Spirulina use in cosmetology. Spirulina: how to take, beneficial properties and side effects. Video recipe: Rejuvenating facial mask with spirulina at home

Every woman can easily purchase a valuable type of algae called “spirulina” at the pharmacy. This inexpensive substance is sold in tablet or green powder form. In general, this product is positioned as a useful dietary supplement, but recently it became known about its external use to preserve the youth and beauty of facial skin. You need to buy a drug called “Spirulina” at the pharmacy; we will use it for the face as the main ingredient in masks. The powder is used in its pure form, but the tablets will need to be crushed. These home remedies are completely safe and show good results - the skin is cleansed, smoothed and looks younger.

Benefits of spirulina for the face

In order not to blindly apply algae, you need to understand what exactly we are applying to our face. It turns out that this drug has a unique composition, according to which it can be considered a strong antioxidant. In addition to a number of vitamins, such as B1, B5, B6, C, E, the composition contains vital minerals for humans, such as zinc, copper, manganese. Many useful amino acids have also been discovered.

It is necessary to mention one important component of these algae. This is the so-called gamma linoleic acid. This substance is rare and valuable. It is found in breast milk and a few oils. For example, this acid is found in the oil produced from evening primrose. It is known that gamma linoleic acid performs many important tasks in our body - its main function is to protect the structure of skin and muscle cells, as well as participate in the formation of new cell membranes.

If you regularly take care of your skin by applying masks with spirulina algae, you will soon notice that fine wrinkles are smoothed out and many age-related changes are stopped. It is also believed that due to the effects of algae, facial contours are tightened, skin defects are eliminated and complexion returns to normal.

Under the influence of vitamin E, which spirulina actively transfers to our skin during the action of the masks, the skin is given firmness and natural elasticity. From saturation with vitamin C, with its antioxidant effect, the skin comes into ideal tone. Vitamin A, supplied together with nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, causes rapid regeneration of the outer skin layer. It is called the epidermis. Improvement of the skin structure and its effective replenishment occurs due to the action of vitamin B5. Vitamin B6 works against skin aging.

Spirulina: From green algae, sold at a low price, you can make useful masks to refresh and powerfully nourish your facial skin.

Spirulina and face masks

Below we will look at preparing homemade masks that contain spirulina. They bring great benefits to the face. If you use these products regularly, you will not need expensive anti-aging cosmetics. It is optimal to apply products with algae to the skin every other day (or twice a week) and leave them on for about twenty minutes, then rinse with water. This is true for all the masks described below.

Facial rejuvenation

The rejuvenating effect of algae and natural oil in this case is complemented by a lifting effect, giving the skin elasticity and noticeable firmness. So, in order to stop age-related changes on the face, take a large spoon of the powdered preparation “spirulina” and dilute it with water to the consistency of porridge. Add a small spoon of high-quality olive oil to the algae paste and add a little lemon juice. This mask should only be applied to clean, damp skin. To moisturize the skin, you can add liquid honey to this mask.

Skin nutrition

To prepare a good nourishing mask, you will need an egg yolk, a large spoon of spirulina and half a small spoon of almond oil. Mix all ingredients and apply to face. It’s great that this mask can be used for all skin types.


To prolong the youth of your skin, you need a mask made from a large spoon of spirulina, a small spoon of natural homemade sour cream and pureed zucchini pulp. Mix the listed products and apply to the face.

Pore ​​cleansing

To make a cleansing mask with algae you will need a couple more products. Take one and a half small spoons of apple cider vinegar, a small spoon of spirulina, the same amount of nutritional yeast and water. After mixing the listed components, apply the product to previously cleansed skin. Such masks allow you to tone the skin, restoring the oval of the face.


To prepare this mask you need a small spoon of spirulina, a large spoon of white clay and a couple of large spoons of healthy avocado pulp. After mixing all the listed components, apply to the face. You can successfully use this product for normal or extremely dry skin. This mask moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Excess sebum is removed and the face begins to shine not with an oily sheen, but with freshness and beauty.

By using the masks described, you can feel how beneficial spirulina is for the face. Also added to home care products are crushed oatmeal, bread, Chinese cabbage, sour milk, cottage cheese, cucumber, chamomile, and green tea.

