What is astral travel. Astral travel: a technique for leaving the body. Astral world of cats and dogs

In order to understand what astral travel is, one must firmly believe in. At the same time, astral travel, the method of exiting the body of which is diverse, and individual methods are sometimes contradictory, suggests that the human essence has five bodies:

  • material shell- the physical body itself;
  • an astral body that can move in space and time;
  • mental body giving a person the ability to think and rationalize his thinking;
  • mind - consciousness, which forms the psycho-emotional essence of a person;
  • soul given to man by the Creator, which is the immortal essence of the individual.

Before dealing with specific methods of astral travel, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with modern ideas about them and possible ways of liberating the astral body from the body shell.

Astral travel basics

In order for an individual to master the method of exiting the astral body from its physiological shell, he must have a strong will and the ability to concentrate. To the greatest extent, people who “fly” in a dream are predisposed to astral travel. Depending on the development of this ability, the following options are possible:

  • when flying during dreams, a person will not spend any physical effort to the rise and fall of his astral body, which can soar, but not move in space;
  • for a controlled movement, a person will waste his physical energy, and the astral journey itself goes through several stages:
  • repulsion from the ground (bed) - takeoff - soaring - descent;
  • movement in space provided by a trained physical body and its astral component.

Separated from the physical shell, astral bodies hover above their place of residence, and energetically stronger and better prepared individuals can make longer and more distant journeys. Usually people cannot see the flight of someone else's body, but those with psychic or paranormal abilities (clairvoyants) perceive someone else's astral shell in the same way as an ordinary physical body.

Some esotericists are convinced that astral travel can end in death, since the soul will not be able to find its way to the physiological shell. This is a profound delusion, since the astral flight takes place under the guidance of the subconscious, which, unlike the mind, is always awake.

Some danger is represented by anomalous zones and territories with strong electromagnetic fields. However, even in them, astral travel does not always lead to death. In most cases, a person falls ill and loses the ability to astral travel for a while, even in exoterically safe zones.

Training Methods for Astral Travel

People who do not have the innate ability to fly in a dream can independently, after certain training, make astral journeys, the method of leaving the body of which offers various sets of spiritual and physical exercises. Regardless of the chosen method, there are certain requirements that are common to all, the main of which is the regularity and continuity of training, which must be taken daily from five minutes to half an hour. At the initial stage of training, a person must master the ability to separate his astral body from the physical. After that, having chosen one of the sets of exercises, one should begin to master the control of the astral substance. At the same time, at first, a person may not actually feel the skill that has appeared, but he will increasingly fly in a dream.

Currently, the following methods are most often used to realize one's astral essence and control astral travel:

  • exit of the astral body from the physiological shell using Alice Anna Bailey techniques (Alice Ann Bailey) - American Theosophical writer and founder of the Arcane School;
  • a technique for separating the physical and astral components by self-hypnosis ;
  • a technique using a visualization engine (self-visualization), sometimes called Aleister Crowley's method (Aleister Crowley);
  • astral method traveler Yuri Borisov .

At the first stage, any astral movements and journeys, the exit from the body of which is chosen and accepted, must be carried out under the supervision of a curator (mentor, inductor).

Astral and sleep are similar in one, in the first and second case the soul leaves the body. Only in a dream a person does not always understand what is happening, but in the astral plane everything is controlled by the mind. But without the ability to control sleep, going into the astral plane is tantamount to suicide.

Also, the astral body can exist, provided that the physical shell is dead. The information content of such a body remains unchanged, and therefore it becomes possible to communicate with dead people. We recommend that you study the basic nuances that happen in most cases when diving.

While going to sleep, a person experiences strange sensations. It looks like he is sinking or losing consciousness. During a night's rest, a person is able to see terrible dreams and beautiful landscapes, people familiar from childhood or faceless images. Often actions in dreams occur against our will.

Sometimes the events that take place in a dream take strange forms, a little fabulous. And it is not entirely clear how it was possible to find yourself in a place where you have never been. It is not on the map, not in real life.

Scientists say that dreams are nothing more than a game of a tired brain. Magicians and sorcerers frankly say that when putting your body to sleep, the soul leaves it and goes in search of adventure or to fight evil. But both those and others do not deny the interpretation of the elements seen in a dream. Thanks to them, you can find out a hint for the future and find out the answer to a question that has been haunting for several years, days or weeks.

We can say that in a dream a person receives answers to questions, warnings from higher powers. Whether or not the soul is in the body at this moment, scientists have proven. With the help of scales, a person was weighed before sleep and during sleep. It turned out that a person loses weight, although not significantly.

How to enter the astral plane for a beginner, what you need to know?

In order for a beginner to enter the astral, he will have to try and learn the fundamental rules. Start your preparation by studying materials that will help you surprise the big picture. The more prepared you are, the more chances you have for a favorable outcome. It's hard to start, and to get into the astral the first time, you need to learn how to control your sleep. And this can be done only with the help of the mind.

The more you know, the safer the trip will be.

First, you need to learn how to control your bedtime.

You can start training both at night and during the day. Take a comfortable position on the bed, close your eyes. You must learn to understand at what point you begin to fall asleep. The transition to the astral world itself is partly similar to a dream, only at the same time, there are feelings of security and peace. And during the usual withdrawal to sleep, there is a standard failure without sensations.

