Pankov, Nikolai Alexandrovich. Is Cabinet General Pankov a bomb for Minister Shoigu? Scientific degree, academic title

He helped the Minister of Defense Serdyukov steal and received a fabulous bonus for this, and in addition several hectares of land in the resort area. Nikolai Pankov was destroying the Russian army - and, trying to save himself, he blamed the destruction of army personnel and military education on his subordinates, whom he handed over like glass containers.
Nikolay Pankov’s place is on the bunk. In the warm company of the leaders of Oboronservis and others like Pankov, thieves.

This story is about theft and corruption, in which Nikolai Pankov succeeded, alas, much more than in matters useful for the country.

Beyond kleptomania?

The investigation may have questions for Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense Nikolai Pankov. Rare cars, trophy sculptures, a mansion with a yacht club in Anapa under the guise of a radar station...

Beyond kleptomania? Lovers of beauty from the Ministry of Defense. Details of the “work” of the criminal connection Serdyukov-Pankov. The scandal in the Ministry of Defense after the resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov not only does not subside, but, on the contrary, continues to gain momentum.
The scandal in the Ministry of Defense after the resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov not only does not subside, but, on the contrary, continues to gain momentum. More and more new facts are emerging indicating that a bunch of thieving officials have turned the defense department into their fiefdom and transferred considerable state assets into their private property. In this regard, the figure of Secretary of State - Deputy Minister Nikolai Pankov, who directly carried out the theft of state property - in the interests of the minister, and in his own, of course, too, is emerging more and more from the shadows.

Domestic officials are known to love expensive foreign cars. But what is an ordinary “expensive foreign car”? Just a rather expensive car, which is produced in tens of thousands of copies. The leadership of the Ministry of Defense has surpassed everyone here. Just expensive cars are not enough for them - they need unique, rare cars that were once used by historical figures - cars that “no one else has.” This is real chic! And the cost of such cars is no longer calculated in hundreds of thousands, but in millions of dollars.

There was a Museum of Military Automotive Equipment in the Ministry of Defense, located in Ryazan. It was - because by order of Serdyukov in 2010 it was disbanded. The collection of this museum included the most unique cars - a limousine-convertible ZIL-111, in which Yuri Gagarin drove from the airfield to Red Square, where he reported to the country's leadership about the first successful human flight into space. ZIS-110 of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev. ZIL-117, which Cuban leader Fidel Castro drove during his visits to the Soviet Union. The very first “Russian Jeep” GAZ-67. And many other machines, including experimental models that exist in single copies. According to the most conservative estimates, this collection was worth many tens of millions of dollars.

A lot of “interesting” things were on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Defense. When Serdyukov was appointed minister, he, of course, did not know much. However, I found out quite quickly - including from my Secretary of State Nikolai Pankov. It was Pankov, who saw through the boss’s love for expensive toys and anticipated generous commissions for tips, who told Serdyukov about the Ryazan museum. Serdyukov became so interested that he ordered the preparation of a photo album from which he could get acquainted with rare cars. Pankov immediately did his best for the boss, and soon not one, but three albums were lying on the minister’s desk. Serdyukov really liked the cars, and now he is already visiting the Ryazan museum, where he admires the rarities. If only the museum workers knew then how the minister’s delight would end...

It’s so simple, it’s clear, it’s impossible to take away the cars - all this needs to be given the appearance of legality. And then Pankov proposed to the boss, and then implemented a cunning scheme. First, the museum's status was changed - from an independent museum it turned into just a historical and memorial hall, part of the Museum of the History of the Airborne Forces. Well, in this status, having such a car collection seems to be “out of rank” for him. And then an order appears to transfer the auto exposition to Moscow, to a special garage of the Ministry of Defense - to the 147th motor depot. All the most interesting exhibits, 63 in number, were transported there. First - there. Some of them are still there. But, as law enforcement agencies suspect, this is not all. Where they went later is what the security forces are currently trying to determine.

Unique cars, of course, were not the only “beautiful” thing that the Ministry of Defense had. There is a House of Officers in Rostov-on-Don. And there were—they were, because in 2010 Serdyukov and Pankov “moved in” there, after which they were gone—two bronze deer. Trophies from Germany! Examples of Nazi art. The historical value is certainly colossal. And the market price is quite large - such things go like bullets at auctions for amounts with many zeros. “Lover of beauty” Serdyukov immediately “set his eye” on them. Well, he told Pankov that he really liked them. And he again hastened to do his best for his boss, who was generous with his helpful servants, especially with his accomplices.

