What to put in your ear when it shoots. "Shots" in the ear. What symptoms indicate the onset of otitis media? Treatment of acute inflammation of the middle ear


Shooting pain in the ear may be evidence of inflammation or other pathological processes. To prescribe the correct treatment for an adult or child who has a shooting in the ear, the doctor must conduct a full diagnosis and identify the entire range of symptoms of the disease; self-medication at home can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Why does it shoot in my ear?

During otitis media or inflammation of the outer and middle ear, shooting pain in the ear is usually observed. Also, the cause of lumbago can be acute inflammation of the Eustachian tube, which occurs against the background of laryngitis, tonsillitis, or ARVI. If there is an injury to the ear canal or eardrum, in some cases patients may experience a shooting sensation in the ear cavity.

On the right side

The ear shoots on the right side when external or otitis media begins, water (foreign body) enters the ear canal or inner ear. In addition, the cause of inflammation, accompanied by lumbago, may be damage caused by the ear stick during deep cleaning. It is necessary to urgently contact an otolaryngologist if the process of shooting in the ear is accompanied by mucus or pus, acute or aching pain, or an increase in body temperature.

From the left side

Purulent inflammation of the middle or inner ear, accompanied by a feeling of stuffiness and noise, may be one of the reasons if the ear shoots on the left side. Prolonged exposure to strong winds or drafts, excess earwax, a severe allergic reaction or mechanical damage, bacterial mumps or eczema also cause ear lumbago. It is extremely difficult to determine the exact cause of the condition on your own, so if a symptom appears, you must visit a doctor.

With pain

Sharp pain in the ear, accompanied by a shooting sensation, indicates the presence of an inflammatory process and swelling. In most cases, the complex of these symptoms indicates the development of otitis media. This serious disease often occurs against the background of colds during the cold season, due to excess mucus in the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. The accumulation of fluid causes inflammation of the eardrum, making it impossible for it to come out and causing a feeling that there is a shooting in the ear.

Without pain

In the absence of pain in the ears, but the sensation of periodic lumbago persists, the causes may be mechanical in nature. Water entering the ear canals during swimming or professional swimming can cause the ears to feel like they are shooting. An insect or other foreign body entering the middle ear, an excess of earwax with insufficient ear hygiene may not cause pain and be accompanied by regular lumbago.

When swallowing

A lumbago in the ear when swallowing often indicates the development of an inflammatory disease of the nasopharynx, such as tonsillitis or sinusitis. It can also shoot in the ear when swallowing during inflammation of the lymph nodes, with advanced caries of molars (back teeth) or inflammation of the gums after their removal. The norm is ear lumbago during air travel, due to sudden changes in pressure when gaining or losing altitude.

When blowing your nose

Shooting in the ear during the process of blowing the nose occurs due to the fact that part of the pressure arising at this moment in the nasopharynx is transmitted through the eustachian tube to the eardrum. During inflammation in the nasopharynx, some of the mucus may enter the middle ear, causing pain and a feeling of congestion in the ear canal, accompanied by partial hearing loss. To avoid aggravation of the condition and the development of otitis media, it is necessary to report any reactions to your doctor.

Shoots in the ear and goes to the head

Ear pain radiates to the head when the nerve endings located near the hearing aid are damaged. Shooting in the ears, as a rule, occurs with neuritis of the facial nerve, with inflammation of the trigeminal or greater auricular nerve (during inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes), and the glossopharyngeal nerve during inflammation of the larynx. Otitis media and internal otitis, accompanied by inflammation of the mastoid process, also occur with severe headaches during shooting.

What to do if there is a shooting in the ear

If you experience shooting pain in your ears, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons for what is happening. Self-medication is dangerous due to the aggravation of the condition and the development of dangerous complications. In case of mechanical or chemical injury to the eardrum, before examination by a specialist, a cotton swab soaked in boric alcohol is inserted into the ear canal to prevent infection from entering the middle or inner ear. You should not warm your ears with warm compresses or rinse the external passage with alcohol, as these measures can increase the severity of the symptom.

How to treat the ear when it shoots

Methods and treatment regimens for conditions in which there is shooting in the ears depend on the specific diagnosis, clinical picture of the disease, age and individual characteristics of the patient (age, medical history). General recommendations for diseases of the middle and inner ear or related conditions are as follows:

  1. Inflammation of the middle ear: warm compresses, physiotherapeutic procedures, rinsing with antiseptic solutions. Antibacterial drug therapy. In some cases, pus is removed through a puncture in the eardrum.
  2. Aerootitis (with rupture of the eardrum): antibiotic therapy, tampons with antiseptics, instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Petrositis: conservative treatment with antibiotics or surgical intervention by opening the mastoid process to remove pus and dead tissue.
  4. Mastoiditis: taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures. Warm compresses on the mastoid process at night.
  5. Myringitis: rinsing the ear canal with disinfectant solutions and antibiotic therapy.
  6. Ear injury: rinsing with a disinfectant or antiseptic, sterile swabs with boric alcohol, in some cases taking antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment in adults

For diseases accompanied by inflammation and swelling (otitis of the external and middle ear), antibiotic therapy is carried out in the form of intramuscular injections. Physiotherapeutic procedures and dehydration therapy play an important role in complex treatment. In case of inflammation of the inner ear, the patient is prescribed bed rest. Mechanical or acoustic injuries, ingress of foreign bodies and other causes that are not of an infectious nature are usually treated with local therapy (rinsing, applying turundas with a drug).