Before starting your first trip, you should prepare mentally. For several days you need to do visualization, imagine how you are immersed in another world. In addition, you should be confident in your abilities. To do this, they conduct trainings, both in front of a mirror, and just sitting in a comfortable chair. You should consider every step that will take place in the astral world.

For a better entry into a state of drowsiness, it is recommended to put on calm music.

Ways (techniques) for immersion in the astral plane

Do you know how to go to the astral so that there are no consequences and problems? Then let's conduct an educational program on all methods, techniques and methods. Yes Yes. There are not two or three of them. Everyone will choose the appropriate and convenient method for themselves. Having studied the step-by-step instructions, it will not be difficult for a beginner to get into the astral. But experts do not recommend moving far from your body.

Still, the unknown and the unknown, always fraught with many secrets and dangers that can pose a threat to life. We must immediately warn that in there, in the unknown, meetings with dead people are quite natural. But do not take risks and stay with them to talk longer than the allotted time.

Important! Smoking of any cigarettes, hookahs or drugs is strictly prohibited when using any method.

Vortex method

The technique of such a way to find yourself in another dimension is not quite common. It provides for a strict fast or diet. Entering the astral will be much easier if you do not eat at all 3-4 hours before the start. As for the weekly fast, in no case should you eat meat, nuts, coffee.

During the entire preparatory period, you need to eat in unlimited quantities:
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Carrot;
  • Fresh yolk;
  • Tea, especially herbal or green tea is a must.

Adepts who have taken the course of the young neophyte claim that the mind itself will report its readiness. To enter another world, you must be in a cozy and dark place. In the process, you can not cross parts of the body. We drink a glass of water and begin.

Ofiel's technique for the beginner

The easiest and most convenient way suitable for beginners. You need to go to one of the rooms of your house. Find 10 items that really mean something. Pay attention to what smells in this room and try to remember the smells. Try to remember and absorb all the information flow that the room carries.

Associations, images all play a big role as an astral projection. After examining the room, exit it and go to another. If you have collected the information correctly, then by closing your eyes, you can mentally visit the studied room, along the already familiar route. In the future, you will learn how to travel to a chair and watch your sleep, and then you will be able to make long jumps.

You must travel in your thoughts along the planned routes and visit the places you have assigned. These methods open the capacity for initiation of the astral world.

Because the projection of such a world is what your imagination is capable of. Free author's book.

hypnotic way

It is used in the case when a beginner is not able to go on a trip himself for a number of reasons.

For example, fearful or insecure. It is worth contacting only experienced hypnotists who have experience in such matters. He will not only lead you to another world to communicate with your ancestors or friends, but will also bring you back safely. Knowing the reaction of the body in case of danger will help to avoid trouble. It is also useful when two or more people decide to visit the other side of their mind and soul.

The "swing" method

The technique of entering the astral plane with the help of rocking (of course, imaginary) is suitable for everyone without exception.

Instructions for use are as follows:
  1. We take a comfortable position in our favorite place in our apartment. It can be a sofa or an armchair.
  2. We close our eyes and feel warm and comfortable, but at the same time bright rays shine on you.
  3. Introducing swing rides. It speeds up the swing until it lifts you high into the sky.
  4. We break away from them and fly.
  5. Landing takes place next to the body in the first sessions. On the next one, go where you need to go.

You can start your journey from your body and move already throughout the space. There is no time or distance here.

Through astral contact

The most perfect technology. It provides for the presence of a mentor who will not only help you leave the physical shell without hindrance, but will also take complete control over your astral and material body. It is worth choosing such a teacher carefully. There are those who are able to put another soul into your body. You will be left behind the threshold of reality. Therefore, a person must be verified. The student only needs to relax, the teacher will do the rest.

  • For the duration of the session, wear only things made of natural fabric;
  • Be calm and not excited;
  • Eliminate the consumption of invigorating drinks and soda.

Method from Alice Bailey

There are various ways to enter the astral plane. Classical methods are not always suitable. Therefore, before starting to practice, it is worth studying individual developments and exercises for preparation. Alice Bailey strongly recommends that you start with relaxation and control of your subconscious. It is best to exercise before going to bed, relaxing in a pleasant position.

For a direct hike, several months of training are required. Until the soul decides on its own that it is ready not only to leave, but also to return.

The whole method is built on breathing and visualization of one's capabilities.

Method from Kate Harari

Choose any place in the apartment or in another room. The second location must be close to the first. At a distance, about 10-20 minutes walk. Now do relaxation exercises on the first and go to the second point. We continue to relax with our eyes closed and move mentally to where we came from. Notice everything that is happening around.

Make an attempt to mentally walk several times for different distances. Reach the last destination of your choice. We return home, and we do exactly the same procedure, but already indoors. Walk along the route in the opposite direction.

Matema Shinto (double exit)

Technically, the method is designed to conduct an exit in pairs. This method was used to transmit secret messages. Two people were supposed to meet at the same place. To do this, it was required to leave your shell and take 60 steps to the designated place, after knocking on the door. Wait until it is opened, exchange information, and walk back sixty steps.

