MedAboutMe - Human age as a concept and phenomenon. Age periods of human life The main periods of people’s earthly journey

The following age periods of a person are distinguished:

1. Childhood- from birth to the beginning of the period (12-13 years).

2. Adolescence(puberty) - from 12-13 to 16 years for girls and from 13-14 to 17-18 years for boys. This age is characterized by a sharp increase in body length with an annual increase of 5-6 cm. By the age of 15 (compared to a newborn), it triples and reaches an average of 158 cm in boys and 156 cm in girls. Body weight is 48 and 49 kg, respectively. By the age of 14-15, all permanent teeth appear, except wisdom teeth. During this period, one of the most important age-related crises occurs - puberty, which is based on a change in the function of the body's endocrine system, which leads to the appearance of secondary ones, the onset of menstruation in girls and the appearance of menstruation in boys. The general metabolism in the body becomes intense, but unstable and labile. The mental life of a teenager is very complex and unstable and requires great tact and restraint from teachers, doctors and parents.

3. Adolescence- from 16 to 25 years for women and from 17 to 26 years for men. Characterized by slow growth, the average annual gain is 0.5 cm. At this age, wisdom teeth usually appear.

4. Adulthood- from 25 to 40 years for women and from 26 to 45 years for men. A period of relative stabilization of morphological and metabolic processes.

5. Mature age- from 40 to 55 years for women and from 45 to 60 years for men. During this period, the second most important age crisis begins - which is especially pronounced in women. Menopause is associated with the extinction of the functions of the gonads and the restructuring of a number of hormonal systems of the body. The mental sphere and metabolism are characterized by significant lability.

6. Elderly age- from 55 to 75 years for women and from 60 to 75 years for men.

7. Senile age- over 75 years for women and men. The general involution of the body begins to develop.

Sometimes it is proposed to allocate a special age of centenarians for people 90 years and older.

Accurate determination of age is important in clinical and forensic practice. Age can be judged based on data on height, body weight, number of teeth, and skin condition. With age, wrinkles appear on a person's face. By the age of 20 - frontal and nasolabial, by 25 years at the outer edges behind the ears, by 30 years - infraorbital, by 40 years - cervical, by 55 years - on the earlobes, hands, chin. However, all these criteria are very relative.

A more accurate method of determining age is to determine (radiologically) the so-called. Its definition is based on patterns in ossification associated with age periods. For example, ossification points in the distal epiphysis of the radius appear at 12-14 months. in girls and at 16-18 months. in boys. in the distal epiphysis of the ulna at 19 and 20 years old, respectively. As a rule, to determine bone age, an image of the hand and distal bones is used. Knowing the time of appearance of ossification points and synostoses, it is possible to determine a person’s age with a high degree of accuracy.

Age periods in children. The period of childhood is characterized by constant development and growth of the child’s body. There is no strict line between the individual stages of development.

Childhood is preceded by a period in which a distinction is made between the stage of embryonic development (the first 3 months) and the stage of placental development (from the 3rd to the 9th month).

The extrauterine period of development is divided into several periods: 1) newborns, lasting up to 4 weeks of life; 2) infancy, lasting from 4 weeks to 1 year; 3) pre-preschool, or nursery, - from 1 year to 3 years; 4) preschool (kindergarten period) - from 3 to 7 years; 5) junior school - from 7 to 12 years; 6) senior school (adolescence, or puberty) - from 12 to 18 years (see above).

The neonatal period is characterized by incomplete development of all organs and systems. During this period, the child’s body adapts to environmental conditions. Insufficient functional capacity of various organs is the cause of the development of a number of disorders in which it is difficult to draw the line between physiological and pathological conditions (physiological and physiological weight loss and others). A newborn is extremely susceptible to coccal infection, which requires maximum care for a child of this age (see).

Infancy. The period of infancy is characterized by the intensity of growth and development of the child’s body, which determines a relatively greater need for high-calorie food and requires proper nutrition. If the quality and quantity of food is violated, eating disorders and... Due to the relative functional weakness of the digestive organs, the child eats mainly dairy foods. During this period, the child is also helpless and requires special care.

In an infant, the first signaling system is formed. Children begin to recognize objects and faces in their environment.

Rapid exhaustion of the central nervous system. requires a large number of hours of sleep and proper alternation of sleep and wakefulness.

The weakness of immunobiological defense mechanisms makes children in the first months of life more susceptible to septic processes. At 2-5 months. the child is most defenseless to infections due to a decrease in passive and insufficient production of active acquired immunity. In infancy, the manifestation of constitutional abnormalities is characteristic, most often exudative-catarrhal diathesis (see).

