Hydrosalpinx for those who do not plan to have children. Are there any chances of getting pregnant naturally after treatment for hydrosalpinx? Symptoms and diagnosis

  • Why is hydrosalpinx dangerous?
  • Hydrosalpinx and pregnancy
  • How to treat hydrosalpinx
  • The fallopian tube was removed. What's next?
  • The diagnosis of hydrosalpinx often becomes an obstacle to a successful pregnancy and even to in vitro fertilization. Meanwhile, not all women like the proposal to cut out the fallopian tube because of this. Why cut out something that doesn’t hurt and, generally speaking, doesn’t really bother you? To cut or not to cut - let's figure it out together.

    What kind of diagnosis is this - hydrosalpinx?

    Hydrosalpinx is a special case of sactosalpinx: accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the fallopian tube. It can be either a direct consequence of the inflammatory process - then pus accumulates in the fallopian tubes, and the process is called pyosalpinx, or it can be non-inflammatory in nature, and then, with hydrosalpinx, transudate accumulates in the tube (elements of blood and lymph leaking into the cavity of the tube through the vessels).

    As you understand, nothing can accumulate in a normal pipe - that’s why it’s a pipe. It’s another matter if partitions and obstacles appear in it - adhesions. They arise after inflammatory processes of a very different nature: from mechanical effects (for example, during artificial termination of pregnancy) to sexually transmitted diseases. Then liquid can actually accumulate in one or more of these sections.

    Hydrosalpinx is divided into the following types.

      Simple hydrosalpinx: one cavity with liquid.

      Follicular hydrosalpinx: the cavity is divided by adhesions into several sections.

      Ventilated (or ventilated) hydrosalpinx: adhesions block the path of fluid outflow only partially, and it periodically pours into the uterine cavity.

    Why is hydrosalpinx dangerous?

    For most women, hydrosalpinx does not cause any unpleasant sensations, but sometimes they notice nagging pain below on the side where the fallopian tube is affected, and sometimes copious discharge from the vagina (when the valve hydrosalpinx empties). Sometimes, especially during physical activity, acute pain similar to renal colic may occur, but not in all patients.

    Transudate itself can cause inflammation. Then the hydrosalpinx turns into pyosalpinx, pus forms in the cavity of the fallopian tube, the inflammatory process spreads further, until the fallopian tube ruptures and peritonitis.

    However, the most formidable and, fortunately, the rarest complication of hydrosalpinx - rupture of the fallopian tube - is possible without suppuration. Its symptoms (and consequences) are similar to a ruptured tube during an ectopic pregnancy: sharp pain below and on the side, rapid pulse, drop in blood pressure, pallor, cold sweat. Without timely medical care, various complications are possible, including death!

    Hydrosalpinx and pregnancy

    It would seem that if only one fallopian tube is affected by hydrosalpinx, this is not an obstacle to a natural pregnancy and, especially, to IVF. However, in reality, it is one of the most common causes of infertility. Why?

    Mechanical impact

    A periodically emptied (ventilated) hydrosalpinx “washes out” embryos at an early stage of development from the uterine cavity, including preventing embryos artificially introduced during IVF from consolidating.

    Toxic effects

    The transudate accumulated in the cavity of the fallopian tube is an excellent environment for the development of microorganisms, and in addition it contains various elements of lymph and blood plasma, which can have a toxic effect on the embryo. The mechanism of this effect is still not fully understood.

    Impact on the endometrium of the uterus and ovaries

    Hydrosalpinx disrupts blood flow in the pelvic organs, affects the immune system, which, in turn, affects the structure of the internal, endometrial layer of the uterine body, as well as the functioning of the ovaries. In particular, ovarian stimulation for IVF is often unsuccessful: too few eggs mature.

    How to treat hydrosalpinx

    Most doctors have long been of the same opinion - a tube affected by hydrosalpinx should be removed. However, many women in Russia opt for organ-preserving treatment, hoping to preserve intact fallopian tubes. There are two treatments you can try for this.

      Aspiration of the contents of the fallopian tube, that is, its evacuation by transvaginal puncture (the puncture is made by inserting instruments into the vagina).

      Surgical removal (excision) of adhesions is usually performed laparoscopically (through punctures, without an incision).

    Why are doctors against these treatments?

      Removal of adhesions often gives rise to relapses of the adhesive process, and the whole process “unwinds” in a new way.

      Even if it is possible to completely get rid of the obstruction of the fallopian tube, it is impossible to restore the epithelial layer - the “cilia”, like an escalator that propels the fertilized egg to the uterus. The risk of an ectopic pregnancy increases many times over, which directly threatens the woman’s life.

    It should be noted that the size of the hydrosalpinx plays a significant role when deciding on tubectomy (removal of the fallopian tube). If fluid collection cannot be detected by manual examination, and if changes in the size of the tube are not visible on ultrasound, then the doctor may decide to preserve the fallopian tube.

    The fallopian tube was removed. What's next?

    If only one fallopian tube is affected, then removing it significantly increases the chances of a natural pregnancy! Unfortunately, we cannot give exact values ​​for this “significantly” - the range of results in different studies is quite large and depends largely on the size of the hydrosalpinx, the severity of concomitant diseases and other factors, but the positive effect of the operation is undoubted.

    But the statistics of IVF after removal of the fallopian tube with hydrosalpinx are known: the success of in vitro fertilization doubles.

    The probability of pregnancy after removal of the affected tube is 46% versus 22% without surgery; birth of a healthy child - 40% versus 17%. The more significant the damage to the fallopian tube, the more noticeable the effect of its removal - some clinics even report a triple increase in the likelihood of pregnancy.

    Finally, if a woman does not plan to become pregnant again, then there is no reason for her to keep the “time bomb” - an affected fallopian tube with accumulated transudate. However, if hydrosalpinx does not cause pain, does not interfere with everyday life, and its size does not cause concern among doctors, you can take your time with the operation and perform it at a time convenient for you.

    So, let's summarize.

      If you have been diagnosed with hydrosalpinx, then Removing the affected fallopian tube will significantly increase your chances of pregnancy.

      Pregnancy may occur after tubectomy both naturally (if the second fallopian tube is preserved) and as a result of IVF.

      Treatment, aimed at preserving the affected fallopian tube, usually not effective.

      If hydrosalpinx does not bother you and you are not planning a pregnancy, it is still advisable to perform a tubectomy, since accumulation of transudate in the fallopian tube is fraught with various complications.

    No one will remove your fallopian tubes without your consent! If you doubt the correctness of such treatment, consult several specialists and discuss the prospects for the operation, including possible complications.

    We wish you health and a happy pregnancy!

    Prepared by Anastasia Sergeeva

    Dear Tatyana!

