Fehu rune reversed. Runa Fehu: meaning, interpretation in combination, photo. Questions suitable for meditation on Fehu

RUNE Fehu (Fehu) - the meaning of the rune. Direct position.
The main property of the Fehu rune, its main meaning is the acquisition
Rune Fehu (Fehu) is the rune of Wealth and Prosperity in all its manifestations, the rune of flame, the fire of creation and the fire of destruction.
Literal meaning of the Fehu Rune: fire, wealth, money, gold

Rune name: Fegu, Fehu.
Ancient Germanic name, meaning of the Fehu rune: Fe (Fehu)
Old Norse name, meaning of the Fehu rune: Fehhu
Anglo-Saxon name, meaning of the Fehu rune: Feo, Feoh
Ancient Celtic name, meaning of the Fehu rune: Feum
Old Icelandic name, meaning of the Fehu rune: Fé

Main property Fehu runes, its main meaning is the acquisition of something or the preservation of an existing one. These properties of the Fehu rune apply to all areas without exception that are currently interesting to you, the meaning of the Fehu rune, regardless of whether the issue you are interested in lies in the area of ​​material values, or whether it concerns love-spiritual relationships. This is the main interpretation of the Fehu rune. If the Fehu rune has already fallen out, some acquisition will inevitably await you, or you should not worry about preserving what you already have.


RUNE Fehu - the meaning of the rune. Interpretation of runes. IN DETAILS

rune Fehu. Interpretation for fortune telling, the meaning of the Fehu rune:

Rune Fehu is a symbol of wealth and pure well-being, untainted by complacency and pride. The Fehu rune is also a rune of completeness and completeness, which denotes the satisfaction of ambition, reciprocity in love, receiving what was promised, and the expected reward. The Fehu rune will ensure a favorable outcome of your plans and will support you in all directions, and also, as mentioned above, will help maintain what you have achieved earlier. The Fehu rune is the rune of creation and creativity, the rune of cleansing fire and intelligence, this is the rune of foundry , metallurgy and advanced technologies. The appearance of the Fehu rune indicates a time suitable for conducting financial transactions, but they must be carefully thought through, weighing all the risks.

This rune is characterized mainly by material benefits, but despite this it can also be associated with the well-being of a person’s soul, his emotions, feelings, the ability to love and be loved. The meaning of the Fehu rune, when interpreted, always retains the main meaning of this rune - material well-being; money, property; production income; professional career, well-being; tangible property; cash purchases; facilities; achievements, luck, prosperity, fertility; shopping or storage; friends and lovers; renewal of long-standing friendships and new acquaintances; implementation of planned plans.

The Fehu rune when it appears means that everything is fine in the property sphere of your life at the moment. You have a strong financial position, you are a thrifty owner, you stand confidently on your feet, your enterprise is successful. Your plans are not simple desires and illusions, so they will succeed. Soon you will receive or buy something very valuable and, of course, you will be able to keep what you have acquired. RUNE Fehu (Fehu) has another meaning when interpreted; its appearance indicates that you have good and reliable friends, devoted lovers. In relationships with people there is peace and quiet, constancy, although the relationship is not as beautiful and sublime as we would like.

This probably means that you need to maintain or renew an old friendship or love relationship. In conjunction with the runes or interpretation, the meaning of the Fehu rune shows that profit will be made through personal relationships. The Fehu rune should encourage you to be vigilant and constantly attentive, especially during a period of successful life circumstances, since at this time people tend not only to reap the fruits of their own success, but also to commit rash acts. Your luck should not allow you to become arrogant or forget about your obligations to other people. RUNE Fehu (Fehu) is a runic symbol of well-being, alien to corruption in self-satisfaction.

Fehu rune advice. Focus your attention on the financial side of things. Don’t relax in relation to work, you can’t soar in the clouds, dream about the impossible - try to increase or at least preserve the property that you actually have at the moment. The meaning of the Fehu rune in terms of business and partnership relationships - strengthen current ties, build new, mutually beneficial relationships. Look at the situation soberly. The advantages are currently on your side.

Interpretation of the meaning of the Fehu rune when divining for love or relationships.

