Which analogue of erespal should I choose? Cheap analogues of Erespal: list of structural and similar substitutes A good medicine with an excellent composition - Inspiron

The French medicine erespal is very popular in otolaryngology and pulmonology. It is used as part of a complex treatment for many pathologies of the respiratory system. However, many people are trying to find analogues that are cheaper than Erespal. It is better to do this together with your doctor.

Description of the drug

The active component of the product is fenspiride hydrochloride, which inhibits the metabolism of a special substance - arachidonic acid. It is this that activates inflammation in the lungs. By changing the rheological characteristics of the secretion, the drug eliminates dry cough. It can also help reduce the synthesis of sputum.

Indications for taking this medication include the following:

  • acute and chronic forms of bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • respiratory syndrome due to ARVI, influenza or whooping cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rhinitis, pharyngitis or tracheitis of an allergic nature.

Erespal should be taken half an hour before meals. It is recommended to shake the bottle before starting treatment. The dosage is selected depending on age and weight:

  • children under 2 years of age who weigh less than 10 kg are prescribed 10-20 ml, with the daily volume divided by 3 times;
  • at 2-14 years old, 30-60 ml is indicated, which is divided into 3 applications;
  • adults are given tablets: 1 piece with a dosage of 80 mg 2-3 times a day.

List of cheap analogues of Erespal with price indication

If erespal syrup is not suitable, a doctor should select an analogue. Experts prescribe the following medications:

  • bronchicum– the cost is approximately 400 rubles;
  • ambrobene– tablets with a dosage of 100 mg cost about 150 rubles, 100 ml of syrup will cost about 120 rubles;
  • – 100 ml of syrup costs 230 rubles, tablets with a dosage of 30 mg will cost 200 rubles;
  • fluditek– 125 ml of syrup can be bought for 300 rubles;
  • – 150 ml of syrup costs about 200 rubles, tablets with a dosage of 80 mg will cost 150 rubles;
  • fosidal– 150 ml of syrup costs 180 rubles;
  • bronchipret– 100 ml of syrup can be bought for 400 rubles;
  • – 100 ml of syrup costs approximately 220 rubles;
  • – the tablet form with a dosage of 80 mg costs 180 rubles, 100 ml of syrup can be purchased for 100 rubles;
  • – tablets with a dosage of 80 mg cost 240 rubles, 150 ml of syrup can be purchased for 170 rubles.

Structural analogues of the drug that have the same active ingredient include the drugs bronchomax, erispirus, fosidal and inspiron. Other substances have a similar effect, but have certain characteristics.

The instructions for erespal analogues note that they all help cleanse the bronchi and remove viscous secretions that impair breathing. Thanks to this, it is possible to stop inflammation. Medicines provide liquefaction and removal of sputum, elimination of inflammation, spasms and swelling.

The pathologies that need to be treated with the use of erespal have quite serious symptoms, which is why it is so important to take the drug under the supervision of a qualified therapist or pulmonologist. It is also best to entrust the choice of erespal analogues for children and adults to a specialist.

Erespal or Inspiron - which is better?

Inspiron is considered a complete analogue of Erespal. This product is produced in the form of cough syrup. It has the same composition and properties as erespal. Some patients even note higher effectiveness of Inspiron, although it costs less.

So, this remedy is prescribed in the following situations:

  • moist cough;
  • whooping cough;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system due to allergic reactions;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • measles;
  • rhinitis.

For children under 14 years of age, the following proportions should be used to calculate the daily volume: 4 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight. If necessary, the medicine can be mixed with food. Babies who weigh less than 10 kg should be given no more than 20 ml of the product per day. Children who weigh 10-45 kg should take 90 ml of medication per day.

Adult patients are prescribed the same volume. However, such people are rarely prescribed the drug in syrup form. Most often, adults are recommended to take the tablet form of the drug.

Inspiron also has certain contraindications and can cause unpleasant consequences. When using the product, there is a risk of rashes, nausea, vomiting, redness on the body, and pain in the stomach. In difficult cases, Quincke's edema even develops. In rare situations, the drug provokes general weakness and increased drowsiness.

The medicine should not be used by people who are intolerant to the ingredients. With great caution, the substance is prescribed to patients who have diabetes or difficulties with the absorption of sucrose or fructose.