    Of course, your desire to avoid tubal removal and try to get pregnant naturally is understandable. However, you need to understand that the chances are low, although there is still a small chance if there is a blockage in one of the pipes. In order to find out, it is necessary to perform hysterosalpingography or metrosalpingography - procedures that allow assessing the degree of passage of the fallopian tubes. But to make the procedure possible, you need to stop the inflammatory process in the appendage area, which is the cause of fluid accumulation.

    Treatment of hydrosalpinx

    When treating hydrosalpinx, both conservative and surgical methods are used. The main goal of conservative treatment is to eliminate inflammation. It should be noted that therapeutic methods are effective only in the initial stages of the disease, i.e. in the treatment of adnexitis, salpingoophoritis and salpingitis. With developed hydrosalpinx, and especially on both sides, the effectiveness of conservative methods is rather an exception. However, an integrated approach to the problem can significantly improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, eliminate inflammatory processes and stop the development of adhesions. Such treatment includes taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes, as well as the use of physiotherapeutic methods: magnetophoresis, electrical stimulation of the fallopian tubes, etc.

    After the course of treatment, it makes sense to carry out MSG or HSG to determine whether there is any lumen left in the tube and whether it makes sense to try to conceive a child naturally. Damaged tubes can be restored using laparoscopic surgery. During the operation, the surgeon creates patency of the tube by separating the adhesions from the outside and inside. If the operation does not give the desired effect, then removal of the pipes is indicated, because they are sources of chronic infection.

    However, even after a successful operation, we are not talking about restoring the full functioning of the fallopian tubes. Unfortunately, due to prolonged inflammation, the villi have lost their mobility, and muscle contraction in the tubes is no longer as active as before. Moreover, women who have undergone tubal plastic surgery have an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. In general, the chance of a healthy pregnancy occurring naturally if at least one tube is restored is 5%. When pregnancy occurs, obstetricians and gynecologists take into account the risk of fallopian tube torsion after 16 weeks of pregnancy, but in general, the presence of hydrosalpinx does not affect the development of the fetus.

    Consequences of tubal removal

    After removal of the fallopian tubes, provided the ovaries are functioning normally and the hormonal levels are healthy, the woman’s cycle does not change, and therefore the follicles mature in the proper order. A woman’s sexual desire does not decrease either, i.e. There should be no negative consequences for the body. Another thing is that any operation can lead to the formation of adhesions in the pelvis, especially if a woman is predisposed to adhesions or in the presence of prolonged inflammatory processes. Therefore, after surgery, absorbable medications and physical therapy are prescribed. I would also like to note that removal of the fallopian tubes does not in any way affect the success of IVF. Of greater importance in this matter are the presence of a sufficient functional layer of the endometrium and good hormonal levels.

    Best regards, Ksenia.

    Hydrosalpinx and pregnancy are not always compatible. In many clinical cases, a woman cannot have a child due to the presence of such a disease. But the prognosis for conceiving and bearing a baby is not always negative.

    Is it possible to get pregnant if you have the disease?

    The chances of conceiving and bearing a fetus with hydrosalpinx are quite low. The fact is that during the course of the disease, fluid (transudate) accumulates in a woman’s fallopian tubes. It obstructs the passage of the tubes, so it becomes almost impossible for the egg to enter the uterine cavity.

    If, during diagnosis, the doctor was able to determine that the blockage concerns only one tube, the likelihood of conception increases. Bilateral hydrosalpinx is a more complex clinical situation.

    It is important to understand that the functioning of the fallopian tubes is not the entire reproductive system of a woman. Pregnancy may not occur for other reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to check all female organs to make sure what the problem is. First of all, it is necessary to understand how correctly the process of releasing the egg proceeds.

    How does ovulation occur?

    According to physiology, pregnancy occurs during the further development of the fertilized egg. Ovulation is the moment at which the female reproductive cell leaves the follicle, and something like a small wound forms on it. The woman feels a little pain, but many patients do not even notice the ovulation process or do not attach any importance to it. The above occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

    After this, the female reproductive cell is picked up by the villi of the fallopian tube, which help it move towards the uterine cavity, where it should meet the male reproductive cell, called the sperm. The egg lives in the uterine cavity for about a day and if during this time it does not meet the sperm, the cell dies. The situation will repeat in the next menstrual cycle.

    Is IVF possible?

    In some cases, a woman diagnosed with hydrosalpinx will be offered in vitro fertilization as an alternative to a natural pregnancy due to its impossibility.

    In this case, the procedure will be carried out after removal of the fallopian tubes. The intensive degree of development of the adhesive process and the occurrence of extensive inflammation serve as indications for this type of surgical intervention. The result is infertility.

    The use of assisted reproductive technologies remains the only way out of the situation for women.

    It is possible to carry out all stages of pregnancy outside the woman’s body and only at the final stage transfer the fertilized egg directly into the uterine cavity to begin the process of bearing the fetus.

    Conception after tubal laparoscopy

    It is gaining momentum and becoming more and more frequently used. This is due to the fact that during its implementation there are no injuries surrounding organs and tissues, and the rehabilitation period is extremely short.

    Treatment using laparoscopy is effective. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During this procedure, 3 punctures are made: 1 - in the navel area, 2 - in the ovary area. Using a laparoscope, the doctor monitors the progress of the operation as the image is displayed on the screen.

    The hydrosalpinx is removed; after this, it is recommended that the woman be kept in hospital for further observation. The prognosis is mostly favorable, as evidenced by both patient reviews and clinical practice. Despite this, you need to stay in the hospital after the intervention in order to exclude various kinds of complications.

    After the pathology is eliminated, the probability of conception is 40-70%. This is a fairly high figure that can give a woman hope of becoming a mother.

    If you do not properly allow the body to rest after surgical manipulations for hydrosalpinx, this can result in irreversible consequences for the patient, for example, an ectopic pregnancy.

    During pregnancy, complications may arise, and after an ectopic pregnancy, a woman may remain infertile. After interruption pregnancy, due to the location of the egg in the wrong place, it will be difficult to get pregnant. Reviews from doctors and their prognoses in such a situation are often unfavorable.

    Women are interested in what to do if hydrosalpinx is diagnosed during pregnancy - there is no need to worry about this issue, since the pathology does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, and the child will be born healthy.

    It is a sac of overgrown connective tissue (pseudocyst), which is filled with transudate - fluid secreted by the mucous membrane, extracellular and blood plasma against the background of the inflammatory process. Pathology is detected during routine ultrasound, as it is often asymptomatic.

    The onset of the development of the disease is acute inflammation of the fallopian tubes (acute salpingitis), under its influence an exudate (inflammatory effusion) is formed, in which the walls of the tubes are welded together and form an isolated cavity.