The Fexu Rune, which fell out during runic fortune telling for love or relationships, foreshadows that you will receive long-awaited results in the very near future. However, you have to make the right choice, what you need to get in this situation, and what you should resolutely refuse in your relationship with your loved one.

The Fexhu rune offers protection from loss in the expression of feelings, success and good luck in love, successful resolution of conflict situations and the preservation of already achieved results. Rune Fehu is complete completion, achievement of the goal. In matters of love, Runa Fehu advises you to try to renew past, perhaps even forgotten, love relationships and connections.

rune Fehu. Internal content, meaning of the rune:

The process of creation has been completed. Everything that was destined must come true. Fehu is the rune of constant improvement and development. But this is not the end, but only a new turned page of the implementation of what has been achieved and at the same time a symbol of the release of energy for new beginnings. The power of Fehu stems from the roots of the event and is distributed across all horizontal and vertical relationships of the planes of existence. In Fehu, streams of mobile energy are synthesized, flowing in all things - having reached its apogee, this energy must be redistributed in other cycles of activity.

Interpretation of runes. RUNE Fehu (Fehu) interpretation, meaning of the rune. Magical uses:

RUNE Fehu (Fehu) is a harbinger of new beginnings, an increase in your material well-being; return of love; lust and carnal passion; protection and preservation of accumulated values; moving things to new levels; protection from dishonest partners in trade and commercial activities; a way out of material constraint and need. RUNE Fehu (Fehu) is also insurance against possible mistakes and miscalculations when purchasing real estate; obtaining finance and acquiring something material, career growth and well-being, increasing financial acquisitions; success in business.
Application in rune records:

The meaning of the Fehu rune in the runescript: To protect your money and material assets.
The meaning of the Fehu rune in the runescript: To transform your energy potential into the sphere of creation.
The meaning of the Fehu rune in the runescript: To ensure career growth.
The meaning of the Fehu rune in the runescript: To accelerate the transition of business to a new level.

This page contains information on the topic

Fehu is the first rune of Futhark, the rune of beginning, origin. Futhark begins with it, so it can help start a new life. This is the rune of moving to a new level, starting a new business. Fehu gives strength to start a new stage in life, promotes the emergence of fresh, unexpected ideas. Fehu is often associated with cattle, and in the past the number of heads of cattle determined wealth, so now money can be considered the equivalent. Fehu can help in achieving material well-being, but a person should not sit still, he needs to start some business, bring his ideas to life. In general, the element of creativity is important. Then your new business will be successful and will definitely generate income. Fehu is associated with the Vanir - the gods of fertility, and therefore with growth. Fehu can help you reap a rich harvest, both literally and figuratively. The rune gives confidence in yourself, your strengths and the success of your business.

The high priest, the priest is responsible for material well-being, money, wealth. Fehu denotes a powerful flow of life. Everything that is no longer needed by the flow dies. Stagnation is death. Fehu is the energy of growing wealth, increasing property. People in need of material wealth turn to her. It helps to receive money, acquire material assets, and real estate.

Fehu is the energy of fire, the first stage of Freyr’s initiation, it allows you to control any of your energies, turning their destructive power into creative.


The first call, for almost all occasions.

I know the words

Which the queen does not know,

The human race does not know:

And the first word is Help,

It will help you

In trouble and in battle,

In all the storms of life.

Fehu belongs to the runes of Victory, increases our internal energy and increases our chances of successfully solving all problems and troubles.

Color – red.

Element – ​​fire, earth.

Deity – Freyr, Freya.

Freyr god of fertility and summer. Frey is subject to sunlight, he sends rich harvests to people. Frey is not much inferior in beauty to Balder himself and is as kind as his father Njord. He does not like wars and quarrels and patronizes peace on earth, both between individuals and between entire nations. Freyr's sacred animal is the boar.

Freya, goddess of love and war, resident of Asgard.

There was and is no equal to her beauty in the whole world. Neither among gods, nor among people, but her heart is so soft and tender that it sympathizes with the suffering of everyone. When Freya cries, golden tears fall from her eyes. In addition, Freya is the leader of the Valkyries. Freya rides in a chariot drawn by two lynxes; She has a fighting boar as a pet. In addition to love, Freya is “responsible” for fertility, harvest and harvest. The harvests are different, and Freya sometimes has attacks, because of which she is allowed to reap a bloody harvest. In this way, Freya can bring victory to the battle. She also takes half of the fallen warriors for herself (Odin takes the other half for himself). This does not mean that she takes worse warriors than Odin; they divide the fallen warriors among themselves.