Pre-school age in its biological characteristics it has common features with infancy and preschool age. By the end of the first year, especially after two years, it develops intensively. At this age, appropriate organizational measures are required to ensure the correct regime, education, sufficient rest and further development of the child. In preschool age, acute infections become more frequent mainly due to insufficient development of active immunity. This requires timely treatment of the child, as well as measures to protect the child from infection.

Preschool age characterized by the child’s great mobility and activity. Children are much more involved in sports activities.

In this period of childhood, it is especially important to properly organize outdoor games, manual labor, etc. When developing a daily routine, especially organizing walks, one must remember that the child gets tired very quickly when walking slowly and non-stop. In preschool age, household and street injuries become more frequent; The incidence of acute infections increases significantly.

Junior school age characterized by increased muscle development, but the child’s growth slows down somewhat. The child develops in the school community and lives by its interests. Physical education classes should be organized so that they do not tire the child, but help improve metabolic processes and the functions of all body systems.

With a significant school load, improper organization of sleep and rest, the development of neurotic reactions is possible. Primary school age is characterized by a high incidence of acute infections, and diseases that are rare in pre-preschool age appear (functional cardiovascular disorders and others).

Senior school age. Physiologically, it is characterized by the maturation of the gonads. gonads dramatically change the course of all life processes and affect the functional state of the nervous system. In adolescents, a number of changes occur (pulse instability, etc.).

Uneven mood, increased irritability, and fatigue are also noted. During adolescence, the morphological and physiological features that distinguish a child from an adult gradually smooth out and disappear. The course of the disease acquires clinical features characteristic of adults. See also .

On June 16, 2018, the draft law on raising the retirement age was submitted to the State Duma. On August 29, the president made his proposals. How has the retirement table changed depending on the year of birth? Let's compare the options and show tables published by the Pension Fund.

Where it all started

On June 14, 2018, Prime Minister Medvedev, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, formulated the following conditions for pension reform:

  • retirement for women - 63 years (plus 8 years);
  • The retirement age for men is increased by 5 years (reaches 65 years).

According to the prime minister, this will benefit all Russian pensioners, as it will improve their financial situation: it will be possible to annually index pensions by an average of 1,000 rubles, which more than doubles the current amount of indexation. But this can only happen if the country’s economy grows, which is what working-age citizens must ensure (according to statistics, now only a quarter of pensioners retire upon reaching retirement age). Alexey Kudrin also stated that this is beneficial to citizens.

The Prime Minister also announced that the changes will not be immediate:

It is proposed to introduce a fairly long transition period: it is proposed to start in 2019 in order to step by step achieve retirement at 65 years for men in 2028 and at 63 years for women in 2034.

As originally planned

The pension reform will affect men born in 1959 and women born in 1964: these are the oldest future pensioners, for whom the retirement age will be postponed by 1 year. That is, if, according to the previous rules, they would have retired in 2019, at the ages of 60 (men) and 55 (women), now they will receive this right only in 2020, when they turn 61 and 56 years old.

Women born later must add a year for the calculation. Arithmetic will not be needed for those born in 1971 and later: for them, the age of 63 will become a reality.

Men born between 1960 and 1962 also need to increment one year at a time to reach their retirement age, while for those born in 1963 and later, the age is already set at 65 years.

Teachers, doctors and creative workers who had the right to retire early will retain this right, but they will be able to exercise it 8 years later than now.

For “northerners” (working in the Far North) and those equivalent to them, the retirement age is also postponed: 60 years for men and 58 for women.

For convenience, the PPT editors have prepared a table of retirement by year of birth, in which the changes become obvious without additional calculations.

Retirement age, table (first, hard scenario)


Year of birth Year of retirement Retirement age How many years has the retirement age increased?
1964 2020 56 +1
1965 2022 57 +2
1966 2024 58 +3
1967 2026 59 +4
1968 2028 60 +5
1969 2030 61 +6
1970 2032 62 +7
1971 2034 63 +8


Retirement schedule (scenario relaxed by Putin)

Let us recall the president's proposal:

Establishment of a special benefit for citizens who were supposed to retire under the old legislation in the next 2 years. They will have the right to apply for a pension 6 months earlier than the new retirement age. For example, a person who, according to the new retirement age, will have to retire in January 2020, will be able to do this already in July 2019.


And for people who have already retired and are waiting for the promised increase in its size in 2019, we have prepared a simple calculator that will help determine the size of their pension next year.

It is proposed to raise the retirement age in Russia by five years for men and by eight years for women. This means that men will retire at 65 and women at 63.