Determine the meeting place and practice well in advance. The method is convenient in that two people will help you start practicing lucid dreams. There is an opportunity to help a friend in difficult times.

Meditation to eject the astral body from the shell

One of the ways to get into the astral plane is meditation. It is better to use this method while sitting, in a position convenient for you. Complete relaxation of the whole body follows:

Meditation is the most important moment to prepare for a safe exit and return.
  • limbs;
  • Muscle tissue in the body;
  • Front part. Eyes closed;
  • The body turns into a soft and cottony state.

To make it easier to make your entry into the astral, your mind will help you do this, which you have been tuning to the necessary frequencies for several days. Brain activity must be suspended. In other words, you need to stop thinking.

What can you see when you enter the astral plane?

You should see a kind of tunnel that spins and spins in different directions. It may look like a pipe. The color scheme does not affect your flight. There can be complete darkness and a bright color tunnel. Or vice versa, only multi-colored spots, among which you carry out your flight.

In the astral world, everything is exactly the same as in the real world, the same people, places and forms of objects. Once in it, you can communicate with the dead and the living. There is everything in this world, except fairy-tale heroes.

What can you feel when entering the astral plane

Now let's talk about feelings. Namely, how you should see and represent yourself. Since your material shell remains in place, and the astral body leaves it and goes on a journey, it must be felt and seen.

Everyone sees themselves differently:
  • In the form of a ball;
  • In the form of a transparent figure;
  • Like a stain.

You must choose your image yourself, but it should be noted that most often, with the right approach to entering the astral plane, a person first sees himself as a ball and already for the third or fifth time he feels and sees himself as a person. If everything worked out for you, then you should not go far from your body. Walk around the house, look out the window. The first exit should be no more than 2-5 minutes.

And if you did everything right, then the sensations will be like this:
  • Lightness in the whole body;
  • unwillingness to move;
  • The emergence of a feeling of flight;
  • Complete calm.

Terrible dangers lie in wait in the astral plane

If you have repeatedly managed to leave your body and walk around the house, then you can safely proceed to more difficult trips. For example, on the street. But it is precisely here that the first danger may lie in wait. Since the astral world belongs only to spirits, they dominate there. Therefore, if you are planning a long walk, then you need to take into account the fact that you will meet on the way, maybe both a good and an evil spirit.

When meeting with a representative of dark energy, it is better to return to the physical shell as soon as possible. In astral sleep, it will take literally a few seconds. If you do not have time to do this, then there is a possibility that you may become possessed (in the world they say demon-possessed).

Rules that will save in the astral from death

In order to prevent dark spirits from capturing your body, it is recommended to protect not only your soul, but also your body. In your absence, any of the spirits of darkness is able to take possession of it. After your return, you will already be a guest, and only a strong magician can drive out a demon or a demon. Speaking of protection in this case, we mean the pectoral cross, prayers.

Second danger- meeting with departed relatives and loved ones. Not always deceased relatives want to detain you for a long time. In most cases, on the contrary, they even make sure that you leave the astral world as quickly as possible. If there is a threat to your body or soul began to become attached to a calm and measured existence. But there are also such cases when, having met a beloved and only person, souls are reunited and do not want to leave each other.

Therefore, you must understand where you are and what you are doing. That your loved one, unfortunately, will no longer be able to return to this world, but meetings in the astral plane can take place in your life.

Third danger. Quite often, beginners stray too far from their physical shell and get lost in the vast world of the astral. This also includes being in the world of spirits more than the allotted time, and the soul simply does not want to return.

This happens often during clinical death, and if relatives who have become spirits cannot return, the person dies. More precisely, the body dies, but the soul is in the astral plane.

Seven times measure cut once

If you decide to experience truly complete peace and feel light and real, then be sure to adhere to all the rules for entering the astral plane. Remember that the world of spirits can be very dangerous and prepares for beginners a lot of interesting, but also dangerous at the same time.

There can be only one advice for beginners: only after long training, begin to leave the shell for a long distance and communicate with deceased relatives and friends. Otherwise, you risk remaining a ghost.

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The surrounding world perceived by the human senses is far from its complete picture. Ministers of the occult sciences have been saying this for a long time. According to the conventional scientific view, the physical world is all we have. However, even at the dawn of civilization, people had a different opinion, and believed that along with our ordinary world, there is another, invisible, and maybe even several. For example, occultism recognizes the existence of three worlds: physical, spiritual and astral.

The main role in the spiritual world is assigned to the spirit, in the astral world - to strength or energy, but in the physical, matter dominates. The astral world acts as an intermediary between the spiritual and physical worlds, and all these worlds are more or less interconnected, but a person is simultaneously present in each of these worlds.

The ancient sages were sure of the existence of a special subtle matter - ether (among the Indians it was called akasa), which is the fifth element of the elements - astral, in addition to the well-known earth, water, fire and air.

The entire Universe is saturated with astral matter, solar and stellar systems are connected by it. There are no specifics in the astral world - there are numerous options for the past and the future, energy copies of dead and unborn people, as well as all kinds of entities, immediately live here. It is by entering the astral plane that psychics and mediums can obtain the information they need.