Freya taught the Aesir the art of magic and witchcraft, which was common among the Vanir.

By symbolizing money as the equivalent of cosmic energy, Fehu gives the clue that money goes where it is spent.

Like a river, the wider the channel, the deeper, more powerful and stronger the flow. But you must always remember that the river must have a source. If a person, having a source, begins to clamp down on it, he risks losing this source. When a person gives, receiving, the source only increases.

This law applies not only to money, it applies to everything: health, love, energy, knowledge….

Fehu will help you draw the energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars to fulfill your most cherished dreams.

Amulet of Prosperity Three Fehu

Rune FEHU and her image on amulets is one of the most sought after and famous, since we all need property and prosperity. ITS original meaning is wealth, as well as good health. This rune is an indispensable talisman for anyone producing material assets. Fehu directs cash flow to its owner. For the Universe, the owner of an amulet with the image of Fehu is the owner of numerous pastures, lands and flocks of sleek cattle. When starting any business, it is worth turning to the wisdom of our ancestors, who never conceive an important matter without advice from higher powers and without enlisting their support, embodied in a symbol of approval. For many successful people, such a symbol has always been the image of Fehu - (Feu) - Fehu, Fe, Feoh, inscribed on wood or noble metal. For those who know the secrets of Northern Magic, this rune denotes the primary wild and powerful Fire. It is a natural force that brings rapid and radical change. You have many internal resources that you don't even know about. The Fehu rune will open the repository of your personal power and increase your ability to control your destiny, especially its material component. The Slavic god Veles is very close to this particular rune. Fehu, constantly carried with you, indicates ways out of need, protects against all sorts of mistakes associated with the acquisition of real estate, and gives strength and opportunity to earn what is missing.

The only warning is that speculation, theft and any unseemly fraud will never find support from this talisman! In addition, it is important to remember that what comes to you must strive for some good purpose. Not only flow in and freeze, but also flow out for good!! All Christians know the expression “let not the hand of the giver fail.” When turning to Fech for help, you should take into account this most important aspect of the global distribution of material wealth! Greed is not a friend to those who radically change their lives under the auspices of Fehu.

I would also like to especially note the cleansing function of this sign. Resort to Feh when you need to clear space or things from someone else’s bad influence. It will quickly expel all negative energies. A talisman with the Fehu rune will help get any stagnant business off the ground, and will also help you maintain and gain health, and will protect everything that you ask for protection.

Fehu is something that each of us constantly needs.

FEKHU or Prosperity.

Orsana and Wulf left the village before dark. They walked along the road in silence for a while, until the girl was the first to break the silence:

You know, Wulf, I’m so sad to leave my native land.

Don't be sad, Orsana, because now is not the time for sadness. Our tribeentrusted us with their fate, and maybe not the tribe, but Providence itself. We are chosen by the Gods as guardians of traditions. Now it depends on us whether the ancient knowledge of our sages, contained in the runes and in our customs, will be preserved. If we fail to hide from the enemies from the West, then all this will disappear, destroyed by fire and sword.

You're right, but I'm still scared.

Should you be afraid if you act according to the will of the Gods? Listen to what I tell you: our lands were once rich, and welived in abundance. Vast herds grazed in our meadows, and warriors always returned from campaigns with booty. Now this has come to an end, people from the west are conquering our lands. Our warriors are returning defeated. We still have no future here. But if you... If you’re so afraid, Orsana, then let’s ask the runes what awaits us ahead. Take one rune from the bag.

Look Wolf, Fate sent me the direct Feu rune.

Well, Orsana, you see that there is nothing to be afraid of, the best beforethe tales would be difficult to imagine.

Tell me about this rune. You are the son of the Priestess and you probably knoweat a lot more about runes than I do.

My knowledge is not that great, but if my story brightens us uproad and will drive away your fear, then listen.