    Neoplasms interfere with the movement of the egg into the uterus, which leads to tubal infertility. With unilateral dilatation, it is possible to get pregnant through the remaining healthy tube, but with bilateral dilatation, complete infertility occurs. This disease reduces a woman’s chances of giving birth to a baby through IVF by 4 or even 5 times, leading to miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. With tubal infertility, 30% of women were diagnosed with this diagnosis.

    The contents of the hydrosalpinx, entering the uterine cavity, can mechanically wash away the implanted embryo. The composition of this liquid carries the threat of infection, spreading microorganisms with toxins and infection. Pathological changes in the endometrium were revealed in the presence of hydrosalpinx.

    When diagnosing Hydrosalpinx, the ICD code is prescribed in the medical history - 10 - N70.1 Hydrosalpinx - Acute salpingitis and oophoritis (salpingoophoritis).


    Hydrosalpinx is a complicated form of acute salpingitis (a separate focus of inflammation of the fallopian tubes). It is diagnosed less frequently than general inflammation of the tubes and ovaries - salpingoophoritis.

    From the affected area it happens:

    1. One-sided - the adhesion process takes place in one of the pipes. The patient is left with one healthy oviduct, which makes it possible to conceive naturally.
    2. Bilateral – pathologies are detected in two fallopian tubes, which leads to their blockage and complete infertility.

    Filling of the marsupial space with pus is called pyosalpinx. With this type of pathology, fusion of the fallopian tubes is observed due to the thick consistency of pus, and the mucous membrane of the tubes is destroyed.

    Based on the number of cavities, it is divided into:

    1. Simple - the formation of one isolated cavity.
    2. Follicular - the appearance of several cavities with dividing partitions.

    When fluid is emptied into the uterine cavity, draining hydrosalpinx is diagnosed.

    Depending on the degree of the disease, it can be acute or chronic.

    Features of the course of the disease

    Even if you know what causes hydrosalpinx, it is sometimes difficult to detect it. After all, the disease passes with virtually no symptoms. Only if an acute stage of the disease occurs can the body temperature rise to 39 degrees Celsius, and it is not always possible to understand what exactly caused its increase. At this time, the patient experiences severe fatigue and rapid onset of weakness. One of the obvious signs of the disease is bursting pain in the pelvic area. Tachycardia occurs periodically. When inflamed, the problem area may protrude and be palpated. It increases by several centimeters and touching it will be painful.

    This is a completely curable disease and the sooner it is detected, the easier it is to get rid of it. Most often it is discovered if a couple cannot become pregnant for a long time and undergoes testing.


    The onset of the development of the disease is a violation of the outflow of fluid from the fallopian tubes with an acute inflammatory process. Inflammation is caused by more than one microorganism, and can get there not only through sexual intercourse, but also through the blood from infection in other organs.

    Inflammation is caused by:

    • endometritis;
    • sexually transmitted diseases;
    • changes in the permanent microflora of the vagina associated with frequent changes of sexual partners;
    • hypothermia, decreased immunity;
    • surgical intervention in the genitals;
    • contraceptives inside the uterus;
    • injury and infection of the cervix;
    • long-term inflammation in the vagina;
    • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
    • hormonal diseases and endocrine system;
    • diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders.

    The huge circulatory system of the fallopian tubes contributes to the rapid spread of inflammation and transmission of infection to other tissues. With hydrosalpinx, inflammation often occurs in the uterus and ovaries. To block the source of infection, the ampullary part of the tube (the connection with the abdominal cavity next to the ovary) is closed, which provokes the formation of hydrosalpinx. But with a good immune system and quick intervention, such a diagnosis can be avoided.

    Ways to infect the oviduct:

    1. Ascending – the infection often ascends through the reproductive canals from the vagina, cervical canal and uterus.
    2. Descending - rare, transmitted through the blood from other infected organs (kidneys, intestines, urinary system).

    Hydrosalpinx: causes of occurrence in women

    The main causes of tubal obstruction include:

    • Inflammatory diseases that manifest themselves in the pelvic area (this may include gonococcal or chlamydial infection);
    • Ovulation induction;
    • Endometriosis;
    • The appearance of adhesions in the fallopian tubes from diseases of the pelvic organs;
    • Hysterectomy can lead to unilateral or bilateral obstruction;
    • Primary or secondary malignant tumors arising in the fallopian tubes;
    • Fallopian tube ligation procedure;
    • Accumulations of uterine secretions that occur during surgical interventions.

    It is worth understanding that the causes of hydroslpinx on the right and left may be the same. If we are not talking about surgical intervention, then it is never known exactly which pipe may be affected by disease and which will have the most severe consequences. In the worst case, both pipes will be affected.

    What does hydrosalpinx look like: symptoms and treatment, reviews

    Hydrosalpinx is one of those diseases in which symptoms practically do not manifest themselves until a truly difficult and dangerous situation arises. Almost all the first stages are asymptomatic, with rare exceptions. A woman often does not even understand that something is going wrong, and accordingly she tries to undergo the examination. If there is pain during hydrosalpinx, this also cannot always be perceived as a signal to action. Only prolonged pain can force a woman to see a doctor.

    The fluid accumulation associated with this disease may not cause discomfort until it becomes large and begins to protrude. If we consider what hydrosalpinx looks like, symptoms and treatment, reviews about this disease, then we can understand the seriousness of the absence of symptoms in the first stage. Hydrosalpinx manifests itself as inflammation in the fallopian tubes, which is caused by the accumulation of white fluid. This is not natural and leads to obstruction of the pipes.


    Due to inflammation of the fallopian tubes, their walls thicken, and the gland begins to actively produce inflammatory fluid (exudate). When there is an excess of contents, the walls of the tube stretch and become thinner, patients feel heaviness and pressure in the lower abdomen. The acute form gives cutting and throbbing pain in the pelvis, groin, fever, which is often confused with appendicitis, colic in the intestines and kidneys. In the chronic form, the symptoms are smoothed out.

    When fluid leaks out, vaginal discharge appears. Malaise, chills, fever, poor sleep are signs of pyosalpinx. Under pressure from the fallopian tubes, the ciliated epithelium is damaged and dies due to inflammation. Dead tissue turns into adhesions, the movement of the egg through the tubes becomes impossible, infertility occurs, and damage to the peristalsis of the tube leads to an ectopic pregnancy.

    Complications of such a diagnosis will be a rupture of the tube, which causes acute pain in the abdomen, rupture of the purulent sac and infection of the abdominal cavity, bladder, rectum, which will lead to peritonitis.

    The most pronounced clinical signs of the disease appear during adhesions in the pelvic organs.

