Italian language basic phrases with pronunciation. First phrases for communication. Check into a hotel

Then I felt like Ellochka the cannibal. I know a lot of words, but I can confidently use dozens of them. It can only be worse if you don’t know the language of the country you’re visiting at all. I had to make myself a list of irreplaceable phrases and expressions. At first, even without knowing how to put words into sentences, I learned to masterfully use this list, conducting a dialogue practically using only these phrases. And if you come on vacation and want to be treated as “one of our own” and served at “domestic”, non-tourist prices, then this set is an absolute must have!

Phrases needed when meeting and getting to know each other

C iao/Salve/Buongiorno
– Hello / Hello / Good afternoon

Come on? (Kome hundred?) - How are you doing?

Bene! (Bane) - Fine! Tutto bene! (Tutto bene) - Very good!

Sono… (Sono...) - I am... and then there’s a ton of options. With this wonderful verb you can describe your whole life J)

Sono Elena, sono russa, sono giornalista, sono felice... – I’m Elena, I’m Russian, a journalist, I’m happy...

Piacere (Piacere) - Nice to meet you!

There will still be misunderstandings, and then use the following phrases

Cosa? (Goat?) - What? or Scusami, cosa?(WITH bodies, goat?) - Sorry, that?

Non capisco, mi dispiace(N he capisco, mi dispjache). - Sorry, I do not understand.

Come si chiama? (Kome si kyama?) - How does is called?

And most importantly, add everywhere: Per favore!- Please! And all will be well.

Let's flirt:

Same question: Come si chiama?- translated as follows: “What is your name?” Change si on ti: Come ti chiami?– there will be an informal option.

Ti va di...?- Would you like to...?

For example: Ti va di andare al bar? (Ti va di andare al bar?) - Would you like to go to the bar? or ( Ti va di andare a fare un jiro?) – Would you like to go for a walk?

Volentieri! (Volentieri!) - With pleasure!

Phrases that are indispensable in the market/shop

Vorrei questo (formaggio/ mele/ pesche
/ just point with your finger) – Warray questo (formaggio/ mele/ pedestrian) – I would like this (cheese / apples / fish)

Cosí va bene (Kozi va bene) – So just right (when you were given exactly as much as you needed)

Un'po di piu(U n po di drink)- A little more

Un'po di meno (Un po di meno)- A little smaller

Basta così (Basta kozi)- That's enough. Enough is enough (when you need to stop the shopping extravaganza)

Vorrei vedere questo, per favore (Warray vedere questo, per favore)– I want to see this, please (dress in a store, etc.)

Quanto costa? (Quanto costa?) - What is the price?

Dimmi! or Mi dica! (Dimmy! or Mi wild!) - Tell me! - and this is what they usually say about you. The bartender at the counter, the salesman behind the counter - as a rule, they begin their address to you with these words.

If you went to a restaurant

Italians. In the morning (from 7-8 to 10 o’clock) – coffee and croissant. Only at this time of day do real Italians drink cappuccino, then only un café (regular espresso). If you order cappuccino after 11 am, you are a foreigner :). We order colazione (colacione) breakfast like this:

Un coffee and una pasta– One coffee (espresso) and a bun (pasta is a collective name for different types baking, you usually just poke your finger into the type you want)

Un capuccino and un cornetto (root́ that's it), per favoreCappuccino And croissant, Please.

Pranzo (prandzo) Lunch

It starts at 12 and lasts somewhere until 14.30-15. At this time, in cafes you can have a snack on a panini with mozzarella, prosciutto and tomatoes, a slice of pizza to take away, or choose dishes from the lunch menu presented in the window. There you will find cold cuts, marinated olives, artichokes, a couple of types of pasta, vegetables and the same panini.

In tourist places you can often see notices on the doors of cafes: Menu fisso– fixed menu. Similar to our business lunch. You can choose some pasta or lasagna for the first course, and meat or fish plus a drink for the second course. The cost of such a menu is usually 10-12 euros.

Apperitivo— Aperitif

This is what helps Italians last from early lunch to late dinner. The aperitif is served starting at 17, sometimes from 18-19. At this time, having ordered an alcoholic drink at the bar, you get access to a salad bar: mini-pizzas, sliced ​​vegetables, a couple of types of pasta, pickled vegetables, nuts, chips and etc. In some generous bars, by paying 6-7 euros for your cocktail, you can have a hearty dinner J) So, take note.

Cena (Chen) Dinner

Restaurants usually start filling up at 20:00 (in tourist places they open earlier - at 19:00). What phrases may be needed here:

Un tavolo per due/ tre/ quattro (un tavolo per due/ tre/ quattro) – table for two/three/four.

The waiter usually escorts you to the right table, but if there are many empty seats, then you can choose. In Italy menu– this is something fixed (see menu of the day above), full menu in our understanding this is la carta.

Well, ordering food is not difficult to handle. The only thing I recommend is to try the dish of the day or a traditional dish. Use the phrase:

Avete dei piatti del giorno/ specialità? (Avete dei piatti del giorno/specialita?) – Do you have a dish of the day / something special?

Regarding drinks:

Possiamo avere una bottiglia di aqua? (Possiamo avere una botilja di aqua?) – Can we have a bottle of water?

Vino di casa (Vino di casa) - Home wine.

And in conclusion:

Il conto, per favore (Il conto, per favore) - The check, please.

Possiamo pagare separatamente? (Possyamo pagare separatamente?) – Can we pay separately?

Can I? If I want to?

When you need to ask permission (to enter, take something, sit at a table you like, etc.): - Posso? (Posso?) - I can?

Although, when pushing through a crowd, it is better to say: Permesso! (Permesso!) - Allow me!

And when you need something, say: Ho bisogno di… (O bisogno di...) – I need... (and then the finger/dictionary will help you)


For those for whom the phrases above are already a completed stage, I suggest replenishing your lexicon words that Italians use ten times a day.

Che casino!- What a mess! Crazy house!

The next time you get stuck in a queue, get confused by some signs, etc. ... please complain. They will understand you, support you and maybe even be able to help you.

Magari!- I would like to!

A great word for expressing hope. The Italians will repeat it at every step. It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about: about catching a train, or about the weather being unlucky, or about making sure that the bread in the shop isn’t sold out before you arrive.

Dipende da te- It depends on you. As you want.

An excellent expression that bounces the question back to the interlocutor, allowing him to make his own decision.

Another phrase that is indispensable in dialogues: In che senso?- What do you mean? In terms of?

For example: Marco è un ragazzo cattivo. – In che senso?

The Italian temperament has difficulty coping with boring, routine activities, which is why you constantly hear from an Italian doing such work:

Сhe noia!(Ke noya!) - What boredom!

And if you have something important to do: an interview, an exam, an important meeting, they will definitely wish you:

In bocca al lupo – Crepi il lupo!- Break a leg! - To hell!

This expression has an interesting etymology: literally speaking, they want you to feel as calm and reliable as little wolf cubs in the mouth of a caring she-wolf. Here is a reference to the story about Romulus and Remus, suckled by a she-wolf.

And finally, if you are tired of someone’s obsessive advances or just want to send everyone away, then the Italians have a lot of expressions for this. Here are a couple of moderately abusive ones:

Vai a farti benedire! May you be blessed! (literally speaking) orVai a quel paese!- Yes, go to that country (again literally speaking). But figuratively, these are exactly the very feelings that you wanted to express.

(c) Elena Asanova

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Russian-Italian phrasebook

Italian language (lingua italiana) is the official language of Italy, the Vatican (along with Latin), San Marino and Switzerland (along with German, French and Swiss Romansh).

Countries where this language is spoken: Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Switzerland