Once upon a time, the world was in constant winter. Everything was encased in ice and covered with snow, there were no people yet, and only the formidable and terrible Giants lived in the world, and also the cow Audumla, thanks to which the first man of the Storm appeared on earth. Audumla licked it with her tongue from a block of ice. AND when did he appearman, this pleased all the Gods, and even the formidable Odin. Namesbut he gave people runes, which are a source of wisdom.

Fehu Supplement

I received this letter from Olga:

Hello, Daria! Please help me create a talisman or runescript, I don’t know what is better in my situation, so that my living creatures (dogs, pigs, rabbits, etc.) grow and reproduce normally. I am a housewife and a rabbit breeding entrepreneur. But for some reason I have the desire and opportunity, but no results or profit. Please tell me if this can be fixed somehow.

In this situation, the Fehu rune is perfect. Its traditional meaning, according to various sources, is “cattle” or “wealth” (primarily movable property). In the society that existed in Europe during the initial formation of the runic system, cattle were a symbol of wealth. The status of a leader was usually determined by the number of herds he owned. In those distant times, livestock was one of the main means of subsistence, and it was also the main unit of barter, i.e. played the same role that money plays in our time. Therefore, nowadays the rune Fehu often associated with the modern English word fee (“payment, salary”), which even became one of its names.

In a more general sense, the Fehu rune is responsible for fertility, for the possibility of generating something new, from the birth of a child to the birth of an enterprise.

Draw the Fehu rune on the inside of the door of the room in which the animals live. Although her color is red, in this case, to give her patronage more harmony and tranquility, paint her in green.

Fehu is a talisman, the patron saint of property owners, farmers, producers of any material assets.

Good luck and prosperity to you!

Therefore, it can help you start a new life. This is the rune of moving to a new level, starting a new business. Fehu gives strength to start a new stage in life, promotes the emergence of fresh, unexpected ideas.

Fehu often associated with cattle, and in the past the number of heads of cattle determined wealth, so now money can be considered the equivalent.

Fehu can help in achieving material well-being, but a person should not sit still, he needs to start some business, bring his ideas to life. In general, the element of creativity is important. Then your new business will be successful and will definitely generate income.

Fehu is associated with the Vanir - the gods of fertility, and therefore with growth. Fehu can help you reap a rich harvest, both literally and figuratively. The rune gives confidence in yourself, your strengths and the success of your business.

The high priest, the priest is responsible for material well-being, money, wealth. Fehu denotes a powerful flow of life. Everything that is no longer needed by the flow dies. Stagnation is death.

Fehu is the energy of growing wealth, increasing property. People in need of material wealth turn to her. It helps to receive money, acquire material assets, and real estate.

Fehu- this is the energy of fire, the first stage of Freyr’s initiation, it allows you to control any of your energies, transforming their destructive power into creative.


The first call, for almost all occasions.

I know the words

Which the queen does not know,

The human race does not know:

And the first word is Help,

It will help you

In trouble and in battle,

In all the storms of life.

Fehu belongs to the runes of Victory, increases our internal energy and increases our chances of successfully solving all problems and troubles.

Color – red.

Element – ​​fire, earth.

Deity – Freyr, Freya.

Freyr god of fertility and summer. Frey is subject to sunlight, he sends rich harvests to people. Frey is not much inferior in beauty to himself and is as kind as his father Njord. He does not like wars and quarrels and patronizes peace on earth, both between individuals and between entire nations. Freyr's sacred animal is the boar.

Freya, goddess of love and war, resident

There was and is no equal to her beauty in the whole world. Neither among gods, nor among people, but her heart is so soft and tender that it sympathizes with the suffering of everyone. When Freya cries, golden tears fall from her eyes. In addition, Freya is the leader of the Valkyries. Freya rides in a chariot drawn by two lynxes; She has a fighting boar as a pet. In addition to love, Freya is “responsible” for fertility, harvest and harvest. The harvests are different, and Freya sometimes has attacks, because of which she is allowed to reap a bloody harvest. In this way, Freya can bring victory to the battle. She also takes half of the fallen warriors for herself (Odin takes the other half for himself). This does not mean that she takes the worst warriors for herself rather than dividing the fallen warriors among themselves.