The retirement age will not be raised at once; a so-called transition period is expected. As part of this transition period, the retirement age will be raised gradually - on average, it will increase by six months every year.

This is exactly on average. The fact is that if men now retire at 60 years old, this does not mean that in 2019 they will retire at 60 years and 6 months. No, in 2019 there will be almost no new old-age pensioners at all, and in 2020 61-year-old men and, accordingly, 56-year-old women will retire.

Retirement schedule by year of birth starting from 2019

The retirement schedule by year as part of raising the retirement age from 2019 is as follows:

Transition period for men
Year of birth Retirement age Year of retirement
1959 61 years old 2020
1960 62 years old 2022
1961 63 years old 2024
1962 64 years old 2026
1963 65 years old 2028
Transition for women
Year of birth Retirement age Year of retirement
1964 56 years old 2020
1965 57 years old 2022
1966 58 years old 2024
1967 59 years old 2026
1968 60 years 2028
1969 61 years old 2030
1970 62 years old 2032
1971 63 years old 2034

Retirement schedule for social pension recipients

Social old-age pensions are received by those Russians who have not earned sufficient work experience to qualify for an old-age insurance pension.

The transition period schedule for recipients of the social old-age pension is as follows:

Transition period for men receiving old-age social pension
Year of birth Retirement age Year of retirement
1954 66 years old 2020
1955 67 years old 2022
1956 68 years old 2024
1957 69 years old 2026
1958 70 years old 2028
Transition period for women receiving social old-age pension
Year of birth Retirement age Year of retirement
1959 61 years old 2020
1960 62 years old 2022
1961 63 years old 2024
1962 64 years old 2026
1963 65 years old 2028
1964 66 years old 2030
1965 67 years old 2032
1966 68 years old 2034

2018 changes in pension legislation

In 2018, men and women will retire for the last time at 60 and 55 years old, respectively. The government promises that the increase will take place gradually and intermittently. As a result of the pension reform in the future, the retirement age for men will be 65 years, and for women - 63 years.

From 2019, the retirement age will be raised by one year every two years, and this transition period will end in 2028 for the male half of the population and in 2034 for the female half.

Due to innovations in 2019, there will be no citizens applying for an old-age pension, since in accordance with changes in pension legislation they will retire after one year, that is, in 2020. Men born in 1959, who will turn 60 in 2019, and women born in 1964, who will be 55, will face a similar phenomenon.

According to the age

According to the age adv. quality-circumstances

According to someone's or any particular age.


Used as an inconsistent definition.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000.

See what “by age” is in other dictionaries:

    Part of a series of articles on discrimination Basic forms of Racism · Sexism ... Wikipedia

    I adv. qualities circumstances Not corresponding to anyone or any particular age; beyond his years I, beyond his years I. II predic. About the inconsistency of something with actions, actions, etc. anyone or any particular age... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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1. Are there any age restrictions in the resettlement program?

1.1. Good day, Natalia!
Yes, there are such restrictions - at least 18 years old.

An application for resettlement can be submitted by a citizen who is 18 years of age or older. Together with the applicant, his family members have the right to move. These include:

Spouse or spouse.
Children of the wife or husband.
Grandmothers and grandfathers.
Sisters/siblings/brothers of the second spouse.
Parents and parents-in-law.
Dear nephews and nieces.
The following requirements are also imposed on a candidate for compatriot:

He must have full legal capacity.
Have a high level of command of the Russian language.
Be able to work.
Have a temporary residence permit or be registered as a refugee.
He did not take part in extremist activities and was involved in criminal offenses.
We don't judge.
He was not deported from the Russian Federation.

Finding a lawyer or advocate for your issue

2. Are there any age restrictions for guardianship for an elderly person 83 years old.

2.1. Hello. There are no age restrictions. But, each case is considered separately and the commission decides whether the person can act as a guardian or not.
Only adults with legal capacity can be appointed as guardians (trustees) of children. The following cannot be appointed as guardians (trustees):
persons deprived of parental rights;
persons who have or have had a criminal record, are or have been subject to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons against whom criminal prosecution was terminated on rehabilitative grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insults), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, as well as against public safety, peace and security of mankind;
persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for serious or especially serious crimes;
persons who have not undergone training in the manner established by paragraph 6 of Article 127 of this Code (except for close relatives of children, as well as persons who are or were adoptive parents and in respect of whom the adoption has not been canceled, and persons who are or were guardians (trustees) children and who have not been suspended from performing their duties);
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated November 30, 2011 N 351-FZ, as amended by Federal Laws dated July 2, 2013 N 167-FZ, dated April 20, 2015 N 101-FZ)
persons who are in a union concluded between persons of the same sex, recognized as a marriage and registered in accordance with the legislation of the state in which such marriage is permitted, as well as persons who are citizens of the said state and are not married.