Treatment in a child

For diseases of the ear or nasopharynx in children, accompanied by shooting in the ears, treatment is carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. If necessary, antibiotics can be prescribed in the form of ear drops; for external otitis, rinsing with antiseptic solutions and warming the external auditory canal are required. Before giving your child painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, be sure to make sure that the drug is suitable for children of this age and check the dosage.


The decision about which medications and in what form should be used in each specific case is made by the attending physician. To combat infectious infections, broad or special action antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Levomycetin, Augmentin), in the form of tablets, injections or ear drops (for example, Otofa, Normax, Anauran), and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin) are prescribed.

Earache– a fairly common phenomenon. Cases when it occurs can be divided into 3 categories: in healthy people, ear diseases, pain in the ears arising from diseases of other organs.

Depending on the disease, the pain can be cutting, stabbing, shooting, throbbing. In addition, in most cases, this condition is accompanied by other signs that are characteristic of a particular disease.

If it hits the head from the right or left

Shooting ear pain, always occurring suddenly, is almost always a sign of some dangerous disease.

If such pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to conduct the necessary examination to identify the cause and begin treatment of the pathology, otherwise the patient may develop hearing loss or complete hearing loss.

Shooting pain in the ears can occur in both adults and children.

When such pain occurs, small children become capricious, whiny, stop eating, sleep, and press their hand to the sore ear, which in itself is an alarming signal and a reason to see a doctor.

Reasons why it shoots

In healthy people, shooting ear pain occurs due to a sharp increase in blood pressure or when water gets into the ears.

The appearance of shooting pain in the ears can be caused by both ENT diseases and other pathologies that, at first glance, are in no way related to ear diseases.

Main causes of shooting pain diseases in the ears include: otitis, mastoiditis and labyrinthitis.

  1. Otitis the most common cause of shooting pain in the ears. The disease can be divided into two groups - external and middle. Otitis externa occurs as a result of infection, injury to the skin of the ear canal, water getting into the ear, and also as a result of improper cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs.

    At the initial stage of the disease, the ear itches, swells and shoots. A little later, pain appears and purulent discharge from the ear; the patient may feel either hot or cold.

    Reasons otitis media become: acute respiratory disease, laryngitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis. This pathology manifests itself with abundant purulent discharge, pain and fever. In most cases, with otitis media, patients experience a ruptured eardrum and hearing loss.

  2. Mastoiditis- an inflammatory process that began in the mastoid process of the temporal bone, which is located behind the auricle. Mastoiditis very rarely occurs as an independent disease, since in most cases it is a complication after otitis media. The disease manifests itself with severe pain, with shooting pain often alternating with throbbing pain. In addition, the patient loses appetite, insomnia and fever begin.
  3. Labyrinthitis- inflammation of the inner ear. The disease usually occurs in a very severe form. The causes of the development of pathology are meningitis or otitis media.

Other diseases that can cause shooting pain in the ear. Pain in the ear can occur due to pathologies such as: sore throat, caries, arthrosis of the jaw joint, neuritis.

  1. Inflammation of the facial nerve or neuritis manifests itself as a burning sensation along the nerve endings. Patients often complain of shooting pain in the ear and ear congestion. In order to eliminate all these symptoms, it is necessary to cure the disease itself, which is treated by a neurologist.
  2. Angina in most cases it manifests itself as a sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, elevated body temperature and shooting pain in one or both ears.
  3. Caries, caused by inflammation of the dental nerve, is often accompanied by severe shooting pain in the ear from the side of the affected tooth.
  4. At arthrosis of the jaw joint shooting pain in the ear appears when turning the head, the pain is accompanied by crunching sounds characteristic of this disease.

Principles of treatment in adults

It is important to remember that in case of sudden ear pain, you should never self-medicate, otherwise this can greatly aggravate the situation.

Only an experienced specialist will be able to determine the exact cause of shooting pain in the ear and prescribe appropriate treatment.

One of the main causes of shooting pain in the ear is otitis media; therefore, patients are prescribed bed rest, treatment with antibiotics and elimination of all other signs of the disease.

Attention. If the cause of shooting pain in the ear is otitis media, then it must be treated immediately and done correctly, otherwise you may lose your hearing forever.

For antibiotic therapy, the following drugs are usually prescribed: Ciprofloxacin, Ceftazidime, Amoxiclav. The most common and effective antibacterial drops for instillation into the ears are: Anauran and Otipax.

Elimination of other signs of the disease is carried out with the help of fever-reducing agents, as well as with the help of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Swelling of the mucous membrane decreases after the use of vasoconstrictor drops.

At normal body temperature, warming agents can be prescribed compresses And physiotherapeutic procedures, namely: electrophoresis, microwave therapy, UHF.

If the patient’s condition does not improve after the therapeutic measures, but, on the contrary, becomes worse, the doctor may prescribe surgical intervention, during which the eardrum is opened and drainage is installed. This procedure not only improves the patient’s condition, but also prevents the risk of complications.