Freya taught the Aesir the art of magic and witchcraft, which was widespread among the Vanir.

Symbolizing money as the equivalent of cosmic energy, Fehu gives a clue that money goes where it is spent.

Like a river, the wider the channel, the deeper, more powerful and stronger the flow. But you must always remember that the river must have a source. If a person, having a source, begins to clamp down on it, he risks losing this source. When a person gives, receiving, the source only increases.

This law applies not only to money, it applies to everything: health, love, energy, knowledge….

Fehu will help you draw the energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars to fulfill your most cherished dreams.

FEKHU or Prosperity.

(A. Khshanovskaya Mystery of Runes.)

Orsana and Wulf left the village before dark. They walked along the road in silence for a while, until the girl was the first to break the silence.

- You know, Wulf, I’m so sad to leave my native land.

- Don't be sad, Orsana, because now is not the time for sadness. Our tribeentrusted us with their fate, and maybe not the tribe, but Providence itself. We are chosen by the Gods as guardians of traditions. Now it depends on us whether the ancient knowledge of our sages, contained in the runes and in our customs, will be preserved. If we fail to hide from the enemies from the West, then all this will disappear, destroyed by fire and sword.

- You're right, but I'm still scared.

- Should you be afraid if you act according to the will of the Gods? Listen to what I tell you: our lands were once rich, and welived in abundance. Vast herds grazed in our meadows, and warriors always returned from campaigns with booty. Now this has come to an end, people from the west are conquering our lands. Our warriors are returning defeated. We still have no future here. But if you... If you’re so afraid, Orsana, then let’s ask the runes what awaits us ahead. Take one rune from the bag.

- Look Wolf,

Fate sent me the direct Feu rune.

- Well, Orsana, you see that there is nothing to be afraid of, the best beforethe tales would be difficult to imagine.

- Tell me about this rune. You are the son of the Priestess and you probably knoweat a lot more about runes than I do.

- My knowledge is not that great, but if my story brightens us uproad and will drive away your fear, then listen.

Once upon a time, the world was in constant winter. Everything was encased in ice and covered with snow, there were no people yet, and only the formidable and terrible Giants lived in the world, and also the cow Audumla, thanks to which the first man of the Storm appeared on earth. Audumla licked it with her tongue from a block of ice. AND when did he appearman, this pleased all the Gods, and even the formidable Odin. Namesbut he gave people runes, which are a source of wisdom.

Rune Feu
was the very first. It was born from fire, and is being born again all the time. She is powerful, strong, dynamic. Thanks to Feu The ice began to melt, and arable land with fruit-bearing plants was born. Then livestock appeared, whose food these plants served. Prosperity reigned on earth,
new animals, and people stopped being afraid of hunger and cold.

- What you say is so interesting, Wulf! But what does this rune mean to us?

- She says that hunger and cold will pass us by. That we will not experience need during our journey, and that the power of the Element of Fire will protect us. True, we ourselves must be energetic and cheerful. After all, nothing is done by itself. The success of our journey and the fate of the tribe depend on us.

- So what should we do?

- Go forward, Orsana, always forward and don’t look back.


feu, fehu, feu, feoh


livestock, property, wealth, prosperity, success



16 or 6

Letter of the alphabet:


Strengthening the body, activating the immune system. Runa Feu eliminates dizziness. The Feu rune should be avoided in diseases that occur with high fever, as it increases it.

Rune potential:

Climax, increase in wealth, continuous rise.

Basic properties:

Financial well-being, the process of creation.

Message of the rune:

You must know what you want from life.

Predictive value:

Movable property, wealth that is used and increased through active actions. Symbolizes energy, life processes, creative forces, changes for the better, material security. Successful business, flourishing, culmination, wise care of financial affairs, advancement in work.

Magical uses:

To ensure and increase material wealth, to protect against negative influences that limit the field of activity, to strengthen the body’s resistance. Used when shopping to avoid low-quality or damaged goods. In work to speed up activity and bring success closer. For the purpose of transferring personal or runic energy. Helps restore passion and physical attraction in long-term relationships.

Rune Feu can tell you:

What is your true wealth?