Conventionally, it is customary to divide the astral world into two levels: the highest and the lowest. The inhabitants of the lower astral have long been popularly called "evil spirits", these are brownies, demons, essences from nightmares, etc. A person's connection with them is often carried out involuntarily, and often without desire or without effort. The highest astral is Cosmos.

The practice of flying into the astral plane has been practiced by people for a long time, while the astral (etheric) double of a person leaves the physical shell without losing awareness of what is happening. Going into the astral plane, a person can see his physical body from the side, but the astral body is perceived by people in different ways: some feel like just a particle of consciousness, and some perceive themselves as if in a cocoon.

Such journeys are quite conscious, and therefore a person can be in the place where he wishes. It is believed that everyone makes astral travel - in a dream, when the soul (etheric body) leaves the physical. However, as a rule, upon awakening, a person forgets about his flight. Perhaps the most famous astral "wanderer" can be called Robert Monroe, who developed a whole methodology for mastering the exit to the astral. According to Monroe himself, exits from the physical body began spontaneously in him, and caused quite understandable fears about the state of mental health.

However, Monroe gradually got used to this strangeness of his, and in the middle of the last century, the Monroe Institute began to conduct experiments with the impact on the human brain of sound signals, with which it was possible to control both the state of wakefulness and induce sleep. In 1968, researchers made an interesting discovery: with the help of certain sound combinations, they managed to induce states of consciousness that are not characteristic of the human mind. The Monroe Institute also studied the experience of out-of-body experiences of people. As it turned out, the exits of the astral body occurred not only during dreams, but also during loss of consciousness or during its artificial shutdown (under anesthesia). At the same time, people could see themselves from the outside, and observe the actions of others.

The experience of astral travel was also described by the famous scientist Carl Jung, who once had a serious heart attack, which led Jung to a dying state. Later, the scientist said that he flew so high above the earth that he saw almost the entire planet. However, when Jung wanted to move into the light space, he was stopped by the doctor's voice, who told him that the time to leave had not come, and he had to go back, which Jung did.

Any person repeatedly goes to the astral plane in a dream. This form of exit is called involuntary astral travel, which is completely forgotten upon awakening. However, with the help of conscious travel, a person can remember everything that happened to him during a walk in the astral plane: he can visit different cities and countries, communicate with dead or still unfamiliar people, and even fly into space. Such exits are achieved through training and practice, but there are more primitive ways, such as taking drugs or alcohol, which help the soul to leave the body. But such measures do not allow the Soul to go to higher levels, and most often the walk is limited to the lower layers, where it will be very unpleasant for an unprepared person to meet some unattractive entity.

The practice of lucid dreaming is often associated with going into the astral plane, but these are far from two equivalent actions. Lucid dreams are still dreams, but the astral world is reality, but different.

But often in dreams, people get solutions to problems that interest them, which they are not able to answer when they are awake. Some may “watch” dreams from the place where they woke up yesterday. So, the famous English writer Stevenson said that at night he even dreamed of a TV series from which he took plots for his books.

The chemist Friedrich Kekule, who struggled for a long time over the structure of the benzene molecule, dreamed of a coiled snake eating its own tail. Waking up, Kekule realized that this was a beautiful graphical model of mathematical symmetry.

The famous chemist Friedrich Kekule, who had been trying for many weeks to figure out the structure of the benzene molecule, decided to postpone the solution of the problem for a while. However, his brain probably already found the answer and created a dream about a snake curled up and eating its own tail. When he woke up, Kekule immediately realized that this was a beautiful graphic representation of mathematical symmetry.

The design of the first computer was dreamed of by the mathematician Alan Turig.

And the idea of ​​​​making lead shot at one time was also taken from a dream. At first, the shot was prepared from sheets of lead or wire, which were cut into pieces, but already pellets were rolled out of them. But the engineer J. Watt had a dream for several days in which he walked in the rain of lead balls. As a result, Watt came up with the idea to experiment with lead in "free flight". The inventor climbed onto the bell tower and poured molten lead onto the ground from there. As a result, lead balls were formed, and the pellets began to be made using this new technology. Thanks to the practice of lucid dreaming, many people decide to manage their dreams on their own. But doing this is often not recommended - just like astral travel, these practices are fraught with dangers.

In the case of lucid dreams, it is rare, but there is a possibility of not waking up. But with astral travel, the situation is more serious, and it is not in vain that beginner “wanderers” are advised to make exits under the supervision of more experienced teachers. The fact is that entities living in the astral plane feed on energy. Fear is also energy, and therefore astral travelers are often tried to scare in order to receive “nutrition” in this way.

At the same time, some entity can settle into the physical body, which has remained in the material world for some time without a soul, and this is fraught with problems. In addition, frequent astral walks weaken a person’s energy, and this especially affects his psyche. Therefore, before you begin to develop the ability to "fly" in yourself, you need to clearly understand whether you need it. And if necessary, then make every effort to ensure that, along with the development of this skill, all the necessary safety conditions are observed for both the physical and astral bodies.

  • Installation text for astral travel in a dream.