Pankov personally ordered the antique bronze statues of deer to be sent to Moscow and supervised the shipment. On the Internet, people who have seen deer in the Officers' House since childhood are still outraged by this brazen theft and knew that these were war trophies, paid for with the blood of their grandfathers. But the Serdyukovs and punks, of course, are not interested in the opinion of the “smerds”. After Pankov personally shipped the antique deer statues to Moscow, they were never seen again in Rostov-on-Don. Where are they now - again, hopefully, we will find out from the investigation.

And how beautiful the nature is in the Krasnodar region, especially on the seashore! Serdyukov wanted to have a “dacha” there. And now the faithful Pankov is already flying to Anapa, where he persuades the deputies of the city assembly to allocate a plot of land “for the needs of the Ministry of Defense.” They say that a radar station will be built there, without which the country’s defense capability will simply be non-existent. And Pankov knows how to convince - well, a plot of land at the address Krasnodar region, Bolshoi Utrish village, Naberezhnaya street, 1a was allocated for the benefit of the Motherland. And then Pankov organized a very large-scale construction there. Only his “radar” turned out to be truly unique - NATO has never seen anything like it before, so it’s time to include a new name in their classification. Any adversary, when looking at Pankov's radar, sees only a residential building with an area of ​​600 square meters, a boathouse for yachts and much more that is familiar from Hollywood films about luxurious life. In general, the “radar station” turned out to be excellent - without radars, but ideal for recreation at the level of Arab sheikhs.

True, not only NATO intelligence services, but also Russian journalists, and even investigators, could not find signs of a radar station at the object obtained by Pankov from the deputies in the wake of patriotic speeches. That’s why the media called this “Pankov’s radar station” as it is - “Serdyukov’s dacha.” As a dacha, it is magnificent. Of course, this is a nature reserve where a relict juniper forest grows. Not nature - a fairy tale!

But Pankov “forgot” that in such places the law allows the construction of only temporary buildings. And I miraculously “forgot” about the radar itself. Moreover, I forgot so much that even on the gate of this property there is no sign that the object belongs to the Ministry of Defense. Pankov will probably tell you that these are secrecy requirements and another line of defense for the country.

But for all his “forgetfulness,” Pankov remembered well the minister’s tastes. Serdyukov, as usual, highly appreciated the efforts of his accomplice - and Pankov, after he obtained land for the minister from deputies by deception, several hectares of land appeared in Pankov’s property not far from the “radar station with yachts.” You deserve it!

These are just some of the episodes whose information has been leaked onto the Internet. The investigation is moving forward, and the indignant public is revealing more and more facts of unscrupulous theft in the army. All these years they were silent, irritation kept accumulating - and now, as they say, “the patience is over.” After all, people are not blind... One can only sympathize with the investigation - such “Augean stables” have accumulated that they need to be raked and raked. A whole 5 years of unpunished (for now!) theft.

However, the “Augean stables” will have to be cleared not only by the investigation, but also by the newly appointed Minister Shoigu. For many years, the chief army personnel officer - State Secretary Pankov, who perfectly understands that “personnel decide everything” - arranged them in such a way as to have people loyal to himself - and to Serdyukov, of course - in key positions. Ready to carry out any of his instructions - but the fact that purely army issues, including the key issue of military reform, faded into the background, did not particularly bother him. As a result of this personnel policy, the army found itself in a state close to collapse...

This is exactly the “legacy” that Shoigu received. But how he will clear it is still unclear. After all, Pankov continues to “sit on the staff” and thus can derail any initiative of the new minister. And if you consider that Pankov now faces a very difficult task to “get away with it” himself - to try to hide his role in Anatoly Serdyukov’s “craving for beauty” and what, as a result of his activities, stuck to his own hands...

Of course, Shoigu has already appointed - or achieved the appointment - of new personnel to the most important positions, who, we hope, will put all their efforts into establishing order. Only their subordinates are Pankov’s cadres, who are devoted to him personally, and not to the new bosses. Accustomed – and even able – to implement the corruption schemes of the previous leadership. And how Shoigu will get rid of them in order to create a truly combat-ready army and at the same time suppress corruption, while Pankov is still in command of the cadres - this is perhaps the key question to which there is no answer yet. Experts believe that Shoigu simply has not yet found a replacement for Pankov. However, they also say that if Shoigu hesitates, the metastases of the punk cadres will simply kill all the undertakings of the new team - fortunately, performing this technically is not a problem for General Nikolai Pankov. Even if his kleptomania is covered up by the “interests of the Motherland,” then in personnel matters he will not leave Shoigu any chance - he will simply drain his initiatives into the sewer, with his usual affectionate smile.