In Russian In Italian Pronunciation
First phrases
Good afternoon good evening. Boun giorno/buona sera Bon Giorno/Bona Sira
Thank you bye. Grazie, arrivederci. Grazie, arrivederchi.
Hello and goodbye Ciao cha"o (Used both for greeting and farewell. Familiar form)
Man Signore signo"re
Woman Signora sinyo"ra
Young woman Signorina Signori" on
Child Bambino bambi"but
Yes Si si
No No But
Fine Va bene va be"not
Agree D"accordo dakko"rdo
I like Mi piace mi drink "che
I don't like Non mi piace non mi pya"che
Thank you Grazie grace
Please Prego/Per favor pre"go/per favo"re
Sorry Scusi sku"zi
Right A destra a de "stra
Left A sinistra and blue"stra
Directly Dritto dri"tto
Morning Mattino matti"but
Noon Mezzogiorno medzojo"rno
Afternoon snack Pomeriggio try Joe
Evening Sera se"ra
Night Notte but "tte"
Day Giorno jo"rno
Monday Lunedi lunedi"
Tuesday Martedi martady"
Wednesday Mercoledi mercoledy"
Thursday Giovedi jovedi"
Friday Venerdi vanerdi"
Saturday Sabato sa"bato
Sunday Domenica Nika's house
Spring Primavera primave"ra
Winter Inverno inve"rno
Summer Estate esta"te
Autumn Autunno out" but
January Gennaio Jenna"yo
February Febbraio febbra"yo
March Marzo ma"rtso
April Aprile apri"le
May Maggio ma"jio
June Giugno ju"nyeo
July Luglio lu"lyo
August Agosto ago"one hundred
September Settembre sette "mbre
October Ottobre otto"bre
November November nove"mbre
December Dicembre wilder "mbre
I io and about
You tu that
he she lui - lei lui-lei
We noi Noah
You voi howl
They loro lo"ro
My mio/mia myo/mia
Yours/yours tuo/tua tuo/tua
0 zero dze"ro
1 uno y"but
2 due du"e
3 tre tre
4 quattro kua"tro
5 cinque chi"nque
6 sei sai
7 sette se"tte
8 otto o"tto
9 nove but"ve
10 dieci die"chi
11 undici u"ndichi
12 dodici to "game"
13 tredici tre "game
14 quattordici cuatto"rdici
15 quindici kui"ndici
16 sedici se "game
17 diciassette dichasse"tte
18 diciotto wild"tto
19 diciannove wildly"ve
20 venti ve"nti
30 trenta tre"nta
40 quaranta kuara"nta
50 cinquanta Chinqua'nta
60 sessanta sessa"nta
70 settanta Setta"nta
80 ottanta otta"nta
90 novanta nova"nta
100 cento what
200 duecento dueche"nto
1.000 mille mi"lle
1.000.000 un million un milio" not
List of colors
White Bianco/a bya"nko/a
Blue Azzurro/a azu"rro/a
Yellow Giallo/a ja"llo/a
Green Verde ve"rde
Red Rosso/a ro"sso/a
Brown Marrone marro"ne
Orange Arancione arancho" not
Pink Rosa rose
Blue Blu blue
Grey Grigio/a gri"jo/a
Purple viola viola
Black Nero/a ne "ro/a
Light Chiaro/a kya "ro/a
Dark Scuro/a sku "ro/a
Transport and movement
Airport - arrival
Airplane Aereo ae"reo
Airport Aeroporto aeropo"rto
Arrival Arrivo arri" in
Ticket Biglietto bill"tto
Voucher Voucher voucher
Visa Visto vi "one hundred
Documentation Documenti document"nti
Passport Passaporto passapo"rto
I have a visa for two weeks Io ho un visto per due settimane io o un vi"sto per du"e settima"ne
Individual visa Visto individuale vi "one hundred individual" le
Collective visa Visto collettivo vi "one hundred colletti" in
Where is luggage collected? Dove si ritira il bagaglio? do "ve si riti" ra il baga "lyo?
Where is our bus? Dove si trova il nostro autobus/pulman? do "ve si tro" va il no "stro a" utobus/pu"lman?
Airport - departure
Where is the airport? Dov"e"l"aeroporto? to "ve l aeropo"rto?
Is there a flight to...? C"e" un volo per...? what un vo"lo per...?
What time does the plane leave for...? A che ora parte l"aereo per...? a ke o"ra pa"rte l ae"reo per...?
Landing announced? Hanno gia" annunciato l"imbarco? a"no ja annuncha"to l imba"rko?
Has registration started? Hanno gia" iniziato il check-in? a "no ja initiation" to il check-in?
When does the plane arrive at...? A che ora arriva l"aereo a...? a ke o"ra arri"va ae"reo a...?
Where can I stamp for TAX-FREE? Dove si puo" richiedere il timbro per TAX-FREE? do "ve si puo" rikye "dere il ti" mbro per TAX-FREE?
Where can I get money from TAX-FREE? Dove si possono ritirare i soldi del TAX-FREE? to "ve si puo" ritira "re and so" ice del TAX-FREE?
Baggage Bagaglio baga"lyo
Hand luggage Bagaglio a mano baga "lyo a ma" but
Where is luggage checked in? Dove si consegna il bagaglio? do "ve si conce"nya il baga"llo?
How many kilograms of luggage can I carry? Quanti chili di franchigia? kua"nti ki"li di franci"ja?
How much does a kilogram of overweight luggage cost? Quanto costa al chilo l"eccedenza bagaglio? kua"nto ko"sta al ki"lo l echchede"ntsa baga"lyo?
Baggage tag Ricevuta del bagaglio richevu "ta del baga" lho
Boarding pass Carta d'imbarco ka"rta d imba"rko
Customs Dogana mastiff" on
customs control Controllo doganale control"llo dogana"le
Passport Passaporto passapo"rto
Identification Carta d"identita" ka"rta d identita"
Green map Carta verde ka"rta ve"rde
I have nothing to declare Non ho nulla da dichiarare non o nu"lla da dikyara"re
This is my baggage Questo e" il mio bagaglio kue "sto e il mi"o baga"lyo
These are my personal things Questo e" per uso personale kue "sto e per u"zo persona"le
Present Regali rega"lee
Product samples Campioni di merce campio"ni di me"rce
Need to open a suitcase/bag? Devo aprire la valigia/la borsa? de"vo apri"re la wali"ja/la bo"rsa?
Can I close it? Posso chiudere? po "sso kyu" dere?
Where can I get a green card? Dove posso fare la carta verde? do"ve po"sso fa"re la ka"rta ve"rde?
Car rent
Automobile Auto a"uto
Car rental Automobile a noleggio automo"bile a nole"gyo
I want to rent a car Vorrei noleggiare un"automobile vorre"y noleja"re un automo"bile
...On one day ...per un giorno ...per un jo"rno
...For a three days ...per tre giorni ...per tre jo"rney
...for a week ...per una settimana ...per una settima"na
...for a month ...per un mese ...per un meze ...economica ...economy
...with economical fuel consumption ...a basso consumo di carburante ...a ba "sso konsu" mo di carbura "nte
...big ...grande ...gra"nde
Unlimited mileage Chilometraggio illimitato kilometer "Jyo Illimita" then
Insurance L"assicurazione l assicuratio"ne
Insurance against damage in the event of an accident, both for my car and for another victim L "assicurazione contro i danni in caso di incidente - tipo "KASCO" l assicuratio"ne ko"ntro and da"nni in ka"zo di inchide"nte ti"po "KA"SKO"
Theft and fire insurance L "assicurazione contro il furto e incendio l assicuratio"ne ko"ntro il fu"rto e inche"ndio
Urban transport
Bus Autobus a"bus
Trolleybus Filobus phi"lobus
Tram Tram tram
Minibus Minibus/Pulmino minibu "s/pulmi" but
Ticket Biglietto bill"tto
Where are tickets sold? Dove si vendono i biglietti? Do"ve si ve"ndono and bile"tti?
Stop Fermata fermata
Where does the bus stop? Dove si ferma l"autobus? to "ve si fe"rma l a"utobus?
How often does the bus pass? Ogni quanto passa l"autobus? o"nyi kua"nto pa"ssa l a"utobus?
Fine Multa mu"lt
Where should you get off? Dove bisogna scendere? to "ve bizo"nya she"ndere?
At what stop? A quale fermata? and cua "le farm" that?
Train and railway station
Train Treno tre"but
Railway carriage Vagone/carrozza vago "ne/karro"tsa
Where is the train station? Dov" e" la stazione ferroviaria? do"ve e la stazio"ne ferrovia"ria?
Where are the train departure/arrival schedules? Dov" e" l "orario dei treni in partenza/arrivo? do"ve e l ora"rio day tre"ni in parte"ntsa/arri"vo?
When does the train depart to.../arrive from...? A che ora parte il treno per... /arriva il treno da...? a ke o"ra pa"rte il tre"but per... /arri"va il tre"but yes...?
What train should I take to get to...? Che treno devo prendere per arrivare a...? ke tre"no de"vo pre"ndere per arriva"re a...?
In which direction is this train going? Dove va questo treno? do "ve va que" hundred tre" but?
Stop Fermata fermata
Ticket office Biglietteria biliettiri"I
Ticket Biglietto bill"tto
Where are tickets sold? Dove vendon i biglietti? do "ve ve"ndono and bile"tti?
Please, two tickets/one return ticket Per favore,un biglietto/due biglietti andata e ritorno per favo"re, un bilje"tto/du"e bilje"tti anda"ta e rito"rno
Only there Solo andata so"lo and"ata