3. Good afternoon.
Are there any age restrictions for steeplejack work?

4. Are there any age restrictions for obtaining a patent in the Russian Federation?

4.1. Good afternoon. There is no age limit established by Russian legislation. It all depends on whether this profession is in demand in the Russian Federation or not.

5. Are there any restrictions on the age of children when receiving housing upon dismissal?

5.1. Good evening! Questions must be asked correctly. We are not psychics.. dismissal from where? Obtaining housing on what basis? We can't read your mind...

6. When applying for a civilian job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are there any age restrictions?

6.1. Hello. No, there are no restrictions. But the salaries are small, and the responsibility is the same as that of police officers. All the best.

7. Are there age restrictions on playgrounds? If so, until when?

7.1. Hello, at the legislative level there are no restrictions on visiting children's playgrounds.
Good luck and all the best

7.2. ---Hello, there are no restrictions, anyone under 18 can even play football.
Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

7.3. Good day! Each playground corresponds to the age and needs of children; if there is an age or weight limit for use, then a note is usually made!

7.4. Hello. Each playground has a sign stating the age and weight category of children who can play on the playground.

8. I wanted to know if my mother and her brother, who have lived all their lives in the same apartment, which has been privatized for me for a long time, can get on the waiting list for an apartment.
There are 5 people registered at 39 meters.
Are there any age restrictions? They were born in 1947 and 1949.

8.1. They can get involved in improving their living conditions.

9. Are there age restrictions for men working on the roofs of houses in the housing complex, knocking down icicles, clearing snow from the roofs?

9.1. There are no age restrictions for knocking down icicles or climbing on roofs for other purposes.

10. Question for you.
Can there be restrictions on flying within the country and abroad to the countries of the customs union using an internal passport if a person is liable for military service by age but has not received a summons or signed anything?

10.1. Hello.

Not within the country. But beyond the limits, it’s quite possible.

11. A daughter died in Ukraine. There are three minor children left (10 years old, 5 years old and 4 years old). They do not have a father (died earlier). Their grandfather lives in Russia. He has no right to enter the territory of Ukraine, since there is an entry restriction based on age (my grandfather is 57 years old). There is no one to raise children. Question: What needs to be done to take children to Russia? And is it possible to transfer children from an orphanage in Ukraine to an orphanage in Russia?

11.1. It is necessary to obtain guardianship for the children in order to be able to pick them up. Let the grandfather contact the guardianship authorities in the Russian Federation at his place of residence.

12. Are there any age restrictions when applying for a position as a passenger carriage conductor?

12.1. Dear Elena, age restrictions when hiring for the position of a passenger car conductor are indicated in the professional standard for a passenger car conductor.

13. Are there restrictions on the age of chief accountants? Our chief accountant is already 90 years old and he himself has no intention of leaving. He is of course a good man, but he works the old fashioned way; it is difficult for him to understand anything from our age of computerization. And all reporting is done completely new.

13.1. No, there are no age restrictions for holding the position of chief accountant. No one can be limited in labor rights depending on age (Part 2, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The establishment of such a restriction will be regarded as discrimination and restriction of the employee’s rights. In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the possibility of terminating an employment contract on the specified grounds.
But your organization has the right to certify an employee according to his qualifications for the work performed.

14. Are there age restrictions when working in electrical installations? An 80-year-old employee has difficulty walking, but undergoes a medical examination every year.

14.1. Good afternoon Restrictions can be imposed only in the case of failure to undergo a medical examination or lack of appropriate regularly conducted educational training for working on an electrical installation.
Good luck to you!

15. Are there age restrictions when receiving maternity capital in a situation where a man and woman, not yet married, are planning to have a child, while having an adult child (30 years old) on both sides, and a second child ten years old on the other side? men.

15.1. Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 does not link a woman’s right to receive maternity capital with raising previous children up to a certain age or being dependent on them, but only with the fact of the birth of the previous child.
The Law does not establish any restrictions on the age of the first or other children born before 2007. So you will not have any problems with the right to maternity capital at the birth of your second child.

16. A 73-year-old grandmother committed a robbery against a postal worker with a stun gun and took 4,000,000 rubles.. she was caught.. she spent all the money. What threatens her? Are there any age restrictions?

