Man is a vegetable. Patients in a vegetative state understand what they are told

In general, this article is a kind of way to somehow cheer yourself up - and add to the reader’s distance learning experience. If until that moment I believed that I could overcome any difficulties, and only my decision determines the achievement of the goal, then, as they say, the scribe crept up unnoticed. I'll just try to describe the situation, how people become vegetables and why they inhabit us; because I am like this now - and I really can remain like this in the future. I make no claims to the soundness of the material; after all, the opinion of vegetables is usually not valued by normal people.


Everyday problems - solvable or rejectable. The same applies to problems at work, relationships, and even most medical problems. But I managed to fall into the minority of them: when a problem cannot be solved, there is no fulfilling life, and rejecting the problem threatens with very dire consequences; namely, living in constant discomfort and pain. Death is not the worst thing in life, but life in such a state. Therefore, I am entirely in favor of euthanasia: I have experience communicating with a person in a hospital - he begged me, the patient, several times to bring him death; and the doctors only prolonged his agony. And the other side of the coin is agnostic: if there is nothing after death, you need to do everything to live your current life with better quality. Not longer, but better quality; but for that patient it was already out of the realm of fantasy.

Fear itself is not a significant drawback when there is an opportunity to lead a full life, albeit with some restrictions - fear, rather, appears in its absence. Broken arm? To hell with it: it will hurt and become overgrown; brains are in order, on legs, there is a second hand. Incipient cancer? To hell with it: we have a guy at work with a brain tumor the size of a small chicken egg - he lives and is happy, and does not hurt. Well, if he gets sick, then he has three options: medicine, surgery, or go to the junkyard, so as not to suffer. And it will be a targeted choice, predictable and analyzed; and a lot of doctors are ready to take on a person with such a disease - just pay.

Becoming a vegetable.

Therefore, we denote the following additional constants:
- 1. Severe discomfort or pain;
- 2. Inability to lead even just everyday life;
- 3. Inability to understand the disease, daily new symptoms, relapses, medical errors;
- 4. Constant and strong fixation on something, because a vegetable is not interested in anything in life (except, perhaps, something meaningless). Fanaticism - as a consequence (fear and psychosis are also fanatical states fixated on illness).

These points, if taken separately, are already capable of causing damage to the psyche, because a person loses the most important thing: the ability to live a full life, creativity, relaxation - forcibly or voluntarily. No lost love-carrot (which is no more than 4 hormones: testosterone, dopamine, endorphin and oxytocin), no problems of a material nature can unsettle you for a long time: they have dynamics, relatively quick solutions - and I didn’t use the word in vain "permanent".

Let's take old people, reflecting the first 2 points. They have no fear, only a worn-out body that causes discomfort and pain - periodically. Periodically - and already so grumpy, grumpy because of their pain - but still psychologically stable. But sooner or later, the strengthening of the first point will lead to the second: the inability to lead even everyday life - and the personality of this person will fade, turning him more and more into a vegetable. No creativity, no interests, no opportunities. One more day to live in bed or by the window. The conclusion from here is simple and has long been known: a healthy mind in a healthy body.

But with the last points in more detail. We are not talking about old people with their age-related problems, but about physically healthy people. How do such people turn into vegetables? A vegetable reflects indifference to many things, while there may be an obsession with one. Obsession occurs when the object of obsession constantly reminds of itself. For example, it is the disease that gives rise to point 3; point 3 automatically gives rise to point 4: focusing on the disease with fear - point 1, and point 2 as a consequence.

Fear arises when you cannot adequately solve the problem that has arisen - and this problem emerges from the medical side; in my case, from the field of diseases of the large intestine, which destroys everyday life even without fear and obsession.

That is, being a vegetable is a disease when a person has a drained brain, and the draining brain has a constant supply and blocks the formation/development of personality. In the case of old people - physical pain and discomfort; in my case, that’s right, physical pain and discomfort, and also psychosis to boot (try to withstand 8 awakenings a day from nightmares for several days in a row). In the case of one of my friends, constant pressure from the mother, a destructive effect on the psyche.