    Signs of hydrosalpinx on the right

    If hydrosalpinx is on the left, the symptoms will be almost the same. This disease is characterized by the fact that it can appear in any fallopian tube of the female body. There is no fundamental difference between its flow in the right and left parts. It also does not matter if the hydrosalpinx occurs in both tubes.

    Symptoms of hydrosalpinx on the right

    Just like when studying the signs, if hydrosalpinx is on the left, the symptoms will be the same as on the right. One of their features is that the symptoms of almost all diseases are almost the same. This makes it difficult to determine what exactly is worth diagnosing, but makes it clear that we are talking about inflammation.

    Considering the symptoms of hydrosalpinx on the forum and in other places, we can highlight the main ones:

    • Pain in the groin area. This can manifest itself in the form of pain directly in the appendages or painful sensations in the entire groin, since this can manifest itself individually for each woman. If the pain is localized only in the right or left side, then you can easily understand which pipe has problems, but just in case, it is worth examining the second one. The pain can be aching, throbbing and prickly.
    • High body temperature. As a rule, when the disease reaches a serious stage, inflammation makes itself felt throughout the body. This manifests itself as a significant increase in temperature, up to 39 degrees Celsius. Together with other symptoms, this helps to diagnose hydrosalpinx at a high stage.
    • Malaise and rapid onset of fatigue often occur if the disease has not yet fully manifested itself. Often, after such fatigue, pain worsens, which indicates the need for examination. Delaying this process only worsens the situation.
    • Painful touches to the appendage area also make it clear what is wrong with them.

    When reading reviews from women about the symptoms of hydrosalpinx, you can often come across such information that all the first symptoms were attributed to painful sensations before menstruation. Changes often occur in the female body, which can be painful, manifest in malaise, and so on. To avoid mistakes, you need to carefully monitor the course of the cycle in order to know exactly on what dates all this can really be attributed to menstruation. For example, with hydrosalpinx, temperature can easily be perceived as a symptom of another disease, especially if there are no other manifestations.

    Hydrosalpinx rupture: symptoms

    If the accumulated fluid causes the fallopian tube to rupture, then this indicates a very serious complication. As a rule, before this all the above symptoms clearly appear. The fact that a rupture has occurred can be indicated by severe sharp pain, during which the pipe ruptures. At the same time, blood pressure increases and all this is accompanied by tachycardia. But this situation only indicates the beginning of a rupture, since other symptoms should arise in the future.

    After the fluid enters the body from the pipes, pale skin and cold sweat may occur. The body goes into a state of shock. Besides the fact that hydrosalpinx fluid is unnatural for a normal condition, it can lead to other diseases, such as:

    • Abscess of the pouch of Douglas;
    • Pelvioperitonitis;
    • Peritonitis.

    In the worst case, pus may rupture into the rectum, bladder or vagina. This suggests that these parts of the body may also become inflamed.

    If the hydrosalpinx ruptures, the patient urgently requires professional medical attention. It is necessary to clean the internal cavities from the ruptured fluid, and also solve the problem with the fallopian tubes. Often, the ruptured appendage is simply removed so that the infection does not spread further.

    Thanks to timely diagnosis, rupture situations do not happen so often. This is the last stage of the disease, in which the inflamed part of the body simply cannot withstand the fluid accumulated in it. The reason for a breakthrough can be sudden movement, overexertion, excessive pressure on the sore area, and so on. It is best to address all of this before such complications arise, but it does not hurt to know what actions to take if symptoms of a hydrosalpinx rupture occur.

    Hydrosalpinx: types

    Hydrosalpinx can manifest itself in various forms, depending on which organ is affected and how severe it is. All this is purely individual, since it is not known when the disease appears and how quickly it can develop into a more serious stage. Bilateral hydrosalpinx is one of the most difficult options, as it can cause you to lose both tubes and become infertile, but it is not the only type of the disease.

    Left-sided hydrosalpinx of the ovary

    This type refers to unilateral hydrosalpinx. The cause is adhesions on the left fallopian tube. As a result, liquid accumulates only in it. The right pipe can function quite normally. This is a common occurrence when only the left side is affected. Upon visual inspection, you can see that light liquid is visible through the walls, and the inflamed area itself is increased in size. Cyst formation most often occurs on both sides.

    Right hydrosalpinx

    In this case, almost everything coincides with a left-sided formation. Symptoms and other manifestations are consistent with the previous case. In this case, a prerequisite for such a diagnosis is that the second fallopian tube remains healthy. Thus, with a one-sided disease, infertility does not occur, but the chances of getting pregnant are halved. During the first cycle, the egg should come from one tube, and during the second, from the other. Thanks to this, conception remains possible only during the cycle when a healthy fallopian tube is working.

    Bilateral hydrosalpinx

    This is still the same disease, but in a more complex form, since fluid accumulates in both pipes. Pain during stretching and inflammation begins on both sides, so it is also easy to identify this type. Due to inexperience, women may confuse symptoms with other diseases or attribute them to periodic pain before menstruation. The sensations do not always become sharp, as they often have a long-term aching character. Taking into account the fact that an ovarian cyst and hydrosalpinx are formed on both sides, on two tubes at once, infertility is diagnosed. The eggs do not have a chance to enter the uterus for fertilization. Complete blockage of the fallopian tubes, with a possible risk of rupture, can lead to a situation where the tubes will need to be removed, after which natural conception will not be possible even after the hydrosalpinx is cured.

    Due to the fact that the uterine fluid blocks the tube, the sperm cannot get inside either. In this case, there is no risk of ectopic pregnancy, but the chances of fertilization are almost complete.

    Chronic hydrosalpinx on the left photo

    The chronic form is especially dangerous. The fact is that it begins most imperceptibly. A sluggish process that continues for a very long time leads to the fact that the cilia of the fallopian tube stick together without pain or other obvious signs. There is no discomfort and the woman does not see a doctor. But all this time, exudate continues to accumulate, which can eventually lead to rupture of the fallopian tubes. The chronic form is difficult to detect, so most cases are diagnosed incidentally during a pelvic examination. It is quite normal if the patient has not felt any pain before. Only when the pipes begin to significantly enlarge due to accumulated fluid does heaviness in the abdomen begin. In the later stages, a feeling of a foreign body is created inside the body. But the temperature remains the same. Chronic left hydrosalpinx (sactosalpinx) is no different from the right or bilateral one, except for its location.

    Vent hydrosalpinx of the left tube

    The valve type of the disease is characterized by loose formation of adhesions. In the usual case, the formation creates conditions under which the liquid cannot pass, as a solid blockage is formed. If valve hydrosalpinx is observed, then everything here is not tightly clogged and when a certain amount of uterine fluid accumulates, a breakthrough begins. It is not the pipe itself that ruptures, as could be the case in previous types of the disease, but the blockage itself. Over time, a new one forms and the process repeats. At this time, obstruction of the fallopian tubes is observed. One of the signs of this type of disease is periodic watery discharge. Sometimes there is slight pain during the rupture.