16.1. Good afternoon There is no upper limit on the age of criminal responsibility. The grandmother faces criminal prosecution under clause B, part 4 of Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishment: imprisonment for a term of eight to fifteen years with a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to five years, or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or without one.
What specific punishment will be applied to the grandmother will be determined by the court, taking into account all the circumstances of the crime committed, including characterizing data, as well as the circumstances under the pressure of which she committed the crime. The property that the grandmother purchased with this money will be confiscated.

17. I have an apartment with a mortgage from Sberbank (10.9). I am a working pensioner (58 years old), salary at VTB, representatives of the mortgage department refused to refinance (9.0) citing age restrictions. Is this legal?

17.1. Banks independently set the conditions for lending and refinancing. Therefore everything is legal. Contact other banks, maybe somewhere you will be approved for loan refinancing.

18. Is there an age limit for a grandmother to obtain guardianship over her grandchildren aged 10 and 15? The children's father died, the mother's parental rights will be limited.

18.1. Hello,
There are a lot of restrictions, based on age, health, and much more... Each candidacy for a guardian for children is considered individually by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Detailed and detailed legal consultations with a discussion of all the nuances and details of your situation are paid. Contact any lawyer on the website for a face-to-face consultation via personal message.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

19. A lease agreement for agricultural land was concluded for a period of 10 years. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, the owner was 82 years old. Are there any age restrictions? And is it possible to terminate it now? The tenant offers to buy it, but at a price much lower than the market price.

19.1. There are no age restrictions. The tenant will not be able to buy it without the owner's consent. The contract can be terminated by agreement of the parties or by court. If he does not pay you, you can file a claim with the district court to collect the debt and terminate the lease agreement.

20. Are there any restrictions on the age from which the pension period is calculated? Namely: a person worked from the age of 12, during the summer holidays on a collective farm, there are documents confirming this. And the pension fund says that they will count the length of service only from the age of 16... How legal is this? On the basis of what document can we defend our question and our case?

20.1. Essentially - yes. There could be no official work.

Article 173. Age at which employment is permitted

It is not permitted to employ persons under 15 years of age. To prepare young people for industrial work, it is allowed to employ students in general education institutions, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education to perform light work that does not cause harm to health and does not interfere with the learning process, in their free time from school, after they reach 14 years of age with consent of parents, adoptive parents or guardian.

21. When I tried to get a job on a rotational basis, several companies refused me because I was over 50 years old. Are there really legal age restrictions for working on a rotational basis in the Far North? Thank you.

21.1. There is no age limit, this is discrimination. Ask the organizations that rejected you for a written refusal to hire you, indicating the reason, and appeal to the court. Article 3.64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

22. The father and guardian of a disabled child, 52 years old, died. The mother of a 75-year-old child can she become a guardian, what restrictions are there based on age and health.

22.1. In accordance with Article 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, only adult citizens, that is, those who have reached the age of 18, can be appointed as guardians and trustees. Persons who: have been deprived of parental rights cannot be guardians; have a criminal record for crimes against life and health committed intentionally; suffer from drug addiction, alcoholism or a disease that interferes with the performance of the duties of a guardian; do not own or use living space that meets sanitary standards; do not have a regular income.
The decision to appoint a guardian or trustee is made by the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the person in need of guardianship or trusteeship. If there are circumstances worthy of attention, a guardian or trustee may be appointed by the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the guardian (trustee).

23. I have a place to work, I pass a medical examination and they don’t hire me because of my age. What is the legal age limit?

23.1. According to the law, there are no restrictions for employees of retirement or pre-retirement age. It is the employer’s personal reluctance not to hire according to this criterion.

23.2. No, age restrictions are still set by law. For the most part, they relate to positions in the municipal and public service. Vladimir, if you can indicate the position you are applying for, as well as your age, this will help give you more detailed advice.

24. At the court. There are three bailiffs doing paperwork on me. I can’t get a job, before this I worked under a contract, the contract was not renewed. Everywhere the age limit is up to 40, I’m 48. I don’t know how to get out of this hole. Soon there will be even more debts for housing and communal services. Soon they will come and arrest the last one. There are no jobs in the city. What to do? The child is 8 years old, I receive alimony, my eldest daughter helps me survive.

24.1. Hello, Natalia. In your case, you can apply to the court to grant you an installment plan or deferment of debt repayment due to your difficult financial situation. All the best.

25. Based on the total length of service in the penal system and at sea on fishing boats, what is the total length of service required for early retirement? And are there any age restrictions?

25.1. If you mean retirement due to length of service according to the so-called. “mixed experience”, then the total experience must be at least 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years you must serve in the penal system, then you can be dismissed from the penal system subject to reaching the age limit for service, or upon reaching 45 years old for organizational reasons or health reasons.