Erespal or Ambrobene

When choosing erespal or ambrobene, it is worth considering the properties of these drugs. Thus, ambrobene is a mucolytic drug that has an expectorant effect and helps relieve coughing attacks. The medicine has an antioxidant effect and perfectly thins thick phlegm. Thanks to this, its removal from the respiratory system is significantly accelerated.

The main advantage of the drug is its low cost. The substance can be used by pregnant women in the 2-3 trimester. At the same time, ambrobene also has some disadvantages when compared with erespal. In particular, the drug does not have an antihistamine effect, does not have an anti-exudate effect and does not cope with inflammation so well. If a person has inflammatory processes that are accompanied by obstruction, it is recommended to use erespal.

Erespal or Ascoril - what to choose

Ascoril or Erespal - which is better? This question is relevant for many patients. Ascoril helps eliminate bronchospasm, ensures the removal of phlegm and increases the vital capacity of the lungs. This is especially true with the development of asthma or chronic pulmonary obstruction.

After consuming this drug, the patient’s respiratory function is restored literally within half an hour. This is ensured by the presence of salbutamol in Ascoril. This substance itself can be considered a first aid remedy during asthmatic attacks. This feature of the composition is considered an undoubted advantage of the substance. In addition, the medicine is used for tuberculosis and the development of pulmonary emphysema.

Ascoril costs less than Erespal. However, the medicine also has certain disadvantages.. The main one is an impressive list of contraindications. Moreover, for complex pathologies of the lower parts of the respiratory system, these drugs are prescribed simultaneously.

Erespal or bronchomax

Experts recommend using Bronchomax in the following situations:

  • inflammatory lesions of the respiratory system;
  • bronchitis;
  • chronic pathologies of the ENT organs of an infectious nature;
  • sinusitis;
  • measles;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • swelling in the presence of seasonal allergies.

Bronchomax is recommended to be taken before meals. Adult patients are usually prescribed a tablet form of the drug. It should be used 2-3 times a day. For children, the substance is prescribed in the following proportion: 4 ml per 1 kg of baby’s weight.

If there is an overdose of the drug, there is a risk of increased drowsiness or, conversely, agitation. Nausea, vomiting, and increased fatigue may also occur. To cope with such manifestations, you need to stop using the product and thoroughly rinse your stomach.

Some patients note the low effectiveness of the drug. Another disadvantage is the unpleasant taste of bitterness.

Erespal or lazolvan - which is better?

When choosing lazolvan or erespal, it is worth analyzing the properties of both drugs. Thus, lazolvan helps to cope with thick sputum, which is often observed with a wet cough. The product successfully removes viscous secretions from the respiratory system.

With long-term treatment, it is possible to achieve stable remission of chronic pathologies of the bronchi and lungs. This allows you to reduce the duration of antibiotic use, which is an undeniable advantage of the medicine.

At the same time, lazolvan has a higher cost. In addition, it does not have characteristics that help cope with obstructive phenomena and spasms of the bronchial muscles. However, in some cases, doctors prescribe the simultaneous use of these drugs, which allows one to achieve excellent results.

Erespal or Eladon

The active substance of eladon is fenspiride, and therefore the drug can be classified as a structural analogue of erespal. Moreover, this medicine is produced exclusively in tablet form.

It is important to keep in mind that these tablets should not be given to children..They can only be used from the age of 18. Each package contains 30 tablets with a dosage of 80 mg. The main indications for the use of the drug include the following:

  • nasopharyngitis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • moist cough;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • the appearance of hoarseness in the voice;
  • runny nose;
  • infectious lesions of the respiratory system.

Erespal or Fosidal - what to choose

Fosidal is an effective and inexpensive remedy that can easily replace Erespal. It can be purchased exclusively in syrup form. The medicine has a pronounced antihistamine and bronchodilator effect. With its help, you can successfully eliminate the inflammatory process.

Due to the same active component, Fosidal can be used to treat the following pathologies:

  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • chronic form of bronchitis, which is accompanied by respiratory failure;
  • respiratory pathologies;
  • asthma.

Erespal or sinecode

When choosing a synecode or erespal, it is worth considering a number of key points. Thus, sinecode is prohibited for use in children under 2 months of age. The drug is produced in several dosage forms, namely dragees, syrup and drops. The active ingredient of the substance is butamirate, which leads to suppression of the cough center in the brain.