Where do I need to validate my tickets? Dove bisogna timbrare i biglietti? do "ve bizo"nya timbra"re i bile"tti?
From which track does the train depart to...? Da quale binario parte il treno per...? yes kua "le bina" rio pa "rte il tre" but per...?
Which station do I need to get off at to get to...? A che stazione devo scendere per arrivare a...? a ke statio"ne de"vo she"ndere per arriva"re a...?
Direct train Treno diretto tre"no dire"tto
Where do I need to transfer? Dove devo cambiare linea? do "ve de" vo kambia "re li" nia?
Is there a sleeping car/restaurant? C" e" il vagone letto/il ristorante? what il vago"ne le"tto/il ristora"nte?
Automobile Auto a"uto
Road map Picturestradale carti "on strada"le
Free parking Parcheggio libero Park "Gio Li" Bero
Paid parking Parcheggio a pagamento Parque Gio a Pagame Nto
Can I park my car here? Si puo" parcheggiare qui? si puo" parkagia "re kui"?
Where is the nearest gas station? Dov" e" il prossimo distributore? do"ve il pro"simo distributo"re?
Fill the tank full Il Pieno il pie"but
Check oil level/water level Mi controlli l"olio/l"acqua mi control "li l o" lyo/l a "kkua
I had an accident Ho avuto un incidente o awu "to un inchide" nte
How much does it cost to repair a car? Quanto costa la riparazione dell"auto? Cua"nto co"sta la riparazio"ne del a"uto?
I need a mechanic Ho bisogno di un meccanico o biso"nyo di un mecca"nico
My car is insured in... La mia macchina e" assicurata con... la mia ma"kkina e asikura"ta kon...
Taxi Taxi Taxi
I need a taxi Ho bisogno di un taxi o bizo "nyo di un ta" xi
Please call a taxi Mi puo" chiamare un taxi, per favore? mi puo" kyama"re un ta"xi, per favo"re?
How long will it take for the taxi to arrive? Fra quanto tempo arriva il taxi? fra kua"nto te"mpo arri"va il ta"xi?
Where is the nearest taxi stand? Dove si trova la fermata piu" vicina del taxi? do "ve si tro" va la farm "ta drink vichi" na del ta "xi?
You are free? E"libero? eh "bero?
Please take my things Puo" prendere i miei bagagli? pu"o pre"ndere and mie"i baga"li?
Take me to this address Puo"portarmi a questo indirizzo? pu"o porta"rmi a que"sto indir"tstso?
Go straight Vada sempre diritto va "da se" mpre diri "tto
Turn left/right Giri a sinistra/destra ji "ri a sini"stra/de"stra
I am late Sono in ritardo so"no in rita"rdo
I'm in hurry Ho fretta o fre"ta
Faster Please Piu veloce, per favore I drink velo"che, per favo"re
Stop here please Si fermi qui, per favore si fe"rmi kui, per favo"re
How much do I owe you? Quanto le devo? kua"nto le de"vo?
Can I pay in dollars? Si puo" pagare in dollari? si puo" paga"re in do"llari?
In the shop
Questions when purchasing
How many? Quanto? kua"nto?
What is the price? Quanto costa? kua"nto ko"sta?
Who? Chi? ki?
What? Che cosa? ke ko"za?
How? Come? co"me?
Where? Dove? to"ve?
When? Quando? kua"ndo?
Why? Perche? perke"?
I wanted to buy ...Vorrei compare... Worrey comprare
I just want to watch. Vorrei dare un"occhiata Worrey dare un okyata.
Show me... (this) Mi faccia vedere... (questo) Mi faccia vedere... (cuesto)
Where is...? Dov"e" ...? Dov"uh...?
I need size 37. Mi sreve misura trantasette. Mi serve misura trentasette.
I need a men's (women's) suit Mi sreve abito da uomo Mi serve abito da uomo (da donna)
Too big (small) E"troppo grande (piccolo) E"troppo grande (piccolo)
Too long (short). E"tropo lungo (corto). E"troppo lungo (korto).
Can I try this on? Posso provarlo? Prosso failed,
Where is the fitting room? Dov "e" il camerino? Dov"e or chamber?
I would like a light brown color. Lo vorrei di colore marrone chiaro. Po warrey di colore marrone chiaro.
I'll take that, thanks. Prendo questo, grazie. Prendo cuesto, grace.
Can I pay in dollars? Posso pagare in dollari? Mi faccia in dollari?
Give me Tax Free, please. Mi faccia il Tax Free per favore. Mi faccia il Taxfree per favore.
Could you give me a discount? Puo" farmi uno sconto? poo fa"rmi u"no sko"nto?
Where can I buy...? Dove posso comprare...? to "ve po" sso compra "re...?
Please give me a receipt Mi dia lo scontrino, per favore mi di "a lo skontri"no, per favo"re
In the bank
Bank Banca jar
Where can I find a bank? Dove posso trovare una banca? do "ve po" sso trova "re u" na ba "nka?
Money Soldi, denaro so "ice, dena" ro
Exchange rate Corso di cambio ko"rso di ka"mbyo
What exchange rate... Quale" il cambio... kua "le il ka" mbyo...
Euro Euro e"uro
Dollar Dollaro to"llaro
How much money can I change? Fino a quanto posso cambiare? fi"no a kua"nto ro"sso kambia"re?
Exchange tax Trattenuta di cambio trattenu "ta di ka" mbyo
Receipt Ricevuta richevu"ta
Is it possible to open an account...? E" possibile aprire un conto...? e possi"bile apri"re un ko"nto...? dollars dollars do"llari
...In Euro euro e"uro
At the hotel
Hotel Hotel/Albergo ote"l/albe"rgo
My number Mia camera Miya ka"mera
Hanger Attaccapanni attakkapa"nny
Door Porta across the mouth
Hot water Aqcua calda a "kua ka" ice
Cold water Aqcua fredda a"qua fre"dda
Shower Doccia do"chcha
Tap Rubinetto ruby"tto
Soap Sapone sapo"ne
Clean Pulito/a bullets"to/a
Dirty Sporco/a sporko/a
Garbage Patume patu"meh
Window Finestra fine"stra
Blanket Coperta mouth
Ashtray Portacenere portache"nere
Pillow Cuscino Kushi" but
Towel Asciugamano ashugama" but
Cover Copriletto coprile"tto
Radio Radio radio
Light Luce lu"che
TV Televisore televiso"re
Toilet Gabinetto gabina"tto
Toilet paper Carta igenica ka"rta idzhe"nik
sheet Lenzuolo lenzuo"lo
Cup Bicchiere bikkje"re
Anything doesn't work non funziona... non funcio"on
Noise Rumore rumo"re
Wake you up tomorrow morning Mi puo svegliare domani? mi puo" zvelya"re home"ni?
On the beach
Beach Spiaggia spia"ja
Rescuer Bagnino baths" but
Help! Aiuto! ayy"to!
Finely Acqua bassa a "kkua ba"ssa
Deep Acqua alta a"kkua a"lta
Swimsuit Costume da bagno costu "me da ba"no
Are there jellyfish here? Qui ci sono meduse? kui" chi so"no medu"ze?
Are there crabs here? Qui ci sono granchi? kui" chi so"no gr"ki?
Where is the changing cabin located? Dove si trova la cabina per cambiarsi? do "ve si tro" va la kabi "na per kambia" rsi?
Where is the shower? Dove si trova la doccia? do "ve si tro" wa la do "chcha?
I am looking for the restroom. Dove si trova la toilette? do "ve si tro" va la toale "t?
Beach bar Bar di spiaggia bar di spia "ja
How to get to the beach? Come si arriva alla spiaggia? ko"me si arri"va a"lla spia"ja?
Paid beach Spiaggia a pagamento spia"ja a pagame"nto
Free beach Spiaggia libera spia "ja li" bera
What is the price: Quanto costa: kua"nto ko"sta:
Place on the first line Posto sulla prima linea according to "one hundred sul at" ma li "nope
Place behind the first line Posto dopo la prima linea po "one hundred do" po la pri "ma li" no
Half a day Meta" giornata meta "jorna" that
One day Un giorno un jo"rno
One week, two, three Una settimana, due, tre u"na settima"na, du"e, tre
Month Un mese un me"ze
Included in the price: Il prezzo comprende: il pre"zzo compre"nde:
Umbrella Ombrellone ombrello"ne
Chaise lounge Sdraio hello yo
Sun lounger Lettino fly"but
Where can you rent: Dove si puo" noleggiare: to "we si puo" noleja"re:
boat Una barca at "on ba"rka
Jet moto Una moto d'acqua un mo "to d a" kkua
Water bicycle Un pedalo" un pedal"
Water skiing Degli sci d"acqua de "li shi d a" kua
I lost my child Ho perso un bambino o pe"rso un bambi"no
Unseen circumstances Emergence emerging
Where is the police station? Dov"e la centrale di polizia? to "ve la centra" le di police?
Call the police! Chiami la polizia! kya "mi la police"ya!
Where is the lost and found item department? Dov"e l"ufficio oggetti smarriti? do "ve l uffi" chcho oje "tti zmarri"ti?
My car was stolen Mi hanno rubato la macchina mi a"no ruba"to la ma"kkina
My bag is stolen Mi hanno rubato la borsa mi a"no ruba"to la bo"rsa
My wallet was stolen Mi hanno rubato il portafoglio mi a"no ruba"to il portafo"llo
I lost my passport Ho perso il passaporto o pe"rso il passapo"rto
Call the firefighters! Chiami i pompieri! kya"mi and pompier

