Russian language as a national treasure. Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, forms of its existence. The importance of the Russian language as a means of interethnic and international communication Russian language as an expression of the people

Language functions

The question of the functions of language is closely related to the problem of the origin of language. What reasons, what living conditions of people contributed to its origin, its formation? What is the purpose of language in the life of society? Not only linguists, but also philosophers, logicians, and psychologists sought answers to these questions.

The emergence of language is closely related to the formation of man as a thinking being. Language arose naturally and is a system that is necessary simultaneously for the individual (individual) and society (collective). As a result, language is multifunctional in nature.

Thus, language helps people share experiences, transfer their knowledge, organize any work, build and discuss plans for joint activities.

Language also serves as a means of consciousness, promotes the activity of consciousness and reflects its result. Language participates in the formation of the individual’s thinking (individual consciousness) and the thinking of society (social consciousness). This is a cognitive function.

The development of language and thinking is a mutually dependent process. The development of thinking contributes to the enrichment of language, new concepts require new names; Improving language entails improving thinking.

Language also helps to store and transmit information, which is important both for the individual and for the entire society. In written monuments (chronicles, documents, memoirs, fiction, newspapers), in oral folk art, the life of a nation and the history of speakers of a given language are recorded. In this regard, three main functions of language are distinguished:


Cognitive (cognitive, epistemological);

Accumulative (epistemic).

Additional functions appear in speech and are determined by the structure of the speech act, i.e. the presence of an addressee, addressee (communication participants) and the subject of conversation. Let's name two such functions: emotional (expresses the internal state of the speaker, his feelings) and voluntarily (the function of influencing listeners).

Since ancient times, the magical function of the tongue has been known. This is due to the idea that some words and expressions have magical powers, are capable of changing the course of events, influencing a person’s behavior and fate. In religious and mythological consciousness, such power is primarily possessed by the formulas of prayers, spells, conspiracies, divination, and curses.

Since language serves as a material and form of artistic creativity, it is legitimate to talk about the poetic function of language. Thus, language performs a wide variety of functions, which is explained by its use in all spheres of life and activity of man and society.

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people

Language is created by the people and serves them from generation to generation. In its development, a language goes through several stages and depends on the degree of development of the ethnos (Greek ethnos - people). At an early stage, a tribal language is formed, then a national language and, finally, a national one.

The national language is formed on the basis of the national language, which ensures its relative stability. It is the result of the process of formation of a nation and at the same time a prerequisite and condition for its formation.

By its nature, the national language is heterogeneous. This is explained by the heterogeneity of the ethnic group itself as a community of people. Firstly, people unite based on territoriality, place of residence. As a means of communication, rural residents use a dialect - one of the varieties of the national language. A dialect, as a rule, is a collection of smaller units - dialects, which have common linguistic features and serve as a means of communication for residents of nearby villages and hamlets. Territorial dialects have their own characteristics, which are found at all levels of the language: in sound structure, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, word formation. The dialect exists only in oral form.

The presence of dialects is the result of feudal fragmentation during the formation of Ancient Rus', then the Russian state. In the era of capitalism, despite the expansion of contacts between speakers of different dialects and the formation of a national language, territorial dialects are preserved, although they undergo some changes. In the 20th century, especially in the second half, in connection with the development of the media (print, radio, cinema, television, intervision), there is a process of degradation of dialects, their disappearance. The study of dialects is of interest:

From a historical point of view: dialects retain archaic features that are not reflected in the literary language;

From the point of view of the formation of a literary language: on the basis of which main dialect and then the national language did the literary language develop; what features of other dialects does it borrow; how the literary language subsequently influences dialects and how dialects influence the literary language.

Secondly, social reasons contribute to the unification of people: common profession, occupation, interests, social status. For such societies, the means of communication is the social dialect. Since the social dialect has many varieties, in the scientific literature the terms jargon and argot are also used to name them.

Jargon is the speech of social and professional groups of people. It is used by sailors, electronics engineers, computer scientists, athletes, actors, and students. Unlike territorial dialects, jargon does not have phonetic and grammatical features unique to it. Jargon is characterized by the presence of specific vocabulary and phraseology.

Some slang words and set expressions are becoming widespread and are used to make speech expressive. For example: homeless person, homeless person, breaker, green, money, biker, party, chaos, reach the handle, take it to the gun. Individual words and phrases are currently not perceived as slang, since they have long been included in the literary language and are colloquial or neutral. For example: cheat sheet, mood, rocker, snickers, be on fire.