Synecode is usually prescribed when a painful dry cough appears. If sputum forms in the respiratory organs, this drug should not be used. This can cause congestion in the bronchi. As a result, a person develops chronic bronchitis.

That is why sinekod is considered a very conditional analogue of erespal. It is most often used in such difficult cases as a painful cough that accompanies asthma, whooping cough or tracheitis. The drug also helps to cope with smoker's cough. In addition, the product helps suppress coughs that occur as a result of surgical or diagnostic procedures.

Side effects of sinecode include rashes, dizziness, and bowel movements. Other nonspecific reactions may also occur. All of them are observed quite rarely. Therefore, the drug is often prescribed instead of Erespal for respiratory pathologies - most often for whooping cough.

Erespal or Fluditec

When choosing Erespal or Fluditec, it is worth analyzing the composition and properties of these drugs. Fluditec is a mucolytic drug. Its active ingredient is carbocysteine, which has a dual effect:

  • enhances the activity of epithelial cilia, due to which the viscous secretion is quickly removed from the bronchi or lungs;
  • makes mucus less thick and reduces its synthesis.

At the same time, Fluditec is more expensive compared to Erespal. In some cases, there is a need for simultaneous use of funds.

Erespal or erispirus

When choosing erespal or erispirus, you should take into account that these products have identical composition. Therefore, they differ in the same effect.

The only difference is the manufacturer. At the same time, erispirus is somewhat cheaper, which is why doctors often prescribe this drug.

Erespal is considered a fairly effective medicine that helps cope with pathologies of the respiratory system. At the same time, in some situations there is a need to use analogues of the product. In such a situation, it is best to consult a doctor.


Suspicious fenspiride

What's wrong with Erespal and what can replace it?

Jaromir Romanov / website

The popular antitussive drug Erespal in Russia turned out to be illegal. Both forms of the drug - syrup and tablets - have been withdrawn from sale and are now being withdrawn from pharmacies and returned to the supplier. We will tell you what is happening and is it possible to find a replacement for the medicine, which many in our country consider to be perhaps the most effective and unparalleled?

What's happened?

Since the end of last week, it has been impossible to buy both forms of Erespal in Russian pharmacies, a medicine that has been known since the late 70s and has gained great popularity in Russia as a drug used to thin and remove mucus in severe dry coughs. Pharmacies follow the instructions of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Roszdravnadzor), which on February 14 announced the withdrawal of Erespal in syrups and tablets from circulation throughout Russia.

Roszdravnadzor itself responded in this way to a message from the French company Servier Laboratories, the manufacturer of Erespal. At the end of January, the Russian representative office of the pharmaceutical giant notified the Russian Ministry of Health and Roszdravnadzor about the results of regular preclinical studies, which gave reason to doubt the safety of the popular drug. Moreover, on February 11, Servier Laboratories themselves announced the withdrawal of Erespal from circulation in Russia. As stated on the company's website, this decision was made "in connection with the emergence of new data that suggests that this drug may cause heart rhythm disturbances."

Is Erespal really dangerous?

Today it is definitely impossible to say this. The recall and withdrawal, which, by the way, are happening today in other countries, were called in a statement by Roszdravnadzor “a routine tool for preventing threats to the health of patients during the period of additional study of new data on drug safety.” To put it simply, the drug was not banned, but “put on hold” until data was received that excluded suspicions about the drug’s side effects.

It is important that the initiative comes from the manufacturer himself, who thus decided to play it safe - out of fear that in the future he would have to deal with numerous and very impressive claims from consumers.

Erespal is no longer sold on pharmacy websites. But you can buy its complete analogues - other drugs based on fenspiridasite

In information letters from the manufacturer, as well as from authorities regulating the drug market in Russia, the potential risk of adverse effects on heart rhythm is cited as the basis for the recall of the drug. This reaction was shown in studies conducted on animals. At the same time, according to data provided by Roszdravnadzor, over the past 10 years, not a single severe reaction to the active ingredient of the drug, fenspiride, has been detected in patients who used Erespal in Russia. This is an international non-proprietary name, which is used, for example, by doctors when writing prescriptions.