Other possibly useful phrases and expressions:

Greetings, general expressions
Good afternoon, good evening - Bon Giorno, Bon Sera
Hello, bye - Ciao
Goodbye - Arrivederchi
Thank you - Grazie
Please - Prago, per favore
Sorry - Skoozy
I don't speak Italian - But parlo Italiano
I don't understand - But capisco
What is your name? - Kome si kyama?
My name is... - Mi kyamo...
Yes - Si
No, but
I love you! - Io te amo!
Go! - Va fanculo!
How to get to St. Peter's Square? - Come si fa ad arrivare a piazza san Pietro?
Wow, this is all right - Cuesto magari potrebbe andare
What a pity! - Peccato!

For the good of the cause
Girl, you have beautiful breasts, is your last name Bellucci by any chance? - Bella! Ay delle tette perfette! A proposito, il tuo conyome non e Bellucci?
Where is the nearest emergency room? - Sa dove qui vicino il pronto soccorso?
I didn’t push the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it fell on its own - Non sono stato io a spingere la torre di Pizza, e caduta da sola
My wife is lost. The last time I saw her, she was getting into a red Lamborghini - Mia moglia si e persa. Lultima Volta que lo vista, era seduta su una Lamborghini Rossa
You yourself are a cuckold! - Il cornuto qui, sei tu
Friend, I want to sell one ticket to Moscow - Volyo vendere un biletto per Mosca
He who does not work does not make love - Ki non lavora, non fa l'amore
Out of sight, out of mind - Lont Ano gave okki, Lont Ano gave cuore
Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart - Patti kyari amichitsya lunga
All's well that ends well - Tutto e'bene, quel ke finishe bene

Shop, transport, restaurant
Where are tickets sold? - Do've si ve'ndono and billie'tti?
Where is luggage collected? - Do've si riti'ra il baga'lyo?
I want to rent a car - Worre'y noleja're un automo'bile
Where does the bus stop? - Do've si fe'rma l a'utobus?
Where is the train station? - Do've e la stazio'ne ferrovia'ria?
What train should I take to get to...? - Ke tre'no de'vo pre'ndere per arriva're a...?
Please, two round trip tickets - Per favo're, due'e bile'tti anda'ta e rito'rno
Can I park my car here? - Si puo "parkejia're kui"?
How to get to the beach without getting hit by a car? - Come arrivo alla spiaggia senza esser investito da una macquina?
Please call a taxi - Mi puo" kyama're un ta'xi, per favo're?
What is the price? - Kua'nto ko'sta?
Could you give me a discount? - Poo fa'rmi u'no sko'nto?
Can I try it on? - Did the prosso fail?
Bill please - Ile conto, per favore
Can I finish this here and take another two liters with me? - Posso finire la bevanda qui e prendermi altri do e litri a caza?
Delicious! - Buonissimo!

Swearing in Italian
Damn, horseradish and others like them (the most popular curse word) - Kazzo!
What the hell do you want from me? - Ke kazzo vooi da mi?
Stinky - Puzza
Son of a bitch - Filho di prostitute
What disgusting - Ke skifo
Fuck off - Watten
Girl with big breasts (compliment) - Tettona
Bullshit - Kavolata
Scapegoat - Carpo Espiatorio
At worst - Nella pejore delle mortgage
Go! - Ma wala! Mano!
Neither skin nor face - Brutta come il peccato mortale
From him, like milk from a goat - E un buono a nulla
It doesn't bother me - Non me ne frega niente
What a cunning one! - Ma que furbo
Seventh water on jelly - Parente lontanissimo

Romantic and mysterious Italy - is it possible to find a country that is more suitable for a break from the daily routine. This is a country that combines the mysteries of history with modern entertainment venues. Almost all the great artists and sculptors in world history lived and worked in Italy. There is certainly something to do and see here. But for a smooth holiday you will need at least a minimal knowledge of the Italian language.

Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Thank yougraziegrace
Pleaseper favoreper favor
Good morningbuon giornoBuon Giorno
Good eveningbuona serabuona sulfur
Good night buona noteBuona Notte
I don't understandNon capisconon capisco
What is your name?Come si chiama?
qual è il suo nome?

kome si kyama?

kual e il suo nome?

Very nicegrande piacereGrande Piacere
How are you?come staycoma flock
FineVa benewa be'ne
Where is the toilet here?Dove sono le toilette?dove sono le toilette
How much does the ticket cost?Quanto costa il biglietto?Quanto costa il billetto?
One ticket toun biglietto perun bigietto per
Where do you live?dove abiti?dove abiti?
What time is it now?che ora è?ke ora e?
Do you speak English (French, German, Spanish)?lei parla inglese (in francese, tedesco, spagnolo)?lei parla inglese (in Francese, tedesco, spagnuolo)?
Where is… ?dove si trova... ?dove si trova... ?
One ticket to... pleaseun biglietto per…, per favoreun bigietto per..., per favore
Okay, I'm buying itva bene, lo prendova bene, lo prendo
What it is?che cosa è?ke goat eh?
IIoAnd about
He sheLui - leiLui-lei
I likeMi piacemi pya'che
I don't likeNon mi piacenon mi pya'che
Young womanSignorinasignori'na


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Good eveningbuona serabon sir
Hello and goodbyeCiaocha'o
Thank you bye.Grazie, arrivederciGrazie, arrivederchi.
Good afternoonBoun giornoBon Giorno

At customs

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where can I get a green card?Dove posso fare la carta verde?Do've po'sso fa're la-ka'rta ve'rde?
Can I close it?Posso chiudere?Po'sso kyu'dere?
Product samplesCampioni di merceCampio'ni di me'rche
Need to open a suitcase/bag?Devo aprire la valigia/la borsa?De'vo apri're la wali'ja/la bo'rsa?
These are my personal thingsQuesto e’ per uso personaleQue'sto e per u'zo persona'le
This is my baggageQuesto e’ il mio bagaglioQue'sto e il mi'o baga'lyo
I have nothing to declareNon ho nulla da dichiarareNon o nu'lla da dikyara're
Green mapCarta verdeKa'rta ve'rde
IdentificationCarta d'identita'Ka'rta d identita'
customs controlControllo doganaleKontro'llo dogana'le

At the station

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Is there a sleeping car/restaurant?C' e' il vagone letto/il ristorante?Che il vago' n. e. le’tto/il ristora’nte?
Where do I need to transfer?Dove devo cambiare linea?Do've de'vo kambia're li'nia?
Direct trainTreno direttoTre'no dire'tto
Which station do I need to get off at to get to...?A che stazione devo scendere per arrivare a...?A ke stazio’ n. e. de'vo she'ndere per arriva're a...?
From which track does the train depart to...?Da quale binario parte il treno per...?Yes kua'le bina'rio pa'rte il tre'no per...?
Only thereSolo andataSo'lo and'ata
Where are tickets sold?Dove vendono i biglietti?Do've ve'ndono and billie'tti?
Please, two tickets/one return ticketPer favore,un biglietto/due biglietti andata e ritornoPer favo're, un bilje'tto/due'e bilje'tti anda'ta e rito'rno
Ticket officeBiglietteriaBigliatteri'ya
In which direction is this train going?Dove va questo treno?Do've va que'sto tre'no?
What train should I take to get to...?Che treno devo prendere per arrivare a...?Ke tre'no de'vo pre'ndere per arriva're a...?
When does the train leave for.../arrive the train from...?A che ora parte il treno per… /arriva il treno da…?A ke o’ra pa’rte il tre’no per... /arri’va il tre’no yes...?
Where are the train departure/arrival schedules?Dov’ e’ l’orario dei treni in partenza/arrivo?Do've e l ora'rio day tre'ni in parte'ntsa/arri'vo?
Railway carriageVagone/carrozzaRailway carriage. e./carro’zza
Where is the train station?Dov’ e’ la stazione ferroviaria?Do've e la stazio' n. e. ferrovia'ria?