Nikolai Aleksandrovich Pankov was born on December 2, 1954 in the village of Maryino, Kadysky district, Kostroma region, RSFSR, USSR. In 1974 he was called up for military service in the Armed Forces. He served in the USSR Border Troops, in the North-Western Border District. After being transferred to the reserve in 1976, he entered the service of the USSR State Security Committee. In 1980 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, remained there for teaching work, and in 1989 he completed graduate school there. Since 1994 - Scientific Secretary of the Academy of the FSB of Russia.

In 1997-1998 - Head of the Administration of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation.

Since 1998 - Chief of Staff of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In October 2004, he was appointed head of the Personnel and Educational Service of the Ministry of Defense. Since September 2005 - State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense - Deputy Minister of Defense. It is in charge of the Main Directorate of Personnel, the Main Directorate of Educational Work, and the Main Directorate of Civil Service of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

With Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov. St. Petersburg, September 12, 2015 At a meeting of the supervisory board of CSKA,
April 15, 2015
Transfer of the standard to the commander of the Central Military District Vladimir Zarudnitsky, June 16, 2014. At the presentation of certificates and diplomas to students of Moscow military schools,
June 20, 2015

Class ranks


Write a review of the article "Pankov, Nikolai Alexandrovich"



An excerpt characterizing Pankov, Nikolai Alexandrovich

Kutuzov's face suddenly softened, and tears appeared in his eyes. He pulled Bagration to him with his left hand, and with his right hand, on which there was a ring, apparently crossed him with a familiar gesture and offered him a plump cheek, instead of which Bagration kissed him on the neck.
- Christ is with you! – Kutuzov repeated and walked up to the carriage. “Sit down with me,” he said to Bolkonsky.
– Your Excellency, I would like to be useful here. Let me stay in the detachment of Prince Bagration.
“Sit down,” said Kutuzov and, noticing that Bolkonsky was hesitating, “I need good officers myself, I need them myself.”
They got into the carriage and drove in silence for several minutes.
“There is still a lot ahead, there will be a lot of things,” he said with an senile expression of insight, as if he understood everything that was happening in Bolkonsky’s soul. “If one tenth of his detachment comes tomorrow, I will thank God,” added Kutuzov, as if speaking to himself.
Prince Andrei looked at Kutuzov, and he involuntarily caught his eye, half an arshin away from him, the cleanly washed assemblies of the scar on Kutuzov’s temple, where the Izmail bullet pierced his head, and his leaking eye. “Yes, he has the right to talk so calmly about the death of these people!” thought Bolkonsky.
“That’s why I ask you to send me to this detachment,” he said.
Kutuzov did not answer. He seemed to have already forgotten what had been said to him and sat thoughtfully. Five minutes later, smoothly rocking on the soft springs of the stroller, Kutuzov turned to Prince Andrei. There was no trace of excitement on his face. With subtle mockery, he asked Prince Andrei about the details of his meeting with the emperor, about the reviews he had heard at court about the Kremlin affair, and about some common women he knew.