Determine the actual price of a given thing or business;

Successfully start any business;

Achieve satisfaction from the work being done;

Draw the energy of the Sun, Moon and stars and use it positively in life.

The Feu rune should be meditated(in an arbitrary way known to you, the reader), when you should get answers to the following questions:

What do I want to do in life?

Why aren't my actions bringing the expected results?

What is my attitude towards money?

What is matter to me?

What can I do to become a wealthy person?

What is my true wealth?

Am I using my energy correctly?


The symbol of the Elder Futhark, which we will talk about today, is associated by many exclusively with wealth and material wealth. But in fact, the associative field of the Fehu rune, the meaning of which we will now look at, is much wider. Although the rune is considered a powerful money talisman, it would be wrong to perceive it only in this single way. But let's look at it step by step.

Runa Fehu - basic meaning and interpretation

To understand the true meaning of the Fehu rune, you first need to turn to the translation of its name. Fehu means "cattle". You need to understand that livestock is not a literal reference to goats, cows and domestic pigs, but rather property as such. A reasonable question immediately arises: why not call the rune “house”, “luggage”, or something else that could be associated with more specific material objects?

In fact, it is through the word “cattle” that one can fully understand the breadth of meaning of the Fehu rune. Livestock is, on the one hand, what a person owns, and on the other, what he actively uses. It is in this important nuance that the philosophical meaning is hidden: simply owning something is not enough, you also need to use your property correctly.

Speaking about the symbolic field of this symbol, it is impossible to ignore the very concept of property and possession. This is not always precisely material wealth, although in many situations Fehu will indeed indicate money, acquired things, movable and immovable property. The Fehu rune, the meaning of which we consider as ownership of something, also includes in its meaning a person’s intellectual baggage - what he receives, accumulates and preserves as his property. These include experiences, emotions, memories, life experiences, knowledge gained, social contacts.

From this side, it becomes very easy to understand the meaning of the Fehu rune if we accept as true the statement that well-being is a psychological category rather than a financial one. In order to be happy, it is not at all necessary to be a millionaire, although, unfortunately, some limit themselves to this very concept, forgetting that the wealth of the soul and inner world should come first.

Another point that cannot be ignored when talking about this symbol is what a person will do with his property. It does not matter whether we are talking about material or spiritual wealth. The meaning, description and interpretation of the Fehu rune cannot be static: it is not only about accumulating or collecting something, but also about how to put what has been accumulated into work, how to use your wealth for its intended purpose. A person is given something for a reason, but in order to develop further. A chest of money won't be of any use if it just remains locked in a closet or safe. Likewise, there is no use in the acquired knowledge if it is not used in practice.

Everything you receive, you must use: you must invest the money, buy something significant with it, open your own business, in a word - make it work to increase your own well-being. You need to do the same with spiritual benefits, because, you see, life generally loses its meaning if you do not use the experience gained and accumulated knowledge, and also do not take into account the memory of the past.

You can deal with your intellectual and mental baggage in different ways: you can use it to qualitatively improve your own physical and spiritual life, or you can teach what you know to someone else. Both will eventually count. The main thing is to be aware of this aspect of application, which is included in the meaning of the Fehu rune.

There is another important nuance regarding property - its protection. Fehu encourages you not to throw away what you have and receive, but to treat these material and spiritual objects with care and precision. Otherwise, this property will be taken away.

Let us briefly summarize the above. The Fehu rune, which comes in a reading, will always talk about some kind of acquisition of a physical or spiritual plane. This can be either very specific material things or money, or fame, public recognition, new connections, useful experience.

The meaning of the reversed Fehu rune

The meaning of the inverted Fehu rune smoothly follows from the interpretation of the straight one. It says that a person may lose some of his property, but this loss usually occurs only if he violates the rules of direct Fehu. Let's figure out what exactly we are talking about.

As we have already mentioned, the rune advises, firstly, to use your wealth correctly, and secondly, to protect it and take care of it. It is logical to assume that by violating one of these rules, a person loses what he has.