In other words, a vegetable:
- a fanatic of a meaningless cause or several such causes (obsessed with illness, religion, alcohol, psychological trauma, WoT). The thought of such people is simple: I’ll finish my day’s work somehow - and (take medicine, pray, get drunk, forget, shoot a hundred IS-3s - underline what is necessary). As a result: the employees are lousy, they are not interested in anything else in life, there is nothing special to talk about;
- a person without a single goal in life; surrogate goals can be delicious food, sleep, and other things of animal origin. The consequences are the same.

Additional features of the vegetable:
- fanaticism can generate a high sense of self-importance, even though the person is nothing of himself. This can be observed even in the case of WoT players or naturally beautiful blondes: such a funny phallometry;
- since the brain is not rich in knowledge, the vegetable twists itself out with true or fictitious knowledge, mainly from non-technical areas of life (technical knowledge can be verified and exposed). Yes, this article is of a philosophical nature, you see, I’m trying. Where are the formulas, where are the books as a bibliography, where is the logical thinking! But... or it seemed...

How not to become a vegetable if you are not yet a vegetable.

Based on the definition:
- block any attempts at psychological pressure from outside and prevent your own panic situations. In my case, it was the fight against the VSD that buried her;
- in order not to be afraid, you need to have enough knowledge that explains this or that phenomenon and gives the right solution. In other words, you need to pump your brains;
- the brain must cover many areas of life, you cannot be a narrow specialist (it is not known where the blow will come from);
- the absence of diseases, the second part of the intestine in particular, is a guarantee of autonomous security: you can live relying only on your own strengths, be self-sufficient and not bother anyone; because the animal functionality of eating, shitting, neighing is not violated, on which, oddly enough, physical health in its critical understanding is based.

From prince to rags: he became a vegetable.

In this case, the brain already has some knowledge and experience accumulated earlier. But the personality freezes, and over time it can degrade. Over the course of a month, there is a complete equalization of the degree of importance of all existing hobbies and interests, a passive attitude towards them, and their rejection due to the inability to engage in them. There is no talk of work at all; there is a desire to quit due to the understanding that life is short (and you need to understand that such decisions are dangerous to apply in reality due to incomplete adequacy).

Treatment is also based on the definition: eliminate the cause of the constant brain drain. If this is a disease, then the bed for the disease must be prepared in advance, and the disease must be studied to the core. In my case it's:
- wireless keyboard and mouse;
- large monitor opposite the bed in cloning mode with the main monitor;
- a constantly replenished supply of mineral water for a period of 14 days, safe sweets for the production of serotonin (marmalade, suckers, cookies, crackers);
- high-speed stable Internet 11.5MB/s;
- outside support, if necessary. A complete vegetable cannot be self-sufficient, because... he is limited either by stupidity, or disability, or a shattered psyche. Here a friend, a relative, or a doctor can act as an assistant.

An example of a pre-vegetable state: you fall ill with a severe acute respiratory viral infection and sit at home on antibiotics, and outside the window winter is fierce, swine/bird/fish/mosquito flu is raging, and in general witches are flying with brooms. The task, being in a supine state, is to maintain most of your usual life, while limiting yourself to household chores and not experiencing fear. So you use the knowledge about the disease and the arsenal above to change activities, while maintaining some of the functionality: read books, practice brainstorming, and even turn screws. That’s it, you will never become a vegetable, even if you have to be sick for a month, 2 or 3.

What is a vegetable?

An important conclusion from all this philosophical outburst: a vegetable can be voluntary, but this voluntariness is deceptive:
- why does a nerd play WoT? Because he has no significant achievements in life - and he compensates for them with virtual reality;
- why am I like a vegetable now? Yes, hemorrhoids have taken over, life has not been calm for a month, and during this time I almost turned gray from fears and dietary withdrawal;
- remember the vegetableness of old people? Give them youth and they will blossom automatically.

That is: a vegetable is a sick person, physically and/or mentally. Maybe he has already come to terms with his condition, as many people come to terms with terrible diagnoses like terminal cancer, but resignation is not a cure.