Let's look at the beneficial properties and best spirulina masks for facial skin. Algae grow in vast colonies on the seabed. The unsightly appearance pays off with a unique composition that has no analogues in nature. Folk recipes containing magic pills are the best way to maintain youthful and beautiful skin.

Benefits of spirulina for the face

In cosmetology, aquatic plants began to be used to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. One tablet contains:

  • The entire composition of the B vitamin group;
  • Vitamins E, C, PP, A;
  • Micro-, macroelements: calcium, selenium, copper, iodine, zinc, iron, chlorine, magnesium;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Amino acids: glycine, arginine, lysine.

Beneficial properties for facial care:

  1. It has a powerful antioxidant effect, removes cellular decay products, heavy metal salts, and toxins;
  2. Care and treatment of oily, problematic, combination skin;
  3. Smoothing all types of wrinkles;
  4. Activates and strengthens the immunity of the epidermis;
  5. Gently cleanses without damaging the skin structure;
  6. Long-term rejuvenating effect;
  7. Improving the elasticity and relief of the dermis.

Indications for use: universal for all skin types, dehydrated dermis, presence of rashes, comedones, wrinkles, weak turgor, age spots.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, open wounds, individual sensitivity.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Recipes for homemade spirulina face masks

Spirulina mask for acne

Result: spirulina for the face, thanks to its large amount of B vitamins, is indispensable in the treatment of inflammation. Relieves inflammation, pain, helps reduce pustules. Natural blue-green algae is also used for acne-prone skin for preventive purposes.


  • 1 tablet of spirulina;
  • 20 gr. oatmeal;
  • lemongrass essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the tablet in a mortar and dilute with sparkling mineral water. Add flour and essential oil, obtaining a homogeneous consistency and can be used as a mask. Cleanse your face and distribute on the skin in a circular motion from the center to the lymph nodes. After half an hour, remove with cosmetic wipes.

Spirulina anti-wrinkle mask

Result: spirulina face mask is the best anti-wrinkle remedy. The epidermis is cleansed and saturated with vital vitamins and minerals. Blood circulation is activated and oxygen exchange is improved. The anti-aging procedure has a lasting effect that rivals beauty injections.


  • 4 spirulina tablets;
  • 2 units of brewer's yeast;
  • 15 ml Cahors;
  • 6 ml coconut oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush yeast and spirulina tablets, pour in a small amount of warm wine, leave for 15 minutes. Lastly, add the aromatic oil and spread the mask on your face in a thin layer. Action time: 40 minutes, then cleanse the skin with cosmetic wipes. Use the moisturizer one and a half hours after the procedure.

Spirulina and gelatin mask

Result: a lifting mask for the skin around the eyes and nasolabial folds, saturates the cells with natural collagen and fatty acids. Spirulina and gelatin are the most effective natural ingredients in anti-aging procedures.


  • 6–7 spirulina tablets;
  • 15 gr. gelatin powder;
  • 7 ml almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush spirulina, pour warm herbal decoction. While the algae reveal their properties, pour a small amount of water over the gelatin, stir well (if that doesn’t work, put it in a water bath until completely dissolved), add vegetable oil. Combine the components and apply to the face with a wide brush (to the area around the eyes and lips, including). While the mask is in effect (25 minutes), relax your facial muscles (do not laugh or talk). Using a warm compress, warm up the mask and carefully remove.

Spirulina and clay mask

Result: the best mask with spirulina and clay cleanses and moisturizes the skin. A mixture of natural ingredients improves complexion, strengthens blood vessels, relieves swelling and signs of fatigue.


  • 3 spirulina tablets;
  • 30 ml milk;
  • 25 gr. pink/white/blue clay;
  • 7 ml avocado oil;
  • cinnamon essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the tablets and pour milk heated to 35 degrees. After 15 minutes, add the remaining components and distribute the mask on the skin. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with a decoction of rose petals and apply a nourishing cream.

Spirulina and kelp mask

The result: DIY homemade face masks, the best skin care. Thanks to the combination of different types of algae in one composition, deep folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval is corrected, and all intracellular processes are activated.