Sometimes the word argo is used as a synonym for the word jargon. So, for example, they talk about student, school slang, meaning jargon.

The main purpose of argot is to make speech incomprehensible to strangers. The lower classes of society are primarily interested in this: thieves, swindlers, cheaters. There was also professional argot. It helped artisans (tailors, tinsmiths, saddlers...), as well as merchants (peddlers who sold small goods by peddling and peddling in small towns, villages, villages) when talking with their own people, to hide the secrets of their craft and the secrets of their business from outsiders.

IN AND. Dahl, in the first volume of the Explanatory Dictionary, in an article with the title word afenya, ofenya, gives an example of the argotic speech of merchants: Ropa smear, half-fading, loose smokers will smoke. This means: It's time to sleep, it's midnight, the roosters will crow soon.

In addition to territorial and social dialects, the national language includes vernacular.

Vernacular speech is one of the forms of the national Russian language, which does not have its own signs of systemic organization and is characterized by a set of linguistic forms that violate the norms of the literary language. Speakers of the vernacular (city dwellers with a low level of education) are not aware of such a violation of norms; they do not grasp or understand the difference between non-literary and literary forms.

The following are considered colloquial:

In phonetics: driver, put, sentence; ridiculitis, colidor, rezetka, colander;

In morphology: my callus, with jam, doing, on the beach, driver, without a coat, running, lying down, lodges;

In vocabulary: pedestal instead of pedestal, semi-clinic instead of clinic.

Vernacular speech, like territorial and social dialects, has only an oral form.

The concept of Russian literary language

The highest form of the national language is the literary language. It is presented in oral and written form. It is characterized by the presence of norms that cover all levels of language (phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax). Literary language serves all spheres of human activity: politics, culture, office work, legislation, everyday communication.

The norms of a literary language are reflected in dictionaries: spelling, spelling, explanatory, dictionaries of difficulties, phrases.

Literary language has two forms - oral and written. They differ in four parameters:

1 Form of implementation.

2. Attitude to the addressee.

3. Generation of form.

4. The nature of perception of oral and written speech.

When implementing each form of literary language, the writer or speaker selects words, combinations of words, and composes sentences to express their thoughts. Depending on what material the speech is constructed from, it takes on a bookish or colloquial character. This also distinguishes the literary language as the highest form of the national language from its other varieties. Let us compare, for example, the proverbs: Desire is stronger than compulsion and Hunting is stronger than bondage. The idea is the same, but framed differently. In the first case, the verbal nouns na - nie (desire, compulsion) are used, giving the speech a bookish character, in the second - the words hunting, pushche, giving a touch of colloquialism. It is not difficult to assume that in a scientific article or diplomatic dialogue the first proverb will be used, and in a casual conversation - the second. Consequently, the sphere of communication determines the selection of linguistic material, which in turn forms and determines the type of speech.

Book speech is built according to the norms of the literary language, their violation is unacceptable; sentences must be complete and logically connected to each other. In book speech, sharp transitions from one thought, which is not brought to its logical conclusion, to another are not allowed. Among the words there are abstract, bookish words, including scientific terminology and official business vocabulary.

Colloquial speech is not so strict in observing the norms of the literary language. It allows the use of forms that are classified in dictionaries as colloquial. The text of such a speech is dominated by commonly used, colloquial vocabulary; preference is given to simple sentences, participial and adverbial phrases are avoided.

So, the functioning of literary language in the most important areas of human activity; the various means for transmitting information embedded in it; availability of oral and written forms; the distinction and contrast between book and colloquial speech - all this gives reason to consider the literary language the highest form of the national language.

I would like to draw your attention to the features that characterize the functioning of the literary language at the beginning of the 21st century.

Firstly, the composition of participants in mass communication has never been so numerous and diverse.

Secondly, official censorship has almost disappeared, so people express their thoughts more freely, their speech becomes more open, confidential, and relaxed.

Thirdly, spontaneous, spontaneous, unprepared speech begins to predominate.

Fourthly, the variety of communication situations leads to changes in the nature of communication. It frees itself from rigid formality and becomes more relaxed.

New conditions for the functioning of language, the emergence of a large number of unprepared public speeches lead not only to the democratization of speech, but also to a sharp decline in its culture.