If the cause of shooting pain in the ear is: caries, arthrosis of the jaw joint, alveolitis, then you should consult a dentist.

How to quickly relieve discomfort at home

Shooting pain can be treated with alternative medicine only if the disease is at an early stage, and only with the permission of the attending physician.

    1. A compress of heated table salt is a fairly effective remedy in the initial stages of otitis media. To prepare it, you need to make a bag from several layers of gauze, fill it with salt, heat it and apply it to your ear while hot. This compress can be done several times a day.
  1. A compress made from vegetable oil is also a very effective remedy, however, a positive result from its use does not occur earlier than after a few days. Vegetable oil should be heated in a water bath, add a few drops of camphor to it, moisten a gauze swab with the resulting product and insert it into the ear . A compress of vegetable oil and camphor should be made two or three times a day.
  2. Onions effectively help in the treatment of otitis media. A small piece of peeled onion should be wrapped in gauze and inserted into the ear. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
  3. A geranium leaf should be rolled into a tube and inserted into the sore ear for a while. Repeat the procedure several times a day until the shooting pain in the ear completely disappears.

Useful video

What not to do if you have ear pain:


In order to avoid shooting pain in the ear, and, as a consequence, the causes associated with this phenomenon, you should be more careful and careful about your health.

All diseases associated with organs such as the ear, throat, and nose must be treated as soon as they appear. It is not recommended to self-medicate, and if the slightest signs of disease occur, immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

In terms of the strength of its impact, ear pain is compared to a toothache: the discomfort experienced prevents its owner from sleeping and doing usual things, forcing him to frantically search for a life-saving remedy (pharmacy drugs, traditional methods, etc.). In most cases, the matter does not end there, because the cause of the shooting pain may be a serious disease of the ear or ENT organs, and this requires a long course of treatment under the supervision of a specialist. But thanks to effective medications and ear compresses, the patient can independently provide first aid at home.

Reasons why there is shooting in the ear

Shooting in the ear can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from hypothermia in windy weather to diseases of the outer or middle ear. And each case requires an individual approach to treatment.

Diseases and associated symptoms

Unpleasant sensations in the left or right ear occur when important auditory organs (hammer, cochlea, eardrum, etc.) become inflamed or injured. ENT specialists identify a number of diseases that contribute to the appearance of shooting ear pain:

  • Otitis externa (inflammation of the tissues of the external auditory canal). The disease is characterized by itching, redness of the skin of the ear, the presence of pus and, in severe cases, swelling of the ear canal.
  • Otitis media The pathology is an inflammation of the middle ear caused by acute bacterial infections. Characteristic symptoms: unbearable pain, high body temperature, the presence of clear or purulent discharge from the ear canal, migraine (how to relieve pain).
  • Cellulite. It is an infectious disease accompanied by redness and thickening of the skin of the auricle (including an allergic rash).
  • Mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process). In addition to shooting pain, a person experiences loss of appetite and suffers from insomnia, while his body temperature rises. Other signs: noise in the head, discharge of pus from the ear, hearing loss, general weakness, throbbing pain behind the auricle that occurs when pressure is applied.
  • Labyrinthitis. An infectious and inflammatory disease of the inner ear (more precisely, the membranous labyrinth), accompanied by symptoms such as shooting pain and tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, imbalance, etc.
  • Facial neuritis (inflammation of the facial nerve). The disease is characterized by acute attacks of pain, which last on average 2 minutes, and the presence of asymmetry on one half of the face. Distinctive feature: pain sensations resemble electric shocks.
  • Angina. Characteristic signs: sore throat, lumbago in the ear when swallowing, increased body temperature, etc.
  • Caries of extreme teeth. The patient experiences throbbing ear pain (especially at night) and complains of lumbago under the ear, in the temples and neck.
ear structure

If it shoots in the left ear or the right (it is important that in one of the two), then this may be a sign of inflammation of the maxillary sinus. Associated symptoms: severe pain and congestion in the ear, purulent discharge, hearing loss and migraine.

Causes not related to diseases

Shooting pain is not always a sign of ear pathologies. In some cases, it may be caused by external factors. So, other reasons include:

  • Pool. During bathing, drops of water penetrate into the auricle, causing stuffiness and lumbago, but there is no pain. If this happens, do not shake your head or engage in vigorous physical activity. The only thing to do is sit down and calm down, taking a comfortable body position. After some time (on average 15-30 minutes), the liquid will flow out on its own. Next, wipe the ear dry with a towel.
  • After a blow or fight. Traumatic injuries are one of the main causes of shooting pain, which pose a serious danger to the victim. The first thing to do in this case is- take a pain reliever (No-shpu, Nise, Ketorol, Ibuprofen, etc.) and contact an otolaryngologist to find out the causes of the pain, since the injury can lead to serious consequences (especially if the pain radiates to the head).
  • windy walk. Walking in cool, windy weather (and without a hat) can cause lumbago in the ears. And the longer a person delays treatment, the more painful the sensations become. In this case It is recommended to wear warm clothes and use ear drops (Otipax, Sofradex, etc.). Directions for use: tilt your head slightly to the side and drop 3-4 drops of one drug or another into the sore ear.
  • Flight. Atmospheric pressure (both during flight and during landing) does not coincide with the pressure in the tympanic cavity - this is one of the main causes of lumbago and pain. At the same time, the negative impact may increase if the person experienced stress on the eve of departure or has recently suffered. To get rid of the pain, you need to perform a special exercise: place your index fingers in the ear canals and move them back and forth and up and down. At the same time, it is useful to massage the lobes and ears. If there is no result, take a painkiller tablet (Nise, Ibuprofen, Drotaverine, etc.).
  • After tooth extraction. Shooting in the ear after tooth extraction occurs due to the body’s reaction to external intervention, since damaged tissues and nerve endings need some time to recover. And the pain can be so severe that it can radiate into the ear. In the first days after the procedure patients are recommended to take painkillers (No-shpu, Nise, etc.) and rinse with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, oak bark, etc.). If the pain does not go away within 4-5 days, you should consult a dentist, as an inflammatory process is likely.
  • After the drops. Shooting in the ear after using drops can be due to temporary blocking of the ear canal by the drug, as a result of swelling, or an allergic reaction to the components in the drops. To get rid of unpleasant feelings, you need to lie on your back and lie there for a while or jump with your head bowed. If after several hours the pain does not stop, you should consult a doctor.
  • While chewing. Ear pain during chewing occurs due to tension in the muscles and ligaments of the parotid region. Another reason is dental problems and diseases of the ENT organs. To relieve discomfort in a sore ear, you need drop Otipax or Anauran drops.
  • After cleaning. In the process of cleaning the ears with cotton swabs, the skin inside the organ or the eardrums can be injured. Solution: Place a few drops of sea buckthorn oil into the ear canal.

Read also: How to treat sore tonsils in adults at home

Regardless of the cause of the pain, self-medication is not recommended. After providing first aid, the patient should consult a doctor.

Anti-inflammatory drops for lumbago

For lumbago, you can numb the ear with anti-inflammatory drops:

  • Otipax- the drug has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating symptoms, but not eliminating the cause of the disorder. Directions for use: 3-4 drops into the external auditory canal 2-3 times a day. Course of treatment: 10 days. Price: 290 rubles (15 ml).
  • Otinum- a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Directions for use: 3 drops into the ear canal 3-4 times a day. Course of therapy: no more than 10 days. Price: 220 rubles (10 ml).
  • Polydexa- the drug has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, is used for external otitis and in case of damage to the eardrum. Directions for use: 1-5 drops into the ear canal of each ear (2-3 times a day). Duration of therapy: 6-10 days. Price: 250 rubles (10.5 ml).

An ENT specialist will help you choose an individual dosage and course of treatment.

Ear compresses

In addition to drug treatment, patients are advised to use warm ear compresses based on alcohol or camphor oil. To prepare them you will need:

  • Compress with camphor oil- in the center of the gauze napkin, cut out a hole into which the ear could fit. Next, soak a napkin with camphor oil, wring it out and apply it to the sore ear, threading it through the hole. Finally, apply cotton wool and secure the compress with a bandage. The compress is replaced every hour (but can be left overnight).
  • Alcohol compress- 20-25% alcohol is diluted with water (1:1) and a gauze cloth is moistened in it, then a compress is applied to the ear in the same way as described above and held for 30-40 minutes.
a hole is made in the gauze for the ear

Before applying an alcohol compress, the skin around the ear is first lubricated with a thick cream (so as not to cause a burn). If the patient’s body temperature is higher than normal, then any warming compresses are contraindicated.

Shoots in a child's ear

Shooting pain occurs not only in adults, but also in children. Common causes: small foreign objects or water entering the ear canal cavity after swimming in the pool, as well as inflammatory processes of the ENT organs due to colds. And in such cases, it is important to know how to provide first aid to a child and what actions should be avoided.

First actions

First, you need to examine the ear for the presence of foreign objects in it and, if any are found, contact a pediatric otolaryngologist. In other cases, the following actions will be appropriate:

  • Soak a cotton swab in a 3% peroxide solution and carefully clean the ear.
  • To relieve pain, drop 2-3 drops of Otipax or Otinum into the ear canal.
  • Give your baby a pain reliever (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, etc.).

What not to do?

If a child has pain, it is strictly forbidden to do the following:

  1. Use folk remedies of dubious effect.
  2. Ignore visiting a doctor and self-medicate.
  3. Remove a foreign object from your ear yourself.
  4. Apply a hot compress (especially if there is purulent discharge).
  5. Avoid taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

If the ambulance is already on the way, the baby should only be calmed down and put into a warm bed.

How to reduce pain?

You can reduce pain with the help of painkillers (Paracetamol, Nurofen, etc.) and anti-inflammatory drops, including Otinum, Otipax, Sofradex, Otofa, etc. But in the future you will still need the help of a specialist.

👩‍⚕️ Answers to frequently asked questions

Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding ear shooting.

How to quickly relieve pain?

Compresses, painkillers (Nurofen, Diclofenac, Paracetamol, Ketanov, etc.) and drops with an anti-inflammatory effect (see above) will help you quickly get rid of pain. During treatment, it is important to avoid stress and hypothermia.

Is it possible to treat with boric alcohol?