  • 3 spirulina tablets;
  • 15 gr. dry kelp;

Preparation and method of application: grind kelp and spirulina in a coffee grinder, add water and leave for 2 hours. Wash off makeup using a micellar product, steam the dermis, combine all components. Apply to face with a sponge, using smooth movements from bottom to top. After an hour, wash off the mask and then use a moisturizer.

Spirulina and rice flour mask

Result: face masks with spirulina and rice provide comprehensive care. For dry, sensitive and normal skin, this is a magical scrub that simultaneously nourishes the epidermis.


  • 3 spirulina tablets;
  • 25 gr. rice flour;
  • protein.

Preparation and method of application: an hour before the procedure, crush the tablets and pour in warm milk. Beat the whites with a whisk/mixer until thick foam, grind the rice in a coffee grinder. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to steamed skin. When the mask begins to tighten the face, the procedure must be completed by washing with water and patchouli essential oil.

Video recipe: Face mask based on spirulina

Mask for oily skin

Result: the best recipes for problematic and oily skin are based on algae. It is possible to provide optimal facial care, reduce sebaceous secretions and improve complexion on your own.


  • 4 spirulina tablets;
  • 17 gr. rye flour;
  • 20 ml milk sourdough (not sweet).

Preparation and method of application: prepare the seaweed - crush and dilute in purified water. After half an hour, add flour and dairy product, first wash and steam your face. Distribute the resulting cosmetic product in a dense layer, and after half an hour, rinse with water and citrus juice.

Mask for dry skin

Result: at home, a spirulina mask restores the fat metabolism of the dermis. Functional problems, which manifest themselves in the form of thin, dehydrated, dry skin. After the procedure, turgor improves and a lasting rejuvenating effect is observed.


  • 6 spirulina tablets;
  • 2 yolks;
  • avocado pulp.

Preparation and method of application: crush spirulina and dilute in mineral/purified water. Peel and pit the oily fruit and use a blender to create a puree consistency. Combine with yolks and seaweed, apply a thick layer to the face. After 30–35 minutes of action of the mask, it can be removed with cotton pads.

Video recipe: Rejuvenating facial mask with spirulina at home

Nature gives people unique creations. Algae contain a balanced and easily accessible set of macro- and microelements for the body, compensating for almost any mineral deficiency. Algae are especially often used for fasting diets, in figure correction programs, in anti-stress and stimulating programs.

Of the more than 30,000 species of different algae, Spirulina is the oldest blue-green microalgae of the genus Arthrospira.

Spirulina contains a unique combination of substances valuable for the human body. The structure of spirulina forms spiral fibers. It belongs to prokaryotes, distinguished by the fact that the cell nuclei are not delimited from the rest of the cell by a membrane and the genes are organized into the so-called pronucleos. Thus, spirulina belongs to the most primitive cellular forms of life. Its membrane consists of “soft” mucopolysaccharides, which makes spirulina easily digestible.

Composition of spirulina

Spirulina contains about 65% complete protein, which includes 18 amino acids (8 of the amino acids are essential and are not synthesized in the human body). Spirulina also contains nucleic acids RNA and DNA, phycocyanin and xanthophyll.

As a source of protein, spirulina is 20 times richer than any other food. It contains high concentrations of beta-carotene, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, trace elements (zinc, selenium) and gamma-linolenic acid.
In terms of nutritional content, 1 gram of spirulina is equal to 1 kg of various vegetables.

Spirulina also contains phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids, which stimulate the immune system, reducing the risk of infectious, cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Properties and effects of spirulina on the body

Thanks to the multicomponent composition of spirulina:

Improves metabolism in the body, enhances immunity, and has antiviral activity.

Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic), which regulate the metabolism of fats in the body, primarily the metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides.

It is a source of dietary fiber, which removes toxic substances and excess fat from the intestines. Promotes detoxification of the body and stimulates the elimination of toxins.

Reduces the risk of cancer; is a powerful antioxidant.

In a number of experiments, it was noted that spirulina increases energy levels, promotes weight loss, cleanses the body, and increases resistance to diseases.

Antiviral properties of spirulina

Spmrulina contains about 7% lipids; some of which are represented by glycolipids and sulfoglycolipids, which have powerful antiviral properties. They help increase T-helper cells of the immune system, which protect against herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, influenza, measles, mumps (in vitro).