Jargon, colloquial elements and other extra-literary means poured into the pages of periodicals and into the speech of educated people: grandma, piece, piece, stolnik, bastard, pump out, wash, unfasten, scroll and many others. The words party, showdown, lawlessness have become commonly used even in official speech; the last word in the meaning of “lawlessness that has no limits” has gained particular popularity.

For speakers and public speakers, the level of admissibility has changed, if not completely absent. Curses, “obscene language”, “unprintable words” can be found today on the pages of independent newspapers, free publications, and in the texts of works of art. In stores and at book fairs, dictionaries are sold that contain not only slang and criminal words, but also obscene ones.

There are many people who declare that swearing and swearing are considered a characteristic, distinctive feature of the Russian people. If we turn to oral folk art, proverbs and sayings, it turns out that it is not entirely legitimate to say that the Russian people consider swearing an integral part of their life. Yes, people are trying to somehow justify it, to emphasize that swearing is a common thing: Swearing is not a reserve, and without it it won’t last for an hour; Swearing is not smoke - it won't hurt your eyes; Hard words break no bones. She even seems to help in the work; you can’t do without her: If you don’t curse, you won’t get the job done; Without swearing, you won’t be able to open the lock in the cage.

But I think something else is more important: It’s okay to argue, but it’s a sin to scold; Do not scold: what comes out of a person is what defiles him; Swearing is not tar, but akin to soot: if it doesn’t stick, it gets dirty; People wither away from abuse, but get fat from praise; You can’t take it with your throat, you can’t beg it with abuse.

This is not only a warning, it is already a condemnation, it is a ban.

The Russian literary language is our wealth, our heritage. He embodied the cultural and historical traditions of the people. We are responsible for his condition, for his fate.

How often do we, Russian speakers, think about such an important point as the history of the emergence of the Russian language? After all, how many secrets are hidden in it, how many interesting things can be learned if you dig deeper. How did the Russian language develop? After all, our speech is not only everyday conversations, it is a rich history.

History of the development of the Russian language: briefly about the main thing

Where did our native language come from? There are several theories. Some scientists (for example, linguist N. Guseva) believe that Sanskrit is the Russian language. However, Sanskrit was used by Indian scholars and priests. This was what Latin was like for the inhabitants of ancient Europe - “something very smart and incomprehensible.” But how did the speech that was used by Indian scientists suddenly end up in our favor? Is it really true that the formation of the Russian language began with the Indians?

The Legend of the Seven White Teachers

Each scientist understands the stages of the history of the Russian language differently: these are the origin, development, alienation of the book language from the folk language, the development of syntax and punctuation, etc. All of them may differ in order (it is still unknown when exactly the book language separated from the folk language) or interpretation. But, according to the following legend, seven white teachers can be considered the “fathers” of the Russian language.

There is a legend in India that is even studied in Indian universities. In ancient times, seven white teachers appeared from the cold North (the Himalaya region). It was they who gave Sanskrit to people and laid the foundation of Brahmanism, from which Buddhism was later born. Many believe that this North was one of the regions of Russia, which is why modern Hindus often go there on pilgrimage.

A legend today

It turns out that many Sanskrit words completely coincide with - this is the theory of the famous ethnographer Natalya Guseva, who wrote more than 150 scientific works on the history and religion of India. Most of them, by the way, have been refuted by other scientists.

This theory was not taken out of thin air by her. An interesting incident led to her appearance. Once Natalya accompanied a respected scientist from India, who decided to organize a tourist trip along the northern rivers of Russia. While communicating with residents of local villages, the Hindu suddenly burst into tears and refused the services of an interpreter, saying that he was happy to hear his native Sanskrit. Then Guseva decided to devote her life to studying the mysterious phenomenon, and at the same time to establish how the Russian language developed.

This is truly amazing! According to this story, beyond the Himalayas live representatives of the Negroid race, speaking a language so similar to our native one. Mysticism, and that’s all. Nevertheless, the hypothesis that our dialect originated from Indian Sanskrit is valid. Here it is - the history of the Russian language in brief.

Dragunkin's theory

And here is another scientist who decided that this story of the emergence of the Russian language is true. The famous philologist Alexander Dragunkin argued that a truly great language comes from a simpler one, in which there are fewer word forms and shorter words. Supposedly Sanskrit is much simpler than Russian. And the Sanskrit writing is nothing more than Slavic runes slightly modified by the Hindus. But this theory is just where is the origin of language?