    Follicular hydrosalpinx of the right ovary

    In a simple form of the disease, one cavity is formed in which fluid accumulates. As a rule, it has two closed entrances, but it is possible that only one side may be closed. If follicular hydrosalpinx forms, then several cavities may appear in one fallopian tube. They are located nearby and liquid accumulates in all of them. This form is more dangerous and difficult to treat. Follicles can appear in any number, but to diagnose this form, two on one tube are enough. There can also be bilateral hydrosalpinx and left-sided hydrosalpinx. All this makes the pipes impassable and often doctors decide to remove them if an acute stage of the disease is observed.

    Right ovarian hydrosalpinx cyst on the right, what is it, patient reviews

    A cyst often occurs due to eggs that have not completed the full cycle, which have stopped in the fallopian tubes, never reaching the uterus. This is a fairly common phenomenon among women, but it does not always cause complications. It all depends on how poorly the cyst has formed. From time to time, adhesions form because of it, since the fallopian tubes are quite thin and any neoplasm blocks the passage into them. According to patient reviews, operations are mostly successful, especially when the disease is detected early.

    Diagnosis of hydrosalpinx

    Problems always arise with the diagnosis of hydrosalpinx, since the symptoms of the disease often do not manifest themselves in any way. Even in complex forms, women do not always pay attention to pain. But if you specifically look for it and carry out the necessary research, it is quite possible to detect accumulations of fluid. Diagnosis of hydrosalpinx is carried out using special instruments and devices, since it is almost impossible to visually determine the condition of the internal organs.

    Often, this disease is diagnosed when a woman comes to the doctor for examination because she is not pregnant. In addition to the examination on the chair, the gynecologist takes smears to detect all kinds of diseases and inflammatory processes, and prescribes an ultrasound examination. This instrumental examination method allows you to see the deformation of the fallopian tubes with the formation of cavities filled with homogeneous content in hydrosalpinx and heterogeneous in pyosalpinx. This neoplasm differs from a cyst in its own capsule and septa. But if the pathology is poorly expressed, then such a study may not detect changes in the organs.

    With further examination, the doctor prescribes a detailed study of tubal patency using salpingography. This method shows whether there is a blockage and whether pregnancy is possible. A contrast liquid is injected into the fallopian tubes and an x-ray examination is performed, which shows that if the colored liquid entered the pelvic cavity, then it passed safely through the tubes. Otherwise, the contrast liquid fills the entire cavity of the fallopian tubes, showing all the defects, and accumulates in the amplular section.

    Today, laparoscopy remains the most relevant and effective diagnostic method.

    Laparoscopy is a modern method of surgical intervention and determining an accurate diagnosis. Penetration into the body occurs through small holes of 0.5-1.5 cm, gentle damage allows the patient to quickly return to normal life. This method is successful in removing adhesions, treating infertility and endometriosis.

    Is hydrosalpinx visible on ultrasound?

    Ultrasound examination is one of the simplest and most accessible methods for determining this disease. Ultrasound shows hydrosalpinx quite well. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to use a special ultrasound sensor, which is inserted into the vagina. The device sends out waves that show the internal structure of the pelvic organs. In a normal state, as a rule, the fallopian tubes are not visible during such a study. But if liquid accumulates in them, it will become noticeable. On ultrasound, signs of hydrosalpinx are clearly visible, as enlarged tubes with fluid are clearly visible. It is especially noticeable with a unilateral type of disease, when one fallopian tube will be visible, but the second will not. This method is most often used during the first examination. On ultrasound, signs of right-sided hydrosalpinx will appear as a more pronounced appearance of the tube on the right side.

    Ultrasound may be:

    1. Transvaginal is an informative diagnostic method using a vaginal sensor that is inserted into the vagina. The sensor is a handle 12 cm long and 3 cm in diameter. At the end there is a needle, which, if necessary, allows for a biopsy. Such close proximity of the sensor to the organs makes it possible to obtain detailed results.
    2. Combined – a combination of transabdominal (through the anterior abdominal wall) and transvaginal, which reduces the chances of missing subtle changes in the genital organs.


    This method uses x-rays to detect the disease. To carry it out, it is necessary to inject a dye into the uterine cavity; it must penetrate the fallopian tubes in order to see during the examination whether there is patency in them or not. The dye easily seeps through the uterus into the fallopian tubes. After its spread, you can see almost all changes in the internal structure, since the dye contrasts well with the image and shows a picture of the patency of the woman’s reproductive system.

    Adding dye is mandatory, as this is the only way to identify hydrosalpinx on photo x-rays. If everything is in order with the pipes and they are open, then the coloring liquid easily passes through them to the required areas. If a woman develops hydrosalpinx, the dye will not be able to pass freely through the fallopian tubes, since they are blocked by another fluid. The pipes will appear stretched in the image.

    A hysterosalpingogram should be performed in the second week after the start of the menstrual cycle. It should be done at a time when the bleeding has already stopped and ovulation has not yet begun. On average, diagnostics take about 10 minutes, depending on the circumstances. Here, side effects are likely to occur in the form of cramps and pain in the pelvic area. Medicines to relieve pain can be taken both before and after the procedure, but it is advisable to do this as directed by a doctor. There is no recovery period after the procedure, since the woman’s performance does not suffer from this.


    This diagnostic method refers to surgical intervention. Using a laparoscope, from which the technique got its name, the surgeon penetrates inside, under the patient’s skin. At the thin end of the instrument there is a camera, which shows what the fallopian tubes look like. To insert the laparoscope inside, a small incision is made in the navel, after which the equipment easily penetrates into the pelvic area. This allows you to visualize on the screen the condition of the internal organs being examined. Due to the high complexity of such diagnostics, it is not used as often as others. Laparoscopy is performed in cases where there is a suspicion of hydrosalpinx and it is necessary to accurately confirm that surgery is required. During the procedure, general anesthesia is used, as it provokes unpleasant and painful sensations.

    MRI hydrosalpinx on ultrasound

    The use of MRI is also used for diagnosis. This is less common than a regular ultrasound because the procedure itself is more expensive. At the same time, MRI helps to more accurately determine the condition of the tubes and examine them from all sides. Also, not all clinics have MRI for diagnostics. In general, the procedure is painless and does not take much time. It has no contraindications for hydrosalpinx and can be used in almost any case. It can be used to clarify the diagnosis.

    Is it possible to see hydrosalpinx on an ultrasound: ultrasound photo

    Ultrasound examination is most often used to make a diagnosis, as it is the simplest and most accessible method. But this is not always an effective solution, since there remains a risk that something will not be visible in the ultrasound photo. In most cases, echo signs of hydrosalpinx are detected normally. If the disease is at the very initial stage, it cannot always be determined. This is due to the fact that the tubes themselves are not visible on ultrasound. A small amount of fluid may also not show up.