Effect on hematopoietic organs

The effect of spirulina on digestion

Spirulina suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, helps normalize intestinal microflora, and affects intestinal motor function.
As you know, healthy microflora is the key to good health, facilitating the effective absorption of essential substances that enter the body with food.

Detoxifying effect

Antioxidant action

The most important antioxidant vitamins are beta-carotene (provitamin A), C and E. Microelements such as selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, chromium are involved in the formation of antioxidant enzymes. Spirulina contains all these essential components.

The use of spirulina in cosmetology

Spirulina proteins, which are part of cosmetic preparations, promote the synthesis of elastin and stimulate the function of the production of endogenous porphyrins produced by the sebaceous glands. On the other hand, spirulina proteins are non-steroidal cycloxygenase inhibitors, which is responsible for their anti-inflammatory activity.
Moreover, spirulina is simply a storehouse of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are simply indispensable for maintaining skin elasticity. When correcting age-related changes in the skin and to increase its tone and elasticity, cosmetology uses not only cosmetology equipment, but also various professional cosmetics developed taking into account aesthetic imperfections. Alginate masks containing spirulina and anti-cellulite algae wraps are very popular among beauty salon clients.

Leading world-famous companies and developers of professional cosmetic products use the gifts of nature and the sea in the development and production of products: numerous algae, sea water, bottom sediments and marine rocks.

Laboratory " Algologie» (" Algology", France), specializing in the production of professional thalassocosmetics, uses spirulina and its derivatives to create unique preparations for facial skin care and figure correction.

Wraps are a very pleasant procedure. Today the most common. For figure correction, body wrap is the most popular and in demand method. Body wrap “Stimulating” consists of a mixture of 4 micronized algae, including valuable spirulina. Stimulating wrap is an ideal procedure for normalizing the mineral balance of the body, as well as restoring skin tone and elasticity. Specially selected active ingredients included in the wrap nourish, moisturize the skin and have a stimulating effect on lipolysis processes. An excellent modeling body wrap with spirulina makes the body skin firm and elastic. Algae and seafood in general have a general strengthening effect on the body, give a surge of energy, restore strength and improve mood.

The “Anti Age” line, which was developed by “Algologie” to reduce and prevent signs of aging, contains protulins - spirulina proteins, which activate the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis. In the products of the Algologie cosmetic line, algae are a source of beauty, health and well-being, as they give the human body all the necessary elements to restore balance.

(USA), have an intense moisturizing and lifting effect, promote deeper penetration of ampoule products, which are used before applying the mask, and model the oval of the face. In the “Beauty Style” series of alginate masks, a mask with kelp and spirulina extract has been developed for mixed skin with signs of aging, as well as for the prevention of age-related changes. As a powerful antioxidant, spirulina prevents premature aging by neutralizing the effects of free radicals. Spirulina extract compensates for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, accelerates regeneration processes, restores local immunity, and has detoxifying properties. Algae wraps and modeling procedures using alginate masks are services that are in demand among clients.

Smart Buy Company equips salons and shops for cosmetologists with professional cosmetic products, among which you will find cosmetic paraffin, depilatory products, furniture, equipment and professional cosmetics from the world's leading manufacturers.

"Mother Earth's Milk" is the common name for this greenish-blue seaweed that has revolutionized the beauty and health industry. The list of benefits of the plant and the range of nutrients it contains is truly impressive.

One of the most important benefits of spirulina for the face is that it contains large amounts of almost all known antioxidants, which are vital for the health and beauty of our skin.

Beta-carotene, vitamins C, E and group B can neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals, restoring vitality and elasticity to the skin.

Another specific and rare ingredient in algae is a very rare type of fatty acid - gamma-linolenic acid, which can be found in very few products.

The main sources of this compound are evening primrose oil and breast milk. Gamma-linoleic acid protects the integrity of skin and muscle cells, as it is an important component in the formation of new cell membranes.

This type of algae contains tyrosine, tocopherol and selenium, which are known for their anti-aging properties. The plant promotes rapid cell renewal, promotes their regeneration, removes toxins and stimulates metabolic processes in tissues.