Walk around the city

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Can I pay in dollars?Si puo’ pagare in dollari?Si puo' paga're in do'llari?
Stop here pleaseSi fermi qui, per favoreSi fe'rmi qui, per favo're
How much do I owe you?Quanto le devo?Qua'nto le de'vo?
I'm in hurryHo frettaOh fre'tta
Faster PleasePiu veloce, per favoreI drink velo'che, per favo're
I am lateSono in ritardoSo'no in rita'rdo
Go straightVada sempre dirittoVa'da se'mpre diri'tto
Turn left/rightGiri a sinistra/destraJi'ri, a sini'stra/de'stra
Take me to this addressPuo’ portarmi a questo indirizzo?Pu'o porta'rmi, a cue'sto indiri'zzo?
Please take my thingsPuo’ prendere i miei bagagli?Pu'o pre'ndere and mie'i baga'lyi?
Where is the nearest taxi stand?Dove si trova la fermata piu’ vicina del taxi?Do've si tro'va la ferma'ta drink vici'na del ta'xi?
You are free?E'libero?E li'bero?
How long will it take for the taxi to arrive?Fra quanto tempo arriva il taxi?Fra kua'nto te'mpo arri'va il ta'xi?
Please call a taxiMi puo’ chiamare un taxi, per favore?Mi puo' kyama're un ta'xi, per favo're?
I need a taxiHo bisogno di un taxiO bizo'nyo di un ta'xi
My car is insured in...La mia macchina e’ assicurata con…La mia ma'kkina e assikura'ta kon...
I need a mechanicHo bisogno di un meccanicoO biso'nyo di un mecca'nico
How much does it cost to repair a car?Quanto costa la riparazione dell'auto?Kua'nto ko'sta la riparacio' n. e. del, a'uto?
I had an accidentHo avuto un incidenteO avu'to un inchide'nte
Fill the tank fullIl PienoIl pie'no
Check oil level/water levelMi controlli l'olio/l'acquaMi kontro'lly l o'lyo/l, a'kkua
Where is the nearest gas station?Dov’ e’ il prossimo distributore?Do've il pro'simo distributo're?
Can I park my car here?Si puo’ parcheggiare qui?Si puo' parkejia're kui'?
Paid parkingParcheggio a pagamentoParke'jio, a pagame'nto
Free parkingParcheggio liberoParke'gio lib'bero
Road mapPicturestradaleKarti'na strada'le
At what stop?A quale fermata?And kua'le ferma'ta?
Where should you get off?Dove bisogna scendere?Do've bizo'nya she'ndere?
Where do I need to validate my tickets?Dove bisogna timbrare i biglietti?Do've bizo'nya timbra're and bilye'tti?
Where does the bus stop?Dove si ferma l'autobus?Do've si fe'rma l, a'utobus?
How often does the bus pass?Ogni quanto passa l'autobus?O'nyi ku'nto pa'ssa l, a'utobus?
Where are tickets sold?Dove si vendono i biglietti?Do've si ve'ndono i bilje'tti?
Theft and fire insuranceL'assicurazione contro il furto e incendioL assicuratio' n. e. co'ntro il fu'rto e inche'ndio
InsuranceL'assicurazioneL assicuratio' n. e.
Unlimited mileageChilometraggio illimitatoKilometra'jyo illimita'to
...with economical fuel consumption…a basso consumo di carburante…a ba’sso konsu’mo di carbura’nte
…for a month…per un mese…per un meze
…For a three days…per tre giorni...per tre jo'rni
...for a week…per una settimana...per una settima'na
…On one day…per un giorno...per un jo'rno
I want to rent a carVorrei noleggiare un'automobileWorre'y noleja're un automo'bile
Car rentalAutomobile a noleggioAutomo'bile, a nole'dzhio

At the hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Wake you up tomorrow morningMi puo svegliare domani?Mi puo' zvelya're doma'ni?
Anything doesn't workNon funziona…Non-functional
Toilet paperCarta igenicaKa'rta ij'nika
SoapSaponeSapo' n. e.
Hot waterAqcua caldaA'kua-ka'lda
Cold waterAqcua freddaA'qua fre'dda
My numberMia cameraMiya-ka'mera


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Call the firefighters!Chiami i pompieri!Kya'mi and Pompier
I lost my childHo perso un bambinoO pe'rso un bambi'no
I lost my passportHo perso il passaportoO pe'rso il passapo'rto
My wallet was stolenMi hanno rubato il portafoglioMi, a’no ruba’to il portafo’glio
My bag is stolenMi hanno rubato la borsaMi, a'no ruba'to la bo'rsa
My car was stolenMi hanno rubato la macchinaMi, a’no ruba’to la ma’kkina
Where is the lost and found item department?Dov'e l'ufficio oggetti smarriti?Do’ve uffi’chchio oje’tti zmarri’ti?
Call the police!Chiami la polizia!Kya'mi la police'ya!
Where is the police station?Dov'e la centrale di polizia?Do've la centra'le di police?
Unseen circumstancesEmergenceEmerge'ntsa

Times and dates

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
MonthUn meseUn me'ze
Half a dayMeta' giornataMeta' jorna'ta
One dayUn giornoUn jo'rno
One week, two, threeUna settimana, due, treU'na settima'na, du'e, tre
Afternoon snackPomeriggioPomeri'jo


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 ZeroDze'ro
1 UnoU'no
2 DueDu'e
3 TreTre
4 QuattroQua'ttro
5 CinqueChi'nque
6 SeiSay
7 SetteSe'tte
8 OttoO'tto
9 NoveNo'we
10 DieciDie'chi
11 UndiciU'ndichie
12 DodiciDo'dici
13 TrediciTre'dichie
14 QuattordiciCuatto'rdici
15 QuindiciQui'ndichie
16 SediciSe'dichi
17 DiciassetteDichasse'tte
18 DiciottoDicho'tto
19 DiciannoveDichanno've
20 VentiVe'nti
30 TrentaTre'ntha
40 QuarantaQuara'ntha
50 CinquantaCinqua'nta
60 SessantaSessa'ntha
70 SettantaSetta'nta
80 OttantaOtta'nta
90 NovantaNova'ntha
100 CentoChe'nto
200 DuecentoDueche'nto
1 000 MilleMi'lle
1 000 000 Un millionUn milio'ne

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Is it possible to open an account...?E’ possibile aprire un conto...?E possi'bile apri're un ko'nto...?
…in do'llari
…In Euro…in e'uro
Exchange taxTrattenuta di cambioTrattenu'ta di-ka'mbyo
How much money can I change?Fino a quanto posso cambiare?Fi'no, a kua'nto ro'sso kambia're?
What exchange rate...Quale' il cambio…Kua'le il-ka'mbyo...
MoneySoldi, denaroSo'ldi, dena'ro
Exchange rateCorso di cambioKo'rso di-ka'mbyo
Where can I find a bank?Dove posso trovare una banca?Do've po'sso trova're u'na ba'nka?
Please give me a receiptMi dia lo scontrino, per favoreMi di'a lo skontri'no, per favo're
Where can I buy…?Dove posso comprare...?Do've po'sso compra're...?
Could you give me a discount?Puo' farmi uno sconto?Poo fa'rmi u'no sko'nto?
Get me tax free, please.Mi faccia il tax free per favore.Mi faccia il taxfree per favore.
I'll take that, thanks.Prendo questo, grazie.Prendo cuesto, grace.
Can I pay in dollars?Posso pagare in dollari?Mi faccia in dollari?
Where is the fitting room?Dov'e' il camerino?Dove or chamber?
I would like a light brown color.Lo vorrei di colore marrone chiaro.Po warrey di colore marrone chiaro.
Can I try this on?Posso provarlo?Prosso failed?
Too long (short).E'tropo lungo (corto).E'troppo lungo (korto).
Too big (small)E'troppo grande (piccolo)E'troppo grande (piccolo)
I need a men's (women's) suitMi sreve abito da uomoMi serve abito da uomo (da donna)
I need size 37.Mi sreve misura trantasette.Mi serve misura trentasette.
Show me... (this)Mi faccia vedere… (questo)Mi faccia vedere... (cuesto)
Where is…?Dov'e'...?Dove'e...?
I just want to watch.Vorrei dare un'occhiataWorrey dare un okyata.
I wanted to buy…Vorrey compare…Worrey comprare
How many?Quanto?Qua'nto?
What is the price?Quanto costa?Kua'nto ko'sta?


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
I have a visa for two weeksIo ho un visto per due settimaneIo o un vi'sto per due'e settima' n. e.
Individual visaVisto individualeVi'sto individuala'le
Where is luggage collected?Dove si ritira il bagaglio?Do've si riti'ra il baga'lyo?
Collective visaVisto collettivoVi'sto colletti'vo
Where is our bus?Dove si trova il nostro autobus/pulman?Do've si tro'va il, no'stro, a'utobus/pu'lman?
Is there a flight to...?C'e' un volo per...?Che un vo'lo per...?
Where is the airport?Dov'e' l'aeroporto?Do've l aeropo'rto?
What time does the plane leave for...?A che ora parte l’aereo per...?A ke o'ra pa'rte l ae'reo per...?
Landing announced?Hanno gia' annunciato l'imbarco?A’no ja annuncha’to l imba’rko?
Has registration started?Hanno gia’ iniziato il check-in?A’no ja initiation’to il check-in?
When does the plane arrive at...?A che ora arriva l’aereo a...?A ke o'ra arri'va ae'reo a...?
Where can I put a stamp for tax-free?Dove si puo’ richiedere il timbro per tax-free?Do've si puo' rikye'dere il ti'mbro per tax-free?
Where can I get money from tax-free?Dove si possono ritirare i soldi del tax-free?Do've si puo' ritira're i so'ldi del tax-free?
Hand luggageBagaglio a manoBaga'lyo, a ma'no
Where is luggage checked in?Dove si consegna il bagaglio?Do've si conce'nya il baga'lio?
How many kilograms of luggage can I carry?Quanti chili di franchigia?Kua'nti ki'li di franki'ja?
How much does a kilogram of overweight luggage cost?Quanto costa al chilo l'eccedenza bagaglio?Kua'nto ko'sta al ki'lo l echchede'ntsa baga'lyo?
Baggage tagRicevuta del bagaglioRichevu'ta del baga'glio
Boarding passCarta d'imbarcoKa'rta d imba'rko
FinelyAcqua bassaA'kqua ba'sa
DeepAcqua altaA'kqua, a'lta
SwimsuitCostume da bagnoKostu'me da ba'no
Are there jellyfish here?Qui ci sono meduse?Kui' chi so'no medu'ze?
Are there crabs here?Qui ci sono granchi?Kui' chi so'no gra'nki?
Where is the changing cabin located?Dove si trova la cabina per cambiarsi?Do've si tro'va la kabi'na per kambia'rsi?
Where is the shower?Dove si trova la doccia?Do've si tro'va la do'chcha?
I am looking for the restroom.Dove si trova la toilette?Do've si tro'va la toilet't?
How to get to the beach?Come si arriva alla spiaggia?Ko'me si arri'va, a'lla spia'ja?
Beach barBar di spiaggiaBar di spia'ja
Free beachSpiaggia liberaSpia'ja lib'bera
Paid beachSpiaggia a pagamentoSpia'ja, a pagame'nto
What is the price:Quanto costa:Kua'nto ko'sta:
Place on the first linePosto sulla prima lineaPo'sto sul pri'ma li'nea
Place behind the first linePosto dopo la prima lineaPo’sto do’po la pri’ma li’nea
Included in the price:Il prezzo comprende:Il pre'zzo compre'nde:
Sun loungerLettinoLetti'no
Chaise loungeSdraioHello
UmbrellaOmbrelloneOmbrello' n. e.
Where can you rent:Dove si puo’ noleggiare:Do've si puo' noleja're:
Jet motoUna moto d'acquaUn mo'to d, a'kqua
boatUna barcaU'na ba'rka
Water bicycleUn pedalo'Un pedal’
Water skiingDegli sci d'acquaDe'lyi shi d, a'qua