    It all depends on the device and the specialist who conducts the research. An experienced doctor will be able to identify formations or prescribe additional procedures. It is in the initial stages that there are no symptoms of the disease. Other methods may also fail to diagnose. But in most cases, the disease can be detected already at the stage when fluid has accumulated in sufficient quantities that it can be seen on ultrasound, x-rays and other devices.

    In general, modern diagnostic methods are able to recognize hydrosalpinx at that stage so that it can be treated in a timely manner. The safety of the patient plays a big role here and the fact that such inflammation does not occur so often that preventive examinations are carried out annually. When planning a child during an examination, every doctor knows how to detect hydrosalpinx on an ultrasound reading.

    Is hydrosalpinx curable?

    Like any other disease, hydrosalpinx can be cured. The method by which this will happen is chosen by the doctor, depending on the type of disease and the patient’s health characteristics. Hydrosalpinx is treated with several proven methods. The effectiveness of their use depends on the severity of the disease and its form.


    Drug treatment for this disease is impossible, but even with surgical intervention, no one can guarantee natural conception. When eliminating tumors and restoring the lumen of the tubes, it is not always possible to restore the peristaltic function of the fallopian tubes. Inflammation leads to deformation of the mucous walls, death of the ciliated epithelium, which blocks the passage of eggs into the uterus. The only way to get pregnant is in vitro fertilization, and to improve its results, it is recommended to remove the obstructed tube.

    The initial stages of treatment include antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, vitamin therapy, and physical therapy (electrophoresis, magnetophoresis, laser phoresis).

    Drugs used in drug therapy:

    1. Antibiotics - prescribed with a wide range of action such as Cephalexin, Ecocephron, use Erythromycin, Metronidazole, Tetracycline. They relieve inflammation in the bladder.
    2. Antifungal - antibacterial drugs are taken together with Nystatin, Miconazole, Lamisil, Diflucan.
    3. Probiotics – reduce the negative effects of antibiotics on the intestines. Linex with Vitaflor is prescribed.
    4. Anti-inflammatory – have analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties and reduce fever. They use Paracetamol, Nurofen, and also help with Diclofenac and Voltaren.
    5. Fibrinolytic - promote the resorption of small adhesions in the body. Longidaza, Trypsin, Lidaza are prescribed.
    6. Immunomodulatory – strengthens the immune system. They use Immunal, Taktivin, Imudon.
    7. Vitamins - take either vitamins B, A, C, E separately, or Vitrum, Triovit in combination.

    Self-medication in this case with antibacterial drugs or folk remedies can suppress the symptoms of the disease, and it will go into the chronic stage, where inflammatory processes will progress and lead to rupture of the fallopian tube.

    At the initial stage, you should determine:

    • source of infection and medications to eliminate it;
    • type of pathologies in the affected areas;
    • area affected, and which organs are affected;
    • dyshormonal disorders.

    The second stage of treatment is surgical removal of the hydrosalpinx, expansion of the lumen in the tubes, elimination of adhesions; if it is impossible to restore the fallopian tube, it is eliminated. Laparoscopy does this very well. In the postoperative period, the doctor recommends mud therapy, hydrotherapy, and electrical stimulation of the fallopian tubes.

    With prolonged inflammation, which is typical for the chronic form of the disease, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, even after removal of hydrosalpinx and dilation of the fallopian tubes, women cannot have children.

    Is it possible to cure hydrosalpinx: treatment methods

    Conservative treatment is divided into several stages. All of them should be under the supervision of a doctor, since self-medication will only worsen the situation, especially since the transition to an advanced form threatens the loss of the fallopian tubes. The following stages can be distinguished:

    1. The first step is to remove the inflammation that is localized in the fallopian tubes. It is this that leads to the appearance of painful sensations during hydrosalpinx.
    2. At the second stage, antibacterial and physical therapy are prescribed to remove the risk of spreading the infection and contracting anything during this dangerous period.

    This method does not always help and is mainly used when the disease is detected in the early stages. When considering the question of whether hydrosalpinx can be treated with conservative methods without surgery, many doctors can give a negative answer. In fact, the positive effect is rare, but still possible.

    Most often, when hydrosalpinx is discovered on the right, surgical treatment is intended, since the detection of the disease occurs in the later stages. Considering all the possible options for treating hydrosalpinx on the left, right, or bilateral, specialists often lean towards an option such as laparoscopy. This is one of the most preferred choices today. During the operation, doctors try to perform plastic surgery of the fallopian tube, which has been damaged by the disease. The adhesions are separated, after which patency is restored. Specialists treat the surface from the outside and inside, which leads to complete recovery. If the required effect cannot be achieved and patency is not restored, then doctors recommend removing the damaged fallopian tube to avoid further complications. Also, the need for the pipe disappears if it cannot restore its functionality.

    When left hydrosalpinx is diagnosed, treatment may involve salpingostomy. For this purpose, endoscopic equipment is used, which helps to get rid of obstruction of the fallopian tube, namely, the ampullary section. During the operation, a hole is created at the entrance from the uterus to the tube.

    Fimbryolysis can also be used to separate fimbriae that have fused from hydrosalpinx. If the fallopian tubes are too narrow for the passage of the egg, then this procedure will help solve this problem. The operation is prescribed when the stage of the disease is still at a relatively low level, but without surgical intervention there is no way to solve everything. If the doctor, when deciding which treatment for hydrosalpinx to choose in this case, is inclined towards fimbryolysis, then everything is done under general anesthesia. All actions must be clear and subtle, so that any unnecessary movement of the patient can complicate the procedure.

    Salpingeostomy also serves to create an artificial opening in the fallopian tubes. During the operation, the resulting clogged areas are removed, so that fluid does not accumulate as before. This operation is prescribed if the creation of an artificial hole becomes the most preferable solution and cannot be helped in other ways. This method helps with almost all types of tubal infertility, if it is possible to maintain the functionality of the tube.

    Hydrosalpinx of the fallopian tubes: treatment with folk remedies

    These remedies are good not only as the main means of getting rid of the disease, but also as prevention and support during the recovery period after surgery. You should consult your doctor before using any of the methods. One such remedy is clay baths. They are sometimes prescribed by doctors in the postoperative period, if it is possible to carry out this procedure. It is worth knowing that it is not recommended to stay in the bathroom for more than half an hour, as this can have the opposite effect.

    When considering the treatment of hydrosalpinx on the forum, you can find reviews that douching with a flower decoction helped. It includes the following components:

    • Coltsfoot;
    • Oak bark;
    • Chamomiles;
    • Mallows.