Let's look at simple examples. A person suddenly wins a large sum of money in the lottery. He, of course, is happy, but decides not to spend the money, but to put it aside for a “rainy day.” Another winner has long dreamed of having his own cafe, and so he takes and opens his own business with this money - albeit a small one, but his own, making his dream come true. The third, who also received a substantial prize, generally donates most of the amount to a fund for disabled children or an animal shelter. And the fourth mindlessly wastes all his winnings in restaurants, drives around in a taxi, buys expensive clothes and all sorts of trinkets.

Question: to which of them will the direct Fehu subsequently come, and to whom the reverse? In fact, the inverted Fehu will very soon “come to visit” the first and fourth heroes. However, in the case of the first, it can still wait for some time - what if the person comes to his senses and finds a worthy use for the money, for example, puts it aside to pay for his grandchildren’s education or builds a dacha where the whole family can gather?

If we remember the meaning of the Fehu rune, we will understand that the first character violated the rule of wise use of his wealth, and the fourth not only did not allow him to work, but could not even protect him. However, sometimes under the reverse Fehu we lose not what we received, but something else. So, for example, a person who squandered his winnings in restaurants may discover that he has a serious illness - then the inverted Fehu will punish him with loss of health, and the first hero may have a serious quarrel with his family, and he will face old age alone - here there is a loss of connection with loved ones.

However, the very meaning of the inverted Fehu rune does not always imply the incorrect disposal of material wealth - we can talk about violating the rules regarding accumulated knowledge (when a person receives a doctor’s degree and goes to work on a construction site), about the incorrect use of one’s own experience (woman two times in her life she got involved with married men, it didn’t end well, but she again starts a relationship with someone who has a spouse). We can give an example of a situation where a person does not value his friends (remember the saying “My friends are my wealth”?), and ultimately loses them forever.

What does the Fehu rune mean in fortune telling for work and business?

The meaning of the Fehu rune in fortune telling for work, if the symbol comes in an upright position, will always be positive. The rune foretells career growth, project success, promising investments, income, a good position (if we are asking about getting a job). The surrounding runes will tell you what area the acquisition will be in.

  • - Fehu: The combination can report income related to business trips or travel - this is a hint that a person will not be able to earn money while sitting in an office chair
  • - Fehu: This pair of symbols will indicate that success will come through partnership work or the conclusion of any agreement

An inverted Fehu incurs material losses, unwanted acquaintances, the risk of getting into some kind of adventure and in every possible way warns a person about the need to be careful. They soften the effect of reverse Fehu, and: if any of these runes are nearby, the losses will not be so serious or temporary.

The meaning of Fehu in fortune telling for relationships and love

As you might guess, the meaning of the Fehu rune in fortune telling about relationships and love can be interpreted similarly to other areas of life. If the rune comes straight, we gain something, if it comes upside down, then we lose. In terms of love, this could be a new meeting, a joyful event, a promising relationship (direct Fehu), or a breakup, infidelity, family troubles, or any other difficulties in your personal life (reverse Fehu).

To better understand the meaning of the inverted Fehu rune in relationships, you can focus on neighboring symbols.

  • - Fehu: The couple will report the loss of a woman (for a man), the loss of a child (for a woman)
  • - Fehu: The combination indicates a break in relations with a representative of the stronger sex (for ladies)
  • - inverted Fehu: Symbols indicate that this is a break in communication with a certain person
  • - reversed Fehu: The combination indicates the need to take a break, analyze the situation, otherwise the relationship may be destroyed

What does Fehu mean in fortune telling on health issues?

Everything is very simple here. A straight rune is a sign of excellent health, the absence of any threats, and in case of illness, a speedy and successful recovery. The reverse Fehu, on the contrary, speaks of a deterioration in physical condition, the manifestation of some ailments.

  • - inverted Fehu: You should be wary, with this combination there is a high probability of injury or the need for surgery, so watch yourself carefully

How is Fehu used in magic?

The meaning of the Fehu rune in magic is very often used, and this is not surprising, since this symbol of the Elder Futhark is closely associated with acquisitions of any kind. Fehu is usually used in rituals to attract wealth and success, to increase social level and achieve well-being. Black Mages use the power of an inverted rune to punish enemies, eliminate competitors and cause damage.

Why can you wear an amulet with the Fehu rune?