And here there are already two ways: when you see a vegetable, either help it or not. Will a girl date a vegetable? It’s unlikely: due to her self-centeredness, she is too lazy to spend her resources on his recovery (I was convinced of this in practice, fortunately now there is time to check this kind of obvious things). But there are exceptions when they start caring for a vegetable - and it blooms literally within a season.

The world is cruel, help yourself. Know, vegetable, you are sick. All that remains is to gather strength and become a fruit.

(added 11/18/2016) Time passed - and I managed to get out of the state of a vegetable and return to normal life. After observing other vegetables, I came to the conclusion: there are spicy vegetables, and there are chronic ones. As with any disease: the spicy vegetable will either die or recover; For a chronic person, this condition is more difficult to suppress: solely due to ignorance/forgetfulness of a vegetableless life - and, as a consequence, lack of desire. Lack of desire without a kick in the ass is the root of many human ills. Using a real example of smoking: four people quit smoking - only after a crushing blow to their health was dealt, and the desire appeared. One had a heart attack, another had lung cancer, a third had a lifelong smoker's cough (albeit weakened), and a fourth died of an overdose. And another one quit smoking only when smoking began to take a toll on his budget.

I conducted an experiment with several people in order to remove them from the vegetable state - I came to the conclusion that only a few sick people are spicy vegetables. All others are chronic; and pulling them out of this state without motivation on their part is a thankless task. The spicy vegetable showed strong motivation and came out of this state in the same way as I did: self-compulsion to work and self-dispersal. As a result, the work of the spicy vegetable improves over time and remains at the maximum level (recovery). The work of a chronic vegetable (without desire) improves with external influence only temporarily: it is enough to leave it to itself for a week - it again slides to the bottom.

More interesting thoughts emerge from all this:
- a slave (working without motivation) is a very bad worker. And if a person has a slave mentality, then he is a bad worker in any field. The same applies to the situation when a person is under the thumb of crime/state/wife;
- if you forget the taste of real milk, it is impossible to distinguish it from powdered milk. Or rustic from store-bought. Personally, I prefer store-bought: not bitter, not greasy, lasts a long time, not dirty (sometimes milkmaids don’t wash nipples). But I still remember this bitter, fatty taste. And people 10 years younger do not know this taste at all.

Author Maria Danilova asked a question in the section Other about health and beauty

What does "vegetable man" mean? and got the best answer

Answer from Bulatov Rimma[guru]
The psyche is absent, the person is not aware of himself or the world around him, there are no voluntary movements of the eyes and limbs. Meanwhile, the brain stem is working, the patient breathes freely, the heart, intestines, and other internal organs function normally - the so-called vegetative state, or apallic syndrome, sets in, the personality turns into a “vegetable”, a figurative, albeit unfair comparison.
Source: Yandex.

Answer from Ѓstim Karmelyuk[newbie]

Answer from Sunny[guru]

Answer from . [guru]
Not a fruit

Answer from Mila Chugurovich[expert]

Answer from Bart Simpson[guru]

Answer from Zina Sergeeva[guru]

Answer from MARINA[guru]
This is a person who completely lacks will and sense of self in time and space, lacks emotions and all types of sensations - hunger, cold, wet, dirty, painful... All. This condition can be brought about with medication. Used in psychiatric

Answer from Igor Vasilenko[guru]

Answer from Valiusik[guru]

Answer from Darina Petrova[newbie]
it's a shame

Answer from Ѓstim Karmelyuk[newbie]
This means that he is neither fish nor fowl.

Answer from Sunny[guru]
Have you seen a vegetable in your life? buy it, put it on the table and watch.

Answer from . [guru]
Not a fruit

Answer from Mila Chugurovich[expert]
This is what people with serious illnesses (such as paralysis) are called.

Answer from Bart Simpson[guru]
Neither fish, nor meat - SOY)))) and so well, no, what it is, what it is not

Answer from Zina Sergeeva[guru]
means that he is brain dead, and he can only eat and go to the toilet (under himself)

Answer from MARINA[guru]
This is a person who completely lacks will and sense of self in time and space, lacks emotions and all types of sensations - hunger, cold, wet, dirty, painful... All. This condition can be brought about with medication. Used in psychiatric hospitals for particularly violent clients. Therefore, in feature action films, such an expression is very often used when they want to apply it to a person whom they want to humiliate, trample, and subjugate to their will as much as possible.