Kutuzov, through his spy, received news on November 1 that put the army he commanded in an almost hopeless situation. The scout reported that the French in huge numbers, having crossed the Vienna bridge, headed towards Kutuzov’s route of communication with the troops coming from Russia. If Kutuzov had decided to remain in Krems, then Napoleon’s army of one and a half hundred thousand would have cut him off from all communications, surrounded his exhausted army of forty thousand, and he would have been in Mack’s position near Ulm. If Kutuzov had decided to leave the road that led to communications with troops from Russia, then he would have had to enter without a road into the unknown lands of the Bohemian
mountains, defending themselves from superior enemy forces, and abandoning all hope of communication with Buxhoeveden. If Kutuzov had decided to retreat along the road from Krems to Olmutz to join forces with troops from Russia, then he risked being warned on this road by the French who had crossed the bridge in Vienna, and thus being forced to accept battle on the march, with all the burdens and convoys, and dealing with an enemy three times his size and surrounding him on both sides.
Kutuzov chose this last exit.
The French, as the spy reported, having crossed the bridge in Vienna, were marching in an intensified march towards Znaim, which lay on Kutuzov’s retreat route, more than a hundred miles ahead of him. To reach Znaim before the French meant to have great hope of saving the army; to allow the French to warn themselves in Znaim would probably mean exposing the entire army to a disgrace similar to that of Ulm, or to general destruction. But it was impossible to warn the French with their entire army. The French road from Vienna to Znaim was shorter and better than the Russian road from Krems to Znaim.
On the night of receiving the news, Kutuzov sent Bagration’s four-thousand-strong vanguard to the right over the mountains from the Kremlin-Znaim road to the Vienna-Znaim road. Bagration had to go through this transition without rest, stop facing Vienna and back to Znaim, and if he managed to warn the French, he had to delay them as long as he could. Kutuzov himself, with all his hardships, set out for Znaim.
Having walked with hungry, barefoot soldiers, without a road, through the mountains, on a stormy night forty-five miles, having lost a third part of the stragglers, Bagration went to Gollabrun on the Vienna Znaim road several hours before the French approached Gollabrun from Vienna. Kutuzov had to walk another whole day with his convoys to reach Znaim, and therefore, in order to save the army, Bagration, with four thousand hungry, exhausted soldiers, had to hold off for a day the entire enemy army that met him in Gollabrun, which was obvious , impossible. But a strange fate made the impossible possible. The success of that deception, which gave the Vienna bridge into the hands of the French without a fight, prompted Murat to try to deceive Kutuzov in the same way. Murat, having met Bagration’s weak detachment on the Tsnaim road, thought that it was the entire army of Kutuzov. In order to undoubtedly crush this army, he waited for the troops that had fallen behind on the road from Vienna and for this purpose proposed a truce for three days, with the condition that both troops would not change their positions and would not move. Murat insisted that negotiations for peace were already underway and that, therefore, avoiding useless shedding of blood, he was offering a truce. The Austrian general Count Nostitz, who was stationed at the outposts, believed the words of the envoy Murat and retreated, revealing Bagration's detachment. Another envoy went to the Russian chain to announce the same news about peace negotiations and offer a truce to the Russian troops for three days. Bagration replied that he could not accept or not accept a truce, and with a report of the proposal made to him, he sent his adjutant to Kutuzov.
The truce for Kutuzov was the only way to gain time, give Bagration’s exhausted detachment a rest and allow convoys and loads to pass through (the movement of which was hidden from the French), although there was one extra march to Znaim. The offer of a truce provided the only and unexpected opportunity to save the army. Having received this news, Kutuzov immediately sent Adjutant General Wintzingerode, who was with him, to the enemy camp. Winzengerode had to not only accept the truce, but also offer terms of surrender, and meanwhile Kutuzov sent his adjutants back to hurry as much as possible the movement of the convoys of the entire army along the Kremlin-Znaim road. The exhausted, hungry detachment of Bagration alone had to, covering this movement of the convoys and the entire army, remain motionless in front of an enemy eight times stronger.
Kutuzov's expectations came true both regarding the fact that the non-binding offers of surrender could give time for some of the convoys to pass through, and regarding the fact that Murat's mistake was to be revealed very soon. As soon as Bonaparte, who was in Schönbrunn, 25 versts from Gollabrun, received Murat’s report and the draft truce and capitulation, he saw the deception and wrote the following letter to Murat:
Au prince Murat. Schoenbrunn, 25 brumaire en 1805 a huit heures du matin.
“II m"est impossible de trouver des termes pour vous exprimer mon mecontentement. Vous ne commandez que mon avant garde et vous n"avez pas le droit de faire d"armistice sans mon ordre. Vous me faites perdre le fruit d"une campagne . Rompez l"armistice sur le champ et Mariechez a l"ennemi. Vous lui ferez declarer, que le general qui a signe cette capitulation, n"avait pas le droit de le faire, qu"il n"y a que l"Empereur de Russie qui ait ce droit.
“Toutes les fois cependant que l"Empereur de Russie ratifierait la dite convention, je la ratifierai; mais ce n"est qu"une ruse. Mariechez, detruisez l"armee russe... vous etes en position de prendre son bagage et son artiller.
"L"aide de camp de l"Empereur de Russie est un... Les officiers ne sont rien quand ils n"ont pas de pouvoirs: celui ci n"en avait point... Les Autrichiens se sont laisse jouer pour le passage du pont de Vienne , vous vous laissez jouer par un aide de camp de l"Empereur. Napoleon."
[To Prince Murat. Schönbrunn, 25 Brumaire 1805 8 am.

