doping than mildronate?

– If what protects the heart and muscles from the destructive effects of fatty acids is now called doping, then both mildronate and carnitine should be banned. Now it turns out to be some kind of policy of double standards. Moreover, in the case of L-carnitine there are still some subtleties. When a person takes it under loads that his body tolerates well, in conditions where there is no hypoxia, then it most likely helps as a dope. It’s another matter if a person trains to the limit of his capabilities, when the overload of the heart is so deep that he is in danger of death. Then this is not doping - it is a protective agent against metabolic disorders.

– And in this case, meldonium and L-carnitine act on the body in approximately the same way?

- No. In this case, they have one goal - to prevent excess fatty acids in the cells. But they work differently. Mildronate works very simply. Imagine the mixture that is prepared for internal combustion engines in a car. Speaking at a primitive level, fuel and air are mixed there. When the fuel to air ratio is correct, the engine is fine. As soon as it starts to run out of air, it stalls because the mixture is too oily. The same can be said about the work of the heart. Muscles and the heart typically use fatty acids for fuel. Inside the cells, to the place of their combustion, they are usually brought by carnitine (the one that is synthesized in the human body and not introduced artificially - site), thus, as it were, providing fuel. Oxygen must burn this fuel. It is delivered only by blood, using so-called red blood cells - erythrocytes. And if there is less oxygen inside the cells than necessary, under-oxidized activated fatty acids will begin to accumulate there, which simply dissolve all the membranes. And the cell dies. What does mildronate do? Mildronate reduces the amount of synthesized carnitine, and, consequently, the supply of fatty acids into the cell and gradually restores myocardial function under conditions of severe hypoxia. But can you imagine that if you supply less fuel, you get better performance or endurance? Of course not. The overall efficiency of the body will not increase. The cells just won't die.

– Why then drink L-carnitine if, on the contrary, for normal heart function we try to reduce its amount?

– It’s all about the dosage of carnitine. At normal physiological concentrations, it stimulates the transport of fatty acids. And at high concentrations, it pumps out under-oxidized fatty acids from cells. The same Americans, for example, administer 50 ml of carnitine solution 4 times a day. This is considered permitted, despite the fact that it is hundreds of times higher than the amount that is synthesized in our body. In addition, no one takes into account that if L-carnitine pulls too many fatty acids out of the cell, this will also lead to destruction of the myocardium. And everyone will remember about mildronate again.

– Mildronate helps remove excess carnitine. Are there substances that help remove mildronate itself?

– Surely such substances exist. We simply did not conduct specialized research. But if someone asks to do it, we are ready.

– The instructions in Russian say that the half-life of mildronate is from 3 to 6 hours. Many people still think that during this time the body completely gets rid of it.

– This, of course, is completely wrong. The term "half-life" means that the first half of the dosage is eliminated after this time, that is, after 3-6 hours. Let's say you took 1000 mg of a substance, the first half, that is, 500 mg will be excreted within 4 hours, for example. Over the next 4 hours, half of the remainder will be eliminated, that is, half of 500 mg - 250 mg. After another 4 hours - 125 mg and so on. There is no linear relationship, as many people think: half in 3 hours, and the rest in another 3 hours. At least 20 half-lives. There are no exact release dates. But, knowing the structure of the compound, I can assume that traces of meldonium can be found in the blood three or even four months after taking it. It can linger in the blood because it is able to bind to proteins, i.e. proteins.

– And it turns out to be such a cumulative effect.

- Partly so. It can accumulate, but only to a certain level. We have binding centers in our bodies. These are usually positively charged amino acid molecules that are readily available. Let's say a protein called albumin. There are others - there are many different types of them in the blood. The number of these molecules is limited. And when you occupy all the centers, nothing else accumulates. On average, about 100 mg of meldonium can be stored in these binding sites. But as soon as you take some sleeping pills, that’s it, consider that you just drank Mildronate, although you have long forgotten what it looks like. It’s just that in our body some substances are able to displace others from binding centers. And then these displaced substances (in our case, meldonium) can suddenly show up in tests.

Text: Marina Krylova

Photo: RIA Novosti/Oksana Dzhakhan, RIA Novosti/Pavel Lisitsyn

“An unexpected continuation followed the scandal caused by the use of meldonium, banned by Russian athletes since January 2016. It turns out that its analogues, but produced in the USA, are not prohibited substances for athletes,” reports Glen Beck, host of the American FoxNews radio station. “American tennis player, multiple record holder, four-time Olympic champion Serena Williams and American swimmer, eleven-time Olympic champion, 17-time world champion Michael Phelps, who is considered one of the best swimmers in the history of sports, expressed their bewilderment about meldonium and the scandal surrounding athletes from Russia. Thus, Serena William stated that “big politics is involved in this scandal, along with unfair competition, since all American athletes have long been taking its analogues, which in their pharmacological properties are completely identical to meldonium. The whole point probably depends on where exactly the drug was produced and which countries’ athletes take it. I believe that such a selective approach in sports is unacceptable.” The greatest American swimmer, Michael Phelps, was more emphatic, noting that American sports would be last in the world if American athletes only ate disgusting hamburgers and washed down equally disgusting cola. “It is simply ridiculous to ban Eastern European meldonium but allow its American equivalents. Who is all this aimed at, complete idiots who are far from American sports?” - Michael asks rhetorically. Both titled American athletes note that the world anti-doping agency WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has long been turned into an instrument of pressure on unwanted countries for political, economic or other reasons. Sometimes it's just a desire to do harm. “Tomorrow they will receive a command to ban mountain air from Eastern Europe and China, since it allows American rivals to better prepare for competitions, and they will ban it. There will be a command to ban athletes from undesirable countries from eating national food, recommending American food, and WADA will do this. This completely discrediting organization should have been driven away from sports a long time ago,” states Michael Phelps. “I express my support to athletes from Eastern Europe and hope that all these misunderstandings with meldonium will be resolved. “At the end of the day, if it is so suddenly and selectively banned, then the athlete should be warned the first time, not repressed,” says Williams. It's hard to disagree with our highly decorated athletes. Indeed, if a drug is banned, it is logical to assume that its analogues will also be banned, but for some reasons hidden from us, this did not happen. We will continue to update you on developments." - FoxNews reports.