Answer from Igor Vasilenko[guru]

Answer from Valiusik[guru]
requires constant care, cannot speak, move limbs, swallow, is fed through a tube, pees and poops on himself

Answer from Darina Petrova[newbie]
it's a shame

Vegetables in a dream can have different meanings. See interpretation: vegetables by name.

However, there are features that are characteristic of all dreams about vegetables. In general, a dream about vegetables often reminds you that you will have to pay debts.

Seeing vegetables growing in a garden in a dream is a sign that your position is precarious and, in general, you are dissatisfied with your position. To dream that they are growing and rejoice that you will have a rich harvest means that your ambitious desires will come true. A dream in which you see vegetables at the market is also favorable, as it predicts good luck in your planned enterprise.

Cutting them in a dream is a sign that you should be careful with money and not enter into risky ventures. Cooking vegetables for lunch in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with a close friend. Eating raw vegetables in a dream means that empty troubles await you. Throwing away vegetables in a dream means that you will face failure in the business you have started. Seeing vegetables prepared for salad in a dream means that obstacles in business, grief and trouble await you. It is always better to see ripe vegetables in a dream than unripe, sour, bitter, rotten, rotten, unfit for food. Such vegetables portend tears, grief, disputes, squabbles, and disagreements. Seeing or smelling vegetables that have a strong smell (onions, garlic, turnips, radishes) in a dream is a sign that you recognize something that was hidden from you. This discovery will not be pleasant and will entail a number of family scandals. Tasteless vegetables (cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini) seen in a dream bring good luck to the sick and predict a speedy recovery.

Sweet vegetables in a dream are a sign of satisfaction and reconciliation. See interpretation: fruit, bite, apples or by name.

Interpretation of dreams from

There are vegetable people in the world who live like vegetables. And there are human vegetables who think like people. First of all, they seem to be people who do not represent any value to society... antisocial otherwise. There are many definitions of the concept of vegetables. This is how vegetables are interpreted in classical literature.

- “Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away..."

Enough! - The boy's indignation probably reached its limit. - Why do they endure?!

Well, Prince Lemon has a large guard, an army... - Mom judiciously smooths out the page.

But there are more others! There are a lot of them! - the boy, in despair, hits the book with his small fist, and it slams shut. - Why are they?!

The mother, slightly frightened by such a violent reaction from her son, is trying to find a calming remark when the man opposite looks up from his newspaper and, looking over his glasses at the revolutionary-minded boy, says loudly and clearly:

Because they are vegetables. This is a fairy tale about vegetables...

Vegetables are also sick, unable to do what those around them are doing, and because of this they lie listlessly, as well as drug addicts or alcoholics, but these do not lie, but stagger. Vegetables include lazy, sedentary slow people. This topic was revealed in the “Professions Reporter” episode on NTV and was called “We are not vegetables.” Vegetables also include office workers and senior managers. There is even a joke about this.

Putin, Medvedev, Gryzlov and Shoigu come to the restaurant. The waiter runs up and starts fussing:

Vladimir Vladimirovich! What will you eat?

Only meat? What about vegetables?

Vegetables will also be meat...

In medical slang in the West, patients with a dead cerebral cortex are cynically but accurately called “vegetables.” They live, breathe, eat for years (usually with the help of devices), but do not react to the outside world - they do not understand speech, do not speak, do not realize their condition, do not react to pain, light, voices of relatives, etc.

But there are exceptions here too. British and Belgian neurophysiologists conducted a study in Cambridge that ended in a sensation. It turned out that the patient in a “vegetative state,” that is, with a completely damaged cerebral cortex, hears and understands speech addressed to her.

Scientists stipulate that this is only the very first result; additional studies on a larger number of patients will be required. The brain can suffer differently from injury and disease in different people. However, the findings again raise the vexing moral question of whether it is acceptable to take a person's life without their consent, even if they are in a vegetative state.