Since time immemorial, people have experienced an inexplicable craving for astral travel. How did a person manage to leave his physical shell and rush into unknown distances, going beyond the boundaries of time and space? Was this ability inherent only to the elect, or did each person have such an opportunity from birth? It is quite obvious that it was beneficial for shamans to keep people in the dark about such brilliant and unique opportunities: to be aware of upcoming events, and even influence them. That is why the technique of astral exit was shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Nevertheless, there are many examples of how some people have acquired the gift of astral exit spontaneously. In most cases, the astral experience left pleasant impressions. However, some stories horrified people, forming a misconception about this phenomenon.

Fortunately, my first astral experience at the age of fifteen, although spontaneous, intrigued me rather than frightened me. One day after class, before going home, I went to the school library. I knew I might miss the train, but I couldn't stop looking for the books I needed to do my homework. Unexpectedly for myself, I found myself at the railway station, among other students. The sensation was quite natural, except for the distinct awareness of leaving the physical body. The platform was filled with the usual liveliness and carefree fuss, and I wanted to check if my classmates could see me. I tried to slap my friend on the back and saw my hand pass through his body. However, no one reacted, and I realized that my presence had gone unnoticed by those around me. Then I called out to a friend, but received no answer. Suddenly I remembered that I had left my briefcase at school, and in the blink of an eye I was back in the library. Trying to catch the train, I frantically began stuffing books into my briefcase, but time was hopelessly lost.

The next train did not arrive until forty-five minutes later, and I had a lot of time to comprehend what had happened to me. This is not to say that what happened was something out of the ordinary for me, since I had already read several books by Sylvan Muldoon about astral travel, although I did not experience it myself. My first astral experience awakened in me the desire to learn how to leave the body at will.

Now, remembering those distant Days, I understand that the circumstances could not have been more favorable to what happened. On the one hand, I made desperate attempts to find the right book, and on the other hand, I was afraid of missing the train. Both circumstances created a kind of stressful situation, and since I was already familiar with the theory, the third favorable factor - desire - was evident. So, for a spontaneous exit to the astral, a state of stress is necessary, supported by the desire to experience such an experience.

Some people believe that leaving the physical body is a serious risk. In fact, astral travel is much safer than driving a car. In this book, I provide recommendations that virtually eliminate all adverse effects. For many years I have taught people and been their guide to another dimension, and they all claim that astral travel enriches life, filling it with new colors and pleasant experiences.

What is astral travel? In practice, this type of journey means leaving the physical body, visiting any places of one's choice and returning to the body shell.

Humans had astral experiences in prehistoric times as well. Descriptions of astral travel left the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India, China and Tibet. In the Tibetan tradition, people capable of astral exit were called "delogs", which meant "those who returned from the beyond".

The ancient Egyptians believed in Ka (astral counterpart) and Ba (soul or spirit) and believed that these entities could leave the body at any moment. In the preface to The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Wallis Budge writes that the Egyptians endowed Ka with traits characteristic of the person to whom this essence belonged. At the same time, it was believed that such an entity has a kind of independence and intrinsic value.

Plato was convinced that the earthly life of a person is only a pitiful semblance of what is available to the spirit, freed from the body. Aristotle believed that the spirit is able to leave the physical shell and meet with their own kind in another world. The ancient Greeks also believed that in addition to the physical body, a person has a second, subtle body.

In Holy Scripture we find mention of astral travel: after baptism, “Philip was caught up by the Angel of the Lord” and “Philip was in Azoth” [Acts. 8:39, 40].

In the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, the holy Apostle Paul writes: “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago ... was caught up to the third heaven ... he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words that a man cannot retell.”

The ancient Celts had a legend that told how the druid Mog Ruit turned into a bird and flew over the positions of a hostile army, looking for vulnerabilities in the enemy's defenses. This is direct evidence of astral travel.

In 1808, the German merchant Herr Wasermann discovered in himself the ability to astral flight - he "appeared" in the dreams of his friends. Wasermann conducted a series of experiments, in four of which friends confirmed his "visits", and their dreams unfolded in accordance with the scenario of the experimenter. The fifth experience made a particularly strong impression. According to the proposed scenario, Lieutenant N was supposed to see in a dream a woman who died five years ago. At the appointed time (11 p.m.), the lieutenant was still awake, discussing with his friend the details of the military campaign against the French. Suddenly the door opened and a bare-haired woman in black and white entered. Nodding three times to the lieutenant's friend and once to the master himself, she smiled and left. A few seconds later, the startled men rushed after her. However, her trace was gone, and the sentry standing in the door swore that he had not noticed anyone.

The first scientist to apply scientific methods to the study of astral experience was the Frenchman Hector d'Urville. The object of his experiments was a man who went into the astral plane of his own free will and at any time. During the experiments, this subject drummed at a distance on a table standing at the far end of the room, illuminated photographic plates and caused a glow on screens coated with calcium sulfate.

Madame Blavatsky, or HPB [Abbr. from "Helena Petrovna Blavatsky"], as her associates called her, in 1875 founded the Theosophical Society in New York. For forty years, this woman traveled through the countries of Asia, comprehending the wisdom of the East. Members of the Theosophical Society believed that the true essence of man is not limited to his physical shell and consists of at least seven bodies. The Society itself has made an invaluable contribution to the popularization of Eastern traditions and, in particular, astral travel.