Boric acid is characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is actively used for shooting pain in the ear. To do this, 2 drops of the product are dripped into both ear canals, after which the patient needs to relax and lie down for 10 minutes. In this case, boric acid can be used as a compress (wet a cotton swab and insert it into the sore ear overnight).

Shooting in the ear and radiating to the temple, what could it be?

If, when shooting, it radiates to the temple, this may be a symptom of lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes), osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, sinusitis, dental diseases, otitis of the inner or middle ear, neuralgia of the facial nerve, etc. The exact cause can only be determined through diagnostics.

Shooting in the ear can occur for various reasons, and each case requires an individual approach to treatment. Anti-inflammatory drops, analgesics and homemade compresses will come to the rescue. However, in order to avoid health problems, you should not self-medicate and first of all you need to find out the cause of the pain. You can only stop the attack on your own, but further actions should take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Shooting pain in the ear is a fairly common phenomenon, occurring in both adults and children. It often occurs suddenly and is intense, which frightens the patient and creates severe discomfort.

There are many reasons why shooting in the hearing organ can occur; they are usually associated with diseases of the ENT organs. Let's look at the most likely causes and what to do if there is a shooting in the ear.

In most cases, lumbago in the ear indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. The phenomenon itself is caused by a malfunction of the auditory organ.

It consists of three main elements that capture air vibrations, transmit them and transform sound. Any failure can cause discomfort in the form of pain or noise, and can also cause shooting in the ear.

It is worth noting that healthy people also often experience pathology, for example due to a sharp drop in pressure or water getting into the ear. However, in other cases, the ear shoots for more serious reasons. In this case, the condition is often accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • feeling of stuffiness;
  • hearing loss;
  • feeling of squeezing;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • lumbago extending to the temple;
  • sleep problems;
  • increase in body temperature.

It is also worth noting that discomfort may intensify while eating.

Shooting pain when swallowing is an alarming sign that requires immediate contact with an ENT specialist in order to quickly get rid of the disease and avoid complications.

Diseases that cause shooting in the ear

Let's figure out why the ear shoots; the condition is often accompanied by one of the diseases listed below.

DiseasesAdditional symptomsTreatment
Sinusitis or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is one of the diseases that can cause lumbago. Sinusitis can be acute or chronic.

If a patient shoots on the right side, this is most likely a sign of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

  • runny nose, stuffy nose and ears;
  • burning sensation in the nose and near the eyes;
  • sleep problems;
  • nasality;
  • elevated temperature;
  • fatigue, problems with appetite.
Treatment depends on the form of the disease. Chronic sinusitis is treated with vasoconstrictor medications to relieve swelling and relieve a runny nose. Inhalations and rinsing the nose with a solution of soda are also recommended.
Otitis. External or otitis media can be caused by water ingress, be a complication of colds in the ENT organs or after surgery, etc.
  • sharp severe pain in the ear;
  • the presence of different types of discharge: watery, bloody, purulent;
  • slight hearing loss;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • stuffy ears.
In most cases, treatment for otitis media begins with ear drops and painkillers. If treatment does not have a positive effect, the patient is prescribed an antibiotic, vasoconstrictor and decongestant medications. Self-treatment of otitis media is not allowed; it is important to treat the disease in an acute form in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk of developing chronic otitis media.
Eustachitis, or inflammation of the Eustachian tube, often develops against the background of chronic sinusitis. The lumen of the auditory tube narrows, which causes severe discomfort to the patient.
  • feeling of an echo of one's own voice;
  • noise and knocking in the affected organ of hearing;
  • noticeable hearing loss;
  • feeling as if liquid is flowing inside.
Therapy for eustachitis depends on the specific cause that caused it. Often, experts prescribe medications with phenylephrine and at the same time recommend physical procedures, such as UHF therapy.
Frontit. Frontal sinus inflammation is called acute inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinus. It can develop against the background of influenza, adenoviral infections or acute respiratory infections. If we compare it with other forms of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis occurs in a more severe form.
  • swelling of the face;
  • pain in the head, ears and eyes;
  • change in eyelid color;
  • heat;
  • purulent discharge from the nose and ears.
It is worth remembering that the presence of pain during frontal sinusitis is a clear reason indicating the need to urgently visit the doctor’s office. One of the home treatment options is Naphthyzin ointment or drops. It is also recommended to stay in bed and take medications to reduce the temperature to normal.
Sphenoiditis is inflammation of the sphenoid sinus.
  • Ear ache;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • large amounts of nasal discharge;
  • Shootings in the ears.
Treatment involves rinsing the nose with antibacterial drugs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the office of an ENT specialist, since it is not always possible to clear the nose well on your own.
Mastoiditis and labyrinthitis. Inflammation of the middle ear, mastoid process or labyrinth. Labyrinthitis often develops as a result of viral infections: influenza, measles, chickenpox.
  • severe migraines;
  • sensation of pulsation in the head;
  • decreased immunity;
  • neurological changes.
To recover, you need to take medications prescribed by a specialist. The condition cannot be ignored, otherwise there will be a high risk of developing serious complications.

Adults are allowed to additionally carry out auxiliary procedures at home, but must first obtain permission from the attending physician.