Scientific version

And here is the version that most scientists approve and accept. She argues that 40,000 years ago (the time of the appearance of the first man), people had a need to express their thoughts in the process of collective activity. This is how the language appeared. But in those days the population was extremely small, and all people spoke the same language. Thousands of years later, a migration of peoples took place. People's DNA changed, tribes became isolated from each other and began to speak differently.

Languages ​​differed from each other in form and word formation. Each group of people developed their native language, supplemented it with new words, and gave it form. Later, there was a need for science that would describe new achievements or things that people came to.

As a result of this evolution, so-called “matrices” arose in human heads. These matrices were studied in detail by the famous linguist Georgy Gachev, who studied more than 30 matrices - linguistic pictures of the world. According to his theory, Germans are very attached to their home, and this served as an image of a typical German speaker. And the Russian language and mentality came from the concept or image of a road, a path. This matrix lies in our subconscious.

The birth and development of the Russian language

About 3 thousand years BC, among the Indo-European languages, the Proto-Slavic dialect stood out, which a thousand years later became the Proto-Slavic language. In the VI-VII centuries. n. e. it was divided into several groups: eastern, western and southern. Our language is usually classified as belonging to the eastern group.

And the beginning of the path of the Old Russian language is called the formation of Kievan Rus (IX century). At the same time, Cyril and Methodius invented the first Slavic alphabet.

The Slavic language developed rapidly, and in terms of popularity it has already become equal to Greek and Latin. It was (the predecessor of modern Russian) that managed to unite all the Slavs; it was in it that the most important documents and literary monuments were written and published. For example, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

Normalization of writing

Then came the era of feudalism, and the Polish-Lithuanian conquests in the 13th-14th centuries led to the fact that the language was divided into three groups of dialects: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, as well as some intermediate dialects.

In the 16th century in Muscovite Rus' they decided to normalize the written language of the Russian language (then it was called “prosta mova” and was influenced by Belarusian and Ukrainian) - to introduce the predominance of coordinating connections in sentences and the frequent use of conjunctions “yes”, “and”, “a”. The dual number was lost, and the declension of nouns became very similar to the modern one. And the basis of the literary language became the characteristic features of Moscow speech. For example, “akanie”, the consonant “g”, the endings “ovo” and “evo”, demonstrative pronouns (yourself, you, etc.). The beginning of book printing finally established the literary Russian language.

Peter's era

It greatly affected my speech. After all, it was at this time that the Russian language was freed from the “tutelage” of the church, and in 1708 the alphabet was reformed so that it became closer to the European model.

In the second half of the 18th century, Lomonosov laid down new norms for the Russian language, combining everything that came before: colloquial speech, folk poetry, and even the command language. After him, the language was transformed by Derzhavin, Radishchev, and Fonvizin. It was they who increased the number of synonyms in the Russian language in order to properly reveal its richness.

A huge contribution to the development of our speech was made by Pushkin, who rejected all restrictions on style and combined Russian words with some European ones to create a complete and colorful picture of the Russian language. He was supported by Lermontov and Gogol.

Development trends

How did the Russian language develop in the future? From the mid-19th to early 20th centuries, the Russian language received several development trends:

  1. Development of literary norms.
  2. The convergence of literary language and colloquial speech.
  3. Expansion of language through dialectisms and jargons.
  4. Development of the “realism” genre in literature, philosophical issues.

Somewhat later, socialism changed the word formation of the Russian language, and in the twentieth century the media standardized oral speech.

It turns out that our modern Russian language, with all its lexical and grammatical rules, originated from a mixture of various East Slavic dialects, which were widespread throughout Rus', and the Church Slavonic language. After all the metamorphoses, it has become one of the most popular languages ​​in the world.

A little more about writing

Tatishchev himself (author of the book “Russian History”) was firmly convinced that Cyril and Methodius did not invent writing. It existed long before they were born. The Slavs not only knew how to write: they had many types of writing. For example, cutting traits, runes or initial letters. And the scientist brothers took this very initial letter as a basis and simply modified it. Perhaps about a dozen letters were thrown out to make it easier to translate the Bible. Yes, Cyril and Methodius, but its basis was the initial letter. This is how writing appeared in Rus'.

