Emotional age test. Funny test: your psychological age. Features of passing the psychological age test

Have you probably met people who managed to carry youthful energy and enthusiasm into old age, or a young man who was serious and responsible beyond his years? Why does it happen that this or that person behaves and feels inappropriately with his age?

In reality, chronological age is not as important as psychological age. Psychological age is a state of internal perception and attitude towards life, which affects a person’s behavior and life decisions. It may not always coincide with the actual number of years and over time can change in any direction, both towards youth and towards maturity. It is thanks to this that an old man can behave like a teenager, and a young man like a mature man, seasoned by experience.

Psychological age is not just another characteristic. Knowing your psychological age is important, as it determines our interests and hobbies, influences goal setting and even lifestyle.

Psychological age test of S. Stepanova

You can determine your psychological age without any problems using a special test developed by Russian psychologist Sergei Stepanov. It will help you figure out who you feel like inside: a teenager hungry for adventure, or a mature, accomplished person.

At the moment, Stepanov’s questionnaire to determine one’s psychological age is one of the most common.

Biography of the test author

Sergei Sergeevich Stepanov is a famous Russian psychologist, writer, associate professor at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, and is the developer of a test for determining psychological age.

He entered the psychology department of Moscow State University and after graduating there he began his career as a psychologist. In the period from 1984 to 1997, he worked at the publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia" as a scientific editor and is the author of many articles in various areas of psychology. He was actively involved in translations into Russian of books by such famous psychologists as A. Maslow, K. Rogers, G. Yu. Eysenck, P. Ekman, F. Zimbardo.

Who can take a psychological age test?

Psychological age is the ability to understand other people's thoughts as well as one's own emotions and feelings. People of any age and gender can take the test. It will help you better understand your worldview; decide what to change in life and your attitude towards it so that you feel light and free; and also understand whether you have forgotten to enjoy your work and various situations.

Instructions for taking the test

The test to determine psychological age consists of 25 understandable statements, to each of which you need to express your attitude:

  • completely agree;
  • partially agree;
  • rather disagree;
  • We strongly disagree.

Taking the test will not take much time, and you can always do it conveniently and quickly right on our website!

Answering the test questions:

  1. Don't be afraid to choose your answers. There is nothing complicated about the questions and you can definitely handle it;
  2. Be honest with yourself. Don’t try to answer correctly, answer as you see fit, and then you will get a truthful result;
  3. Don't be upset if your age test results aren't what you expected. You can try it again later.

Test results

If your psychological age is less than your chronological age, then, with a high probability, regardless of when you were born, you are full of self-confidence and filled with vital energy. They are sociable, look at the world with optimism, and are friendly. You certainly won’t become an old person anytime soon.

If the number of years behind you corresponds to your psychological age, then on the path to maturity you have sacrificed the joys of youth. Various stresses and an abundance of worries have undermined your ability to rejoice, and instead taught you seriousness and responsibility. You are an “average” adult, not particularly concerned about problems. But adding at least a little activity and optimism will not hurt you.

If your psychological age turns out to be greater than your chronological age, this means that you have experienced a lot and gone through the trials of life, and you know the price of everything. But isn't this all too early? After all, there is so much in the world that has not yet been seen and unknown!

Based on the test results, you will also be able to receive recommendations on what books to read in order to better understand your psychological age, its advantages and disadvantages.

Register and take the test directly on our website

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Have you ever met people who, even in old age, radiated youthful optimism and a thirst for life? Communication with them always lifts your spirits and makes you look at yourself and the world around you differently. Next to them you feel much older. Why is this happening? The fact is that your psychological age turns out to be greater than that of such people.

What does psychological age influence?

This affects your health. After all, old age comes when it is allowed to. Reaction speed, muscle tone and joint performance are directly related to a person’s state of mind. The numbers in your passport only indicate the number of complete circles you and the Earth have made around the Sun. The main thing for a person to live a full, happy life is the balance of his biological and psychological age. The determination test will show you how much your state of mind and physical sensations match.

Test for psychological age online

Try taking a psychological age test. The results obtained will help you determine the state of your worldview. Perhaps they will make some people think and make adjustments to their lifestyle.

You have to choose an answer to 10 questions. Do it honestly, don't deceive yourself. If the number of points you receive matches the number in your passport or is slightly higher, you are fine. For those over 30, a lower score on the “my psychological age” test indicates their good state of mind, new opportunities and freedom from stereotypes.

Those whose psychological age, according to the results of an online test, are significantly ahead of their biological age should think about it. They need to understand the reason for rapid aging.

If you want to change your psychological age, try looking at this channel.

My psychological age - test

  1. You are in a hurry and see a minibus approaching the stop. Your actions:

a) I’ll run towards her (1);

b) I will go as quickly as possible to make it in time (2);

c) I’ll go faster (3);

d) I will not change the speed of movement (4);

e) I’ll check if there’s another minibus following her and decide what to do (5).

  1. Your attitude towards fashion:

a) I strive to correspond to her in everything (1);

b) I choose what I like (2);

c) I don’t accept new unusual outfits (3);

d) I don’t accept today’s fashion (4);

e) sometimes I take it, sometimes I don’t (5).

  1. Do you have a day off. What is most pleasant for you:

a) sit with friends (1);

b) while away the day watching TV (2);

d) solve crossword puzzles (4);

e) no definite preferences (5).

  1. You see that a blatant injustice is happening. Your actions:

a) I will begin to restore justice in ways known to me (1);

b) will provide assistance to the victim (2);

c) I will restore the truth by legal means (3);

d) I will walk as I walked, condemning what is happening to myself (4);

e) I will intervene in the situation without taking sides (5).