The chlorophyll in the product is almost identical in composition to the composition of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen and helps cleanse and rejuvenate the blood.

Beauty Recipes

Face masks with spirulina are the simplest and most common method of using this product. The procedures slow down skin aging, tighten the facial contour, improve the structure of the epidermis, reduce redness and irritation, reduce wrinkles and prevent their appearance, and help in the fight against acne.

The easiest way is to make a paste from powder and water. Even such a simple mask recipe will make your skin smooth and glowing. You can also use any other ingredients.

Rejuvenating mask

Perfectly softens and tones the epidermis. It has a mild cleansing effect, gives smoothness and elasticity to the skin.

Prepare the mixture by taking 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, ground oatmeal, algae powder and half a teaspoon of argan, pomegranate or almond oil. Mix well to form a smooth paste. Apply to face for 20 minutes.


This mask is suitable for any skin type and is recommended to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Use it at least twice a week.

To obtain the mixture, take one tbsp. l. banana pulp, seaweed powder, 1 tsp. sour cream and half a teaspoon of coconut or avocado oil. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your face and neck for 20 minutes. Use 1-2 times a week.


Prepare a paste from 1 tbsp. spirulina powder, 1/2 tsp. aloe vera gel (you can use honey) and 1/2 tsp. jojoba oils. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Before using masks, it is advisable to cleanse your face with a peeling or scrub, which will remove dead epidermal cells and help better penetration of beneficial components.

Regular use of spirulina for the face in the form of a mask or food supplement gives noticeable results. The skin becomes fresh, radiant and renewed. The use of this product is especially recommended for those with mature, dry, tired and acne-prone skin.

Beneficial properties of spirulina and contraindications to its use. Instructions for using seaweed for hair and face, increasing immunity and for weight loss.

Beneficial properties of spirulina

Researchers believe that the use of spirulina helps in preventing many dangerous diseases. There is evidence that algae successfully fights untimely aging and can provide protection against 70% of ailments.

Useful characteristics of spirulina:

  • Nutritional value. The rich chemical composition provides it with the ability to saturate the body with vitamins, amino acids and minerals.
  • Anti-Diabetes. Researchers have noted that algae preparations help reduce dangerous blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  • Antiviral effect. This marine plant has the ability to suppress numerous types of influenza and accelerate healing from acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Promote regeneration. Spiral algae helps accelerate regenerative processes in the skin.
  • Anti-radiation. Spirulina significantly increases the body's resistance to radiation exposure
  • Immunostimulation. The drug in question helps restore immunity and stimulates its increase and strengthening.
  • Stimulation of excretory function. Thanks to this plant, the elimination of harmful substances from the body is intensified.
  • Disease Prevention. Experts testify to the successful prevention of allergies, immunodeficiency, and cancer using blue-green algae.
Experts have proven the unconditional benefits of spirulina. With its help, not only individual diseases are treated, but also a beneficial effect is achieved on the entire body, stimulating it to restore the impaired functioning of internal organs and renew them. A unique plant gives energy and strength, allows you to fight various viral and numerous infectious diseases.

Spirulina contraindications

Healing algae contains only beneficial substances that cannot harm a healthy person. But for patients with problematic blood pressure and kidney failure, medications with this plant are contraindicated.

In addition, spirulina is prescribed with caution if the following diseases are diagnosed:

  1. Heart failure;
  2. Internal bleeding;
  3. Stroke, heart attack;
  4. Nervous system disorders;
  5. Thyroid dysfunction;
  6. Thrombosis;
  7. Peptic ulcers;
  8. Hypersensitivity to plant components or individual intolerance.
There are also contraindications for children under 5 years of age and the elderly.

Despite all the beneficial properties of algae-based products, their consumption may cause nausea, insomnia, headaches, loss of consciousness, muscle spasms and diarrhea. Allergic manifestations are possible - rash, itching, swelling, eczema. Deterioration in well-being and the severity of unwanted symptoms are a signal to stop using spirulina as soon as possible and immediately consult a doctor.

Instructions for use of spirulina

This amazing sea plant is successfully used in nutrition, beauty industry and medicinal practices. It is used to produce effective supplements for balanced sports nutrition and effective weight loss medications. This microalgae is included in healing masks to nourish hair and skin. But its use in the treatment of serious ailments is most effective.