    Douching is carried out only with hot decoctions, as this significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. The duration of the course is 1 month. Taking the decoction orally is also possible. Among the beneficial substances for this disease will be fresh pumpkin juice and nettle decoction.

    Activation of the immune system

    In some cases, specialists enable the body to overcome hydrosalpinx on its own by activating the body’s immune system. For this purpose, special immunocorrective drugs are used. Such means include:

    • Aloe injection;
    • Imudon;
    • Immunofan.

    Additionally, autohemotherapy technology can be used. It involves injecting the patient with her own blood under the skin or into the muscles. This helps tissue repair. Thus, one can hope for the natural restoration of the fallopian tubes using the body’s own efforts. This is only relevant in the initial stages of the disease.

    How to relieve pain from hydrosalpinx: physiotherapy

    A number of physiotherapeutic procedures that are used during the treatment of this disease include the following:

    • ultraviolet irradiation;
    • UHF rays;
    • Magnesium electrophoresis;
    • Potassium electrophoresis.

    You shouldn’t expect a highly effective healing result, but tissue restoration and pain reduction are quite possible.


    The female body is very complex, and many diseases are asymptomatic or with minor symptoms. Doctors recommend being examined by a gynecologist once every six months and undergoing routine tests to prevent serious diseases. Immediately treat all identified infectious and inflammatory processes, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. Lead a healthy sex life, avoid abortions and maintain basic hygiene.

    Hydrosalpinx: consequences

    Among many diseases of the pelvic organs, hydrosalpinx has serious consequences that can lead to big problems for women's health. Complications of hydrosalpinx can be divided into those that occur during the course of the disease and those that appear in the later stages.

    Why is hydrosalpinx of the fallopian tube dangerous in the first stages?

    The initial stages of the disease do not pose any danger to a woman’s well-being and performance. For a long time, the patient may not notice that something is wrong with her. In fact, the fallopian tubes, which are the main site of hydrosalpinx damage, are involved only in the reproductive process and their dysfunction does not affect human activity in any way.

    Even if hydrosalpinx is diagnosed in the early stages, the consequences can be serious for those who want to give birth. Even at the very beginning of the accumulation of fluid, the output of which is blocked by adhesions or cysts, the egg cannot advance. If one tube is affected, the chance of getting pregnant is halved. Thus, pregnancy can only occur through a cycle. If bilateral hydrosalpinx is diagnosed, then we can already talk about tubal infertility. Until the patency of these organs is restored, it will be impossible to become pregnant in a normal way, even with normal ovarian function.

    In addition to infertility in the initial stages, hydrosalpinx causes inflammation. This is a long process that manifests itself differently in each woman. Inflammation occurs from stagnation of fluid. This can lead to inflammation not only of the tubes, but also of the ovaries, uterus and other adjacent organs. During inflammation, cutting, throbbing or dull pain is felt. Also, organs stop working normally until the inflammation is relieved.

    One of the consequences of the initial stage can be an ectopic pregnancy. This can happen when conception was made, but due to inflammation of the tube wall, they were unable to remove the fertilized egg from the fallopian tube.

    A pipe burst due to hydrosalpinx: consequences

    The second set of negative factors are those that arise in the later stages. The most serious consequence is the removal of the fallopian tubes, the adhesions on which could not be removed, as well as the removal of the organs themselves. Thus, once again the disease can lead to infertility. In the final stages, sharp pain, malaise and even fever from inflammation are felt. If surgery is not performed, the consequences can be very serious.

    Many people wonder whether, with hydrosalpinx, a pipe can burst due to a large amount of accumulated fluid. Naturally, this is quite possible and such a phenomenon becomes one of the most difficult consequences of the disease if it is not treated. This can happen at any time and restoration of this part of the body becomes almost impossible. Surgeons can perform tubal plastic surgery, but restoration does not help restore former functionality. In other words, the walls of the tubes do not push the egg through, which can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. It is for this reason that experts consider plastic surgery of these organs pointless.

    There are a number of other questions that arise from patients. For example, if a hydrosalpinx bursts, is this a sign of HIV? Experts assure that this phenomenon has nothing to do with HIV.

    A serious consequence of a burst pipe is infection of the internal organs of the small pelvis, since stagnant fluid can have many negative effects when in contact with healthy tissues. After a rupture, it is necessary to undergo surgery to eliminate the consequences. If the breakthrough is large, the fallopian tube is removed. If it is possible to restore it, then all possible attempts are made to do so. In any case, it is necessary to cleanse the organs of the liquid that has entered them and carry out restorative therapy. Considering the prevalence of the situation, many negative consequences turn out to be completely solvable, since even with infertility, IVF can be performed.

    Pregnancy after hydrosalpinx, is it possible?

    Most often, a disease such as hydrosalpinx is discovered during the planning of a child, when a woman is examined and obstruction of the fallopian tubes is detected. Accordingly, questions immediately arise such as whether it is possible to get pregnant with hydrosalpinx of one tube, two tubes, and at what stage of the disease infertility occurs.

    Does pregnancy occur after hydrosalpinx?

    Many people have the opinion that the only way for a woman to become pregnant after hydrosalpinx is IVF. In fact, this is not entirely true, although in the vast majority of cases this is what happens. IVF becomes the last solution only when there is inflammation and adhesions in the fallopian tube that block normal patency. This does not manifest itself so strongly in all forms and stages of hydrosalpinx. As a rule, it is only during the illness itself that it is impossible to become pregnant. And if she did not go into a severe stage, after which the tubes themselves became affected, then it is quite possible to become pregnant naturally.

    In all other cases, when the egg cannot move from the ovary to the uterus on its own, pregnancy will not occur. Then IVF becomes the only chance to get pregnant using your genetic material. It is worth understanding that hydrosalpinx does not affect the functioning of the ovaries if it does not reach a severe stage and eggs are also produced after removal of the fallopian tubes. So stories about those who became pregnant with hydrosalpinx are very real.

    Who became pregnant with hydrosalpinx: forum

    Among the medical cases that are repeatedly described by the patients themselves on the forum, as well as by specialists in their reports, there are many who managed to become pregnant naturally with hydrosalpinx. It turns out that you can get pregnant with hydrosalpinx if you receive proper medical treatment at this time. The support of doctors at this time plays a big role, since constant diagnosis with timely administration of the necessary medications significantly increases the chances of a successful pregnancy and pregnancy.

    The one-sided type of the disease is the simplest and most often occurs with natural pregnancy. It is possible that the disease is diagnosed after conception during an examination. Thus, the egg from one working fallopian tube was successfully fertilized. In this case, the success of conception, although reduced by 50%, gives many chances for a good completion of the process into a normal cycle. Therefore, the answer to the question, if you have hydrosalpinx on the left, is it possible to get pregnant, will definitely be “Yes”. After all, the right tube works normally and can pass an egg into the uterus.