Other reasons

There are a number of other reasons why there is shooting in the ear:

  1. Presence of caries. Caries, in which there is inflammation of the dental nerve and soft tissues, can also cause lumbago that radiates to the head or neck. They are especially intensified at night. To get rid of the sensation, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible, and until then, take painkillers.
  2. Neuritis of the facial nerve. Neuritis causes paroxysmal pain in combination with facial redness, burning along the nerve fibers, nasal congestion and lumbago. Pain becomes more noticeable at night, during meals, brushing teeth and touching. You can get rid of the symptoms only by curing the neurological disease. To do this, you need to contact a neurologist.
  3. Osteoarthritis of the jaw joint is often accompanied by shooting pain when moving the jaw. At the same time, the patient hears characteristic sounds.
  4. Trauma and the presence of a foreign body. Shooting pain in the ear on the left or right side can be caused by any damage to the hearing organ or the entry of a foreign object into the ear canal, such as an insect. Dizziness and weakness may also occur. It is important to remember that only a specialist should remove any objects; you cannot try to free the ear yourself using tweezers or any sharp objects, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation by pushing the “interference” even deeper or leaving insect particles behind, which can cause inflammation.
  5. Other rare causes of lumbago include: ear plugs, water ingress, pressure drop.

Shooting pain in the ear can be dangerous for one simple reason - the patient himself is unlikely to be able to determine what caused it, and therefore it will not be possible to choose the right treatment method. Suppose internal otitis or purulent discharge excludes warming procedures, they will only harm the patient. The same can be said about any other drugs. That is why you need to immediately contact the clinic and not try to cure yourself.

Opinion of otolaryngologist S. D. Glushko

What to do when there is a shooting in the ear

Since shooting pain in an adult or child does not occur on its own, it is necessary, first, to determine the cause of the pathology, since the treatment regimen will depend on this. In any case, you should contact an otolaryngologist; he will tell you what to do when your ear shoots and help you avoid various complications.

Before going to the doctor, it is important to know first aid techniques. If the problem is water ingress, you need to wipe your ears dry and jump on your feet: the problem is in the right ear - you need to jump on your left foot, and vice versa. But under no circumstances is it recommended to dry your ears with a hairdryer.

When the cause is a foreign body, you must consult a doctor and do not try to remove the object that has entered the ear canal yourself, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Before the help of a doctor, you can relieve pain with an anesthetic drug if severe pain is observed. You cannot take medications on your own, because without knowing the exact cause, you can only lose time by being treated with the wrong drug. In addition, many medications have side effects and not all are approved in case of perforated eardrum.

To quickly get rid of discomfort, the patient should consult a doctor who will prescribe drug therapy, sometimes in combination with physiotherapy. Traditional methods of treatment are also acceptable, but they are allowed only after consultation with a specialist, especially if you are going to use warm compresses. Without a doctor's permission, they can cause serious consequences.

If the ear not only shoots, but there is also pain, purulent discharge and other symptoms, you need to immediately contact an otolaryngologist. Self-medication can lead to disastrous consequences.

Traditional therapy

In most cases, the ear shoots due to otitis media. Then the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy, including antibiotics. In order to select the most effective product, it is first necessary to conduct a microbiological study of the microflora. This way it will be possible to determine the sensitivity of pathogens to the drug.

Basically, doctors prescribe: Amoxiclav, Otipax, Anauran, Ampicillin, Augmentin in tablet form. Or antibacterial ear drops: Otofa, Normax, Tsipromed.

Symptomatic treatment also includes antipyretic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, vasoconstrictors: Naphthyzin, Galazolin and pain medications, such as Analgin or Ortofen. If severe swelling is present, antihistamines are prescribed.

Taking antibiotics requires strict adherence to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Also try to keep your ear warm by wrapping it in a scarf. If the pain only gets worse, most likely we are talking about the presence of pus inside the ear. In this case, heating is contraindicated. Within a few days, the pus should come out on its own, but if more than 4-5 days have passed since the onset of symptoms and the pus has not flowed out, you need to make a puncture in a specialist’s office.

After this, the condition will immediately improve; this does not mean giving up therapy, otherwise the disease will become chronic.

If therapy does not produce a positive result, it is important to consult a doctor again to review the course of treatment.


For the treatment of adults, traditional methods are allowed. But it is important to remember that they will not have the same effect as drug therapy and are allowed only after consultation with a doctor. Home recipes are used exclusively as an additional method of treatment, but not the main one. This should especially not be done if the child’s ear is shooting, since complications are possible, including hearing loss.

There are several effective recipes that you can prepare at home:

Drops in the earThere is an excellent remedy for preparing ear drops that reduce painful symptoms. To do this, use walnut oil, which is made from 1 cup of nuts and 1 cup of vegetable oil.

The nuts are finely chopped or ground, then poured with oil. After two weeks, the mixture is squeezed through gauze and used for treatment. Instill the medicine using a dropper, two drops once a day.

It is advisable to let the drops steep for two weeks, so it is better to prepare the medicine “just in case”; it can last quite a long time.

TincturesChamomile infusion is another great method for relieving discomfort. One tablespoon of dried chamomile is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Then the sore ear is washed with the infusion, using a syringe without a needle, and then a cotton wool soaked in chamomile is placed in the ear.
CompressCompresses can also be quite effective. The most popular and economical remedy is an alcohol compress or a vodka compress. Alcohol must be diluted with water; vodka is diluted if the compress is used to treat a child.