Uses of spirulina for hair

Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant and contains many beneficial substances. This is protein, manganese, zinc, a complex of various vitamins and amino acids. Preparations based on it in one or two courses can accelerate hair growth and give it a vibrant shine.

Recipes for hair masks with spirulina:

  • Beer house. If your curls are too thin, begin to fall out, or become dull, use the recipe for a life-giving mask. You will need coconut oil (140 g), dark beer (70 g), egg yolks (3 pieces), lemon juice (70 g), spirulina powder (20 g). Mix the liquid ingredients vigorously, add the seaweed. Cover dry hair with the mixture for 30 minutes.
  • Onion. Apply a mixture of onion juice (20 ml), honey (20 ml), water (20 ml) and spirulina powder (10 g) to the strands, then leave for an hour and rinse.
  • Dairy. Mix milk (30 ml), one yolk, algae powder (10 g), any essential oil (5 drops). The composition is applied to the hair, massaged for 10 minutes and rinsed off.
  • Carrot. Carrot juice (35 g), two yolks, algae powder (10 g) and lemon juice (5 drops) are mixed and distributed over the hair for 30 minutes. Wash off generously with warm water.
  • Honey. Combine and beat the ingredients: honey (5 g), one yolk, lemon juice (1 ml), spirulina (1 g), vitamin A (10 drops). Apply along the length of problem hair, rub directly into the scalp, and after an hour rinse with warm water.
  • Egg. Ingredients: two yolks, lemon juice (1 ml), algae powder (1 g). The ingredients are mixed, the product is evenly distributed throughout the curls, and washed off after 30 minutes.
Blue-green algae ensure cell respiration, improve metabolism, and normalize the condition of the epidermis and hair. Masks based on them can restore the structure of significantly damaged hair, give it the necessary nutrition, restore strength, energy and healthy shine.

Using spirulina for the face

The rich chemical composition of healing spirulina makes it an important ingredient in all kinds of face masks. Only this microalgae contains a unique gamma-linolenic acid, present only in breast milk and some types of oils. This substance helps maintain the integrity of muscle cells, the epidermis, and even the creation and renewal of cell membranes.

Recipes for face masks with spirulina:

  1. For aging skin. Algae in powder form (20 g) is mixed with water until smooth. Add olive oil (5 g) and lemon juice (5 drops). Apply to a previously cleansed, damp face. This composition makes the skin firmer, more elastic, fights the signs of age, and has a lifting effect.
  2. For dehydrated skin. Finely grind a fresh cucumber and mix it with spirulina powder (20 g) to a paste-like consistency. Perfectly moisturizes the face, neck, and décolleté area.
  3. For dry skin. Use a mixture of algae powder (10 g), liquid honey (10 g), olive oil (5 g) and cottage cheese (10 g). Before application, cleanse and steam your face.
  4. For oily skin. Dried chamomile flowers (20 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water, left to cool, and filtered. Spirulina (20 g) is diluted with a small amount of infusion, adding a little baking soda. The product is applied by gently rubbing in with light massage movements. It cleanses well not only oily but also acne-prone skin.
  5. For normal skin. Mix algae powder (25 g), sour cream (25 g) and grated zucchini pulp (25 g) until smooth. Apply the mixture to the face and neck area. Perfectly nourishes the epidermis.
  6. For any skin. You can add one yolk and almond oil (3 g) to the previous mask. Has nutritional properties.
  7. For porous skin. Take spirulina powder (10 g), kefir (60 g) and a small piece of rye bread. First, finely crumble the bread, pour in kefir and let it swell. Then add seaweed, mix thoroughly and place on the face.
  8. For sagging skin. Add cold water (50 ml) to green tea (10 g) and leave for an hour. Afterwards, the water is drained, and the tea leaves are finely ground until smooth, adding spirulina (10 g) and kefir (40 g). Mix everything and cover the face with the mixture. Perfectly moisturizes, tones, removes excessive shine.
  9. For dull skin. Grind dry seaweed (25 g) with fresh yeast (25 g), diluting everything to a homogeneous paste with apple cider vinegar. Perfectly tones the epidermis.
  10. For aging skin. Make a mixture of seaweed (10 g), sour cream (10 g) and oatmeal (10 g) ground into flour. Use as usual.
The cosmetology industry today offers an abundance of complex masks and a variety of creams with spirulina. But they can be successfully prepared at home. These products are used to refresh the complexion and correct its oval shape, fight wrinkles and rejuvenate, increase skin elasticity and get rid of acne.