“Since 1973, only five post-registration ( that is, relating to the period after the manufacturer of the drug issued a registration certificate for it - approx. website) cases of development of prolongation of the QT interval on the electrocardiogram and torsade de pointes, and all of them had a favorable
Exodus. In addition, from the moment of receipt of the first registration
certificates in the world, not a single case of such adverse reactions in children
was not identified,” says the statement, which was distributed on February 15 and signed by Yana Rostovtseva, managing director of Servier for Russia.

By the way, the fact that Erespal was actually sold (at least, should have been sold) according to a prescription is also an extremely important detail. She says that the drug may have contraindications and that they were well known before. Their descriptions are easy to find on the Internet. And if you believe this data, the drug, for example, is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as children under two years of age. The digestive system most often reacts to Erespal, but the cardiovascular system can respond with moderate tachycardia, that is, a painful rapid heartbeat.

What can replace Erespal?

Experts say that we are now dealing with a typical consumer rush. Many patients and even doctors are truly convinced that Erespal is the best representative of its medicinal group. And we are ready to prove it based on personal experience. Be that as it may, do not forget that this is only one of several drugs based on fenspiride.

Only this one has been withdrawn from sale, but the rest can be easily purchased - to be convinced of this, just look at the website of any pharmacy.

Roszdravnadzor, however, asked manufacturers of other registered medicines for the latest data on the effectiveness and safety of their drugs. And, as stated on the website of the supervisory agency, after studying the entire array of domestic and foreign data on the safety of fenspiride, proposals for further circulation of these drugs will be sent to the Russian Ministry of Health in the near future. It is possible that manufacturers of analogues, following the example of Servier Laboratories, will themselves begin to withdraw their products from the market.

Until this happens, you can use a fairly wide range of medications, including Eladon, Erispirus, Epistat, Siresp, Codestim, Fespalen, etc. The range of average prices is from 80 to 370 rubles (“ Erespal,” by the way, was not the cheapest alternative, but fell within this price range). All of these drugs also come in different forms and can be offered by pharmacists if you show them a prescription that mentions fenspiride. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

If fenspiride itself ends up being illegal, nothing terrible will happen, experts say. Drugs based on ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine ​​also help to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of colds. However, for now, another option that is favorable for Erespal should not be ruled out, with its complete rehabilitation and return to the shelves of pharmacies.

Instructions for use. Contraindications and release form.


for use of the drug

Erespal ®


100 ml of syrup contains fenspiride hydrochloride - 0.2 g.


Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract: nasopharyngitis and laryngitis; tracheobronchitis; bronchitis (with or without chronic respiratory failure); bronchial asthma (as part of complex therapy); respiratory phenomena (cough, hoarseness, sore throat) with measles, whooping cough and influenza; for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by cough, when standard antibiotic therapy is indicated. Otitis and sinusitis of various etiologies.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance and/or any of the components of the drug. Children under 2 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Taking the drug during pregnancy is not recommended. ERESPAL should not be used during breastfeeding.

Directions for use and dosage:

Adults and teenagers:

From 3 to 6 tablespoons of syrup (45 - 90 ml) per day, take before meals.

Body weight up to 10 kg: from 2 to 4 teaspoons of syrup per day (or 10 – 20 ml), can be added to a bottle with food

Body weight more than 10 kg: from 2 to 4 tablespoons of syrup per day (or 30 – 60 ml), take before meals

Side effect:

Common: gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, epigastric pain. Rarely: moderate tachycardia, the severity of which decreases with decreasing dose of the drug, drowsiness, erythema, rash, urticaria, angioedema, fixed erythema pigmentosa. Unknown frequency: palpitations, hypotension, possibly associated with tachycardia, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, asthenia, fatigue, pruritus, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. There is a risk of developing hypersensitivity reactions to the Sunset Yellow S dye, which is part of the drug.


Interaction with other medications*: It is not recommended to use ERESPAL* syrup in combination with medications that have a sedative effect or with alcohol.

Special instructions:

The drug contains parabens (parahydroxybenzoates), as a result of which taking this drug can provoke the development of allergic reactions, including delayed ones. When prescribing the drug to patients with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account that Erespal syrup contains sucrose (1 teaspoon - 3 g of sucrose = 0.3 XE; 1 tablespoon - 9 g of sucrose = 0.9 XE).