    Situations often arise when infertility was caused not only by hydrosalpinx, but also by other reasons, and the disease itself provided a good chance of conception. Modern research instruments make it possible to accurately determine the thickness of the walls, the presence of adhesions and other problems that a woman may encounter.

    Reading about hydrosalpinx and pregnancy on the forum, you can come across long stories about all the tests that have been done. This helps expectant mothers not to focus so much attention on this particular disease, since infertility can be accompanied by other factors. For modern medicine, eliminating hydrosalpinx itself and its negative consequences is not a very big problem. A successful operation and a well-structured recovery period will allow conception even without artificial fertilization or insemination.

    If hydrosalpinx is diagnosed, is pregnancy possible?

    Pregnancy is possible even with hydrosalpinx. Doctors are faced with this problem. That when examining a pregnant woman through ultrasound analysis, problems with one of the fallopian tubes begin to appear. There is no need to worry if there is fluid accumulation or inflammation while you are already pregnant. With the competent support of specialists, this disease does not pose any threat to pregnancy. Naturally, removal surgery is not recommended in this condition, and complications may arise in the acute form. But in the acute form, pregnancy is extremely unlikely, so in the vast majority of cases these are mutually exclusive concepts. As a rule, this is a long-term disease, so no complications should arise throughout the entire pregnancy. Practice shows that children are born as healthy as women without hydrosalpinx.

    What can affect the success of conception after hydrosalpinx

    Often women think not only about whether it is possible to get pregnant after hydrosalpinx, but also about how best to do this. Indeed, in some cases, the functioning of the fallopian tubes deteriorates, therefore, there may be a risk of ectopic pregnancy. The main things that can help you get pregnant after an illness are:

    • IVF is a highly effective universal method of conception that helps with many different problems. It is much more expensive and more complex than others, so it is used only in the most difficult cases.
    • Insemination is often prescribed by doctors when it is not possible to get pregnant naturally, but all indicators for this are normal. To do this, the day of ovulation is determined and the donor's sperm is infused directly into the uterus, which increases the chance of conception.
    • Using special techniques, poses, hormonal and vitamin support to increase the chance of getting pregnant.

    Recovery from surgery, as well as examination to ensure normal condition, are very important factors. After recovery from hydrosalpinx during pregnancy, special supervision by specialists will be required to avoid complications. In most cases, everything ends well.

    Is it worth doing IVF after hydrosalpinx?

    Hydrosalpinx is a serious pathology of the fallopian tube due to which women often cannot get pregnant. Due to the absence of symptoms, the disease is often detected in late stages, so at the insistence of doctors, the patient's fallopian tubes are removed. After this, the only way to get pregnant is IVF, since even with normal ovarian function, the egg will not be able to enter the uterus for fertilization.

    Hydrosalpinx and IVF: reviews

    Naturally, the fact of removing the fallopian tubes becomes unpleasant in itself, but the consequences of this are much more important. Judging by the reviews of doctors, a history of hydrosalpinx reduces the chances of a successful pregnancy, even during IVF. About a third of infertility cases are associated with tubal factor.

    If the problem is only with one fallopian tube, then there are practically no problems for IVF and natural pregnancy. It is more difficult to get pregnant with one tube the usual way, but it is possible. At the same time, IVF is also successful in most cases. The procedure is recommended by specialists if a woman cannot conceive for several years after treatment for the disease. This applies both to cases where all fallopian tubes were preserved, and to those when only one.

    Hydrosalpinx is an accumulation of pale yellow fluid that occurs in a woman’s right, left, or both fallopian tubes. This clear liquid is called transudate. This disease is quite common today. Hydrosalpinx - is it possible to get pregnant and give birth with this disease?

    Pregnancy with hydrosalpinx using IVF

    It is widely believed that with hydrosalpinx, pregnancy can only occur with the help of IVF, but this is not always the case. IVF is the only solution if the adhesive or inflammatory process occurring in the fallopian tubes is at a severe stage, and the doctor notes indications for their removal. After this operation, of course, the woman loses the ability to conceive naturally, since the fertilized egg does not have the opportunity to move to the uterus from the ovary. In this case, you cannot do without the IVF procedure, which can replace all the preparatory phases of the process of fertilization and movement of the egg. With its help, it is possible to localize an already fertilized egg immediately inside the uterus for the purpose of further bearing the fetus.

    Pregnancy with hydrosalpinx naturally

    There are many cases in medicine where pregnancy with hydrosalpinx occurred naturally with proper treatment. First of all, it should be borne in mind that this applies to the presence of unilateral hydrosalpinx. If during the study it was revealed that only one fallopian tube is not passable, then pregnancy is quite possible. But even if adhesions were found in both fallopian tubes, infertility did not necessarily arise against the background of their obstruction.

    In medicine, the diagnosis of “infertility” is established when a woman does not become pregnant for several years, provided she is sexually active. As a rule, in this case, the patient begins to conduct various examinations. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to clearly establish the presence of fluid and adhesions in the fallopian tubes (diagnostic laparoscopy, HSG). But it happens that this is not the only reason why pregnancy does not occur. It is important that the woman does not obsess over this diagnosis, but is able to collect a complete history, since the fallopian tubes represent a small segment of the reproductive system. It is necessary to make sure that the ovulation process is normal, when the follicle matures normally, i.e. make sure that the formation of potential eggs occurs without pathologies. In addition, it is important to check the properties of the uterine mucus, whether it is capable of accepting and maintaining the growth of the embryo.

    The issue of the quality of a man’s sperm is considered separately, since pathologies can also be observed in this area. In this regard, in case of infertility, both partners should be examined. If it is determined that infertility occurs due to the presence of hydrosalpinx, the doctor prescribes treatment that preserves the woman’s reproductive function as much as possible. Today, there are many conservative methods for treating hydrosalpinx, but the most effective is laparoscopy. By removing adhesions that occur in the fallopian tubes using the laparoscopic method, it is possible to achieve a very high percentage of restoration of a woman’s ability to conceive. According to statistics, from 50 to 70% of women have a chance of achieving a natural pregnancy after hydrosalpinx removal.

    Presence of hydrosalpinx during pregnancy

    If pregnancy occurs with hydrosalpinx, a woman should not worry that the disease may somehow affect the course of pregnancy. The presence of hydrosalpinx can only interfere with the natural conception of a child. If hydrosalpinx is present during pregnancy, the child is born healthy, as in women who do not have this disease.

    Prevention of hydrosalpinx

    To prevent the occurrence of hydrosalpinx, you must try to protect yourself from various infections, especially those transmitted through sexual contact.