Our Russian-Italian phrasebook consists of the most frequently used topics for communication.

Greetings are phrases and words with which you can start a dialogue, as well as simply greet new acquaintances.

Standard phrases are a selection of all kinds of words and phrases that will be useful for you to communicate while traveling around Italy.

Stations – do you need to find out which terminal the train you need arrives at, or buy a bus ticket in the right direction? Then open this topic, and you will definitely find the translation of the words and phrases you need for this.

Passport Control – When going through passport control upon arrival in Italy, you will need a minimum knowledge of the language on this topic. Here you will find everything you need to complete this procedure.

Orientation in the city - walking around Italian cities is a real pleasure, but without knowledge of the Italian language you may get lost or not be able to find the object you are interested in. To avoid such problems, use this topic from the Russian-Italian phrasebook.

Transport – in a foreign country you will probably want to rent a car, in addition, you will often use taxi services and public transport. In order for you not to have problems with these services, you need to have at least a minimum level of knowledge of the Italian language, or you can simply use this section in our Russian-Italian phrasebook.

Hotel – when you arrive in Italy, you will most likely stay in a hotel, but to register and stay in a room, you need to know a few phrases and words in order to feel comfortable while staying there. You will find all the phrases necessary for this in this topic.

Emergency situations - a list of phrases that every tourist should have on hand, because you are in a foreign country and anything can happen. In this section you will find translations of phrases that will help you call passers-by for help, report that you are feeling unwell, call the police, and so on.

Dates and times - in a hurry, you may forget the clock in your room, and in order to find out what time it is, you will have to ask passersby about it. This topic lists all the necessary phrases and their correct pronunciation. In addition, there is a translation of the days of the week and months of the year.

Shopping – While shopping, you will be able to look into this section, to find out how to pronounce this or that name of a product or some thing in Italian.

Numbers and digits - pronunciation and Italian translation of numbers from zero to thousand. This is a very important topic for tourists.

Tourism - a list of common phrases necessary for any tourist while traveling in Italy.

Very short Russian-Italian phrasebook

Italian for tourists is not a dish or a route on a map. This is interesting and useful topic, so it must be treated with due attention. And with humor, since, as is known, the level of preparation of a Samtourist includes a rich mixture of Italian English with gestures and significant pauses in speech, intended mainly for the native, who must understand that an express course in Italian will be completed on the spot and immediately.

Let's say that this is your first time using the Italian language.

To cope in Italy with an interlocutor who does not speak the great and mighty Russian language, there are several options:

A) World Sign Language (“The boy showed on his fingers that his name is Juan”);

C) The native language of the interlocutor, passed through Google Translator;

D) Rely on the vocabulary of your guide or accompanying person.

If these four strategies don't suit you because your great-grandmother spoke seven languages ​​and you are a genetic linguist, then learn the following words and expressions from a short Italian phrasebook over a cup of coffee online and for free:

Basic words for a tourist

Yes = Si -Si
No = No - But
Thank you = Grazie - Grazie
Thank you very much = Grazie Mille - Grazie Mille
Please = Prego - Prago (consenting response to a request or question)
Please = Per favore - Per favore (to maintain politeness in requests and offers)
Sorry = Mi scusi, Scusa - Mi scusi, Scusa
Hello = Salve, Ciao - Salve, Ciao
Goodbye = Arrivederci, Ciao - Arrivederci, Ciao
Bye = Addio a poi! - Addio a poi
Good morning = Buon giorno - Buon giorno
Good afternoon = Buon pomeriggio - Buon pomeriggio (afternoon)
Good evening = Buona sera - Buona sera (after approximately 16.00 hours)
Good night = Buona notte - Buona notte (after about 22.00 hours, goodbye)
I don't understand = Non capisco - Non capisco
How to say this by [… …]? = Come si dice questo in ? Come si dice cuesto in italiano
You speak... = Parla... - Parla
English = Inglese - Inglese
French = Francese
German = Tedesco - Tedesko
Spanish = Spagnolo - Spagnolo
Chinese = Cinese
I = Io - Io
We = Noi - Noi
You = Tu - Tu
You = Lei - Lei
You = Voi - Voi
They = Essi (m), Esse (f) - Essi, Esse
What is your name? = Come si chiama? Come ti chiami? - Kome si kyama? Kome chi kyami?
Very nice. = Felice di conoscerla. Felice di conoscerti. Piacere Felice di conocherla/ti
How are you? = Come sta? Come stay? - Kome sta? Kome stay?
Good = Buono (m), Buona (f), Bene - Buono, Buona, Bene
Bad = Cattivo (m), Cattiva (f), Male, Non bene - Cattivo/a, Male, Non bene
So-so = Cosi cosi - Cosi cosi
Wife = Moglie - Mollier
Husband = Marito - Marito
Daughter = Figlia - Figlia
Son = Figlio - Figlio
Mother = Madre - Madre
Father = Padre - Padre
Friend = Amico (m), Amica (f) - Amiko, Amica
Where is the toilet here? = Dove e il bagno? - Dove e il bagno?

Shops and restaurants in Italy - useful words and expressions

How much does it cost? = Quanto costa? - Quanto costa?
What it is? = Cosa e questo? - Goat e cuesto?
I will buy it. = Va bene, lo compro - Va bene, lo compro
I would like to buy... = Mi piacerebbe comprare... - Mi piacerebbe comprare
Do you have?.. = Avreste... - Avreste
Do you accept credit cards? = Acketate carte di credito? - Acchattate carte di creditito?
Open = Aperto - Aperto
Closed = Chiuso - Kiuso
Postcard = Cartolina postale - Cartolina postale
Stamps = Francobolli - Francobolli
A little, Little = Un poco, Un po, Pochino - Un poco, Un po, Pochino
Many = Molto, Un sacco, Moltissimo - Molto, Un sacco, Moltissimo
All = Tutto, Tutta, Tutti, Tutte - Tutto/a/i/e


First of all, it is necessary to talk about the rules of pronunciation of the Italian language. They are very simple, there are only a few nuances. I will provide the transcription in parentheses for most Italian words.

1. The letters "c" and "g" are pronounced like "k" and "g" in the words casa ("casa", house) or gatto ("gatto", cat).
But if these letters come before "i" or "e", they are pronounced like "ch" or "j" in the words ciao (ciao - hello/bye) or gelato (gelato - ice cream).
2. The letter "h" is not pronounced in Italian.
3. The combination of the letters "gn" and "gl" before "e" and "i" is pronounced like "n" and "l" in the words signora ("signora" - lady) or famiglia ("family" - family).
4. The combination "sc" is read as "sk" and only before "e" and "i" as "sh" in the words scena ("shena", scene).

Yes, that's all, actually. These are the basic rules. All other letters are read completely normally. And the best part about this is that “r” fully corresponds to the Russian “r”. "Rrrrr...", buonasera signorina ("bonasera", good evening).

Just one small note. In Russian, we often pronounce words not exactly the way they are written. For example, the word “milk” sounds more like “malako” in Russian speech. In Italian it is undesirable to allow such liberties. For example, if you pronounce the popular Italian resort town of Sorrento like this - “Sarento” (as, in fact, it sounds in spoken Russian), then with a high degree of probability they will not understand you very well. You need to speak exactly as it is written: “sOrrento” with a clear “o” and double “r”. And this applies to all Italian words.

First words

So, the main Italian words are greetings and farewells.