Patients with fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, sucrase/isomaltase deficiency (due to the presence of sucrose in Erespal â syrup), patients with diabetes mellitus (due to the presence of sucrose in Erespal â syrup).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery:

Patients should be aware of the possible development of drowsiness while taking Erespal, especially at the beginning of therapy or when combined with alcohol.

Pharmacological properties:

The anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictor activity of fenspiride is due to a decrease in the production of a number of biologically active substances (cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), arachidonic acid derivatives, free radicals), which play an important role in the development of inflammation and bronchospasm. The inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism by fenspiride is potentiated by its H1-antihistamine effect, because histamine stimulates the metabolism of arachidonic acid with the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes.

Release form:

Produced by Servier Industry Laboratory, France:

Syrup 2 mg/ml. 150 ml of syrup in a brown plastic bottle (PVC) with a plastic cap with tamper evident. One bottle with instructions for medical use is placed in a cardboard box.

During production at Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC, Russia:

Syrup 2 mg/ml. 150 ml or 250 ml of syrup in a brown plastic bottle (PVC) with a plastic cap with tamper evident. One bottle with instructions for medical use is placed in a cardboard box.

A French medicine with an anti-inflammatory effect called “erespal” has gained popularity due to its ability to prevent the formation of bronchospasm. When properly prescribed, the drug has an excellent therapeutic effect for respiratory diseases. The drug reduces both dry cough and the renewal of sputum.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to certain excipients. You should be careful when choosing due to fructose intolerance, as well as diabetes.

But for all its excellent qualities, the drug remains a rather expensive medicine. But cheaper analogues come to the rescue. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding their children should not take this drug.

It is worth noting that the cost of analogues is cheaper than erespal, but the drugs have all the necessary medicinal properties and all the necessary auxiliary components. But still, analogues have their own specifics in choosing for certain tasks.

Analogues of Erespal for children

An analogue of Erespal for children should be selected exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the disease and its course. The most often prescribed for bronchial and pulmonary diseases are Erispirus (170 rubles), Ascoril (290 rubles). Dry cough is localized with Sinecode drops (355 rubles).

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on erispirus, since this drug can be considered as a substitute for erispal. First of all, when it comes to the analogue of erespal in tablets, the most popular is erispius, which is a structural analogue of erispal. This drug differs from Erispal only by the manufacturer, and in terms of composition and effect, both drugs are practically indistinguishable. Erispius is naturally cheaper in cost and because of this it is often prescribed by the attending physician.

If we consider lazolvan as an analogue of erespal in syrup, then we should analyze the characteristics of both drugs. In case of thick sputum, which often appears with a wet cough. Lazolvan helps to cope very well with it, removing viscous secretions from the organs of the respiratory system.

With long-term treatment, remission of chronic pathologies of the bronchial system occurs, which reduces the duration of antibiotic use. Unfortunately, lazolvan has a higher cost. And unlike erespal, it is not able to fight both obstructive phenomena and spasms of the bronchial muscles.

Analogues of Erespal for adults

In terms of adult substitute, eladon is used. This substitute is produced only in the form of tablets, and it is prohibited for persons under eighteen years of age to take it, therefore this medicine is considered as an analogue of Erespal for adults.

An effective analogue of erespal for cough can be considered ambrobene, which, thanks to its expectorant and mucolytic properties, allows the body to effectively cope with cough. After administration, the drug dilutes mucus in a fairly short time and removes it from the respiratory system. A great advantage is the favorable price. It is also allowed to be taken by pregnant women in the third trimester.

In terms of disadvantages, the drug does not have an antihistamine and antiviral effect, unlike erespal.

Fosidal- an inexpensive and most importantly effective remedy, which may well become a replacement for erespal. The antihistamine and bronchodilator effect helps eliminate the inflammatory process. Due to the same beneficial properties, they can treat diseases such as asthma, otitis media, chronic forms of bronchitis, as well as all kinds of respiratory diseases.

If you choose synecode, then you should know a few key points. Sinekod is strictly forbidden to be given to children under two months of age. The active substance is butamirate, which suppresses the part in the brain that is responsible for coughing.

Sinekod prescribed to those patients who suffer from frequent dry cough. If macrota is formed, then this drug should not be used. This is due to the fact that stagnation of macrota processes in the bronchi, which can lead to chronic bronchitis. The use of sinecode is not limited to the treatment of various respiratory diseases, but is also used in both diagnostic and surgical procedures.