In everyday rituals, the Fehu rune is most often used to attract money. It is believed that an amulet with her image opens blocked money channels and also directs financial flow to its owner. Many people prefer to use a talisman on which three Fehu runes are drawn - the meaning of such an amulet remains the same, but its effect is enhanced three times.

Rune of the Day Fehu

If a symbol comes to you as a Rune of the Day, rejoice! Today you will definitely receive bright emotions, a monetary reward, a nice gift or some news that will bring you a feeling of happiness.

When receiving something, always think about how you will use your acquisition. Look for the correct use of the material and spiritual luggage you have, protect it, do not waste it in vain - then the Fehu rune will come to you more than once.

Questions suitable for meditation on Fehu

Since this rune is closely connected with our physical and spiritual property, then questions when meditating on its photo should be asked accordingly. For example, these:

  • What do you value most: material or spiritual?
  • Do you value what you have?
  • Do you know how to properly manage your property, money, knowledge, and experience?
  • Do you take care of your loved ones, personal belongings, your own talents, do you squander what you own in vain?

So, we looked at the meaning of the Fehu rune, a description of its magical properties, as well as the principle of the influence of this powerful and very pleasant symbol on our lives. We hope that the rune will teach you to appreciate what you have and to properly manage your material and spiritual wealth. Good luck and prosperity to you!

A stable financial situation, wealth, financial success... Every person strives for this, with the exception of hermits and mystics who have dedicated their lives to the search for spiritual values. The Fehu rune, the meaning of which is “money”, “gold” or “movable property”, reflects exclusively the material side of an individual’s life. This is a symbol of the implementation of long-planned plans, success achieved through one’s own efforts.

However, it would not be entirely correct to believe that the Fehu rune carries an exclusively positive meaning. In Old Norse poems there is a repeated warning that “wealth brings discord and brings confusion to the family.” The ancients believed that excessive wealth was the source of all kinds of troubles - from envy to betrayal. Therefore, the Feu rune was used in magic with the greatest caution.

Rune Fehu in magic

If it was necessary to get out of poverty and strengthen one’s financial position, this sign was drawn on a bracelet or on a ring. Such a talisman was supposed to be worn all the time; it could only be removed at night. But even in this case, the amulet should have been placed under the pillow. The Fehu rune was used when transporting material assets, for protection from robbers and all sorts of troubles.

The Fehu symbol provides assistance only to those people who seek to strengthen their well-being in an honest way. Financial speculation, fraud and usury are not supported by this sign of the Elder Futhark.

Some people use the Fehu rune to make for themselves a talisman such as. But this approach cannot be called the most practical. The Fehu sign depicted on a wallet or purse will really attract money to its owner. But at the same time, over time, a person will become possessed by a painful tendency to hoard. Why do you need money if you have absolutely no desire to spend it?

Meaning in fortune telling

The Fehu rune, which appears in the runic layout, promises a person at least the preservation of what he has. You had to overcome a lot of obstacles on the way to achieving your goals. But you managed to cope with the machinations of envious people, and with competitors, and with unfavorable conditions.

If there are negative symbols of the Elder Futhark nearby, then you should take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps there are certain circumstances or people “working” against you. But all difficulties are temporary and surmountable, continue to believe in your success.

In an inverted position, the Fehu rune portends loss and disappointment. However, you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that arise if you handle them responsibly. Otherwise, they can turn into real problems. An inverted Feu can indicate a variety of troubles - in relationships with work colleagues, in your personal life, financially.

Career, business, work

If the rune falls in a direct position, then we can say that the person will experience rapid positive changes professionally. Also, the direct Fehu rune in a financial scenario can indicate a successful deal, a good investment, or the establishment of profitable partnerships. In combination with the Fehu symbol, it speaks of an upcoming business trip.

In an inverted position, the Fehu rune suggests that you should not continue to do business the same way as before. In this situation, the person who will win is the one who subtly senses changes and knows how to adapt to them. If the Laguz rune is located nearby, then you should pay more attention to training. The acquired skills will be useful in future professional activities.

Love and family issues

The Fehu symbol is not directly related to love affairs. However, it can be interpreted as a significant event in personal life. If is located to the left or right of the symbol, then we can say that great joy awaits the questioner. Such a sign can be interpreted as a promising relationship that can develop into mutual love.