External threats

Unfortunately, our language has repeatedly been exposed to external danger. And then the future of the entire country was in question. For example, at the turn of the 19th century, all the “cream of society” spoke exclusively French, dressed in the appropriate style, and even the menu consisted only of French cuisine. The nobles gradually began to forget their native language, stopped associating themselves with the Russian people, acquiring a new philosophy and traditions.

As a result of such an introduction of French speech, Russia could lose not only its language, but also its culture. Fortunately, the situation was saved by the geniuses of the 19th century: Pushkin, Turgenev, Karamzin, Dostoevsky. It was they, being true patriots, who did not let the Russian language die. They were the ones who showed how handsome he was.


The history of the Russian language is complex and not fully studied. There is no way to summarize it. It will take years to study. The Russian language and the history of the people are truly amazing things. And how can you call yourself a patriot without knowing your native speech, folklore, poetry and literature?

Unfortunately, modern youth have lost interest in books, and especially in classical literature. This trend is also observed among older people. Television, the Internet, nightclubs and restaurants, glossy magazines and blogs - all this has replaced our “paper friends”. Many people have even stopped having their own opinions, expressing themselves in the usual cliches imposed by society and the media. Despite the fact that the classics were and remain in the school curriculum, few people read them even in a short summary, which “eats up” all the beauty and uniqueness of the works of Russian writers.

But how rich is the history and culture of the Russian language! For example, literature can provide answers to many questions better than any forums on the Internet. Russian literature expresses the full power of the wisdom of the people, makes us feel love for our homeland and better understand it. Every person must understand that their native language, native culture and people are inseparable, they are one whole. What does a modern Russian citizen understand and think about? About the need to leave the country as quickly as possible?

Main danger

And of course, the main threat to our language are foreign words. As mentioned above, this problem was relevant in the 18th century, but, unfortunately, has remained unresolved to this day and is slowly acquiring the features of a national catastrophe.

Not only is society too keen on various slang words, obscene language, made-up expressions, but it also constantly uses foreign borrowings in its speech, forgetting that the Russian language has much more beautiful synonyms. Such words are: “stylist”, “manager”, “PR”, “summit”, “creative”, “user”, “blog”, “Internet” and many others. If this came only from certain groups of society, then the problem could be combated. But, unfortunately, foreign words are actively used by teachers, journalists, scientists and even officials. These people bring their word to people, which means they introduce a bad habit. And it happens that a foreign word settles so firmly in the Russian language that it begins to seem as if it were original.

What's the matter?

So what is it called? Ignorance? Fashion for everything foreign? Or a campaign directed against Russia? Perhaps all at once. And this problem must be solved as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be too late. For example, more often use the word “manager” instead of “manager”, “business lunch” instead of “business lunch”, etc. After all, the extinction of a people begins precisely with the extinction of the language.

About dictionaries

Now you know how the Russian language developed. However, that's not all. The history of Russian language dictionaries deserves special mention. Modern dictionaries arose from ancient handwritten and then printed books. At first they were very small and intended for a narrow circle of people.

The most ancient Russian dictionary is rightfully considered a short appendix to the Novgorod Helmsman's Book (1282). It included 174 words from different dialects: Greek, Church Slavonic, Hebrew, and even biblical proper names.

After 400 years, much larger dictionaries began to appear. They already had systematization and even an alphabet. The dictionaries of that time were mainly educational or encyclopedic in nature, and therefore were inaccessible to ordinary peasants.

The first printed dictionary

The first printed dictionary appeared in 1596. This was another supplement to the grammar textbook of the priest Lawrence Zizanius. It contained more than a thousand words, which were sorted alphabetically. The dictionary was explanatory and explained the origin of many Old Church Slavonic languages ​​and was published in Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian.

Further development of dictionaries

The 18th century was a century of great discoveries. They also did not bypass explanatory dictionaries. Great scientists (Tatishchev, Lomonosov) unexpectedly showed increased interest in the origin of many words. Trediakovsky began writing notes. In the end, a number of dictionaries were created, but the largest was the “Church Dictionary” and its supplement. More than 20,000 words have been interpreted in the Church Dictionary. This book laid the foundation for a standard dictionary of the Russian language, and Lomonosov, along with other researchers, began its creation.

The most important dictionary

The history of the development of the Russian language remembers a date that is so significant for all of us - the creation of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V. I. Dahl (1866). This four-volume work has received dozens of reprints and is still relevant today. 200,000 words and more than 30,000 sayings and phraseological units can safely be considered a real treasure.