Buongiorno ("bongiorno") - hello/good afternoon
Buonasera ("bonasera") - good evening
Arrivederci ("arrivederchi") - goodbye

Italians in hotels, restaurants and shops are very polite and always say hello. It would be a good idea to respond in their native language.
Popular in Russia, ciao (“ciao”) is used (only!) when communicating with friends. Interestingly, Ciao is used both for greeting, meaning "hello", and for farewell, meaning "bye". Another greeting in Italian is “Salve” and translates roughly as “I greet you.”

Grazie ("grace") - thank you
Prego (“prego”) - please

To your “Grazie” you will definitely receive “Prego” in response. Very simple.
By the way, in Italian there is an analogue of our “You’re welcome.” It sounds like this: “Di niente” (“Di niente”).

Italian numbers

Uno ("uno") - one 1
due (“due”) - two 2
tre ("tre") - three 3
quattro ("quattro") - four 4
cinque ("chinque") - five 5
sei ("say") - six 6
sette ("sette") - seven 7
otto ("otto") - eight 8
nove ("new") - nine 9
dieci (“diechi”) - ten 10

In principle, the first three are enough for communication in restaurants. You can't always use your fingers.

Essential Phrases

Grazie mille (“Grace mille”) - thank you very much (literally “a thousand thanks”)
Scusi ("skuzi") - sorry
Si ("si") - yes
No ("but") - no. (It is important that it is pronounced not like the English “know”, but briefly “but”)
Per favore ("per favor") - please (in the sense of a request)

The most important question of a tourist
Quanto costa? ("quanto costa") - how much does it cost?

Quanto? ("quanto") - how much?
Chi? (“ki”) - who?
Perche? (“perkE”, emphasis on the last letter) - why? It's funny, but it seems to also be used in the answer and means "because".
Dove? (“dove”) - where?
Che cosa? ("ke goat") - What?
Quando? (“kuando”) - When?

It would be nice to learn the following question
Dove "e il bagno? ("Dove il bagno") - Where is the toilet, or rather the "bathroom"? Another common option is "dove è la toilette?" ("Dove e la toilet?")

Capisco ("capisco") - I understand
Non capisco (“non capisco”) - I don’t understand

Per favore, mi potrebbe aiutare? (“Per favore, mi potrebbe ayutare”) - Please, could you help me? Well, almost in Ukrainian it’s “meni required”.

Useful words

In Italy the following words are very common

Entrata ("entrata") - entrance
Uscita ("sutured") - way out
Vietato fumare (“vietato fumare”) - do not smoke
Donna ("Donna") - woman
Uomo ("uomo") - man
Ora ("ora") - hour
Giorno ("giorno") - day. Remember "bongiorno" - literally have a nice day.
Notte ("notte") - night
Oggi ("oji") - today
Ieri (“yeri”) - yesterday
Domani ("domani") - tomorrow
Volo ("volo") - flight
Bene (“bene”) - good
Male ("male") - bad
Grande ("grande") - big
Piccolo ("piccolo") - small. Piccolo, piccolo, piccolo amore... ;)
Destra (“destra”) - right
Sinistra ("sinistra") - left
Diritto ("diritto") - straight
Qui (“cui”) - here
Piu ("drink") - more (a very common word in Italian)
Questo/questa (something between “questo” and “cuesto”) - this/this
Ma ("ma") - but. "Ma perche?" - but why?
Sempre (“sempre”) - always
Molto (“molto”) - very
Bello (“bello”) - beautiful, handsome, but bella - beautiful. Bella donna is a beautiful woman


Pronouns. Although in Italian they are used much less frequently than in Russian. If we say “I love you,” then the Italian will say “ti amo” (ti amo) - literally “I love you.” After all, it is already clear that it is “I”. And the time saved on pronouncing this long phrase can be spent, for example, on a kiss.

Io (“io”) - I
tu ("tu") - you
Lei ("lei") - You (respectful address to the interlocutor), for example Lei e molto gentile - You are very kind.
voi ("howl") - you
noi ("noah") - we. Solo noi (“solo noi”) - just us
lei ("lei") - she
lui ("luy") - he
loro ("loro") - they

Simple dialogue

Come si chiama? (“kome si kyama”) - What is your name?
Mi chiamo... ("mi kyamo") - my name is...
Come on? (“kome wa?”) - How are you? This question is most often answered with Va bene! - Fine
Come on? (“kome sta?”) - How are you? You can answer like this: Non c"e male! - Not bad
Di dove? (“di dovee?”) - Where are you from? (This is a very common question)
Dove abita? (“dove Abita?”) - Where do you live? The accent in the word abita is on the first letter "a".
Sono dalla Russia (“Sono dalla Russia”) - I’m from Russia
Siamo dalla Russia (“Siamo dalla Russia”) - We are from Russia

The verb form in Italian often determines the pronoun
The verb Essere (to be) is conjugated.
Sono ("sono") - I am
Siamo (“syamo”) - we are
That's why:
Sono in vacanza (“Sono in Vacanza”) - I’m on vacation
Siamo in vacanza (“Siamo in Vacanza”) - we are on vacation
Sono russo (“Sono Russo”) - I am Russian. Rousseau tourist - the face of morality;)

In simple dialogues, the following words and expressions may be needed:

Piacere ("piacere") - very nice
Perfetto ("perfetto") - excellent! This phrase is usually pronounced with a special emotional expression. However, Italians pronounce almost half of their words with a special expression.
Interessante (“interestsante”) - interesting
Certamente! (“chertamente”) - of course!
Esatto ("ezatto") - exactly
Che bel post (“ke bel post”) is a great place (literally: “what a nice place")
Che bella vista ("ke bella vista") - great view
Lei e molto gentile (“lei e molto gentile”) - you are very kind
Che peccato! (“Ke pekkAto”) - what a pity! This is if they tell you that the restaurant is closed or that some dish from the menu is not available. Perhaps, after this phrase, there will be.
Che sorpresa! (“ke sorpreza”) - what a surprise!
Basta! (“Basta”) - that’s enough! Many words from the Italian language have taken root in our country.
Mi dispiace, ma non parlo italiano (“mi dispiace, ma non parlo Italiano”) - Unfortunately, I don’t speak Italian.
Mi dispiace, non lo so (“mi dispiace, but lo so”) - Unfortunately, I don’t know this
Parlo italiano, ma non molto bene (“Parlo Italiano, ma non molto bene”) - I speak Italian, but not very well


Very often you need to ask something politely. It's done like this.

Senta, per favore, dove"e...? ("Senta, per favore, dove e?") - Please tell me where...? In the word "senta" the "e" is deleted.
Scusi, mi puo dire, dove"e...? (“Scusi, mi puo dire, dove e?”) - Excuse me, you don’t know where..? Literally: “sorry, can you tell me where there is.. ?"
Mi sa dire, dove"e...? ("Mi sa dire, dove e?") - Do you know where...?

At the hotel

Ecco il mio passaporto (“Ecco il mio passaporte”) - Here is my passport
E la mia prima visita (“e la mia prima visit”) - This is my first visit
Chiave ("chiave") - key
Camera ("camera") - number. “No, you’d better come to us” ;)
Vorrei una camera ("Vorrei una camera") - I need a number
Ho prenotato una camera (“Oh prenotato una camera”) - I booked a room
Ascensore ("ascensore") - elevator
Ho un problema nella mia camera (“oh un problema nella mia camera”) - I have a problem in my room
Non funziona ("non-functionality") - does not work
La chiave non funziona ("La chiave non funziona") - the key does not work
La doccia non funziona ("La doccia non funziona") - the shower does not work
Per favore, mi chiami un taxi (“Per favore, mi chiami un taxi”) - Please call me a taxi
Hotel / Albergo ("hotel / albergo") - Hotel / Hotel