In the 20th century, interest in the astral has increased unheard of. While Europe was ravaged by the battles of the First World War, two enthusiasts, as if nothing had happened, boldly experimented in the field of astral projection. One of them, the engineer and theosophist Hugh Callaway, wrote the book Astral Projection, which is still well-deservedly popular. This study, published under the pseudonym Oliver Fox by Hugh Callaway before the outbreak of World War II, collects lengthy articles previously published in the 1920 issues of The Occult Review. Hugh's colleague, the French mystic Marcel Louis Foran, lived across the English Channel and, under the pseudonym Iram, published the book Le Medecin de l "Ame", better known as "Practical Astral Projection".

The American researcher Sylvan Muldoon, in collaboration with Hervard Carrington, wrote the book Projection of the Astral Body in 1929. Unlike Oliver Fox and Iram, who considered the ability to astral exit the prerogative of especially gifted people, this author believed that astral travel is available to everyone. As evidence, he cited numerous examples that people can spontaneously go on an astral flight.

Muldoon's work was continued by retired geologist Dr. Robert Crookell, who collected and analyzed over 750 astral experiences over ten years. His first work, The Study and Practice of Astral Projection, was published in 1960.

Carefully analyzing each episode, Dr. Crookall tried to identify the main factors that could explain the essence of this extraordinary phenomenon. As a result of research, the scientist came to the conclusion that all cases have six main characteristics.

  1. In all cases, people feel they are leaving the physical body in the head region.
  2. At the moment the astral body leaves the physical shell, the human consciousness "turns off".
  3. Before setting off on a journey, the astral bodies of people “hover” over their physical shells for some time.
  4. Before returning, the astral double also “hovers” over the physical body for some time.
  5. Before the final return, there is again an instant "blackout" of consciousness.
  6. In the case of an accelerated return of the astral body, the physical bodies of people experience involuntary shudders.

Before Dr. Crookall's research was published, few thought of a scientific explanation for the phenomena of the astral plane. However, not so much time passed before scientists became seriously interested in the problem and found that the circle of people who had astral experience was much wider than previously thought.

It was during these years that an employee of the Institute for Parapsychological Research, Celia Green, was collecting data on cases of out-of-body experience. The information received can be considered the most complete. In addition to the usual methods of research and questioning, the search for the necessary information was carried out through newspaper advertisements.

Despite the fact that the statistical data of representatives of different countries had some differences, there was basically a single trend: about twenty percent of the inhabitants of the Earth had an astral experience at least once in their lives. As it turned out, compared to other people, university students were more susceptible to astral exit. Celia Green found that thirty-four percent of her 1968 Oxford graduates had astralized at least once. In 1975, an even more serious study was conducted, the participants of which concluded that, compared with fourteen percent of other populations who had astral experience, students held the palm (25%). Even more impressive were the data obtained by an American magazine that turned to its readers: 700 out of 1500 respondents (46%) declared their ability to go into the astral plane.

In 1980, at the annual convention of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Stuart Tuemlow, a representative of the Topek Veterans Affairs Medical Center, presented the results of his own research. According to his data, eighty-five percent of those surveyed liked the astral experience, and more than half of them said they experienced "joy." In Dr. Tuemlow's report, the following was literally said: "At least forty-three percent of respondents insisted that what happened to them is the most vivid memory in their lives." Not surprisingly, most of them sought to repeat their experience. Singer Kate Bush compared the astral exit to a "kite" hovering in the sky and connected to the physical shell only by a thin thread. My students unanimously recognized this comparison as very successful and accurate.

Today, many parapsychologists demonstrate the ability to remote view (an aspect of the so-called psychometry), which is a form of astral travel. During such experiments, the subject is asked to describe something that happens thousands of kilometers from the place of the experiment.

The ever-increasing interest of the scientific world in such a phenomenon as astral travel is encouraging. Thus, Dr. Eugene I. Bernard, a professor at North Carolina State University, stated: “It seems unlikely that so many mentally healthy people experience hallucinations. The brain and its capabilities are still a secret for scientists with seven seals. It is difficult to say when this will happen, but I firmly believe that sooner or later the theory of astral projection will receive scientific justification and confirmation.

There is much other evidence of astral experience. A well-known example, labeled "Case Number Fourteen", is given in Edmond Gurney's fascinating book Living Ghosts, which contains 702 psychic experiments. Mr. Werd tells how, in November 1881, he astrally visited his fiancee's bedroom. He writes: “Reading about the mighty possibilities of the human will on a November Sunday evening in 1881, I believed that I could mentally transfer my soul to the second floor of No. 22 Hogard Road, Kensington, and actually found myself in one of the bedrooms.” This room was occupied by his fiancée, Miss Verigi, and her eleven-year-old sister.

Bird's house was located three miles from the home of the bride, who knew nothing of his plans. The next morning, an agitated Miss Verity told the groom about the shock she had experienced when she saw his ghost at her bedside. Awakened by her cry, the younger sister also saw a ghost.