First, you need to slightly warm the liquid, then lay the patient with the sore ear up, apply a clean cloth, making an incision for the ear, then gauze soaked in the liquid, a plastic bag or oilcloth, cover everything with cotton wool and cover with a warm scarf. It is important to remember that a compress should never be used for purulent otitis media. Therefore, you first need to consult your doctor and ask permission.

What can you do at home?

Discomfort in the ear often occurs suddenly and takes the patient by surprise. Then the question becomes relevant: what to do at home if your ear is shooting and how to alleviate the condition before going to the doctor. If the pain is intense, you need to take a remedy that relieves pain and eliminates inflammation, for example Analgin, Ibuprofen or Aspirin.

If the suspected cause is blockage of the ear canal, carefully clean the sink from wax and place a turunda soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide. A higher concentration cannot be used, otherwise it can cause a burn. Calendula tincture or boric acid are also used to help reduce pain. But it should be remembered that the latter has many contraindications and should not be used if the ear is shooting in children.

The liquid in which the tampon is soaked should be heated to room temperature, but in no case to a hot state. You can also drop pain relief drops into your ear if you have them in your first aid kit. But dripping is allowed only if you are sure that there is no perforation.

In order not to harm yourself and get rid of lumbago, it is better to get by at home only by taking painkillers. All other methods can cause side effects or delay the treatment process. Competent treatment is possible only after examining the ear canal by a specialist and determining the exact cause. These actions will help you avoid relapses in the future and recover faster.


Shooting in the ears often occurs in patients with ENT diseases. The condition can also be caused by many other reasons, for example: injury to the ear, ingress of water or a foreign body, pressure drop and others. In any case, it is important to find out the cause, because the treatment method will depend on this.

To do this, it is better for the patient to consult a doctor, who will tell you what to do if the ear shoots and how to properly treat the pathology so as not to harm yourself.

Inflammation of the organ of hearing or caries, neuritis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis are the reasons that cause shooting in the ear. To prevent the development of complications, alleviate the condition and prevent complications, start treatment in a timely manner.

The cause of lumbago can be not only an ear problem, but also a dental problem.

Causes of shooting pain in the ear

Earshots cause inflammation of components of the inner, middle, or outer ear. Less often, lumbago notifies about the pathology of extra-auricular localization.

Middle ear diseases

Most often, the cause of the symptom is damage to the middle ear.

Acute otitis media

There are 2 types:

  1. With a mild catarrhal form, the tissue covering the cavity of the middle ear and the auditory tube becomes inflamed, but no pus is released.
  2. If a person has a cold and his immunity is reduced, severe purulent otitis media develops.

The auditory organ becomes inflamed when microflora enters the ear cavity through the Eustachian tube. Favorable conditions for this occur during swallowing and belching. The source of microorganisms is infectious diseases of the pharynx, larynx, as well as adenoids, rhinitis, inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis), dental diseases. When the nasal septum is displaced, bacteria enter the middle ear cavity. Influenza, measles and scarlet fever viruses cause otitis media with hemorrhage and necrosis.

Specific forms: when the pressure changes (for example, when going uphill), aerootite develops, and when divers dive to depth, mareotite develops.

Shooting is caused by damage to nerve endings. In addition, the ear may be blocked, and lumbago may occur on both the left and right sides behind the ear.

– infection of the temporal bone in the mastoid area. It complicates acute otitis media, causes bone destruction, the temperature rises, and pus leaks from the ear opening.

With mastoiditis, pus may be discharged from the ear

Against the background of severe signs of the disease, lumbago fades into the background.

Chronic purulent otitis media

Develops as a consequence of untreated acute otitis media. Identified by the presence of characteristic features - hearing loss and purulent discharge. Causes damage to the ear membrane with the formation of a hole. Shooting pain is a positive symptom of the disease. Indicate the initial stage of the disease, when the membrane is still intact. The fluid accumulated in the middle ear puts a lot of pressure on the membrane and blood vessels. As a result, the blood begins to flow with tremors, which is perceived as lumbago. The leaking fluid indicates a penetrating defect of the eardrum.

Due to an underdeveloped immune system, a child is likely to develop this form of the disease. In an adult, the percentage of chronicity of the process is lower.

Perforated otitis media

Mechanical impact or loud sound damages the membrane membrane. A person feels his ear shooting.

Diseases of the external ear

Otitis externa

Occurs when the ear cleaning technique is violated and water droplets penetrate. Inflammation develops in the wall of the ear canal. The itching is disturbing, and redness is visually detectable.

Cellulitis, abscess

The skin and subcutaneous tissue of the auricle are affected. The infection enters through scratches and scrapes. The skin becomes red and swollen, and the entire surface of the ear hurts.

Inner ear diseases

Microorganisms penetrate the cochlea of ​​the inner ear and provoke inflammation of the labyrinth. First, there are complaints of severe dizziness, which interferes with daily activities. Shooting pains rarely develop.

Labyrinthitis occurs due to inflammation of the ear labyrinth

The cause of labyrinthitis can be a strong flow of sound.