Pankov Nikolay Alexandrovich, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, Head of the Personnel and Educational Work Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Personnel, former Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - Assistant Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

In 1980 - graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, and was left to serve in this higher educational institution.
In 1989 - graduated from full-time graduate school at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky And.
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor.

Professional activities:
In 1974 - called up for military service in the Armed Forces. He served in the border troops of the USSR, in the North-Western Border District.
in 1976 - after being transferred to the reserve, he entered the service of the USSR State Security Committee.
Since 1989, he has been engaged in teaching and scientific work.
Since 1994 - Scientific Secretary of the Academy of the Ministry of Security (since 1995 - FSB Academy).
From 1997 to 1998 - Head of the Administration of the Federal Border Service.
From 1998 to 2001 - Chief of Staff of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
Since April 2001, he was transferred to the team to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the position of head of the Ministry’s Administration.
In July 2001, he was appointed head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.
Since June 2002 - Head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Personnel. While in this position, he also supervised the entire system of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense.
Since October 18, 2004 - Head of the Personnel and Educational Work Service of the RF Ministry of Defense.
Since September 2005 - Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia. In his new position, the army general will become a kind of link between the military department, the legislative and executive powers, as well as civil society. In addition, he will retain the functions of managing the Main Personnel Directorate, the Main Directorate of the Armed Forces, and the Department for State Civil Service of the military department.
March 30, 2009 - dismissed from military service and transferred to the rank of federal civil servants while retaining the position of Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Prepares proposals to the government of the Russian Federation to amend various outdated military laws, monitors the implementation of federal legislation on the Armed Forces, regularly participates in meetings of the State Duma, the Federation Council, and the government, and considers numerous parliamentary requests sent to the military department.

Pankov Nikolai Aleksandrovich - Russian statesman, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Income, property

The amount of declared income for 2011 amounted to 2.643 million rubles.


  • Residential building (individual property) - area 193.5 sq.m., Russia.
  • Land plot (individual property) - area 1500 sq.m., Russia.
  • Apartment (free use) - area 157 sq.m., Russia.
  • Motor vehicle Yamaha ATV (individual property).
  • Flatbed trailer (individual property).



1980 - graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, served in this higher educational institution.

1989 - graduated from full-time graduate school at the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

Scientific degree, academic title

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor.

Military service

1974 - 1976 - conscript military service in the border detachment of the North-Western Border District.


1989 - 1994 - teaching and scientific work.

1994 - 1997 - Scientific Secretary of the Academy of the Ministry of Security, Academy of the FSB.

1997 - 1998 - Head of the Administration of the Federal Border Service of Russia.

1998 - 2001 - Head of the Staff of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

April - July 2001 - Head of the Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

July 2001 - June 2002 - Head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

June 2002 - October 2004 - Deputy Minister of Defense for Personnel.

October 2004 - September 2005 - Head of the Personnel and Educational Work Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since September 2005 - Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

March 30, 2009 - dismissed from military service and transferred to the rank of federal civil servants while retaining the position of Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Nikolay Pankov: on increasing the number of contract soldiers in the Russian army

Since 2005 - member of the Board of Directors (supervisory board) of OJSC "TV and Radio Company of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "ZVEZDA".

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Acting State Councilor 2nd class.

Member of the CSKA Board of Trustees.


Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, medals.

Lawmaking and social work

Prepares proposals for the government of the Russian Federation to amend various outdated military laws, monitors the implementation of federal legislation on the Armed Forces, regularly participates in meetings of the State Duma, the Federation Council, and the government, and considers numerous parliamentary requests sent to the military department.

Marital status

Married, has a son.