During asmotic attacks, Ascoril is often used. This drug eliminates spasmodic problems in the bronchi and ensures the removal of phlegm. The effect occurs within half an hour due to the action of the substance salbutamol, which is a first aid remedy for asthmatic coughing attacks, as well as for tuberculosis of the lungs.

The cost of Ascoril is less than that of Sinecode, but there is a fairly large list of various contraindications. It should be noted that in case of serious pathologies in the lower parts of the respiratory system, it is possible to prescribe both drugs simultaneously. Therefore, it can be used by patients with diabetes. Those who have severe cardiovascular diseases - defects, arrhythmia - should refuse treatment. This also applies to those who have diabetes, liver and kidneys, and peptic ulcers affecting the abdominal organs. The South Asian medicine is not taken by women expecting and breastfeeding, as well as children under 6 years of age.

In terms of antitussive analogues, overspan is the place to be. This drug is positioned as a drug with a herbal substance that promotes the discharge of sputum and has an antimicrobial, antispasmodic effect. More suitable in pediatric practice due to the absence of dyes, alcohol, and sugar-containing components.

A Russian-made drug is ambroxol, which is considered a partial analogue. In comparison with the original product, ambroxol does not have a comprehensive effect. We do not use it to treat non-productive cough, but it has few contraindications.

Bronchipret made in Germany. High-quality, and most importantly - inexpensive analogue from a German company. Indications for use are similar to the pharmaceutical medications under consideration. Bronchipret has an expectorant effect in the presence of diseases of both chronic and acute nature of the respiratory tract, causing the appearance of sputum.

Contraindications include the age threshold for children under 3 months. Patients with epilepsy, those prone to alcoholism, and those with severe liver problems should be treated with caution due to the ethanol contained in the drug. It is forbidden to use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Fespalen is used to combat laryngitis, bronchial inflammation, asthma, and otitis media. Fespalen is prescribed for various respiratory diseases - cough, changes in voice timbre and discomfort in the throat.

Fespalen tablets should not be used if you are sensitive to one or another component element, or if you are a minor. It is not recommended for pregnant women or pregnant women. Side effects may include stomach and intestinal disorders, fatigue, and rashes on the skin of the body. If the dosage is too high, heart palpitations may develop.

Erespal analogues according to the active substance

In the case of the active substance, it is an analogue and has similar properties. Produced in syrup form. Many patients rate its action as more effective than the action of erespal. This remedy helps well with swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system due to allergic reactions.

There are certain contraindications that can cause unpleasant consequences in the form of nausea, stomach pain, skin rashes, etc.

Inspiron also refers to analogues of the active substance. The medication has the best effect in some cases, but has a number of contraindications that cause side effects.

A selection of inexpensive but effective substitutes for Erespal

Every person can experience diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract. Treatment must be taken extremely seriously, as these ailments can cause a number of complications if treated incorrectly. That is why, at the beginning of the development of the above ailments, you should consult a doctor. In this case, Erespal® is often prescribed. It is quite effective, but overpriced. Therefore, to replace it, you can choose cheaper, but no less effective analogues.

Pharmacological effect

The active component of the pharmaceutical product in question is fenspiride. It is famous for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor properties. Fenspiride helps reduce the activity of substances that provoke the development of foci of inflammation and bronchospasms.

What does Erespal treat?

  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs - laryngitis and rhinopharyngitis;
  • Otitis and sinusitis of various origins, including those caused by allergies;
  • Tracheobronchitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Various respiratory diseases.

Not discharged

  • Tablet form– minors (under 14 years old);
  • Syrup– in the absence of normal perception of the constituent components.
  • Minors are recommended to use the medication in the form of a sugar solution;
  • It should be borne in mind that the medication can cause a feeling of drowsiness, which affects driving and other complex mechanisms.

Interaction with other drugs

There is no reliable data regarding the interaction of the active component of fenspiride with other substances, due to the lack of special studies.

It is important to know that taking Erespal is not allowed with the parallel use of alcoholic beverages, as well as pharmaceutical products with a sedative effect.

Side effects

The most common negative effects on the patient’s body are disorders of the digestive system, namely the craving for vomiting and abdominal pain. Less common are disturbances in the functioning of the heart and central nervous system - minor tachycardia, rapid fatigue, skin rash and urticaria.