Our days

Unfortunately, the world community is not interested in the history of the emergence of the Russian language. His current situation can be compared with one case that once happened to the unusually talented scientist Dmitry Mendeleev. After all, Mendeleev was never able to become an honorary academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (the current RAS). There was a huge scandal, and one more thing: such a scientist would not be accepted into the academy! But the Russian Empire and its world were unshakable: they declared that the Russians, since the times of Lomonosov and Tatishchev, were in the minority, and one good Russian scientist, Lomonosov, was enough.

This history of the modern Russian language makes us think: what if someday English (or any other) will supplant such a unique Russian? Please note how many foreign words are present in our jargon! Yes, mixing languages ​​and friendly exchanges is great, but we cannot allow the amazing history of our speech to disappear from the planet. Take care of your native language!

Language is the most important means of human communication, cognition and creative development of the surrounding reality.

Russian language is the national language of the Russian people. The Russian national language developed in the 16th-17th centuries. in connection with the formation of the Moscow State. It was based on Moscow and adjacent local dialects. The further development of the Russian national language is associated with its normalization and formation in the 18th-19th centuries. literary language. The literary language combined the features of northern and southern dialects: in the phonetic system, the consonants corresponded to the consonants of the northern dialects, and the vowels were closer to the pronunciation in the southern dialects; the vocabulary has more overlaps with northern dialects (for example, rooster, but not roars, wolf, but not Biryuk).

Old Church Slavonic had a significant influence on the formation of the Russian national language. His influence on the Russian language was undoubtedly beneficial: this is how borrowings entered the Russian literary language temper, drag out, ignoramus, head, etc., Russian participles with suffixes -ach (-yach) were replaced by Old Slavonic participles with suffixes -ash (-box) (burning instead of hot).

In the course of its formation and development, the Russian national language borrowed and continues to borrow elements from other, unrelated languages, such as, for example, French, German, English, etc.

The national Russian language is a complex phenomenon, heterogeneous in its composition. And this is understandable: after all, it is used by people who differ in their social status, occupation, place of birth and residence, age, gender, level of culture, etc. All these differences between people are reflected in language. Therefore, language exists in several varieties:

· Territorial dialects, as a local variety of language, exist in oral form and serve mainly for everyday communication (for example, bustle, instead of drizzle, rukoternik, instead of towel and etc.).

· Vernacular- a variety of language used in the speech of poorly educated native speakers (for example, TV set, instead of TV, play instead of play, you bake, instead of you bake and etc.).

· Professional jargons is a type of language that is used in the speech of people of the same profession (for example, spark, instead of spark from the drivers, batten down the hatches, instead of close the sailors say, training aircraft called ladybug pilots, etc.).

· Social jargons use socially isolated groups of people in their speech (for example, spur, stepyokha- from student jargon, ancestors, horse racing- from youth slang, etc.).

· Territorial dialects, professional and social jargons, vernacular are included as an integral part of the national Russian language, but the basis, the highest form of existence of the national language is literary language. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, legislation, culture, art, office work, everyday communication.

One of the main signs of literary language - normalization. The normalization of a literary language lies in the fact that the meaning and use of words, pronunciation, spelling and the formation of grammatical forms are subject to a generally accepted pattern - the norm. Along with normalization, the literary language has the following characteristics:

Resilience (stability);

Mandatory for all native speakers;


Availability of functional styles;

Availability of oral and written form.

In accordance with the “Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia”, the Russian language, which is the main means of interethnic communication of the peoples of the Russian Federation, in accordance with established historical and cultural traditions, has the status state language throughout Russia.

Functions of the Russian language as the state language:

1. Russian is the language in which the highest legislative bodies of the Russian Federation work.

2. The texts of laws and other legal acts are published in Russian.

3. Russian as a state language is studied in secondary, secondary vocational and higher educational institutions.

4. Russian is the language of the media.

5. Russian is the language of communication in the fields of industry, transport, communications, services and commercial activities.

On the territory of Russia with its multinational population, the “Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia” guarantees and ensures, along with the functioning of the Russian language as the state language, the creation of conditions for the development of the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, for the preservation and development of the languages ​​of small peoples and ethnic groups.

The Russian language is not only the language of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia, but also the peoples of the former CIS.