At the restaurant

Buon appetito! (“bon, appetit”) - Bon appetit!
Cin cin! ("chin-chin") - Your health!
Dov"e il ristorante? ("Dovee il ristorante") - Where is the restaurant located?
Vorrei... ("vorrey") - I would like
Vorremmo ("vorremo") - We would like
These subjunctive verbs are derived from the verb volere - to want
The most important and basic tourism verb in the Italian language is mangiare (“manjare”) - eat, eat. It's worth remembering!
Vorrei mangiare ("Vorrey monjare") - I would like to eat
Vorremmo mangiare ("Vorremmo monjare") - we would like to eat
It is also a very popular phrase in Italian.
ho fame (“about fame”) - I’m hungry, I’m hungry. Literally translated as follows: I have hunger (ho - I have, fame - hunger)
abbiamo fame (“abbiamo fame”) - we are hungry. ( Irregular verb avere - to have, tends like this: I - ho, we - abbiamo), but at this stage there is no need to delve into this.
Cosa prendete da bere? (“Koza prendete da bere?”) - What will you drink?
Vorrei qualcosa da bere ("Vorrei qualcosa da bere") - I would like to drink something
Prendo questo ("Prendo questo") - I'll take it. Once again, questo is pronounced "questo" (the "y" is faint) rather than "questo" or anything in between.
Non sono ancora pronto (“Non sono anchora pronto”) - I’m not ready yet. This phrase is useful to say if you have not yet decided what you will take.
Te ("te") - tea
Caffe (“kaffE”) - coffee. Emphasis on the last letter!
Birra ("Birra") - beer
Vino ("Wine") - wine. Il vino rosso ("Il wine Rosso") - red wine
Mi dia un caffe, per favore (“Mi dia un caffe, per favore”) - Please bring some coffee (literally “give me some coffee, please”)
Vorrei del te, per favore (“Vorrei del te, per favore”) - I would like tea, please
Avete un te? (“Avete un te”) - Do you have tea?
È proprio squisita! ("e proprio skuzita") - Exceptionally delicious. Italians are very pleased to hear this.
E"buono? ("e bono?") - Is it delicious? The "u" in the word buono is almost not pronounced, but slightly changes the sound of the "o".
Formaggio (“formaggio”) - cheese. Very common in Italian cuisine
Formaggio misto (“Formaggio misto”) - sliced ​​cheese
Succo ("zukko") - juice
Pane (“pane”) - bread. Remember breading?
Frutta (“frutta”) - fruit
Pesce ("cave") - fish
Carne ("carne") - meat
Manzo ("manzo") - beef
Pollo ("Pollo") - chicken
Prosciutto (“prosciutto”) - ham
Antipasti ("antipasti") - snacks
Tavolo (“tavolo”) - table, little table
Caldo ("Caldo") - hot
Cornetto ("Cornetto") - croissant. Italians love to show off. For everyone, crassant is a croissant, and Italians in the vast majority of cases call this popular bagel “cornetto”.
Freddo ("Freddo") - cold. Non freddo, per favore (“non freddo, per favore”) - Not cold, please
Il conto, per favore (“Il conto, per favore”) - bill please
Vorrei pagare ("Vorrei pagare") - I would like to pay
Accettate una carta di credito? (“Accettate una carta di credito”) - Do you accept credit cards?

In the shop

Quanto costa? ("quanto costa?") - How much does it cost? As we have already noted, this is one of the most necessary phrases in Italian.
Vorrei comprare (“vorrey comprare”) - I would like to buy. Comprare - verb to buy.
Vorrei comprare questa cosa ("Vorrei comprare questa goat") - I would like to buy this thing. Remember the word "questo/questa" - "this/this".
Taglia (“waist”) size (for example, clothing). Interestingly, the word is very similar to the Russian “waist”.
Che taglia porta? (“Que taglia porta?”) - What size should I bring?
Costoso (“costOzo”) - expensive!
Siamo costretti a risparmiare (“Siamo costretti a risparmiare”) - We are forced to save. I think it's a very useful expression.
Costa una fortuna! ("Costa una Fortuna") - costs a fortune! It is advisable at this moment to throw up your hands, as 100% of Italians would do.
La busta (“La busta”) - If you want to ask for a “T-shirt” at the checkout, that is, a package, then that’s what he calls you in Italian. “La busta per favore” - “Package, please.” However, Italians also understand the “Russian” word package.
In museums

Museo ("museo") - museum
Dov"e il museo ("Dove il Museo") - Where is the museum located?
Gratuito ("gratuito") - free
Ingresso Libero ("ingresso libero") - admission free
Scusi, dove posso comprare un biglietto (“Scusi, dove posso comprare un biglietto”) - Excuse me, where can I buy a ticket?
Prendo due biglietti (“Prendo due biglietti”) - I’ll take two tickets
Aperto (“aperto”) - open
Chiuso ("kyuzo") - closed
Mostra ("mostra") - exhibition

Fermata ("fermata") - stop
Mi porti in questo albergo (“mi porti in questo albergo”) - Take me to this hotel
Il mio resto, per favore (“il mio resto, per favore”) - Change, please
Some other "useful" words

Porca miseria! ("Spanking Misery") - Damn it! A very common swear expression in Italy. There are also derivatives from it. For example? Well, for example, “porca pupazza/puttana”, “porca troia” or “porca trota”. They also say "Che schifo" or "Fa schifo" to mean "this sucks." Also “pirla” means “idiot”, “fool”. But I didn't say anything about it.
Oh mio Dio! ("Oh, mio ​​dio") - Oh, my God! This phrase expresses surprise, and more often unpleasant surprise.
Per amor di Dio! (“Per amor di dio”) - God forbid!
Cosa nostra ("Cosa Nostra") - Our business. Cosa - thing, matter (feminine word). Nostra is ours.

Felicita (“Felicita”) - happiness. Remember the famous song? "Felicita e un bicchiere di vino Con un panino la felicita."
Allegro ("allegro") - cheerful
Amore ("amore") - love. Verb amare - to love
Ti amo ("ti amo") - I love you
Ragazza/ragazzo ("ragazzo/ragazzo") - girl/guy
Amica/amico (“amica/amico”) - girlfriend/friend. As you noticed, in Italian most often masculine words end in “o” and feminine words end in “a”. "Amichi" - friends
Сaro ("Caro") - dear. Therefore, dear will be "cara".
Ecco ("Ecco") - here.
Un po" ("un po") - a little bit
E permesso? (“E permesso?”) - Is it possible? This is what they usually ask when they enter somewhere.
Allora (“Allora”) - this word can be heard very often in colloquial speech. As a rule, the meaning of the word corresponds to the Russian “well..” or “so”. I don’t know why, but Italians love to pronounce this generally insignificant and rather long (by Italian standards, of course) word with some special melody.


At the beginning of the article, I gave the simplest farewell in Italian, “Arrivederci,” which can be used in all cases. But in ordinary life, even with strangers, the Italians themselves say goodbye not so officially. Here are some options
A domani (“A domani”) - see you tomorrow
A più tardi (“And I drink tardi”) - there is no literal translation, but it can be translated like this: see you later
Ci vediamo dopo (“Chi vediamo dopo”) - and this literally means “see you.”
A dopo (“A dopo”) - see you soon
A presto (“A presto”) - and that too, see you soon

This article does not pretend to be any kind of educational material on the Italian language, but I hope that this small set of words and phrases will make your stay in Italy easier and help you better understand this country and its people. If this material is interesting, you can develop this topic by plunging a little deeper into the study of the language.

The Italian alphabet is the same as the Latin one, but the letters j, k, w, x And y found only in words of foreign origin.

2. Transliteration

Some Italian letters are transmitted unambiguously into Russian:

b b m m r R
d d n n t T
f f o O v V
k, q To p P x ks

3. G, C, H

In the transcription of letter combinations gli And gn letter g omitted: glil, gnno. The vowels that come after these letter combinations a And u transmitted as I And Yu: ModiglianiModigliani, AgnanaAnyana.

In other cases nn; before vowels ll, before consonants and at the end of a word ll.

Before front vowels ( i And e) w, cchh, Withh, g (gg) → j; if for sci, ci or gi followed by a vowel, then i omitted in transcription: SciscianoShishano.

In other contexts sk, cTo, cckk, gG, ggyy: GranaGrana, BoscoBosco.

Letter h in Italian words it occurs only in combinations ch And gh, in this case сhTo, ghG in all contexts: CherubiniCherubini.

4. S

Letter s can be transcribed as With And How h, depending on pronunciation. Here are some patterns:

Doubled sscc in all contexts;

At the end of a word and after consonants sWith: IacursoYacurso;

Before sonorant consonants ( l, m, n, v) sh: SmeraldiZmeraldi;

Before consonants b, d, f, g, k, p, q, r, t and at the end of the word sWith: ChiusdinoKyusdino;

Usually at the end of words eseese, osooso;

Usually between vowels sh, but you can only find out for sure using a dictionary.

The “transcriptor” translates between vowels in doubtful cases sh.

5. Z, ZZ

Letter z can be transcribed in two ways, depending on pronunciation, zts or zdz: ZacconiZacconi, ZampanoZampano. With double zz the same thing happens: zzcc, zzdz. The exact pronunciation can be found in a dictionary.

The “transcriptor” translates in doubtful cases zts, zzcc.

6. I as part of diphthongs

Diphthongs of the form i + vowel are transmitted as follows:

After ch And gh, in all cases iaya, ieye, ioyo, iuyu: ChiuroKyuro, ArischiaAriskya;

As part of suffixes iagoiago, ianoiano, ialeiale, iascoIasco, iatoiato, ioloiolo, ionion;

In other positions at the end of the word iaand I, ieno, ioand about, iuyiwu: MarrubiuMarrubiu;

At the beginning of a word and after vowels iaI, iee, ioyo, iuYu: BayardoBayardo, IolandaYolanda;

In the middle of a word after consonants iaya, ieye, ioyo, iuyu: BiancaBianca.

After vowels ith: AidoneAidone.

7. Vowels

After vowels a, o, u, and also at the beginning of a word euh: EmiliaEmilia, CimbaueChimbaue. In other contexts ee.

Usually uat: UgoliniUgolini, QuadriQuadri. But in traditional spellings it is also possible uV: GuarneriGuarneri, QuasimodoQuasimodo.