Healing seaweed can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is sold in powder form, but there is also spirulina in tablets, which must be crushed or dissolved in purified water before using in masks. Such products often contain additional components in accordance with the type and condition of the skin.

The usual course of such masks is 2 weeks. They are often rich green in color, but are easily washed off with water, significantly transforming the skin for the better. The exposure time of cosmetic compositions is 20–30 minutes. Then they should be washed off with clean water at room temperature. It is preferable to apply them every other day.

How to take spirulina to boost immunity

In today's rapidly changing world, a person is often forced to find himself in stressful situations, eat irregularly and incorrectly, and face unsatisfactory environmental conditions that undermine the immune system. This, in particular, has found its irrefutable confirmation in the fact that residents of megacities, especially children, too often encounter colds.

Natural algae powder Spirulina platensis can improve the body's immune strength. This product is environmentally safe, has no frequent side effects, and interacts well with any medications.

Circumstances under which spirulina should be used to support immunity:

  • Prolonged and poorly curable colds;
  • Constant digestive problems;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Chronic infections;
  • Delayed healing of skin lesions;
  • Frequent pustular dermatitis.
If these phenomena occur, they will not disappear on their own, but Spirulina platensis can help strengthen the immune system. Algae powder should be taken orally per day, one teaspoon, dissolved in a warm liquid, such as water, kefir or juice. Add honey if desired. The product should be used regularly to protect against pathogenic microbes.

Spirulina for weight loss

This wonderful sea spiral plant is used in weight loss preparations and is included in dietary supplements and dietary products, for example, crispbreads and cereals. Spirulina is an indispensable storehouse of phenylanine, a substance that can curb appetite. It is extremely nutritious and makes it easy to maintain a low-calorie diet, quickly satisfying unwanted hunger.
  1. Live seaweed is preferable, but it can be difficult to find. A possible alternative is powder used as a seasoning. It can also be added to water and cold drinks (kefir, juice, yogurt). Super food cocktails for those losing weight are also recommended in addition to vegetable or protein shakes.
  2. You can also buy spirulina in tablets and capsules in pharmacies. The required time for taking capsules is from 20 to 40 days, depending on the results achieved and the condition of the body. Usually it is prescribed to take 2-3 tablets half an hour before meals.
  3. The product is recommended in the morning on an empty stomach, 0.5–1 g. One meal during the day should be replaced with 3–4 g of medicinal plant. It is important to wash everything down with water (200–400 ml). The dose per day for those who want to lose weight is 3–5 grams.
  4. If you do purchase a living plant, dissolve 40 g of it in warm water, kefir or juice and drink it in the morning half an hour before your first meal.
Wraps with live algae can relieve sagging skin, stretch marks, and visible cellulite. The plant is applied in an even thin layer to pre-washed and well-warmed skin. The corresponding area is wrapped in cling film and then covered with a warm blanket.

This procedure ensures a rush of blood to the cells, removes toxins from the skin, fills it with useful substances and vitamins, deeply moisturizes and strengthens. It is advisable to complete the process with a massage to enhance the result. The recommended course is at least 10 days (preferably 15–20). As a result, the body will fight excess weight not only mainly from the inside, but even from the outside.

If you have chosen spirulina to combat excess weight, these recommendations will help you. It should also be remembered that when using seaweed in any way, you will need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Fasting while taking the drug in question is strictly prohibited.

How to use spirulina - watch the video:

Spirulina is a spiral-shaped microalgae with a rich, unique chemical composition. Japanese scientists called it a product of the future, predicting its early inclusion in the daily diet of all progressive humanity. The consumption of seafood, including seaweed, is associated with an increase in the number of healthy people and life expectancy in Japan. If you value your own health and youth, you want to nourish your body with natural substances and improve your well-being, use spirulina.