Who knows, maybe such a vegetable person is even happy in his condition and somewhere he may even be happy, but without asking, they want to deprive him of the pleasure of living as a vegetable by people who believe that maintaining such a life is an expensive pleasure. In our country, General Romanov has been living in a similar status for many years, whose wife, by the way, has repeatedly claimed that he hears and understands her and reacts to her speech, although doctors are firmly convinced of the opposite.

Any person, even a healthy one, wants to live like a vegetable: eat, sleep, rest, do nothing. And only the spirit (from consciousness) resists the body’s desire to drag a person into a state of degradation, turning into the status of a zombie vegetable striving for a comfort zone. If the spirit is weaker than the body, then this person is an ordinary vegetable, whose body orders the spirit “I want to rest, I want to eat, I don’t want to work.” And the spirit gives way.

If you notice that your butt is telling you “that it wants to sit a little longer,” make an effort, take courage and give your ass a good kick. If you can’t do it yourself, ask someone else to do it. Be the master of your body!

We will cover the topic of human vegetables in the second part.

There are vegetable people in the world who live like vegetables. And there are human vegetables who think like people. First of all, they seem to be people who do not represent any value to society... antisocial otherwise. There are many definitions of the concept of vegetables. This is how vegetables are interpreted in classical literature.

- “Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away..."

Enough! - The boy's indignation probably reached its limit. - Why do they endure?!

Well, Prince Lemon has a large guard, an army... - Mom judiciously smooths out the page.

But there are more others! There are a lot of them! - the boy, in despair, hits the book with his small fist, and it slams shut. - Why are they?!

The mother, slightly frightened by such a violent reaction from her son, is trying to find a calming remark when the man opposite looks up from his newspaper and, looking over his glasses at the revolutionary-minded boy, says loudly and clearly:

Because they are vegetables. This is a fairy tale about vegetables...

Vegetables are also sick, unable to do what those around them are doing, and because of this they lie listlessly, as well as drug addicts or alcoholics, but these do not lie, but stagger. Vegetables include lazy, sedentary slow people. This topic was revealed in the “Professions Reporter” episode on NTV and was called “We are not vegetables.” Vegetables also include office workers and senior managers. There is even a joke about this.

Putin, Medvedev, Gryzlov and Shoigu come to the restaurant. The waiter runs up and starts fussing:

Vladimir Vladimirovich! What will you eat?

Only meat? What about vegetables?

Vegetables will also be meat...

In medical slang in the West, patients with a dead cerebral cortex are cynically but accurately called “vegetables.” They live, breathe, eat for years (usually with the help of devices), but do not react to the outside world - they do not understand speech, do not speak, do not realize their condition, do not react to pain, light, voices of relatives, etc.

But there are exceptions here too. British and Belgian neurophysiologists conducted a study in Cambridge that ended in a sensation. It turned out that the patient in a “vegetative state,” that is, with a completely damaged cerebral cortex, hears and understands speech addressed to her.

Scientists stipulate that this is only the very first result; additional studies on a larger number of patients will be required. The brain can suffer differently from injury and disease in different people. However, the findings again raise the vexing moral question of whether it is acceptable to take a person's life without their consent, even if they are in a vegetative state.

Who knows, maybe such a vegetable person is even happy in his condition and somewhere he may even be happy, but without asking, they want to deprive him of the pleasure of living as a vegetable by people who believe that maintaining such a life is an expensive pleasure. In our country, General Romanov has been living in a similar status for many years, whose wife, by the way, has repeatedly claimed that he hears and understands her and reacts to her speech, although doctors are firmly convinced of the opposite.

Any person, even a healthy one, wants to live like a vegetable: eat, sleep, rest, do nothing. And only the spirit (from consciousness) resists the body’s desire to drag a person into a state of degradation, turning into the status of a zombie vegetable striving for a comfort zone. If the spirit is weaker than the body, then this person is an ordinary vegetable, whose body orders the spirit “I want to rest, I want to eat, I don’t want to work.” And the spirit gives way.

If you notice that your butt is telling you “that it wants to sit a little longer,” make an effort, take courage and give your ass a good kick. If you can’t do it yourself, ask someone else to do it. Be the master of your body!

We will cover the topic of human vegetables in the second part.