  1. Information on income, property and property-related liabilities of military personnel and federal civil servants of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and members of their families for the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.
  2. Pankov Nikolay Alexandrovich. Official Internet resource of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  3. By 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense will have 10 systemically important universities
  4. General Pankov was appointed Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia
  5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2011 No. 814 “On assigning the class rank of the state civil service of the Russian Federation to N.A. Pankov”
  6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2010 No. 525 “On the assignment of class ranks of the state civil service of the Russian Federation to federal state civil servants of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”
  7. Nikolay Pankov - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of PBC CSKA
Date of death Place of death

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USSR 22x20px USSR → Russia 22x20px Russia

Branch of the military Years of service Rank Part

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Job title

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Awards and prizes
Knight of the Order of Alexander Nevsky Order of Honor 40px 40px
40px 40px Medal "For Impeccable Service" 1st class Medal "For Impeccable Service" II degree
Medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree 40px

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Nikolai Aleksandrovich Pankov was born on December 2, 1954 in the village of Maryino, Kadysky district, Kostroma region, RSFSR, USSR. In 1974 he was called up for military service in the Armed Forces. He served in the USSR Border Troops, in the North-Western Border District. After being transferred to the reserve in 1976, he entered the service of the USSR State Security Committee. In 1980 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, remained there for teaching work, and in 1989 he completed graduate school there. Since 1994 - Scientific Secretary of the Academy of the FSB of Russia.

In 1997-1998 - Head of the Administration of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation.

Since 1998 - Chief of Staff of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In October 2004, he was appointed head of the Personnel and Educational Service of the Ministry of Defense. Since September 2005 - State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense - Deputy Minister of Defense. It is in charge of the Main Directorate of Personnel, the Main Directorate of Educational Work, and the Main Directorate of Civil Service of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

With Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov. St. Petersburg, September 12, 2015 At a meeting of the supervisory board of CSKA,
April 15, 2015
Transfer of the standard to the commander of the Central Military District Vladimir Zarudnitsky, June 16, 2014. At the presentation of certificates and diplomas to students of Moscow military schools,
June 20, 2015

Class ranks


Write a review of the article "Pankov, Nikolai Alexandrovich"