How to take Erespal?

Instructions for use. Doses

The pills are not prescribed for children under 14 years of age. They are prescribed a sugar solution.

The dose for children under 14 years of age is calculated using the formula 4 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Children under 2 years old weighing no more than 10 kg per day are allowed from 10 to 20 ml (2 to 4 teaspoons of solution). It is permissible to add the medicine to the baby food bottle. For older children (from 2 to 16 years old) it is recommended not less than 30 and no more than 60 ml (2-4 tablespoons) per day.

The duration of treatment can be from 20 to 30 days. As prescribed by the doctor, this time period can be increased.

Consequences of a possible overdose

Excessive use of the drug in question is unacceptable. In case of overdose, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Symptoms may include a feeling of weakness or overexcitement, vomiting, and increased heart rate. This condition is treated by gastric lavage.

How much does Erespal cost - the price of the medicine in the pharmacy

It is worth noting that this pharmaceutical product is produced in two dosage forms - tablets and in the form of a sweet solution. The price of the first reaches 394 rubles, and for the second you will have to pay 465 rubles (price on the website apteka.ru, Moscow).

List of cheap substitutes for Erespal

A comparative table of analogues will be presented below. Each patient can choose more affordable substitutes. They are all similar in composition and indications.

Analogues that are cheaper than the drug Erespal Apteka.ru price in rub. Piluli.ru price in rub.
Moscow St. Petersburg Moscow St. Petersburg
Fluditec (syrup)373 386 389 330
Thespalen (table)278 290 310
Sinekod (syrup)245 257 257 195
Epistat (table)233 244 216 178
Bronchipret (syrup)223 232 218 175
Ascoril (table)220 234 245 185
Bronchicum S (lozenges)218 236 223 172
Eladon (table)206 216 268 225
Erispirus (table)169 179 175 167
Lazolvan (table)167 178 170 150
Siresp (syrup)149 171 167
Ambrobene (solution)122 130 122 117

Fluditec – (France)

Able to resist bronchopulmonary diseases, in particular tracheitis, asthma, as well as other inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity and ear - rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis.

The use of this drug should be avoided by patients with a lack of normal tolerance to its elements, children under 15 years of age, and women in early pregnancy. In addition, the ban applies to patients with ulcers of the digestive system.

Negative reactions - gagging, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region, bloating. An effect on the central nervous system – headaches and a general state of weakness – cannot be ruled out.

Fespalen – (domestic substitute)

Indicated to combat laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchial inflammation, asthma, sinusitis, otitis media. In addition to these ailments, Fespalen is prescribed for various respiratory ailments - cough, changes in the voice and discomfort in the throat.

It is not necessary to use Fespalen in tablets if you are sensitive to one or another constituent element or in minor patients. It is not recommended for pregnant women and those in the lactation stage, due to the lack of information regarding the harmful effects on the fetus or child.

Side effects may include stomach and intestinal disorders, fatigue, and rashes on the skin of the body. With an increased dosage, rapid heartbeat may develop.

Sinekod – (Switzerland)

Most often prescribed for coughs of any origin, including before and after surgical interventions.

Use is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the composition of the medicine, in childhood, as well as in pregnant women in their first stages. Expectant mothers at a later date should visit a doctor who will determine the advisability of taking it.

Harmful concomitants include instability of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and a feeling of weakness.

Epistat – (Russian alternative)

An effective Russian substitute. Effectively copes with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, bronchi and shortness of breath. Indications include other respiratory manifestations.

Epistat tablets are not prescribed to minors, as well as to patients with hypersensitivity to the constituent substances.

Harmful effects on the body include drowsiness, a slight increase in heart rate, destabilization of the organs responsible for digestion, as well as skin reactions - rashes, swelling, itching and irritation.

Bronchipret – (Germany)

A high-quality inexpensive analogue from a German company. Indications for use are similar to other pharmaceutical products discussed in the article. Bronchipret has an expectorant effect in the presence of chronic and acute illnesses affecting the respiratory tract, causing coughing and sputum production.

Contraindications include age under 3 months. People with epilepsy, those prone to alcoholism, and those with severe liver problems need to be careful due to the ethanol contained in the medicine. Use should be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The medicine is distinguished by its sufficient safety. It causes only minor skin effects in the form of a rash.