  1. Contemporary music for you:

a) delights (1);

b) makes you remember the teenage complex, which simply not everyone “got over” (2);

c) forces you to actively protest (3);

d) annoying with excessive noise (4);

e) does not touch, but you admit that everyone may have their own tastes (5).

  1. You are in the company of friends. It is important for you:

a) take the opportunity to show your skills (1);

b) show your importance (2);

c) maintain the necessary decorum (3);

d) sit quietly, unnoticeably (4);

e) comply with the standards of behavior in this company (5).

  1. Do you prefer to work:

a) with a certain amount of risk and unexpected turns (1);

b) non-monotonic (2);

c) where you will demonstrate your knowledge and experience (3);

d) light (4);

e) different, according to mood (5).

  1. Your level of forethought:

a) take on any undertaking without thinking (1);

b) you prefer to start doing, and leave the reasoning for later (2);

c) do not begin implementation until you find out all the consequences (3);

d) choose only guaranteed successful cases (4);

e) the choice of cases depends on the situation (5).

  1. Degree of trust:

a) only some (1);

b) many (2);

c) I don’t trust many people (3);

d) no one (4);

e) it all depends on the circumstances (5).

  1. Your mood:

a) most often I am an optimist (1);

b) I am often an optimist (2);

c) I am often a pessimist (3);

d) I am usually a pessimist (4);

e) in different ways, depending on the circumstances (5).

If, as a result of the test, you have identified any psychological pressures, problems, etc., we recommend that you contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist-hypnologist

Testing your psychological age is one of the most interesting sections of the psychological study of personality. The clock counts our years tirelessly, but in our souls we have a different idea of ​​​​life. Not always, the numbers in a passport are able to fully describe a person’s worldview. Even in old age, a person can be prone to teenage rebellion. Or vice versa, at a young age you can start living a calm life. This personality trait is often influenced by a person’s environment and situations that he needs to solve.

Features of passing the psychological age test

If you want to know more about the inner self, our list of questions will be useful for you. Most psychologists consider this indicator to be subjective and unconscious. But there are many ways to determine it by answering a few simple questions. They were compiled by specialists in the study of personality traits.

The psychological age test is based on several characteristics of a person:

  • vital activity;
  • self-awareness;
  • appearance;
  • interests.
Psychologists define several types of age - social, mental, emotional. It is very much influenced by social responsibility. Some situations contribute to a person's maturation. Experts are confident that psychological age can be brought up. It is enough to look at things optimistically without losing reason. By leaving yourself the opportunity to enjoy the little things, you will see how easily you can solve some problems, or forget about their existence.

Taking a psychological age test can be useful for parents to determine how ready their teen is to begin adulthood. On our website you can take an online test to determine your psychological age absolutely free. You will receive results immediately, no need to register or send a message.


It often happens that our passport age does not coincide with our psychological age.

Are you young at heart or, on the contrary, wise beyond your years?

Determine your psychological age with this simple test. Answer the questions and read the result corresponding to the number of points scored.

Psychological age test

Question #1:

Which range of colors do you find most pleasing?

A- black, gray, brown;

B- blue, pink, colored;

C- blue, green, yellow;

D - beige, cream, mint.


Question #2:

Choose the most suitable food type:

A- seafood;

B- takeaway;

C- fast food (McDonalds);



Question #3:

Now choose your favorite drink to go with your meal:

A- light drinks: lemonade, Cola, Fanta;

C- red wine;

D - fruit juice.


Question #4:

You turn on the TV, which of the proposed ones will you watch?

A - documentary films;

B- cartoons;


D - drama or thriller.


Question #5:

What is your attitude towards sweets?

A- I love it!

B- normal;

C- sweets are for children;

D is harmful, so I try not to abuse it.


Question #6:

What is your opinion about Twitter (Facebook)?

B- waste of time;

C - necessity, I can’t live without them;

D- It's hard to say.


Question #7:

What is your opinion about the smartphone?

A- I think this is a useful thing;

B- an absolute necessity in our time;

C- I find it difficult to answer;

D - unnecessary and expensive thing.


Question No. 8:

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

A- celebrating a birthday is for children;

B- just have lunch with the family;

C- have fun and celebrate with your friends;

D- holiday games and birthday cake with candles.

Question #9:

What is your attitude towards classical music?

A- it relaxes;

B- I hate her!

C- I love her!

D - normal.


Question No. 10:

What would your ideal trip look like?

A- visit to Disney Land;

B- beach, Hawaii, Spain, etc.;

C- tour New York, Italy, etc.;

D- learning new cultures.



From 350 to 400 points:

Your psychological age is 4-9 years.

This means that you have that spontaneity that is characteristic of small children. You know how to rejoice and enjoy the simple pleasures of life and look at the world with pure children's eyes.

From 300 to 340 points:

Your psychological age is 9-16 years.

Your psychological age is that of an immature teenager. This means that sometimes you rebel against existing norms and react to something too emotionally.

You have a very mischievous character, typical of many teenagers.

From 250 to 290 points:

Your psychological age is 16-21 years.

You know when to act like a mature adult, and when to have fun and relax like a child.

When the situation demands it, you become serious and take a responsible approach to completing the task. But sometimes you are a real child and allow yourself to be capricious and act in a childish way.

From 200-240 points:

Your psychological age is 21-29 years old.

Your psychological age is the age of a young, but already adult, person. Most of the time you behave like a mature person and know how to act seriously and thoughtfully.

You are an intelligent, responsible and deeply conscious person.

From 150 to 190 points:

Your psychological age is 29-55 years.

Your age is that of a mature adult. You are a worthy person who always behaves very dignified, strictly and a little restrained.

Your majestic manners are enviable.

From 100 to 140 points:

Your psychological age is 55+

In other words, your age is that of an older person. You enjoy the simple things in life and are not particularly interested in modern technology.