An excerpt characterizing Pankov, Nikolai Alexandrovich

“This is the last time, my caress... I promise you, this is truly the last time,” the knight said with difficulty, affectionately touching her tender cheek.
I heard the conversation mentally, but there was a strange feeling of someone else’s speech. I understood the words perfectly, and yet I knew that they spoke some other language.
“I’ll never see you again...” the woman whispered through her tears. - Never again...
For some reason, the boy did not react in any way to either his father’s imminent departure or his farewell to his mother. He calmly continued to play, not paying any attention to the adults, as if it had nothing to do with him. This surprised me a little, but I did not dare to ask anything, but simply watched what would happen next.
- Won't you say goodbye to me? – turning to him, the knight asked.
The boy, without raising his eyes, shook his head negatively.
“Leave him, he’s just angry with you...” the woman asked sadly. “He also believed in you that you wouldn’t leave him alone again.”
The knight nodded and, climbing onto his huge horse, galloped down the narrow street without looking back, very soon disappearing around the first bend. And the beautiful lady sadly looked after him, and her soul was ready to run... crawl... fly after him, no matter where, just to see him again, at least for a moment, at least for a short moment to hear!.. But she knew. that this would not happen, that she would remain where she stood, and that, by the capricious whim of fate, she would never see or hug her Harold again... Large, heavy tears rolled down her pale, instantly haggard cheeks and sparkling drops disappeared into the dusty ground...
“God save him...” the woman whispered bitterly. - I will never see him... never again... help him, Lord...
She stood motionless, like a mournful Madonna, not seeing or hearing anything around, and the blond baby huddled at her feet, now revealing all his sadness and looking with longing to where, instead of his beloved dad, only the empty dusty road gleamed lonely white. ...
“How could I not say goodbye to you, my caress?” suddenly a quiet, sad voice sounded nearby.
Harold looked at his sweet and sad wife without stopping, and a mortal melancholy, which seemed impossible to wash away even with a waterfall of tears, splashed in his blue eyes... But he looked like a very strong and courageous man, who, most likely , it was not so easy to shed tears...
- No need! Well, no need to be sad! – little Stella stroked his huge hand with her fragile fingers. - You see how much they loved you?.. Well, do you want us not to watch anymore? You've seen this many times already!..
The picture disappeared... I looked at Stella in surprise, but before I had time to say anything, I found myself in another “episode” of this alien life, which had touched my soul so deeply.
An unusually bright, cheerful, pink dawn, strewn with diamond drops of dew, woke up. The sky flared up for a moment, painting the edges of curly, fair-haired clouds with a scarlet glow, and immediately it became very light - an early, unusually fresh morning had arrived. On the terrace of an already familiar house, in the cool shade of a large tree, three of us were sitting - the knight Harold, already familiar to us, and his friendly little family. The woman looked amazingly beautiful and completely happy, like the same morning dawn... Smiling tenderly, she said something to her husband, sometimes gently touching his hand. And he, completely relaxed, quietly rocked his sleepy, disheveled son on his lap, and, happily sipping a gently pink, “sweating” drink, from time to time lazily answered some, apparently already familiar to him, questions from his lovely wife. ..
The air was “ringing” like the morning and surprisingly clean. The small, neat garden breathed freshness, moisture and the smell of lemons; His chest was bursting with the fullness of the intoxicatingly clean air flowing straight into his lungs. Harold wanted to mentally “fly up” from the quiet happiness that filled his tired, tormented soul!... He listened to the newly awakened birds singing in thin voices, saw the beautiful face of his smiling wife, and it seemed that nothing in the world could disturb or take away he has this wonderful moment of bright joy and peace of his little happy family...
To my surprise, this idyllic picture was suddenly separated from Stella and me by a glowing blue “wall,” leaving Knight Harold alone with his happiness. And he, forgetting about everything in the world, with all his soul “absorbed” these wonderful and so dear moments to him, without even noticing that he was left alone...
“Well, let him watch this,” Stella whispered quietly. – And I’ll show you what happened next...
The wonderful vision of quiet family happiness disappeared... and in its place another one appeared, cruel and frightening, not promising anything good, much less a happy ending.....
It was still the same white-stone city, and the same house, already familiar to us... Only this time everything around was blazing on fire... Fire was everywhere. A roaring, all-consuming flame burst out of broken windows and doors, and engulfed people rushing about in horror, turning them into screaming human torches, thereby creating a successful living target for the monsters pursuing them. Women screamed and grabbed their children, trying to hide with them in the basements, but they did not escape for long - after a short time, laughing monsters dragged them, half naked and desperately screaming, outside to rape them right on the street, next to the still warm corpses of their little children. .. From the soot spreading everywhere, almost nothing was visible... The air was “clogged” with the smells of blood and burning, there was nothing to breathe. Maddened by fear and heat, the old people hiding in the basements climbed out into the courtyard and immediately fell dead under the swords of the terribly whooping, beast-like wild people rushing around the city on horses. All around you could hear the rumble of hooves, the ringing of iron, and wild screams that made your blood run cold...
Horrible, heart-chilling images of violence and brutal murders flashed before my eyes, like in a movie... I couldn’t look at all this calmly, my heart literally “jumped out” of my chest, my forehead (as if I were in a physical body!. .) was covered in cold sweat, and I wanted to run wherever my eyes were looking from this terrifying, monstrously merciless world... But, looking at Stella’s seriously focused face, I felt ashamed of my weakness, and I forced myself to look further.
We found ourselves inside the same house, only now everything in it was completely broken and destroyed, and in the middle of one of the rooms, right on the floor, lay the dead body of a kind nanny... Through the broken windows, heartbreaking female screams were heard from the street, everything was mixed up in a terrible nightmare of hopelessness and fear... It seemed as if the whole world had suddenly gone crazy for some reason... Immediately we saw another room in which three men, leaning heavily, tried to tie a blonde wife struggling with all her strength to the bed handles knight Harold... And his little son was sitting right under the same bed, clutching his father’s dagger, too big for him, in his tiny hands and, closing his eyes, whispering something in concentration... No one paid any attention in all this crazy turmoil I didn’t pay attention to him, but he was so strangely and “motionlessly” calm that at first I thought that the baby had suffered a real emotional blow from all this horror. But very soon I realized that I was mistaken... As it turned out, the child was simply trying with all his might to pull himself together for some apparently very decisive and important step...
He could freely reach out to any of the rapists, and at first I thought that the poor baby, still thinking completely childishly, wanted to try to somehow protect his unfortunate mother. But, as it turned out, this tiny, deathly frightened boy was in his still childish soul a real son of a knight, and managed to draw the most correct and only conclusion at that terrible moment... and decided to take the hardest step in his short life ... Somehow, finally having gathered himself, and quietly whispering “Mommy!”, he jumped out, and with all his childish strength .... slashed with a heavy dagger right across the tender neck of his poor mother, who was no longer he could not save another, and whom he selflessly loved with all his childish heart....