External pathologies

It can also shoot in the ear area when there is no direct damage to it.

Dental diseases

With caries and pulpitis, pain radiates to the temporal and ear regions. The symptom occurs if a large molar is affected.

If there is a shooting in the ear when chewing food or exposure to a temperature stimulus, most likely it is a dental pathology.

After tooth extraction, bacteria enter the fresh wound and alveolitis develops. The inflammation causes damage to the nerve fibers, and the pain radiates to the ears.


Inflammation of the facial nerve is accompanied by impaired facial expressions. Damage to the trigeminal nerve occurs less frequently, but is more difficult to tolerate. At the same time, different parts of the face hurt, and itching and burning are periodically felt.

When the facial nerve is inflamed, the ears often hurt as well.

The nerve fibers going to the ear become inflamed and shooting pain occurs.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your ear shoots, other symptoms of organ damage appear (tinnitus, hearing loss, hearing loss, discharge of pus) - go to an otolaryngologist. The specialist will find out the reasons for the complaints and prescribe treatment. If necessary, he will send , or .


Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Self-diagnosis is dangerous to health.

External and internal examination of the ear cavity

After interviewing the patient, collecting anamnesis of life and illness, the following is carried out:

  • visual inspection– detect diseases of the external ear.
  • otoscopy– using the device, the relief of the ear mucosa and the ear membrane are examined. If it is retracted, the patient has serous acute otitis media.
  • X-ray– prescribed for damage to the skull bones;
  • hearing acuity test- using audiometers and tuning forks.

What can you do at home?

First aid

Before going to a specialist, take a pain reliever:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen.

These drugs also have a weak anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Medicines will not help cure the disease, but they will temporarily eliminate the pain.


Medicines are selected depending on the cause of the disease.


Priority medications for the treatment of inflammatory processes:

Antibiotics such as penicillin are used for ear pain.

  • penicillin drugs (Penicillin);
  • cephalosporin series (Ceftriaxone).

If ineffective– macrolides are used, which are administered intramuscularly. The drugs destroy microorganisms that cause inflammation.


They effectively eliminate inflammation, but they are prescribed as a last resort, as they have many side effects. Available in the form of tablets, gels and liquid for injection (Hydrocartisone, Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone, Betamethasone, Fluocinolone).


Naphthyzin and Glazolin are dripped into the nose to reduce fluid exudation and swelling. The drops constrict the blood vessels, resulting in the restoration of the permeability of the Eustachian tube. Inflammation of the middle ear is reduced.

Ear drops

Otipax, Otinum– the composition contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic components.

For ear pain, use Otipax drops


Paracetamol, Ketonal, Analgin– block the enzyme cyclooxygenase, responsible for the development of pain. It not only relieves pain, but also reduces temperature.

Folk remedies

They are not used as an independent method of treatment, but in addition to medications and procedures.

A mixture of olive and almond oil is used for instillation into the ears.

  • mix 3 drops of almond and olive oil and drop into the ear hole using a pipette. Pre-prepare the oil mixture by warming it to body temperature;
  • Insert cotton pads soaked in boric acid into the ear canal. The product has an antibacterial effect. Indicated for otitis without compromising the integrity of the ear membrane. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 6 days;
  • drip 4-5 drops of boric acid into the ear canal. If it hurts on the left side, then you need to put your right ear on a pillow. After 10 minutes, sharply tilt your head to the left to pour the drops out of your ear;
  • cut a piece of onion the size of a pea. Wrap in gauze and insert into the ear canal overnight so that the gauze protrudes from the ear. In the morning, remove the onion tampon;
  • Pick a few geranium leaves and mash them with your hand until the juice comes out. Lie on your side and insert the leaves into the ear canal. Wrap gauze on top. The bandage should be removed after 2-3 hours;
  • Soak cotton swabs in vegetable oil with the addition of 3 drops of camphor oil and insert into the ear. Leave for half an hour and remove;
  • soft-boiled egg. Use a pipette to collect the yolk, place 3 drops in each ear and go to bed.

Soft-boiled eggs are used as drops

Do not use heat compresses as they increase inflammation!

Possible complications and consequences

Shooting in the ear signals the presence of a disease, the treatment of which is not started on time, leads to the development of complications.

Chronic purulent otitis media

Acute otitis with low immunity turns into a chronic form of purulent otitis. The ear membrane is melted by proteolytic enzymes, destroyed and ceases to function. Leads to hearing loss.

Inflammation of peri-cerebral tissues

Bacteria can move beyond the ear into the head. Purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain develops:

When bacteria spread beyond the ear area, inflammation begins to develop in the brain.

  • meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain);
  • an abscess localized above the meninges;
  • an abscess localized in brain tissue.

Spread of purulent process

When inflammation spreads beyond the tympanic cavity, the body becomes systemically infected. High fever, chills, headache and muscle pain occur.

– a sign of a disease, not an independent pathology. Most often caused by acute otitis, less often by diseases of extra-auricular localization. If you have any complaints, immediately contact an otolaryngologist. The doctor will identify the cause and develop a treatment plan. Lack of therapy leads to the development of life-threatening complications: abscess of the brain and over the meninges, meningitis, hearing loss.