The functions of the Russian language are not limited to life within the nation and the Russian state, but also cover international spheres of communication, since the Russian language is one of the world languages. World languages ​​are those that are means of interstate and international communication.

The Russian language has become one of the world languages ​​since the middle of the 20th century. The number of people who speak Russian to one degree or another now exceeds half a billion people. The Russian language meets all the requirements for world languages:

  • The Russian language is a means of communication among scientists, one of the languages ​​of science.
  • Russian is studied as a foreign language in many countries around the world.
  • Russian is the working language of such international organizations as the UN, UNESCO, etc.

The Russian language is the language of the richest fiction, the global significance of which is exceptionally great.

Language is created by the people and serves them from generation to generation. In its development, a language goes through several stages and depends on the degree of development of the ethnos (Greek ethnos - people). At an early stage, a tribal language is formed, then a national language and, finally, a national one.

The national language is formed on the basis of the national language, which ensures its relative stability. It is the result of the process of formation of a nation and at the same time a prerequisite and condition for its formation.

By its nature, the national language is heterogeneous. This is explained by the heterogeneity of the ethnic group itself as a community of people. Firstly, people unite based on territoriality and place of residence. As a means of communication, rural residents use a dialect, one of the varieties of the national language. A dialect, as a rule, is a collection of smaller units - dialects, which have common linguistic features and serve as a means of communication for residents of nearby villages and hamlets. Territorial dialects have their own characteristics, which are found at all levels of the language: in sound structure, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, word formation. The dialect exists only in oral form.

The presence of dialects is the result of feudal fragmentation during the formation of Ancient Rus', then the Russian state. In the era of capitalism, despite the expansion of contacts between speakers of different dialects and the formation of a national language, territorial dialects are preserved, although they undergo some changes. In the 20th century, especially in the second half, in connection with the development of the media (print, radio, cinema, television, intervision), there is a process of degradation of dialects, their disappearance. The study of dialects is of interest:

– from a historical point of view: dialects retain archaic features that are not reflected in the literary language;

– from the point of view of the formation of a literary language: on the basis of which main dialect and then the national language was the literary language formed; what features of other dialects does it borrow; how the literary language subsequently influences dialects and how dialects influence the literary language.

Secondly, The unification of people is facilitated by social reasons: common profession, occupation, interests, social status. For such societies, the means of communication is the social dialect. Since the social dialect has many varieties, in the scientific literature the terms are also used to name them jargon, argot.

Jargon is the speech of social and professional groups of people. It is used by sailors, electronics engineers, computer scientists, athletes, actors, and students. Unlike territorial dialects, jargon does not have phonetic and grammatical features unique to it. Jargon is characterized by the presence of specific vocabulary and phraseology.

Slang vocabulary is rethought, abbreviated, phonetically modified words of the Russian language and borrowed from other languages, especially English. For example: storehouse -"shop", cigarette butt -"electric train" pricha –"hairstyle", deflection –"sycophancy" abita –"enrollee", aiz –"eye", alconaut –"alcoholic", Amerisa –"America".

Some slang words and set expressions are becoming widespread and are used to make speech expressive. For example: homeless person, homeless person, breaker, green, money, biker, party, chaos, reach the handle, take it to the gun. Individual words and phrases are currently not perceived as slang, since they have long been included in the literary language and are colloquial or neutral. For example: cheat sheet, mood, rocker, snickers, be on fire.

Sometimes as a synonym for the word jargon the word is used Argo. So, for example, they talk about student, school slang, meaning jargon.

The main purpose of argot is to make speech incomprehensible to strangers. The lower classes of society are primarily interested in this: thieves, swindlers, cheaters. There was also professional argot. It helped artisans (tailors, tinsmiths, saddlers...), as well as merchants (peddlers who sold small goods by peddling and peddling in small towns, villages, villages) when talking with their own people, to hide the secrets of their craft and the secrets of their business from outsiders.

IN AND. Dahl in the first volume of the Explanatory Dictionary in an article with the title word Afenya, Ofenya gives a sample of the argot speech of traders: The dust will drip, the dim light will fade, and the rustlings will start smoking loosely. This means: It's time to sleep, it's midnight, the roosters will start crowing soon.

In addition to territorial and social dialects, the national language includes vernacular.