The culprit of the commotion was very pleased with his experience, which he repeated twice more. Bird tried to explain how he managed to leave the physical shell; “In addition to a purely volitional desire, I made some effort that cannot be described in words. I was aware of some mystical fluids in my body and was fully aware that forces were involved that lay beyond my understanding. Nevertheless, at certain moments they obeyed my will. Emmanuel Swedenborg (1689-1772) tells of another documented case. On July 17, 1759, he attended a dinner party in Gothenburg. At this time, an unprecedented fire broke out in Stockholm, located three hundred miles from the scene of action. At six o'clock in the afternoon, Swedenborg suddenly turned pale and announced to the guests that a fire had begun. Going out into the garden, he began to talk about the details and the spread of the conflagration in the capital. The guests learned that his friend's house had burned down and his own mansion was in danger. Two hours later, Swedenborg returned to the house and exclaimed, "Praise be to God, the fire is out three blocks from my residence!" The next day, the clairvoyant confirmed his words with the governor, since many Gothenburgers had friends and relatives in Stockholm and were disturbed by the alarming message. There were also those who owned real estate in the capital. Only two days later, the victims of the fire arrived in Gothenburg and confirmed Swedenborg's words in the smallest detail. The hero of the day could go into the astral at his own will and, moreover, repeatedly visited the angelic worlds. His mystical revelations are described in numerous diaries.

In 1918, nineteen-year-old Ernest Hemingway fought in the Italian army. Carrying cocoa around the positions, he received severe shrapnel wounds to his legs, which served as a cause or some kind of impetus for a spontaneous astral exit. He recalls: “I felt my soul, or something else, leave my body, like a silk handkerchief, which is pulled out of a pocket by the tip.” The writer reflected his experience in the novel “Farewell to Arms!”, endowing it with the main character of the book, Frederick Henry.

One of the most famous astral travelers is Edgar Cayce. In a state of trance, he diagnosed patients who were thousands of kilometers from the place of the experiment. While in a trance, Casey abstracted from the traditional senses, brought himself into a borderline state in which his "subtle body" interacted with the patient's subconscious, revealing a particular pathology.

It should be noted that Edgar Cayce categorically forbade those present to move objects in front of his body while he was in the astral plane, fearing for the state of an invisible thread or cord through which his physical body was connected to the subtle body. This thread is commonly referred to as the "silver cord".

The ability to travel in the astral plane is difficult to overestimate. So, you can find out what people really think about you, get answers to many previously unsolvable questions, visit your friends and loved ones at any time. Without leaving (physically) your home, you will travel through time and space at will and forget what boredom is.

One of the most important aspects of the astral exit is what worries many people - the question of the finiteness of earthly existence. The realization that death does not put an end to your path will help you get rid of the fears associated with the frailty of earthly life. Scientific studies have confirmed that at the time of physical death, the human body loses approximately 60 to 90 grams of its mass, and a certain haze appears in the head area. It is possible that it is these signs that indicate that a person is going on his last lifetime astral journey.

Almost everyone who has experienced astral experience (including involuntary) strives to repeat it again and again.

Fortunately, the technique of astral exit can be mastered by anyone; in many ways, it resembles the technique of driving a car. Some people learn the skills of "astral driving" playfully; others require more serious and lengthy preparation. However, both in the first and in the second case, a serious attitude to the subject of study brings the expected results. In exceptional cases, a person has to spend several years on training. This happens due to internal complexes, "tightness", as well as in the case of training under incompetent guidance. Nevertheless, I hasten to assure you that completely hopeless students simply do not exist.

My personal teaching experience convinces me that anyone can learn to astral exit. Working with students, I have never been able to determine with certainty which of them had the greatest abilities, but at one time each of them went on an astral flight.

My book contains a variety of methods for entering the astral. This was not done by chance - despite all the efforts, I did not manage to develop a single, universal technique. As a rule, a person can learn to “leave” the physical body in several ways, and at least one of them will work for you.

Before moving on to specific exercises, I would advise you to read the entire book and only after a second, more careful reading, begin to master the proposed techniques. Perhaps some exercises will seem too easy and ineffective. However, you should not jump from one chapter to another (this is especially true of the ninth chapter), since the methods given in the book have proven to be effective in practice in this sequence. So, be consistent, do not be afraid to lose an extra ten minutes, and the results will not be long in coming.

The rules of the subtle world: what is possible and what is not

Any person can master the technique of astral travel, in many ways it resembles the technique of driving a car. Some people master the skills of "astral driving" effortlessly, others require more serious and lengthy preparation. The first and main rule that all experts in the field of the occult sciences teach is that do not try to treat your actions with humor, with a joke, in no case ridicule the experience of others or instructions for action. You must not only seriously believe in the result, you must be one hundred percent convinced that you will succeed - only then is the result possible. In many ways, the same principle applies here as in conspiracies from various diseases. It is known that conspiracies are just a set of words, they are not a cure and some kind of universal remedy for any troubles, but it has been repeatedly proven that they work and can help people. How? It's unexplainable. It's a matter of faith. If a person believes, reads conspiracies several times a day, the effect is incredible. And if he treats them lightly, not seriously, there will be no help from reading them.