Ascoril – (India)

Prescribed against bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and other acute “respiratory problems” accompanied by cough.

Ascoril has a wide list of contraindications. Those who have severe heart disease - defects, arrhythmia - should refuse treatment. This also applies to those who have diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney dysfunction, and ulcerative processes affecting the abdominal organs. The South Asian medicine is not taken by women expecting and breastfeeding, as well as children under 6 years of age.

Negative side effects occur very rarely and only when used in high doses. They include headaches, irritability, vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, and skin rashes.

Bronchicum S – (Poland/RF)

Lozenges promote expectorant action. Also, their use helps reduce the inflammation that occurs, affecting the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a dry cough.

Bronchicum C should not be taken by people with intolerance to its constituent components, severe cardiovascular diseases, unstable kidney and liver function. This drug is not recommended for expectant and breastfeeding mothers due to the possible negative effects on the fetus or child.

Only minor allergies are possible in the form of harmful adverse events.

Eladon – (cheap Russian equivalent)

Effective in the treatment of nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchial inflammation and asthma, as well as other respiratory problems - cough and pain in the larynx. His competence also includes sinusitis and otitis media of any origin.

This medication should not be used by people sensitive to the active or excipients, as well as by minor patients.

Negative accompanying phenomena may include gastrointestinal disorders, gag reflexes, epigastric pain, diarrhea, weakness in the body, as well as allergic reactions that do not have serious consequences.

Erispirus – (Türkiye)

The Turkish analogue is prescribed for the treatment of otitis media, runny nose, laryngitis, and bronchitis. In addition, it helps treat coughs that arise due to various diseases.

It is forbidden to use these tablets for hypersensitive people, women expecting a child and those in the lactation period, as well as children under 14 years of age.

Side effects occur sporadically. These include destabilization of the abdominal organs, emotional overexcitation or sleepiness, and general weakness. Sensitive patients may experience a minor skin reaction.

Lazolvan – (Germany)

A popular, inexpensive medicine that provides treatment for acute and chronic otolaryngeal diseases.

These include:

  • bronchitis of various origins;
  • bronchial shortness of breath, which is accompanied by heavy sputum discharge;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, expansion, deformation and suppuration in the bronchi.

Lazolvan will not be prescribed to people with intolerance to its composition and to expectant mothers in their early stages. Caution should be exercised by pregnant women in later periods, as well as by those women who are breastfeeding. Lazolvan is not recommended for patients with serious kidney and liver diseases.

Side effects include skin rashes, hives, and swelling. A very rare occurrence due to individual intolerance can be anaphylactic shock. In addition, long-term therapy with this medication can cause heartburn, abdominal pain, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Siresp – (Poland)

Patients use it to combat laryngitis, runny nose, otitis media, bronchitis, bronchial shortness of breath and various manifestations of cough.

It should strictly not be used by people who are hypersensitive to the composition of Sirespa, as well as by children under 14 years of age. Pregnant representatives of the fairer sex are allowed to use a Polish substitute, but only in cases where the effectiveness of treatment is truly higher than the risks to the fetus. Not recommended for young mothers during lactation.

In parallel, the patient may experience such phenomena as unstable functioning of the intestines and stomach, overexcitation due to the effect on the nervous system, as well as increased heart rate. Hives and rash are also included in the list of undesirable reactions of the body during therapy.

Ambrobene – (Germany)

Another affordable, well-known German drug. Ambrobene is well resistant to the above-mentioned diseases, chronic and acute.

It is prohibited to take this pharmaceutical product if you have extreme sensitivity to its constituent substances and if you are pregnant in the early stages.

Parallel harmful effects on the patient’s body are extremely rare. These may include impaired taste, urge to vomit, dry mouth, and abdominal pain.

Conclusion on inexpensive analogues of Erespal

The drug discussed in the article has many relatively cheap substitutes, which practically do not differ in their composition and list of indications. A huge number of pharmaceutical manufacturers have taken care of the production of otolaryngic drugs. By going to any pharmacy, both in the city and on the Internet, you can find similar products for any budget. It is worth remembering that the choice of a specific medication must be entrusted to a highly qualified specialist, namely the attending physician, who has previously made the correct diagnosis.