Vernacular speech is one of the forms of the national Russian language, which does not have its own signs of systemic organization and is characterized by a set of linguistic forms that violate the norms of the literary language. Speakers of the vernacular (city dwellers with a low level of education) are not aware of such a violation of norms; they do not grasp or understand the difference between non-literary and literary forms.

The following are considered colloquial:

– in phonetics: driver, put, sentence; ridiculitis, colidor, rezetka, colander;

– in morphology: my callus, with jam, doing, on the beach, driver, without a coat, running, lying down, lying down;

– in vocabulary: plinth instead of pedestal, semi-clinic instead of clinic.

Vernacular speech, like territorial and social dialects, has only an oral form.

Russian language- this is the language of the Russian nation, the language of the Russian people. National language- is a language spoken by a historically established group of people living in a common territory, connected by a common economy, culture, and lifestyle. National language includes not only literary (i.e. standardized) language , but also dialects, vernacular, jargons, professionalisms.

The arrangement of words, their meanings, the meaning of their connections contains that information about the world and people that introduces one to the spiritual wealth created by many generations of ancestors.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky wrote that “every word of the language, every form of it is the result of human thoughts and feelings, through which the nature of the country and the history of the people are reflected in the word.” The history of the Russian language, according to V. Kuchelbecker, “will reveal... the character of the people who speak it.” That is why all means of language help to most accurately, clearly and figuratively express the most complex thoughts and feelings of people, all the diversity of the surrounding world

Education and development of the national language- a complex, lengthy process. The history of the Russian national language begins from the 17th century, when the Russian nation finally took shape. The further development of the Russian national language is directly related to the development of the history and culture of the people. The Russian national language was formed on the basis of the dialects of Moscow and its environs. Literary language forms the basis of the national language and is obliged to maintain its internal unity despite the differences in the means of expression used. The creator of the Russian literary language is A. Pushkin, which combined the literary Russian language of previous eras with the popular spoken language. The language of Pushkin's era has essentially been preserved to this day.
Literary language exists in two varieties - oral and written. The main advantages of the Russian national language are embodied in Russian fiction.
The peculiarity of the Russian national language is that it is the state language in Russia and serves as a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of the Russian Federation.

What is meant by state language? Usually it's native majority language or a significant part of the population of the state and therefore most used in it. This is the language (or languages) on which government authorities communicate with the population . It publishes laws and other legal acts, official documents, minutes and transcripts of meetings are written, office work in government bodies and official correspondence are conducted. This is the language official signs and announcements, seals and stamps, markings of domestic goods, road signs and names of streets and squares. It is also the main language of education and training in schools and other educational institutions. The state language is mainly used on television and radio, in the publication of newspapers and magazines. State power guarantees care for its full development and ensures its active use in the political, cultural and scientific spheres.

The Russian language performs, among others, function of interethnic communication, without which the necessary connections in everyday life and at work between people of different nationalities living in the same region would be impossible. The Russian language has historically become a means of interethnic communication, due to its actual recognition as such by all the numerous peoples of our vast state.
The Russian language is known and actively used by the vast majority of Russian citizens, regardless of their nationality. This is an effective means of consolidating society and strengthening its unity. At the present stage, it is difficult to solve the problem of interethnic communication without the Russian language. Playing the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, the Russian language helps solve the problems of the political, economic and cultural development of the country.

In international relations, states use world languages, legally declared by the United Nations as official and working languages. These languages ​​are English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. In any of these six languages, interstate political, economic, scientific and cultural contacts can be carried out, international meetings, forums, conferences can be held, correspondence and office work can be conducted. The global significance of the Russian language is due to the richness and expressiveness of its vocabulary, sound structure, word formation, and syntax.

The Russian language has become a generally recognized world language since the mid-twentieth century. Its global significance is due to the fact that it is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, in which the greatest fiction has been created. Russian is one of the Indo-European languages, related to many Slavic languages. Many words of the Russian language have entered the languages ​​of the world without translation. These borrowings from or through the Russian language have been observed for a long time. Back in the 16th-17th centuries, Europeans learned words such as Kremlin, tsar, boyar, Cossack, caftan, hut, verst, balalaika, kopek, pancake, kvass, etc. . Later in Europe the words spread Decembrist, samovar, sundress, ditty, etc. . As evidence of attention to changes in the socio-political life of Russia, words such as perestroika, glasnost, etc. have entered the languages ​​of the peoples of the world.