If you go to the astral as an entertaining trip with friends in order to brighten up your leisure time, most likely you will not succeed. Therefore, be more serious, tune in for the expected result.

The next important factor is that you must be absolutely healthy for traveling. That is, you should have a normal body temperature, no headache and muscle pain. You don't have to be tired. You should not complain about your health on the eve of the session, you should have a good supply of energy and vitality. Only then can you set any goals for yourself: for example, to visit your relatives and friends living on the other side of the world. But remember that higher powers approve such visits only if you are worried about your relatives, want to warn of danger, or have another equally good reason for the visit. Astral "walks", made out of simple curiosity, are often punished by encounters with monsters - hunters for other people's energy. A lot has been written about this in specialized literature, if you wish, you can find a lot of examples, but for now, just remember: to enter the astral plane, you must have a very good reason, which will serve as both a pass and a shield that makes you invisible to ill-wishers. Therefore, think in advance which of your serious problems you would like to solve during your trip.

In order to make your task easier, on the eve of the astral journey, for several days in a row, constantly think about the upcoming exit, repeating your goal over and over again to yourself and getting ready to see a lot of amazing and unknown things - after all, the key to success is a person’s ardent desire to make an unforgettable flight to the astral world! It is best to plan your travel date in advance, just as you plan your summer vacation, for example. Designate a month or two in advance for when everything will happen, and prepare for it.

If you smoke, do not smoke cigarettes at least three hours before the start of the trip: nicotine negatively affects the ability to control the situation during the flight. Alcohol, on the other hand, should be excluded no less than a day in advance: there is no remedy that interferes with concentration more, confuses thoughts and attracts evil astral entities to the traveler than alcohol.

Drugs are even more dangerous! In books on astral topics, you can find many cases when some people, having used drugs, ended up in the astral without any extra effort, but their experience was not pleasant, since they could not control the situation, and often everything ended very sadly.

The ability to astral exit is negatively affected even by strong tea or coffee. Thus, you should stop using them at least three hours before the session.

It is best if no one is in the apartment during the first experiments. Turn off your phone, doorbell, and other devices with a built-in alarm so that a sudden noise does not startle you while traveling. Remember that any outside interference will immediately interrupt your penetration into the astral world and provoke a sharp return back to the physical body, which may be accompanied by painful sensations.

Astral travel is contraindicated for heart patients and other seriously ill patients. Very often it is the latter who have a predisposition to spontaneous astral exit. Surely, you have heard of cases when people, being in a borderline state, left their physical body and felt how a swift current carries them through a tunnel towards a blinding light. Such examples are an obvious case of astral flight, during which some people looked back and saw their physical body on the operating table.

There is considerable evidence that terminally ill people, compared with healthy people, have an increased capacity for psychometry. The author of three excellent monographs on astral projection, Sylvan Muldoon, wrote his first book at a time when, in his words, "I was so sick that I could not get out of bed without help and did not know if I would live to see tomorrow." Despite this state of health, the courageous researcher took part in many of the experiments carried out to test the facts included in the book.

In the astral you can be not only an observer, you are able to change reality, to influence certain events. Therefore, before experimenting and testing all your capabilities, think a thousand times whether this is necessary? Indeed, you can change your astral world, and this will affect your real life. Events will happen differently, people will treat you differently, incurable diseases will go away, and “halves” will meet by chance ... You will find that you saw the next day in a dream and were ready for the events, that you saw the contents of the exam paper ...

Ask why all this? But why. By the way, Albert Einstein created his theory of relativity while traveling in the astral plane (he saw it in a dream). Similarly, the periodic table appeared. Nikola Tesla, the author of almost all informational innovations of our century, looked for their ideas precisely in the astral world. If he hadn’t pulled them out then, you wouldn’t be talking on a cell phone or using the benefits of the Internet.

Many great people drew their inspiration and ideas from the astral plane. You ask why children are not taught at school how to travel in the astral plane? Why is the astral not accessible to everyone? I will answer you - the people we have listed are the chosen ones, they could afford to be different ... They are geniuses, crazy, what can we take from them? But... what if you can do it too?..

It's easy to become chosen, in fact, the knowledge of the astral lies on the surface, it's just that no one has ever told us how to use it. When you begin to immerse yourself in this knowledge, it becomes even incomprehensible how you could not notice such simple things before.

In the astral you can: just admire the world you find yourself in, meet people who are interesting to you, including those who are no longer with us, you can heal your illnesses and influence your physiology, solve a problem of any complexity, having connecting to a huge amount of information, create your own worlds and your reality, study and observe your past incarnations and look into the future ...

You can not do the most important thing - to take any action with evil intentions. If you go to the astral plane with the aim of harming someone, taking revenge on someone, ruining someone's life, this can be fraught. And not for "someone", but for yourself. And not in the astral world, but in the real.

And further. Some sources recommend that before astral experiments, come up with a middle name for yourself, which will be known only to you. It is clear that if in the astral you meet people and relatives you know, you will introduce yourself to them by name. But what if you are in danger? What if someone or something threatens you and urges you to identify yourself? So, in order to avoid unpleasant meetings with an objectionable character in the future, come up with a name in advance that you will introduce yourself to people unfamiliar and not inspiring confidence.

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